Historisk spændingslitteratur
77,99 kr. Philip Marsham is orphaned by a shocking accident and he flees to London in fear of his life. There he joins the dark frigate ‘Rose of Devon’, bound for safety in Newfoundland.But before they reach their destination, Philip’s life is in danger once again as pirates seize the ship. Forced to join their company, Philip is now an outlaw too, with only the hangman’s noose awaiting him in England.Set in the 17th century, ‘The Dark Frigate’ is a classic children’s sea faring adventure by the American writer Charles Boardman Hawes. Full of betrayal, battles, bloodshed and gold, this is a story that will appeal to seafarers of all ages.Charles Boardman Hawes (1889 – 1923) was an American writer of children’s historical sea adventures. He was best known for his three novels ‘The Mutineers’, ‘The Great Quest’ and ‘The Dark Frigate’.In 1922, The American Library Association selected The Great Quest’ as a Newbery Honour Book. He was also posthumously awarded the 1924 Newberry Medal for his novel ‘The Dark Frigate.’Hawes was known for his book’s historical authenticity thanks to his extensive research and his sea adventures have seen him compared to Herman Melville. Fans of Johnny Depp and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' would appreciate his books.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
49,99 kr. Алонсо Кихано е обикновен благородник, познат на малцина. Прекарва дните си в четене на рицарски романи и се вглъбява в тях дотолкова, че самият той започва да се възприема като такъв. Алонсо Кихано става Дон Кихот.Самопровъзгласява се за рицар, подготвя доспехите си и заедно със своя стар кон се отправят на подвизи. Подвизите обаче, за едни налудничави, за други досадни, не са така леки, и Дон Кихот има нужда от помощта на своя стар съсед, когото провъзгласява за оръженосец. Дон Кихот, Санчо Панса и конят Ронсинант се изправят срещу вятърни мелници и насилници, забъркват се в конфликти, постигат геройства, предизвикват присмех. Докъде ще ги отведе приключението им? Ще получи ли Санчо Панса обещания му остров? Ще осъзнае ли Дон Кихот състоянието си, преди то да го доведе до необратима опасност?Мигел де Сервантес е испански писател, романист и поет, живял в периода 1547 – 1616 год. Трудностите в живота на Сервантес са не една и две. Бива пленен от алжирски пирати и в продължение на пет години е роб. Попада в затвора и преминава през финансов банкрут два пъти. Първите години от неговото творчество не водят до успех, а пиесите му не се радват на широка популярност. Животът му обаче се променя с публикуването на „Хитроумният идалго Дон Кихот де Ла Манча" през 1605 година – творба, определяна за първия съвременен европейски роман. Необичайно за епохата Сервантес вплита всекидневния език в литературата, с което повлиява формирането на испанския език.
- Lydbog
- 49,99 kr.
Fra 29,99 kr. ЖЕНИРобинзон Крузо – смелият корабокрушенец, който остава сам на отдалечен остров в продължение на 28 години. Открива Господ, чете Библията, приспособява календар, на който да отбелязва всеки отминал ден, отглежда ориз и ечемик и превръща изгнанието в спасение. Но островът не е толкова пуст, колкото Робинзон Крузо е предполагал. Среща недоброжелателни туземци, враждебни бунтовници и изгладнели канибали. И там, сред враговете, открива другар. „Робинзон Крузо" е шедьовър в световната литература, който е вдъхновил редица оперети, пиеси, филмови адаптации, сериали и анимации, и който продължава да пленява читателите и до днес.ЖЕНИДаниел Дефо е английски писател и журналист, широко познат днес със своя герой Робинзон Крузо, но оставил далеч по-голям отпечатък върху английската и световна литература. Роден е през 1660 год., а през 1698 год. поставя началото на своята писателска кариера. Считан е за основен представител на епохата на Просвещението, като създава над 300 творби, включващи романи, сатири, памфлети и есета на различни теми. Даниел Дефо поставя основите на английската журналистика, въвеждайки жанровете на есето, статията и интервюто. Пише смели памфлети, сред които и „Най-краткият начин за справяне с несъгласните", който му „спечелва" затвор и привързване на позорния стълб. През 1719 год. Дефо пише романа "Робинзон Крузо", но освен с него, печели популярност и с известни творби като "Капитан Сингълтън", "Мол Фландърс", "Полковник Джак" и "Роксана".
Fra 37,99 kr. Фрона Уелс е млада бунтарка, завършила Станфорд, която решава да се завърне в своя роден град в Юкон. Там я очаква нейният заможен и контролиращ баща и едно малко градче, изпълнено с предубеждения и ограничения. Колоритната и отворена личност на Фрона не се вписва в закостенялото мислене на нейния роден град и тя бързо става причина за конфликти. Фрона ще се опълчи на баща си, а двама ухажори, пленени от нейната дързост, ще променят плановете ѝ. Накъде ще поеме приключението на Фрона и кой ще бъде мъжът, който ще открадне сърцето ѝ? Джек Лондон е американски писател, живял и творил през късния деветнадесети век. Печели широка популярност със своите къси разкази, но бива най-често свързван с приключенските си романи, повлияни от собствения му динамичен живот. Участвал е в златната треска в Клондайк, бил е военен кореспондент и се е включвал в редица морски експедиции. Джек Лондон е бил активен защитник на правата на работниците, а неговите възгледи относно социалното класово разделение са често включвани в разказите и есетата му. Едни от най-известните му произведения са „Морският вълк", „Белия зъб", „Дивото зове", „Мартин Идън" и „Джери островитянина".
- intégrale
43,99 kr. ‘The Escape of Arsène Lupin, the Adventures of Arsène Lupin the Gentleman Burglar’ are classic crime stories by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Full of murder, intrigue, and daring escapes, the bold and charismatic detective finds himself on the wrong side of the law yet again as he seeks justice in his own unique way.The inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, these stories are perfect for fans of the show and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ series.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.
- Lydbog
- 43,99 kr.
60,99 kr. From evil stepsisters and big bad wolves to anthropomorphic cats and murderous noblemen, this collection offers a selection of the best fairy tales by the iconic french author Charles Perrault.Enter into Perrault's magical world in this wondrous collection which includes the five following tales: ´Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Cinderella´, ´Puss in Boots´, ´Sleeping Beauty´, and ´Bluebeard´.Relive some of your favourite fairy tales with this timeless collection that will delight fans of H.C. Andersen and the Brothers Grimm.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a famous and influential French author and one of the most well-known authors of fairy tales. Perrault is often credited as one of the early adopters of the literary genre, even setting the stage for authors such as the Brothers Grimm a century later.Famous fairy tales written by Charles Perrault include ´Cinderella´, ´The Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Bluebeard´, ´Puss in Boots´, and ´The Sleeping Beauty´. Igniting the imagination of children from all over the world, Perrault's tales continue to entertain people today.
- Lydbog
- 60,99 kr.
42,99 kr. The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, or more simply Don Quixote, is one of the most influential works of literature from a Spanish author. It is one of the earliest canonical novels, and is regularly cited as the best work of fiction ever published. A nameless hidalgo read so many chivalric romances that he loses his sanity and decides to set out into the world as a knight, to bring justice under the name Don Quixote. The delusional hidalgo then recruits a simple farmer, Sancho Panza, whose unique wit proves a marvelous addition to Don Quixote's idealistic bouts. This audio edition of a literary masterpiece brings you one of the funniest and most profound texts ever written, in a convenient format.Don Quixote has been portrayed on screen many times, including most recently in Terry Gilliam's spoof movie 'The Man Who Killed Don Quixote', starring Adam Driver and Stellan Skarsgard. In 2000, John Lithgow, Bob Hoskins and Isabella Rossellini starred in 'Don Quixote'.Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (1547-1616) was a Spanish writer whose epic novel 'Don Quixote' made his name.The story is regarded as the first modern novel and one of the greatest books of all time.As is often the case with writers and artists of his time, Cervantes spent most of his life in poverty.He left Spain for Rome in 1569 to work for a cardinal, before joining the Spanish Navy, being badly wounded in 1571, then being captured by Barbary pirates and held for five years before being ransomed.He worked as a purchasing agent, then a tax collector, and his first novel, 'La Galatea', was published in 1585.His other works included '12 Exemplary Novels', 'The Travails of Persiles and Sigismunda' and the epic poem 'Journey to Parnassus'.'Don Quixote' was published in two parts, in 1605 and 1615.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. From Disney's animated version from 1950 to the 2021 live-action adaptation starring Camila Cabello, ´Cinderella´ is the beloved fairy tale of a young woman turned princess overnight.When her father dies, Cinderella becomes the servant of her stepmother and her two stepsisters.Her dream is to go to the ball given by the prince. With the help of her fairy aunt, she finds herself wonderfully dressed and can attend the ball until midnight.However, when the second chime of the clock rings out, Cinderella rushes off, leaving behind a slipper and an enamoured prince.There are many maidens in the kingdom. Will the prince manage to find the foot that fits the slipper?´Cinderella´ is perfect for fans of ´A Cinderella Story´ starring Hilary Duff and ´The Princess Diaries´ starring Anne Hathaway.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a famous and influential French author and one of the most well-known authors of fairy tales. Perrault is often credited as one of the early adopters of the literary genre, even setting the stage for authors such as the Brothers Grimm a century later.Other famous fairy tales written by Charles Perrault include ´The Little Red Riding Hood´, ´Bluebeard´, ´Puss in Boots´, and ´The Sleeping Beauty´. Igniting the imagination of children from all over the world, Perrault's tales continue to entertain people today.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Lupin's Marriage, the Confessions of Arsène Lupin’ is a classic crime caper by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Referred to as the French ‘Sherlock Holmes and the inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, the criminal genius and master of disguise looks back on his action-packed adventures in this ten-story collection: ‘Confessions of Arsène Lupin’.The other stories in this compilation are: ‘Two Hundred Thousand Francs Reward’, ‘The Wedding Ring’, ‘The Infernal Trap’, ‘The Sign of the Shadow’, ‘The Red Silk Scarf’, ‘Shadowed by Death’, ‘A Tragedy in the Forest of Morgues’, ‘The Invisible Prisoner’ and ‘Edith Swan-Neck’.Full of villains to outsmart and ladies to save, these classic nail-biting mysteries are perfect for fans of the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ stories.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Novelización por parte del escritor y aventurero Ciro Bayo de una de las leyendas más populares de Argentina y Chile, la de los Césares de la Patagonia, un supuesto grupo de exploradores y conquistadores españoles que acabó perdido en la Patagonia y fundó su propio imperio. En la novela de Bayo, un grupo de aventureros se lanza a encontrar a los Césares, viviendo mil aventuras y no menos desventuras en el proceso.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Roma sta attraversando un periodo di cambiamento radicale. Giulio Cesare è sempre più solo al comando, e la fine della Repubblica sembra ogni giorno più vicina. I patrizi della città, allarmati dalla situazione, sono tutti interessati agli sviluppi politici e sociali. Anche Tizio Caio Sempronio lo è, sebbene al momento il giovane nobile abbia un’urgenza più pressante. Invaghitosi di Clodia, in virtù di spese sempre maggiori al fine di vincere il cuore della nobildonna, Sempronio è finito con l’indebitarsi fino al collo. E ora il banchiere Cepione non accetta scuse, rivuole i suoi soldi indietro.Anton Giulio Barrili (1836-1908) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Molto prolifico, scrisse più di cinquanta romanzi. Barrili ebbe un grande successo di pubblico e critica e contò tra i suoi ammiratori anche Benedetto Croce che lo apprezzava per il suo stile scorrevole e le trame articolate e coinvolgenti.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Dame, cavalieri e castelli nella Liguria del Quattrocento. In questo romanzo storico, Barrili torna nuovamente a esplorare la sua amata regione natia, colorando con un tocco di finzione l'evento storico della presa di Castel Gavone da parte dei Genovesi. Storie d’amore s’intrecciano a racconti di battaglie, assedi e conquiste. Un romanzo imperdibile per gli amanti dell’amor cortese e del tradizionale romanzo d’avventura.Anton Giulio Barrili (1836-1908) nasce a Savona. Laureatosi in Lettere e Filosofia a Genova, nel 1859 si arruola volontario nell’esercito piemontese, partecipando a varie campagne militari al seguito di Garibaldi. Nel corso della sua vita, segnata dall’esperienza risorgimentale, fonda due riviste (L’occhialetto e Il Caffaro) e collabora come redattore al San Giorgio. Assume inoltre la direzione delle riviste Il Movimento (1860) e La Domenica Letteraria (1884). È stato autore di poesia e di commedie, firmando inoltre una cinquantina di romanzi.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Solomon Kane es otro de los famosos personajes nacidos de la pluma del escritor estadounidense Robert E. Howard.Sus aventuras aparecieron en la revista «Weird Tales» a partir de 1928 y narraban el enfrentamiento contra el mal de este puritano inglés de rostro pálido, ojos fríos, espada, mosquetes y sombrero de ala ancha.Solomon Kane busca y da caza a las criaturas más tenebrosas y malignas a lo largo de Europa y África, en una época donde nadie está a salvo, ni siquiera un hábil justiciero como él.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Robert E. Howard (1906-1936) fue un escritor estadounidense de novelas y relatos de aventuras y fantasía. Se le considera, junto con J. R. R. Tolkien como uno de los principales impulsores de la fantasía heroica, y padre del subgénero de «espada y brujería», representado por algunos de sus personajes más famosos: Conan el Bárbaro, Kull de Atlantis o Solomon Kane.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
74,99 kr. Franziska Pigulla und Friedrich Schoenfelder entführen uns in die Welt der schönsten deutschen Märchen und verzaubern mit ihrer angenehmen Stimme. Erzählt werden Der Froschkönig, Rotkäppchen, Der standhafte Zinnsoldat, Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse und viele weitere. Ideal zum Einkuscheln und Zuhören während der kalten Jahreszeit.Friedrich Schoenfelder (1916-2011) war ein deutscher Schauspieler und Synchronsprecher. Nach der Kriegsgefangenschaft startete er seine Karriere als freischaffender Schauspieler und wurde in vielen Städten engagiert. Neben Theaterstücken spielte er zudem in zahlreichen deutschen Filmen mit.Franziska Pigulla (1964-2019) war eine deutsche Schauspielerin, Synchronsprecherin und Nachrichtensprecherin. Berühmtheit erlangte sie insbesondere durch die deutsche Synchronisation der Stimme von Demi Moore. Des Weiteren lieh sie Videospiel-Charakteren ihre Stimme und sprach Hörbücher ein.
- Lydbog
- 74,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Una de las más importantes obras de fantasía histórica de las letras españolas, mezcla de aventuras, magia, suspense, intrigas y acción. Celeste, una joven hechicera, acompaña a Luis Vives, humanista valenciano, en la flota de naos que lleva al joven Carlos a España para hacerse con el trono. En el camino los esperan numerosas calamidades, aventuras y desventuras y un despliegue monumental de imaginación donde la historia y la magia se dan la mano.Juan Miguel Aguilera es un autor nacido en Valencia en 1960. Se le considera uno de los pilares de la llamada nueva ola de la ciencia ficción española de los años 90 del s.XX, junto con Javier Redal, Rafael Marín o Javier Negrete. Ha cultivado la ciencia ficción y la fantasía en numerosas novelas y relatos que le han valido premios como el Ignotus o el Alberto Magno en España o el Bob Morane en Bélgica o el Imaginales en Francia.
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Jules Verne's 'Het Stoomhuis', een verhaal in twee delen waarvan 'de ijzeren reus' het eerste is, neemt ons mee op een reis in steampunk-stijl door het negentiende-eeuwse India. In het eerste deel maken we kennis met de rebellenleider Nana Sahib, die een opstand tegen de Britse overheersing organiseert. Het tweede verhaal volgt een groep Europeanen die een avontuurlijke reis door India maken op de rug van een mechanische olifant. Kolonel Munro neemt deel aan deze reis met de bedoeling Nana Sahib te vinden, die toevallig ook de man is die zijn vrouw heeft vermoord. Hoe zullen de twee verhalen in elkaar grijpen? Het Stoomhuis' is geïnspireerd op de waargebeurde revolutionair Nana Sahib en biedt een fascinerende kijk op de Indiase cultuur en politiek in de 19e eeuw, ondanks het feit dat de olifant op stoom rijdt.Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
59,99 kr. While Jim Kent lies in his bed, thinking that he is dying from a fatal serious disease, he confesses to having committed a murder but he also falls head over heels in love with Marette Radisson, after she pays him a short visit. Kent is captivated by her dazzling beauty and violet-flamed eyes, and she is about to change the course of his life.Did Jim Kent actually commit the murder, or is he covering up for someone else? Who is Marette Radisson and what role will she play? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s 1920 novel "The Valley of Silent Men".James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Sergeant Billy MacVeigh and his partner Pelliter are tasked to defend the outpost of Point Fullerton. They are all alone in the Canadian Northwest, hundreds of miles from civilisation. Their last mission, right before the end of their service, is to find and arrest the ruthless murderer Scottie Deane. Part of the mission is also to capture Eskimo women traders, if they come across any of them.How will Billy and Pelliter deal with the frozen wilderness? Will they finally capture the elusive Deane? Can someone help them to find the murderer? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s rough and tumble adventure novel "Isobel" from 1913.James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. During the school break, two schoolmates decide to go out hunting for wolves. Their main purpose is to kill as many wolves as possible by setting traps in the woods, and then sell their skin. While on their money-making trip in the Canadian wilderness, the two boys run into a variety of problems and obstacles but an elder Indian man they meet on the way will help them with their hunt.James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. The footsteps of the enemy approach. Nearby, a young, voiceless calvary officer lies ready to act, but not in the way you might think. Words in time of war prove powerful, and in Jack London’s compelling novel, one young man is about to empty his lot like an overturned barrel. Conversations sweeping morality and humanity lose their meaning, whilst human kindness and the gullible nature of combat take hold.Crafting a simply written yet deeply profound exploration of the everyday life of soldiers, ‘War’ is a journey into the contradictory, complex and muddled web of human strife. A must-read for fans of Andrew Garfield’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’.Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Celebrated today as a pioneer of commercial fiction and American magazines, he is also dubbed an innovator in the science fiction genre. London’s popular works span ‘The Call of the Wild’, ‘White Fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’, along with short stories such as ‘An Odyssey of the North’. Many of his novels are set in the Gold Rush, 19th century America – proving ideal for history, adventure and Western lovers alike. Jack London remains today an inspiring writer ahead of his time, both on the page and throughout his political life.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Philip Raine is a Royal Canadian police officer, who is on the trail of a ruthless and wild murderer named Bram Johnson. The elusive Johnson roams through the frozen wilderness of Northwest Canada on a sled pulled by a pack of wolves. Johnson has lost his golden snare, made with a woman’s delicate flaxen hair. Raine is intrigued by the mysterious snare and is compelled to unravel its secret.Why is Bram Johnson so wanted? Is it only because of the crimes he has committed, or is the main reason the golden snare he has in his possession? Will officer Raine manage to catch the outlaw? Will he be able to solve the mystery of the golden snare? Find all the answers in James Oliver Curwood’s tense adventure novel "The Golden Snare" from 1918.James Oliver Curwood (1878 - 1927) was an American writer as well as an unwavering nature lover and conservationist. As such, many of Curwood’s action-adventure stories were based on real events from the rugged landscapes of the American Northwest. He built himself Curwood Castle, which he used as a writing studio and as a place to greet guests. More than 150 motion pictures have been adapted to or directly inspired by his novels.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
120,99 kr. This Polish 'Gone with the Wind’ is set in 17th century Poland during the Cossack-Polish War as the Kingdom of Poland struggles to maintain unity. It is a historical epic, in the same vein as Dumas or Walter Scott, where a stunning plot is weaved through actual history to create compelling and brilliantly grounded characters.An epic story with a stunning ensemble of real and fictitious characters, whose passion and vitriol leap off the page. It is a novel of Polish identity and belonging, written in a time of Polish partition, which brought immense patriotic pride to the embattled nation. It is a novel that has rightly earned its place as an epic. If you loved the BBCs ‘War and Peace’ you will love this classic tale.Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) was a Polish fiction writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, for his outstanding merits as a writer of epic fiction. He became one of the most famous authors in Poland at the end of the 19th century before translations of his work catapulted him to international renown. Many of his works remain in print today with his most famous novels being ‘With Fire and Sword, ‘Quo Vadis’ and ‘Sir Michael’.
- E-bog
- 120,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Swept out to sea in a boating accident, Henry Adams is penniless and in rags ashore in London. Whilst roaming the streets, his luck changes; two brothers hand him an envelope with no explanation. Inside lies a banknote worth one million pounds. But how can a penniless man prove that he legally possesses such a banknote? What urged Adams to sail away? Why did the two brothers give away their fortune?Combining wit, humour and humility, Mark Twain’s 19th century short story provides a social commentary ideal for fans of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Catch Me If You Can’. Made into a BBC Radio 4 adaptation, ‘The Million Pound Bank Note’ remains a funny and poignant tale of power and greed.Mark Twain, pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) was an American humorist, lecturer, journalist and novelist. Celebrated today as the father of American literature, his work spans epic stories of boyhood such as ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ and ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, as well as travel narratives, such as ‘The Innocents Abroad’, ‘Roughing It’, and ‘Life on the Mississippi’. A friend to presidents, artists and royalty, he is remembered today as a popular public figure. Continuing his influence, Twain inspires Disney attractions, singer Tom Petty’s ‘Down South’ and was portrayed by Nathan Osgood in the 2018 comedy ‘Holmes and Watson’.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Love, true Love! For the lovely, widowed Lady Sherington, it bloomed in her thirty-sixth year, when she was still ravishing enough to pass as the twin of her daughter Trina.But her gentle heart is racked with doubt--for if she were to remarry, her inheritance would be lost, and the handsome Comte she wishes to wed needs a rich wife.Thankfully, she's blessed with a daughter who is both beautiful and smart and fight to solve all their problems. But will she save her late father's estate and her mother's heart... or must one be lost for the sake of the other?A cross-generation regency romance, perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Daphne Du Maurier.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
- Lydbog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. A social introvert, Lady Dorinda Burne has always felt uncomfortable around lots of people due to a skin condition which has always marked her as the ‘ugly sister’. She is forced on a trip to Singapore to chaperone her sister Lettice, who is set to marry the intelligent and charming Maximus Kirby.However, Dorinda soon finds herself head over heels for Maximus. lost for words when he’s around. Having to overcome drastic hurdles and more challenges than she could have anticipated, Dorinda is forced to face her fears to find a new life, better than she could ever have hoped for.Perfect for fans of Georgette Heyer, Julia Quinn, and Jenny Hambly.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
Fra 33,99 kr. Приключенията на човека-маймуна продължават във втората част „Завръщането на Тарзан", вдъхновила в последствие създаването на филмови екранизации и комикси. Тарзан се отправя към Франция, но спокойното му пътуване е осуетено от заговорите на Николас Рокоф. Вместо да се види с приятеля си Пол д’Арнот, Тарзан се озовава на дуел срещу граф Раул. В последствие графът е този, който изпраща Тарзан на служба в Алжир в знак на благодарност. Накрая обаче Тарзан се озовава в джунглите на Южна Африка, изправяйки се срещу стари познайници, врагове и любов. Накъде води завръщането на Тарзан? Към познатите южни брегове на Африка или към обятията на неговата любима Джейн Портър? Едгар Райс Бъроуз е американски писател, широко познат и до ден днешен с емблематичния си герой Тарзан. Роден е през 1875 год., но започва своята писателска кариера едва през 1911 год., когато написва научно-фантастичния роман „Под луните на Марс", по-късно преработен със заглавието „Принцесата на Марс". През 1912 год. създава първата история за Тарзан, а големият читателски интерес вдъхновява Бъроуз, който продължава цикъла с още 24 книги и постига дългогодишен триумф като писател на научна фантастика и фентъзи. Историите за Тарзан са преведени на повече от 56 езика и са основа за редица екранизации, първата, от които през 1918 год. Имението, което Бъроуз закупува през 1919 год., с цел да бъде по-близо до снимачната площадка на филмите за Тарзан, остава и до ден днешен познато с името „Тарзана."
111,99 kr. Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts: Harry Ludlow wurde einst aus der Royal Navy geworfen. Nun zieht er zusammen mit seinem jüngeren Bruder James als Freibeuter über die Meere. Doch statt Jagd auf fette Beute zu machen, stolpern die Ludlows regelmäßig in tödliche Intrigen. Gerade als die Brüder sich an Bord eines britischen Kriegsschiffs befinden, geschieht dort ein Mord. James wird über der Leiche gefunden und verdächtigt. Kann Harry die Unschuld seines Bruders zu beweisen?Dies ist der spannende Auftakt der Reihe um Kaperkapitän Harry Ludlow und seine Gefährten.Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts: Harry Ludlow schmeißt seinen Offiziersposition in der Royal Navy hin um fortan als Freibeuter über die Meere zu ziehen. Auf seinen Reisen stolpern er und seine Gefährten immer wieder in brenzlige Situationen und Mordfälle, die aufgeklärt werden wollen. Mit dieser fesselnden Reihe kommen nicht nur Fans von historischen Seefahrer-Romanen, sondern auch begeisterte Krimi-Leser auf ihre Kosten.David Donachie, 1944 in Edinburgh geboren, ist ein schottischer Autor, der auch unter den Pseudonymen Tom Connery und Jack Ludlow Bekanntkeit erlangte. Sein Werk umfasst zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen; besonders beliebt sind seine historischen Seefahrerromane.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
94,99 kr. Centaine de Thiry Courtney har överlevt allt som livet kastat i hennes väg. I Afrika har hon nått stora framgångar och dessutom fött två söner: arvingen Shasa Courtney och det hemliga kärleksbarnet Manfred de la Rey. Men när den stora depressionen bryter ut tvingas Centaine att se över sina prioriteringar. Om hon ska kunna skydda de sina måste hon fatta svåra beslut - beslut som kommer att påverka Manfred och den fader som uppfostrat honom. Samtidigt är världen på väg mot ännu ett förgörande krig som hotar slita sönder både länder och familjer. Vad händer när en mors två söner plötsligt befinner sig på olika sidor?Svärdets makt är den femte delen i Wilbur Smiths storslagna krönika om släkten Courtney. I den episka berättelsen om släkten Courtney får vi följa äventyrslystna män och modiga kvinnor. Krönikan utspelar sig i Sydafrika sträcker sig från 1600-talet och kolonialismen till 1900-talet och apartheid. Medlemmarna i släkten Courtney får uppleva både äventyr och krig på sin jakt efter ära, makt och kärlek.Wilbur Smith (1933-2021) var en sydafrikansk författare som skapat succéer som När lejonet äter och släktkrönikan om familjen Courtney. Smiths romaner skildrar ofta den afrikanska kontinentens historia och innehåller både äventyr och romantik.
59,99 kr. ‘The Last of the Legions’ by famous Sherlock Holmes author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is a collection of twelve short stories. Stories in the collection include ‘Through the Veil’, ‘The First Cargo’ and ‘The Silver Mirror’. Many are set during the Roman Empire, and some even delve into spiritualism – a personal interest of Doyle’s. A highly enjoyable collection of some of the famous authors lesser-known tales.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. First published in 1898 ‘The Refugees’ is a historical tale by the famous ‘Sherlock Holmes’ author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Set largely in France at the end of the 17th century, the novel follows the story of a group of Huguenot’s whose very existence in France is under threat. Forced to flee persecution, they must make the perilous journey to freedom in Canada where they will have to try and make new lives for themselves. Full of vibrant characters, this is a fascinating story by the Victorian author.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) was a British author, best known as the creator of the world-famous detective Sherlock Holmes. Born in Edinburgh, he was educated in England and Austria before studying medicine at the University of Edinburgh. It was during his time at university that Doyle began writing short stories, submitting them to magazines and journals. His first Sherlock Holmes novel, ‘A Study in Scarlet’ was written in just three weeks and published in 1887 to favourable reviews, and more Sherlock adventures followed. By 1893, Doyle was growing tired of Sherlock and attempted to kill him off in the story ‘The Final Problem’, but public outcry caused him to resurrect the famous detective. He featured in a total of 56 short stories and four novels along with his trusty sidekick Dr Watson and made Doyle one of the best-paid authors of the time. The stories have been adapted multiple times; most recently in the successful BBC series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman. Later literary works included the Professor Challenger series which began with ‘The Lost World’, in which Challenger sets out to find evidence of prehistoric life. The book inspired numerous adaptations, including the films ‘Jurassic Park’ and ‘The Lost World’. In later life Doyle became captivated by the world of spiritualism and the occult and published non-fiction works about his beliefs including ‘The Coming of the Fairies’. Arthur Conan Doyle died at home in 1930.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.