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  • af Edith Nesbit
    92,99 kr.

    "e;Man and Maid"e; might sound like the working title of something 11 year-old Jane Austen jotted down during recess, and whilst this might not be E. Nesbit's most imaginative of titles, she makes up for this in fantastic, magical storytelling. This collection of 13 short stories is a treat intended for adults - a rare audience for Nesbit - which in turn allows her to explore her penchant for horror and romance. Thus, true to her style and this book being a product of 1906, the protagonists are often women, the settings are realistic and relatable and the reader should expect neither brain-bursting aliens or awkward, graphic sex scenes in the style of Haruki Murakami.Instead this collection jumps leisurely from haunted manors and creepy wax figures to writers with a broken heart, mysterious train encounters and the 31-page juggernaut 'The Millionairess' about an old love triangle padded with even older money.To sum up, "e;Man and Maid"e; is very much a mixed bag of stories to cater to a variety of tastes.-

  • af Gaston Leroux
    40,99 kr.

    Mme Gutmann, tout juste mariée, tremble tous les soirs, effrayée par ce chalet perdu en pleine forêt allemande, par cette servante hostile et agressive, et surtout par Herbert le bûcheron, son mari... Il ne dort plus, marmonne dans sa barbe, se promène la nuit avec une hache, et ferme toujours à double tour la porte d'une pièce secrète.Parue en 1912, la nouvelle «La Hache d'Or» raconte la terrifiante histoire d'un meurtrier à la hache rouillée.Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) est un écrivain français. Exerçant le métier d'avocat, il commence par arrondir ses fins de mois en publiant des comptes-rendus de procès pour le journal L'Écho de Paris. Il est repéré en 1893 par le directeur du journal Le Matin: il y devient chroniqueur judiciaire. Son travail est une source d'inspiration pour ses romans. En 1901 il est promu grand reporter, et publie en 1903 «La Double Vie de Théophraste Longuet» sous forme de feuilleton. Sur sa lancée, il publie en 1908 «Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune», un véritable succès qu'il assure par «Le Fantôme de L'opéra» en 1910, «La Poupée Sanglante» en 1923, «Chéri-Bibi» à compter de 1913.

  • af Pedro Antonio de Alarcon
    58,99 kr.

    Colección de relatos cortos donde el escritor español Pedro Antonio de Alarcón da suelta a la parte más romántica de su literatura, entendiendo romanticismo como literatura de bajas pasiones, siniestra y con un lado oscuro, en las que coquetea con el género fantástico.Pedro Antonio de Alarcón fue un escritor español nacido en Guadix en 1833 y fallecido en Granada en 1891. Sus obras oscilan entre el realismo imperante en su época y un romanticismo tardío que lo emparenta con Byron o Espronceda. Cultivó tanto la novela como el teatro, la poesía o los libros de viaje, alcanzando la excelencia de todos los campos.

  • af Dean R. Koontz
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    In De sleutel tot middernacht leren we Joanna Rand kennen, eigenaresse van een nachtclub in Kyoto. Ze is een getalenteerde zangeres en slimme zakenvrouw en dat maakt haar club The Moonglow tot een succes. Een nieuwe en interessante bezoeker, Alex, die op een avond verschijnt en elke avond terug blijft komen, brengt verandering in Joanna's leven. Als ze op een dag vreselijke herinneringen van nachtmerries krijgt, besluit ze met de hulp van Alex te onderzoeken wat er aan de hand is. Met hypnose en goed detectivewerk ontdekt Alex veel in het verleden van Joanna. Haar ware identiteit is samen met allerlei geheimen goed verborgen...De Amerikaanse auteur Dean Ray Koontz (1945) staat bekend om zijn spannende thrillers die vaak een vleugje horror, fantasy, science fiction of satire bevatten. Veel van zijn werken bereikten de New York Times-bestsellerlijst, waarvan meerdere direct op nummer één binnenkwamen. Dit maakt hem tot een van de grootste New York Times-bestsellerauteurs ter wereld. In totaal heeft hij maar liefst 105 boeken geschreven waarvan er meer dan zestig in het Nederlands te lezen zijn. Zijn boeken zijn wereldwijd meer dan 500 miljoen keer verkocht.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    67,99 kr.

    Elizabeth Gaskell’s ‘A Dark Night’s Work’ was first published in serial form in weekly magazine ‘All The Year Round’, which was edited by Charles Dickens. The lovely young Ellinor Wilkins appears to live a charmed life – doted upon by her father, she has plenty of friends and a blossoming romance. Then, something shocking happens which will change the course of her life and those around her forever. A classic Victorian gothic mystery from the enduringly popular author Elizabeth Gaskell.Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865) is an enduringly popular and highly regarded English novelist. Born in Chelsea, London, Elizabeth was sent to live with her aunt in Knutsford, Cheshire after her mother died, a place which would provide inspiration for some of her most popular works, including ‘Cranford’. A sociable and lively young woman, Elizabeth married Minister William Gaskell in 1832 and settled in Manchester. An industrial hub and the scene of much political and social change, her time in Manchester influenced much of her writing. Her first novel, ‘Mary Barton’ focussed on the appalling and impoverished living conditions of those living in Northern industrial cities and was a huge success, sparking the interest of notable figures such as Charles Dickens, who invited Elizabeth to contribute to the periodicals he edited. An active humanitarian, her works dealt sympathetically with the plight of the poorest in society, and she did not shy away from controversial topics such as prostitution and illegitimacy. A close friend of Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth also wrote a highly acclaimed biography of the author in 1857. Some of her best known and most loved novels include ‘Cranford’, ‘North and South’ and the posthumously published ‘Wives and Daughters’, all of which have been adapted for TV by the BBC, most recently ‘Cranford’ starring Judi Dench, Michael Gambon, and Greg Wise. Elizabeth Gaskell is regarded as one of the most important novelists of the Victorian era.

  • af Dean Koontz
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Carol en Paul proberen een kind te adopteren en zijn net terug van het adoptiebureau. Buiten woedt een flinke storm en Paul twijfelt of hij nou wel of niet iemand buiten in de storm heeft gezien. Als Carol later met de auto onderweg is rijdt ze, per ongeluk, een jong tienermeisje aan. Er komt niemand voor deze Jane en ze leidt aan geheugenverlies. Carol en Paul ontfermen zich over het meisje, met wie ze direct een band ontwikkelen, en adopteren haar. Rond die tijd beginnen Carols nachtmerries vol met geweld en bloed. Als Carol en Jane naar hun zomerhuisje gaan begint Paul te twijfelen of alles wel helemaal klopt en begint hij zich zorgen te maken. Bovennatuurlijke krachten hebben met Jane's komst hun intrede gedaan...De Amerikaanse auteur Dean Ray Koontz (1945) staat bekend om zijn spannende thrillers die vaak een vleugje horror, fantasy, science fiction of satire bevatten. Veel van zijn werken bereikten de New York Times-bestsellerlijst, waarvan meerdere direct op nummer één binnenkwamen. Dit maakt hem tot een van de grootste New York Times-bestsellerauteurs ter wereld. In totaal heeft hij maar liefst 105 boeken geschreven waarvan er meer dan zestig in het Nederlands te lezen zijn. Zijn boeken zijn wereldwijd meer dan 500 miljoen keer verkocht.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    92,99 kr.

    A collection of five short stories from popular Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. The collection includes the tales 'The Poor Clare', 'Lois the Witch', 'The Grey Woman' and 'The Old Nurse's Story' as well as the title tale, 'Curious, If True'. A rich selection of some of Gaskells finest and most atmospheric short stories, with plenty of mystery, ghosts, horror and suspense from the talented author. -

  • af Ann Radcliffe
    67,99 kr.

    Nothing boosts evocative narrative as well as narrow escapes. And Ann Radcliffe mastered it.In this early gothic horror novel, Radcliffe tells the story of the Mazzini household’s fall from grace through rugged and cavernous landscapes and the labyrinthine passages of Sicily’s castles and convents.When Julia, one of the daughters of Marquis Mazzini, falls in love with an Italian nobleman, her father disapproves of her choice and arranges for another marriage. Feeling suffocated, Julia tries to escape, but her father’s will and rage is not easily undone."A Sicilian Romance" (1790) explores how women’s desires were often at odds with the patriarchy and the all-powerful aristocracy at the end of the 16th century.A novel full of adventures, close calls, elopements, and forbidden love. "A Sicilian Romance" is an early gem in Radcliffe’s work.Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823) was a British fiction writer, best known for her pioneering role in the English gothic tradition. She married a journalist and in his long absences, she began to write. Her works exhibit a preference for exotic and sinister places, where her female protagonists often suffer supernatural occurrences. Her best known novels include "The Mysteries of Udolpho", "The Italian", and "A Sicilian Romance".

  • af Dean R. Koontz
    58,99 kr.

    Beveiligingschef Ethan Truman heeft zijn hele leven mensen tegen vele kwaden beschermd, van ontvoering tot moord. Maar wanneer hij de zoon van een van de grootste Hollywoodsterren moet beveiligen, krijgt hij te maken met een nieuwe vijand: De dood. Het wordt een strijd tussen goed en kwaad, leven en dood en het bovennatuurlijke tegen het aardse. Maar belangrijker nog: is het een strijd die Ethan kan winnen? In 'Spiegel van de ziel' brengt New York Times-bestsellerauteur Dean Koontz het beste van horror, mysterie en detective bijeen tot een razend spannende thriller.-

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    92,99 kr.

    Miss Greatorex is invited to join a group of friends who meet weekly at Mrs Dawson's house. When Miss Greatorex asks to hear more about Mrs Dawson's cousin Lady Ludlow, the friends begin to swap stories, starting with 'My Lady Ludlow'. What follows is a collection of five short stories from the hugely popular Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell, including works such as 'The Doom of the Griffiths' about a cursed family; a tale of selfless love in 'The Half-Brothers'; and 'The Poor Clare' in which the lonely Bridget Fitzgerald sets out to avenge the death of her only companion.-

  • af Dean Koontz
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Graham Harris is als bergbeklimmer ooit gevallen en is nu gedeeltelijk kreupel, en sindsdien heeft hij ook hoogtevrees. Door het ongeluk heeft hij af en toe bizarre flashforwards naar moorden die op het punt staan plaats te vinden. Daarom wordt hij door de politie om hulp gevraagd bij het oplossen van het onderzoek naar een seriemoordenaar. Het gaat om een persoon die vrouwen op brute wijze om het leven brengt in New York, en die daardoor de bijnaam De Slager heeft gekregen. De achtervolging van de moordenaar leidt uiteindelijk naar duizelingwekkende hoogtes, als Graham samen met zijn vriendin Connie op de 40ste verdieping van een wolkenkrabber in het nauw wordt gedreven. Er lijkt maar één mogelijkheid om te ontsnappen: langs de gevel naar beneden...De Amerikaanse auteur Dean Ray Koontz (1945) staat bekend om zijn spannende thrillers die vaak een vleugje horror, fantasy, science fiction of satire bevatten. Veel van zijn werken bereikten de New York Times-bestsellerlijst, waarvan meerdere direct op nummer één binnenkwamen. Dit maakt hem tot een van de grootste New York Times-bestsellerauteurs ter wereld. In totaal heeft hij maar liefst 105 boeken geschreven waarvan er meer dan zestig in het Nederlands te lezen zijn. Zijn boeken zijn wereldwijd meer dan 500 miljoen keer verkocht.

  • af Elizabeth Gaskell
    67,99 kr.

    Newly orphaned Lois Barclay is forced to leave England and sail to America to join her only remaining distant family. Set in Salem against the hysteria of the witch trials, the honest and truthful Lois soon finds her new family to be jealous and manipulative, putting her own life in very real danger. A gripping and poignant short story from the acclaimed Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. -

  • af Juan de Dios Garduño
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    La Tercera Guerra Mundial ha diezmado a la humanidad. Después de que el presidente Obama declarara la guerra a Irán y las grandes potencias se aliaran con uno u otro país, la devastación se extiende por el planeta, primero, a causa de las armas nucleares y, luego, debido a las armas químicas.El tiempo ha pasado, casi toda la población mundial se ha extinguido y, en la ciudad de Bangor, Maine, solo han sobrevivido tres personas: Peter, su pequeña hija y Patrick Sthendall, su odiado vecino. En una población totalmente nevada, gobernada por temperaturas que bajan de los diez grados bajo cero, los dos hombres se enfrentarán a algo más que al odio que sienten el uno hacia el otro: unos visitantes inesperados...Juan de Dios Garduño Cuenca es un escritor español nacido en Sevilla. Es conocido por ser autor de novelas de terror, entre las que figura «Y pese a todo...», la cual fue llevada al cine por Miguel Ángel Vivas, de la antología de relatos «Apuntes Macabros» y de la novela de zombis «Cenizas». Fue también director de dos cortometrajes, en los que combinó el mundo del cine con la literatura.

  • af David Monteagudo
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    El pueblo de Brañaganda está asolado por la peor de las plagas: el asesinato. Varias mujeres han aparecido asesinadas de manera violenta. Mientras el marido de la maestra local intenta desesperadamente encontrar una explicación racional, todas las señales apuntan a que se trata de un lobishome, una mezcla de lobo y hombre. Lo que nadie puede sospechar es quién mueve los hilos del brazo ejecutor que campa a sus anchas por Brañaganda, ni qué motivos tiene para matar. Una vuelta de tuerca a las leyendas rurales más arraigadas en el imaginario español, una historia de imaginación desbordante y final con colmillos.David Monteagudo es un autor nacido en Lugo en 1962. Siempre aficionado a la literatura aunque con otra profesión del todo distinta, en 2009 se animó a escribir su primera novela, Fin, que resultó un éxito absoluto de ventas y crítica. Desde entonces se ha convertido en uno de los autores indispensables de las letras españolas contemporáneas. Sus obras han sido traducidas al francés, alemán, holandés, italiano, catalán y ruso.

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    36,99 kr.

    Con una lettera, Roderick Usher invita un suo vecchio amico a fargli visita nella sua dimora. La sua salute è cagionevole, dice nella lettera, e quella della sorella è addirittura più malandata. Giunto alla dimora Usher, il protagonista si troverà davanti un edificio sinistro, antico, terrificante: alberi spogli, pozzi oscuri, mura nere. Caratteristiche che si rispecchiano nel volto del padrone di casa, emaciato e trasandato. Roderick invita l’amico a sistemarsi e gli parla della sorella morente. Così l’ospite comincia man mano a intravedere, dietro a queste mura tetre, un mistero torbido e forse mai del tutto svelato. La successiva morte della donna, pochi giorni dopo il suo arrivo, getterà ancora più ombre sul passato di una casata dai segreti profondi e corvini.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano, considerato il padre della letteratura horror, del poliziesco e uno dei pionieri della fantascienza. Autore principalmente di racconti brevi, le sue storie non sono mai catalogabili in un unico genere.Dopo la scoperta del grande pubblico, Poe è divenuto con il passare degli anni uno degli scrittori dall’estetica più nota e influente di tutta la letteratura. Tra i suoi racconti più noti ricordiamo: ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, e ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’.

  • af Герберт Джордж Уэллс
    9,95 kr.

    В рассказе Герберта Уэллса «Красная комната» повествуется о безымянном главном герое, который хочет провести ночь в доме с привидениями, чтобы развенчать окружающие его мифы. Пребывание в комнате, в которой когда-то умер юный герцог, началось с того, что он зажёг все свечи. И вдруг свечи начали таинственным образом стали гаснуть одна за другой. Ужас охватил нашего героя. Он начал метаться и, в конце концов, потерял сознания. Увидел ли он призрак, который пугал всех обитателей дома? Что почувствовал он, находясь в тёмной комнате? Узнаете из этого рассказа.Герберт Джордж Уэллс (1866-1946) – английский писатель и публицист, больше всего прославившийся своими научно-фантастическими произведениями. Его часто называют футуристом, поскольку его работы предвосхищали многие технологические инновации, такие как полёты в космос, атомную бомбу и появление интернета. Уэллс трижды посещал Россию, где встречался с Лениным и Сталиным. Среди лучших его произведений – роман о путешествиях во времени «Машина времени», научно-фантастический приключенческий роман «Остров доктора Моро», роман «Война миров».

  • af Edgar Allan Poe
    36,99 kr.

    La Morte Rossa, un’epidemia letale, dilaga per le terre del Principe Prospero, decimando i suoi abitanti e lasciando il regno spopolato. Preoccupato, Prospero si isola con mille altri nel suo palazzo. A intrattenerli, per i successivi cinque mesi, ci penseranno danze e spettacoli, e nell’edificio, man mano che passano i giorni, la speranza di aver superato l’epidemia si fa sempre più forte. Tanto forte che, preso dall’entusiasmo, Prospero organizza una festa in maschera. Tra tutte le maschere che si presenteranno, però, nessuno avrebbe mai voluto vedere quella che farà la sua comparsa verso la fine.Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) è stato uno scrittore e poeta americano, considerato il padre della letteratura horror, del poliziesco e uno dei pionieri della fantascienza. Autore principalmente di racconti brevi, le sue storie non sono mai catalogabili in un unico genere.Dopo la scoperta del grande pubblico, Poe è divenuto con il passare degli anni uno degli scrittori dall’estetica più nota e influente di tutta la letteratura. Tra i suoi racconti più noti ricordiamo: ‘Lo scarabeo d’oro’, ‘La caduta della casa degli Usher’, e ‘Il pozzo e il pendolo’.

  • af Джордж Гордон Байрон
    9,95 kr.

    В стихотворении «Мрак» Байрон описывает состояние человека, обречённого на смерть. Тьма – это символическое выражение смерти. Поведение героя в момент смертельной опасности – вот что интересует автора. Стихотворение начинается как видение героя. Описывается природная катастрофа – исчезновение любого источника света, солнца, луны, звёзд. За этим следует разрушение человеческого общества, деградация людей. В наши дни существует много теорий конца света. Они предполагают гибель человечества без всякой надежды на спасение. Поэтому стихотворение Байрона популярно как никогда.Джордж Гордон Байрон (1788-1824) – британский поэт. Оказал огромное влияние на английскую и русскую литературу. Яркий представитель романтизма в поэзии. Фамилия Байрон дала название поэтическому движению. Много путешествовал. Долгие годы жил в Швейцарии и Италии. Поэмы Байрона во многом автобиографичны. Он остро чувствовал несоответствие романтических идеалов и действительности, что подвергало его в меланхолию и уныние. Самые известные произведения: поэмы «Манфред», «Паломничество Чайльд-Гарольда», «Дон-Жуан», «Каин».

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with spare, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences.This volume contains five of his short stories: "Hypnos", "The Temple", "Nyarlathotep", "Unnamable" and "The Disinterment".H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with spare, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences.This volume contains five of his short stories: "The Outsider", "The Festival", "The Green Meadow", "He" and "Till A' the Seas". H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with sparse, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences.This volume contains five of his short stories: "From Beyond", "Cold Air", "The Moon-Bog", "The Music of Erich Zann" and "The Transition of Juan Romero".H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with spare, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences.This volume contains five of his short stories: "Ashes", "The Hound", "Two Black Bottles", "The Tree on the Hill" and "The Statement of Randolph Carter".H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with spare, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences. This volume contains six of his short stories: "Dagon", "The Tree", "The Evil Clergyman", "The Very Old Folk", "Pickman's Model" and "Azathoth".H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af H. P. Lovecraft
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    This way lies monsters and madness. Because you’re about to enter the imagination of H.P. Lovecraft. A master of the short story form, Lovecraft made the unknowable scarily real. Parallel universes, alien worlds, vengeful spirits—all realised in the space of a few pages. And all brought to life with spare, simple language, making Lovecraft’s fiction an easy read for modern audiences. This volume contains five of his short stories: "The Horror at Martin’s Beach", "The Nameless City", "The Ghost Eater", "The Crawling Chaos" and "The Doom that Came to Sarnath". It’s an essential collection for fans of otherworldly horror. H.P. Lovecraft was an American horror and science fiction writer. Born in Rhode Island, he became a pioneer of ‘cosmic horror’, conjuring up a lore of supernatural creatures who exist beyond our understanding. His best known stories include "The Call of Cthulhu", "At the Mountains of Madness" and "The Colour Out of Space". While he was a mainstay of pulp magazines, Lovecraft never achieved wider literary recognition in his lifetime. But his posthumous influence has been profound. It can be found in everything from the fiction of Stephen King and Neil Gaiman to the HBO series "Lovecraft Country".

  • af Ann Radcliffe
    92,99 kr.

    Ever wondered how the quintessential bully acted during the Holy Inquisition? Look no further.In her unnerving gothic novel "The Italian" (1797), Ann Radcliffe explores individuality in a culture dominated by the church as the happiness of the young couple Vicento di Vivaldi and Ellena di Rosalbe is thwarted by the evil ways of the selfish and peremptory Father Schedoni.The last novel to be published during Radcliffe’s lifetime, this fast-paced gothic novel is packed with romantic rendezvous, nocturnal danger, kidnappings, murder, and mysterious characters lurking in the shadows.Hidden away in this sublime novel of concealment and disguise is an undying and triumphant light that emanates from the hearts of Vicento and Ellena who are sure of one thing: no one is above the law – not even the church.Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823) was a British fiction writer, best known for her pioneering role in the English gothic tradition. She married a journalist and in his long absences, she began to write. Her works exhibit a preference for exotic and sinister places, where her female protagonists often suffer supernatural occurrences. Her best known novels include "The Mysteries of Udolpho", "The Italian", and "A Sicilian Romance".

  • af Carolyn Wells
    67,99 kr.

    Part of the Pennington Wise series of mystery novels from author Carolyn Wells, in ‘The Come Back’ grieving father Benjamin Crane has turned to spiritualism and placed his faith in the mysterious Medium Madame Parlato, following the death of his son Peter in Canada. Suspicions begin to swirl surrounding the motives of Madame Parlato, and detective Pennington Wise along with his trusty assistant Zizi are called in to get to the bottom of the mystery.Carolyn Wells (1862-1942) was a prolific American novelist and poet, best known for her children’s literature, mystery novels and humorous verse. Born in New Jersey, following school Wells worked as a librarian where she developed her love of reading, and her first book ‘At the Sign of the Sphinx’ was published in 1896. From 1900 Wells dedicated herself to her literary career, writing over 170 novels in total across a range of genres. Some of her most loved works include the ‘Patty Fairfield’ and ‘Marjorie Maynard’ series for girls, as well as the ‘Fleming Stone’ mystery series for adults. Wells is also well-known for her humorous nonsense verse, and was a frequent contributor of verse to magazines. She published an autobiography ‘The Rest of my Life’ in 1937. Wells died in New York City in 1942.

  • af Henry James
    42,99 kr.

    A young governess. A remote house. Two silent children. When less than benevolent ghosts are added into this already precarious mixture - chaos ensues. A gothic novella that explores fear, innocence, and vulnerability, ‘The Turn of the Screw’ is a masterful tragedy bound to entice all fans of the supernatural.Considered Henry James’ paranormal legacy, it was made into the classic chiller "The Innocents" (1961), and the modern adaptation "The Others" (2001) starring Nicole Kidman.Regarded as one of the greatest novelists in the English language, Henry James (1843-1916) was thrice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was born in the United States, but lived and worked in Europe. Mainly occupied with portraying the cultural clash between the Old World and the New World, he explored these themes in his most notable novels, ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ and ‘The Wings of the Dove’. His gripping explorations are unmissable for fans of Edith Wharton, George Eliot, and Joseph Conrad.

  • af Ann Radcliffe
    42,99 kr.

    Is there any better fuel for a novel than wronged characters and wicked revenge?From the midst of the cult of sensibility, Ann Radcliffe rose with her very own poignant style to write her first gothic novel and hugely formative "The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne" (1789).Set in the Scottish Highlands, it tells the story of two castles: one belonging to the kind and goodhearted Matilda and her children, the other to the evil Baron Malcolm. The young heir Osbert seeks revenge against Malcolm who is responsible for the death of Osbert’s father.The novel is a quest for family honour, love, and vengeance where romantic passion and dangerous escapades intertwine until the very end.Ann Radcliffe (1764-1823) was a British fiction writer, best known for her pioneering role in the English gothic tradition. She married a journalist and in his long absences, she began to write. Her works exhibit a preference for exotic and sinister places, where her female protagonists often suffer supernatural occurrences. Her best known novels include "The Mysteries of Udolpho", "The Italian", and "A Sicilian Romance".

  • af Víctor Conde
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    La habitación oscura es una de las primeras incursiones de Victor Conde en el terreno de la fantasía oscura y la ciencia ficcion, género del que ha llegado a ser un maestro. En ella seguiremos las aventuras de Dam Laivana, aventurero espacial encargado de viajar a un recóndito planeta en busca de una religiosa científica que ha encontrado la temible Cámara Oscura un artefacto tanto del mundo físico como de la mente que alberga un poder casi ilimitado. Sin embargo, el viaje de Dam Laivana no estará exento de peligros... Víctor Conde es un escritor español nacido en Santa Cruz de Tenerife en 1973. Se le considera uno de los renovadores del género fantástico en España, junto a autores como Rodolfo Martínez o Rafael Marín. Su obra, que toca tanto la fantasía como la ciencia ficción y el terror, le ha valido premios como el Minotauro, el Ignotus o el Kelvin.

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    41,99 kr.

    A sorcerer. Nightmares. Secrets. Not the usual components of a love story but Nikolai Gogol’s short horror story follows the love story of Danilo and Katerina as they deal with the presence of an evil sorcerer. When it transpires that the sorcerer is much closer to them than either of them thought, one question remains. Will they be able to defeat the sorcerer and his powers? This gothic tale maps incarnations of evil in everyday life and was one of Gogol’s most successful works, even being adapted into film by Wladyslaw Starewicz in ‘The Terrible Vengeance’ (1913).Considered one of the most prominent figures in Russian literature, Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was born in Ukraine. Both a writer and a dramatist, he is known for the unconventional nature of his works, so much so that they often touch upon folklore and fantasy. He has been associated with a range of different literary styles, including surrealism and Russian realism. Gogol’s most famous works include the novel "Dead Souls", the horror novella "Viy", as well as the short story collections "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod". They have inspired numerous stage, film, and television adaptations including the movie "Inspector General" (1949), based loosely on his play with the same name.