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  • af Charles Dickens & Wilkie Collins
    59,99 kr.

    What happens if two boys are given the exact same name? If you guessed 'disaster in adulthood', you would be right. When one of the men dies, there is an exciting adventure to find his heir. Leading from London to the sunny Mediterranean and across to the Alps, you will meet a diverse cast of characters; some good, some bad, and some that are eerie and exotic. 'No Thoroughfare’ is a play in five acts written as a collaboration between two great writers; Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Full of mystery and romance with a touch of excitement, this dramatic play is well worth reading for any Dickens or Collins fan.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • af Albert Payson Terhune
    102,99 kr.

    If you are a dog lover, you will love this book.For Albert Payson Terhune is a dog lover, too - and it shines out of every page of this book of stories about man's best friend.Each of the stories features vivid and moving descriptions of dogs and of their ebb-and-flow relationships with people. In one, called 'Chums', a homeless boy befriends two stray dogs and develops a deep friendship with them - only to see them snatched by the dog-catcher while he is working to pay for dinner.There is heartbreak in abundance throughout the book - but plenty of heartwarming endings, too.Terhune's stories are perfect for fans of 'Lassie Come Home' by Eric Knight and 'Black Beauty' by Anna Sewell.Albert Payson Terhune (1872-1942) was an American author, journalist and dog breeder. He had a strong following for his novels and short stories about the adventures of the collies that he bred and loved.His estate, Sunnybank in New Jersey, is now Terhune Memorial Park. It is open to the puboic and visitors can see the graves of many of the dogs from Terhune's novels.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    "If you were to go up in a balloon, you would make for heaven; and if you were to dive into the depths of the earth, nothing short of the other place would content you."These are the words of characters Thomas Idle to Francis Goodchild; but they are really the words of authors Wilkie Collins to describe his friend, Charles Dickens.‘The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices’ is a collaborative novel produced by Dickens and Collins, in which they poke fun at themselves and at one another. It also boasts two ghost stories which are a marvel to read from these two great masters.Set in Autumn 1857. Two men set off for an idle adventure through the countryside of the English Lake District and the Fells. "They had no intention of going anywhere in particular; they wanted to see nothing, they wanted to know nothing, they wanted to learn nothing, they wanted to do nothing. They wanted only to be idle." A novel to be enjoyed by fans of Bill Bryson’s writing or the film adaptation of his book ‘A Walk in the Woods’, starring Robert Redford and Emma Thompson.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is renowned for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.

  • af John Galsworthy
    59,99 kr.

    Star-crossed lovers Jon and Fleur fall head over heels for each other, but are forced to separate by their parents who share troubling history. Can their love finally defeat the Forsyte family curse or will the shadow of the past continue to haunt the lives of a new generation?'To Let' (1921) was written by English author and playwright John Galsworthy, and is the third and final novel in his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga'. The Forsyte Saga (1922) is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921, all of which have been adapted for television.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright, best known for his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga', which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. The trilogy depicts an upper-class English family in the years 1886-1926. It was adapted for TV in 2002 for the ITV network starring Damian Lewis, Rupert Graves and Gina McKee.In his stories, Galsworthy addresses social issues, family life, and the upper-middle class, in which he strongly criticised the morals and ideals of Victorian England. Among his other prominent works are 'From the Four Winds', 'The Silver Box', 'The Country House', and 'The Skin Game'.

  • af Åsa Hallengård
    96,99 kr.

    Kristina suostuu vastentahtoisesti vetämään antiikkikurssia. Hän viihtyisi mieluiten itsekseen kotona eikä haluaisi tutustua uusiin ihmisiin. Miksi hän on erakoitunut? Millaisia salaisuuksia hänellä on?Keski-ikäisten Martinin ja Marian parisuhde on kriisissä, ja kurssi on viimeinen yritys paikata rakoilevaa avioliittoa. Nuori yksinhuoltaja Klara voittaa sattumalta kurssipaikan mutta myisi sen mieluiten pois ja pitäisi rahat. Vastikään leskeksi jäänyt Per-Olof suostuu osallistumaan kurssille tyttäriensä painostuksesta. Ainoa alusta asti innokas kurssilainen on Peter, kokki, joka haluaa tutustua antiikkiesineiden maailmaan.Kurssin aikana osallistujien kohtalot nivoutuvat vähitellen toisiinsa. Ystävyyssuhteita solmitaan, rakkaus alkaa hehkua ja kosto on suloista. Antiikkikurssi eksyneille sydämille on sydäntälämmittävä hyvän olon romaani.Åsa Hallengård on ruotsalainen kirjailija ja opettaja, jonka ensimmäinen romaani Antiikkikurssi eksyneille sydämille julkaistiin vuonna 2019.

  • af Veronica Larsson
    Fra 50,99 kr.

    MODELL OCH MAMMA MED HELA VÄRLDEN DÄREMELLANEmilia lever livet som fotomodell i New York när hon blir gravid och ställs inför ett ultimatum: karriär eller familj? Med bröstmjölkspumpen i handväskan flyger hon mellan blöjbyten i Sverige och internationella modelluppdrag på exotiska platser. Mellan det trygga äktenskapets fredagsmys och spännande flörtar på Manhattans exklusivaste cocktailpartyn. Emilia vill vara en närvarande mamma, en tillgiven fru och en duktig dotter för sin sjuka pappa – samtidigt som hon drömmer om att lyckas i den krävande modevärlden. Det är alltså mycket som ska falla på plats, och snart hopar sig utmaningarna, både på hemmaplan och i karriären. Inspirerad av sitt eget liv som internationell fotomodell och att samtidigt bli förälder skriver Veronica Larsson uppriktigt, ärligt och med glimten i ögat om mammahjärtat och modet att våga följa sina drömmar.VERONICA LARSSON är en svensk författare. Efter flera år som fotomodell debuterade hon 2019 med "Hjärtan på tråd." Veronica lever i Malmö med sin familj.

  • af Xavier Gual
    51,99 kr.

    Estem en contra és un recull de relats d'humor que observa la vida i les situacions quotidianes del dia a dia des de la sàtira. A través de situacions absurdes de personatges curiosos, en Xavier Gual presenta la nostra realitat com una sèrie de disbarats inesperats i molt còmics. Al cap i a la fi, que és més humà que estar en contra d'alguna cosa, encara que sigui en contra dels que estan en contra?Xavier Gual (Barcelona, 1973) és escriptor i periodista, llicenciat en filologia catalana a la Universitat de Barcelona. Les seves històries, siguin curtes o llargues, estan carregades de sarcasme i d'un humor àcid molt característic de l'autor. Ha publicat reculls de contes i diverses novel·les de narrativa adulta, policíaca i novel·la juvenil. Ha guanyat diversos premis, entre ells el Premi Mercè Rodoreda, el Premi Ribera d'Ebre o el Premi Pere Quart. Els seus llibres han estat traduïts a diversos idiomes, entre ells l'italià i el francès.

  • af Fernando Clemot
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Los viajes pueden ser literales, figurados, interiores, virtuales. ¿De cuántos tipos más? Muchos, casi todos, quedan cubiertos en estos cuentos de "Safaris inolvidables". Los protagonizan un marinero que es interrogado, el escritor Alberto Moravia, tres personas que acuden a "El Programa" para recorrer lugares lejanos: todos personajes incómodos con su actualidad que se ponen a recordar y cargan energía en esa operación.El viaje que más le interesa a Clemot es el viaje por los tiempos de la propia vida. Eso hace que los relatos del libro se construyan en el filo de una revisitación continua, inestable y cautivadora.Fernando Clemot (Barcelona, 1970) es un escritor y docente catalán. Publicó los libros de cuentos "Estancos del Chiado" (2009, Premio Setenil al mejor en España dentro de ese género), "Safaris inolvidables" (2012) y "La lengua de los ahogados" (2016). Suyas son además las novelas "El golfo de los Poetas" (2009), "El libro de las maravillas" (2011), "Polaris" (2015) y "Fiume" (2021). Las obras de Clemot han recibido múltiples premios y se han presentado en certámenes internacionales. Sus relatos aparecen en distintas antologías. Actualmente imparte talleres de escritura creativa en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona –cuyos principios sintetizó en "Cómo armar y desarmar un relato" (2014)– y dirige la revista literaria Quimera.

  • af Víctor Conde
    58,99 kr.

    En otra de sus genialidades metaficcionales, el autor Victor Conde nos lleva a conocer Luz de Medianoche, un programa de radio que solo suena a las 12 y al que la gente contribuye contando sus secretos, sentimientos y reflexiones vitales. Pronto el programa no será solo un espejo de las preocupaciones de sus oyentes, sino que empezará a cambiar sus vidas...Víctor Conde es un escritor español nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife en 1973. Se le considera uno de los renovadores del género fantástico en España, junto a autores como Rodolfo Martínez o Rafael Marín. Su obra, que toca tanto la fantasía como la ciencia ficción y el terror, le ha valido premios como el Minotauro, el Ignotus o el Kelvin.

  • af Martin Elmer
    69,00 kr.

    Det er en nat som alle andre i indre København, da fængselsfangen, der kaldes Recardu, forlader sygehuset med forbinding om hovedet og forsvinder ud i natten. Der går ikke mange timer, før nyheden slipper ud, og politiet og Recardus gamle bekendte er alle på udkig efter ham, for ingen er sikre på, hvad der har fået ham til at stikke af på så hovedkulds en måde."En systemkritikers død" er en københavnerroman om transvestitter, journalister, forbrydere, politibetjente, afdankede gamle damer og puddelhunde. Den tegner et levende, humoristisk og dog realistisk billede af indre København i slutningen af 1970’erne.Robert Cecil Martin Elmer Berg (1930-2008) var en dansk forfatter, som skrev sine bøger under navnene Martin Elmer og Robert C. Berg. Hans bibliografi tæller bøger inden for en række genrer, herunder både skøn- og faglitteratur. Elmer var politisk engageret og homoseksuel, hvorom han forfattede tekster i flere tidsskrifter og bøger, som Danmarks første. Elmer har vundet flere danske litteraturkonkurrencer for sine kronikker, noveller og romaner, herunder Gyldendals Internationale Børne- og Ungdomsroman-konkurrence i 1987.

  • af Emma Davies
    102,99 kr.

    Comforted by the gentle hum of the beehives at the bottom of the garden, Grace drains the last of her tea and walks slowly back towards the little hillside house she adores. Her marriage is over, but is it too late to start her life again?Beekeeper Grace thought throwing out her cheating husband would be the hardest thing she ever did. But when she opens the door to a property developer one morning, it’s clear that keeping her beautiful home and garden – her only sanctuary throughout her miserable marriage – will be the greatest challenge of all...Fleeing to her best friend at the farm next door, Grace blurts out all her problems, only to be overheard by Amos, a handsome, free-spirited visitor with a twinkle in his eye. Fascinated by Grace and her bees, Amos offers to stay in the village of Hope Corner, to help turn her home into a guest house in return for lessons on beekeeping.As Grace shows Amos how to nurture a hive and harvest honeycomb without getting stung, he is charming but secretive. He never stays long in the same place after an incident in his past involving a mysterious woman named Maria. But as their eyes lock over a jar of homemade honey, Grace can’t help feeling that she’d really like him to stay...Determined to dispel her growing suspicion that Amos is running from something serious, Grace goes in search of the truth about Maria. But when she finds it, will she still want Amos to put down roots in Hope Corner, and will they still have a house to return to?No matter how far they travel, bees will always find their way home...An absolutely perfect feel good romance for readers who adore Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Beekeeper’s Cottage:‘Captures you from the start... full of romance... you are so invested in these characters it is almost heart-breaking to stop reading about them and their lives. An excellent summer read, full of warmth and the sweet taste of honey. Highly recommended.’ The Book Jotter, 5 stars‘What an emotional and heart-wrenching read. I've read a few by Emma Davies before but this was certainly my fave. I felt like I was right there with the characters... A lovely read.’ The Cosiest Corner, 5 stars‘I could literally imagine walking through the gardens and near the bees and smelling all the flowers. I could taste the food and imagine sitting and having tea with the characters. Thank you for such a lovely book!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.130k copies of Emma Davies’ books sold to date. Previous title The Little Cottage on the Hill reached Amazon UK and Amazon CA top 70.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.

  • af Karen Clarke
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I really fell for this storyline hook, line and sinker... a beautiful, touching storyline which will have you feeling fuzzy from your head to your toes, and possibly your shoulders and knees in between.’ The Writing GarnetCarrie Dashwood fled Dorset ten years ago when her best friend Megan stole her love, local heart-throb Tom. Now she’s back to help run her aunt Ruby’s flower stall in idyllic Shipley.Trying to persuade herself that her feelings for Tom are in the past, Carrie plans to avoid him and Megan completely. But it’s not to be, because Ruby’s Blooms are arranging the flowers for Megan and Tom’s wedding.Soon Carrie’s crawling under the stall to hide and accidentally inventing an imaginary boyfriend. But with the stall’s finances in jeopardy and Ruby needing her niece more than ever, Carrie has to keep her emotions in check.With bouquets to arrange, family secrets to uncover, and Tom unavoidably a part of her life again, can Carrie keep her cool, save the stall, and find her very own happy ever after?A heartening and uplifting read about lost love and true friendship. Perfect for fans of Cressida McLaughlin, Cathy Bramley, and Polly Babbington.‘The author has a way of just bringing her novels and the characters to life. They are such fabulous feel good books... This is a series that will have fans falling over themselves to get their hands on a copy. It really is that good.’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘What a lovely, evocative story!... Wow! A beautiful story of lost love and coming of age and new beginnings. Written with heart. Loved it! Cannot wait for more by this author.’ Renita D’Silva, 5 stars‘What a complete and utter joy... I found myself chortling away... Charming and feel-good and I loved every minute of it.’ Short Book and Scribes, 5 stars.The Beachside collection has sold over 75,000 copiesAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.

  • af Lily Graham
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I absolutely loved it from start to finish and really didn’t want it to end.' The Reading ShedAmongst the beautiful olive groves and sea-front tavernas, summer has arrived on the sun-drenched island of Crete.After losing the love of her life, Ria’s life has been on hold. So when her boss becomes completely unbearable she makes the snap decision to run away to the Greek island of Crete, armed only with her passport.When Ria finds herself working for eccentric novelist Caroline, she meets handsome vineyard owner Tom. He’s charming, mysterious and Ria starts to wonder if it’s not just the beautiful Greek island that she’s falling for.But as Ria gets to know Tom better, she uncovers a tangled web of secrets. What is he hiding? Ria has some secrets of her own. Can she open up to Tom and learn to live again?This summer, escape to the sun with this charming and emotional story about starting over and grabbing happiness with both hands.Read what everyone's saying about The Summer Escape:'Five out of five stars. A really enjoyable read, this book had it all for me ... loveable, warm, believable characters, a great plot and the Greek ambiance was perfect for my rainy Sunday escape!' Shellyback Books'Lily Graham's writing really brings Crete to life on the pages of this book. You can almost smell the souvlaki and feel the sand between your toes and the sun on the back of your neck. I'm not so sure about the Greek coffee though! If you're looking for a summer escape for yourself, pop this one into your bag or suitcase' Fabulous Book Fiend'Lily has a gorgeous way with words. The Summer Escape is a beautifully written story, full of secrets and intrigue, far deeper than I'd first thought. I couldn't put it down.' Louise JensenNote: Previously published as 'An Invincible Summer.' This is a new extended version.Over 46,000 copies sold. Amazon US and UK Top 20 bestselling author.Lily has been telling stories since she was a child, starting with her imaginary rabbit, Stephanus, and their adventures in the enchanted peach tree in her garden, which she envisioned as a magical portal to Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree. She’s never really got out of the habit of making things up, and still thinks of Stephanus rather fondly. She lives with her husband and her English bulldog, Fudge, and brings her love for the sea and country-living to her fiction.

  • af Justyna Leśniewicz & Ewelina Nawara
    48,99 kr.

    Ian jest tajemniczy, skrywa przeszłość głęboko w sercu. Stara się, żyć jak inni przyjaciele, ciesząc się sukcesami zespołu i oddając się karierze bez reszty. Nie bawi się w związki, nie spotyka się z kobietami, egzystuje z dnia na dzień zamiast żyć pełną piersią. Na jego drodze jednak staje dziewczyna, która burzy spokój i mury, jakie przez lata wokół siebie zbudował.Ona zagubiona wśród tłumów, zakochana w muzyce i po cichu spełniająca swoje marzenia. Nikt nigdy nie nauczył jej jak kochać. Choć ma obok siebie ludzi, którzy o nią dbają i starają się zapewnić spokój ducha, ona nie potrafi zapomnieć o latach, kiedy była pozostawiona sama sobie.Ona i On zupełnie różne charaktery, choć łączy ich więcej niż chcieliby przepuszczać. Tragiczna przeszłość, podobne pasje i muzyka, która przynosi ukojenie. Czy tajemniczej dziewczynie uda się dotrzeć wprost do serca Iana? Tych dwoje połączyła muzyka, która gra głęboko w ich duszach. Jednak czy będą umieli się jej poddać, czy zatopią się w bezkresnym oceanie błędów przeszłości.Ewelina Nawara - żona, mama dwóch córek, mól książkowy i blogerka. Na swoim blogu — My fairy book world recenzuje książki polskie i zagraniczne oraz przeprowadza wywiady z autorami. Dzięki żartobliwej rozmowie z koleżanką zabrała się do pisania ich wspólnej książki. Od kilku lat mieszka w Anglii, a pochodzi z Krakowa.Justyna Leśniewicz - szczęśliwa żona i mama dwóch cudownych córek. Prywatnie zagorzała czytelniczka i marzycielka. Od pięciu lat prowadzi bloga książkowego Książko, miłości moja, na którym promuje wszelkiego rodzaju literaturę. Całe jej życie związane jest z książkami, nie tylko przez hobbystyczne blogowanie, ale również przez pracę.

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    38,99 kr.

    A witty short story about popularity and revenge, 'Bernice Bobs Her Hair' is about a mixed-race girl with Native American heritage, trying to fit in with those around her. Like a mix between 'Gossip Girl' and 'The Great Gatsby', the story shows the benefits and downfalls of rising up the social ladder. Written by Scott F. Fitzgerald, the great mind behind 'The Great Gatsby'. 'Bernice Bobs Her Hair' is a coming-of-age tale set amid the roaring twenties.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’. His writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.

  • af Helen Pollard
    102,99 kr.

    Summer sun, chilled, white wine, and a gorgeous fiancé. Nothing could upset pure bliss ... Right?Emmy Jamieson loves her new life in the gentle hills and sunflowers of the lush French countryside, managing La Cour des Roses, a beautiful, white stone guesthouse. With marriage to caramel-eyed Alain just round the corner, things couldn’t be more perfect.The odd glass (gallon) of wine dulls the sound of Emmy’s mum in full motherzilla-of-the-bride mode, and the faint tinkling of alarm bells coming from Alain’s ex are definitely nothing to worry about. Guesthouse owner Rupert and a whole host of old and new friends are there to make sure nothing gets in the way of Emmy’s happiness.But as Emmy gets close to the big day, a secret from the past throws everything decidedly off track. Will her idyllic French wedding go ahead as planned, or will Emmy run back home to England with a broken heart?This summer, escape to the rolling vineyards of France for an utterly uplifting read. Fans of Jenny Colgan, Debbie Johnson and Nick Alexander will want to join Emmy for a pain au chocolat in the sun-drenched garden at La Cour des Roses.What everyone’s saying about Summer at the Little French Guesthouse:‘I'm utterly bereft that this fantastic book has come to an end ... I have been hooked on from the start ... grips my heart and won't let go ... I could potentially wax lyrical for far longer about various aspects of the book, but really I may start spoiling it for you ... a wonderful way to escape your own life, while devouring a great story that should have you grinning!’ Rachel’s Random Reads 5 stars‘Love this book! ... I barely got the first one done and I grabbed the next two to continue ... Fun characters, fun story, and makes me want to pack a bag and head to the Loire Valley in France.’ Goodreads Reviewer‘It's like meeting old friends ... the series is a perfect summer read. It's about family, friendship and helping them ... a twist I didn't see coming ... It caught me by surprise.’ Flying ThoughtsSummer at the Little French Guesthouse has been published in 5 languages and the series has sold over 230,000 copies in the English language.As a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

  • af Katri Sisko
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Kuohuviini kuplii lasissa lentokentällä. Elina on lähdössä Pariisiin juhlimaan syntymäpäiväänsä kahden ystävänsä kanssa. Elinan pitäisi olla innoissaan. Juhlahumua laskee kuitenkin se, että nyt se pelätty kolmekymmentä on lasissa. Aikuisuustesti kertoo, ettei elämä ole mennyt ihan niin kuin Elina suunnitteli. Kansainvälisen uran ja romantiikan sijaan hänestä tulikin peruskoulun opettaja ja kaiken lisäksi vielä sinkku. Niillä eväillä ei jännittäviä somepostauksia julkaista. Vaan löytyykö Pariisista rakkautta ja jännitystä kolmekymppisen Elinan elämään? 30 jälkeen 30 on toinen osa Katri Siskon kepeässä ja samaistuttavassa chick lit -trilogiassa. Se on oivaltava kuvaus aikuistumisesta, rakkaudesta ja ystävyydestä.Elinalla on ongelma – ongelma nimeltään numero 30! Kolmekymmentä vuotta on rajapyykki, jolloin elämän pitäisi olla kuosissa. Mutta mitä jos ei ole? Mitä jos kaikki on hajallaan?30-trilogia on hulvaton trilogia kolmenkympin kriisistä – tämä sarja naurattaa takuulla!Nimimerkki Katri Sisko kirjoittaa vetäviä viihdekirjoja. Hän on ammatiltaan opettaja.

  • af Katri Sisko
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Vihdoinkin Elinan elämässä on kaikki paremmin kuin hyvin. Suhde opettajakollega-Mikon kanssa on täynnä tunnetta – ja intohimoa! Tavarat lentelevät varastossa, kun Mikko ja Elina antautuvat suudelmien vietäväksi välituntien aikana. Sama meno jatkuu myös työpäivien jälkeen. Mikko ja Elina eivät yksinkertaisesti voi saada toisistaan tarpeekseen! Tilanne muuttuu kuitenkin kuumottavaksi, kun Elina alkaa kärsiä oudosta pahoinvoinnista. Ei, ei ja vielä kerran ei! Voiko todellakin olla, että hän on raskaana?! Miten suhteen mahtaa käydä – onko Elinasta ja Mikosta hyppäämään vauva-arjen vaipanvaihtoihin ja yöheräilyihin?30 tapaa tunnistaa se oikea on päätösosa Elinan elämästä kertovassa chick lit -trilogiassa.Elinalla on ongelma – ongelma nimeltään numero 30! Kolmekymmentä vuotta on rajapyykki, jolloin elämän pitäisi olla kuosissa. Mutta mitä jos ei ole? Mitä jos kaikki on hajallaan?30-trilogia on hulvaton trilogia kolmenkympin kriisistä – tämä sarja naurattaa takuulla!Nimimerkki Katri Sisko kirjoittaa vetäviä viihdekirjoja. Hän on ammatiltaan opettaja.

  • af Elin Ström
    62,99 kr.

    På sju veckor har Sonja gått från att vara i ett lyckligt förhållande med sitt livs kärlek, till att officiellt ha blivit Sveriges sorgligaste tjugoåttaåring. Att Anton plötsligt skulle göra slut hade hon absolut inte väntat sig. Hur kunde det bli så?Sonja inser så småningom att hon måste bort från Göteborg för att försöka hitta tillbaka till sig själv. Det slutar med att hon bestämmer sig för att spendera sommaren i Edinburgh, i natursköna Skottland. Och det dröjer inte länge förrän en oväntad vänskap börjar blomstra mellan Sonja och Mary, den äldre damen som hon är inneboende hos. Mary är nybliven änka och de två kvinnorna finner varandra över hjärtesorg och nybakade scones. Snart har de även bjudit in en brokig skara gäster till Afternoon tea. Är en sommar fylld av ljuvliga bakverk precis vad Sonjas hjärta behöver? I vilket fall som helst, kommer det bli en upplevelse hon sent ska glömma...Elin Ström är 30 år och bosatt i Göteborg där hon bor tillsammans med sin man och hund. Hon är utbildad civilekonom och 2021 debuterade hon med "Afternoon tea på Grassmarket 1".

  • af Víctor Conde
    58,99 kr.

    Inusual y sobresalinte colección de relatos cortos en las que Victor Conde, maestro por excelencia de la ciencia ficción y la fantasía, se aleja de los terrenos que suele transitar su ficción para mostrarnos historias pequeñas, dramas cotidianos y reflexiones sobre la vida que nos rodea. Una partida de ajedrez sirve de apoyo a una mujer ahogada por la vida, un hombre fracasado y alcohólico recurre a un ídolo de su juventud para recomponer su vida rota, un artista gráfico repasa su vida y sus desamores a través del lenguaje del cómic, un demente que quiere perseguir sus sueños se ve enfrentado al inabarcable monstruo de la burocracia legal, un árbol de leyenda en el corazón de África encierra la más hermosa de las palabras... Historias impregnadas de una nostalgia y una sabiduría al alcance de pocos creadores. Imprescindible.Víctor Conde es un escritor español nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife en 1973. Se le considera uno de los renovadores del género fantástico en España, junto a autores como Rodolfo Martínez o Rafael Marín. Su obra, que toca tanto la fantasía como la ciencia ficción y el terror, le ha valido premios como el Minotauro, el Ignotus o el Kelvin.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    Jean and Luc are two best friends serving in the army. Life as a soldier is unforgiving, but every Sunday provides a ray of hope for the two soldiers as they walk down the Seine river and lunch in a forest that reminds them of home. The idyllic countryside of Champioux is, to them, a little heaven. Yet when a milkmaid catches one of the soldier’s eyes, the two friends’ ordered world begins to unravel.A simple tale of friendship, love, and loss, "Two Little Soldiers" is a masterful portrayal of Maupassant’s knowledge of the human soul and condition. Perfect for readers of Hemingway, this short story is tinged with the tragedy of war seen through the lives of everyday soldiers.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, often referred to as the father of the short story. A prolific writer, his best known works include "Bel-Ami", "Une Vie" and "The Necklace", alongside some 300 short stories, travel books, and poetry. A master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are drawn to themes of war, the working class, and the human condition. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Ivan Turgenev, and Henry James.

  • af Tess Tjagvad
    96,99 kr.

    Kat hatte die Hoffnung schon aufgegeben, dass das Schicksal noch ein Happy End für Carter und sie bereithält. Doch jetzt kommen sie sich mit jedem Tag ein Stück näher. Bis das Band zwischen ihnen so stark ist, dass Kat bei einem Praktikum endlich den nötigen Mut findet, Carter ihr wohl größtes Geheimnis anzuvertrauen. Allerdings ahnt zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch keiner der beiden, wie eng die Verbindung zwischen ihnen wirklich ist und wie weit sie in die Vergangenheit zurückreicht. Als ausgerechnet diese Vergangenheit sie einzuholen droht, sieht Kat sich gezwungen, ihrer Beziehung zu Carter ein Ende zu setzen. Aber wie kann man jemanden vergessen, den man gar nicht vergessen will? Tess Tjagvad, geb. 1995, ist gelernte Floristin, studiert aber derzeit Germanistik. Unter dem Pseudonym "barelines" avancierte sie auf Wattpad zur #1-Autorin mit über einer halben Million Reads. Tess läuft ständig mit Musik im Ohr herum. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt oder liest, vertreibt sie sich die Zeit beim Kraftsport oder bei Spaziergängen in der Natur.

  • af Charles Dickens
    24,99 kr.

    Tytułowe opowiadanie zbioru mówi o czterech siostrach Willises, które w swojej społeczności, po wielu latach samotnego życia, uchodzą za stare panny. Tymczasem wieść niesie, że każda z nich niedawno wyszła za mąż! W oficjalnej ceremonii pan Robinson poślubił jedną dziewczynę z tego domu - ale co z pozostałymi? Ponieważ styl życia sióstr w ogóle się nie zmienia, pytania zaczynają się mnożyć.W skład zbioru wchodzą ponadto następujące opowiadania: "Czarna Zasłona", "Msza Belzebuba", "Rzeka", "Szkoła Tańca", "Horacy Sparkins", "Senty-Menty", "Nasz Sąsiad" i "Śmierć Pijaka".Charles Dickens (1812-1870) - dziewiętnastowieczny angielski powieściopisarz, najwybitniejszy wówczas przedstawiciel powieści społeczno-obyczajowej. Czuły na niesprawiedliwość społeczną, precyzyjnie opisywał życie uboższych sfer i portretował ekscentryków w konwencji groteski i karykatury. Wywodził się z rodziny, która popadła w nędzę, bardzo wcześnie podjął pracę zarobkową w fabryce pasty do butów, uznanie w środowisku literackim zapewniła mu powieść "Klub Pickwicka".

  • af Yvonne Ehn
    Fra 43,99 kr.

    CORNELIA BEHÖVER INGEN betänketid - hon vet att hon måste lämna allting bakom sig. Det oväntade sms:et som precis landat i telefonen känns som ett slag i magen. Lägenheten, jobbet och sakerna betyder ingenting längre. Hon måste fly, någonstans dit avsändaren inte kan spåra henne. Valet faller på Kanelholmen, en avlägsen ö ute i Stockholms pittoreska skärgård. Utan några löften om bostad eller arbete går hon ombord på båten på väg mot sitt nya liv. Det får bära eller brista. På Kanelholmen möter Cornelia en gemenskap som välkomnar henne med öppna armar. Men ön visar sig också bjuda på utmaningar hon inte kunnat föreställa sig. Vad skulle hennes älskade morfar säga om han såg henne nu? Samtidigt som Cornelias brokiga förflutna kommer allt närmare, snubblar hon själv över ett mysterium. Ett mysterium, som hon inte kan låta bli att försöka lösa.SOMMAR, HOPP OCH VÄNSKAP PÅ KANELHOLMEN är den första delen i en serie om livet, kärleken och människorna på den härliga ön Kanelholmen i Stockholms skärgård.YVONNE EHN är född och uppvuxen i Danderyd, norr om Stockholm. Ett fotbollsstipendium tog henne till New Hampshire, USA, där hon studerade till grafisk formgivare och jobbade inom tryckeribranschen. Efter att ha bott flera år i Nyköping är Yvonne tillbaka i Stockholm. Hennes kärlek till djur gör att hon en dag hoppas kunna adoptera en hund som behöver ett nytt hem. År 2019 gjorde Yvonne sin författardebut.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Kun Rita Nurminen lähtee kyläilemään siskonsa luokse Joenniskan kylään, hän on hieman pettynyt. Ritan oli tarkoitus auttaa siskoaan talon remontissa, mutta Rita meni murtamaan kätensä. Nyt hänestä ei ole kovin paljon apua... Perillä Rita saa kuulla, että naapurustoon on muuttanut komea pilapiirtäjä. Rita lähtee pahaa aavistamatta hakemaan mieheltä nimeä naapuruston adressiin. Mies saa Ritan kuitenkin hetkessä täyteen raivoa. Kuka tuo juippi oikein kuvittelee olevansa? Rita ei arvaa, että hän tulee tapaamaan ärsyttävän miehen vielä monen monta kertaa...Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Taidegalleristina työskentelevän Saana Liljan oli tarkoitus lähteä elokuussa Italiaan, mutta yllättäen matka peruuntui. Nyt Saanalla on edessään aivan erilainen elokuu: hän on luvannut lähteä iäkkään isotätinsä Violan kanssa ulkosaaristoon, Sydänkarille. Mutta mitä matkasta mahtaa oikein tulla? Jaksaako Saana olla vauhdikkaan tätinsä lapsenvahtina? Saarella lapsuuden muistot heräävät kuitenkin eloon – ja myös Saana ymmärtää rakastavansa Sydänkaria ja saariston merellistä tunnelmaa. Yllättäen saarella kesää viettää myös eräs komea mies, jonka läsnäolo tuo Saanan elämään vilinää ja vilskettä. Voisiko tämä olla kesä, jona Saana löytää elämänsä rakkauden? Sydänkarin salaisuudet on ihastuttava viihderomaani Sara Stormilta.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Mari Frisk
    96,99 kr.

    Lapsi langon kanssa – vitsi, painajainen, arkirealismia vai unelmien täyttymys? Neljääkymppiä lähestyvälle Katille nykytilanne on tätä kaikkea. Hän odottaa vauvaa yhdessä kaksoissisarensa Sonjan miehen kanssa. Alkuperäisen apilaperheen ylimääräiset lehdet – Sonja ja Katin ex-puoliso Juha – on haravoitu pois, mutta henkinen kompostointi on vielä käynnissä.Kati ja Sonjan mies Frans huomaavat, että vanhemmuuden jakaminen kaveripohjalta ei sittenkään ole pelkästään rationaalinen ratkaisu, kun tunteet ottavat vallan. Luvassa on kateutta, mustasukkaisuutta, epävarmuutta ja ehkä vähän muutakin...Omaperäisestä perheenperustamisesta kertova Perhekuvioita-sarja on täynnä räväkkää huumoria, mutta myös syvällisempiä sävyjä. Raikas tarina vanhemmuudesta, sisaruudesta, ja nykyajan työelämästä tarjoaa vertaistukea ja oivalluksia ruuhkavuosissa rämpiville.Mari Frisk on espoolaistunut toimittaja ja viestinnän ammattilainen. "Monitahokas" on hänen toinen kirjansa ja itsenäinen jatko-osa innostuneen vastaanoton saaneelle "Neliöjuurelle".

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    38,99 kr.

    How can there be any such thing as "An Honest Thief"? I know Astafy has stolen my coat so why can't he just admit it?'An Honest Thief' tells the story of Astafy Ivanovich, who takes up lodging in the narrator’s house. When the narrator’s coat is stolen, Astafy recalls the story of a thief he once gave shelter to, and a similar theft. With a careful depiction of the thief’s psychological and drunken state, and the situations that he finds himself in, Dostoevsky paints a realistic picture of the human condition. His characters are always torn between what their head thinks is right and what the heart dictates. A tragic story about friendship, regret, and forgiveness.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Bardell v. Pickwick’ is an episode from Charles Dickens’ classic novel, ‘The Pickwick Papers’. Reminiscent of a John Grisham novel, this work by Charles Dickens is packed full of broken marriage promises, legal documents, clever police sergeants, and a trial by jury. Our hero is accused of breaching the promise of marriage and is taken to trial where the honourable Mr. Justice Stareleigh presides at the City of London courtroom. Is he innocent or will he be proven guilty? Let the trial begin in one of ‘The Pickwick Papers’ most popular episodes. So popular, in fact, it was often dramatized or read aloud as living room entertainment.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    38,99 kr.

    Could you live a minimalist lifestyle? Just living with only the things that you absolutely need? Mr. Prohartchin manages to do this but takes it to the extreme!"Mr. Prohartchin" is a short story by Dostoevsky, published in 1846, telling the story of an ascetic man who keeps his life to the bare minimum in terms of food and accommodation.Sleeping on a worn mattress, eating scanty meals, and keeping to himself, Mr. Prohartchin is the epitome of a social outsider that other people feel sorry for. But when he dies, his landlady and neighbours discover something quite extraordinary...An early Dostoevskian critique on human selfishness and social isolation, the story is a charming read that fans of short stories with a moral at the end will love.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.