38,99 kr. "The Undertaker" is a supernatural gothic tale by Pushkin, which features Adrian Prokhorov, an undertaker, who comes to a new place. He is a very straight-forward man, and does not tolerate deviation from the norm. He is then invited to a wedding by his neighbours, where a lot of drinking is spent. The supernatural is just round the corner when a mishandled toast is proposed. The picturesque depiction of the danse macabre/walking-dead midnight party is exceptional, and Pushkin succeeds in portraying the horrifying aspect completely. A chilling story with a surprise ending that is not to be read after dark.Deservedly labelled "the best Russian poet", Pushkin’s short life (1799-1837) did not prevent him from ushering Russian literature into its modern era. A master of the vernacular language and multifarious and vivid writing style, Pushkin’s oeuvre was of great influence to a whole legion of Russian writers and literary styles. Among his best-known works are the narrative poems "Ruslan and Ludmila" and "Eugene Onegin", the drama "Boris Godunov", several novels, short stories, and fairy tales.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. More than 10 000 years ago something terrible happened in the land of Mnar. Shepherd people built a new city called Sarnath. But the land they took to themselves was not uninhabited – there was a strange race living in the area, and they even had their own town called Ib.The people of Sarnath decided to destroy the other race. But they didn’t know that one day these creatures would return and have their revenge...H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. A short story written in the vein of the Gothic tradition, "The Black Monk" tells of a Kovrin, a Russian scholar, who is suffering from stress and overworking. He goes to the countryside, to an idyllic garden, where he starts seeing a ghostly apparition in the figure of a black monk. Step by step, Kovrin begins to lose his sanity and health, largely due to the influence of the black monk. Touching upon the powers of one’s imagination and the hallucinations of a trouble mind, Chekhov creates a haunting story of madness, love, and the supernatural.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays "Uncle Vanya", "The Seagull", and "The Cherry Orchard", where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth the mysterious beneath the ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.
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66,99 kr. "e;To conceal anything from those to whom I am attached, is not in my nature. I can never close my lips where I have opened my heart."e;Master Humphrey is an old, crippled man living in London. To combat his loneliness, he starts a little club, Master Humphrey's Clock, and invites its members to read from their manuscripts. Delightful, supernatural, romantic and sometimes a little creepy, this is the collection of their stories. Readers familiar with Dickens will perhaps come across characters and stories they already know as it serves as an introduction to, among others, Barnaby Rudge and The Old Curiosity Shop.-
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- 66,99 kr.
41,99 kr. Smith, a University of Oxford athlete, witnesses strange things. Edward, a student in Egyptology, collects ancient artefacts, a mummy as well. Not only does he collect them, but Smith suspects that Edward is trying to reanimate the mummy. His suspicions grow bigger when he sees the mummy disappear and then reappear. Will Smith confront Edward and what will follow after that? Is it actually possible to reanimate an artefact or it is simply fruit of imagination? Who will make it out alive – Smith, Edward, or the mummy? "Lot No. 249" holds the answers.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was born in Scotland and studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh. After his studies, he worked as a ship’s surgeon on various boats. During the Second Boer War, he was an army doctor in South Africa. When he came back to the United Kingdom, he opened his own practice and started writing crime books. He is best known for his thrilling stories about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes. He published four novels and more than 50 short-stories starring the detective and Dr Watson, and they play an important role in the history of crime fiction. Other than the Sherlock Holmes series, Doyle wrote around thirty more books, in genres such as science-fiction, fantasy, historical novels, but also poetry, plays, and non-fiction.
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- 41,99 kr.
24,99 kr. Varje gång när hon passerar det gamla torpet, som står öde och bistert i sin övervuxna trädgård, drabbas hon av ilningar, av rysningar som snart övergår till ren skräck. Det är som om hon var med när det fruktansvärda inträffade där. Men det var hon inte. Hon är helt säker. Men trots detta går hon runt på känslan att hon, innerst inne, sitter på den olösliga gåtans lösning, ja, att hon kan förklara varför allt hände. Och när hon sover om natten kommer hennes mamma till henne i drömmarna, beklagar sig att hon inte kan vara där för sin dotter i det som kanske blir hennes svåraste tid i livet ...Niki Loongs "Det gömda minnet" är en av novellerna i antologin "Alla tiders brott", författade av Novellmästarna (2018).Niki Loong är en svensk författare och konstnär. Hon har skrivit böcker inom en rad olika genrer, bland annat mysdeckare och barn- och ungdomsböcker.
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- 24,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The narrator has gone out to a garden in the middle of the night. But the garden, under the light of the moon, doesn’t seem like a usual garden. Everything seems a little weird and baleful – as if they were cursed by the moon. And when he continues to walk, things get even more strange. This garden has no end – it goes on and on. The narrator is confused. Will he ever find his way back from this beautiful yet terrifying place?H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When Maria Gavrilovna decides to elope with her suitor Vladimir Nikolayevitch, little do they know what supernatural occurrences this might evoke. An exceptionally chilling and dismal tale, "The Blizzard" portrays the terrifying ups and downs of the suitor, who is caught by the snowstorm while trying to reach his soon bride-to-be. It combines fast-paced narration, with hopeless situations, gloomy natural descriptions, and a realistic, psychological portrait of the main heroine – and all that turns the love-conquers-all story into an enigmatic and thrilling read.Deservedly labelled "the best Russian poet", Pushkin’s short life (1799-1837) did not prevent him from ushering Russian literature into its modern era. A master of the vernacular language and multifarious and vivid writing style, Pushkin’s oeuvre was of great influence to a whole legion of Russian writers and literary styles. Among his best-known works are the narrative poems "Ruslan and Ludmila" and "Eugene Onegin", the drama "Boris Godunov", several novels, short stories, and fairy tales.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Charles Dickens shared excessive interest in the machinations of the ghostly and the supernatural. Many of his ghost stories include a sense of justice or rational explanation in the end. "The Hanged Man’s Bride" is such a story that is rich in vivid descriptions of nature, murder mystery, and a restless spirit. Dickens does a great job in portraying the background in minutest of details, adding a layer of veracity and truthfulness to the supernatural occurrences. A chilling and recommended reading for the fans of ghost stories.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and was widely popular. Among his most famous novels are Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861).
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111,99 kr. La colección de cuentos que habría provocado pesadillas en autores como H. P. Lovecraft o Robert E. Howard. La oscuridad innombrable es un homenaje del autor Ted E. Grau a los maestros del género de la Arkham House, tan macabra como apabullante en el tratamiento del terror más oscuro e ignoto.Ted E. Grau es un autor estadounidense afincado en California. Aficionado irredento al terror de los maestros del género del S. XX, su obra ha cultivado el horror cósmico y ha sido nominada al prestigioso premio Shirley Jackson.
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- 111,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Las pesadillas de Ligotti o Lovecraft se dan cita con el black metal más descarnado en esta inclasificable obra de música, surrealismo, horror cósmico, existencialismo y mucho guitarreo. Un cantante de metal adicto a las drogas asiste a la única oportunidad de salvar su carrera en franca decadencia: viajar a Ucrania a grabar un nuevo disco con una banda de culto. Sin embargo, algo mucho más oscuro que su música le espera en el viaje.David Peak es un autor estadounidense residente en Chicago. Su obra, siempre emparentada con el horror existencialista, ha aparecido en diversos medios y editoriales y le ha granjeado numerosas nominaciones a galardones de terror.
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- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Una de las primeras novelas de Juan Ramón Biedma, en la que ya se aprecia el gusto por la realidad oscura y el coqueteo con el terror más truculento presente en toda la obra del autor. La Sevilla contemporánea se ve azotada por una serie de asesinatos que tienen una cosa en común: todas las víctimas tienen algún tipo de deformidad. La caza al asesino se desarrollará a través de un laberinto gótico, desquiciado y violento.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Juan Ramón Biedma es un escritor español nacido en 1962. Especializado en novela negra y criminal, sus historias destacan por un cuidado empleo de la prosa y por una truculencia sorprendente, que coquetea con el terror gótico y el hardboiled clásico. Su obra le ha valido premios como el Silverio Cañada a mejor ópera prima en la Semana Negra de Gijón o el Premio Especial de la Semana Gótica de Madrid.
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- 96,99 kr.
36,99 kr. La prima cosa che l'ambasciatore americano Hiram Otis e la sua famiglia notano quando entrano nella loro nuova villa britannica è la macchia di sangue nel salotto. A quanto pare, si sono trasferiti in una casa già occupata. Il problema è che il loro nuovo coinquilino è un fantasma orgoglioso e, soprattutto, determinato a terrorizzarli a morte. Ma le cose non vanno come previsto per il povero fantasma. Più lui cerca di spaventare la famiglia Otis, più loro lo prendono in giro e lo ignorano.Un concentrato di arguzia e umorismo, Il fantasma di Canterville (1887) è un affascinante e coinvolgente racconto di Oscar Wilde. È stato adattato svariate volte per il cinema e la televisione, tra cui un memorabile film TV del 1996 con Patrick Stewart negli eterei panni del fantasma Sir Simon di Canterville.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) è stato un drammaturgo, romanziere, saggista e poeta irlandese. Tra le sue opere più celebri ricordiamo il romanzo "Il ritratto di Dorian Gray" e la commedia teatrale "L'importanza di chiamarsi Ernesto."Dandy raffinato, scrittore all'avanguardia, omosessuale in un'epoca e in un paese in cui l'omosessualità era ancora considerata un reato, Oscar Wilde è unanimemente riconosciuto come una delle voci più importanti della letteratura dell'Ottocento.
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- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Adrian Prokhorov è un impresario di pompe funebri, appena trasferitosi nella sua nuova casa. I suoi nuovi vicino lo invitano ad una festa di matrimonio dove immancabilmente si beve molto. Tra un brindisi e l'altro, gli eventi prenderanno una piega decisamente soprannaturale e terrificante conducendo il lettore verso un finale a sorpresa."Il Becchino" è un racconto gotico soprannaturale di Pushkin ricco di suspense e calato in un'atmosfera molto pittoresca.Aleksandr Puškin (1799-1837) è unanimemente considerato uno dei più importanti poeti russi di sempre nonostante sia morto a soli 37 anni in seguito ad un duello.Scrittore dallo stile vivace e ricco, Puškin ebbe un'enorme influenza su un'intera generazione di autori russi. Tra le sue opere più note, ricordiamo i poemi narrativi "Ruslan e Ljudmila" e "Eugene Onegin," il dramma teatrale "Boris Godunov" e diversi romanzi, racconti e fiabe.
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- 36,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Basil Elton is a lighthouse keeper who has followed in his father’s and grandfather's footsteps – all of them have taken care of this very lighthouse. Elton is still fascinated by the ocean: blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous – the ocean is never silent.But Elton also has a special dream. He dreams about a magical white ship that would take him to places, far away from the lighthouse...H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. It is the time to celebrate Yuletide – a festival that ancient Germanic people celebrated during the darkest times of the year. A man returns to his home town to share this special day of celebration with his relatives. But there is no regular festival waiting for him – instead he is about to meet something terrifying...Yuletide is not, after all, that similar to Christmas – it was believed that supernatural forces were particularly strong during that time of the year.H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Jervas Dudley was only a child when he found the mausoleum of the Hyde family. The place becomes very important to Dudley – one day he will find his way to open the door to the mausoleum. As the days pass, Dudley becomes more and more obsessed with the grave. He even starts to sleep next to the mausoleum.When Dudley finally finds the key, however, he is about to discover something he was not prepared for...H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When Harry Houdini travels all the way to Egypt, he doesn’t know yet that this trip will take him to one of his greatest – and most terrifying – adventures. During the trip he is kidnapped and someone throws him underneath a pyramid. And there he is, alone in the dark, trying to find his way out of this frightening place. When he finds his way to a ceremonial chamber, he realizes that pyramids indeed have forces that are not from this world...H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When captain James P. Orne and his crew kill a strange and enormous animal in the sea, they are confused. They have never seen anything like this before – the animal looks like a giant sea monster. They start to make money by letting people see the corpse of the animal. Animal experts, however, tell them that the monster was actually only a baby.One day, the corpse disappears... and the animal will have its revenge.H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When a writer named Carter meets his friend Manton in a cemetery, they are about to discuss prose writing and horror. Is there a good reason to leave some of the most horrifying things unnamable? Is that a good or bad thing for the reader? While the two of them are debating, they seem to forget that they are sitting in a cemetery – a place which lies between the two worlds...H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
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- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Kalos and Musides are two Greek sculptors who are asked to sculpt statues for a competition. But while they are preparing their statues, something terrible happens – Kalos becomes ill. As the two of them are very good friends, the sickness of Kalos makes Musides very unhappy.When Kalos is about to die, he asks Musides to bury olive branches with him. The result, however, is something beautiful and horrifying at the same time.H.P. Lovecraft (1890–1937) was an American horror writer. His best known works include ‘The Call of Cthulhu’ and ‘the Mountains of Madness’. Most of his work was originally published in pulp magazines, and Lovecraft rose into fame only after his death at the age of 46. He has had a great influence in both horror and science fiction genres.
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- 38,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Hector et Cordélia s'aiment depuis toujours d'un amour inconditionnel. Ils se sont promis l'un à l'autre pour parfaire leur union. Pourtant, quand Hector revient d'Amérique, Cordélia lui semble différente. Elle s'éloigne de lui, le fuit — pour un autre. Mais Hector n'est pas dupe: on a cambriolé le cœur de sa belle. Et il semble bien que Cordélia soit sous l'emprise d'un mystérieux artiste...Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) est un écrivain français. Exerçant le métier d'avocat, il commence par arrondir ses fins de mois en publiant des comptes-rendus de procès pour le journal L'Écho de Paris. Il est repéré en 1893 par le directeur du journal Le Matin: il y devient chroniqueur judiciaire. Son travail est une source d'inspiration pour ses romans. En 1901 il est promu grand reporter, et publie en 1903 «La Double Vie de Théophraste Longuet» sous forme de feuilleton. Sur sa lancée, il publie en 1908 «Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune», un véritable succès qu'il assure par «Le Fantôme de L'opéra» en 1910, «La Poupée Sanglante» en 1923, «Chéri-Bibi» à compter de 1913.
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- 58,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Une vampire seme la terreur dans les rues de Paris. Une centaine d'individus fortunes sont deja morts sur les bords de Seine. Pour certains, ce ne sont que des criminels assoiffes d'or. Pour les autres, c'est une veritable goule en quete de chair humaine. Le vieux maitre d'armes Jean-Pierre Gateloup ne se pose plus la question: il arpente les rues sombres de Paris depuis que l'amant de sa fille frequente une autre femme aux cheveux de jais...-
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- 96,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Le 16 decembre, a 23h10, Rosine Orlac attend son mari sur le quai. Mais le train n'arrive pas: un grave accident a eu lieu. Le celebre pianiste virtuose Stephen Orlac perd l'usage de ses mains. Desespere, il est pret a tout pour pouvoir rejouer. Et quand l'etrange docteur Cerral lui propose de lui greffer de nouvelles mains, il n'hesite pas un instant. Mais ce sont la celles d'un assassin fraichement guillotine... Des lors, tout tourne au cauchemar, et les crimes se multiplient autour de Stephen.-
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- 73,99 kr.
163,99 kr. B. J. Harrison does not tire of the adventurous and mysterious settings in his choice of narratives. This time, the horror element is a bit subdued, though Edgar Allan Poe makes up for the lost thrills with his haunting poems "The Raven", "Annabel Lee", and "The Sleeper". P. G. Wodehouse appears with four works, scoring points for his humor. However light-hearted and adventurous this collection may sound, the thrills come not only from Poe’s presence, but also from the snow-covered Denmark and Hans Christian Andersen’s "The Snow Queen" – a haunting and chilling fairy tale about the eternal struggle between good and evil. All in all, it is another fantastic season that all fans of fiction will enjoy.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Season Five comes with a lot of great names in store, keeping a fast pace with the previous volumes. Three more novels find their place here, as well as three novellas, and several poetic pieces. Some other authors are Agatha Christie, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Johnston McCulley, Ayn Rand, Gaston LeRoux, and Charles F. Fall. Make room for 36 more hours in your life – you will not regret it.
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- 163,99 kr.
163,99 kr. A kaleidoscope of genres, themes, topics, and motifs await the listener here. From comedy and mystery, to horror and children’s stories, Season Four abounds in fairy tales adventures, challenges to the listener’s imagination, and joyrides through the unknown realms of the psyche. One of the most famous short stories in horror fiction, "The Call of Cthulhu" sits next to the funny characters of "Right Ho, Jeeves" by Wodehouse, while the eponymous sleepyhead from "Rip Van Winkle" is very much awake, facing H. G. Wells’ "The Door in the Wall". The collection also includes one of the best psychological horror novellas in world literature – Henry James’ "The Turn of the Screw" where a young governess and her two entrusted children are haunted by a ghostly presence.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.The fourth season does not shy away from the adventurous, mysterious, and horrific aspect of the previous three collections. Here, B. J. Harrison welcomes more short stories, two complete novels, and a novella. Among the newcomers are L. Frank Baum, Erckmann-Chatrian, Baroness Orczy, Rudolph Raspe, Jules Verne, and Frances Hodgeson Burnett. The almost 40-hour-long adventure is definitely worth every second!
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- 163,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Sam McGee is one of the many gold miners of the Klondike Gold Rush. The freezing-cold and harsh winter of Yukon is about to take his next victim in the face of McGee. The poor man freezes to death on the trail. The night before he passed away, McGee had asked his friend, the narrator of the story, to cremate his remains, saying that he did not want to be buried in the frozen ground. However, after the man is cremated some strange things begin to happen.Why does McGee not want to be buried in the frozen ground? And what will happen after his cremation? Find out the answers in one of Robert W. Service’s most famous poem, the 1907 "The Cremation of Sam McGee".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Robert William Service (1874 - 1958) was a British-Canadian writer and poet. Before he began writing, Service worked as a bank clerk on a ranch on Vancouver Island and was therefore often called "the Bard of the Yukon". He travelled a lot in Western America and was inspired by the tales of the Klondike Gold Rush. Service’s collection of poems "Songs of a Sourdough" achieved a massive success and secured him a wealthy life on the French Riviera.
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- 38,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Season Three comes with serious firepower. The genre of adventure, science fiction, fantasy, horror, romance, melodrama, and the psychological are all present, turning the collection into a kaleidoscope of characters, plot twists, emotions, and revelations. Magicians hurl lightnings at each other, talking rabbits and vanishing cats talk to a little girl, while mad scientists try to create life from dead body parts. One of the most prominent names in this season is the American master of horror H. P. Lovecraft, whose haunting and hallucinatory tale "The Music of Erich Zahn" will echo for a long time in the listener’s ears.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.The third season is as miscellaneous in terms of themes and topics as the previous two. Some of the authors are already familiar, though they often appear with surprising new additions. The new names that are worth mentioning are Lewis Carroll, Anton Chekhov, Willa Cather, Harriet Beecher Stowe, H. Rider Haggard, Mr. Warburton, W. H. Hudson, Rev. Dr. David Livingstone, M. R. James, and H. P. Lovecraft. Over 39 hours of literary delight!
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
40,99 kr. La nuit tombée, un notaire londonien est bouleversé par une scène abominable : un individu agresse une petite fille dans la rue. Il est bien surpris lorsqu'il apprend que son ami, le Dr Jekyll, compte léguer tous ses biens à l'étrange Mr Hyde, l’agresseur. Qu'est-ce qui peut bien pousser le distingué Dr Jekyll à choisir l'infâme Mr Hyde pour héritier ? Avec cette œuvre, Stevenson nous invite à parcourir ce mystère, adapté plusieurs fois pour le cinéma et la télévision.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) est un écrivain écossais et un grand voyageur. C’est au fil de ces voyages que lui vient l’inspiration pour écrire ses œuvres pleines d’aventures et ses récits fantastiques. Avec une narration très visuelle, il arrive à manifester une critique aux habitudes de son l’époque. Ses romans ont souvent été adaptés aux différents médias, notamment dans le film « L’île au trésor » dirigé par Alain Berberien en 2012 et l’emblématique « Dr. Jekyll et Mr. Hyde » fait en 1931.
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- 40,99 kr.
25,99 kr. Djupt nere en gravkammare i Algeriet befinner sig Biskra. Hon är förklädd till en vägvisare och i skydd från gravkammaren väntar hon in sitt blivande offer, den franska löjtnanten Guimard. Utanför viner den heta ökenvinden - samum. Biskra har avslöjat för sin älskare Yousseff hur hon ska ta livet av löjtnanten, hon tänker inte döda honom själv utan hetsa honom till att ta sitt eget liv. När den svaga och förvirrade löjtnanten vacklar in i gravkammaren är hans liv så gott som redan över ..."Samum" är en pjäs från 1889 av August Strindberg.August Strindberg (1849-1912) var, och är fortfarande, av Sveriges mest framstående författare genom tiderna. Han var också bildkonstnär, dramatiker och journalist, och är känd för sin produktivitet. Han slog igenom med romanen "Det röda rummet" 1879 och har sedan dess varit en mycket prominent gestalt i det litterära Sverige.
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- 25,99 kr.