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  • af Nigel May
    129,99 kr.

    Fame, fortune and five-star luxury. Meet four fabulous women – all of them hold a dark secret... one of them won’t live to tell the tale.Nancy Arlow: the fading entertainer determined to gamble and charm her way out of a mountain of debt.Laura Everett: behind the façade of the perfect politician’s wife lies a woman with an outrageous past and a spiralling drug habit.Portia Safari: the world-famous opera diva, adored by millions, has it all, but could her secret drinking problem cost her everything?Martha Éclair – the millionaire wine heiress whose appetite for kinky sex could bring down her father’s business empire.Each woman must face their own addiction before they pay the ultimate price...Switch off your phone, grab a glass of bubbly and escape into an outrageous word of thrills, glamour and passion. Perfect for fans of Melanie Blake’s Ruthless Women. You’ll be addicted...What readers are saying about Addicted:‘Packed full of sauciness, darkness and intrigue... If you're looking for a sexy, racy, riotous read for your sun lounger this summer, this is the perfect choice.’ Heat Magazine‘This gripping bonkbuster, which comes packed with lovers, liars, divas, is perfect to inject some heat into your summer hols reading.’ Now Magazine‘A sexy, dark, thrilling celebrity whirlwind that lifts the curtain on some blistering superstar scandal.’ Victoria Fox‘Sexy, sultry, glitzy, dark. Reminds me of Devious Maids and Desperate Housewives. A fantastic, steamy summer read!’ Tishylou’s WorldNigel May is a true all-rounder in the media world, working as a TV presenter, author, journalist and craft personality. He has written six glam-fiction books. Nigel is also featured in "Sunlounger" – a chart-topping anthology of short stories.

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    A jednak - wiara czyni cuda! Nawet wtedy, gdy jest to wiara w spotkanie księcia na białym koniu. Dominika, bohaterka "Mężczyzny do towarzystwa", wchodzi w upragniony związek z tajemniczym Pedrem - mężczyzną swoich marzeń i snów. Aby podzielić się swoim szczęściem ze światem dziewczyna wydaje powieść o swojej miłości, a następnie opowiada o niej w ekskluzywnym magazynie dla kobiet. Nie szczędzi przy tym intymnych szczegółów! Szkoła, w której pracuje Dominika, aż huczy od plotek. Miłośniczki książek Moniki Szwai lub Magdaleny Kordel powinny bez wahania sięgnąć i po tę pozycję. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 15,99 kr.

    Perypetie dwudziestopięcioletniej nauczycielki polskiego, która mimo swojego wieku jest już kobietą po przejściach. Młoda rozwódka weszła w nowy związek, który daje jej poczucie bezpieczeństwa i stabilność. Ale krew nie woda! Dominika ma klarowną wizję swojego ideału i nie zamierza przestać go szukać. Kiedy poznaje tajemniczego Pedra, zupełnie traci głowę. Zgadza się wszystko: atletyczna budowa, brwi zrośnięte nad nosem, odpowiednia zasobność portfela. Jest tylko jeden szkopuł - książę z bajki nie pamięta wiele ze swojego dotychczasowego życia. Lekka, zabawna lektura do podróży czy do porannej kawy. W sam raz dla miłośniczek twórczości Moniki Szwai lub Magdaleny Kordel. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Zbigniew Wojnarowski
    40,99 kr.

    Teresa to stateczna i dojrzała kobieta. Pewnego razu dostaje od tajemniczego przybysza ze Szwecji pamiętnik. Rozpoczyna "śledztwo" w sprawie własnej przeszłości. Współczesność zaczyna mieszać się z wydarzeniami z okresu PRL-u, kiedy w końcówce lat 50. Jerzy, dziennikarz z dużego miasta, przyjeżdża do prowincjonalnego Konina napisać reportaż z budowy kombinatu przemysłowego. Wewnętrzna niezgoda mężczyzny wobec komunistycznej rzeczywistości powoli ustępuje rezygnacji i zgorzknieniu. W tym samym czasie swoją pierwszą miłość przeżywa licealistka Anastazja. Dziewczyna chciałaby wierzyć, że to uczucie będzie wieczne. Co łączy wszystkie te postaci? Pozycja obowiązkowa dla miłośników powieści (i filmu) "Pamiętnik" Nicholasa Sparksa.Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) - polonista i pisarz pochodzący z Konina, gdzie chętnie osadza akcję swoich książek. Uznany autor słuchowisk radiowych oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra". Napisał także wiele opowiadań. Pod pseudonimem Dominika Stec publikuje lekkie utwory obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Największą popularność przyniosła mu seria o przygodach miłosnych Dominiki ("Mężczyzna do towarzystwa", "Kobieca intuicja", "Bingo!").

  • af Anna Guendalina Lipparini
    58,99 kr.

    Linda, Olimpia, Margherita e Gabriella. Quattro ragazze, studentesse presso il collegio cattolico sotto la guida di Monna Bianca. Quattro storie diverse che si intrecciano nelle stanze e nei corridoi della scuola e che mostrano come la condizione delle ragazze, prima ancora di diventare donne, sia vincolata in pubblico come in privato da determinate regole sociali e convenzioni rigide, dove l'unica risposta è un'accettazione passiva che non può mai oltrepassare la soglia della convenienza.Anna Guendalina Lipparini (1862 – 1914) è stata una scrittrice italiana appartenente alla corrente del Decadentismo e nota con lo pseudonimo Regina di Luanto, anagramma di Guendalina Roti, suo nome da coniugata. Alla base della fama della scrittrice è presente l'audacia nel trattare temi controcorrente e la capacità di descrivere e condannare, con un linguaggio crudo e diretto, una società italiana di fine Ottocento ancora fortemente sessista.

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Trzecia część przygód bohaterki "Mężczyzny do towarzystwa" i "Kobiecej intuicji". Przystojny Pedro okazał się wcale nie takim idealnym partnerem. Czy to znaczy, że ideały nie istnieją? Dominika powoli zbiera się po rozstaniu i obiecuje sobie, że nigdy więcej nie będzie tak naiwna. Jednak, gdy dookoła niej pojawia się wianuszek interesujących mężczyzn, ona postanawia odnaleźć Bingo - swoją kolejną platoniczną fascynację. Czy spragniona miłości kobieta zostanie w końcu obdarzona szczerym uczuciem? Lekka i pełna humoru powieść, odpowiednia dla czytelniczek Katarzyny Grocholi i Moniki Szwai. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Stanisław Antoni Wotowski
    32,99 kr.

    Popularny pisarz Otocki przywykł, że działa na kobiety jak magnes. Nie zdziwiło go zatem specjalnie, że pewna urocza młoda kobieta przyjęła na ulicy jego zaproszenie na wspólną kolację. Zdziwienie przyszło później, gdy w trakcie wieczoru niewiasta okazała się milczącą i nudną towarzyszką. Również wiele innych znaków podpowiadało literatowi, by zakończyć niewygodną znajomość - podejrzany mężczyzna wpatrujący się w kobietę, skórzana walizka, którą dziewczyna nerwowo trzymała. A jednak, gdy pojawiła się szansa upojnego finału, Otocki nieroztropnie zaprosił towarzyszkę do swojego mieszkania. Lekki i wciągający kryminał w przedwojennej scenerii, w sam raz dla miłośników Marka Krajewskiego.Stanisław Wotowski (1895–1939) – pisarz, dziennikarz, policjant i właściciel prywatnego biura detektywistycznego. Autor wielu powieści kryminalnych, sensacyjnych, historycznych i okultystycznych. Wotowski jako prywatny detektyw na co dzień stykał się z aferami, morderstwami, przestępstwami, które następnie z precyzją kronikarza opisywał w swoich książkach. Interesował się czarną magią, spirytyzmem, okultyzmem. Był również znawcą masonerii.

  • af Ewelina Maria Mantycka
    48,99 kr.

    Krystian:Należałem do Klubu Speed-Kop Motocross, który w czasach licealnych założyłem z kumplami. Nasze motto brzmiało: „Honorem jest mieć kozła na plecach i mocne kopyto!". I tak żyliśmy, chcąc pokazać dzieciakom, czym jest prawdziwa adrenalina. Miałem swoich przyjaciół, miałem klub, a gdy na mojej drodze pojawiła się dziewczyna taka jak Esterka, w jednej chwili zdałem sobie sprawę, że nie mogę walczyć z losem. Nie była po prostu piękna, była... zakazana. Chciałem jej, ale ona ciągle mi umykała...Estera:Usterka. Po czasach nastoletnich, gdy mnie tak przezywano, w końcu się ogarnęłam. Ja i moje koleżanki nie zawsze byłyśmy święte, a srogie lekcje z przeszłości pamiętam do dziś. Teraz pracowałam w banku, nosiłam grzeczne kostiumy i nie farbowałam włosów na niebiesko. Ale pewnego dnia życie wrzuciło mnie na diabelski młyn za sprawą brodatego faceta z kozłem na plecach. Szaleństwo! Jego oczy kusiły mnie tak bardzo, że miałam ochotę znów stać się buntowniczką. Świetnie tańczył, świetnie całował i jeździł na motorze. Ale czy ja pasowałam do jego życia?Ewelina Maria Mantycka – pochodzi z malowniczej wsi Gościeradów na Lubelszczyźnie. Ukończyła Informacje Naukową i Bibliotekoznawstwo na UMCS tylko po to, aby zawsze być blisko swojej pasji – książek. Kolekcjonuje je nałogowo. Często buszuje po starych bazarach, antykwariatach i bibliotekach, a swoją zdobycz upycha na półkach i pod łóżkiem. Jest fanką anime, j-popu i k-popu, fantasy, a także dobrego romansu historycznego. Od zawsze uważa, że życie jest krótkie, a do spełnienia marzeń trzeba uparcie dążyć. Pierwszą odpowiedź z wydawnictwa otrzymała rok po śmierci brata. Z myślą o nim spełniła swoje życiowe marzenie o publikowaniu. Ma w głowie wiele historii i nie może się doczekać, aby podzielić się każdą z nich z czytelnikami.

  • af J. D. Russo
    40,99 kr.

    Kiedy oczami są uczucia, można zobaczyć niewidzialne.Chłopak Gabrysi ulega wypadkowi samochodowemu, w wyniku którego traci wzrok. Dziewczyna musi zdecydować, czy zostać z próbującym odnaleźć się w nowej rzeczywistości Kubą, czy wyjechać do Paryża na miesięczny staż, o którym od dawna marzy. Nie chce zostawiać chłopaka w takiej chwili, ale wie też, że ta okazja już się nie powtórzy. Wtedy siostra bliźniaczka wpada na pewien pomysł...

  • af Keris Stainton
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Utterly addictive. I LOVE it!’ Colleen Coleman, bestselling author of Don’t Stop Me Now.Twenty-five-year-old Bea is a hopeless romantic with a hopeless love life – until now. New beau Dan ticks all the boxes: he’s good-looking, kind and thoughtful. The complete opposite of Bea’s ex, who once threw her out in the middle of the night when she was ill so she didn’t disrupt his sleep.So when her friends point out that she and Dan don’t have fireworks, Bea ignores them. Dan is the whole package. And yet Bea can’t stop comparing him to her best friend Henry... Because Dan doesn’t get Bea’s jokes. Or like books. Or make her laugh until she can’t breathe. Or become speechless when Bea puts on her favourite black dress for a night out.As time goes on, Bea can’t shift the feeling that something just isn’t right. On paper Dan is the perfect man. But in reality... Will Bea be brave enough to ask for more from life – and get the fireworks she deserves?A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy for fans of Giovanna Fletcher, Poppy Dolan, and Mhairi McFarlane.Read what everyone is saying about It Had to Be You:‘Utterly charming and adorable, top quality romantic comedy, simply joyous.’ Rowan Coleman, author of The Summer of Impossible Things‘A five-star read that you have to have... Laugh-out-loud funny... I loved this book and would recommend it to anyone... Funny and amazing.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘A great, funny, feel-good read... Would definitely recommend this one!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars.Over 22,000 copies soldKeris lives in Lancashire with her husband and two sons. She’s written a bunch of books for young adults and children, and is obsessed with Twitter, tea, and 1D.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    Socialite Aria Milborne is astounded when she has to take a job with an American millionaire in order to save her family home. Aria soon finds herself clashing with her new boss after being courted by his aristocratic friend. When her boss offers her a fortune to pretend to be engaged to him, Aria finds herself the talk of the town leading her to feel ashamed and embarrassed. But when she hears that her fake fiance has been shot, she is caught off-guard by how strong her emotions actually are.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Silvia Maria de Jong
    73,99 kr.

    Sie ist die Stille, die den Sturm in mir zur Ruhe bringt. Er ist das Licht, das meine Nacht erhellt.Romeo La Terra liegt im Sterben, als ihm die Frau begegnet, die er sofort als seinen Schutzengel erkennt. Er bittet sie zu bleiben, aus dem Wunsch heraus, nicht allein sterben zu müssen. Liv gewährt ihm diesen Wunsch und es sind jene Augenblicke, nur wenige Atemzüge, in denen sich eine Nähe entfacht, die nur aus tiefer Verzweiflung geboren werden kann. Mit knapper Not gelingt es dem Arzt, Romeo ins Leben zurückzuholen. Ein Leben, das fortan am seidenen Faden hängt, denn der Mann, den keinerlei Papiere ausweisen, fällt ins Koma. Liv, die sich zu dem sonderbaren Fremden auf unheimliche Weise hingezogen fühlt, weicht nicht mehr von seiner Seite. Auch als er nach Wochen des Zweifelns und der Angst endlich die Augen aufschlägt, entschließt sie sich dazu, sich weiterhin um ihn zu kümmern, ohne zu ahnen, wen sie da in ihr Haus geholt hat. Kämpft sie doch gegen die eigenen Dämonen der Vergangenheit, die mit Romeos dunklen Geistern zu verschmelzen beginnen ...Silvia Maria de Jong wurde 1971 in Westfalen geboren. Das Schreiben ist seit frühester Kindheit ihre Passion. Begonnen mit kleinen Geschichten und Gedichten hat sie bis heute mehrere Romane vollendet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren Kindern in Niedersachsen.

  • af Helen Pollard
    129,99 kr.

    Claudia thought she knew how this summer was going to go. Turns out, she didn’t have a clue...It’s been two years since Claudia arrived on the beautifully rugged Cornish coast with nothing but a suitcase to her name. She’d walked out on the husband who had never loved her, ditched the corporate job she’d never wanted and vowed that no gym membership card would come within ten feet of her ever again.Swapping boardrooms and cocktails for a little shop right at the end of the beach road should have been a bit of a shock. But from the moment she first laid eyes on the empty, run-down store, Claudia knew this was where she was meant to be all along.After all that upheaval, Claudia was looking forward to a quiet summer, full of the usual holidaymakers and long walks along the clifftops. But life in her patch of paradise is about to change in more ways than one.Enter recently widowed Jason, dragging his sullen teenage daughter Millie in tow. Millie and Claudia immediately hit it off. And while Millie loves everything about Claudia’s free-spirited way of life, practical architect Jason is less than thrilled about his daughter’s new interests. He doesn’t shy away from telling Claudia exactly what he thinks and sparks fly every time they meet.But as circumstances throw Claudia into Jason’s path in increasingly unexpected ways, she begins to glimpse what lies beneath his fiery temper and sharp tongue. Claudia was sure her new life was perfect in every way. But was there something missing after all?The perfect summer holiday escape, full of warmth, humour and heart. Fans of Sarah Morgan, Cathy Bramley and Phillipa Ashley will be charmed by this seaside romance.Readers love The Little Shop in Cornwall:‘This book was just what the doctor ordered and I could almost smell the sea air... A lovely feel-good novel.’ Sandie’s Book Shelves‘A delightful read... Reading one of Helen’s books feels more like a chat between friends rather than an actual book.’ Ginger Book Geek‘A heartwarming and funny rom-com... kept me hooked till the end and I loved the twists and turns.’ Scrapping and Playing.‘A bewitching, fun read with great characters in a delightful setting and an added mystery, too.’ Splashes Into BooksHer La Cour des Roses series has sold over 200,000 copiesFor fans of Sarah Morgan, Nicola May, Phillipa Ashley and Cathy BramleyAs a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

  • af Kristina Günak
    103,99 kr.

    Bernadette arbeitet als Zimmermädchen in Paris, der Stadt der Liebe, doch sie wünscht sich nichts sehnlicher, als endlich ihrem verkorksten Leben zu entkommen. Ein Jobangebot in einem kleinen Ort an der deutschen Nordseeküste scheint der ersehnte Ausweg. Hals über Kopf reist sie nach Klein Wöhrde und landet in einer Pension, in der die Butter abgepackt, die Zimmer aus Pressspanplatte und die Pensionswirtin mehr als wortkarg sind. Einzig Herr Schröder, angeblich ein Hund, der aber doch mehr einem zotteligen Monster gleicht, steht ihr in den ersten schweren Tagen bei. Doch nach und nach stellt sie fest, dass die Menschen zwar wortkarg, aber deswegen nicht weniger herzlich sind. Dass die Nordsee zwar wild, aber traumhaft schön ist und dass manche Krabbenfischer sich als absolute Traummänner entpuppen. Wenn da nur nicht ihre Vergangenheit im Handgepäck mitgereist wäre ..."Bernadette & Piet" ist der Auftakt einer vierteiligen Serie rund um die Brüder Johanson.Stefanie Ross und Kristina Günak schreiben zusammen unter dem Label Liebe & Meer. Das steht für: Romantik, Liebe, spannende Charaktere und dunkle Geheimnisse!

  • af Guy Boothby
    47,99 kr.

    Reginald Sandridge er ungur, enskur maður af aðalsættum. Hann á að erfa frænda sinn, greifann af Weldsham, en atburðarás sem enginn hefði getað séð fyrir gerir það að verkum að greifinn hótar að gera hann svo gott sem arflausan. Ekkjan frú Dartrell virðist vera mjög auðug, en um hana ganga ýmsir orðrómar sem ekki er auðvelt að staðfesta. Hún hefur augastað á Reginald, en er hún öll þar sem hún er séð?Guy Newell Boothby fæddist árið 1867 í Adelaide í Ástralíu. Hann var sonur ástralsks stjórnmálamanns og ferðaðist um Ástralíu þvera og endilanga sem ungur maður, en flutti til Englands eftir að hann gifti sig og gerðist rithöfundur. Einn af lærifeðrum hans í ritlistinni var enginn annar en hinn víðfrægi breski rithöfundur Rudyard Kipling. Eftir Boothby liggur mikill fjöldi spennusagna, sem gerast nær allar í Ástralíu. Guy Boothby lést skyndilega úr lungnabólgu árið 1905 og skildi eftir sig konu, þrjú börn og yfir 50 skáldsögur.

  • af Keris Stainton
    102,99 kr.

    When Piper James unexpectedly gets a message from her insanely hot teenage crush Rob Kingsford, inviting her to their school reunion, her heart flips. She hasn’t seen Rob in eight years – and he’s always been the one that got away.Older (but not wiser), fatter (but much happier), and still definitely crushing on Rob, Piper’s about to come face-to-face with the very best of old friends and the very worst of old frenemies. Add in enough G&Ts and a few too many Cosmos, and there are all the ingredients for a real night to remember...Could it be second-time lucky for Piper and Rob, or will she have her heartbroken all over again?A hilarious and uplifting story about facing your fears and being true to who you are – perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Sophie Kinsella and Sophie Ranald.Read what everyone is saying about The One That Got Away:‘Oh my gosh it was brilliant! I laughed, I got choked up, my emotions were all over the place and by the end, I was uplifted into believing I could do anything... I loved everything about this book.’ Katie’s Book Cave, 5 stars‘I adored the story from start to finish! Rob was completely and utterly gorgeous and I literally swooned every time he appeared on the page... Had me laughing one minute and then crying the next!... Had me hooked... A fantastic and uplifting read which I would heartily recommend!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars‘I am now completely head over heels in love with this book and the characters. I think Piper may be my new favourite character ever (sorry Hermione Granger)... Funny, heart-warming, emotional all at once... Just perfect!’ Vicki in Neverland, 5 stars.Over 24,000 copies soldKeris lives in Lancashire with her husband and two sons. She’s written a bunch of books for young adults and children and is obsessed with Twitter and tea.

  • af Keris Stainton
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I absolutely loved this book! I was laughing out loud at certain scenes and when I tried to go to bed I ended up giggling myself into a fit thinking about them. Absolutely amazing... A delightful, HILARIOUS book.’ Goodreads Reviewer, 5 starsCat’s life has hit a brick wall. Since her ex ditched her without ceremony five years ago she’s quit stand-up comedy, landed in a steady but dull job, and lives in a tiny flat with roommates she knows only as The One Who Eats All My Food and The One Who Has Really Loud Sex.So when she bumps into old friend Harvey and sparks fly, Cat is surprised – and horrified, because Harvey is her ex’s brother, and so absolutely, 100% off-limits romantically. Even if his dimples do make her insides fizz...When she’s offered a new job abroad, Cat is tempted to accept – and leave her depressing flat and mess of a love life behind her. But will running away from her problems really solve them?A hilarious rom com about falling in love, falling out of love, and finding out who you really are. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Marian Keyes and Mhairi McFarlane will love Keris Stainton!Read what everyone is saying about The One Who's Not the One:‘A fabulous feel-good read... This book had me in tears, both happy and sad ones in equal doses! It had me hooked from the first page and it certainly had me laughing out loud unashamedly!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘I absolutely adored this book from start to finish. All the characters were so lovable and the story was lovely and totally laugh-out-loud funny... I love funny and heartwarming love stories so this ticked all my boxes.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘I couldn’t put it down. It’s funny, engaging and thoroughly relatable. I really enjoyed it. It’s got some genuinely laugh-out-loud moments while being full of real heart as well. Loved it!’ Bibliophile Book Club.Over 34,000 copies soldKeris lives in Lancashire with her husband and two sons. She’s written a bunch of books for young adults and children, and is obsessed with Twitter, tea, and 1D.

  • af Thomas Hardy
    148,99 kr.

    Nel momento in cui si conoscono, Gabriel Oak e Bathsheba Everdene sono due persone antitetiche: fattore benestante, dai modi un po’ frugali, il primo; bellissima e nullatenente, ospite di una zia, la seconda. Nonostante l’invidiabile posizione sociale del signor Oak, Bathsheba rifiuta la sua appassionata corte. Dopo una terribile tempesta, tuttavia, i ruoli si invertono: Bathsheba ha ora ereditato la florida azienda agricola dello zio, mentre Gabriel, caduto in miseria, è costretto a farsi assumere proprio da lei come pastore. Per lungo tempo, ancora, Gabriel dovrà contendersi con altri uomini l’amore di Bathsheba, in particolare col vicino di casa William Boldwood e col sergente Francis Troy. Posto dal prestigioso "The Guardian" al decimo posto fra le storie d’amore più belle mai raccontate, "Via dalla pazza folla" è un romanzo struggente, in cui la sorte dà o toglie senza pietà, e in cui la spinta vitale data dall’amore sembra essere l’unica via di scampo...Quella di Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) è stata senz’altro un’esistenza consacrata alla letteratura. Pochi eventi, infatti, concorrono ad arricchire la sua ben scarna biografia: nato a Higher Bockhampton, nel Dorset, studia architettura e si trasferisce a Londra, dove esercita per breve tempo la professione. Nel 1874 sposa Emma Lavinia Gifford, con cui vivrà in una quieta casa di campagna fino al 1912, quando, rimasto vedovo, sposerà Florence Emily Dugdale. Nel corso dei lunghi anni trascorsi al cottage di Max Gate, scrive innumerevoli opere, fra romanzi e poesie. Al momento della sua morte, nel 1928, Thomas Hardy è considerato un pilastro della narrativa vittoriana, avendo prodotto alcuni capolavori indiscussi come "Tess dei D’Urbervilles", "Estremi rimedi" e "Jude l’oscuro".

  • af Donna Ashcroft
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Lovely and heart-warming!... I was hooked on this book from the very first page...Grab it now and settle down to enjoy the loveliness that this book gives!... Wonderful!!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 starsThe Sunshine Hideaway, with its big bay windows, fresh-baked scones, and stunning view of Sunflower Island’s golden beaches, is the only place Madison Skylar has ever truly thought of as home. But returning to the guesthouse might not be as easy as she first thought...Twenty-three-year-old Madison has been running away from the pain in her past, travelling all over the world trying to find happiness, yet her heart leads her back to her childhood home. When she arrives at The Sunshine Hideaway, she discovers the beautiful old building on the tiny island falling into disrepair. So Madison throws herself into transforming it into a stunning wellness retreat. Will this be enough to save the guesthouse, before it’s too late?Handsome and mysterious Connor has lived on Sunflower Island his whole life. He works hard as a builder, with his faithful dog Jaws by his side, but something is missing and he dreams of bigger things. As Connor helps to revamp the guesthouse, he wonders if this could be his opportunity to tell the woman he’s secretly been in love with for years how he really feels...As Madison embraces life on the close-knit island, sharing wine with old friends and ice-cream with quirky new neighbours, she also finds herself being drawn to shy Connor. Despite their clashes on how to paint the rooms and get ready for the grand re-opening, a heat is building between them.But can opposites attract and find true love this summer? Or will their different personalities bring them heartache... and risk the future of the little guesthouse?An utterly perfect, feel-good romance about the power of friendship, the meaning of home and the joy of falling in love in the sunshine. Perfect for fans of Carole Matthews, Milly Johnson and Debbie Macomber.Why readers are falling in love with The Little Guesthouse of New Beginnings:‘Oozed charm and warmth and I loved everything about it.... a feel-good read that will leave you feeling all warm and snug inside... fabulous... will have you forgetting all sense of time. Loved it!’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘An utter joy to read from start to finish, it just gave you that warm, feel-good feeling inside... Charming, warm and wonderful.’ Shaz’s Book Blog‘Filled to the brim with heart and soul that left me grinning from ear to ear. I devoured the entire book in one sitting as the story invited me in with it's warmth... I found that I just couldn't put it down...heart-warming and uplifting... an all round perfect pick me up of a read that I couldn't put down.’ Stacy is ReadingSeries sales over 45,000 copies to-date. Previous title rated 5*Donna spent a couple of decades writing bad horror stories and worse poetry until she gave up and accidently fell into publishing. After many years of working on other people’s books, she began to write her own romantic comedies and hasn’t looked back. When Donna isn’t lost in her latest love affair, she works for a website where she indulges her other passion – buying moisturiser. Donna lives in Hertfordshire with her own romantic hero, two gorgeous teenagers and a couple of cantankerous cats.

  • af Sharon Maas
    129,99 kr.

    As the white daughter of a sugar plantation owner, Winnie Cox had everything: money, privilege, comfort. But in British Guyana in 1912, Winnie chose love over luxury.Winnie married George Quint, the love of her life - a poor black postman from the slums.While she lived in poverty with her husband, Winnie's sister Johanna ran the plantation and harboured deep resentment towards Winnie, always her mother’s favourite daughter.When Winnie's son becomes ill and she travels to find a cure, Johanna falls for George. But he is only interested in Winnie and Johanna's resentment turns to burning hatred and a determination to exact devastating revenge.'The Sugar Planter's Daughter' is a gripping and moving story of secrets, lies, love and betrayal that will appeal to fans of Dinah Jefferies and Kate Furnivall.What readers are saying about 'The Sugar Planter's Daughter':'The writing is stunningly evocative and sensual ...I just felt immersed in the story and setting from the start.' The Book Trail'A page-turning story, full of humanity, crossing cultures and continents, reminiscent of Andrea Levy.’ Katie Fforde‘Rich in detail and emotion and has the most beautiful and real description of loss I have ever read.’ Shaz’s Book BlogSharon Maas has sold almost 300,000 books since she started publishing with Bookouture.Sharon Maas was born into a prominent political family in Georgetown, Guyana, in 1951. She was educated in England, Guyana, and, later, Germany. After leaving school, she worked as a trainee reporter with the Guyana Graphic in Georgetown and later wrote feature articles for the Sunday Chronicle as a staff journalist. Sharon has always had a great sense of adventure and curiosity about the world we live in, and Guyana could not hold her for long. In 1971 she set off on a year-long backpacking trip around South America, followed by an overland trek to South India, where she spent two years in an ashram. She is the author of The Violin Maker’s Daughter, The Soldier’s Girl, Her Darkest Hour and many other novels.

  • af Edward Prime-Stevenson
    42,99 kr.

    It’s Budapest, early 20th century. Oswold is spending the summer at a language school, whilst Imre, a Hungarian calvary officer, is on leave. In the hustle and bustle of a café nestled deep in the city, the two men meet. As their companionship grows in the most unlikely of circumstances, their story is about to carve its own ending...At a time when society was less than kind to the gay community, Edward Prime-Stevenson’s psychological romance weaves a beautifully unexpected tale. Written under the pseudonym of Xavier Mayne, ‘Imre’ marks a turning point in LGBTQ+ literature. The openly gay love story is perfect for fans of ‘Call Me by Your Name’ with of Timothée Chalamet.Edward Prime-Stevenson, pseudonym of Xavier Mayne (1858-1942), was an American writer, journalist and author. Celebrated today as having written the first openly gay novel with a happy ending, his work spans early YA novels such as ‘The White Cockades: An Incident in the "Forty-five"' and ‘Left to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and Gerald.’ In 1908, Prime-Stevenson published the nonfiction book ‘The Intersexes’; a comprehensive analysis and defence of homosexuality to date. Today, he is remembered as having marked a turning point in English literature and remains an outstanding observer of the early 20th century LGBT scene.

  • af Sylvia Colley
    102,99 kr.

    Luigi went out one morning and never came back. Without him, Anna feels worthless, losing all sense of all she is. Only the fear of the darkness closing in drives her to attempt some kind of normality. But Gigi's unseen presence is powerful and inhibits Anna from making a new life. Even her attraction to musician Greg feels like a betrayal.An encounter with a friend leads to a new teaching job, offering a chance to find herself. But the school is driven by fear and unsuspecting Anna is exploited by the manipulative headmaster and at the same time cruelly undermined by a jealous colleague. Now the fragile new life she's building threatens to collapse. It is a chance meeting with a stranger who helps her to see that there are lights on dark water.Perfect for fans of fans of Alice Munro, Lorrie Moore, and Irish Murdoch.

  • af Anna Nicoletto
    111,99 kr.

    Melissa e Stefano sono due persone apparentemente agli antipodi. Lei, dopo aver rinunciato alla carriera per concentrarsi su una relazione che è poi naufragata, si ritrova adesso sola, disoccupata e con un fisiologico bisogno di riscatto. Lui, al contrario, è il ricco ereditiere di una famiglia che tiene le redini di un’importantissima azienda domotica di peso internazionale. Affascinante, dotato di una naturale brillantezza, Stefano è - contrariamente a Melissa - perfettamente soddisfatto di dove si trova e di che cosa fa nella vita. Per una fortuita serie di coincidenze, le loro strade si incroceranno, imponendo a Melissa l’onere di una decisione: se accetterà il lavoro che ha sempre sognato e che proprio Stefano le può dare, dovrà anche confrontarsi col carisma del nuovo capo, evitando di innamorarsi un’altra volta per riuscire finalmente e mettere al primo posto le proprie ambizioni. Ma l’amore, come ogni altra fiaba, cela sempre insidie e imprevisti...Anna Nicoletto (1986) vive a Padova insieme al marito e ai due figli. Dopo aver esordito con successo auto pubblicando i suoi scritti su Amazon, ha successivamente riscosso molti consensi anche con le edizioni cartacee curate da Piemme. Grande amante della pizza e delle serie TV, è autrice di vari romanzi – a cavallo fra narrativa rosa e umoristica – fra cui "Gli effetti collaterali delle fiabe", "Gli effetti collaterali dell’amore", "Amici" e "Fino a Marte e ritorno".

  • af Rainer M. Schröder
    103,99 kr.

    Patrick wusste, dass es die Hölle wird – der Trip in die kanadische Wildnis mit dem Lover seiner Mutter und dessen Tochter Olivia. Doch wie nah er Himmel oder Hölle tatsächlich kommen würde, konnte der Siebzehnjährige nicht ahnen. Nachdem das Flugzeug abgestürzt, der Pilot tot und die Mutter verletzt ist, bleibt Patrick nichts anderes übrig, als sich mit der verhassten Olivia zu Fuß durch die Wildnis zu schlagen, um Hilfe zu holen. Doch der Weg in die Zivilisation ist weiter und das Wetter katastrophaler als gedacht. Wie gut, dass sie kurz vor dem Aufgeben auf Jack treffen, der mit dem Kanu auf den Stromschnellen des Wolf Moon Rivers gekentert ist. Doch warum hat der gehetzt wirkende Typ eine Schusswunde? Warum spricht er im Schlaf von einer Leiche? Und wird er wirklich verfolgt? Als Patrick merkt, dass sie auf einen Mörder gesetzt haben, ist es so gut wie zu spät ...Rainer M. Schröder, 1951 in Rostock geboren, ist einer der profiliertesten deutschsprachigen Jugendbuchautoren. Mit seinen bis ins kleinste Detail exakt recherchierten und spannend erzählten historischen Jugendromanen begeistert er seit vielen Jahren seine Leserschaft. Nachdem er viele Jahre ein wahres Nomadenleben mit zahlreichen Abenteuerreisen in alle Erdteile führte, lebt er heute mit seiner Frau an der Atlantikküste von Florida.

  • af Louis Couperus
    73,99 kr.

    Op een regenachtige nacht in de indische bergen begaan een jonge man en vrouw een misdaad. De inmiddels oude individuen leven een schijnbaar rustig leven in Den Haag. Het wordt echter beheerst door de wroeging van hun oude wandaad die, hoewel lang geleden, toch onontkoombaar blijkt. Hun kleinkinderen zijn van plan om met elkaar te trouwen, maar is het huwelijk wel mogelijk in een familie met de last van het grote geheim van de twee oude mensen?Louis Couperus (1863-1923) is een van de belangrijkste auteurs uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis die voornamelijk bekend werd door zijn psychologische romans ‘Eline Vere’ (1889), ‘Noodlot’ (1890) en ‘De stille kracht’ (1900). In zijn romans, die tot op de dag van vandaag nog populair zijn en worden geprezen, schetst Couperus een realistisch beeld van wat er speelde in de Nederlandse samenleving aan het eind van de negentiende eeuw.Zo werd ‘De stille kracht’ verwerkt tot een televisieserie in 1974, die door miljoenen mensen werd bekeken. In 2015 maakte Ivo van Hove ook een interactieve theatervoorstelling van deze klassieker. Een ander werk, ‘Noodlot’, werd getransformeerd tot televisieserie met niemand minder dan Jeroen Krabbé, Walter van der Kamp, Lex van Delden en Linda van Dyck in de hoofdrollen.

  • af J. van Oudshoorn
    58,99 kr.

    'Pinksteren' is een autobiografische novelle waarin de twijfels, de schaamte, maar ook zeker het verlangen beschreven worden door van Oudshoorn over een stel wat voor het eerst met elkaar naar bed gaat. Na een tegenvallende ervaring, besluit de jongen zijn geluk te zoeken in een bordeel.Kenmerkend voor de tijd waarin het met veel kuisheid geschreven boek is gepubliceerd, is de lange lijdensweg die 'Pinksteren' langs de uitgevers ging voordat het uiteindelijk overwegend meer per ongeluk dan bewust werd uitgegeven.Jan Koos Feylbrief (1876-1951) was begin 20e eeuw voor lange tijd de kanselier van de Nederlandse ambassade in Berlijn. Onder het pseudoniem J. van Oudshoorn heeft hij verhalen en romans geschreven die zijn doortrokken van een abnormale omgevingsangst, waarin de dood groots figureerde en de zin van het leven slechts een kleine rol werd toebedeeld. Van Oudhoorn's seksuele frustraties en zijn sombere kijk op het leven komen naar voren in verschillende romans, zoals zijn bekende werken 'Willem Mertens' levensspiegel' en 'Tobias en de dood'. Hoewel J. van Oudshoorn slechts een bescheiden oeuvre heeft geschreven, heeft hij voor zijn werk veel waardering gekregen van verschillende schrijvers als F. Bordewijk, Frans Coenen en M. Nijhoff.

  • af Giovanni Verga
    40,99 kr.

    Pietro Brusio è un giovane studente che coltiva qualche velleità letteraria. Un giorno, mentre passeggia al parco, incappa nella moglie di un conte, Narcisa Valderi, e se ne innamora follemente. Narcisa, dapprima poco incline ad assecondarlo, inizia finalmente ad interessarsi a Pietro solo quando lui ottiene il successo con un dramma. L’amore di Narcisa si fa però opprimente, producendo in Pietro il desiderio di allontanarsene. "Una peccatrice" descrive l’amore nelle sue più varie sfaccettature, dal limpido piacere per ciò che si desidera, fino alla noia per qualcosa che ormai si ha già. Fra i due poli opposti dell’infatuazione e dell’amarezza, Verga dipinge i contorni di una vicenda estremamente vivida, che, fin troppo umanamente, trova alla fine un suo tragico epilogo.Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) nasce a Catania in un’antica famiglia di origine aragonese. Arruolatosi nella Guardia Nazionale di Garibaldi (1860), si dedica in parallelo alle prime produzioni letterarie, dando vita alla rivista "Roma degli Italiani". Vivrà a lungo fra Firenze, Milano e Roma – entrando così in contatto col coevo mondo letterario – per poi ristabilirsi definitivamente a Catania (1893). Verga è considerato il massimo esponente del Verismo e, con capolavori assoluti quali "I Malavoglia" e "Mastro-don Gesualdo", ha conosciuto grandissima fama, ottenendo nel 1920 anche la nomina a Senatore del Regno d’Italia.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    Demelza is caught up in the middle of chaos when her brother rents their family home to Valient, Earl of Trevarnon and his friends during the Royal Ascot races. Infamous playboy Trevarnon wins over Demelza, despite him being married. As she explores the secret chambers and underground passages in the manor, Demelza finds herself falling for Trevarnon but knowing he can never be hers. The drama unfolds when she spoils a plot against Trevarnon – could this be enough to win him over for good?In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    After the death of her parents, young Andrina Maldon has selflessly carried the responsibility of running a household impoverished by her father’s profligacy and also for the future happiness of her two sisters. Despite their striking looks, there is no hope of her sisters finding a suitable suitor without someone to introduce them into high society. So Andrina travels unchaperoned to London to seek the assistance of the Duke of Broxbourne, her father’s friend and the Godfather she has never met.On the journey, Andrina has an unpleasant encounter with a gentleman at a Posting inn and on arrival at Broxbourne House she is appalled to find that this man is none other than the Duke of Broxbourne himself.At first unwilling to help her, the Duke grudgingly agrees to her requests and although outwardly grateful, Andrina despises this arrogant and insensitive man. Forced to work together to secure the future of her sisters, Andrina gradually starts to see another side of the Duke and unexpected feelings begin to rise on both sides...A classic, swoon-worthy rags to riches tale, perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Jenny Hambly.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Christina Rossetti
    77,99 kr.

    Discover the English writer of romantic poems, Christina Rossetti's extensive collection with this comprehensive anthology. Spanning ‘The Prince’s Progress’, following the story of a princess awaiting the return of her prince and ‘The Goblin Market’, the tale of Laura and Lizzie tempted with fruit by goblin merchants, Rossetti's delicate and swift prose is crafted to charm adults and children alike. Dealing with themes of female sexuality, patience and religion, Rossetti's ‘Poems’ are the perfect companion for fans of the Radio 4 podcast ‘In our Time’.Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) was an English writer of romantic, religious and children’s poems. Celebrated today as an inspiration for Virginia Woolf’s writings, Rossetti's work spans themes of female sexuality with ‘The Goblin Market’ and issues of self-indulgence, devotion and patience with ‘The Prince’s Progress’. She volunteered at St Mary Magdalene house of charity in Highgate, a refuge for ex-prostitutes, and openly opposed slavery in the United States during the years of the American Civil War. Rossetti remains a prominent female poet, associated with Elizabeth Barret Browning as her predecessor.