Humoristiske romaner
102,99 kr. Nominated for the Writer’s Guild Best First Novel Award!Hazel has never felt normal. Struggling with OCD and anxiety, she isolates herself from others and sticks to rigid routines in order to cope with everyday life. But when she forms an unlikely friendship with Virginia, a church minister, Hazel begins to venture outside her comfort zone.Having rebuilt her own life after a traumatic loss, Virginia has become the backbone of her community, caring for those in need and mentoring disadvantaged young people. Yet a shocking accusation threatens to unravel everything she has worked for.Told with warmth, compassion and gentle humour, 'Braver' is an uplifting story about the strength that can be drawn from friendship and community.Fans of 'Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine' and 'The Rosie Project' will love this heartwarming tale.Deborah Jenkins is a primary teacher who has worked in schools in the UK and in Ankara, Turkey. Her short fiction has appeared in magazines and anthologies, and she has also published a novella, 'The Evenness of Things'. She lives in Sussex and enjoys reading, walking, gardening, travelling and good coffee.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Si Berlanga hubiese escrito un thriller, sería este: un carrusel de personajes a cuál más esperpéntico y aun así certero, crímenes por doquier, corrupción, malversación y venganzas. Millonarios, actrices, modelos, aristócratas y famosillos se dan cita en esta novela criminal en la que el costumbrismo está manchado de sangre.Javier Alonso Osborne es un autor y periodista español nacido en Madrid. Director adjunto de la revista "¡Hola!", compagina su profesión con la redacción de novelas que le han valido nominaciones a premios como el "Café Gijón".
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Oliver er en knækket mand, da han vender hjem fra en rejse til Italien. Han er faldet ned fra et bjerg og har brækket ribbenene og tillige mistet sit ene ben. Oliver er ikke typen, der nemt kommer sig over den slags. Tværtimod truer hans ulykke med at sende ham i en tidlig grav. Samtidig svirrer rygterne om, hvad der egentlig skete dernede i Italien. For hvor er mon Fia henne? De tog af sted sammen, og indtil videre er kun Oliver vendt hjem.”Konerne ved vandposten” er en satirisk roman om sladder og rygtespredning i en lille norsk by. Konerne, der mødes om vandposten flere gange om dagen, ved alt om alle, og de er ikke bange for at sladre om byens bedste og værste borgere. Denne udgave er fra 1920, og teksten er ikke blevet redigeret eller moderniseret.Knut Hamsun (1859-1952) var en af Norges største forfattere. Han skrev en lang række romaner og noveller inden for forskellige genrer og modtog i 1920 Nobelprisen i litteratur. Han fik sit litterære gennembrud i 1890 med romanen ”Sult”, som er en af periodens vigtigste værker inden for norsk litteratur. Knut Hamsun stod endvidere bag en perlerække af digtsamlinger og skuespil.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.
102,99 kr. At a run-down brothel in Caudal, Spain, the prostitutes are collecting stray dogs. Each is named after a famous male writer: Dante, Chaucer, and Bret Easton Ellis. When a john is cruel, the dogs are fed rotten meat.To the east, in Barcelona, an unflappable teenage girl is endeavouring to trace the peculiarities of her life back to one woman: Alba Camb, writer of violent short stories, who left Caudal as a girl and never went back.Mordantly funny, dryly sensual, written with a staggering lightness of touch, the debut novel in English by Swedish sensation Lina Wolff is a black and Bolaño-esque take on the limitations of love in a dog-eat-dog world.Perfect for fans of Cho Nam-Joo's ´Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982´.What people are saying about ´Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs´:"[A] filmic offering . . . channelling the spirit of Pedro Almodóvar. A thoroughly invigorating novel." - Lucy Scholes, The Independent"Wolff has had enough of the big swinging dicks of masculine literature. [Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs is] clever and challenging and distinctive." - Galen O'Hanlon, The Skinny"Oddly compelling . . . a European postmodern novel steeped in alienation and ennui." - Library Journal"Wolff's prose has a quality of 'otherness' entirely in keeping with the surreal atmosphere of the novel. This strange, provocative debut sits well alongside the work of Roxane Gay, Katherine Angel, Maggie Nelson, Zoe Pilger and Miranda July . . . a cool, clever and fierce addition to the canon of modern feminist literature." - Sarah Perry, The Guardian"The author demonstrates a marvellous command of language and creates characters with real depth, lending the book a sensual vibe and an acerbic wit that force its emotional truths to rise above the grunge of its hard-boiled setting. A poetic, unsentimental drama that offers a meditation on love in all its disparate forms." - Kirkus Reviews"Wolff manoeuvres with great skill through her breathtaking multitude of worlds and an equally impressive cast of characters. Bret Easton Ellis . . . takes the reader on a roller-coaster from the tragic to the comical, with hints of the mysterious and magical scattered in between - it is a testimonial of a dead person remarkably full of life." - The Bookbag, 5 Stars, January Book of the Month"A book that you just want to give people and say: take a look at this, read it, experience it. I would have liked to devote the entire review to quoting sentences and paragraphs from the novel - it is almost as if that were the only way of adequately conveying the gravity, depth and lightness of Lina Wolff's prose, her tender yet pitiless character descriptions, her distinctive but also natural way of piecing together the novel's disparate parts into a shimmering whole." - Eva Johansson, Svenska DagbladetLina Wolff (1973- ) is a Swedish author. Having lived in Spain and Italy for several years working as a translator, Wolff arrived on the literary stage in 2009 with ´Många människor dör som du´ (´Many People Die Like You) and won the prestigious Vi Magazine Literature Prize in 2012 for her debut novel, ´Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs´. She has since won several other literary awards, including the August Prize for Fiction and the Aftonbladet Literature Prize.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. An underemployed chef is pulled into the escalating violence of his neighbour's makeshift porn channel. An elderly piano student is forced to flee her home village when word gets out that she's fucked her thirty-something teacher. A hose pumping cava through the maquette of a giant penis becomes a murder weapon in the hands of a disaffected housewife.In this collection from the winner of Sweden's August Prize, Lina Wolff gleefully wrenches unpredictability from the suffocations of day-to-day life, shatters balances of power without warning, and strips her characters down to their strangest and most unstable selves.Wicked, discomfiting, delightful and wry, delivered with the deadly wit for which Wolff is known, ´Many People Die Like You´ presents the uneasy spectacle of people in solitude, and probes, with savage honesty, the choices we make when we believe no one is watching... or when we no longer care.Perfect for fans of "Austerlitz" by W.G. Sebald and "The Months" by Javier Marías.What people are saying about ´Many People Die Like You´:"Fantastic. Quiet, thoughtful and, in spite of all the suffering, very funny." - Vi magazine"Several of the stories are so funny that you'd probably bring joy to your neighbours if you read them aloud." - Skånska Dagbladet"An immediate success for Lina Wolff... Many People Die Like You is a more than promising debut. Lina Wolff is a skilled stylist and a good storyteller." - Arbetarbladet"´Many People Die Like You´ is full of life in motion. Depicted with such certainty that even the narrator's voice must at times give way to the swelling language. And so, Lina Wolff has arrived as one of the important voices in Swedish literature. Not least because of the freedom the texts create for themselves. A freedom full of pleasure and humor alongside ever-present earnestness." - Helsingborgs Dagblad"Lina Wolff either quickly visits people who are happening to have a good, perhaps heightened conversation. Or, she tells a story with a beginning and end. Two approaches to the short story, here both are equally exciting to read." - Kulturnytt, Radio SR P1"It's a matter of course of Lina Wolff's way of writing, as though each formulation and twist has been there all along, just waiting to be written down by her. Perhaps it is a matter of self-esteem, combined with a drive that draws you instantly and relentlessly into her stories. / ... / Wolff creates a hypnotic pull around her characters, making the reader wish they could remain in the story, how crass and chewy the lives portrayed can seem. The main characters are as often men as they are women, and Wolff writes with equal ease from a female and a male perspective. Human as humans are: sad and comical, petty and grand." - Svenska Dagbladet"Wolff's brilliant language, twisted intrigue and black humor makes this debut the best I've read this year." - Femina magazineLina Wolff (1973- ) is a Swedish author. Having lived in Spain and Italy for several years working as a translator, Wolff arrived on the literary stage in 2009 with ´Många människor dör som du´ (´Many People Die Like You) and won the prestigious Vi Magazine Literature Prize in 2012 for her debut novel, ´Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs´. She has since won several other literary awards, including the August Prize for Fiction and the Aftonbladet Literature Prize.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
140,99 kr. Stell dir vor, der deutsche Propagandaminister gründet eine Band, und Millionen Briten lauschen ihrer Musik - Ein satirischer Roman, der auf wahren Begebenheiten beruht.Berlin, Frühjahr 1940. Auf Beschluss von Joseph Goebbels wird eine paradox anmutende Propaganda-Maßnahme umgesetzt: Für den Auslandsrundfunksender Germany Calling wird eine Big Band gegründet, die als Mr. Goebbels Jazz Band schnell internationale Bekanntheit erlangt. Hier spielen die besten europäischen Musiker, darunter auch Ausländer, Juden und Homosexuelle, im Dienst der NS-Propaganda wortwörtlich um ihr Überleben – ausgerechnet mit Jazz, der als „undeutsch" und „entartet" galt. Bis zu sechs Millionen britische Haushalte täglich werden von den schwungvollen Swing-Stücken mit anti-alliierten Hetztexten vor die Radiogeräte gelockt. Lienhards Roman setzt sich satirisch mit dieser unglaublichen, aber wahren Geschichte auseinander.Demian Lienhard, geboren 1987 in Baden/Schweiz, erhielt das Stipendium "Schwazer Stadtschreiber" und war Finalist beim 24. und 26. "open mike" in Berlin. Er versteht sich exzellent auf die Form des satirischen Romans.
- Lydbog
- 140,99 kr.
45,99 kr. Следосвобожденското село среща града, а простодушният човек от народа се сблъсква с буржоазния ред. В „Шарен свят и други разкази" Михалаки Георгиев ни запознава с патриархални фигури като чичо Дуро, който с почуда, възмущение и тънък хумор описва градския „свят на богатите", с чичо Денчо, за когото келепирът и „сгодата" надделяват над нравствените устои, с момъка Тошо, когото любовта извежда от спокойствието на патриархално-идиличната селска среда, и с редица други герои, които комично се озовават в свят, различен от този, с който са свикнали. Смях и критика се преплитат в едно. А до колко съвременният българин и героите на Михалаки Георгиев се препокриват, оставяме на вас да прецените.Михалаки Георгиев е български писател, дипломат и общественик, живял в периода 1852 – 1916 година. След Освобождението започва работа като управител на митницата в родния си град Видин, а по-късно става дипломатически представител във Виена и Белград. След 1900 год. започва да пише и създава едно от първите земеделски списания – „Домакин", както и първия български учебник по ботаника. Пише разкази и хуморески, обрисува живота в българското село, вплита диалектизми, турцизми и поговорки, и чрез критико-реалистичния подход в някои от най-известните му творби като „Три срещи. Спомени от миналото", „Така се лъже човек. Хумореска" и „От късмета е всичко на тоя свят", Михалаки Георгиев става неразделна част от българската следосвобожденска литература.
- E-bog
- 45,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Un grupo de militares se afaba por demostrar su patriotismo en medio de una ceremonia tan vacía de sentido como sus propias vidas, un destacamento perdido de la mano de Dios se enfrenta a una rutina cada vez más absurda en la que nadie tiene ya el control de la situación, la llegada de un coronel de alto rango pone patas arriba la aparente paz de un fortín... cuentos que oscilan entre la comedia y el drama y que caen de lleno en el absurdo de las prácticas militares. Un alegato justo no exento de pluma afilada y un puntito de crueldad.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlRamón Ayerra fue un escritor español nacido en Segovia en 1937 y fallecido en Madrid en 2010. Jurista de profesión y periodista ocasional, publicó parte de su obra en El adelantado de Segovia. Cultivó tanto la literatura de viajes como la poesía, así como la novela humorística, con fuertes raíces en el esperpento y al carpetovetonismo de Camilo José Cela, con quien llegó a ser comparado. Fue finalista del Premio Planeta en dos ocasiones. Hoy en día se le recuerda como un gran satirista español.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
38,99 kr. What if you had to put a roof over the heads of your enemies?Anthony is a farmer. Sturdy and patriotic, he will stop at nothing to fight the Prussians. Bringing glory to his country is his main priority. When Prussians arrive on his doorstep he is prepared to sacrifice everything. But when he is forced to shelter, feed, and take care of a Prussian soldier he is forced into a change in outlook.The soldier's inability to speak French puts him in a vulnerable position and Anthony must decide whether to use this to his advantage or treat the soldier like a person.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. He was considered a master of both style and dramatic narrative. A representative of the Naturalist school, he wrote 300 short stories during his career - alongside a number of novels, travel books, and a volume of verse. The most notable of his work is considered to be his first short story - ‘Boule de Suif’. His volumes of short stories were heavily influential, with one of them acting as inspiration for John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Set aboard a steamship sailing from Le Havre to Trouville, ‘Discovery’ is a short and funny story, with a moral tucked away in the dialogue.When the narrator meets his old friend, Henri Sidoine, the latter rants about the number of English people on board.With the kind of ire that Basil Fawlty (played by John Cleese) reserved for his guests, Sidoine gives full rein to his loathing of the English although, as it turns out, he fell in love with, and married, an Englishwoman.Is his argument genuinely about the self-proclaimed "lords of the sea", or is he revealing more about himself than he means to?An incisive tale with plenty of clever observations, ‘Discovery’ will delight fans of nautical short stories such as Ernest Hemingway's ´After the Storm´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Een Nobelprijswinnaar, gevat in 15 humoristische verhalen.‘Vijftien verhalen’ bevat een dwarsdoorsnede van Pirandello’s werk op de korte baan. In verhalen als ‘Examenstudie’, ‘Vruchten van Sicilië’ en ‘De goeie ziel’ schildert Pirandello zijn personages in een naturalistische setting, maar met de klemtoon op de absurde kanten van hun leven. Drama en het ongerijmde raken met elkaar verstrikt, o.m. in ‘De tekening’, ‘Het zwarte geitje’ en ‘Een droom’. Een bittere blik op de wereld, maar met groteske toetsen en een scherp gevoel voor humor. Deze bundel was de eerste Nederlandse Pirandello-vertaling.Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) was een Italiaanse schrijver. Zijn oeuvre is uitgestrekt: romans (met als bekendste ‘Iemand, niemand en honderdduizend’), verhalen (binnen het project ‘Novellen voor een jaar’, waarin hij 365 korte verhalen wou verzamelen) en toneelstukken (m.n. het experimentele ‘Zes personages op zoek naar een auteur’). Zijn werk past binnen het modernisme en gaat over identiteitscrises en het verdwijnen van maatschappelijke zekerheden, maar toch weet hij deze thema’s te combineren met licht absurdistische humor. In 1934 ontving hij de Nobelprijs voor Literatuur.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Anna freut sich nach einer herben Liebesenttäuschung auf eine absolute Traumreise. Fünf Wochen lang will sie mit ihrer Familie auf einem Kreuzfahrtschiff durch die USA und die Karibik schippern.Annas Freude steigt ins Unermessliche, als sie statt der gebuchten Balkonkabine eine luxuriöse Suite zugeteilt bekommt. Doch leider hat die Reederei die Suite doppelt vergeben – an einen arroganten, unfreundlichen, wenn auch unverschämt gutaussehenden Geschäftsmann. Da auf dem ganzen Schiff keine einzige Kabine mehr frei ist, müssen sich die zwei notgedrungen die luxuriöse Maisonette Suite teilen.Luca stellt deutlich klar, wie sehr ihm das gegen den Strich geht. Zwischen der vorlauten Anna und dem eingebildeten Business Guy fliegen ordentlich die Fetzen.Doch so ganz können die beiden nicht abstreiten, dass sie sich auch ungemein anziehend finden. Als Luca Anna ein unmoralisches und gleichzeitig verlockendes Angebot unterbreitet, wird die Reise nicht nur turbulent, sondern auch ausgesprochen prickelnd …Die Autorin lebt mit ihrem Mann und zwei verliebten Kaninchen in Berlin und an der Ostsee. Nach der Zusammenarbeit mit einigen Verlagen startete sie 2015 als Selfpublisherin und hat seitdem mehr als 50 Romane veröffentlicht. Ihre Bücher sind humorvoll, erotisch, tiefgründig und haben immer ein Happy End. Schreiben ist für sie ihr liebstes Hobby, bei dem sie sich von der anstrengenden Hausarbeit erholt, die sie nie so ganz in den Griff bekommt.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Román Calamonte, personaje tan inadaptado como inolvidable, una suerte de Ignatius Reilly español y contemporáneo, deja su trabajo en la Universidad y se lanza a perseguir una carrera teatral. Pronto descubrirá que el camino del arte no es tan apetecible como esperaba. Con un desternillante sentido del humor que recuerda a La conjura de los necios y una ácida manera de ver la vida que lo rodea, José Chaves nos presenta a este personaje para el recuerdo que, en el fondo, somos todos nosotros.José Rodríguez Chaves fue un autor español nacido en Villagarcía de la Torre (Badajoz) en 1946 y fallecido en Madrid en 2016. Cultivó tanto la poesía como el ensayo y la novela. Asimismo, colaboró con más de una quincena de periódicos nacionales y regionales, entre los que se contaban el ABC, el Imparcial o Sur.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Renessanssiaikaisen ritariromaanin toinen osa!Ritari Tirant Valkoisen huimat seikkailut jatkuvat. Urotekoja riittää tehtäväksi, neitoja pelastettavaksi sekä rakkauskiemuroita kohdattavaksi. Mutta mitä urhoollinen toiminnan mies ei tekisi puolustaakseen Bysantin keisarikuntaa!Legendaarinen Tirant on jälleen vauhdissa ritarieepoksen hauskassa toisessa osassa. Romaanin kirjoitti renessanssin aikaan elänyt ritari Joanot Martorell, mahdollisesti ystävänsä Galban avustuksella.Toiminnallinen ja hauska ritariromaaniklassikko renessanssiajalta!Joanot Martorell (n. 1410–1465) oli valencialainen ritari, joka tunnetaan Tirant Valkoinen -teoksen kirjoittajana.Myös Marti Joan de Galban (?–1490) on ajateltu osallistuneen teoksen syntyyn täydentämällä tekstiä ystävänsä Martorellin kuoleman jälkeen.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Kun joku räjäyttää barcelonalaisen asevaraston, jäljet muistuttavat suomalaisten sodanaikaisia toimia. Herää epäilys: taidokkaan räjäyttäjän on oltava suomalaissyntyinen gentlemannisankari Kalpea Kamala! Tunnistetuksi tulemisesta alkaa uusi huikean jännittävä seikkailu, jossa uhkarohkea mies jahtaa tuttuun tapaan rikollisia ja pyrkii vastustamaan viekkaita viettelijättäriä.Kalpean Kamalan uroteot jatkuvat Marokossa. Parodia kohtaa tiivistunnelmaisen toiminnan tässä 1940-luvun seikkailuromaanien klassikkosarjassa.Suomalaissyntyinen sankari Kalpea Kamala seikkailee ympäri maailmaa ja kutittelee samalla lukijan nauruhermoja.Simo Penttilä on kirjailija Uuno Hirvosen (1898–1971) peitenimi. Hirvonen tunnetaan suosituista seikkailuromaaneistaan, kuten Punavyö-sarjasta ja Kalpea Kamala -sankaristaan.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Klaus er smed i Blæsebælle, men bliver af kongen forfremmet til ridder. Da han møder prinsessen, kan han ikke gøre andet end at fri til hende – men hvis han vil vinde prinsessen og det halve kongerige, må han først blive den ridder i landet, der kan øve de største bedrifter. Vil det mon lykkes? Og vil prinsessen og det halve kongerige gøre Klaus Ridder til en lykkelig mand?Theodor Ewald (1874-1923) var en dansk forfatter, journalist og oversætter. Han er især kendt for sine historiske romaner – blandt andet en række romaner om danske kongers elskerinder i serien "Danske dronninger uden trone", som hans bror, Carl Ewald, der også var forfatter, havde påbegyndt før sin død.
- E-bog
- 49,00 kr.
120,99 kr. Here comes the bride... but how long can she hide?When Kitty Clayton flees her wedding, her life seems worryingly futureless. All she knows is she'd rather sleep on the streets than go back to cheating Ethan.After picking her up hitch-hiking, widowed children's author Jack Duffy takes Kitty under his wing until she gets back on her feet. And it's not long before the two grow close...But with Jack struggling to recover from the guilt he feels over his wife's death and Kitty refusing to face up to the problems she's running away from, will the two ever manage to share a happily ever after?A heart-warming novel about love and new beginnings, you won't be able to put it down!What readers are saying about "Runaway Bride":´Full of heart, humour and larger-than-life characters´ - Debbie Johnson´Deliciously funny and the characters are adorable. I could not put it down! I relished every page´ - Reader review´A five-star read to run away with. This was such a glorious read, it was funny and brutally honest´ - Reader reviewMary Jayne Baker is a romance author from Yorkshire, UK. She lives in her beloved Dales, where she first started telling stories about heroines with flaws and the men who love them. Mary Jayne Baker is a pen name for an international woman of mystery...
- Lydbog
- 120,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Rasende Wut, kaltblütiger MordEs herrscht beinahe gespenstische Ruhe am spätsommerlichen Morgen im elsässischen Eguisheim, als Jean-Marie Knopfer aus dem Fenster stürzt. Er ist augenblicklich tot. Niemand kann sich erklären, wie es dazu kam. Dann werden Wanderer von einem Reh attackiert. Eine Untersuchung ergibt: Das Tier hatte Tollwut. Wehrt sich die wilde Kreatur gegen den Menschen, wie einige im Dorf glauben wollen? Als ein weiterer Todesfall die Eguisheimer erschüttert, ahnen Céleste Kreydenweiss und Luc Bato von der Police Municipale, dass dieser Fall nur zu lösen ist, wenn man tief in die Abgründe der menschlichen Seele steigt, zu den Ursprüngen von Fanatismus und Aberglaube ...Jules Vitrac ist eine erfolgreiche deutsche Schriftstellerin und Juristin. In ihren Krimis verbindet sie ihre berufliche Erfahrung mit kriminellen Abgründen und ihr Faible für vertrackte Rätsel mit ihrer großen Liebe zu Frankreich.
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Epäilyttävät kuolemantapaukset ja hulvattomat purjehdusseikkailut jatkuvat Tyynellämerellä!Suomalainen pariskunta, Sami ja Meira, on kotiutunut Ranskan Polynesiaan ja saanut rakkaan Malaika-purjeveneensä viimein vesille. Nyt jäljellä on enää yksityiskohtiin perehtyminen – siis purjehtimaan opetteleminen. Samalla kun Sami ja Meira ottavat ensiaskeliaan purjeveneen ruorissa, satamassa tapahtuu kummia. Eräänä yönä pimeältä mereltä kuuluu avunhuuto, ja Sami saa juuri pelastettua miehen veden varasta. Kuinka kokenut uimari ja purjehtija Max oli joutunut pulaan keskellä yötä? Ja miksi hän tuntuu vähättelevän vaaratilannetta? Vain muutaman päivän päästä vaara muuttuu todeksi, kun Maxin ruumis löytyy riutalta. Mies vaikuttaa saaneen sairaskohtauksen kesken harppuunakalastusretken. Sami ei kuitenkaan saa öistä episodia mielestään ja on vakuuttunut, että tapaukseen liittyy jotakin pahaenteistä. Mutta kenellä olisi syy hankkiutua eroon pidetystä kapteenista? Vaikka Samin teoriat syyllisistä menevät yhtä usein sekaisin kuin tyyrpuuri ja paapuuri, Malaika johdattaa Samin pian oikeille jäljille. Rikosromaani jatkaa kirjan "Malaika – parkaisu paratiisissa" aloittamaa humoristista dekkarisarjaa, joka johdattaa lukijansa Tahitin aaltoihin ja auringonpaisteeseen.Sami ja Meira ovat toteuttaneet pitkäaikaisen unelmansa, he ovat ostaneet purjeveneen ja muuttaneet Ranskan Polynesiaan. Kun pari perehtyy veneen huoltotoimiin ja opettelee purjehtimaan, satama-alueella sattuu ja tapahtuu. Onneksi Samilla on poikkeuksellisen tarkka silmä rikostutkimuksia varten!Kirjailija Sami Tabell (s. 1980) asuu purjeveneessä Ranskan Polynesiassa. Hän on opiskellut yhteiskuntatieteitä Tampereen yliopistossa.
74,99 kr. Après "Comment je n'ai jamais réussi à attraper le père Noël", retrouverez la famille Lachance et d'autres personnages originaux : Lisa l'inventrice de machines à sauver la planète, Bernadette l'experte en catastrophes, Nicolas le général humaniste, les compagnons d'enfance de Lisa : Dyna, chat stupide (en apparence) et Apollon chien archéologue (creuser des trous dans un jardin peut se révéler fort utile). N'oublions pas Anatole, mystérieux chauffeur, ou espion ? Et surtout Vic, nouveau genre d'être humain… séduisant et rassurant malgré quelques petits défauts de conception. Tant de personnages qui nous permettent de rire, de s’évader, de réfléchir en embarquant dans un autre univers, et pourtant pas si loin du nôtre.Rire, sourire, s'évader, réfléchir… Chacun trouvera sa dimension de lecture et d'émotion dans ce conte moderne qui vous fera, assurément, passer un excellent moment.L'avis des lecteurs :"Une bulle de fraîcheur ! Au milieu de cette histoire totalement déjantée en apparence, de vrais sujets importants sont traités, notamment sur l’avenir de notre belle planète."Laurence Labbé réside en région parisienne, à Chaville, avec ses deux enfants. En dehors du travail, ses passions sont la lecture, l'écriture, le sport, le théâtre d'improvisation. Curieuse, autodidacte, elle a exercé différents métiers.Ses romans mettent en scène des personnages hauts en couleur dans un contexte actuel, évoquant en toile de fond des réflexions sur le monde qui nous entoure.Elle manie à tour de rôle l'humour, le suspense et l'émotion, pour nous mener de rebondissements en rebondissements, au rire, à la réflexion, au rêve et au voyage.
- Lydbog
- 74,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Vov, vov, vov, vov, vov ... ! Det er mig igen, den rare, gode lille Vimmerhale, som I jo nok husker!Sådan møder vi den kære Vimmerhale fra den klassiske danske børnebog, som oprindeligt blev udgivet i 1931.Vimmerhale, som også er kendt fra bogen "Vimmerhale i Cirkus", er blevet skibshund. Det er meget spændende, synes hunden. Og når man er en lidt speciel hund, som Vimmerhale er, så er der altid et sjovt eventyr i vente. Hør om Vimmerhales rejse til Grønland med skib – tag med ud på havet!Jens Locher (1889-1952) var en dansk forfatter, som udgav både romaner, humoristiske skrifter og børnebøger. Han var bror til billedhuggeren Axel Locher og søn af maleren Carl Locher. Ud over sit arbejde som forfatter var han ansat som journalist for bl.a. Berlingske Tidende og Nationaltidende, og i øvrigt var han ansat som kunstnerisk direktør i Nordisk Film i en kortere periode. Hans mest berømte værk er hørespillet "Familien Hansen", som blev sendt i en årrække fra 1929 til 1949. Hans bog "Fodboldpræsten" blev lavet til en film i 1951.
- E-bog
- 49,00 kr.
102,99 kr. ´I defy anyone to read the opening pages and not to be drawn in, as I was... Quite simply, Comyns writes like no one else.´ - Maggie O'Farrell, author of "Hamnet".Pretty, unworldly Sophia is twenty-one years old and hastily married to a young painter called Charles. An artist's model with an eccentric collection of pets, she is ill-equipped to cope with the bohemian London of the 1930s, where poverty, babies (however much loved) and her husband conspire to torment her.Hoping to add some spice to her life, Sophia takes up with Peregrine, a dismal, ageing critic, and comes to regret her marriage - and her affair. But in this case, virtue is more than its own reward, for repentance brings an abrupt end to the cycle of unsold pictures, unpaid bills and unwashed dishes...Born and raised in England, Barbara Comyns (1909-1992) was a writer and artist who juggled various creative and entrepreneurial endeavors throughout her colorful life, leaving behind a rich literary legacy.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘This is the story, among others, of Henry the waiter—or, as he now prefers to call himself, Henri—told to me in the long dining-room of the Riffel Alp Hotel, where I once stayed for a melancholy week "between seasons".’ The collection of short stories in The Observations of Henry are a witty and wondrous insight into the life and times of 19th century England, as told by an enigmatic waiter, Henry (Henri). An observer of life, and offering counsel to his various customers’ romantic entanglements, dramas and career carry-ons, the charming tales from a unique hotelier’s perspective is an uplifting, funny and occasionally shocking set of tit-bits from some of the more memorable characters which Henry has met in his work. Aided by comic assailants, Kipper and Carrot, Jerome K. Jerome sets the perfect scene for scandal, humour and charismatic capers. Originally published in 1901, the warm and witty mini sagas will appeal to any reader who is a fan of Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Sometimes dark, often light and occasionally highly unexpected, The Observations of Henry is charming, insightful and extremely funny - people watching at its very best.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After various jobs as an actor, clerk and a school teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – a warm and witty autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War I, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Three Men in a Boat’ (1889) is the bestselling comic masterpiece by English writer, humourist, and playwright Jerome K. Jerome.It follows the author and his two companions as they try to escape busy Victorian London on a two-week boating holiday along the River Thames, from Kingston to Oxford and back.Initially intended as a serious travel guide, the comical mishaps and misfortunes that happen along the way, turned the book into a satirical gem that perfectly captured the escapism of Victorian England.From pineapple chunks to tow-ropes, tents, and the pointlessness of weather forecasts, Jerome K Jerome’s witticisms and social commentary remain as funny and relevant today.The novel has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions, including a recreation of the trip by the BBC, starring comedians Griff Rhys Jones, Dara Ó Briain, and Rory McGrath.Jerome K. Jerome (1859 –1927) was an English novelist, humourist and playwright, best known for his hugely successful comic masterpiece ‘Three Men in a Boat’ (1889), which was inspired by his honeymoon on the river Thames.It has since been adapted on numerous occasions, including the BBC TV series starring Tim Curry and Michael Palin.Jerome wrote eight novels, fifteen collections of short stories and sketches, two autobiographical works, and more than thirty plays.His works include the essay collections ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’ (1886) and ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’. The novel ‘Three Men on the Bummel’, a sequel to ´Three Men in a Boat´, and the play ‘The Passing of the Third Floor Back’ (1908).
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
56,99 kr. Zbiór najróżniejszych opowiadań: O starych ciotkach, które za napad na kantor wylądowały w więzieniu, o gadającym kocie i o realiach komunistycznej Rosji.Autorka prezentuje zbiór opowiadań, które trudno byłoby zakwalifikować do jednej kategorii. Mieści się tu historia o trzech starszych wiekiem siostrach, które żyją w biedzie, więc pewnego dnia wpadają na pomysł, by obrabować kantor. Jest opowiadanie o porach roku, które – podobnie zresztą jak poszczególne miesiące – są spersonifikowane i występują jako ludzie o szczególnych mocach. Jest seria opowiadań o gadającym kocie Oksfordzie trzęsącym całą rodziną, u której mieszka. Jest wreszcie historia mieszkańców kamienicy w rosyjskim mieście, obejmująca czasy od rewolucji październikowej aż do pierestrojki. Wszystkie opowieści łączy charakterystyczny styl autorki, bazowanie na grotesce i humorze.— O! Kot! — Magda wymachiwała widelcem w kierunku kota.— O Jezu! Magda, wszyscy widzą, że kot — ofuknął ją mąż.— Kot przy stole! I ma talerz! — dziwiła się dalej Magda, wycierając usta.— Wspaniała ryba. Gratuluję.— Pan już zjadł? To poproszę o łeb – odezwał się kot.— Coś ty! Nie wygłupiaj się, Baśka! Brzuchomówczyni! – Magda roześmiała się.— Ktoś chce rybią głowę? — Maciej potraktował pytanie poważnie. — Proszę bardzo, mogę odstąpić.— Pan będzie łaskaw położyć na moim talerzu – odezwał się ponownie kot.Barbara Dziewięcka-FigielZ wykształcenia ekonomistka, z zawodu nauczyciel akademicki. Zajmuje się także tłumaczeniem z języka angielskiego na język ojczysty.Posiada duszę wędrowca. Z zamiłowaniem wędruje po górach, nizinach i wertepach. Latem z rodziną wiosłuje przemierzając rzeki i jeziora.Współautorka książki pt. „Dom pod lipą".
- Lydbog
- 56,99 kr.
Fra 62,99 kr. Inget jobb, ingen pojkvän, ingen lägenhet. Jo Müller är snart fyrtio och har förlorat allt. Hennes enda utväg är att flytta hem till sina föräldrar, och för Jo känns det likvärdigt med att ge upp. Då får hon syn på en annons om en praktikplats på en trädgårdsanläggning i Skottland vilket genast väcker hoppet inom henne. Så Jo bestämmer sig för att packa väskorna och köper en enkelbiljett till de Skotska högländerna. Men istället för en grönskande idyll möts hon av hårt arbete från morgon till kväll och en lika stilig som hetlevrad chefsträdgårdsmästare vid namnet Duncan. Han tror att Jo, i enlighet med annonsen, är utbildad trädgårdsmästare och han ställer lika höga krav på henne som på sina andra anställda. Jo som egentligen är utbildad kock försöker med alla medel att dölja sina brister, vilket förstås slutar i katastrof. Men ju mer tid de spenderar tillsammans desto mer börjar Duncan inse att Jo inte bara har ställt till det i hans trädgård utan även i hans hjärta.Författaren Alexandra Zöbeli föddes i Schweiz 1970 och bor numera i bergsområdet Zürcher Oberland. Under en språkkurs i London blev hon förälskad i Storbritannien vilket speglas i hennes härliga feelgoodromaner.
58,99 kr. Misteri, humor, amor? Aquesta novel·la ho té tot! Coneix a en Martín, un professor acomplexat pel seu pes i la seva timidesa. En Martín està enamorat de l’Alícia, però és tan insegur que mai s’ha atrevit a declarar-se. Tot això canvia quan ella anuncia que marxa a viure a Nova York. Davant la perspectiva de perdre-la, en Martín es convertirà en un improvisat detectiu.Una crònica sincera i divertida sobre les bogeries que pot arribar a fer un tímid enamorat.Nascut a Barcelona l’any 1979, en Martín Piñol és escriptor, guionista, humorista i director. Es va llicenciar a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra en Comunicació audiovisual. Des de llavors, s’ha dedicat a l’escriptura, tant com a guionista de televisió (El cor de la ciutat, Saber y ganar) com a escriptor de literatura infantil (La cocina de los monstruos, Los dragones de hielo). Amb 28 llibres publicats, les seves obres han arribat a països com la Xina, Brasil, Mèxic o Portugal.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
39,00 kr. Carlos er en meget mærkelig hund. Han er også en rigtig sjov hund. Faktisk er det helt sikkert, at du aldrig har mødt en hund som Carlos - men det kan du så nu i denne bog!I en række små fortællinger møder vi hunden Carlos, som ryger cigaretter og går i gummisko. Historierne er skøre og skæve, og de vil helt sikkert få et smil frem på læberne, både hos børn og voksne.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 2003 og henvender sig til børn fra alderen 8 år og op.Oskar K. (f. 1950) er den danske forfatter Ole Dalgaards pseudonym. Han debuterede i 1970 med "By, du min elskede. Situationer" og har udgivet en lang række børnebøger, illustreret af Dorte Karrebæk, som han også privat danner par med. Han har i øvrigt arbejdet på DR med børne- og ungeprogrammer.
- E-bog
- 39,00 kr.
40,99 kr. Przewrotna, zabawna i groteskowa opowieść o życiu na kompletnym offie.Witajcie na ulicy Uroczej. Tutaj całymi dniami kobiety gotują, popalając papierosy, a mężczyźni przesiadują w piwnicach i zajmują się swoimi męskimi sprawami. To świat dzieciństwa dwóch małych dziewczynek, w którym beztroska i radość przeplatają się z mrokiem i lękiem... Teraz ulica Urocza, tak jak przyjaźń z dawnych czasów, jest już tylko wspomnieniem, a dwie dorosłe kobiety, niegdyś nierozłączne, mają spotkać się po latach. Gdy w oczekiwaniu na spotkanie upływają kolejne godziny, a dawna przyjaciółka się nie zjawia, do kobiety samotnie czekającej przy kawiarnianym stoliku powracają wspomnienia, które, przelane na papier, mogą stać się kanwą scenariusza – prawdziwie offowego.To szalona historia o wykluczonych, Innych, na czele z kobietami. I o tym, że nie zamierzają się poddawać. To opowieść o niszach i zaproszenie do wędrówki po nich. A jednocześnie krytyczny komentarz do współczesnej polskiej rzeczywistości, pełen zarówno goryczy, jak i humoru.I tym razem biorę na siebie rolę opowiadaczki. Opowiem ci bajkę, jak kot palił fajkę. O moim życiu tu, w kraju, gdzie nie dane mi było zostać gwiazdą, choć też się na swój sposób starałam. To będzie historia pewnego rodzaju wariactwa, bycia zakręconą, z odrobinę za dużym ładunkiem życiowych spraw na karku. Być może trochę cię przerażę. Odrzuci cię. No cóż – to będzie prawdziwy off, a nawet off-off, a nawet – niewykluczone – fuck off everybody. Opowieść o tym, jak sama stałam się offem, off-offem. Historia pewnego przemęczenia, bycia szaloną-wypaloną.Ewa Skunart - autorka powieści pt. "Off-off".
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
148,99 kr. E se il famoso paladino Orlando facesse amicizia con un gigante?Ne nascerebbe una storia entusiasmante, su questo pochi dubbi.Ed è così che Morgante, gigante convertito al cristianesimo dal famosissimo eroe, si mette in viaggio proprio con quest’ultimo per tutta l'Europa, alla ricerca di pagani da affrontare, cibi di cui rimpinzarsi e marachelle da combinare.Un poema cavalleresco parodistico e super divertente, scritto nel volgare fiorentino del Quattrocento, annoverato tra i testi più famosi del Rinascimento ma ambientato in un Medioevo fantastico e carnevalesco.Luigi Pulci (1432-1484) è stato un poeta italiano. Autore del famoso Morgante, poema cavalleresco scritto in volgare fiorentino con protagonista il celebre Orlando, Pulci è ricordato come uno dei poeti umoristici più apprezzati del suo tempo.
- E-bog
- 148,99 kr.