9,99 kr. Spotkanie towarzyskie mężczyzn z wyższych sfer. Po skończonej rozgrywce golfa grupka przyjaciół udaje się do klubu „Mermaid", gdzie jeden z nich zatrzymał się na nocleg. W luźnej atmosferze, wśród kłębów cygar opowiada on kompanom o wydarzeniach ubiegłej nocy, gdy w pokoju hotelowym nawiedziło go widmo. Mężczyźni początkowo ironizują, ale wraz z rozwojem opowieści zmienia się ich nastawienie. Opowiadanie grozy w duchu Edgara Allana Poe.Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - jeden z prekursorów gatunku science fiction. Z wykształcenia biolog, jednak od najmłodszych lat odznaczał się bujną wyobraźnią i lekkim piórem. Gdy z przyczyn zdrowotnych musiał zrezygnować z zawodu nauczyciela, zaczął utrzymywać się z pisania - początkowo były to materiały dziennikarskie, a z czasem także literatura. Autor powieści "Wojna światów", "Wehikuł czasu" i "Wyspa doktora Moreau".
- E-bog
- 9,99 kr.
24,99 kr. Zbiór sześciu opowiadań polskiego mistrza niesamowitości. Utwory o różnorodnej tematyce mają jedną wspólną cechę - prezentowana w nich zwyczajna codzienność podszyta jest grozą o niejasnym pochodzeniu. Wraz z rozwojem fabuły atmosfera gęstnieje i mnożą się tajemnice, by ostatecznie doprowadzić do zaskakującego, niejednokrotnie mrożącego krew w żyłach rozwiązania. Polski Lovecraft w najlepszym wydaniu! Książka, której nie powinien zbagatelizować żaden miłośnik rasowej literatury grozy.Stefan Grabiński (1887-1936) - urodzony na terenach dzisiejszej Ukrainy pisarz, uważany za jednego z pierwszych twórców polskiej fantastyki. Tworzył powieści, dramaty i opowiadania. Publikował w czasopismach literackich i popularnych, świat jego utworów zaludniały tajemnicze uwodzicielki, sobowtóry, demony, duchy, wiedźmy. Zarazem pisarz zafascynowany był nowoczesną techniką, akcję swoich książek umieszczał w remizach strażackich czy na dworcach kolejowych. Autor interesował się parapsychologią i magią. Był porównywany do światowych przedstawicieli tzw. fantastyki grozy - Lovecrafta oraz Poe. W 1975 r. ukazał się wybór jego nowel pt. "Niesamowite opowieści", dokonany przez samego Stanisława Lema. Nowele takie jak "Kochanka Szamoty", "Ślepy tor", "Pożarowisko", "Dom Sary" były wielokrotnie ekranizowane.
- E-bog
- 24,99 kr.
148,99 kr. La pequeña Natalia sale del orfanato para reunirse con un padre que para ella es un completo desconocido. Lo que podría ser el comienzo de una vida feliz es el comienzo de una auténtica pesadilla. A través de los diarios de su madre muerta descubrirá una realidad que llevaba oculta durante mucho tiempo. Una oscura amenaza se vuelca sobre ella y la perseguirá durante años. Porque no hay escapatoria. El miedo te huele. La muerte va a por ti. Y aunque intentes huir, siempre regresará.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Samantha E. King es el pseudónimo de la autora vasca Eba Martín Muñoz. Especializada en terror, fantasía y suspense, ha sido bautizada como la reina del terror por diversos medios. Se dedica a tiempo completo a la literatura en diversas vertientes, ya sea como correctora, autora, traductora o como editora de Alma Negra Ediciones.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Master Martin, The Cooper, and His Journal’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.Three young men; a craftsman, an artist and a knight, try to win the hand of Master Martin’s daughter. But can they fulfil the prophecy?This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘Gambler’s Luck’ (1855) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.A young German baron enjoys a lucky streak at the gambling tables and becomes addicted. One night, a stranger appears at the gambling table and tells the Baron an incredible tale...This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Master Martin, The Cooper, and His Journal’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ballet ‘The Nutcracker’.Johannes Wacht is orphaned at an early age and taken in by the town council’s master craftsman. But the carpenter's death sends Johannes on a journey to Bamberg and a new life.This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Not dissimilar to modern day stories, ´The Vampyre´ offers an interesting mix of fangs and romance, and Polidori's tale of Lord Ruthven is a spooky love story that will leave you hiding under your duvet.The young Aubrey is captivated by the mysterious Lord Ruthven, who takes her to Rome. A disagreement between the two, leads Ruthven to travel onward to Greece on his own where he falls in love with Ianthe. She tells him about the tales and myths of vampires but is found killed shortly after.Without connecting the two incidents, Aubrey reunites with Ruthven once more and she rejoins him on his travels, which leads to her eventual heartbreak.Fans of ´Twilight´, ´Dracula´, and ´Buffy the Vampire Slayer´ will enjoy this short story, which is regarded as the first vampire novel to be published.Known by some as the creator of vampire fiction, John William Polidori was an English writer and physician. ´The Vampyre´ is his most successful piece of writing and the first published modern vampire story.A friend to Lord Byron, Polidori also brainstormed with Percy Bysshe Shelley and a soon-to-be Mary Shelley. Mary later worked on a tale with her husband which would become 'Frankenstein'.Polidori died at his father's London house aged 25, weighed down by depression and gambling debts.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Arthur’s Hall’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The Doge and Dogess’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’. This classic fantasy short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The Elementary Spirit‘ (1844) was written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker’.When Prussian lieutenant, colonel Albert von B. rides from Liège to Aachen, a chance encounter with Paul Talkebarth leads him to a mysterious country house where his best friend lies ill. But not everything or everyone are as they seem, and beset by strange dreams and apparitions, Albert is faced with a battle for his soul.‘The Elementary Spirit’ is from Hoffmann’s ‘Later Works’. This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘Signor Formica’ (1885) is a ‘weird tale’ written by the German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s opera ‘The Nutcracker’.This classic short horror story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based.The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Sir Peter Pendragon is running from his woes. Caught up in the luck of a large fortune, a life of decadence and indulgence is hard to fight when you’re battling inner demons. But marrying the striking and clever Louise Laleham will put him on the right track. Or so it seems. She’s the daughter of the occultist Basil King Lamus. And with one too many magic tricks up her sleeve, there’s no telling where their love will take them.Set against the backdrop of a society sinking its teeth into addiction following the brutal and bloody World War I, ‘Diary of a Drug Friend’ weaves an unexpectedly uplifting and insightful tale about the truth behind addiction. Incorporating a magic touch, it's a must-read for fans of Erin Morgenstein’s breathtaking ‘The Night Circus’.Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was an English occultist, magician, poet, painter and author. Having founded the religion Thelema, many of his novels and non-fiction books explore the occult and magic as an ancient art, including ‘Diary of a Drug Friend’, ‘Moonchild’ and ‘Magick in Theory of Practice’. Having focused on poetry and mountaineering at Trinity College, the University of Cambridge, he remains today a highly influential figure in Western esotericism and the counterculture of the 1960s.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Medievalism, terror, and the ubiquitous haunted castle are staples of the Gothic horror genre. But the man who unwittingly inspired the likes of ´Frankenstein´, ´Dracula´, Hammer horror movies and even the Goth subculture was blissfully unaware of his impact.Horace Walpole's ´The Castle of Otranto´ started a trend that has endured. The book features Manfred, lord of the castle, and includes sickness, weddings, doom-laden prophesies, a bizarre death, imprisonment, religion, a heroic peasant, and much more.There is a hint of ´Harry Potter´ and plenty to grip those who love shows like ´The Haunting of Hill House´ and ´Penny Dreadful´.Horace Walpole (1717-1797) was an English writer, historian, and politician - the son of Britain's first Prime Minister, Sir Robert Walpole. Without knowing it, Walpole was thought by critics to have been the writer who paved the way for the Gothic tradition to burst onto the literary landscape.His Gothic novel ´The Castle of Otranto´, inspired many others and was followed by classics including Mary Shelley's ´Frankenstein´, Bram Stoker's ´Dracula´ and ´The Turn of the Screw´ by Henry James.Walpole also wrote countless campaigning letters on political and social themes.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
44,99 kr. Los asesinatos vuelven a sucederse en Boad Hill. En esta ocasión, las víctimas son hombres. El asesino anda suelto y el nuevo sheriff, por más que haya aprendido en Nueva York, no consigue vencerlo en su juego de pistas retorcidas. Para lograrlo, contará con la ayuda de una recién llegada al pueblo, una chica que dice tener un secreto sobrenatural que podría salvarlos a todos... o condenarlos.Una nueva genialidad de uno de los maestros del terror patrio, Claudio Hernández.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 44,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Delve into the works of the visionary author H.G. Wells with this captivating collection of his hidden gems. From the depths of his imaginative mind, these lesser-explored short stories showcase Wells' unparalleled storytelling prowess and offer a fresh perspective on his literary brilliance.From "The Valley of Spiders" and "The Magic Shop" to "The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost", prepare to be enthralled as you uncover the hidden treasures of one of the greatest literary masters in history.Whether you're a dedicated fan of H.G. Wells or a curious reader looking for new literary experiences, this collection is sure to intrigue you!H. G. Wells (1866-1946), the 'father of science fiction,' was an English author known for groundbreaking works like "The Time Machine," "The Invisible Man," and "The War of the Worlds."
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
50,99 kr. När Jim Steele får reda på att hans älskade Eunice ska börja arbeta hemma hos Jane Groat och hennes son, den obehaglige och elake Digby, blir han bekymrad. Jane kommer snart ärva en förmögenhet från sin bror, till följd av sin brorsdotters mystiska försvinnande för nästan 20 år sedan. Om det däremot skulle visa sig att Dorothy lever ärver hon allt istället. Jim är säker på att det är något som inte stämmer och fast besluten om att lista ut vad.Jims skepticism finner snabbt grund. Under sin första natt hemma hos familjen får Eunice en hemlig besökare mitt i natten som råder henne att fly så snabbt som möjligt. Som signatur lämnar besökaren ett avtryck av en blå hand.Vem försöker varna Eunice? Kan Jim hitta Dorothy? Lever hon ens? Och vad har De Tretton Ligorna att göra med saken?Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) var en brittisk deckarförfattare och är ansedd som en av de mest inflytelserika personerna inom deckargenren. Han skrev totalt 175 kriminalromaner och deltog även i skapandet av manuset till filmen King Kong (1933).
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Solomon Kane es otro de los famosos personajes nacidos de la pluma del escritor estadounidense Robert E. Howard.Sus aventuras aparecieron en la revista «Weird Tales» a partir de 1928 y narraban el enfrentamiento contra el mal de este puritano inglés de rostro pálido, ojos fríos, espada, mosquetes y sombrero de ala ancha.Solomon Kane busca y da caza a las criaturas más tenebrosas y malignas a lo largo de Europa y África, en una época donde nadie está a salvo, ni siquiera un hábil justiciero como él.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Robert E. Howard (1906-1936) fue un escritor estadounidense de novelas y relatos de aventuras y fantasía. Se le considera, junto con J. R. R. Tolkien como uno de los principales impulsores de la fantasía heroica, y padre del subgénero de «espada y brujería», representado por algunos de sus personajes más famosos: Conan el Bárbaro, Kull de Atlantis o Solomon Kane.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
96,99 kr. La exitosa saga Infectados, de Claudio Hernandez, llega por fin a los lectores en un formato total que abarca todas sus entregas. Desde los inicios en los albores de la Guerra Civil hasta el estallido de la infección de zombis que asola el mundo entero, pasando por las mil y una vicisitudes que tienen que atravesar sus protagonistas para escapar de Águilas, en Murcia, una ciudad asediada por los ejércitos de muertos. Acción, drama, aventura, dolor y mucha, mucha sangre esperan a quienes se adentren en esta imprescindible saga de no-muertos a la altura de los mejores episodios de Walking Dead.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Una historia inolvidable, un terror sin nombre, un final escalofriante. Chapel, un hombre común y corriente de un pueblo anodino en la Inglaterra del s.XIX, encuentra un manuscrito misterioso con un mensaje: haz un agujero en la pared y encierra en él a tu esposa. Poco a poco, la idea se va metiendo dentro de la cabeza de Chapel, que es incapaz de resistirse a ella. A partir de esta premisa, se desarrolla una trama de terror enfermizo y abstracto, llena de visiones y apariciones sobrenaturales, que culminará con uno de los finales más demoledores de la literatura de terror contemporánea. Imprescindible.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Un escalofriante thriller con un final demoledor que no dejará a nadie indiferente. Hace años, la hija de Maria Ángels se ahogó, aunque su recuerdo sigue persiguiendo a su madre. Treinta años después, Emilio, un hombre asolado por el Alzheimer, descubre un cadáver, que pertenece a la hija de la única superviviente del accidente que acabó con la vida de Maria Ángels. El inspector encargado del caso está a punto de descubrir una trama horrible de secretos y misterios que, sin que él se dé cuenta, lo irá afectando personalmente poco a poco.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Raphaël Styx is dood, maar ook na je dood kan je nog voor de politie werken. Als "zombiecop" wordt hij ingeschakeld als de gewone politiemethodes falen. Als in Ieper, bij een herdenking van WO I, een aanslag wordt gepleegd met mosterdgas, tonen de bewakingscamera’s een jonge vrouw. Styx volgt het spoor naar Wenen en vervolgens naar het verleden. Door de tijd reizend belandt hij in 1914, en in een Weens sanatorium. Bavo Dhooge graaft dieper in de personages van zijn reeks over de "zombiecop" en laat zijn held zelf verliefd worden – in het verleden. En hoe kan de overledene zijn weduwe helpen om over haar verlies heen te komen?
Fra 44,99 kr. Favel Farrington hittir Roc Pendorric á eyjunni Capri, þar sem hún býr með föður sínum. Það er ást við fyrstu sýn og Favel er mjög hamingjusöm þegar hún kemur á nýja heimilið sitt, Pendorric í Cornwall, nýgift. Systir Rocs og fjölskylda taka henni opnum örmum og það kætir hana að staðarbúar gefa henni strax titilinn „brúðurin frá Pendorric." En gleði Favel breytist fljótt í áhyggjur. Á veggjum kastalans hanga myndir af fyrri brúðum Pendorric – ungum konum sem allar létust við dularfullar aðstæður. Sagan segir að norn hafi lagt álög á brúðir Pendorric: Brúðurin mun deyja ung og ganga aftur í kastalanum þar til ný brúður tekur við af henni. Smám saman læðist óttinn inn í líf Favel. Ill augu virðast fylgja henni um allt og eitt óhappið tekur við af öðru. Fljótlega verður Favel að viðurkenna að þjóðsagan gæti verið sönn – og að einhver sé að reyna að drepa hana. Skyndilega fá orðin „þar til dauðinn aðskilur okkur" nýja og ískyggilega merkingu ...Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.
40,99 kr. Nunca recuerdes su nombre. Nunca pronuncies su nombre. Nunca escribas su nombre. Las reglas son sencillas, pero pocos las siguen. Tres adolescentes recién graduados de su instituto que deciden salir de fiesta una noche se topan con la leyenda del Hombre sin Nombre, un asesino que se apodera de sus víctimas cuando se muestra a ellas. Sin embargo, lo que comienza como un juego termina convirtiéndose en la más horrenda pesadilla: hay un loco escapado de un sanatorio cercano, un hombre perturbado, sediento de sangre y, lo que es peor: armado.Un increíble homenaje a las películas slasher de los años ochenta, a Scream y La matanza de texas, que hará las delicias de los aficionados al género.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Interesante experimento que convierte en ficción los primeros años de la biografía del afamado escritor Stephen King. Claudio Hernández, uno de los principales expertos de España en su obra, nos presenta los albores de la carrera que cambiaría para siempre la ficción de terror en todo el mundo, desde los primeros relatos a las cartas de rechazo que el escritor acumulaba una tras otra, clavadas en un clavo en su pared, hasta conseguir por fin un éxito apabullante con su primera novela: Carrie.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The Sandman‘ (1844) was written by the German romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816) which inspired Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker’.A tale of madness, deceit and murder. A young man becomes obsessed with the sandman, who steals people's eyes. ‘The Sandman’, has produced numerous adaptations and has influenced modern horror fiction. It provided the inspiration for Delibes's ballet Coppélia, and formed the basis of Sigmund Freud’s important essay, 'The Uncanny'. This classic short story is perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers, including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "The Lost Letter" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously recounts the story about his grandfather's adventures. Assigned with the task of delivering an important letter to the Russian Czarina, the old man sets to a journey in which he encounters a Cossack man who claims to have sold his soul to the devil. That night, a demon steals the old man’s hat with the letter tucked inside. Determined to fulfill his duty, the old man has to go through different obstacles that stand on his way. But will his determination make him enter the Hell itself?The story has numerous adaptations, among which an animated film of the same name (1945) directed by Brumberg sisters, which is considered the first Soviet cel-animated feature film, and the Soviet musical-tragicomedy film Propala Hramota (1972) which is praised as the pearl of Ukrainian cinema.Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was a Ukrainian-born Russian humorist, novelist, and dramatist whose work played a crucial role in the direction of Russian literature. He was considered to be one of the leading figures of Russian realism. His novel "Dead Souls", a satire of the political corruption in the Russian Empire, is viewed by many literary historians as the first great Russian novel. Among his contributions to Russian and world literature are the surrealistic and grotesque "The Nose" and "The Mantle", the satirical "The Inspector General", the historical novel "Taras Bulba", the comedy "Marriage", the humorous short stories "Diary of a Madman" and "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich". His works have influenced generations of readers and still continue to impress with their subtle psychologism and matchless style.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Back when Louisa May Alcott was an aspiring author she took to the art of writing short stories – much like her character Jo March in ´Little Women’.A thrilling and chilling story, 'A Whisper in the Dark' delves into the vulnerability of innocence as a young girl is sent to reside with her uncle and cousin, with the expectation that she will eventually marry the latter.The tale beautifully demonstrates the remarkable range and complexity of Alcott's work, and is often considered a gothic masterpiece.Fans of Stephen King, Gillian Flynn and Agatha Christie will find plenty to love in 'A Whisper in the Dark´.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an American writer of numerous beloved novels, short stories and poems. One of her best-known works is "Little Women", a novel that has been turned into numerous film and television adaptations, such as the 2019 film, starring Saorise Ronan, Florence Pugh and Timothée Chalamet.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
51,99 kr. El mejor homenaje al IT de Stephen King, un regalo para los fans del escritor de Maine. Boad Hill, un pueblecito perdido en ninguna parte, esconde un secreto. Un secreto sobrenatural. Un grupo de amigos adolescentes aficionados a las historias de terror están a punto de descubrirlo. Tras una noche de espantos, carreras y horrores, tendrán que tomar una decisión: enfrentarse al horror que los acecha o morir en el intento.Claudio Hernández es un autor español especializado en terror, thriller y fantasía. Muy influenciado por Stephen King desde pequeño, ha llegado a escribir una biografía sobre sus primeros años como escritor. En la actualidad se dedica por entero a la ficción de género, en especial de terror. Ha publicado numerosos libros que le han valido un gran éxito tanto de crítica como de público.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
38,99 kr. "My heart was throbbing wildly. I was frightened. I opened the door brusquely, and in the darkness I distinguished a white figure, standing erect, something that resembled an apparition." When the narrator in Guy de Maupassant’s short story "The Spasm" meets a father and his ill daughter at a health spa, he is reminded of characters from the universe of Edgar Allan Poe. What they proceed to recount to him is a tale so gruesome and harrowing that even Poe himself would cower in fear. Inspired by a real nineteenth century risk of premature burial, "The Spasm" comes with a shocking twist that holds everyone captive until the very end.Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a famous French writer, best known as one of the finest practitioners of the French short story. Master of style and dramatic narrative, Maupassant’s stories are mainly interested in the relationships between men and women, often found at the crossroads of life. One of his greatest influences was Gustave Flaubert, who introduced him to some of the central names of the time such as Emile Zola, Henry James, and Ivan Turgenev. Some of his best known works include the novels "Bel Ami" and "Une Vie", more than 300 short stories, travel books, and even an attempt at poetry.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When you think of Charles Dickens’ ghost stories, you may first think of ‘A Christmas Carol’ and the ghosts that visit Scrooge. However, ‘The Trail for Murder’ is perhaps Dickens’ second best-known ghost tale. Written in 1865, ‘The Trial for Murder’ is a short story in which the ghost of a murder victim materialises to the foreman of the jury at his own murder trial. In this supernatural horror story, the ghost harasses the jurors and witnesses to ensure that his murderer is found guilty. While ‘The Trial for Murder' might not be considered scary by our modern-day standards it was one of the first ghost stories widely published and is a great read for fans of films like ‘The Sixth Sense’.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.