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  • af Emma Tallon
    126,99 kr.

    Fans of Kimberley Chambers’ Queenie and Martina Cole will love this unputdownable crime thriller from bestselling crime author Emma Tallon.Sometimes revenge is the only option.Anna Davies is young, smart and successful, plus she’s the head of one of London’s biggest crime networks. She’s seen off her abusive ex-boyfriend and cut her teeth managing clubs around London’s West End. But nothing could have prepared her for what’s around the corner...Beautiful, rich and powerful, Sophia Ivanov has been sniffing around Anna’s business empire and she’s got only one thing on her mind – revenge. She’s convinced Anna and her gangster boyfriend, Freddie Tyler, killed her Russian crime boss husband, Alexis, and she’s determined to make them pay.When Sophia turns up at their club one night, it’s clear she’s not there for a friendly visit and tensions begin to flare. Anna knows Sophia is a danger to their business, but she doesn’t realise how much until Freddie finds himself in unthinkable danger. Can Anna and Freddie get rid of Sophia once and for all... and what will be left when the fighting stops?What readers are saying about Ruthless Girl:‘369 pages of pure gold adorned with diamonds! My heart stopped a few times. My heart broke a few times.’ B for Book ReviewMy heart was beating so fast my Fitbit thought I’d been for a run... These books should come with an addiction warning.’ I Love Reading blog‘Like a tube of Pringles – once you start, you can’t stop.’ Goodreads reviewer.This series has sold over 140,000 copies to dateEmma Tallon is a British writer and mother to a young son. She started her writing career several years ago, as a freelance ghostwriter. Behind the scenes she has crafted some of the most adventurous, edgy and heart-wrenching stories you will find in bookshops today. More recently, Emma decided to step out of the literary shadows and launch the first novel under her own name, Life Game. Emma has plans for several more books in the London Underworld series.

  • af Gordon Macmillan
    102,99 kr.

    "Beautiful and heartbreaking. I know it will stay with me for a long time." Reader Review"I'm greeted by the strangest sight. A small dark-haired boy is standing there. It's like he's a human parcel, delivered to my front door."My name is Luke," he says."When Johnny meets Lauren in a bar in Santa Cruz, there's an instant connection. On an American road trip with best friend Will, Johnny promises to return to the girl who has stolen his heart.Until tragedy strikes, forcing Johnny to fly back home without ever seeing Lauren again.Six years later, Johnny is living his life in London, even if he's never forgotten the girl with the grey eyes and dark hair.Until one September morning, he opens his door to find a little boy standing there - a child, Johnny quickly comes to learn, who was created that one magical night. Lauren is dying, and her last wish is to reunite five-year-old Luke with the father he doesn't yet know.Thrown into unexpected parenthood, Johnny finds himself navigating school-gate politics, Disney movies and tantrums, guided by the notes Lauren has written for him.Life as an instant dad isn't always easy, but as Johnny and Luke open their hearts to each other, Johnny is about to discover that life's joy isn't always where you expected it.An emotional, feel-good read that will have you laughing while you wipe away a tear - readers of Dani Atkins, Mike Gayle and Jojo Moyes will be captivated.Readers are falling in love with this debut novel:"Delightful. Pulled at my heart strings. I would totally recommend this as a feelgood book." Reader Review"What a beautifully emotive read. The perfect feelgood read that will make you laugh and cry." _____ Reader Review"A heart-wrenching, heart-warming story of a young man forced by circumstance to become an instant dad - a lovely read about growing into responsibility and love." Reader Review"My heart is just so full from this book. Watching Johnny navigate his unexpected new fatherhood was so gentle and raw." Reader ReviewGordon is a former journalist writing about media and technology. He now works in marketing for Twitter UK. He has also blogged about dating and politics. His first novel Songs For Your Mother was published in May, 2021. His second novel, Ten Dates to Happiness, will be published in 2022.

  • af Lisa Hobman
    102,99 kr.

    Meet Zara Bailey, a travel writer paid to cover some of the globe's most luxurious locations. Jetting from wooden huts on stilts in turquoise seas to boutique hotels with roaring fires to 7* penthouse suites with panoramic views of the world's most glamorous cities... Zara knows hers is the definition of a dream job!So she is seriously shocked to receive her next assignment; Scotland's Northcoast 500 route. By bicycle. Sleeping in a tent so basic it can't remotely be dressed up glamping!But this could be just the distraction the recently heartbroken Zara needs. No men, no romance, just the breathtakingly rugged Highland scenery. Until she meets croft owner Lachlan Grant, and his black and white Border Collie Bess, that is...Praise for Lisa Hobman:'Lisa Hobman has written a sparkling, enchanting romantic comedy, all in the bonniest of settings – I loved it' Lulu Taylor, "Sunday Times" bestselling author. The stunning new story from the bestselling author of "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted". Perfect for fans of Lucy Diamond, Sarah Morgan and Holly Martin.'Heartwarming and uplifting' Heidi Swain.'This is a story to fall in love with, a triumph of love over loss, hope over heartache and ultimately a tale that will lift your spirits and leave you smiling at the end!' Faith Hogan.

  • af Gaja Kołodziej
    48,99 kr.

    Czasem niewielki szczegół może zaważyć na całej przyszłości. Gdy ośmioletnia Emma zobaczyła transmisję z wyścigów konnych, wiedziała już, co chce robić w życiu. Mimo sprzeciwu rodziny, dopięła swego, ukończyła szkołę z zakresu hodowli koni i wyjechała na zagraniczny staż. Jakby tego było mało, spotkała tam swojego idola z dzieciństwa! Brzmi bajkowo? Nie do końca - James McThorne nie ma w sobie błysku dżokeja z telewizyjnych zawodów, jest dojrzałym mężczyzną ze złamanym życiem. A mimo to sporo namiesza w życiu młodej pasjonatki.Książka o poszukiwaniu swojego miejsca w życiu. Lubisz powieści Anny Onichimowskiej - sięgnij po "Dżokeja"!Gaja Kołodziej (ur. 1989) - z wykształcenia psycholożka, pracuje jako tłumaczka, jednak w gruncie rzeczy jej główną profesją jest pisanie książek. Członkini Stowarzyszenia Pisarzy Polskich, niegdyś związana także z Fundacją Domu Literatury i Domów Pracy Twórczej. Prowadzi wirtualne kluby Młodych Pisarzy i Kreatywnego Pisania, w ramach których uczy innych, jak stworzyć powieść. Obywatelka świata - dyplom magisterski uzyskała na Uniwersytecie Maastricht w Holandii, brała udział w podyplomowym kursie kreatywnego pisania w Instytucie Badań Literackich PAN, obecnie mieszka w Nowej Zelandii, gdzie obroniła doktorat z kreatywnego pisania na Uniwersytecie Massey. Autorka powieści młodzieżowych (np. "Wystrzałowa licealistka") i obyczajowych (np. "Dżokej") w języku polskim i angielskim. Prywatnie uczy się języków azjatyckich i ćwiczy sztuki walki.

  • af O. Henry
    38,99 kr.

    By day a restaurant owner and by night a self-styled ‘Prince of Bohemia’, Margrave Quigg is a man who longs for excitement. One evening, whilst roaming the streets seeking people to help, Quigg encounters a distressed young man called Simmons. Hopelessly in love, Simmons must solve a riddle in order to turn his life around and win the hand of the woman he loves. This is just the sort of quest that Quigg has been waiting for, and before long, his own life is also turned upside-down by the mysterious riddle. A delightful, mysterious short story by the much-loved author William Sidney Porter – also known as O. Henry.William Sidney Porter (1862-1910) was an American writer best-known for his short stories. Born in North Carolina, Porter moved to Texas in his early twenties where he began his literary career contributing to newspapers and magazines such as ‘The Houston Post’. During this period he also began work at a bank where he was accused of embezzlement, lost his job and was arrested a year later. Growing fearful of his upcoming trial, Porter escaped to New Orleans and then Honduras while on bail, where he hid for several months. It was here that he was inspired to write one of his famous short story collections ‘Cabbages and Kings’. In 1897 Porter returned to the US and was sentenced to five years in prison. He continued to write and had several stories published from prison under various pseudonyms, the most famous of which was ‘O. Henry’ – a name by which he is better known. Upon release Porter moved to New York where his most intense period of writing began, authoring hundreds of short stories mostly for the New York World Sunday Magazine. His witty narration and plot twists made his stories a huge hit with readers, a legacy which endures to this day. Some of his most popular short stories include, ‘The Gift of the Magi’, ‘The Cop and the Anthem’ and ‘The Caballero’s Way’. 1952 film ‘O. Henry’s Full House’ featured five of his short stories and starred Marilyn Monroe and Charles Laughton. Annual American literary prize ‘The O. Henry Award’ was established in his honour in 1919.

  • af Luis Gutiérrez del Arroyo
    44,99 kr.

    Botón es un perrito que el azar quiso que se cruzase en el camino de Luis Gutiérrez, nuestro autor. A través de una serie de reflexiones tan sensibles como lúcidas, conoceremos a Botón, su relación con el autor y el filtro por el que pasa la vida. Una historia tan sencilla como emotiva, tan particular como universal, tan íntima como trascendente.Luis Gutiérrez del Arroyo es un autor español. Ingeniero de profesión, cultiva tanto la narrativa como la poesía, así como la música: toca la viola de gamba en el grupo Orfeo, especializado en música del Renacimiento. Compagina su labor profesional de ingeniero industrial con su pasión por el arte y la literatura.

  • af Elena Portocarrero
    73,99 kr.

    Una historia preñada de una sensibilidad particular, donde se mezclan las sensaciones y los recuerdos en una impresionante obra literaria. Un personaje ambiguo y soñador regresa a su casa, en el interior de Perú, para visitar a su familia. El viaje resultante sirve como terreno para una evocadora maraña de recuerdos, impresiones y reflexiones sobre la vida, la identidad, el amor y la angustia del futuro. Un libro irrepetible.Elena Portocarrero fue una escritora peruana nacida en Lambayeque en 1931 y fallecida en Madrid en 2011. Agregada cultural de la Embajada del Perú en Buenos Aires, dirigió el Teatro Nacional y dio clases en las universidades de Lima y Huancayo. En 1963 llegó a recibir el Premio Nacional de Teatro.

  • af Jennifer Schreiner
    36,99 kr.

    Auf der Verlobungsfeier ihrer Schwester läuft das Fass für die 28-jährige Studentin Anna endgültig über. Deutlicher kann man der liebenswerten Chaotin das makellose Leben ihrer perfekten Schwester kaum unter die Nase reiben – und dann ist da auch noch ihre kuppelwütige Mutter. Es reicht! Ein neues Leben muss her, oder nein, besser gleich drei! So kreiert die Fettnäpfchen-Queen Anna kurzerhand drei Alter Ego: eine Brünette, eine Blondine und eine Rothaarige. Eine für die Familie, eine für die Karriere und eine für sich selbst. Und als ob dies nicht schon verwirrend genug wäre, begegnet sie ausgerechnet jetzt Max – dem Mann ihrer Träume ...Im Ruhrgebiet geboren, lebt Jennifer Schreiner heute in Leipzig. Die studierte Literaturwissenschaftlerin hat bereits eine Vielzahl an Titeln in unterschiedlichen Genres veröffentlicht. 2010 machte sie sich mit ihrem Verlag „Elysion-Books" selbstständig.

  • af Eduard Márquez
    58,99 kr.

    Desde una playa en Port de la Selva, un hombre desesperado por la muerte reciente de su hija hace un repaso de toda su vida, desde la época de adolescente hasta la adultez, en un intento de comprender que puede haber sucedido.Una novela magistral de Eduard Márquez llena de lírica y nostalgia, que habla con aires poéticos de toda una generación, de la amistad, la confianza y la fragilidad de la vida. Usando un hilo desordenado de hechos cronológicos para reflejar los pensamientos del personaje, estructurada en capítulos cortos e intensos, la novela de Márquez muestra una cotidianidad en la que el lector se podrá identificar fácilmente.Eduard Márquez (Barcelona, 1960) es un escritor de poesía, literatura infantil, juvenil y adulta, entre otros. Empezó como escritor de poesía con libros como La travesía innecesaria (1991), pero ya a partir del año 2000, se adentró en la literatura infantil, del cual es un autor prolífico. Con más de quince obras publicadas, ha quedado finalista en el premi Llibreter y ha ganado el premio de la Crítica de narrativa catalana, el QWERTY y el premio Octavi Pellissa.

  • af Eduard Márquez
    51,99 kr.

    Una col·lecció de contes que recupera els millors relats d'Eduard Márquez. L'autor va debutar a la literatura catalana amb dues col·leccions, ja desaparegudes i ara ha volgut recuperar alguns dels millors relats d'aquests dos llibres, en una antologia de 32 relats. Márquez crea situacions terrorífiques, cruels, incisives: els relats s'endinsen en la transformació personal i de la societat, en els canvis radicals que viuen molts dels mons interiors d'aquests personatges. Uns mons interiors que, amb una similitud kafkiana, s'omplen de temors i angoixa. Una col·lecció que mostra la millor cara de la seva faceta com a autor de narrativa breu.Eduard Márquez (Barcelona, 1960) és un escriptor de poesia, literatura infantil, juvenil i adulta, entre d'altres. Va començar com a escriptor de poesia amb llibres com La travesía innecesaria (1991), però ja a partir de l'any 2000 es va endinsar en la literatura infantil, on és un autor prolífic. Amb més de quinze obres publicades, ha quedat finalista al Premi Llibreter, i ha guanyat el premi de la Crítica de narrativa catalana, el QWERTY i el premi Octavi Pellissa.

  • af Honoré de Balzac
    48,99 kr.

    Lucjan, młody, a już obiecujący członek paryskiej socjety, zakochuje się w byłej kurtyzanie Esterze. Aby uniknąć skandalu, jego opiekun izoluje kobietę od środowiska i pozwala parze jedynie na nocne schadzki. Tymczasem piękna dziewczyna wpadła w oko bogatego barona, właściciela banku. Lucjan i jego opiekun postanawiają wykorzystać sytuację do wzbogacenia się. Popychają Esterę w ramiona odstręczającego barona de Nucingena.W 1975 r. na motywach historii powstał miniserial pod tym samym tytułem.Powieść wchodząca w skład cyklu "Komedii ludzkiej", gdzie kobieta staje się obiektem seksualnym i elementem walki o władzę.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) - wybitny powieściopisarz francuski, autor wielotomowego cyklu "Komedia ludzka", uważany za jednego z ojców współczesnej powieści europejskiej. Jako dziecko został oddany na wykarmienie do mamki. Epizod długotrwałej rozłąki z biologiczną matką miał duży wpływ na jego życie, a poniekąd także na twórczość. Wcześnie opuścił dom rodzinny i od razu próbował utrzymać się z pisania. Za życia nie doczekał się jednak ani stabilizacji finansowej, ani większego uznania. Wszystkie jego powieści miłosne trafiały na indeks ksiąg zakazanych. Poślubił polską szlachciankę Ewelinę Hańską. Chętnie portretował dojrzałe bohaterki, które przekroczyły trzydziesty rok życia, stąd określenie "kobieta w wieku balzakowskim".

  • - A heart-warming, feel-good summer romance
    af Barbara Josselsohn
    106,99 kr.

    A family secret. A new romance. And a summer she will never forget.When Caroline left Lake Summers thirty years ago, she thought she’d never return to the place where she lost her parents. But when she finds out that the town’s lily garden lovingly built by her mother is going to be destroyed, she knows fate is calling. Dropping everything at her office in Chicago, she knows she is the only person who can save the garden.Caroline and her daughter Lee are welcomed home by the warm smile of her mother’s best friend Maxine, and piles of pancakes at her cozy little restaurant in town. And Caroline soon learns she isn’t the only person invested in saving her mother’s legacy when she meets handsome historian Aaron. As she gets to know him, strolling along the sparkling lakeshore, she can’t imagine anywhere else she’d rather be.But then Caroline learns a terrible secret about the day her mother died. And soon the real reason Aaron is in Lake Summers comes to light. Will the truth about the people she loves force her to give up a future with Aaron, and the beautiful town that has always been in her heart?An utterly uplifting and heart-warming story about loss and memory, family and forgiveness. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Joanne Harris, and Mary Alice Monroe.“I devoured this beauty in a day! Talk about being hooked to a book! This one did it to me! Had me from the first page and didn't let go! I loved these characters they were realistic and raw! The story also had me wrapped. Looking for a light-hearted read that will tug at the heart? Read this book!” Goodreads reviewer“An uplifting, refreshing romance novel that leaves you with a fuzziness after you finish reading it… a story of family, friends, forgiveness and second chances. A refreshing summer read.’ Netgalley reviewer“Another uplifting, and heart-warming book about small-town life, families, and friendship. It’s perfect for a light summer read, and you’ll fall in love with the small town of Lake Summers and the townsfolk who inhabit it… sweet and realistic. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet summer romance.” The Bashful BookwormBarbara Josselsohn is an award-winning journalist and novelist. Her novels center around second chances, family relationships and, of course, romance. She lives just north of New York City.

  • af Tilly Tennant
    102,99 kr.

    She’s given up on love. But one little letter might change everything...Single mum Bonnie is a born romantic. But she’s been seriously let down by love. Her good-for-nothing husband walked out on her and daughter Paige two years ago, and hasn’t been heard from since.Between trying to make ends meet, managing teenage mood swings and the serious lack of eligible bachelors in her small town, Bonnie has all but given up on finding her happily ever after.Although if real-life romance is in short supply, it doesn’t mean Bonnie can’t indulge in a harmless imaginary one. She’s started writing to her totally unattainable dream man, baring her soul before screwing up the pages and tossing them straight in the trash...But when fate intervenes and Bonnie actually meets the man she never thought she could have, events take an interesting turn. Envelopes addressed to her start mysteriously arriving on her doorstep. Although Bonnie never sent him any of the letters she wrote, he has now begun writing to her.Is Bonnie about to discover that dreams really do come true?A fabulously funny and warm romantic comedy that fans of Josie Silver, Holly Martin and Lindsey Kelk will absolutely love!Previously published as Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn.Praise for The Time of My Life:‘Has you hooked from page one with its light-hearted comedy... Tilly really managed to weave magic with this book... I just could not put it down and I was desperately sad when I reached the end.’ Goodreads Reviewer‘I loved this book. Tilly Tennant has an amazing gift of story-telling.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Tilly has sold over 280,000 copies. Previously published as Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn.For fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie SilverFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • af Alys Murray
    102,99 kr.

    "Tugged on my heartstrings... I loved every minute I spent reading this adorable story... my heart was aching... Such a sweet heart-warming story" Audio Killed the BookmarkCan you ever really forget your first love?It’s been eight long years since May Anderson’s high school sweetheart Tom Riley drove down Main Street in his truck, leaving Hillsboro—and May—in his rearview mirror. Now he’s back and, try as they might, the pair can’t avoid each other.As Hillsboro prepares to host the prestigious North West Food and Wine Festival, Tom and May are reluctantly called in to plan the big event. Tom needs May’s help to repair his bad-boy reputation and, with the whole town counting on them, May and Tom need to learn to trust each other again.May is determined to protect her heart, but a lot has changed since high school. She can’t help but notice how the skinny boy she used to know is now a man who perfectly fills out his button-down, and Tom can’t seem to tear his gaze away from May’s sweet smile. It’s clear old feelings are surfacing again, but there is a secret keeping them apart and, until they find the courage to face it, their second chance summer will be only that...A heartwarming story about first love, family and the importance of second chances. Fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr will adore Sweet Pea Summer.Readers love Sweet Pea Summer:"I binge-read this book... Very charming setting in a charming town. Highly recommend this great summer read!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"Read as fast as I could. It's a heartwarming read perfect for escaping from these bleak times and I thoroughly enjoyed it." Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars"Right away, I knew I was going to love Sweet Pea Summer... It set a standard of charm, romance, and lovability that will be incredibly difficult for other summer reads to outdo." Tamsterdam Reads, 5 stars"I loved this book. Great storyline, characters, humor, romance and emotions. Everything I look for in a great book. This is one book you need to read and enjoy." Goodreads reviewer, 5 starsThe first book featuring the Anderson family, The Magnolia Sisters, reached #40 in the US top 100. Alys' previous title, The Christmas Company, was turned into a Hallmark movie.Alys Murray writes novels for the romantic in all of us. Born and raised in New Orleans, she received her BFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and her Master's in Film Studies from King's College London. Though she's moved away from home, she'll always be a Southern girl at heart.

  • af Alys Murray
    102,99 kr.

    Rose Anderson is done with being known as "the nice one" in the small town where she lives. She’s done with playing third, fifth, or seventh wheel at loud gatherings on her family’s flower farm. And most of all, she is done with the pitying looks she gets about her single status from the way-too-interested townsfolk.Busy with her flower-arranging business, Rose has no time for a man, thank you very much. And it has nothing to do with the scars she still nurses from her last breakup. So when she meets Cole McKittrick, Rose gets an idea. But first, she needs to get beneath his aloof exterior and convince him to agree...Cole McKittrick is trying to keep calm. So what if he quit a steady job for a shot at his dream, was dumped and his move to Yokel County, California is bringing back childhood memories he’d rather forget? It’s all about perspective. He doesn’t want to get any more involved in this town than he has to be, so his first instinct is to push Rose Anderson and her intriguing idea away. But the woman won’t get gone, and then she makes him an offer he can’t refuse.The two are soon neck deep in deception, playing up a starry-eyed romance in public while they clash wits and wills in private. But Cole has been hiding a big secret from Rose about his past. And when Rose finds out could it spell the end for their picture-perfect romance, or will she realize that he has taken over not just her home, but also her heart...?A fun, charming romance about family and finding the one, perfect for fans of Robyn Carr, Debbie Macomber and Carolyn Brown.What readers are saying about Alys Murray:"Wow... Loved it, loved it, loved it! The romance, humour, memorable-after-memorable scene... make this book a must-have addition for any shelf." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"All I can say about this book is that it is brilliant, addicting, memorable... The best book I have read all year... I’m giving it five stars, I wish I could give it more." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"This is a fabulous read, beautifully written. It’s the kind of book that will remain with you long after you’ve reached the last page. I'm absolutely not going to give anything away, only to say HIGHLY RECOMMENDED." Brook Cottage Books Blog, 5 stars"I could not have been happier. This book has everything you could ever want (and more)... the warmth of the story enveloped my soul... an exceptionally fun and sweet story." Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.The first book featuring the Anderson family, The Magnolia Sisters, reached #40 in the US top 100. Alys' previous title, The Christmas Company, was turned into a Hallmark movieAlys Murray writes novels for the romantic in all of us. Born and raised in New Orleans, she received her BFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and her Master's in Film Studies from King's College London. Though she's moved away from home, she'll always be a Southern girl at heart.

  • af Olivia Spooner
    107,99 kr.

    Pregnant. Single. Dating. It's going to be... a bumpy year!Trish Kirkpatrick never expected to find herself unmarried, pregnant... and not entirely sure who the baby's father is.With her ex, Pete, and her colleague, Elliot, in line for daddy duty while waiting on the DNA results, Trish finds her complicated world getting even more chaotic when a meet-cute on a plane to Tokyo with gorgeous architect Scott sparks a new flame.Now, as her bump grows so do Trish's troubles. Between family issues reappearing on her doorstep and the delivery date fast approaching, Trish will need to make up her mind not only on who she wants to be but who she wants to become.Praise for Olivia Spooner:'Wonderful... Will keep you turning the pages and before you know it you are on the final chapter... Utterly likeable characters and a lovely book' NetGalley reviewer on A Way Back to Happy'FIVE STARS! I flew through it in two days and hated putting it down. I admittedly stayed reading up way too much reading when I should have been sleeping. I loved the story but loved the characters even more... I could almost feel tightness in my own chest and heart, and tears in my own eyes' Goodreads reviewer on A Way Back to HappyOlivia Spooner has been writing fiction for twenty years. She lives in New Zealand and is the proud owner of an independent bookshop where she happily shares her love of books with everyone who walks through the door. When not creating stories, Olivia is most likely to be found at the beach or simply out walking: the more remote the location, the better.

  • af Sue Watson
    102,99 kr.

    A laugh-out-loud, uplifting comedy about finding the courage to be yourself, the importance of dreams, and learning to grab life by the glitter balls.Dance like nobody’s watching. Love like you’ll never get hurt...Laura Watkin’s heart isn’t broken, she’s just forgotten how to use it.After years on her own, the highlight of single mum Laura’s week is watching Strictly Come Dancing with a glass of Pinot Grigio and a large helping of imagination.With her daughter Sophie going travelling, Laura knows the time is right to do something for herself for a change. One disastrous Zumba class later and Laura ends up at the feet (literally) of gorgeous dance instructor Tony Hernandez.A natural dancer and inspiring teacher, Tony rekindles in Laura a passion she inherited from her ballroom dancer father – and with it comes a dream... to make him proud.But when Tony enters them to perform at the National Dance Festival, can Laura’s new-found confidence survive the test? And with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn Flamenco in Spain, could Laura truly learn to dance like nobody’s watching... and love like she’ll never get hurt?What readers are saying about Summer Flings and Dancing Dreams...‘Ms. Watson wouldn’t be our favourite rom-com queen without her unique writing style and laugh-out-loud moments. I was reading alone in my yard and laughed so loud that my neighbour who was cutting the grass in his yard, stopped the machine and looked at me, all puzzled... Enjoy this wonderful book!’ This Chick Reads‘I am a HUGE fan of Sue Watson and if you have a rather filthy sense of humour, and like a good giggle her books don’t fail to raise a smile... By the time I finished this book I wanted to book myself on a trip to Grenada to see all the sexy Spanish men and women dancing Flamenco.’ Best Crime Books and More‘This book really has everything - laughter, fulfilling dreams, sexy strangers in exotic gorgeous settings, friendships and pretty dresses! ... A total 5* read for me - and would love to read this sat around a pool or on a beach listening to the waves crashing on the shore!’ Bookworms and ShutterbugsOver 24,000 copies soldSue Watson was a journalist on women’s magazines and national newspapers before leaving it all behind for a career in TV. As a producer with the BBC she worked on garden makeovers, kitchen takeovers and daytime sofas – all the time making copious notes so that one day she might escape to the country and turn it all into a book. After much deliberation and copious consumption of cake, Sue eventually left her life in TV to write. After a very successful debut novel, Fat Girls and Fairy Cakes Sue signed a deal with Bookouture.

  • af Donna Ashcroft
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I have devoured this in one sitting, Ashcroft has pulled me into the pages and made me desperate to see what was going to play out. I am a sucker for a love story and was rooting for the characters... Definitely a five star read which I highly recommend.’ Little Miss Book Lover 87Evie Stuart is playing it safe. She lives on her family’s remote farm in the Scottish Highlands and never ventures beyond the local village of Lockton. The most unpredictable events in her life are the antics of Miss Daisy, her grandmother Agnes’s pygmy goat. She’s learned that bad things happen when she’s impulsive, and she’s determined not to get burned again.Callum Ryder is exactly the opposite of what Evie wants in her ordered world. Six foot two of reckless energy with twinkling eyes and a dangerously charming smile, he’s a thrill-seeking American firefighter with no idea how to slow down. Callum enters Lockton like a whirlwind, fleeing his problems in New York City in search of the truth about his Scottish family.Yet the pair might have more in common than they think... When the well-meaning Agnes persuades her to help Callum find his grandfather, Evie finds herself being challenged more than she has in years: from swimming in the fabled Bonnie Lochan to exploring an ancient castle and even entering the village jam-making championships. Turns out it’s easy for Evie and Callum to connect when they let go of their fears and enjoy the most surprising summer of their lives.But getting close to Callum so quickly soon starts to look like it might ruin everything for Evie: she’s heading for a disaster exactly like the one that destroyed her a year ago when she fell for the wrong man and let him change her life. Maybe a fresh start isn’t going to be so simple after all... Is the safe haven Evie’s built about to crumble down around her?A totally charming and moving story about being true to yourself, the power of new beginnings, and one magical summer that changes everything. Perfect for fans of Debbie Johnson, Carolyn Brown and Phillipa Ashley.Readers love The Little Village of New Starts:‘Filled with interesting and likeable characters, this book grabbed me from the very beginning... An absolutely wonderful story of love and laughs which will warm your heart completely!! Highly recommended!!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘If you’re looking for a lovely, heart-warming contemporary romance, grab yourself a copy of this delightful story... This is such a superb read, a great story to escape into with all the trials and tribulations... I have absolutely no hesitation in highly recommending it’ Splashes Into Books‘What a fantastic book, I couldn't stop reading it and was sorry when I got to the end – I wanted more... I would have no hesitation in recommending.’ NetGalley Reviewer.Donna Ashcroft has sold over 100,000 books since she started publishing with Bookouture in October 2018Donna spent a couple of decades writing bad horror stories and worse poetry until she gave up and accidently fell into publishing. After many years of working on other people’s books, she began to write her own romantic comedies and hasn’t looked back. When Donna isn’t lost in her latest love affair, she works for a website where she indulges her other passion – buying moisturiser. Donna lives in Hertfordshire with her own romantic hero, two gorgeous teenagers and a couple of cantankerous cats.

  • af Javier Memba
    58,99 kr.

    Con la garra de La conjura de los necios y la desternillante filosofía amodorrada del Gran Lebowski, Javier Memba nos presenta en esta obra a un personaje tan inolvidable como odiable: Blas Martín, director de cine misántropo que se verá obligado a ocultar su odio cerval hacia todo y hacia todos cuando un amigo periodista lo invita a una entrevista en televisión. Una reflexión sobre el arte y la creación tan ácida como inolvidable.Javier Memba es un autor y periodista español. Fuertemente vinculado con el mundo del cine, ha dirigido cortometrajes y ha trabajado de técnico de sonido y montador. Asimismo, ha publicado varios ensayos sobre el cine de terror europeo y americano del siglo XX. Desde 1990 trabaja como periodista en El Mundo.

  • af José Rodríguez Chaves
    58,99 kr.

    Un delicado pero contundente mosaico de vidas cruzadas, secretos y mentiras con un trasfondo costumbrista de la época del autor. Un jefe despide a su secretaria por negarse a tener relaciones con él. Una madre se enfrenta al escarnio y el ridículo por defender el honor de su hija. Un empresario desengañado quiere soltar todo el lastre que lo ata a las convenciones sociales. Vidas corrientes y pequeñas miserias contadas con una excelente prosa que constituyen un espejo en el que mirarnos todos.José Rodríguez Chaves fue un autor español nacido en Villagarcía de la Torre (Badajoz) en 1946 y fallecido en Madrid en 2016. Cultivó tanto la poesía como el ensayo y la novela. Asimismo, colaboró con más de una quincena de periódicos nacionales y regionales, entre los que se contaban el ABC, el Imparcial o Sur.

  • af Carlos Garrido Torres
    58,99 kr.

    La vida son múltiples caminos que no siempre transitamos como en un principio esperábamos. Alba tiene veintiún años y sin esperarlo recibe la repentina noticia de que padece una enfermedad mortal. Inicia entonces una lucha contada por su padre en la que lo que más quiere es no dejar de ser ella misma. La tristeza de las circunstancias se ve envuelta de valentía y amor y dan lugar a la esperanza; la historia de Alba no es una historia de pérdida, ni siquiera de muerte: es la historia de una joven y su padre que se aferran a lo que nos da sentido aunque a veces no lo sepamos: los sueños, el amor y las emociones.Carlos Garrido Torres es periodista, divulgador y escritor. Especialista en arqueología y el mundo antiguo, tiene más de cincuenta libros publicados a sus espaldas. Entre sus títulos más destacados se encuentra la serie «Las islas mágicas». En el campo de la novela ha publicado otros títulos destacados como «Voy al Tibidabo». También ha participado en diversos proyectos musicales y desde 2011 dirige espectáculos divulgativos sobre historia y patrimonio.

  • af Richelle Mead
    96,99 kr.

    Los inicios de la autora que arrasaría con el panorama del romance paranormal con la saga Vampire Academy. En la primera obra de Richelle Mead conoceremos a Georgina Kinkaid, una chica de lo más normal de Seattle, excepto por el detalle de que es un súcubo, un demonio especializado en seducir hombres. Georgina hace equilibrios entre su labor demoníaca, su trabajo en una librería y una desastrosa vida amorosa... aunque esto último está a punto de cambiar cuando entre en su vida Seth Mortensen, un atractivo autor de bestsellers que está a punto de poner patas arriba la sobrenatural vida de Georgina.Richelle Mead es una autora estadounidense nacida en 1976. Formada en religión, arte y educación, saltó a la fama gracias a la exitosa serie de romance paranormal Vampire Academy. Autora de varias sagas de fantasía oscura y urbana, sus obras han sido traducidas a más de treinta idiomas y adaptadas a la televisión.

  • af Birgitta Hågemark Olshov
    82,99 kr.

    "Du är en av de som får två liv i ett." Så hade astrologen sagt till Malin. Var det nu hennes andra liv började? Var det såhär hon skulle börja det, som singel och barnlös?Hon och Peter hade beslutat om ett halvårs prövotid, utan anledning egentligen, de visste båda att det tog slut för länge sedan. Sorgen finns där, sorgen över att det inte blev som hon tänkt. Men, hon har sin systerdotter Vera, hon har fina vänner, en bra karriär och hon bor i sitt drömhus. Dessutom är hon fortfarande snygg, inte ett enda grått hårstrå har hon.När Malin sedan träffar konfirmandledaren Anna börjar nya insikter ta form; kanske känner hon inte sig själv så väl som hon trodde.Den tryckta utgåvan av boken är utgiven på förlaget Ekström & Garay.Birgitta Hågemark Olshov, född 1962 i Lund, bodde under flera år utomlands och arbetade som fotomodell innan hon återvände till Skåne. Efter en karriär inom ekonomi bytte Birgitta yrkesbana och är idag professionell samtalscoach.

  • af Jürgen Roth
    29,99 kr.

    Eine humorvolle Liebeserklärung an das Leben auf dem Land und ein Muss für alle, die dem Stadtleben entkommen möchten.Goethes Gedicht „Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh‘‘ liefert die literarische Kontrastfolie für Jürgen Roths Werk. Während bei Goethe noch die Stille der Natur im Vordergrund stand, beleuchtet Roth in seiner „langen Erzählung vom Land" die Besonderheiten sowie Ecken und Kanten des Landlebens in mal poetischer, mal augenzwinkernder Weise.„Unter keinem Wipfel ist Ruh" wurde mit dem Jahreskunstpreis Literatur 2004 ausgezeichnet.Jürgen Roth wurde 1968 im nordrhein-westfälischen Berleburg geboren. Nach dem Studium der Germanistik, Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft und der darauffolgenden Promotion lebt er inzwischen als freier Schriftsteller und Journalist in Frankfurt am Main. Roth schreibt unter anderem für die FAZ, konret, taz und die deutsche Satirezeitschrift Titanic.

  • af Karen Clarke
    102,99 kr.

    In the beautiful village of Chamillon lies the Café Belle Vie, where you’ll always find croissants and friends when you need them the most – and where Elle is hoping to uncover the truth about her past...Thirty-year-old Elle Matheson has decided it’s finally time to find the mother who gave her up as a baby. With a faded postcard from the Café Belle Vie in hand – one of the very few things she has from her mother – she heads straight to the Île de Ré to begin her search.With only the postcard and the ivory shawl she was wrapped in as clues, finding her mum is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, even with the help of friendly – and gorgeous – café-owner Charlie. And since Elle hasn’t exactly told her younger sister what she’s up to, the little white lies about where she is are starting to add up...But Elle is really starting to feel at home on the beautiful island. The locals are welcoming, the café is homely, and Charlie is always there with a helping hand, a listening ear, and a pain au chocolat.Is Elle about to discover not just where she came from – but where she belongs?A hilarious rom-com perfect for reading in the sunshine! Fans of Debbie Johnson, Zara Stoneley and Debbie Macomber will love Karen Clarke!Readers are loving Summer at the Little French Café!‘I was hooked in really quickly into the wonderful, summery book, and read it in a few short hours... I loved every moment of this delightful book and there was even a mystery that had me stumped but equally eager to find out the outcome. This was a pure pleasure to read.’ Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘A fabulous sunny, summery read that sparkles and delights. I was engrossed in this lovely story from page one. Lovely imagery and a really pretty cover, a must read for the beach!’ NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars‘You can’t help but kept swept away... The added aspect of it all being set in France was just the icing on the top of an already scrumptious story... a wonderful and entertaining read.’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars.Previous series has sold over 130,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 authorAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.

  • af George Eliot
    32,99 kr.

    Burzliwe losy miłosnego czworokąta w małej angielskiej wiosce. Hetty Sorrel to urocza, choć jeszcze dość naiwna dziewczyna, która staje się obiektem uczuć tytułowego Adama oraz ponętnego (i majętnego!) kapitana Arthura. W relacje między bohaterami miesza się dodatkowo Dinah - piękna i zaangażowana religijnie kuzynka Hetty. Mężczyźni decydują się stoczyć pojedynek, w efekcie którego jeden z rywali odstępuje od swych matrymonialnych zamiarów. I gdy wydaje się, że miłosny konflikt został rozstrzygnięty, na jaw wychodzi sprawa, której nikt się nie spodziewał... Książka doczekała się licznych adaptacji - zarówno filmowych, jak i teatralnych, telewizyjnych i radiowych. Realistyczna w opisie scenerii i relacji pomiędzy bohaterami powieść zyskała dużą popularność. Podobno jej miłośniczką była sama królowa Wiktoria, która zleciła namalowanie obrazów ilustrujących pewne sceny tej literackiej historii.George Eliot (1819-1880) - w rzeczywistości Mary Ann Evans, angielska pisarka ukrywająca się pod męskim pseudonimem. Zaliczana do grona najwybitniejszych twórców epoki wiktoriańskiej, jej utwór "Miasteczko Middlemarch" zajął pierwsze miejsce w rankingu BBC dla 100 najlepszych brytyjskich powieści w historii. Wychowana w religijnej rodzinie ortodoksyjnie przestrzegającej zasad protestantyzmu, Mary w dorosłym życiu coraz bardziej oddalała się od kościoła, aż utraciła wiarę i stała się agnostyczką. Na ewolucję jej poglądów miało z pewnością wpływ środowisko, w jakim się obracała. Znała osobiście Karola Dickensa, Williama Makepeace’a Thackeraya, Karola Darwina i Johna Stuarta Milla. Jej wolny związek z nierozwiedzionym jeszcze Georgem Henrym Lewesem był traktowany jako skandal obyczajowy. Zła sława towarzyszyła jej aż do śmierci. Mimo ogromnych zasług dla literatury, odmówiono jej pochówku w Opactwie Westminster, gdzie miała spocząć wśród wybitnych twórców angielskich.

  • af Henry James
    56,99 kr.

    Amerykański biznesmen Christopher Newman odbywa podróż po Europie. We Francji poznaje młodą wdowę Claire de Bellegarde, zakochuje się w niej i zamierza ją poślubić. Jest pewny swego, w końcu reprezentuje wysoką warstwę amerykańskiego społeczeństwa. A jednak jego maniery nie odpowiadają arystokratycznej paryskiej rodzinie wybranki jego serca. Po odrzuceniu oświadczyn rozgoryczony i upokorzony Christopher staje przed poważnym dylematem. Mężczyzna poznał tajemnicę rodziny de Bellegarde - możliwość jej rozpowszechnienia w akcie zemsty wydaje się kusząca. Miłośnicy "Lalki" Bolesława Prusa powinni z ciekawością sięgnąć również po "Amerykanina".Henry James (1843-1916) - amerykańsko-brytyjski pisarz i teoretyk literatury, uprawiał także krytykę literacką. Jako członek bogatej rodziny nigdy nie musiał przejmować się finansami. Rozpoczął studia prawnicze na Uniwersytecie Harvarda, ale porzucił je dla pisarstwa. Wiele podróżował, zawitał w Anglii, Francji, Szwajcarii i we Włoszech. W akcie sprzeciwu wobec postawy USA w I wojnie światowej przyjął obywatelstwo brytyjskie. Wnikliwy obserwator i portrecista życia społecznego (amerykańskiego - "Portret damy", angielskiego - What Maisie Knew, relacje amerykańsko-angielskie - "Amerykanin"). Brat Williama Jamesa, profesora Uniwersytetu Harvarda, jednego z prekursorów pragmatyzmu.

  • af Anna Mansell
    129,99 kr.

    Your best friend deserves the truth. But it will ruin her life. What would you do?It’s been over twenty years since four very different teenage girls sat on that beach at Goran Haven, and swore to be best friends forever. Their lives went different ways after Emily left. But each remembered that promise. And none truly found friendship like it again.Now, Emily’s back, with a secret she can’t face. She tries to hide away, take time to heal and make some difficult choices, but she runs into one of her old friends, and soon the four are reunited. Lolly, warm as ever, is a successful physiotherapist, married with kids. Yet smart, strong Amanda, who cherishes her teenage daughter, is alone and seemingly stuck in a dead-end job. And creative Jess is so much quieter than Emily remembers.The bond is still there, and Emily realises their friendship might keep her together, but there are reasons why the women fell out of touch. Secrets that have lain dormant for decades start to surface, and then one of the women discovers a betrayal so big, it could turn each of their lives upside down.It’s always those we’re closest to who have the power to tear us apart. Can friendship give Emily and her friends the strength to survive a devastating shock, or are some things unforgivable?Full of truths about friendship, marriage, and the relationships that define us, Her Best Friend’s Secret is a powerful, relatable and emotionally gripping novel for fans of Jojo Moyes, Diane Chamberlain, and "The Silent Wife".Readers are loving Her Best Friend’s Secret:‘Totally loved it! The intricate storyline, the beautiful settings and the fascinating yet flawed characters. I could not stop reading... A truly amazing piece of escapism, dramatic and insightful.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘Should be on your must-read list for the summer... heartbreaking and gripping! It is also thought-provoking and eye-opening, and you will find yourself having a favorite character as I did. And if you are also like me, you will get swept up in the beautiful writing and outstanding story.’ Cara’s Book Boudoir, 5 stars‘I'm a huge fan of books that celebrate strong, independent women and this is definitely one of those... There was a brilliant OMG moment midway through the book which had me reeling,.. A warm, funny, enjoyable read.’ Mrs Roadley Reads.Author has sold over 30,000 copies to date and is a top 20 Amazon CA and top 70 Amazon UK author.Anna spent almost twenty years trying to shoehorn writing in to her career as a marketing manager for dance and theatre companies. Eventually, she did what you are not remotely supposed to do and walked away from an excellent job in order to try and become a published author. Three years, lots of tears and some slightly hairy bank balances later, she met Kirsty Greenwood and the rest, as they say, is history. Anna lives in Cornwall with her husband and two kids. She feels very fortunate!

  • af Jenny Hansson
    50,99 kr.

    Rasmus jobbar som säljare på en resebyrå med lysande omdömen. Men han har en hemlighet. Bilden på skrivbordet, där han världsvant poserar framför Mount Rushmore, är hundra procent fejk. Den längsta resan Rasmus någonsin har gjort var till Nordnorge. Han är ju livrädd för att flyga.När Rasmus flickvän börjar drömma om ett Svensson-liv, samtidigt som bästa vännen Patrik ska skilja sig, blir det startskottet på ett riktigt skruvat äventyr. Plötsligt verkar det nämligen som världens bästa idé att söka jobb som reseledare på Madeira! Tillsammans sätter sig vännerna ner för att fila på sina ansökningar, som snart innehåller fler fantasifulla lögner än sanningar. Men vad gör väl en vit lögn eller två på ett CV? Ganska mycket, ska det snart visa sig, när de som nyblivna reseledare till slut landar på Madeira. Ryktet om deras otroliga meriter har spridit sig bland kollegorna. Nu är det upp till bevis.Med en bekymmerslöst uppmålad fasad, utan en tanke på några konsekvenser, är det som upplagt för kaos på den portugisiska ön. Inte heller blir det bättre av att den norska kollegan Leah fångar Rasmus intresse - och snart nog även hans hjärta...Jenny Hansson, född 1986, är en svensk författare, lektör och skrivcoach från Vänersborg. Hennes debutroman "Mytomanen på Madeira" utkom år 2022.

  • af Lucía Montojo
    73,99 kr.

    Novela de prosa pulcra y certera que embelesa a quienes se adentran en esta historia. Claudia, su protagonista, empieza a enfrentarse a la vida a través de varios encuentros con personajes dispares unidos por el amor, la ambición, el rencor y las ganas de exprimir el tiempo que les queda. La única arma con la que podrá contar Claudia es la más poderosa: la escritura. Con ecos de Antonio Gala y de Carmen Posadas, esta novela de Lucía Montojo sorprende como una auténtica revelación.Lucía Montojo es una autora española nacida en Madrid en 1974. Formada en literatura en la Escuela de Letras de Madrid, ha cultivado tanto la poesía como el artículo en revistas literarias. En la actualidad compagina su labor profesional con la literatura.