Humoristiske romaner
129,00 kr. Sorthumoristisk rablende klimalockdown-roman af Anna Juul, skaberen af alteregoet Veronika Katinka og tekstforfatter på det hedengangne Den Korte Radioavis.Anja bor i en duplexlejlighed med sublime detaljer på toppen af Østerbro. I lejligheden bor også hendes ægtemand Anders og de to vandrende pinde, Penge og Bacon. Om dagen syr hun kostumer til DRs pigekor, om natten sover hun ikke. I stedet netshopper hun dyre silkekjoler eller lægger et meget stort puslespil, der forestiller Venedig. Anja elsker Anders, men da Danmark kastes ud i en klimalockdown for at nedbringe CO2-niveauet, isoleres Anja og Anders pludselig i duplexlejligheden uden internet. Og hvad gør man så, når man ikke har andet end bare hinanden? Kan man virkelig leve af kærlighed, kildevand og en grøntsagskasse fra Aarstiderne?Penge og Bacon er en absurd fortælling om ensomhed, kedsomhed og tilværelsens øvrige ulidelige halløj.
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- 129,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Den tyske humorist, Ernst Eckstein, fortæller humoristiske historier fra 1800-tallets tyske skoler, hvor man kun havde den sjov, man selv lavede. Hans skægge historier er blevet trykt i over 40 oplag alene på tysk og oversat til mange forskellige sprog.Ernst Eckstein (1845-1900) var en tysk forfatter og digter, som særligt er kendt for sine humoristiske historier. Hans bøger er blevet oversat til mange forskellige sprog og opnåede stor popularitet i store dele af Europa i 1800-tallet.
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- 69,00 kr.
96,99 kr. Cate O’Reilly liebt Zahlen. Mit Menschen hat sie dagegen Schwierigkeiten – die scheinen sie aus irgendeinem Grund immer falsch zu verstehen. Darum schottet Cate sich ab. Sie konzentriert sich auf ihre Karriere bei einer Hamburger Bank und genießt den Luxus ihres schicken Hafencity-Appartments. Cates Leben ist genau so, wie es sein soll: ordentlich, planbar, unter Kontrolle. Bis unverhofft ihre irische Cousine Joanne vor der Tür steht – mitsamt einer Straßenkatze, die sie irgendwo aufgelesen hat. Der Überraschungsbesuch bringt nicht nur Cates heißgeliebte Wohnung durcheinander, sondern ihr gesamtes Leben. Plötzlich klappt gar nichts mehr: Bei der Arbeit kommt es zu einer Meuterei in Cates Team. Joanne weckt Erinnerungen an ein traumatisches Ereignis aus der Vergangenheit. Und dann ist da noch der charmante aber eigenwillige Matthis, der Cates Herz zu ganz unvernünftigen Dingen verführt ... Witzig, anrührend – die perfekte Strandlektüre, nicht nur für Hamburg-Fans Cara Becker hat, wie die Hauptfigur ihres Debutromans, ein Faible für Zahlen. Aber damit hören die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen den beiden auch schon auf: Denn im Gegensatz zu Kate sagt Cara zu einem gemütlichen Pub-Abend mit Freunden bestimmt nicht Nein. In NRW geboren und aufgewachsen, hat die Wahl-Hamburgerin eine Leidenschaft für den Norden und das Meer, die sie auf ihrem Instagram Account alster.ahoi mit mittlerweile fast 7.000 Followern teilt. Und spätestens seit der Arbeit an ihrem ersten Roman ist zur Liebe für den Norden noch die Liebe für Irland hinzugekommen.
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- 96,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Johanna seisoo hämmentyneenä vanhempiensa kotitalon pihassa. Hän on palannut Korpivaaraan, pahimman luokan tuppukylään. Nuorempana hän oli vannonut, ettei palaisi paikkaan ikinä! Mutta tämä onkin väliaikaista. Johanna tarvitsee vain paikan, jossa parannella haavojaan – entinen puoliso kun osoittautui todelliseksi pettymykseksi. Johannan aikeet menevät kuitenkin sekaisin, kun Korpivaaraan muuttaa komea puuseppä. Mitä miehen kaltainen adonis oikein tekee täällä metsän keskellä?Niina Mero tunnetaan romaaneistaan Englantilainen romanssi ja Romanssin sankari. Hän on kirjoittanut Nora Niemi -nimellä romanttisia pienoisromaaneja, jotka on julkaistu vuosina 2008-2018.
67,99 kr. 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' - that's the essence of Voltaire's 'Candide'. For, like the ever-upbeat character in 'Monty Python's Life of Brian', the eponymous Candide is taught that everything is for the best. The young Frenchman must not grumble, grimace or lose heart.However, when he is cast out for falling for the daughter of a Baron, his sunny disposition is sorely tested by global disasters including earthquakes, the Inquisition and syphilis.'Candide' was initially banned because of blasphemy and political sedition. But the satire has since become one of the great novels in European history.Voltaire is the pen name of the French writer Francois-Marie Arouet (1694-1778). He was a writer and philosopher whose radical anti-Catholic and pro-freedom work helped inspire the French Revolution a decade after his death. He wrote 20,000-plus letters and 2,000 books and pamphlets and famously spent two years in exile in England for his seditious views. Among his many works, Voltaire was known for 'Lettres Philosophique' and 'Candide'.
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- 67,99 kr.
Fra 58,99 kr. Sami ja Meira ovat suomalainen pariskunta, joka on asettunut asumaan Ranskan Polynesiaan. Nyt heillä on etsinnässä oma vene – ja Malaika-niminen purjevene tekee heihin vaikutuksen. Veneessä riittää kuitenkin työnsarkaa. Satama-alue sulkeutuu, kun ensimmäiset koronatapaukset leviävät maailmalla, ja äkisti parilla on rutkasti aikaa keskittyä huoltotoimiin. Kun Sami ja Meira yöpyvät veneessä ensimmäistä kertaa, tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta. Tuttu pariskunta riitelee oman laivansa kannella – ja seuraavana päivänä pariskunnan nainen on kadonnut. Mitä oikein tapahtui? Todistiko Sami yöllä murhaa? Kukaan muu ei tunnu nähneen yöllistä episodia, joten Sami aloittaa omat, vaihtelevan hienovaraiset tutkimuksensa.Malaika – parkaisu paratiisissa on Sami Tabellin esikoisdekkari, jossa hervoton huumori yhdistyy murhaepäilyyn. Kirjailija Sami Tabell (s. 1980) asuu purjeveneessä Ranskan Polynesiassa. Hän on opiskellut yhteiskuntatieteitä Tampereen yliopistossa.
102,99 kr. Fans of Cathy Bramley, Debbie Johnson and Jenny Colgan will fall in love with the Cosy Kettle Café, where slices of lemon meringue pie are served in the sun-dappled garden – and where Callie’s new beginning collides with an old flame...After yet another failed romance, twenty-six-year-old Callie Fulbright is giving up on love. She’s determined to throw all her efforts into her very own, brand-new café: the Cosy Kettle. Serving hot tea, cherry tarts and a welcoming smile to the friendly locals proves to be the perfect distraction, and Callie feels a flush of pride at the fledgling business she’s built.But her new-found confidence is soon put to the test when her gorgeous ex reappears in the quaint little village. She’ll never forget the heartache Noah caused her years ago, but when they bump into each other on the cobbled streets of Honeyford she can’t help but feel a flutter in her chest...As Callie and Noah share laughter and memories, she starts to wonder if this could be her second chance at happiness. But when Callie discovers that someone is mysteriously trying to ruin the café’s reputation... she has an awful suspicion that Noah knows who’s involved.Was she wrong to ever trust him again? And can she find out who’s behind the lies and rumours, before it’s too late for the Cosy Kettle?Readers are falling in love with Callie’s story:‘So many funny parts that I found myself laughing all the way through! It is a definite page turner and I literally could not put it down once I started it!... a delight to read... Fabulous!! Highly recommended!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars‘What an absolutely brilliant book, it has everything you could possibly want... I fell in love with this book from the very beginning. It is the perfect book to brighten your day... heart-warming and totally laugh-out-loud funny... you can’t help smiling when you’re reading it.’ MrsCsHonestBookReviews, 5 stars‘It is such a charming story!! It brings warm fuzzy feelings and tugs at your heart strings with stories of love and family... It also makes you chuckle a lot... hilarious... a fantastic read and I would definitely recommend it!’ Goodreads reviewer.Author's previous series sold over 20,000 copiesFor fans of Cathy Bramley, Debbie Johnson and Jenny ColganLiz began her writing career as a journalist for newspapers and magazines before moving into the health sector as a communications manager and press officer. The low point of her career was abandoning an interview with Cliff Richard after two questions because she was about to faint – her excuse is that she was newly pregnant at the time. Liz lives by the sea in West Sussex with her husband and grown-up daughter. She spends a lot of time meaning to meditate, avoiding exercise, and missing her son who lives in London.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. The sky is cornflower blue, the air is scented with the smell of fresh apple blossom and Lizzie Lovell can’t wait to start her new life in the mill on Magnolia Lane. But is she just about to fall in love with someone she shouldn’t?When Lizzie loses her larger-than-life dad she doesn’t know how to move forward. Encouraged by a childhood dream she shared with her beloved father, she is determined to continue his legacy and moves to the old Mill on Magnolia Lane, a place he had always longed to own.Restoring the old windmill is a much bigger job than Lizzie bargained for, especially when she is distracted by her new next-door neighbour Jude, who has temptingly twinkly eyes and a body to die for. But when Jude’s ex-girlfriend Harriet arrives back on the scene, Lizzie begins to wonder if life wasn’t far simpler before she moved to the mill. Especially when it emerges that Harriet knows something about Jude’s past, something that could shatter her new start and her heart into smithereens ...If your heart is warmed by Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie Silver’s "One Day in December", you’ll fall in love with this beautiful feel-good story about finding love when you least expect it.What readers are saying about The Mill on Magnolia Lane:‘Another absolute gem from Tilly Tennant, that was hard to put down. A gorgeous comfort read, with characters to fall in love with from the start.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars‘A heartwarming and emotional novel to be sure, but it was still lovely and had a beautiful ending. It's a lovely story about love, relationships and about losing a loved one. Emotional, sometimes I had tears in my eyes whilst reading this! But at other points I had a smile on my face.’ The Cosiest Corner‘Fascinating and entertaining, the perfect feel good book for a cosy afternoon. I love the plot that kept me hooked till the last page and the cast of characters. The setting was lovely and it made me wish I was there. Highly recommended!’ Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 280,000 copiesFor fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie SilverFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Father and son team John and Ezra Girdlestone are facing the financial ruin of their family business. In order to save the firm and the family name, the duo come up with a series of devious plans in order to cheat and trick their way into a fortune. Will the cunning pair succeed? This is a gripping story full of fascinating and villainous characters from the famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
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- 102,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘A bloody nation, barbarous and rude’ is how Daniel Defoe describes England in his hilarious poem ‘The True-Born Englishman’. The poem is a satire about the stupidity of xenophobia. Defoe mocks the idea of a natural Englishman as they are a blend of Saxon, Danish and Roman. The poem ‘lampoons the nation’ and was celebrated at the time for Defoe’s use of wit and irony. This piece remains relevant in today’s highly fractured society and serves as an important and entertaining reminder that kindness is favourable to hate.Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731) is one of the most important authors in the English language. Defoe was one of the original English novelists and greatly helped to popularise the form. Defoe was highly prolific and is believed to have written over 300 works ranging from novels to political pamphlets. He was highly celebrated but also controversial as his writings influenced politicians but also led to Defoe being imprisoned. Defoe’s novels have been translated into many languages and are still read across the globe to this day. Some of his most famous books include ‘Moll Flanders’ and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ which was adapted into a movie starring Pierce Brosnan and Damian Lewis in 1997. Defoe’s influence on English novels cannot be understated and his legacy lives on to this day.
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- 38,99 kr.
74,99 kr. Nachdem er und seine Frau lange darum gerungen haben, endlich Eltern zu werden, ist die Schwangerschaft viel zu schnell vergangen. Schwups ist das Kind da – und mit ihm die Frage: „Was für ein Vater will ich eigentlich sein?“ So stolpert er durch den Familienalltag mit ganz neuen Fallstricken und Fettnäpfchen – immer mit der Angst im Nacken, von einem Säugling als Versager enttarnt zu werden. Der zweite Band von Melanie Amélie Opalkas "Papa-Trilogie" erzählt den „unausgeschlafenen Imperfekt“ seines ersten Jahres mit dem eigenen Nachwuchs, von Kinderkrankheiten, Verwandtenbesuchen und anderen Katastrophen, die nur dank seiner persönlichen Superkraft „ungeahnter Genialität“ überlebt werden können. Und das alles, um am Ende zu einer überraschenden Erkenntnis zu kommen. Denn Vater werden ist nicht schwer, Vater sein dagegen sehr – ach, was!Auch wenn es sie beruflich und privat immer wieder in die weite Welt verschlägt, ist Hamburg seit 1976 Melanie Amélie Opalkas sicherer Hafen. Lyrik und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht sie seit 2004, seit 2013 auch Romane. 2015 initiierte sie den Hamburger Autorenstammtisch vom Bundesverband junger Autoren (BVjA).
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- 74,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Keski-ikää lähestyvä Aisku on kutsumusammatissaan lukion lehtorina, mutta nykyään opettaja tuntuu olevan myös äiti, psykologi, päiväkodin täti ja poliisi. Joskus tekisi mieli antaa tyhmiin kysymyksiin niin kipakka vastaus, että Wilma välkkyisi punaisena. Ja aivan kuin lähiopetuksessa ei olisi tarpeeksi, keväällä 2020 puhkeava pandemia pakottaa opettajan muokkaamaan materiaalinsa muutaman päivän varoitusajalla tietokoneen ruudulle sopivaksi. Onneksi sentään tunnit voi aloittaa aamuteen kera peiton alta.Kotiarkea tahdittaa yksinhuoltajuus ja lentopallovalmentajan pesti. Parisuhdetta ei oikeastaan ehdi edes kaipaamaan, mutta kun tarjolla on sekä vanhaa suolaa että uuteen lajiin tutustumista, on Suvivirren soidessa Facebookin parisuhdestatusta vähintäänkin vaikea selittää."Terkuin ope" on hykerryttävän tarkkanäköinen romaani opettajan työstä 2020-luvun Suomessa. Mitä kaikkea opettajan virkahymyn taakse piiloutuukaan?Aino Leppänen on kempeleläinen äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opettaja. Pitkään kirjoittamista harrastanut kolmen lapsen äiti harrastaa joogaa, kutoo villasukkia ja pitää laulamisesta.
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- 96,99 kr.
42,99 kr. You know that thing when you have an incestuous relationship with your daughter, but you don’t want anyone to know about it, so you disguise the truth in a riddle and make her suitors guess its meaning? No? Well, that’s what the king of Antioch is up to. Guess correctly and marry the princess, he says. Get it wrong and be killed. Today we might shake our heads and wonder why the King didn’t just keep his mouth shut instead of broadcasting his dirty laundry in rhymes, but young Pericles is the only one to actually guess the hidden meaning of the riddle. And guess what. It’s a trap! With assassins on his tale he flees for his life, taking the reader on a journey that spans more years and countries than your typical Shakespeare play.Adventurous, romantic and funny, Pericles, Prince of Tyre is bound to keep you entertained. T.S. Eliot loved it so much he based a poem, Marina, on it. To add to its intrigue, it is believed that Shakespeare share the writing credit with George Wilkins – can you tell who wrote which parts?William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright, poet and actor. Regarded as the greatest playwright in the world and the greatestEnglish languagewriter, her wrote poems and sonnets, and also comedic, tragic and historical plays such as "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Much Ado About Nothing", "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "Macbeth". Incredibly influential and popular, he also invented numerous words and phrases.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Love, hate, deceit and greed. Throw in a sprinkling of comedy and you have the recipe for an entertaining and humorous novella."Uncle’s Dream" is a story by Fyodor Dostoevsky that follows the return of a Russian prince and an old aristocratic woman who wants him to marry her 23-year-old daughter. Her cunning plan, however, does not go as smoothly as expected and the Prince’s life and his surroundings turn into a comedy.Psychological and deeply philosophical, "Uncle’s Dream" is a provincial tale of complicated social issues, humorous escapades, and satirical situations. Even though Dostoevsky is not known for his comedies, his ironic stance is obvious in this novel, creating a lighthearted story of memorable characters and funny twists. Fans of humour and short stories will not be disappointed.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Add a few lovers, plenty of ridiculous adulterous husbands, a drop of misunderstanding and a little touch of jealousy and you have the makings of a hilarious comedy.Outrageously funny, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s story is an excursion into the mind of a man who suspects his wife of cheating, but is unable to face it. The naivety of the misfortunate husband’s jealousy gets him into all sorts of crazy situations.A recommended reading for comedy and theatre fans. Also for fans of Fyodor Dostoevsky who are interested in seeing another side to this great author.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel "Crime and Punishment" with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich."The Idiot" has also been adapted for films and TV, as has "Demons" and "The Brothers Karamazov".
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38,99 kr. ‘Memoirs of a Madman’ is a fascinating short following Poprishchin, a minor civil servant, as he descends into insanity. Unique in Golgol’s collection, it is the only story he wrote completely from the first person in the form of a number of diary entries. Constantly ridiculed by friends and repressed by the government of Tsarist Russia, he confides all in his journal documenting his slow decline in to insanity. As the only account we have is Poprishchin’s, we have no idea if the continually fantastical events happening before us are real or simply figments of his imagination. It is a fascinating novel, equally humourous as it is farcical, from talking dogs to tea-thirsty cows if you liked Leonardo Dicaprio’s ‘Shutter island’ you’ll love this short.Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was one of the first writers to adopt surrealism and the grotesque in his work. As well as being one of Russia’s most acclaimed authors, he is acknowledged as one of the founders of the short story genre alongside Nathaniel Hawthorne and E.T.A Hoffman. His early writing was largely inspired by his time spent growing up in Ukraine, it’s culture and it’s folklore, while his later writing targeted and satirised the political corruption of the Russian Empire. His unique and strange form of writing similar to the ‘ostranenie’ technique, allowed his audience to see familiar topics and stories from a completely new perspective. Acknowledged for his brilliance by many acclaimed authors such as Fedor Dostoevsky his best works include ‘Dead Souls’, ‘Taras Bulba’ and ‘Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka’.
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59,99 kr. 'The Trimmed Lamp & Other Stories' is a short story collection that explores the themes of the human condition and the often mysterious nature of human relationships. Veering on the verge of ordinariness but never becoming so. O. Henry’s stories have a knack for transforming the expectations of the reader before the narrative has a chance to grow dull.Replete with sharp wit and a celebration of the English language incorporating unique spins on existing words and expressions. These playful and humourous stories represent a New York-ish social experiment that stands the test of time.American short story master O. Henry is best known for his pithy, witty scores and surprise endings. In doing so he made commonplace experiences extraordinary and memorable. His work has been immortalised in the popular 1952 film 'O. Henry's Full House' starring Fred Allen, Anne Baxter, Marilyn Monroe and Jeanne Crain.William Sidney Porter (1862-1919), known simply as O. Henry, was a prolific American author of humorous literary pieces. His fame came exceptionally quickly and he became a bestselling author of short story collections. Perhaps the most famous of these are, 'Cabbages and Kings,' 'The Voice of the City' and 'Strictly Business.' The immensity of O. Henry's impact on the American short story genre for time to come is evidenced by the fact an annual award in his name is given out each year in the United States. O. Henry's work is a must read for fans of Hemingway, Guy de Maupassant and Anton Chekhov.
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40,99 kr. La Tramontana és una obra de teatre dividida en tres actes i estrenada al Teatro Principal de Barcelona, que mostra la vida en un poblet de costa. Una boda s'està preparant al poble, entre la Pubilleta i l'hereu Fornellá. Però el que sembla un esdeveniment feliç comença a enredar-se quan alguns homes del poble declaren el seu amor per la noia. A qui pertany el seu cor? Una obra dramàtica amb tocs de comèdia.Teodoro Baró i Sureda (Figueres, 1842- 1916) va ser escriptor, polític, advocat i periodista català. Tot i que la seva carrera va estar centrada principalment en el periodisme i la política, va publicar diverses obres de poesía, teatre, novel•la i no ficció, amb més de trenta llibres. Com a periodista, va ser el director de medis com el Diari de Barcelona, a més d’ocupar diversos càrrecs polítics, vinculat al Partit Liberal.
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36,99 kr. Divertida trama de enredo amoroso con la chispa y la agilidad de palabra a la que nos tiene acostumbrados su autor, el dramaturgo Manuel Bretón de los Herreros. La disipada doña Ana vive una vida entregada al ocio y a las fiestas, para desesperación de su marido. Sin embargo, lo que no sospecha el marido es que Ana ve cada vez con mejores ojos al libidinoso don Diego, asiduo a sus fiestas y a su compañía.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.
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90,99 kr. En «Un sueño dantesco» el escritor uruguayo Abdón Arosteguy imagina su propia «Divina comedia». Durante un sueño se le aparece Dante Alighieri, quien lo conduce, como Virgilio conduce a Dante en la obra clásica, por el infierno. Sin embargo, el infierno que ve Arosteguy no es como el que aparece en las páginas de Dante, ya que, como le explica el poeta italiano, el infierno ha cambiado, igual que el mundo, con el influjo de las ideas modernas.Abdón Arosteguy (1853-1926) fue un escritor y político uruguayo. Siempre estuvo involucrado en los procesos políticos y revolucionarios de Uruguay: apoyó las campañas revolucionarias de 1870-72, 1886 y 1904; se opuso al general Lorenzo Batlle, apoyó a Lorenzo Latorre, a Santos y a Lindolfo Cuestas, sin embargo, su ayuda no fue recompensada, por lo que se exilió a Argentina.
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55,99 kr. «La taza de tilo» es una recopilación de textos breves y reflexiones de Wimpi relacionados con muy distintos temas sociológicos, culturales y filosóficos y tratados con el particular estilo desenfadado de su autor. Algunos de estos textos son «El juego, la filosofía y el calor», «Nociones de huevología», «Progreso» o «Evocación de don Quijote, frente a los nuevos molinos».Arthur García Núñez (1906-1956), más conocido como Wimpi, fue un periodista, humorista y narrador uruguayo. Colaboró con periódicos como «El Plata», «El Imparcial» o la revista humorística «Peloduro». También escribió libros infantiles y, tras su muerte, muchas de sus obras literarias vieron la luz.
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40,99 kr. Sainete lírico en un acto al más puro estilo tradicional con una consecución de chistes, ocurrencias, expresiones y situaciones propias de la época que acompañadas por números musicales pegadizos la convirtieron en una de las obras más exitosas del momento.Celso Lucio nació en Burgos en 1865. Trabajó en varios periódicos y revistas como redactor y se dedicó a la política, llegando a ser diputado provincial por Madrid. En su faceta literaria se dedicó casi plenamente al teatro lírico, normalmente en colaboración con otros autores. Con el sentido del humor como principal arma, escribió obras muy celebradas como «El gran capitán», «Los puritanos» o «Los secuestradores».
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36,99 kr. Obra en acto único en la que Celso Lucio sigue haciendo gala de su afilado sentido del humor cargado de referencias al Madrid de la época, esta vez en prosa y no en verso.Celso Lucio nació en Burgos en 1865. Trabajó en varios periódicos y revistas como redactor y se dedicó a la política, llegando a ser diputado provincial por Madrid. En su faceta literaria se dedicó casi plenamente al teatro lírico, normalmente en colaboración con otros autores. Con el sentido del humor como principal arma, escribió obras muy celebradas como «El gran capitán», «Los puritanos» o «Los secuestradores».
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Annua kismittää! Hän on työskennellyt uutisten aluetoimituksessa kohta kaksi vuotta. Hän on omistautunut työlleen ja tekee kaiken juuri eikä melkein. Silti kanavan tähtitoimittaja Pete ajaa aina hänen ohitseen. Pete on se, jonka jutut pääsevät valtakunnalliseen jakoon. Pete on se, joka vakuuttaa aina uutispäällikön ideoillaan. Tämä saa luvan loppua! Annu tekee vielä sellaisen tähtijutun, että oksat pois! Kun Annu ryhtyy ideoimaan tähtijuttuaan, hän joutuu odottamattomaan seikkailuun. Seikkailuun, johon liittyvät metsässä kulkevat sudet ja eräs hyvin kaunispiirteinen mies...Niina Mero tunnetaan romaaneistaan Englantilainen romanssi ja Romanssin sankari. Hän on kirjoittanut Nora Niemi -nimellä romanttisia pienoisromaaneja, jotka on julkaistu vuosina 2008-2018.
Fra 50,99 kr. Dora och Franz är ett par att avundas. De har spännande karriärer och inspirerande vänner, de har stil och pengar. Trots dessa avgörande faktorer för ett lyckat liv känner Dora att något saknas. Hon vill ha mer. Franz är för tillrättalagd, för perfekt. Så när hon stöter på Willy vänds hennes värld upp och ner. Han är mycket yngre. Han är också väldigt blasé. Så till den grad att Dora inte vet hur hon ska imponera honom eller fånga hans uppmärksamhet. Besattheten gror och hennes tillvaro blir alltmer tilltrasslad. Samtidigt försöker hon handskas med avundsjukan hon känner gentemot sin mors lyckade författarkarriär. Dora ställer sig frågan som miljontals kvinnor och män i olyckliga förhållanden ställt sig förut: Vad är viktigast, kärleken eller familjen? Petra Revenue är författare och regissör. Hon har skrivit böcker och novellsamlingar, men är också verksam och framgångsrik inom radio, tv, film och teater.
51,99 kr. Curiosa incursión del dramaturgo Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, especializado en el género de la comedia teatral, en el género de la zarzuela. Durante las fiestas de Aravaca, tiene lugar un triángulo amoroso entre la marquesa de la región, el apuesto don Juan y el menos gallardo pero más noble don Luis. Este último se servirá de Marta, la sirvienta de la marquesa, para urdir un plan que le gane su amor.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Una hermosa comedia teatral de enredos amorosos de la mano del maestro absoluto del género en su época: Manuel Bretón de los Herreros. En ella conocemos la historia de Luis y Julián, dos primos calaveras que comparten vivencias. Luis ha conocido a una doncella de la que se ha enamorado. Julián urde un plan para que su primo Luis pueda valorar el pro y el contra de entregarse al amor monógamo en lugar de seguir siendo un zascandil.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Amena comedia teatral del dramaturgo Manuel Bretón de los Herreros, en la que el autor nos presenta con la calidad acostumbrada la historia de un Barón viudo y su hija Camila. El Barón se ha fijado en un joven marqués que tiene gran interés en su hija, y empieza a planear un matrimonio acordado. Camila, sin embargo, moverá cielo y tierra para poder conservar su libre albedrío.Manuel Bretón de los Herreros fue un dramaturgo y poeta español nacido en Quel (Logroño) en 1796 y fallecido en Madrid en 1873. Periodista errante hasta afincarse por fin en Madrid, se especializó en el teatro y llegó a formar parte de la Real Academia. Sus obras teatrales le granjearon no poca fama en el Madrid de la época, llegando a escribir más de 360 títulos. Se le recuerda como uno de los dramaturgos más prolíficos y relevantes de su tiempo.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Après des années de mariage, Henriette et Paul se lassent l'un de l'autre. Chaque jour ils imaginent des ruses désespérées pour ranimer la flamme affaiblie de la première rencontre, en vain...Mais cette fois Henriette a bien une idée qui ne pourra échouer. Elle souhaiterait être une maîtresse, se rendre dans un cabaret où se donnent rendez-vous les vilains, commettre un adultère honteux et impardonnable — tromper son mari avec son mari...Sous couvert d'un récit drôle et d'une intrigue originale, Maupassant offre une profonde réflexion sur l'adultère et le mariage.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) est un écrivain et journaliste français né au bord du littoral normand. Sa mère, douée d’une grande culture littéraire, participe à son éducation tournée vers les livres. Il passe le reste de son temps dans la campagne ou les ports, à converser avec pêcheurs et paysans qui lui serviront d’inspiration plus tard pour quelques personnages. À 12 ans, il est envoyé en pension où la religion, très présente, anime en lui un dégoût pour le sacré. Après le lycée, il est mobilisé en 1870 pour la guerre contre la Prusse. Un an plus tard, il fait ses bagages pour Paris où il y travaille comme fonctionnaire au Ministère de la Marine pendant 10 ans. En février 1875, il publie son premier conte, « La Main écorchée ». Maupassant est très vite ennuyé par l’administration. Le soir, il travaille d'arrache-pied à ses œuvres littéraires ; et aux alentours de 1880, il se consacre pleinement à sa passion. C’est Flaubert qui l’introduit au monde de la littérature professionnelle. Il rencontre des auteurs réalistes, Zola, et les frères Goncourt. Maupassant fait un départ lent, mais il connaît bientôt le succès avec « Boule de Suif ». Avec Zola qu’il côtoie aux Soirées de Médan, s’ensuivent de nombreuses nouvelles, toutes plus cultes les unes que les autres: « La ficelle » (1883), « La parure » (1884) ou « Le Horla » (1887). Il publie aussi des romans réalistes : « Une vie » en 1883, « Bel-Ami » en 1885 et « Pierre et Jean » en 1888. Guy de Maupassant, reconnu de son vivant, l’est aussi dans la mort: de nombreuses adaptations à l’écran renouvellent encore aujourd’hui ses œuvres intemporelles.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Kirsi on paniikissa. Hänet on juuri valittu Juilliardin kansainvälisen viulukilpailun finaaliin. Ja nyt lääkäri kertoo hänelle, että hänen ranteensa hermot eivät ole kunnossa. Ymmärtääkö lääkäri, että Kirsin pitää harjoitella kilpailua varten joka päivä tuntien ajan? Että hän on soittanut viulua koko elämänsä tämän kilpailun vuoksi! Tilanne ei muutu yhtään helpommaksi, kun Kirsi kohtaa maan parhaan käsikirurgin Mikael Pohjaväreen. Mies on niin ärsyttävä, että Kirsi voisi repiä hiukset päästään. Samalla kirurgi on kuitenkin aivan harvinaisen komea tapaus. Miten Kirsin mahtaa käydä? Löytävätkö Kirsi ja Mikael yhteisen sävelen?Niina Mero tunnetaan romaaneistaan Englantilainen romanssi ja Romanssin sankari. Hän on kirjoittanut Nora Niemi -nimellä romanttisia pienoisromaaneja, jotka on julkaistu vuosina 2008-2018.