Klassiske gysere og horror

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  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    Fra 34,99 kr.

    O capitão de um navio visita uma ilha remota e misteriosa. As pessoas da região se assustam com um demônio perigoso que leva humanos... O que está por trás desta crença inquietante? Infelizmente, é isso que vai descobrir o capitão que fica preso na tanoaria sem saber que o verdadeiro horror surgirá ao amanhecer...Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) foi um escritor e médico britânico de origem escocesa. Apesar de ser um escritor prolífico de obras de não ficção, principalmente na área do espiritismo e dos conflitos armados, ele é reconhecido mundialmente pela genialidade e criatividade presentes nas inúmeras aventuras do detetive Sherlock Holmes. As histórias desse detetive revolucionaram a construção narrativa da literatura criminal e continuam a inspirar obras de ficção no mundo inteiro.A inteligência sublime de Sherlock Holmes e o companheirismo do doutor Watson foram fonte de inspiração para o filme clássico "Os Cães de Baskervilles" (1959), o filme "Sherlock Holmes: O Jogo de Sombras" (2011) estrelando Robert Downey Jr. e Jude Law, bem como a série de televisão "Sherlock" (2010) da BBC, estrelando Benedict Cumberbatch e Martin Freeman.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    Fra 34,99 kr.

    Sir Dominick Holden decidiu se mudar para uma bela propriedade e aproveitar sua tão merecida aposentadoria. Mas ele está longe de encontrar descanso e paz em seu novo lar: a mansão é assombrada pela aparição de um homem sinistro... O que ele quer? Aterrorizados, eles percebem que o fantasma não tem uma das mãos! Será essa a chave o mistério?Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) foi um escritor e médico britânico de origem escocesa. Apesar de ser um escritor prolífico de obras de não ficção, principalmente na área do espiritismo e dos conflitos armados, ele é reconhecido mundialmente pela genialidade e criatividade presentes nas inúmeras aventuras do detetive Sherlock Holmes. As histórias desse detetive revolucionaram a construção narrativa da literatura criminal e continuam a inspirar obras de ficção no mundo inteiro.A inteligência sublime de Sherlock Holmes e o companheirismo do doutor Watson foram fonte de inspiração para o filme clássico "Os Cães de Baskervilles" (1959), o filme "Sherlock Holmes: O Jogo de Sombras" (2011) estrelando Robert Downey Jr. e Jude Law, bem como a série de televisão "Sherlock" (2010) da BBC, estrelando Benedict Cumberbatch e Martin Freeman.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    67,99 kr.

    From the author of ‘Little Women’, this Christmas story follows the young Maurice Treherne, who has recently become crippled after saving his friend Jasper’s life. Falsely accused of fraud and suddenly disinherited of the wealth promised to him by Jasper’s family, Maurice finds himself in a thrilling mystery plot. All the while, Maurice is in love with Jasper’s sister, Octavia, whose mother tries everything to keep them apart.‘The Abbot’s Ghost’ is one of Louisa May Alcott’s hidden gems, full of heart-warming moments, scandals, and perhaps even a real ghost...Louise May Alcott was an American writer who is most famous for her novel 'Little Women' (1868). Her heartwarming and heartbreaking stories typically follow young girls on their journeys to becoming young women. 'Little Women' was recently adapted into film for the seventh time in 2019, starring Saorise Ronan and Timothée Chalamet.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    36,99 kr.

    "e;Der Untergang des Hauses Usher"e; gilt als Inbegriff des Poe'schen Horrors.Isoliert von der Gesellschaft lebt das adelige Geschwisterpaar Madeline und Roderick Usher in einem gespenstischem Anwesen. Ein Jugendfreund sucht sie auf Rodericks Bitte hin auf und bemerkt bei seiner Ankunft einen Riss im Gemauer. Die folgenden Tage offenbaren ihm Rodericks Seelenleiden und in einer sturmischen Nacht wird er Zeuge des Niedergangs des Hauses Usher - untrennbar verbunden mit dem geistigen Zusammenbruch der gequalten Bewohner.-

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    67,99 kr.

    "The Captain of the Pole Star & Other Tales" is a collection of ten short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, comprising various themes and topics. From the melodramatic "John Huxford’s Hiatus" and the openly humorous "The Great Keinplatz Experiment", to the frozen and chilling journal entries of "The Captain of the Pole Star" and the gothic "The Man from Archangel". Conan Doyle’s tales present people thrust in to the strange and supernatural, as well as offering a richly descriptive psychological insight in to his characters . No Sherlock Holmes this time, as the protagonists are left to solve the puzzles in front of them, on their own. For fans of the mysterious, the inexplicable and the bizarre this collection of short stories from one of the greatest literary minds, is a must read.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) a literary titan known the world over for his ingenious and intricate literary creations. Born in Scotland he would go on to become a trained physician and serve with the army in the bloody Second Boer war. Drawing on his depth of personal experience and the intriguing characters in his life, Conan Doyle would create one of the most iconic duos in literary and pop-culture history in Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. He would write over fifty short stories and four novels starring the duo that continue to captivate and inspire to this day. Apart from his iconic duo, Conan Doyle wrote thirty novels on science fiction, fantasy, historical novels, poetry and plays. You owe it to yourself to experience the foundation of many of the genres you hold dear today, by delving in to the veritable treasure trove of Conan Doyle’s creations.

  • af Luis Vélez de Guevara
    40,99 kr.

    El diablo cojuelo es un texto teatral del autor Luis Vélez de Guevara. Se considera su mayor éxito, una obra imperecedera del teatro español de todos los tiempos. Narra la historia de un hombre que libera a un diablo prisionero en una botella tras la maldición de un mago. Como recompensa, el diablo le permite sobrevolar con él la ciudad y asomarse a las casas de sus conciudadanos para espiar sus miserias y sus cuitas.Luis Vélez de Guevara es un autor nacido en Écija (Sevilla) en 1579 y fallecido en Madrid en 1664. Su obra, principalmente teatral, se recuerda como una de las cumbres del barroquismo en el marco del Siglo de Oro Español. Suya es la famosa obra El diablo cojuelo, que ha permanecido en el imaginario español hasta nuestros días.

  • af Wilkie Collins
    92,99 kr.

    Old-timey horror is often a hard sell to a modern, visually-oriented audience whose palettes have long been cleansed, and numbed, by jumpscares, the gorefests of SAW-movies and the now common trope of evil children. Thus pampered by excess, it can be hard to ignore the old works' ghost strings, cheap rubber masks and the fact that the world and its horrors back then was simply... simpler. And when Wilkie Collins, on top of all that, graces this story with what sounds like the working title of Frasier Crane's disastrous classic radio drama "Nightmare Inn" from season 4 of the eponymous sitcom, the hill suddenly seems all the steeper.Fear not, however – well, not yet at least, as "The Haunted Hotel" is classified as "unusually horrific for Collins" by collinseurs.Breaking off his engagement to Agnes Lockwood, Lord Montbarry moves into an old dilapidated palace in Venice with his new wife and her brother. But when the lord suddenly ends up dead, his brother Henry and Agnes suspect an insurance fraud on part of Montbarry's new family. As the palace is refurbished into a hotel, the pair opts to stay there in search of the truth and even with Collins' normal flair for the supernatural in mind, the story veers in almost tangible spookiness. For the time, at any rate."The Haunted Hotel" was originally published in book form with "My Lady's Money" (1877) and dedicated to his friends Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Schlesinger.Novelist, playwright, genre pioneer, opium addict, mentee of Charles Dickens, magnificently bearded individual – Englishman Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) has many titles to his name.Having a knack for mystery and unconventional characters, Collins' biggest contribution to world literature comes in the forms of "A Women in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), with the former being mentioned on his headstone while the latter is widely considered the first modern detective novel.

  • af Thomas Hardy
    42,99 kr.

    Milkmaid Rhoda Brooks cannot control her jealousy of Gertrude - a beautiful woman who has just married a rich farmer. So when Gertrude appears in her dream she cannot help but reach out and grab the arm of the woman she wishes she was. As Gertrude's arm begins to wither away in real life and no physicians are able to give her a solution, she must turn to a conjurer. Considered one of Hardy's most successful short stories, 'The Withered Arm' is unmissable for those who enjoyed the suspense of Edgar Allen Poe's 'A Tell-Tale HeartThomas Hardy (1840-1928) was an architect by trade, but he is best remembered for the major contributions that he made to the literary world. He wrote both novels and poetry and was famed for his pessimistic outlook. The most notable of his works include 'Jude The Obscure', 'Far from the Madding Crowd', and 'Tess of the d'Ubervilles'. His gloomy prose is ideal for fans of Dickens, Defoe, and Keats.

  • af Diverse
    111,99 kr.

    Hier versammeln sich Geister jeder Art: geheimnisvolle Erscheinungen, furchteinflößende Gespenster, aber auch mittleiderregende Überbleibsel vergangener Zeiten. So erzählt Edgar Allan Poe gruselig von den unheimlichen Ereignissen im "Hause Usher". Ein mysteriöser "Horla" treibt Guy de Maupassants Protagonisten in den Wahnsinn. Ludwig Bechstein berichtet vom "Fliegenden Holländer", dessen Geisterschiff zum ewigen Umherirren auf den Meeren verdammt ist. Und Oscar Wilde amüsiert sich über das tollpatschige "Gespenst von Canterville". Diese Geschichten sind von Meisterhand geschrieben und gelesen von wahren Könnern ihres Faches: Frank Arnold, Konrad Beikircher, Andreas Fröhlich, Hubertus Gertzen, Stefan Kaminski, Oliver Rohrbeck, Johannes Steck und René Wagner lassen dem Hörer so manchen Schauer über den Rücken laufen.

  • af Robert Louis Stevenson
    36,99 kr.

    Alle Menschen müssen am rechten Bein Fesseln tragen. Jack will das nicht und zieht los, die Menschheit zu befreien. Er kämpft dreimal gegen den Zauberer, der die Gestalt seines Onkels, seines Vaters und seiner Mutter annimmt. Glücklich über seinen Erfolg eilt er zurück und erlebt eine herbe Enttäuschung ...

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Mann bezieht ein Zimmer in einem Haus, in dem es angeblich spukt. Und tatsächlich: In der Nacht wird ihm die Bettdecke weggezogen, er hört Schritte und Kettenrasseln. Schließlich begegnet er dem Geist des Riesen von Cardiff, der seine Leiche endlich begraben wissen möchte.

  • af Mark Twain
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Zug bleibt im Schneesturm stecken. Tagelang sind die Passagiere ohne Nahrung. In der Not stellen sie eine Kandidatenliste auf: Der Sieger der nachfolgenden Wahl soll getötet und von den anderen verspeist werden. Doch das ist erst der Anfang.

  • af Robert Louis Stevenson
    40,99 kr.

    Markheim ist ein skrupelloser Raubmörder. Doch die Begegnung mit einem mysteriösen Fremden führt ihm vor Augen, wohin sein Lebenswandel ihn geführt hat.

  • af Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    58,99 kr.

    Professor Gilroy ist ein Naturwissenschaftler, wie er im Buche steht: nüchtern und sachbestimmt. Bis ihn sein befreundeter Kollege Wilson mit der eigenartigen Miss Penclosa bekannt macht, die übersinnliche Kräfte zu besitzen scheint. Auf einen Rationalisten wie Gilroy sollte so etwas ja wohl keine Wirkung ausüben. Er nimmt als Versuchsperson an Hypnosesitzungen teil – was sich als fataler Fehler erweist...

  • af Ambrose Bierce
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Ambrose Bierce versteht es meisterhaft, in unglaublich schöner Sprache unglaublich schauerliche Geschichten zu erzählen: "Zwei helle Punkte bestirnten das Dunkel mit rötlich-grünem Glühen: Die Augen eines Panthers..." Natürlich schießt der Protagonist sofort auf die bedrohliche Bestie ... Andreas Fröhlich liest diese schaurig-schöne Gruselgeschichte in einer ungekürzten Lesung.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    37,99 kr.

    Edgar Allan Poes Klassiker in der Neuinterpretation von Andreas Fröhlich. Mysteriös, unheimlich, fesselnd.In einem brütend heißen Sommer, als New York von der grauenvollen Cholera heimgesucht wird, nimmt der Erzähler dankend das Angebot seines Vetters an, für eine Zeit auf dessen Landhaus über dem Hudson River zu ziehen. Eines Abends macht er in der Ferne auf einem Hügel eine eine schauerliche Beobachtung, die ihn erschüttert. Als sich diese Beobachtung wenige Tage später im Beisein seines Vetters wiederholt, der Vetter aber nichts auf dem Hügel erkennen kann, beginnt der Erzähler vollständig an sich zu zweifeln. Hat er etwa das Omen des Todes gesehen? Oder sind es erste Zeichen des Wahnsinns?Andreas Fröhlich ist ein deutscher Schauspieler, Synchron-, Hörbuch-, Hörspiel- und Off-Sprecher sowie Rezitator. Seit 1979 verkörpert er die Rolle des Detektivs Bob in der Kult-Hörspielreihe Die drei ???. Seine Hörbuch-Lesungen sind vielfach ausgezeichnet.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) wurde nach dem frühen Tod seiner Eltern von seinem Pflegevater zeitweilig in England erzogen. Zum Studium ging Poe auf die Universität nach Charlottesville und später auf die Militärakademie von West Point. Danach arbeitete er als freier Journalist. Heute ist er uns vor allem bekannt als meisterhafter Autor von Schauergeschichten.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    12,99 kr.

    Amerykański biznesmen Hiram Otis wraz z żoną i trójką dzieci przenosi się do Europy. Wprowadzają się do angielskiego zamczyska, należącego od pokoleń do rodu Kenterwilów. Wokół posiadłości krążą niepokojące pogłoski. Podobno od kilkuset lat rezydencję zamieszkuje duch pierwszego właściciela. Amerykanie zdają się nie wierzyć w paranormalne opowieści i początkowo ignorują niezwykłe wydarzenia. Nie wiedzą, że ich obecność zakłóca spokój zjawy. Niedługo później znika Virginia, córka Otisów...Oscar Wilde (1856-1900) – angielski prozaik, poeta i dramatopisarz irlandzkiego pochodzenia. Czołowy przedstawiciel modernizmu, zwolennik skrajnego estetyzmu. Pisał poezję, nowele i opowiadania. Wielką popularnością cieszyły się jego salonowe komedie obyczajowe. Jednak prawdziwą sławę przyniosła mu powieść „Portret Doriana Greya". Wilde był znany z ekstrawaganckiego stylu życia, podziwiano go za finezję stylu. Pod koniec życia został ofiarą homofobicznego prawa – wytoczono mu proces za homoseksualizm i skazano na dwa lata ciężkich robót. Zmarł w przytułku dla ubogich w Paryżu.

  • af Anton Giulio Barrili
    40,99 kr.

    L'anno Mille era ormai vicino. Nelle valli liguri, attraversate dal fiume Bormida, immerse in un'atmosfera di nebbia densa e notti fredde, non si faceva altro che parlare di fine del mondo, del maligno, e di tante altre leggende che tenevano gli abitanti incollati davanti al camino di casa. Di fronte a ogni focolare, c'era infatti sempre qualcuno che riaccendeva queste voci, senza sapere bene dove finisse la realta e iniziasse la leggenda.Ripassando quasi mille anni dopo negli stessi luoghi, un uomo di mezza eta ricorda una storia che gli e stata raccontata una miriade di volte, una storia che parla del diavolo e di un prato misterioso, proprio li a due passi, dove il maligno era solito celebrare le sue terribili nozze...-

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Klassiker über Liebe, Freundschaft und Großzügigkeit. Ebenezer Scrooge ist Geldverleiher und hält Alles, was nichts mit Geld zu tun hat und Profit verspricht, für unnötig. Noch nicht mal an Weihnachten kann er seine Prinzipien vergessen und ein bisschen Wärme für seine Mitmenschen aufbringen. Bis er eines Abends ungewöhnlichen Besuch in seinem Zuhause empfängt. Die Geister der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft zeigen Scrooge, was passiert, wenn er nicht dazu bereit ist, sich zu ändern. Werden es die Geister schaffen, Scrooge an den Menschen zu erinnern, der er mal war? Was ist passiert, das ihn so hart gemacht hat? Wird er sein Herz für andere Menschen öffnen können?Charles Dickens war und ist bis heute einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller Englands. In seinen Romanen nimmt er die britische Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts unter die Lupe und weist auf soziale Missstände innerhalb der bestehenden Sozialstrukturen hin. Seine Romane zählen zu den wichtigsten Werken der Literatur.

  • af Charles Dickens
    40,99 kr.

    Der Dienstbote Toby Veck lebt mit seiner Tochter Meg in armlichen Verhaltnissen und bekommt jeden Tag die harschen Standesunterschiede in der viktorianischen Gesellschaft zu spuren. Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben haben die beiden kaum - doch dann geschieht in der Silvesternacht etwas Unglaubliches. Toby begegnet den Geistern der Kirchturmglocken, die ihm in einer Vision zeigen, wie das Leben seiner Lieben ohne ihn verlaufen wurde. Toby muss sich entscheiden: Findet er seinen Glauben an die Menschheit wieder und kampft fur eine bessere Zukunft - oder werden die dusteren Prophezeiungen der Geister wahr? -

  • af Cecilia Böhl de Faber
    36,99 kr.

    La gran escritora española Cecilia Böhl de Faber practicó casi todos los géneros literarios, incluso, el relato gótico.«La hija del sol» es un relato breve a la altura de los mejores cuentos de terror gótico de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, como «El monte de las ánimas».La historia, a la manera de los románticos, nos sitúa en la hora más lúgubre de una noche de diciembre, la hora de las ánimas, en casa de una mujer consumida por la pena a la que su amiga comienza a relatarle una historia insólita, la de la hija del sol.Cecilia Böhl de Faber (1796-1877) fue una escritora española, más conocida por su seudónimo masculino Fernán Caballero, tras el que se ocultó para no ser menospreciada por sus contemporáneos. Fue representante del costumbrismo literario y su extensa obra se caracteriza por su finalidad didáctica y su defensa de la moral tradicional. Algunas de sus obras más célebres son «La Gaviota» (1849) o «Clemencia» (1852).

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    38,99 kr.

    This short story, told in the Gothic tradition represents Poe's first work to be printed, and represents the foundation of what would constitute much of his future work. The tale, set in Hungary, recounts the later years of an interminable feud between two noble houses, the Metzengersteins and the Berlifitzings. This third person narration follows the young orphaned Baron of the Metzengersteins, Frederick, as he inherits his family's fortune and their feud. An ancient prophecy is all that remains of the origins of this feud, one that has seemingly come true when Frederick is suspected of the murder of the Berlifitzings patriarch. It is this prophecy that drags these two families to a conclusion teeming with tragedy, mystery, violence, madness and the supernatural. For any fans of Poe, mystery or the supernatural it is a must read.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is a titan of literature. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural and macabre, his body of work continues to resonate to this day. Poe is widely regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).

  • af William Wymark Jacobs
    41,99 kr.

    What would you wish for if you could have anything? William Wymark Jacobs raises this age-old question when the White family stumble upon a monkey’s paw with the power to grant wishes. When their wish for riches goes awry, they are forced to face the truth - that all actions have consequences, magically granted or not.Over time, Jacobs’ novel has become a classic horror story, boasting an impressive amount of adaptions. Including an episode of ‘The X-Files’, ‘The Simpsons’, and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’.William Wymark Jacobs (1863-1943) was an English author. Despite being famed for his quick-witted comedies, his most successful novel came from his experiments within the horror genre. His most notable works include ‘The Monkey’s Paw’, ‘The Toll House’, and ‘Jerry Bundler’. Jacob’s unique ability to couple the everyday with the unthinkable makes his works unmissable for fans of Stephen King, and all classic horror.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    38,99 kr.

    A satirical story with a moral tint, "Never Bet the Devil Your Head" follows a narrator, fashioned after Poe himself, who is attacked by critics for his inability to produce a moral literary piece. To counter his critics, the narrator tells the story of a friend fond for rhetorically invoking the Devil, and his unusual end. A blend of supernatural and the bizarre, make the story a light-hearted, provocatively funny read that is doomed to be loved by anyone.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is a titan of literature. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural and macabre, his body of work continues to resonate to this day. Poe is widely regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    38,99 kr.

    A biting satirical piece, this short story takes aim at modern societies superiority complex. Through poking, prodding and mindless electrocution , a group of bumbling friends awaken a mummy from its slumber. After an evening of discourse, these men will begin to understand just how little they truly know about themselves and the world around them. Poking fun at the Egyptmania, and the casual attitudes towards scientific practice of the day, Poe delivers a scathing, humorous critique of his contemporaries. With witty dialogue, fascinating character development and an interesting twist, this short is perfect for anyone in the mood for a laugh with a dash of self reflection.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is a titan of literature. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural and macabre, his body of work continues to resonate to this day. Poe is widely regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    38,99 kr.

    A dark comedy, threaded through with an unsettling plot twist, "The System" follows a bumbling narrator through a tour of a mental institution in southern France. The peculiar Monsieur Maillard, architect of this institution, hosts his visitor to a most peculiar evening with the most unusual guests. The Monsieur and his extraordinary host of friends, provide an evening of unsettling, haphazard and absurd company, full of strange happenings, beautifully described through Poe's eye for detail. Poe's flair for the absurd and hilariously satirical shines bright in this short story, as evidenced by the numerous adaptations that have followed, most notably 2014s "Stonehearst Asylum" starring Kate Beckinsale and Sir Michael Caine.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) is a titan of literature. Most famous for his poetry, short stories, and tales of the supernatural and macabre, his body of work continues to resonate to this day. Poe is widely regarded as the inventor of the detective genre and a contributor to the emergence of science fiction, dark romanticism, and weird fiction. His most famous works include "The Raven" (1945), "The Black Cat" (1943), and "The Gold-Bug" (1843).

  • af Selma Lagerlof
    40,99 kr.

    Die Provinz Bohuslan im 16. Jahrhundert: Drei schottische Landsknechte uberfallen auf der Suche nach einem Schatz ein Pfarrhaus. Sie toten alle Bewohner des Hauses - einzig das junge Madchen Elsalill kann entkommen. Sie findet Unterschlupf bei dem Fischhandler Torarin und lernt dort einen geheimnisvollen Mann kennen. Doch kurz darauf erscheint ihr der Geist ihrer ermordeten Pflegeschwester und enthullt ihr ein unfassbares Geheimnis. -

  • af John Polidori
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Quando Aubrey incontra Lord Ruthven per le strade di Londra, il giovane inglese non può far a meno di notare l’aura di mistero che avvolge lo sconosciuto — una solennità antica e oscura, un pallore sinistro che rendono Lord Ruthven una figura indecifrabile. Insieme viaggiano per l’Europa, e questa sensazione di oscurità imminente non abbandonerà mai Aubrey. C’è una leggenda, una voce nell’orecchio di Aubrey a cui lui però non vuole dar retta neppure quando, sulla loro strada, cominceranno a incontrare strane uccisioni di donne. "Il vampiro" è uno dei capisaldi del genere horror e gotico, una delle prima opere a dare visibilità letteraria ai vampiri, fino all’epoca figure presenti sono nella tradizione folkloristica. Scritto nel 1816 come risposta alla sfida lanciata da Lord Byron, il testo precede addirittura ‘Dracula’ di Bram Stoker, il quale trarrà grande ispirazione dall’opera di Polidori. John Polidori (1795-1821) è stato un medico e scrittore inglese. Considerato come il fondatore del genere letterario sui vampiri, nel 1816 scrive a soli ventun’anni ‘Il Vampiro’, il primo racconto incentrato su queste figure fino allora presenti solo nell’immaginario folkloristico.

  • af Gertrude Atherton
    67,99 kr.

    Spoilt, wealthy and bored, Harold Dartmouth is tiring of his time in Paris. When he encounters the enchanting and beautiful young Welsh heiress Weir Penrhyn however, life suddenly looks much more promising, as he falls hopelessly in love with her. There are sinister forces at play though, and what begins with love could turn out to be something far more perilous - and its consequences far-reaching. A fast-paced, intriguing romantic mystery by the feminist author Gertrude Atherton. -

  • af Ann Radcliffe
    102,99 kr.

    Gloomy castles. Villainous Counts. Swordfights galore. If you’re looking for the ultimate Gothic novel, "The Mysteries of Udolpho" takes some beating.Set in the 1500s, it follows Emily St. Aubert, whose idyllic life in France is shattered when both her parents pass away. She falls under the influence of an Italian Count, and is taken to live in his castle. It’s a place full of secrets and things that go bump in the night. Can Emily uncover what’s really going on, before it’s too late?Thrilling and gloriously melodramatic, "The Mysteries of Udolpho" is a must read for fans of the genre.Ann Radcliffe (1764–1823) was a British writer who helped popularise Gothic fiction. Born in London, her writing career took off after her marriage to the journalist William Radcliffe. His work meant he wasn’t often at home, so Ann began writing in his absence.Unlike other Gothic writers, she favoured psychological horror over the supernatural, and female protagonists over male ones. Her best known novels include "The Mysteries of Udolpho", "The Italian" and "A Sicilian Romance".Radcliffe’s fans include Dostoyevksy and Edgar Allan Poe, and her style was even parodied by Jane Austen in her classic book "Northanger Abbey".