Historisk spændingslitteratur

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  • af Lew Tolstoi
    40,99 kr.

    Der wohlhabende Fürst Mitja hat sein Studium abgebrochen, um sich als Gutsherr um sein Landgut und die 700 Leibeigenen kümmern zu können. Tolstois Novelle begleitet ihn einen Tag lang und schildert Mitjas Bemühen, die Anliegen der Bauern zu klären. Wie ein ländlicher König Salomo wird er zu Streitigkeiten gerufen und soll als Herr ein gerechtes Urteil fällen. Dabei wird deutlich, wieviel tatsächlich im Argen liegt auf dem Dorf und dass seine Leibeigenen keine Unschuldslämmer sind. Nur der gleichaltrige Imker benötigt nichts und berichtet träumerisch von Reisen in die Ferne – ein Reichtum, den sich auch der wohlhabende Gutsherr nicht leisten kann.Leo Tolstoi (1828–1910), eigentlich Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoi, gilt weithin als einer der bedeutendsten russischen Schriftsteller. Als Sohn eines Adelsgeschlechts wurde er in realitvem Reichtum geboren, studierte Jura und nahm als Soldat am Kaukasuskrieg teil. Die Erfahrungen, die er dort machte, wurden zur Grundlage seiner ersten Erzählungen. Nach dem Krieg widmete er sich zunehmend humanistischen Zielen und veröffentlichte mehrere Werke, darunter "Anna Karenina" und "Krieg und Frieden", welche seinen weltweiten Ruhm begründeten. Tolstoi hinterließ ein beachtliches Werk, das sich häufig mit moralischen Fragen beschäftigt, und ihm seinen Status als Gigant der russischen Literatur sicherte.

  • af Lew Tolstoi
    58,99 kr.

    Vom Meister der russischen Literatur kommt eine märchenhafte Erzählung über den Sinn des Lebens. Der reiche Waise Olenin verbringt einen letzten Abend in Moskau, bevor er sich auf den Weg in den Kaukasus macht, zu seinem neuen Leben als Junker. Bisher von seinem Leben und dem Mangel an Liebe enttäuscht, erhofft er sich dort einen Neuanfang. Unter dem archaischen Volk der Kosaken lernt Olenin eine neue Lebensphilosophie, gegründet auf Ehre, Mut und Zusammenhalt. Immer tiefer dringt er ein in die inneren Kreise des sagenumwobenen Kriegerstammes, wo er auch auf die bezaubernde Marjanka trifft. Endlich erfährt auch Olenin was lieben bedeutet. Marjanka alerdings ist schon einem Kosaken versprochen...Leo Tolstoi (1828–1910), eigentlich Lew Nikolajewitsch Graf Tolstoi, gilt weithin als einer der bedeutendsten russischen Schriftsteller. Als Sohn eines Adelsgeschlechts wurde er in realitvem Reichtum geboren, studierte Jura und nahm als Soldat am Kaukasuskrieg teil. Die Erfahrungen, die er dort machte, wurden zur Grundlage seiner ersten Erzählungen. Nach dem Krieg widmete er sich zunehmend humanistischen Zielen und veröffentlichte mehrere Werke, darunter "Anna Karenina" und "Krieg und Frieden", welche seinen weltweiten Ruhm begründeten. Tolstoi hinterließ ein beachtliches Werk, das sich häufig mit moralischen Fragen beschäftigt, und ihm seinen Status als Gigant der russischen Literatur sicherte.

  • af Александр Дюма
    9,99 kr.

    Вторая часть романа Александра Дюма «Двадцать лет спустя» рассказывает о заговорах и интригах кардинала Мазарини с участием мушкетёров и других персонажей. Выполняя миссию в интересах королевы Австрии, д'Артаньян и Портос отправляются на поиски Бофорта, беглого узника. В яростной битве на мечах в темноте они обнаруживают, что их врагами на самом деле являются Атос и Арамис! Повредит ли это политическое разногласие их старой дружбе? Вторая часть романа вводит читателя в главное действие, отправляя главных героев туда и сюда, вовлекая их во всевозможные авантюры и новые разоблачения. Динамичный и, безусловно, интересный, он блестяще продолжает главное приключение.Александр Дюма (1802-1870) – французский писатель, драматург и журналист, мастер приключенческого романа. Много путешествовал, вёл активный образ жизни. Дюма много зарабатывал, но много и тратил, любил роскошь. Издавал журналы, газету и создал собственный Исторический театр. Самые известные его романы – «Граф Монте-Кристо», «Три мушкетёра» и «Двадцать лет спустя». По его произведениям снято более двухсот фильмов.

  • af Александр Дюма
    10,99 kr.

    «Граф Монте-Кристо» - приключенческий роман, одно из самых известных произведений Александра Дюма. На фоне бурного политического периода Франции повествуется о судьбе одного молодого человека Эдиона Дантеса. Первая часть романа рассказывает о его заключении в крепость Иф. Дантес узнает о спрятанном сокровище, ему удается бежать, находит его и начинает свой заговор мести. Молодой человек принимает новое имя и проникает в те самые круги, из которых происходят его враги. Описание 14-летних невзгод Дантеса, его решимости выкопать туннель и последующая авантюрная жизнь возмездия делают эту первую половину книги увлекательной и запоминающейся историей, которая остается с читателем надолго.Александр Дюма (1802-1870) – французский писатель, драматург и журналист, мастер приключенческого романа. Много путешествовал, вёл активный образ жизни. Дюма много зарабатывал, но много и тратил, любил роскошь. Издавал журналы, газету и создал собственный Исторический театр. Самые известные его романы – «Граф Монте-Кристо», «Три мушкетёра» и «Двадцать лет спустя». По его произведениям снято более двухсот фильмов.

  • af Juan Valera
    73,99 kr.

    Paródica novela de aventuras del literato Juan Valera que nos presenta la historia de Fray Miguel Zuheros, un sacerdote que vive en un convento sevilla y lamenta la falta de emociones de su vida mientras yace en el lecho de muerte. Otro sacerdote le propone revivir su vida de forma soñada, en la piel de un aventurero llamado Morsamor. En esta segunda vida, Morsamor recorrerá el mundo entero y vivirá mil y una aventuras.Juan Valera fue un político y escritor español nacido en Cádiz en 1824 y fallecido en Madrid en 1905. Desarrolló su carrera diplomática en Washhington, Bruselas y Viena, puestos que compaginaba con su afición a las letras, tanto en novela como en ensayo. Suya es la inmortal obra costumbrista Pepita Jiménez, una de las más destacadas de la literatura española.

  • af Александр Дюма
    10,99 kr.

    Историко-приключенческий роман Александра Дюма «Графиня де Монсоро» - вторая часть трилогии о гугенотских войнах. В этом произведении тесно переплетаются история любви графини де Монсоро и обольстителя женских сердец графа де Бюсси с историями политических заговоров и войн. Роман наполнен интригами и захватывающими приключениями. Здесь есть и любовный треугольник, и тюремное заключение, и дуэли, и побеги из тюрьмы – всё, что делает произведение динамичным и захватывающим.Александр Дюма (1802-1870) – французский писатель, драматург и журналист, мастер приключенческого романа. Много путешествовал, вёл активный образ жизни. Дюма много зарабатывал, но много и тратил, любил роскошь. Издавал журналы, газету и создал собственный Исторический театр. Самые известные его романы – «Граф Монте-Кристо», «Три мушкетёра» и «Двадцать лет спустя». По его произведениям снято более двухсот фильмов.

  • af Antonio Altadill
    111,99 kr.

    Continúa la obra maestra por excelencia del autor Antonio Altadill, una historia de venganzas y crímenes del pasado con ecos del mejor Dumas. Nuestro héroe, Diego Rocafort, ha sido encarcelado por un delito del que ha sido falsamente acusado. Sin embargo, un giro del destino le brindará la oportunidad de conseguir lo que más ansía: la venganza.Antonio Altadill fue un escritor, periodista y politólogo español nacido en Tortosa (Tarragona) en 1828 y fallecido en Barcelona en 1880. Periodista comprometido, llegó a fundar el periódico El Pueblo y a escribir para La Soberanía Nacional, La Discusión o El Estado Catalán. Cultivó asimismo la novela bajo el pseudónimo Antonio de Padua, llegando a escribir más de treinta títulos.

  • af Александр Дюма
    9,99 kr.

    Роман Александра Дюма «Двадцать лет спустя» является продолжением «Трех мушкетёров» и рассказывает о событиях, которые произошли после того, как мушкетёры победили кардинала Ришелье. В первой части романа Дюма дает подробное описание Парижа и вводит основные темы, которые будут развиваться на протяжении всей истории: дружба, любовь, ненависть, предательство и верность. Кардинал Мазарини, новый заклятый враг мушкетёров, терроризирует город под защитой королевы. Благодаря смелости и самоотверженности д’Артаньяна удаётся спасти правящий класс от разъяренной парижской толпы. Множество приключений, заговоров, захватывающих дух эпизодов и отважных поступков делают первую часть романа увлекательной.Александр Дюма (1802-1870) – французский писатель, драматург и журналист, мастер приключенческого романа. Много путешествовал, вёл активный образ жизни. Дюма много зарабатывал, но много и тратил, любил роскошь. Издавал журналы, газету и создал собственный Исторический театр. Самые известные его романы – «Граф Монте-Кристо», «Три мушкетёра» и «Двадцать лет спустя». По его произведениям снято более двухсот фильмов.

  • af Александр Дюма
    10,99 kr.

    «Виконт де Бражелон, или Десять лет спустя» рассказывает о последних годах д'Артаньяна, который уходит с поста начальника мушкетёров. Проблемы с королём вовлекают его в заговор, целью которого является восстановление Карла II на троне Франции. Однако разобщённость персонажей и индивидуальные цели, стоящие перед ними, делают роман более мрачным и эгоистичным, чем остальные. Конечно, это не означает, что приключения и романтика отсутствуют: схемы и махинации д'Артаньяна замечательны, а антагонисты, хотя и не такие подлые, как Ришелье, создают общую атмосферу. Обязательно к прочтению поклонникам мушкетёров и исторических приключений.Александр Дюма (1802-1870) – французский писатель, драматург и журналист, мастер приключенческого романа. Много путешествовал, вёл активный образ жизни. Дюма много зарабатывал, но много и тратил, любил роскошь. Издавал журналы, газету и создал собственный Исторический театр. Самые известные его романы – «Граф Монте-Кристо», «Три мушкетёра» и «Двадцать лет спустя». По его произведениям снято более двухсот фильмов.

  • af – Вольтер
    9,95 kr.

    Кандид - юноша, живущий в большом замке где-то в Германии. Он обладал наиприятнейшим нравом, в переводе с французского его имя означает «чистосердечный», «искренний». Однажды его застают целующим свою родственницу, красавицу Кунигунду и выгоняют из дома. Следует долгий и трудный путь, который включает в себя плен, принудительное зачисление в болгарскую армию. Война, которая за этим последует, будет сложной и жестокой, где бойня и военные преступления являются частью повседневной жизни. Но Кандид с достоинством выдерживает все испытания, думая о Кунигунде. Мудрый слуга Панглос всегда рядом с ним. «Все события неразрывно связаны». Если бы Кандид не прошёл всех испытаний, он не ел бы «ни лимонной корки в сахаре, ни фисташек». Встретится ли он с Кунигундой? Останется ли таким же оптимистом? Об этом узнаете из романа.Вольтер ( 1694 – 1778) – философ, поэт, прозаик, историк и экономист. Его настоящее имя Франсуа Мари Аруэ. Родился в Париже в семье небогатого, но образованного чиновника. В молодые годы жил в Англии, где начал изучать политику, философию, историю и литературу. По возвращении во Францию написал книгу «Философские письма», которая была воспринята как острая сатира на современную ему Францию и была запрещена. За другое произведение «Светский человек» его обвинили в «издевательстве» над религией. Вольтер дружил со многими «сильными» мира сего: русской императрицей Екатериной II, австрийской императрицей Марией-Терезой, шведским королём Густавом III, французским королём Людовиком XVI.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    73,99 kr.

    Sandoe e Harry Mac-Doil, due cacciatori di lontre appartenenti alla Compagnia russo-americana, partono per un viaggio spericolato dedicato all'esplorazione di una regione ancora del tutto ignota: il Polo Nord. A bordo di un prodigioso sottomarino, il Tamyr, gli uomini raggiungono l'agognata meta ma si ritrovano anche catapultati in un territorio ostile, popolato da bestie mai viste prima, dove il bianco accecante dei ghiacci rende praticamente impossibile orientarsi...'Al Polo Nord' è l'ennesima dimostrazione del poliedrico talento narrativo di Emilio Salgari, il papà di Sandokan.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo autore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel Ciclo dei Pirati della Malesia, tra cui le 'Tigri di Mompracem', e il Ciclo dei Corsari delle Antille, tra cui 'Il Corsaro Nero'.

  • af Jalmari Hahl
    58,99 kr.

    Eletaan 1200-lukua Baltian alueella. Kalpaveljet kaannyttavat liivilaisia kristinuskoon. Sekasorron keskella liivilainen nuorukainen Atso on joutunut vangiksi. Jo vuoden ajan han on ollut poissa kotimetsistaan, mutta aika tuntuu paljon pidemmalta. Laheisten vointi painaa mielta - onko isa selvinnyt taisteluista? Odottaako hanen ihastuksensa viela hanta vai onko tytto antanut sydamensa toiselle. Atsoa yritetaan kaannyttaa kristinuskoon, mutta voimakeinot sysaavat nuorukaisen koko ajan kauemmaksi tavoitteesta."e;Ykskylan uneksija"e; on Jalmari Hahlin historiallinen romaani.-

  • af María del Pilar Sinués
    73,99 kr.

    Los mártires del amor aborda la historia de Juana de Arco y de otros personajes dignos de seguirse en tiempos del enloquecido reinado de Carlos VI en Francia, empezando por la misma dupla real, que es acompañada a sol y sombra por una comitiva no menos curiosa.Pero la narración de Sinués no se detiene en la vida de palacio, sino que la entrelaza con las vicisitudes de algunas y algunos campesinos.Más adelante tiene lugar un novelado del amor rutilante bajo amenaza entre Abelardo y Eloísa.Cierra esta llamativa colección de relatos uno más cercano en el tiempo, sobre las aventuras y desventuras de la Condesa de Albany.María del Pilar Sinués (Zaragoza, 1835 - Madrid, 1893) fue una escritora española, autora de más de sesenta novelas y otros textos muy leídos en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.Sinués consagraba sus trabajos principalmente a un público femenino. Durante mucho tiempo predominó en ellos un registro didáctico ligado a las tareas domésticas. Sin embargo, no se ajustó a tales expectativas ni en su vida personal, signada por una independencia cada vez mayor, ni en la construcción de las protagonistas más complejas de sus novelas.Participó en diferentes círculos literarios y culturales.Dirigió las revistas El ángel del hogar y Flores y perlas, la última, fugaz, con una redacción íntegramente compuesta por mujeres.Algunos de sus principales libros: Fausta Sorel (1861), El sol en invierno (1863), El becerro de oro (1875) y el epistolario La vida íntima (1876).

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    92,99 kr.

    In the final chapter of their saga, the Musketeers must reckon with France’s most famous mystery—"The Man in the Iron Mask".As the story begins, D’Artagnan is in the service of the corrupt King Louis XIV. Meanwhile, his old friends Aramis and Porthos are hatching a coup. They’ve learned that the king’s identical twin is locked away in prison. If they can somehow swap the places of the two men, France will be saved. It’s a plan that sets the Musketeers on a collision course with each other.Inspired by a real story, "The Man in the Iron Mask" is a rip-roaring historical adventure. And a fitting send-off to literature’s greatest swashbucklers. Recommended for anyone who loved the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jeremy Irons.Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870) was a hugely popular 19th century French writer. Born of mixed French and Haitian heritage, Dumas first rose to prominence in Paris as a playwright, but later gained international fame with his historical fiction.Often co-authored with other writers, these stories wove together swashbuckling adventure, romance, and real events from France’s past. Among the best known are "The Three Musketeers", and its sequels "Twenty Years After", and "Le Vicomte de Bragelonne: Ten Years Later". Set across four decades, this trilogy follows the rise of the dashing D’Artagnan—from hot-headed soldier to trusted captain under Louis XIV.Dumas’ other novels include "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Black Tulip". His works have been adapted into more than 200 movies, including "The Man in the Iron Mask" starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    The beautiful Princess Vasila, an orphan, who has been looked after by Baroness von Bergstein in a Grace and Favour house, is astonished when an Equerry arrives to take her to Windsor Castle to see the Queen. She is not told until she arrives that Prince Gadelov of Saralovia, which is a small Balkan State, has appealed to Queen Victoria to give him a Royal British wife so that he can be protected from the grasping Russians. When the Queen tells Vasila that she is to marry Prince Gadelov immediately, she is horrified and very frightened. Without really thinking she runs away down a passage and out through a side door of The Castle. She then jumps into a parked van and its driver agrees to take her wherever she wants to go. As they are leaving Windsor Castle, the van is stopped by Prince Gadelov arriving in an open carriage. When she sees the man who is to marry her, she knows that she would rather die than allow him to touch her. The van driver puts her down at a nearby circus, as she loves circuses, and here she goes to look at the Helter-skelter, which she has never seen before. As she wants one thing to remember in case she is taken back and married before she can prevent it, she asks a stranger who is standing by her to take her on the Helter-skelter. The man is Kelvin Ridge, who has just arrived from India. He is in disguise because, having discovered a dastardly Russian plot to murder the Viceroy, his life is in danger. How the two of them, who are both running away from danger, ride on the Helter-skelter and how Kelvin Ridge finds it difficult, as Vasila clings desperately to him, to be rid of her as she has nowhere to go. How she saves his life and he inevitably falls in love with her is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    The beautiful Ilena Foringham not only helped her father, who was a senior Member of Parliament, with his speeches but she also assisted Lord Witherington with his. She had always found him a tremendous bore, but when he eventually proposed marriage to her she knew that this was something that she could not bear and that she could never be happy with him. As Ilena realised that her parents also wanted her to marry Lord Witherington, she knew that she had no option but to run away. After visiting an Employment Agency, she was not only given the position of secretary to Lord Henry Brantford, but Mrs. Morton at the Agency gave Ilena the passport belonging to her dead niece so that she could travel under an assumed name to avoid being followed and brought back home ignominiously by Lord Witherington. When Ilena met Lord Henry on the train to Dover and they set sail from England, she began helping him with a book that he was writing by taking down in shorthand as he was dictating to her. They were very busy with his book, at the same time enjoying the voyage until they stopped at Rome and to Ilena’s horror she saw from the porthole of her cabin Lord Witherington coming aboard the ship. She managed to keep herself hidden until they stopped at Greece when something very frightening happened to Ilena. What took place and how she was able eventually to find happiness and the real love that she was seeking is told in this intriguing novel by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    The beautiful Alvita who had lost both her parents, was living quietly in her family home in Southern Russia. Her father had been Russian and her mother had been English. Alvita was pleased to receive a visit from her brother, Ivor, but shocked when he told her that they must leave Russia immediately, as a Revolution was inevitable and would start very soon. He had brought with him his friend, Nicholas, who said that he would help them pack up as many of their treasures as they could and make their way to England. Alvita felt a little unsure of Nicholas, but thought that perhaps she might be mistaken. Ivor insists that he should be a Russian Prince and Alvita a Princess as the English are always impressed by grand titles, although Alvita is none too sure about the deception. After packing her mother’s jewellery, some valuable pictures and silver, they know that they must avoid the dangerous Revolutionaries and travel as fast as possible to the nearest Port to find a ship to take them to England. This Nicholas arranges for them and, when they arrive in England, Ivor by chance meets an old friend, Charles, the Marquis of Harrington, who he was friends with when they were at Oxford University. Charles takes them to his impressive house in London and, when he learns that they want to sell their treasures, he arranges for them to be displayed in the ballroom and the stables. It is when Alvita sees a valuable painting being removed from its frame that she knows that Nicholas is attempting to cheat the Marquis. How she warns Charles of what is happening in his house. And how she and her brother find the love that they both sought but believed would never be theirs is all told in this unusual romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Owen Wister
    42,99 kr.

    Cowboy Lin McLean rides into Cheyenne, Wyoming at Christmastime. His plans quickly take an unexpected turn when he encounters the child of a person he once knew. In the spirit of Christmas, he finds himself going out of his way for the boy who has been living in harsh conditions and gives him a taste of a better life.A sweet tale about Christmas and warmth, "A Journey in Search of Christmas" is a classic by the master of western fiction, Owen Wister. Hear the novel from the early 20th century as read by B. J. Harrison.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Owen Wister (1860-1938) was an American writer and historian. Wister was a prolific writer of fiction, non-fiction, poetry and plays, and is prominently known as a pioneer in western fiction. His most notable works include the novel "The Virginian" (1902) and his biography of Ulysses S. Grant (1901). Wister’s impact on popular culture is significant, with "The Virginian" having seen several film adaptations, such as "The Virginian" (1929) with Gary Cooper. His novel has been considered to have directly influenced cowboy imagery in western fiction and Hollywood films.

  • af M. P. Shiel
    42,99 kr.

    What will happen if you hear the bell of St. Sépulcre? According to the local small town folks, dangers and even death may follow. When a stranger enters the town, he is warned by the locals not to follow a certain path because it could be dangerous. It is believed that a strange and scary woman wanders the woods and terrorises whomever crosses her path. Will the traveler dare to enter the woods? What awaits him there? Find the answers in "The Bell of St. Sépulcre".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Matthew Phipps Shiell, better known as M. P. Shiel, was a British writer who lived in the period 1865-1947. He mainly wrote novels and short stories, many of which were turned into series. He gained a wide popularity with his horror stories and scientific romances. "The Purple Cloud" is one of his best known works and it remains popular today. It is considered to be the first future history series in science fiction and therefore Shiel is often described as the innovator of the genre.

  • af M. P. Shiel
    42,99 kr.

    One night during his regular rambles, Mérimée stumbles upon a mysterious woman who invites him home to her place. They enter a big, dark but luxuriously furnished room and they spend the whole night having dinner and talking. However things take a turn to the strange when the eery lady starts talking about death and tombs. Mérimée realises that his companion is not an ordinary woman and that he is in danger. Will he get himself out of there alive or will Xélucha drag him with her to the underworld?B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Matthew Phipps Shiell, better known as M. P. Shiel, was a British writer who lived in the period 1865-1947. He mainly wrote novels and short stories, many of which were turned into series. He gained a wide popularity with his horror stories and scientific romances. "The Purple Cloud" is one of his best known works and it remains popular today. It is considered to be the first future history series in science fiction and therefore Shiel is often described as the innovator of the genre.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    40,99 kr.

    Sulle coste della Manciuria e della Corea imperversa la guerra tra due imperi, quello Giapponese e quello Russo. Cosa succederebbe, pero, se tra le brutture della guerra, tra il conflitto e l'odio, sbocciasse l'amore tra due giovani, lui un tenente Russo, lei giapponese, figlia di un alto samurai? E ancora, cosa succederebbe se davanti alle promesse di matrimonio e amore eterno, uno dei due volesse interrompere la relazione per via della stessa guerra che li aveva uniti? Forse - ora che Shima ci vede piu chiaro - non e per la guerra che Boris si sottrae alle sue promesse. Forse c'e un'altra ragazza, sempre giapponese, nel suo cuore. E allora Shima non sembra avere scelta, non le resta che aiutare il suo popolo nel conflitto. Cominciando da Port Arthur. -

  • af Emilio Salgari
    96,99 kr.

    Sulle coste cubane la guerra ispano-americana sembra volgere al tramonto. Le possibilità di vittoria degli spagnoli si affievoliscono sempre più, tanto che ormai l’esito sembra già scritto. Nessuno crede in un possibile capovolgimento — nessuno, tranne la marchesa Dolores de Castillo, capitana del vascello Yucatan. Aiutata dai fedeli compagni di una vita, Dolores tenterà in ogni modo di rifornire gli spagnoli di armi e approvvigionamenti. Il compito, però, è di massima difficoltà.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    96,99 kr.

    Tra le Rocky Mountains del Colorado, attraverso le gole innevate e le distese sterminate, Annie Clayfert viaggia in sella al suo cavallo alla ricerca del padre. Lungo il percorso varie figure si affiancheranno ad Annie e la aiuteranno nella sua missione. Cacciatori d’oro, cowboy, viandanti — Annie e gli altri avventurieri si addentreranno nell’America più vera, quella dei territori dei nativi, dei canyon più profondi, degli ululati nella notte.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    73,99 kr.

    In un’isola della Nuova Caledonia, chiamata la Montagna Azzurra, è nascosta un tesoro. In quale parte dell’isola si trovi, però, nessuno lo sa. Ciò che si sa di questo tesoro, invece, è l'appartenenza a Fernando De Belgrano, armatore europeo giunto in Oceania in cerca di fortuna. Ora sono i figli, Pedro e Mina, venuti a conoscenza del testamento del padre, a cercare in lungo e in largo questo leggendario forziere. Tra mille insidie e avversità, il loro destino potrebbe però non prendere la svolta desiderata.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    73,99 kr.

    Ogni pescatore di perle dell'Oceano Indiano ne conosce una, rossa, perduta nelle profondità del mare di Manaar, che è avvolta nella leggenda. È la ‘perla sanguinosa’, ed è esattamente lei che Palicur cerca senza tregua. Evaso insieme a un gruppo di compagni dalla prigione delle Isole Andamane, lì deportato dai membri di una setta religiosa, Palicur si mette subito alla ricerca della perla. Gli servirà per liberare Juga, la sua amata, rapita proprio dalla stessa setta che lo aveva fatto imprigionare.Tra scontri mozzafiato e avventure adrenaliniche, questo romanzo trasporterà i lettori in una realtà lontana e misteriosa.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • af Emilio Salgari
    73,99 kr.

    Nell’antico Egitto la linea reale è sacra: la discendenza ben chiara, i prossimi eredi al trono del regno pronti sin dalla nascita. Eppure Mirinri è un faraone il cui destino sembra essersi perso lungo le sponde del Nilo. Cresciuto da un sacerdote, il giovane sovrano è ignaro delle proprie origini e della vita che il fato gli ha finora negato. Ma l’amore di una ragazza metterà in moto una serie di eventi e rivelazioni, avventure e capovolgimenti, e Mirinri comincerà finalmente a cercare il proprio posto nel mondo.Emilio Salgari (1862-1911) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Prolificissimo scrittore di romanzi d'avventura, è noto soprattutto come il creatore del pirata Sandokan. Tra le sue opere più famose, ricordiamo i libri raccolti nel 'Ciclo dei pirati della Malesia' e nel 'Ciclo dei corsari delle Antille'.

  • af C.S. Forester
    99,00 kr.

    Efter Hornblowers skib Sutherland blev skudt i sænk af franskmændene, blev han og hans besætning taget som krigsfanger. Nu er han på vej til Paris med to af sine bedste mænd, og ingen af dem har i sinde at lade franskmændene bestemme deres skæbne. Da fangevognen kører fast i en snestorm, ser de tre mænd deres snit til at stikke af. Hornblower ved, at han først er i sikkerhed, når han er hjemme i England, men han aner ikke, hvilken tragedie der venter ham, hvis han når frem.Andet bind af "Kommandør Hornblower" er ottende bog i seriens indre kronologi.Serien om den engelske søofficer kaptajn Hornblower tager os med tilbage til Napoleonskrigene og fortæller historien om den søsyge matros, der ender med at blive en vaskeægte søhelt i den engelske flåde. Bøgerne er blevet filmatiseret flere gange og har opnået stor popularitet verden over.C.S. Forester (1899-1966) var pseudonymet for den britiske forfatter Cecil Louis Throughton Smith, der blev kendt for sine fortællinger om krig til søs. Hans bogserie om den royale søofficer Horatio Hornblower blev oversat til en lang række sprog og gjorde ham meget populær. I 1951 blev hans bog "The African Queen" filmatiseret med Katherine Hepburn og Humphrey Bogart i hovedrollerne.

  • af H. Rider. Haggard
    73,99 kr.

    Thomas Wingfield is een avonturier die al veel heeft meegemaakt. Hij is onder andere ontsnapt aan de Inquisitie, zijn moeder is vermoord en hij heeft schipbreuk geleden. In Otomie sluit hij zich aan bij een expeditie naar Zuid-Amerika. Daar raken zijn Spaanse reisgenoten al snel in conflict met de lokale bevolking, een conflict dat al snel ontaardt in een regelrechte oorlog. Thomas daarentegen wordt verliefd op de dochter van een inheemse vorst, en trouwt met haar.H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925) was een Britse schrijver van vooral avonturenboeken. Zijn bekendste werk is King Solomon’s Mines, met als hoofdpersoon de avonturier Allan Quatermain. Hij vormde de inspiratiebron voor het populaire filmpersonage Indiana Jones. Haggards roman She geldt nog altijd als een van de grootste bestsellers aller tijden.Zoals in veel avonturenromans komen ook in die van Haggard vaak de negatieve gevolgen van het kolonialisme om de hoek kijken. Wat Haggard echter uitzonderlijk maakt is dat hij met een voor die tijd opvallende sympathie schrijft over de oorspronkelijk bewoners van de streken die zijn personages bezoeken.

  • af Pauline Vijverberg
    73,99 kr.

    Alexine Tinne (1835-1869) was een Nederlandse ontdekkingsreiziger. Ze verkende als een van de eerste vrouwen Noord-Afrika, en ging op zoek naar de bron van de Nijl. In een tijd waarin elk land zijn eigen ontdekkingsreiziger als vedette wilde, werd zij de vertegenwoordigster van Nederland. In de woestijn kwam ook de liefde op haar pad. Schrijfster Pauline Vijverberg volgde letterlijk het spoor van Tinne: in 1990 reed zij door de Sahara naar Niger. Zij geeft in haar roman het woord aan drie historische figuren (Alexine zelf, haar eigengereide moeder en haar veel voorzichtigere zus) en één fictief personage (love interest Daniël). Ze schakelt vaardig heen en weer tussen romantiek en documentatie, tussen historische roman en avontuur.Pauline Vijverberg (1964) schrijft over sterke vrouwen in Afrika en in Nederland. Ze baseert haar romans altijd op waargebeurde feiten, ingevuld door haar verbeelding. Ze werd geboren in Tokio, bracht haar jeugd door in Indonesië, studeerde rechten in Nederland en woont nu met haar man en vier kinderen in Johannesburg, Zuid-Afrika. Na "Alexine" verschenen nog twee goed onthaalde historische romans.

  • af Andrés Pérez Domínguez
    148,99 kr.

    El silencio de tu nombre es una de las historias que le han valido a Andrés Pérez Domínguez el apodo de "El Graham Greene español". Una trepidante novela de espías en plena Guerra Fría en la que la viuda de un agente secreto alemán huye a España con unos documentos comprometedores, para después ser perseguida por un antiguo comunista español exiliado. El romance, la aventura y el misterio esperan a ambos personajes en esta persecución a través de una Europa plaga de fanatismo y peligros.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Andrés Pérez Domínguez es un escritor español nacido en Sevilla en 1969. Especializado en novelas de misterio histórico y suspense, ha ganado numerosos galardones nacionales e internacionales por su obra, tanto en narrativa como en ensayo periodístico. Sus historias destacan por una particular sensibilidad y profundidad sin dejar de lado el aspecto lúdico y trepidante de unas tramas sólidas.