Romantisk spænding

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  • af Giovanni Verga
    40,99 kr.

    Eva è forse uno dei più straordinari personaggi femminili mai creati da Verga. Una ballerina che si muove nel mondo delle arti e dei sentimenti con estrema lucidità. Eva, a differenza del pittore Enrico Lanti, che la ama spassionatamente, è ben consapevole di quanto il proprio fascino si regga su un sottile gioco illusorio e, proprio per questo, sa servirsene con astuzia. Cedendo alla corte di Enrico, Eva gli si offre in tutta la propria ordinarietà, ricordando ad entrambi quanto l’amore, spogliato delle sue irrazionali aspettative, possa tornare ad essere dolorosamente concreto. Eva saprà fare un passo indietro, ma Enrico, consumato dal dolore, sarà costretto a convivere con i suoi ricordi...Giovanni Verga (1840-1922) nasce a Catania in un’antica famiglia di origine aragonese. Arruolatosi nella Guardia Nazionale di Garibaldi (1860), si dedica in parallelo alle prime produzioni letterarie, dando vita alla rivista "Roma degli Italiani". Vivrà a lungo fra Firenze, Milano e Roma – entrando così in contatto col coevo mondo letterario – per poi ristabilirsi definitivamente a Catania (1893). Verga è considerato il massimo esponente del Verismo e, con capolavori assoluti quali "I Malavoglia" e "Mastro-don Gesualdo", ha conosciuto grandissima fama, ottenendo nel 1920 anche la nomina a Senatore del Regno d’Italia.

  • af Sue Watson
    102,99 kr.

    Heart-warming and hilarious, a story that will make you laugh, cry and bring a smile to your face.  Get ready for another deliciously amazing Christmas treat from Sue Watson...As the Prosecco chills and Bing Crosby croons, Jen Barker just knows that her long-term boyfriend is about to propose.  But instead of a diamond ring nestled in her champagne flute, Jen finds cold flat rejection.  Her once perfect life and dreams of a husband and family seem even further from reach. A working holiday to the Swiss Alps with her younger sister Jody might not be the Christmas Jen had it mind, but it offers her the chance to recharge her batteries and recover from heartbreak.When Jen meets handsome ski instructor Jon Zutter, her hopes for a happy-ever-after seem within her grasp again. Jon is kind and gorgeous and as they bond over Sachetorte at the picturesque Cake Café, Jen thinks he might just be her perfect man. But a relationship with him comes with a catch – and there are some things even cake can’t fix.As the snow falls and Christmas approaches, could this be the place that restores Jen Barker’s faith in love?What people are saying about The Christmas Cake Café:‘Hands down this is one of the best Christmas novels I have ever read! The story is literally crammed full of all things festive. It made me laugh, smile, cry and eat cake! Yet another fabulous novel by a very wonderful and talented author.’ By the Letter Book Reviews‘Yet another of Sue’s books which I absolutely adored. It had me choking on my hot chocolate on more than one occasion with laughter. It also had me reaching for the tissues all-round feel good cosy heartwarming book which I was sad to see come to an end.’ The Reading Shed‘What a deliciously delightful Christmas book that will make you laugh and cry with happiness...a light-hearted wintery story, that won't fail to lift your spirits.’ Rachel’s Random Reads‘Sue's books make me laugh, they make me choke with emotion...Sue Watson is a writer who amazes me with her depth, the way she invites us readers to take a look at our own lives through her engaging stories, her wholesome, believable, lovable characters. I just loved this book like I have loved every one of her books so far. Each word is a treat - this book is a gem. Funny, heart warming and oozing Christmas spirit and cheer. Loved it! Highly recommended!’ Renita D’SilvaOver 26,000 copies soldSue Watson was a journalist on women’s magazines and national newspapers before leaving it all behind for a career in TV. As a producer with the BBC she worked on garden makeovers, kitchen takeovers and daytime sofas – all the time making copious notes so that one day she might escape to the country and turn it all into a book. After much deliberation and copious consumption of cake, Sue eventually left her life in TV to write. After a very successful debut novel, Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes Sue signed a deal with Bookouture.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Riina on työssään neuvolan terveydenhoitajana tottunut seuraamaan raskauksia ja onnellisia pariskuntia. Tai onnellisia ja onnellisia – mukaan mahtuu myös tupakkaa polttavia teiniäitejä ja pareja, joiden lapsi on vastentahtoinen vahinko. Riina itse viettää edelleen sinkkuelämää, vaikka hän mielellään vakiintuisi. Kun Riina lähtee jälleen kerran deiteille netissä tapaamansa miehen kanssa, odotukset ovat korkealla. Mutta mies ei ole mitä Riina odotti – ja pian Riina joutuu pelkäämään henkensä edestä. Onneksi Riinan elämään on luvassa myös rakkautta. Turva ahdistavassa elämäntilanteessa löytyy suunnasta, jota Riina ei totisesti osannut odottaa...Miehen ryöstäjä on jännittävä rakkaustarina Sara Stormilta. Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Agnieszka Malinowska
    40,99 kr.

    Ona pisze o morderstwach, on je popełnia.Czym jest moralne morderstwo? Zuzanna całe studia poświęciła pracy naukowej nad etyką zabijania. Teraz, kiedy została autorką kryminałów, próbuje udowodnić swoje tezy o moralnym zabójcy. Nagle w jej życiu pojawia się mężczyzna, który ma wobec niej niebezpieczne zamiary: otrzymał zlecenie, by za wszelką cenę doprowadzić kobietę do swojego szefa. Czy Robert okaże się jednym z tych zabójców, o których nieustannie rozmyśla Zuzanna? Dlaczego zabija? Czy będzie potrafił przestać, kiedy w tej precyzyjnie zaplanowanej rozgrywce pojawi się miłość?Agnieszka Malinowska - pochodzi z Pasłęka, studiowała filologię polską w Elblągu, a na co dzień mieszka w Trójmieście Od zawsze uwielbiała pisać, a do wydania powieści zmotywowała ją pandemia.

  • af Sébastien Theveny
    111,99 kr.

    Une romance à s’en brûler les ailes !Shaun LeBel :Il est pompier professionnel. 1m90 de belle musculature à la peau d’ébène. Arrogant et sûr de son charme. Célibataire endurci et convaincu. Un cœur de pierre brisé par un traumatisme impossible à oublier.Melissa Vaughan :Elle est journaliste junior. 1m50 de peau blanche irlandaise. Maman solo d’un petit garçon de quatre ans. Habitée par un doute permanent. Un cœur meurtri par un passé trop lourd à évacuer.Eux :Ils n’ont rien en commun. Tout semble devoir les éloigner. Pourtant, ils vont devoir se côtoyer lorsque le patron de Melissa lui confie un reportage en immersion à la caserne du Philadelphia Fire Department… Étincelles garanties !Mais, c'est sans compter sur la menace qui pèse sur eux ! Cette ombre qui traque Melissa et son fils au cœur des rues enneigées de Philly…Pour eux tous, il est grand temps de dégivrer les cœurs !Sébastien Théveny est un auteur français, qui a publié son premier roman « Trouble Je » en 2016. Il a connu un franc succès avec son deuxième roman, « Un Frère de Trop », devenu le livre autoédité le plus lu de 2018. Publiant en majorité des romans policiers, Théveny est aussi reconnu par le public pour ses romances ainsi que ses romans feel good.

  • af Silvia Maria de Jong
    88,99 kr.

    Wenn die dunkelste Stunde naht, musst du loslassen, was du liebst, um es nicht zu verlieren.Er hätte sich von Liv fernhalten sollen. Er hätte, wie ursprünglich geplant, ohne jeden weiteren Abschied nach Italien zurückreisen sollen. Möglicherweise wäre die große Katastrophe dann ausgeblieben.Aber nun ist Romeo zurück und fest entschlossen, Liv zu ihrem eigenen Schutz in die Kunst des Tötens einzuweisen, bevor er endgültig geht.Doch die Schatten sind bereits näher als er ahnen kann und der Feind ein anderer als vermutet. Romeo weiß, er muss zurück nach Sizilien und sich seiner Vergangenheit stellen, wenn er Liv vor dem sicheren Tod bewahren will.Doch zuvor muss er die Frau, die ihm das Leben gerettet hat und in deren starkes und mutiges Herz er sich allmählich zu verlieren beginnt, in Sicherheit bringen.Silvia Maria de Jong wurde 1971 in Westfalen geboren. Das Schreiben ist seit frühester Kindheit ihre Passion. Begonnen mit kleinen Geschichten und Gedichten hat sie bis heute mehrere Romane vollendet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren Kindern in Niedersachsen.

  • af Lizzie F
    133,99 kr.

    Fraîchement diplômée, Louisa est une jeune femme promise à un grand avenir. Petit génie de l’informatique, elle est élevée dans un monde d’hommes, entre un père aimant qui est aussi son meilleur ami et un oncle surprotecteur à la tête des Bloody Tigers, l’un des plus dangereux gangs de bikers du pays. Mais elle ne sait pas quel chemin prendre...Un soir d’été, ce destin de rêve bascule et prend un tournant inattendu. Sa soif de vengeance et une quête de justice la mènent à Bakersfied, où elle sollicite l’aide de sa « famille ». Elle espérait y trouver des réponses, elle va finalement découvrir son histoire. Mais la vie regorge aussi de surprises... Elle croise le chemin de Scott, l’un des lieutenants de son oncle, qui a interdiction de l’approcher. Seulement entre eux, l’attirance est instantanée, irrépressible.Quand Louisa est enlevée, toutes leurs certitudes s’effondrent et un contre-la-montre s’engage pour la sauver.L’amour sera-t-il plus fort que la vengeance ?Si vous aimez les héroïnes badass, les bikers rebelles mais attachants, les histoires d’amour torrides et les superhéros du quotidien qui flirtent dans l’ombre avec la loi pour que la justice triomphe, ce roman est fait pour vous !Maman de 2 petits garçons, Lizzie F, allie sa vie professionnelle en tant que secrétaire de direction, et sa passion de l’écriture. Depuis ses 16 ans, elle dévorait les romans à une vitesse folle en imaginant toujours les suites de ses histoires favorites.C’est à l’âge de 25 ans qu’elle décide d’écrire sa première duologie « A toute épreuve » qui paraîtra en 2020 en Autoédition. C’est en 2021, que sa saga The Bloody Tigers verra le jour avec son premier tome Legacy, des Bikers au grand cœur, une fille badass qui ne se laisse pas marcher dessus, tel est le mot d’ordre pour ce premier tome qui sera suivi de beaucoup d’autres.

  • af Guido da Verona
    96,99 kr.

    Ne 'La canzone di sempre e di mai', romanzo del 1931, troviamo tutti quei temi che hanno reso Guido da Verona lo scrittore di maggior successo commerciale degli anni Venti, nonché capostipite del romanzo d'appendice e della letteratura erotica italiana: l'amore nelle sue molteplici sfaccettature come gioco di chiaroscuri tra le emozioni umane; il fascino proibito eppure essenziale delle fantasie intime ed erotiche; l'importanza del diritto umano alla libertà di pensiero. Guido da Verona ci porta indietro nel tempo e con uno stile leggero e privo di manierismi, da arguto scrittore alla moda, non solo svela le fantasie snob e vagamente erotiche della borghesia della sua epoca, ma riesce a guidarci con trasporto e coinvolgimento all'interno dei labirinti sentimentali degli esseri umani.Guido da Verona, pseudonimo di Guido Verona (1881 – 1939), è stato un poeta e scrittore italiano. Fervente ammiratore di Gabriele D'Annunzio, fu capostipite del romanzo d'appendice e della letteratura erotica, genere grazie a cui diventò lo scrittore di maggior successo commerciale negli anni Venti del Novecento. Firmatario del 'Manifesto degli intellettuali fascisti' nel 1925, nel 1929 pubblicò una parodia dei 'Promessi Sposi' in cui criticava Alessandro Manzoni per essere troppo paternalista, ragione per la quale tolse dal romanzo tutti gli elementi da lui considerati manieristici e futili per sostituirli con passaggi erotici e satirici.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    102,99 kr.

    The dashing Duke of Selchester is on his way to visit Lord Upminster at Copple Hall when a stagecoach crashes into his own travelling carriage, buckling its wheel.Worse still, his beloved pedigree stallion, Salamanca, needs re-shoeing.Arriving on foot at the nearest village, he finds a beautiful Verena Winchcombe, who agrees to take him to the local blacksmith.It transpires that she has been awaiting the arrival of someone she calls 'the Odious Duke', who is due at Copple Hall. With horror, the Duke realises that she is talking about him so he introduces himself by his rank as Major Theron Royd instead of his noble title.Verena confides in the Duke about strange goings-on at an old, perhaps haunted, Priory and he agrees to investigate with her. During the visit, he is bludgeoned unconscious by a mysterious assailant.Awaking at Verena's home, he realises that there is much more to this feisty but beautiful young woman than meets the eye as she helps nurse him back to health after serious wounds to his head.Unaware of her the stranger's true identity, Verena begins to fall for the Duke and the two find themselves embroiled in a perilous adventure with murdered bullion thieves.An action-packed adventure story, with a classic regency romance at the heart, a tale perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa Kleypas.British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    Imperious, handsome and gallant in battle, the Duke of Kingswood has stolen the hearts of many society belles but he is determined never to marry. To continue the family line, he is counting on his cousin and heir presumptive, Richard, to marry well and produce a son.To the Duke’s horror, Richard falls for society siren and acclaimed beauty Lady Delyth Maulden and disaster turns to tragedy when Richard finds his beloved in the arms of another, shoots him and turns his gun on himself.With Richard at death’s door, the Duke is determined that he shall find a more suitable young beauty to mend his broken heart and thwart Lady Delyth’s scheming ways. Enter the beautiful, grey-eyed waif, Benedicta Calvine. When the Duke helps her ailing father as he rides through his estate, the two's lives become entwined.Could this modest, unassuming beauty be the ideal bride the Duke seeks for Richard or will his own feelings begin to get in the way...?A light-hearted, swoony-worthy regency romance, perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa KleypasBritish author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    With her flaming red hair and emerald green eyes, Xenia's unusual beauty makes her unique in any crowd. That is until she unexpectedly meets her long-lost cousin, Johanna, amidst the wreckage of a railway accident.Incredulous at finding her mirror image and desperate for a friend, Johanna begs Xenia to swap lives for two weeks. She wishes to spend two weeks with the Englishman she loves before her arranged royal marriage and her cousin can't help but agree.Surrounded by servants and diplomats, Xenia does her best to assume her cousin's Royal role and prays that her true identity will not be discovered as she travels to Luthenia. There, Xenia is instantly plunged into a world of political intrigue and drama a million miles away from the quiet life she previously enjoyed in the English countryside. And then there's King István of Luthenia, Johanna's betrothed, a handsome European prince...As the Luthenian Court prepares for a grand State wedding which promises to quell rumours of revolution and cement political allegiances, the two cousins find themselves in a precarious situation. How will they return to their old lives, and what if they don't want to...?Immensely entertaining, fast-packed historical adventure, with a classic, swoon-worthy regency romance at the heart. Perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Georgette Heyer and Lisa Kleypas.British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Linda Da Silva
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Trois femmes. Trois époques. Trois destins.1890 — Je me prénomme Suzanne, vingt printemps tout juste, employée comme femme de chambre dans l'une des plus belles demeures de Ville-d'Avray pour le compte de la famille Delattre. Ma passion est la danse classique et mon rêve, devenir une grande danseuse. Aucune ombre ne devait assombrir mon destin, et pourtant... 1980 — Je suis Lise, la quarantaine, infirmière libérale, j'élève, avec l'aide de ma mère, mon fils Patrick. Je prends mon métier très à cœur. La vie ne m'a pas épargnée, je me suis faite à cette idée... 2020 — Je m'appelle Agnès, la trentaine, j'évolue dans le monde de la mode en tant que styliste. J'ai enfin trouvé l'amour, le VRAI, auprès de Mathieu, mais une apparition a bouleversé mon existence... Liées sans le savoir par ce qu'elles ont de plus cher, elles vont vivre une aventure hors du commun.Linda Da Silva vit en région parisienne avec son mari et ses deux enfants. Inspirée par sa vie et ce qui l’entoure, ses écrits partagent des valeurs d’amour, d’amitié et de bienveillance. Rêveuse, elle a trouvé dans l’écriture un moyen de s’évader et de transmettre des émotions à travers ses récits et n’aspire à présent qu’à divertir et faire rêver ses lecteurs. « Le Souffle du Bonheur » est son quatrième roman. « Tout un suspens ! Une histoire pleine de tendresse au-delà du temps. » - Émilie Riger Collins, Auteure – Prix Femme actuelle 2018

  • af Anna Nicoletto
    111,99 kr.

    Caterina Marte deve lasciare Milano per trasferirsi a Los Angeles, inseguendo un offerta lavorativa molto attraente. Sente di aver raggiunto una certa stabilità, ormai, anche se è ben consapevole di chi rischia di rincontrare negli Stati Uniti: James, il suo ex fidanzato, si trova infatti proprio in California. A poco varranno i tentativi di Caterina di non vederlo, dal momento che il fato sembra volerli spingerli verso un inevitabile incontro. Il tempo, come se non bastasse, non ha favorito Caterina. Anzi. A dispetto di quanto si dice comunemente, questo non ha affatto risanato le vecchie ferite e adesso alla protagonista non resta che fare i conti con il proprio passato.

  • af Katarzyna Wycisk
    65,99 kr.

    Lena i Alek - każde z nich prowadzi życie, które z boku może się wydawać spokojne i bezproblemowe. Chłopak prowadzi popularne studio tatuażu, ma grono wielbicielek i paczkę przyjaciół, z którymi spędza niezapomniane chwile. Lena realizuje swoje pasje, studiuje na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych, mieszka z oddaną przyjaciółką i jej kotem. Jedno i drugie boryka się z problemami, które co jakiś czas brutalnie wkraczają w ich rzeczywistość. Lena cierpi na epilepsję, za Alkiem ciągnie się mroczna przeszłość. Spotkanie dwojga poranionych dusz będzie pełne emocjonalnych eksplozji. Pozycja warta uwagi osób szukających powieści obyczajowych, które podejmują trudne, zdrowotne tematy, jak "Bądź moim marzeniem" Moniki Michalik.Katarzyna Wycisk (ur. 1990) - autorka książek z pogranicza fantasy, science fiction, literatury obyczajowej i romansu. Debiutowała powieścią „Falcon. Na ścieżce kłamstw" - pierwszym tomem trzyczęściowej serii, który zdobył status bestsellera Ridero. Absolwentka kierunku edukacja artystyczna w Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Zawodowej w Raciborzu, poza pisaniem książek zajmuje się również tworzeniem okładek i ilustracji, a także projektowaniem tatuaży. Kocha muzykę, gra na gitarze. Pochodzi ze Śląska, mieszka w Niemczech.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    Yola has the perfect life as a countess– blessed with grace, wealth and intellect. But one day her life is turned upside down when she is promised in marriage to a man she despises. Known for his socialite status, she’s sure he’s only after her prestige and wealth.Yola sets out on a secret mission to see if this suitor will fall for her in disguise, and whether this marriage could be true love.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    This Barbara Cartland take on a Cinderella story is perfect for anyone looking for a bit of romantic suspense.Raised by her aunt and uncle, Alida lives in the shame that her late father cast upon the family. Always seen as inferior, Alida never thought love was going to be in her future. But her life is turned upside down when she must join her cousin on a trip to Russia to meet the young Prince that her cousin shall marry. But what might happen when it is in fact him that Alida can imagine a life with?In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Ellyn Oaksmith
    102,99 kr.

    Lola recognized him straight away. After ten long years of telling herself that maybe she hadn't really loved him—there he was. And straight away she knew she wanted him still.Lola Alvarez loves working in the restaurant of Blue Hills, her family’s winery, looking out over vine-covered slopes down to the crystal-blue waters of the lake. But she is also determined to make her own mark on the business—to show her older sister Carmen that she’s not the same flighty teen she used to be.Her plan to build gorgeous vacation cabins in the mountain meadow above the winery will be the perfect addition to Blue Hills, even if she has to go behind Carmen’s back to make her dream a reality. When Carmen sees how popular they are she’ll have to come round—right?But then Gus Weaver comes back to town. Gus was her first love, the bad boy she used to climb out of windows to see. But he’d broken her heart when he left town suddenly, without so much as a goodbye. After that, she’d never seen him again.Until now. As fate intervenes and they’re forced to work together on Lola’s project, sparks start to fly between them once again. But he’s led her astray before. Can Lola keep her mind on what she truly wants, when her heart—and the way it beats faster every time she looks into Gus’s blue eyes—is telling her something very different?An utterly romantic feel-good read about being true to yourself and becoming the person you were always meant to be, Long Walk Home will make you laugh, make you cry and show you that true love always finds a way. For fans of Robyn Carr, Carolyn Brown and Mary Ellen Taylor.Readers love Ellyn Oaksmith:"I just couldn’t resist... A beautiful summer romance read which I have absolutely adored... Filled with moments to make you laugh out loud... a perfect, light and easy read to devour whilst sat in the sun... I absolutely recommend this book. It is so highly deserving of five stars." Little Miss BookLover 87"I adored it... Made my eyes well up and my heart melt... A wonderful story... Sit back and enjoy this fabulous book. You will not regret it, believe me.’ B for Bookreview"Sizzle and conflict... make it a perfect summer vacation must-read. For the great tension, interesting character dynamics, and the feel-good ending, this book gets a well-deserved five stars." Fiction Flock"Rich in friendship, family, and especially love. Add the many LOL moments... and you get a truly superb feel-good love story. Delightful characters, beautiful settings, wine, wine, wine, and a HEA. What more could you ask for?" The Eclectic ReviewUSA Today bestselling author

  • af Ellyn Oaksmith
    102,99 kr.

    Two old rivals. One dream job. And a summer they’ll never forget.Freya Johanssen needs a fresh start. A recently heartbroken and newly-qualified veterinarian, she will take any job that gets her away from Seattle—for now. Her plan is to spend two years in the small town of Whisper Falls, and then head back to the city and civilisation.And then Trent Crossley shows up, and her carefully laid plans are blown to pieces. He’s the last person she expected—or wanted—ever to see again. This is the guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to women; who breezed through vet school without studying and who betrayed her in a way she’ll never forgive. She thinks he’s an arrogant party boy; he thinks she’s an uptight perfectionist. Now he’s in her clinic, and the fluttering in her stomach must mean she’s still mad at him.It seems they have both been hired for the same job—and now neither is backing down. But as Freya works to outdo Trent at every turn, she starts to see a different side to the man she thought she knew. Falling in love was never part of her plan. And if she wants the new beginning she’s worked so hard for, can she afford to give away her heart?A totally unputdownable feel-good read about finding yourself, and love, in the most unexpected places. Fans of Virgin River, Debbie Macomber, Jill Shalvis and Carolyn Brown will love The Gable House.Readers can’t get enough of Ellyn Oaksmith:"Kept me hooked from start to end, I read it in one sitting... heart-warming." Bookworm 86, 5 stars"I found myself staying up through the night swooning and sniffling in this heart-wrenchingly amazing romance... I was hooked from the very first page." Nurse Bookie, 5 stars"I adored it... Some funny little things that made me smirk and some sad ones that broke my heart AND a scene that made my eyes well up and my heart melt. Great ingredients mixed into a wonderful story." B for Bookreview, 5 stars.USA Today bestselling authorEllyn Oaksmith is the USA Today and Kindle bestselling author of the Blue Hills Series, featuring the Alvarez family. After graduating from Smith College and attaining her MFA from The American Film Institute, Ellyn began her writing career as an award-winning screenwriter in Hollywood. Her books explore the same themes as her screenplays: grit, humor, family and love. Ellyn lives on one of Seattle's many hills with her husband and spends as much time as possible on the water as part of a competitive rowing team.

  • af Jacob van Lennep
    148,99 kr.

    De eerste helft van de 18de eeuw. Na een afwezigheid van twee jaar keert Ferdinand Huyck, oudste zoon van de Amsterdamse schout, terug naar Nederland. Amper heeft hij voet aan wal gezet, of er wordt een poging gedaan hem te doden. Een mysterieuze onbekende redt hem het leven. Het toeval brengt vervolgens Henriëtte Blaek op zijn pad, een bekoorlijke jonge vrouw die helaas al "beloofd" is aan een andere man. Liefde met hindernissen, een haast filmische afwisseling van scènes en allerlei intriges maken van "De lotgevallen van Ferdinand Huyck" in de eerste plaats een avonturenroman, in een niet al te precies gedefinieerde historische setting. Misschien is het juist door die lichtere aanpak dat het één van Jacob van Lenneps vaakst herdrukte titels is gebleven.Jacob van Lennep (1802-1868) was een Nederlandse schrijver, dichter, taalkundige, advocaat en politicus. Hij was de belangrijkste 19de-eeuwse schrijver van Nederlandse historische romans. Zijn bekendste titels zijn "Elisabeth Musch" en "De roos van Dekama", allebei romans die belangrijke episodes uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis als achtergrond nemen. Van Lennep is ook de literatuurgeschiedenis ingegaan als de man die Multatuli’s "Max Havelaar" op de markt bracht, in een politiek afgezwakte versie, tot grote woede van de auteur.

  • af Victoria Holt
    Fra 44,99 kr.

    Sarah Ashington er dóttir frægrar leikkonu og ensks tebónda í Ceylon. Þegar móðir hennar deyr er Sarah upp á föðurfjölskylduna komin og flyst að lokum til Ceylon, þar sem hún kynnist öðrum enskum tebónda, Clinton Shaw. Upp hefst stormasamt ástarsamband og þegar faðir Söruh deyr fer hana að gruna að hennar eigið líf sé einnig í hættu. En hver er eiginlega Clinton Shaw og hver eru raunveruleg áform hans? Og hvað er leyndarmálið á bak við fjölskylduperlurnar, sem aðeins kvenkyns afkomendur ættarinnar mega eiga?Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    After the tragic death of her parents in a carriage accident, orphaned Pandora was taken in by her uncle, the Bishop of Winchester. One day, she is horrified to overhear that he plans to marry her off to his Chaplin, the Honourable Prosper Witheridge.Certain she can't change her uncle's mind, Pandora decides to try and repulse Witheridge and drive him away. She invites herself to her stay with the decadent Earl of Chartwood. The Earl is notorious for his scandalous parties, with the kind of bohemian guests and raucous behaviour that would shock anyone from polite society.Pandora is no different, she is both mortified and mesmerised by the charming Earl when she arrives at his stately home. But perhaps the wildly rich, bad-boy Duke is not quite as frivolous as everyone presumes and maybe a little excitement is just what Pandora needs...Pure escapism, regency romance, "Saints and Sinners" is perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn and Jenny Hambly.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Head of Zeus
    102,99 kr.

    Can your worst enemy become the love of your life?A fun, feisty, feel-good romance for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Meg Cabot.Jennifer and Ian have known each other for seven years. They are leaders of two different teams in the same London bank, and are constantly engaged in a running battle to be number one.Ian is a handsome, wealthy and sought-after bachelor; Jennifer is a feisty, independent lawyer. When they are thrown together to work on the same project, Ian makes Jenny an offer she can't refuse: to have free reign of their rich client if she pretends to be his girlfriend.Soon, it becomes more and more difficult to tell the difference between fiction and reality...What readers are saying about LOVE TO HATE YOU:'A light-hearted novel about love, (im)possibilities and challenges in the workplace' Tu Style. 'Anna Premoli, for me, is the best of the genre. This book made me laugh and fall in love – I read it four times!''I loved this novel from beginning to end... If you want a book that is fun and romantic at the same time, I would definitely recommend it.'Anna Premoli is a bestselling author in Italy. She began writing to relieve stress while working as a financial consultant for a private bank. Her novel, "Love to Hate You" won the Bancarella prize in 2013.

  • af Cherry Radford
    102,99 kr.

    Absolutely wonderful. I feel as though I've been on holiday’ – Jane LoveringThe perfect escapist romance. Let yourself be whisked away to sun-drenched Spain for a holiday you won't forget. For fans of Rosanna Ley, Jennifer Bohnet and Lucy Coleman.Piano teacher Marina Meyer is delighted when her mother offers to help buy her own place in London, even though it means returning to Spain to sell the family holiday home. Cala Turquesa may be beautiful, but it also holds painful memories of Marina's father, who tragically died there in a boating accident.When Marina befriends turtle-saving vet Mati, it's hard to believe she could have stayed away so long. And then there's handsome property developer Agustín, who has set his sights on more than just the real estate...But as Marina clears out her father's belongings, memories resurface, along with troubling questions about the circumstances of his death. Can Marina overcome these to find happiness in the Spanish Cove?Readers love Cherry Radford:'A wonderful book, that I would recommend to anyone' Reader review'A light and heart warming read set in a beautiful location' Reader review'I could not put this down, it was my first book by this author and wish I had found her a while ago. Fantastic writing, fantastic plot development and I just loved the main character' Reader review'This was my first Cherry Radford book and it was a beautifully written story. The description of Spain made the reader feel like they were there with Juliana' Reader review'A great summer read!' Reader review'Absolutely loved this sweet romance... So glad I came across this' Reader review

  • af Nigel May
    129,99 kr.

    Fame, fortune and five-star luxury. Meet four fabulous women – all of them hold a dark secret... one of them won’t live to tell the tale.Nancy Arlow: the fading entertainer determined to gamble and charm her way out of a mountain of debt.Laura Everett: behind the façade of the perfect politician’s wife lies a woman with an outrageous past and a spiralling drug habit.Portia Safari: the world-famous opera diva, adored by millions, has it all, but could her secret drinking problem cost her everything?Martha Éclair – the millionaire wine heiress whose appetite for kinky sex could bring down her father’s business empire.Each woman must face their own addiction before they pay the ultimate price...Switch off your phone, grab a glass of bubbly and escape into an outrageous word of thrills, glamour and passion. Perfect for fans of Melanie Blake’s Ruthless Women. You’ll be addicted...What readers are saying about Addicted:‘Packed full of sauciness, darkness and intrigue... If you're looking for a sexy, racy, riotous read for your sun lounger this summer, this is the perfect choice.’ Heat Magazine‘This gripping bonkbuster, which comes packed with lovers, liars, divas, is perfect to inject some heat into your summer hols reading.’ Now Magazine‘A sexy, dark, thrilling celebrity whirlwind that lifts the curtain on some blistering superstar scandal.’ Victoria Fox‘Sexy, sultry, glitzy, dark. Reminds me of Devious Maids and Desperate Housewives. A fantastic, steamy summer read!’ Tishylou’s WorldNigel May is a true all-rounder in the media world, working as a TV presenter, author, journalist and craft personality. He has written six glam-fiction books. Nigel is also featured in "Sunlounger" – a chart-topping anthology of short stories.

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    A jednak - wiara czyni cuda! Nawet wtedy, gdy jest to wiara w spotkanie księcia na białym koniu. Dominika, bohaterka "Mężczyzny do towarzystwa", wchodzi w upragniony związek z tajemniczym Pedrem - mężczyzną swoich marzeń i snów. Aby podzielić się swoim szczęściem ze światem dziewczyna wydaje powieść o swojej miłości, a następnie opowiada o niej w ekskluzywnym magazynie dla kobiet. Nie szczędzi przy tym intymnych szczegółów! Szkoła, w której pracuje Dominika, aż huczy od plotek. Miłośniczki książek Moniki Szwai lub Magdaleny Kordel powinny bez wahania sięgnąć i po tę pozycję. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 15,99 kr.

    Perypetie dwudziestopięcioletniej nauczycielki polskiego, która mimo swojego wieku jest już kobietą po przejściach. Młoda rozwódka weszła w nowy związek, który daje jej poczucie bezpieczeństwa i stabilność. Ale krew nie woda! Dominika ma klarowną wizję swojego ideału i nie zamierza przestać go szukać. Kiedy poznaje tajemniczego Pedra, zupełnie traci głowę. Zgadza się wszystko: atletyczna budowa, brwi zrośnięte nad nosem, odpowiednia zasobność portfela. Jest tylko jeden szkopuł - książę z bajki nie pamięta wiele ze swojego dotychczasowego życia. Lekka, zabawna lektura do podróży czy do porannej kawy. W sam raz dla miłośniczek twórczości Moniki Szwai lub Magdaleny Kordel. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Zbigniew Wojnarowski
    40,99 kr.

    Teresa to stateczna i dojrzała kobieta. Pewnego razu dostaje od tajemniczego przybysza ze Szwecji pamiętnik. Rozpoczyna "śledztwo" w sprawie własnej przeszłości. Współczesność zaczyna mieszać się z wydarzeniami z okresu PRL-u, kiedy w końcówce lat 50. Jerzy, dziennikarz z dużego miasta, przyjeżdża do prowincjonalnego Konina napisać reportaż z budowy kombinatu przemysłowego. Wewnętrzna niezgoda mężczyzny wobec komunistycznej rzeczywistości powoli ustępuje rezygnacji i zgorzknieniu. W tym samym czasie swoją pierwszą miłość przeżywa licealistka Anastazja. Dziewczyna chciałaby wierzyć, że to uczucie będzie wieczne. Co łączy wszystkie te postaci? Pozycja obowiązkowa dla miłośników powieści (i filmu) "Pamiętnik" Nicholasa Sparksa.Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) - polonista i pisarz pochodzący z Konina, gdzie chętnie osadza akcję swoich książek. Uznany autor słuchowisk radiowych oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra". Napisał także wiele opowiadań. Pod pseudonimem Dominika Stec publikuje lekkie utwory obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Największą popularność przyniosła mu seria o przygodach miłosnych Dominiki ("Mężczyzna do towarzystwa", "Kobieca intuicja", "Bingo!").

  • af Anna Guendalina Lipparini
    58,99 kr.

    Linda, Olimpia, Margherita e Gabriella. Quattro ragazze, studentesse presso il collegio cattolico sotto la guida di Monna Bianca. Quattro storie diverse che si intrecciano nelle stanze e nei corridoi della scuola e che mostrano come la condizione delle ragazze, prima ancora di diventare donne, sia vincolata in pubblico come in privato da determinate regole sociali e convenzioni rigide, dove l'unica risposta è un'accettazione passiva che non può mai oltrepassare la soglia della convenienza.Anna Guendalina Lipparini (1862 – 1914) è stata una scrittrice italiana appartenente alla corrente del Decadentismo e nota con lo pseudonimo Regina di Luanto, anagramma di Guendalina Roti, suo nome da coniugata. Alla base della fama della scrittrice è presente l'audacia nel trattare temi controcorrente e la capacità di descrivere e condannare, con un linguaggio crudo e diretto, una società italiana di fine Ottocento ancora fortemente sessista.

  • af Dominika Stec
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Trzecia część przygód bohaterki "Mężczyzny do towarzystwa" i "Kobiecej intuicji". Przystojny Pedro okazał się wcale nie takim idealnym partnerem. Czy to znaczy, że ideały nie istnieją? Dominika powoli zbiera się po rozstaniu i obiecuje sobie, że nigdy więcej nie będzie tak naiwna. Jednak, gdy dookoła niej pojawia się wianuszek interesujących mężczyzn, ona postanawia odnaleźć Bingo - swoją kolejną platoniczną fascynację. Czy spragniona miłości kobieta zostanie w końcu obdarzona szczerym uczuciem? Lekka i pełna humoru powieść, odpowiednia dla czytelniczek Katarzyny Grocholi i Moniki Szwai. Dominika od lat żyje w świecie fantazji - jako polonistka zaczytuje się w książkach, jako 25-letnia rozwódka wciąż marzy o księciu z bajki, który odmieni jej świat. Zawieszona między realnością a snem bohaterka nieraz zadziwi czytelniczkę swoją naiwnością, innym razem znów rozbawi ją do łez. Na pewno nie porzuci jednak swoich pragnień! Serię tworzą powieści pełne humoru, ciepła i dystansu - lekkie jak twórczość Magdaleny Kordel, zabawne jak utwory Katarzyny Grocholi. Dominika Stec - pseudonim artystyczny, pod którym Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) publikuje powieści obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Wojnarowski, poza serią dla kobiet, jest uznanym autorem słuchowisk radiowych, napisał także wiele opowiadań oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra".

  • af Stanisław Antoni Wotowski
    32,99 kr.

    Popularny pisarz Otocki przywykł, że działa na kobiety jak magnes. Nie zdziwiło go zatem specjalnie, że pewna urocza młoda kobieta przyjęła na ulicy jego zaproszenie na wspólną kolację. Zdziwienie przyszło później, gdy w trakcie wieczoru niewiasta okazała się milczącą i nudną towarzyszką. Również wiele innych znaków podpowiadało literatowi, by zakończyć niewygodną znajomość - podejrzany mężczyzna wpatrujący się w kobietę, skórzana walizka, którą dziewczyna nerwowo trzymała. A jednak, gdy pojawiła się szansa upojnego finału, Otocki nieroztropnie zaprosił towarzyszkę do swojego mieszkania. Lekki i wciągający kryminał w przedwojennej scenerii, w sam raz dla miłośników Marka Krajewskiego.Stanisław Wotowski (1895–1939) – pisarz, dziennikarz, policjant i właściciel prywatnego biura detektywistycznego. Autor wielu powieści kryminalnych, sensacyjnych, historycznych i okultystycznych. Wotowski jako prywatny detektyw na co dzień stykał się z aferami, morderstwami, przestępstwami, które następnie z precyzją kronikarza opisywał w swoich książkach. Interesował się czarną magią, spirytyzmem, okultyzmem. Był również znawcą masonerii.