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  • af MJ White
    129,99 kr.

    A murdered schoolteacher. A police force under attack. A teen hiding secrets beneath silence.When a body is discovered at an abandoned Suffolk farm, DS Rob Minshull and the squad believes it’s the latest casualty of the drugs war terrorising rural communities. But when the victim is identified as a well-respected local teacher, the case is thrown wide open.While they hunt the murderer, the South Suffolk CID team face a new threat. A brutal vigilante group dispensing their own twisted justice puts the investigation in grave danger, as well as the detectives.Educational psychologist, Dr Cora Lael, is called into work with Lottie Arundel, a troubled teen who stopped speaking a year ago.As Cora enters Lottie’s world, it seems that the teen’s silence might hold the key to the case. But as Cora and Rob work together to find a vicious killer, it’s clear that uncovering Lottie’s secrets will take Cora and Rob into the most dangerous of places – where the price to pay for the truth might be death...The second book from MJ White, ´The Silent Child´ is a twisty, utterly unputdownable crime thriller. If you like James Oswald or LJ Ross, you'll love this.Praise for MJ White:"Cora is a character you won’t forget." - Steve Cavanagh, author of ´The Devil’s Advocate´"A corker of a debut with a brilliantly drawn main character." - Simon Toyne, author of ´Solomon Creed´."Touchingly compassionate, desperately exciting and achingly well-written...a superlative crime novel" - Rob Parker, author of ´Far From The Tree´.

  • af Roberta Gately
    102,99 kr.

    The girl in the photo was laughing, her head thrown back, her lips painted a bright red. Jessie could feel the simple joy reflected in that moment. And as she looked closer, she saw the same gold cross and chain that had adorned the first victim’s neck.When a young woman falls to her death from a parking garage, the Boston police department rule it as a suicide. But when Jessie Novak examines the scene, she isn’t so sure... The girl’s delicate hands are bruised and her fingernails torn: evidence of a struggle. Did someone push her from the roof?Then a second young woman is found dead, this time at the foot of her dorm building, her hands injured in the same way as the first victim’s with a gold cross and chain clutched in her fist. Jessie is convinced there is a connection and that a twisted killer is on the loose.Just as Jessie thinks she is closing in on the culprit, her worst fears are realized: a third girl is found dead. The gap between murders is closing: the killer is getting more confident. He will never stop until he is caught.But little does Jessie know that, while she works to pick up the trail of her suspect, he is already on hers. She is the only one who can stop this monster before he kills again—but to save the next innocent life, is she prepared to risk her own?A thrilling and totally gripping crime thriller that will grab you from the start and not let go until the final, heart-stopping page. Utterly addictive reading for fans of Lisa Regan, Angela Marsons and Tess Gerritsen.Readers are loving Her Mother’s Cry:"WOW! I am actually at a loss for words. This is the first book in a little while that I have got 100% stuck into and refused to put down. Reading late into the night and finishing in the early hours... Everything you could possibly want from a crime thriller. A pace that keeps you guessing and keeps you hooked. The creepiness that had the hairs on my arms standing up." Chloe’s Reading Room"Another fantastic five star read from this author... Intense, chilling and gripping. This book had me sat on the edge of my seat and constantly holding my breath and as for the climax I literally have no nails left. This author has done it again. A must read series and another explosive addition to this gripping and very addictive series. Loved it!!!!" NetGalley reviewer"Suspense, action, intrigue, murder and a great who-done-it!... Gave me the chills." Goodreads reviewer.

  • af Agnieszka Świrniak
    48,99 kr.

    Detektyw Poirot wraca do gry! Na dodatek w Polsce i w kobiecym wydaniu.Klara Poirot jest oficerem gdańskiej policji. Nazwisko zobowiązuje - kobieta jest mistrzynią dedukcji, wirtuozem w swoim fachu. Z gracją rozwiązuje kolejne zagadki, a trzeba przyznać, że ma się nad czym głowić. Martwa ofiara homofobii, kradzież biżuterii żony premiera, śmierć biznesmena o wojskowych powiązaniach, zaginiony amator sztuki niemieckiego pochodzenia - każdej z tych spraw poświęcony jest osobny rozdział książki. W tle skomplikowane - i nie mniej emocjonujące! - życie osobiste Klary.W powieści można odnaleźć wiele nawiązań do popularnej postaci Herkulesa Poirota.Idealna lektura dla miłośników Agathy Christie.Piękna i zabójczo skuteczna, a na dodatek nosi nazwisko, które zobowiązuje. Oficer Klara Poirot budzi postrach w trójmiejskim półświatku i podziw w szeregach tamtejszej Policji. Nie każdy jednak jest w stanie zaakceptować wysoką pozycję kobiety w strukturach zdominowanych przez mężczyzn. Zwłaszcza, jeśli ambicja i zawodowy spryt idą w parze z niezależnością w życiu osobistym.Agnieszka Świrniak - dziennikarka, redaktorka naczelna miesięcznika "Nieco-Dziennik Etyczny". Społeczniczka od lat zaangażowana w walkę o laicyzację edukacji. Tworzy głównie opowiadania dla dzieci utrzymane w duchu racjonalizmu i ateizmu. Zdobywczyni tytułu Ateista Roku 2016 oraz nagrody Kryształowy Świecznik za wkład w budowę świeckiego państwa.

  • af Małgorzata Todd
    40,99 kr.

    Trzyma w napięciu jak opowieści Szeherezady.Uroczyste rauty u kandydata na prezydenta, zagadkowe zachowania gości, polityczne przepychanki i... trup. Śledczy w tej sprawie mają twardy orzech do zgryzienia. Zwłaszcza, że świadkowie chętni do współpracy wykazują jednocześnie skłonność do konfabulacji.Powieść kryminalna była publikowana w odcinkach w polsko-polinijnej gazecie internetowej "Kworum".Pozycja obowiązkowa dla fanów kobiecych kryminałów, jak książki Izabeli Janiszewskiej.Małgorzata Todd (ur. 1940) - polska pisarka, pionierka fantastyki naukowej. Publikowała również jako Małgorzata Kondas i Margaret Todd. W czasach młodości za dnia studiowała ogrodnictwo na SGGW, a wieczorami występowała w warszawskich kabaretach. Debiutowała w 1979 r. w "Przekroju", kolejne opowiadania ogłaszała m.in. w takich magazynach jak „Kobieta i Życie", „Młody Technik", „Przegląd Techniczny", „Fantastyka". Jej pierwszy zbiór opowiadań ukazał się w 1986 r. i nosił tytuł „Spór o czarownice". W tym samym roku opublikowano jej pierwszą powieść pt. „Kocham ryzyko". Laureatka Nagrody im. Witolda Hulewicza za rok 2020.

  • af Alexander Oetker
    111,99 kr.

    Knallharte Thriller-Kost aus FrankreichSeit dem Tod ihres Vaters hat die korsische Mafiosa Zoë endgültig alle Brücken zu ihrer Zwillingsschwester Zara abgebrochen – denn die Europol-Profilerin ist für diesen Tod verantwortlich. Als Zoë vom Oberhaupt der korsischen Mafia auf einen schwer bewachten Goldtransport angesetzt wird, scheint das ein äußerst lukrativer Job zu sein. Was die Killerin nicht weiß: Ihr Boss wird vom arabischen Clanchef Shokran Al-Hamsi erpresst, dessen Bruder dank Zoë im Koma liegt. Jetzt ist Al-Hamsi mindestens so sehr auf das Leben der Mafiosa aus wie auf das Gold. Will Zoë überleben, hat sie nur eine Chance: ihre verhasste Zwillingsschwester Zara ...Alexander Oetker ist der Frankreich-Experte der neuen Generation. Er war langjähriger Frankreichkorrespondent für RTL und n-tv. Aus seiner Feder stammen mehrere SPIEGEL-Bestseller.

  • af Emma Haughton
    118,99 kr.

    Ein Mord – zwölf Verdächtige – vierundzwanzig Stunden Dunkelheit!Notärztin Kate North zögert nicht lang, als sie das Angebot erhält, auf einer UN-Forschungsstation in der Antarktis einzuspringen und den Stationsarzt Jean-Luc zu ersetzen, der bei einem tragischen Unfall im Eis ums Leben gekommen ist: Sie ist am Tiefpunkt ihres Lebens angekommen und will nur noch weg. Doch bald schließt der gnadenlose Winter die 13-köpfige Crew in der Forschungsstation ein, und die monatelange Dunkelheit bringt nach und nach alle an ihre Grenzen. Schließlich beginnt Kate zu ahnen, dass Jean-Lucs Tod gar kein Unfall war. Je mehr Fragen sie stellt, desto klarer wird: Der Mörder ist unter ihnen. Und er wird wieder töten. Hoch atmosphärisch schildert die britische Autorin Emma Haughton in ihrem ersten Thriller die atemberaubende Natur der Antarktis und die klaustrophobische Enge innerhalb der Forschungsstation. Die Spannungsschraube wird unerbittlich angezogen - bis zum Showdown.

  • af Harriet Lewis
    69,99 kr.

    Þessi saga á sér stað á Viktoríutímabilinu í ensku samfélagi. Ung Verenika giftist Roy, Lávarðinum af Clynord. Hann á ekki stóra fjölskyldu en á tvö stjúpsystkini sem öfundast út í hina ungu og saklausu Vereniku og reyna að koma henni fyrir kattarnef. Skáldsagan er eitt vinsælasta verk Harriet Lewis og kom fyrst út á ensku árið 1872. Bókin naut mikilla vinsælda á Íslandi áður fyrr sem hluti af Sögusafni heimilanna.Persónurnar og notkun á tungumáli í verkinu endurspegla ekki skoðanir útgefandans. Verkið er gefið út sem sögulegt skjal sem inniheldur lýsingar á tíðaranda og skynjun manna sem tíðkaðist á tímum skrifanna.Serían samanstendur af eldri sögum sem eiga það sameiginlegt að hafa verið eftirsóttar til lengri tíma í flokki rómantískra bókmennta. Bækurnar henta einstaklega vel þegar þú vilt gleyma þér í rómantík og ævintýrum gamla tímans.Harriet Lewis fæddist árið 1841. Ritferill hennar fór hönd í hönd við ritferil eiginmanns hennar sem hún giftist árið 1860, en þau unnu saman að ýmsum ritverkum, m.a. spennuseríum. Harriet lést ung að aldri árið 1878, einungis 37 ára gömul. Hún lét eftir sig 41 skáldverk sem hafa verið þýdd yfir á fjölmörg tungumál.

  • af Luigi Irdi
    96,99 kr.

    Un nuovo caso per Sara Malerba, il pubblico ministero del piccolo comune di Torre Piccola, nato dalla fantasia di Luigi Irdi e già protagonista di "Operazione Athena" (2020). La vittima questa volta è Liliana Malingri di Vignola, popolare fashion blogger, uccisa con un colpo al cuore sullo stesso treno che Sara Malerba prende ogni giorno per andare a lavoro. È l’occasione giusta per rispolverare quanto appreso anni addietro alla scuola di magistratura, addentrandosi in un mondo di vecchie conoscenze, spiagge assolate e personaggi dai contorni oscuri, in un mistero alla cui soluzione sono appese le sorti di altre persone.Luigi Irdi (Roma) è giornalista, scrittore e poeta, da pochi anni anche brillante autore di crime fiction. Nei suoi quarantacinque anni di esperienza, ha collaborato con alcuni tra i maggiori periodici italiani, fra cui L’Europeo, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera e National Geographic Magazine. Ha esordito nel 2020 con "Operazione Athena", seguito, l’anno successivo, da "Il nero sta bene su tutto".

  • af Theresa Talbot
    102,99 kr.

    Oonagh O'Neil is back with another gloomy and heart-wrenching investigation.If only someone had listened...When the supposed suicide of famous Scottish football coach Harry Nugent hits the headlines, the tabloids are filled with tributes to a charitable pillar of the community that gave so much back to sport and to those less fortunate.But something isn't right.Normally celebrities are queuing up to claim to have had a very special relationship with the deceased, but investigative journalist Oonagh O'Neil is getting the distinct impression that people are trying to distance themselves from Harry.Oonagh's investigation leads her to uncover a heartbreakingly haunting cover-up that chills her to the core... and places her in mortal danger from those willing to protect their sadistic and dark secrets at any cost...A gritty and gripping thriller, ´The Quiet Ones´ is perfect for fans of Patricia Gibney, Angela Marsons, and Cara Hunter.What people are saying about ´The Quiet Ones´:"Another gripping book by Teresa Talbot. I couldn't put it down. Can't wait for the next one. Brilliant Page Turner." - Patriciasines"If you ever wondered what a page-turner is, get this book. Oonagh is back and on a mission to expose the horrific deeds of the great and good. A gripping tale that will keep you entertained until the last page." - ThomjackTheresa Talbot is a BBC broadcaster and freelance producer. A former radio news editor, she also hosted The Beechgrove Potting Shed on BBC Radio Scotland, but for many, she will be most familiar as the voice of the station's Traffic & Travel.Late 2014 saw the publication of her first book, ´This Is What I Look Like´, a humorous memoir covering everything from working with Andy Williams to rescuing chickens and discovering nuns hidden in gardens. She's much in demand at book festivals, both as an author and as a chairperson.´The Lost Children´ was Theresa's debut crime novel.

  • af Sanne Udsen
    99,00 kr.

    Politiassessor Sarah Berthelsen er single og på orlov, så da hendes nye flamme inviterer hende med på et advokatseminar på den dyre Falsted Kro, ser hun absolut ingen grund til at holde sig tilbage. Sarah føler sig på udebane blandt den sammentømrede flok af advokater, men da der sker et mord på kroen, bliver hun pludselig nødt til at træde helt ind på scenen og igen påtage sig rollen som efterforsker.

  • af Jo Allen
    103,99 kr.

    The charred remains of a child are discovered - a child no one seems to have missed...It's high summer, and the lakes are in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave. Uncontrollable fell fires are breaking out across the moors faster than they can be extinguished. When firefighters uncover the body of a dead child at the heart of the latest blaze, Detective Chief Inspector Jude Satterthwaite's arson investigation turns to one of murder.Jude was born and bred in the Lake District. He knows everyone... and everyone knows him. Except his intriguing new Detective Sergeant, Ashleigh O'Halloran, who is running from a dangerous past and has secrets of her own to hide...Temperatures - and tension - in the village are rising, and with the body count rising Jude and his team race against the clock to catch the killer before it's too late...The first in the gripping, Lake District-set, DCI Jude Satterthwaite series.Jo Allen was born in Wolverhampton and is a graduate of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and the Open University. After a career in economic consultancy she took up writing and was first published under the name Jennifer Young in genres of short stories, romance and romantic suspense. In 2017 she took the plunge and began writing the genre she most likes to read – crime. Now living in Edinburgh, she spends as much time as possible in the English Lakes. In common with all her favourite characters, she loves football (she's a season ticket holder with her beloved Wolverhampton Wanderers) and cats.

  • af Jo Allen
    103,99 kr.

    A brand new DCI Jude Satterthwaite crime mystery from the bestselling Jo Allen.When one-hundred-year-old Violet Ross is found dead at Eden's End, a luxury care home hidden in a secluded nook of the Lake District's Eden Valley it's tragic, of course, but not unexpected. Except for the instantly recognisable look in her lifeless eyes... that of pure terror.DCI Jude Satterthwaite heads up the investigation, but as the deaths start to mount up it's clear that he, and DS Ashleigh O'Halloran need to uncover a long-buried secret before the killer strikes again...The second in the unmissable, Lake District-set, 'DCI Jude Satterthwaite' series.Jo Allen was born in Wolverhampton and is a graduate of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and the Open University. After a career in economic consultancy she took up writing and was first published under the name Jennifer Young in genres of short stories, romance and romantic suspense. In 2017 she took the plunge and began writing the genre she most likes to read – crime. Now living in Edinburgh, she spends as much time as possible in the English Lakes. In common with all her favourite characters, she loves football (she's a season ticket holder with her beloved Wolverhampton Wanderers) and cats.

  • af Debbie Young
    102,99 kr.

    Sophie Sayers’ plans for a cosy English country Christmas are quickly brought to an end when her ex-boyfriend storms onto the scene. And things are about to get messier when a baby, abandoned in the manger, disappears in plain sight. Before long, the whole village stands accused of murder. But Sophie knows there’s one man she most definitely suspects. Can she uncover the truth?Enjoy the fun of a traditional Cotswold festive season as Sophie seeks a happy ending for her latest village mystery – and for her new romance with charming local bookseller Hector Munro.Perfect for fans of Richard Osman, Verity Bright and Ann Sutton.Debbie Young is a British writer of cosy mystery novels. She is the UK ambassador for ALLi and the founder of the annual Hawkesbury Upton Literary Festival. Her warm, witty, feel-good contemporary fiction is full of English humour, inspired by life in the Cotswold village which has been her home for over 30 years. Her bestselling ‘Sophie Sayers Village Mystery’ series includes the trailblazing ‘Murder Your Darlings’, which was shortlisted for the Selfies Award for best independently published fiction in 2021.

  • af Leticia Sánchez Ruiz
    148,99 kr.

    Dos desapariciones sin explicación, una biblioteca enorme y una escritora en busca de respuestas.Después de la desaparición de su esposo, Julia Tompson recibe una petición de Max Ventura. Su propuesta: ordenar la extensa biblioteca del hombre. Poco después de enviar el mensaje, él también se desvanece. Julia intentará descifrar el secreto tras las desapariciones. Contará con la ayuda de Arturo C. Dola, amigo suyo y escritor de novelas negras, y de Eduardo, el joven ayudante de Ventura. Una oda a la literatura y al arte de escribir, en la que las fronteras entre la ficción y la realidad se juntan a medida que avanza la historia.Este libro está narrado en castellano.

  • af Beata Skarbek
    40,99 kr.

    Kiedy powrócą mroczne sekrety sprzed lat, nikt już nie będzie mógł spać spokojnie.Nad Konwaliową Doliną, domeną artystów i dawnej arystokracji zbierają się burzowe chmury... Idylliczna sceneria willowej kolonii zmienia się w ponure miejsce zbrodni. Na światło dzienne próbują się wydostać mroczne sekrety sprzed lat. Co się wtedy wydarzyło? Dlaczego ambitny policjant u progu świetnej kariery zrezygnował ze służby? Kto przeszkodził mu w rozwikłaniu tajemnicy mordu na młodej kobiecie i co łączy współczesne zniknięcie czterech nastolatek z tamtymi wydarzeniami? Jak wyjaśnić bestialskie zabójstwa dokonane na szanowanych obywatelach sąsiedniego miasteczka? Detektyw Sabina Chmielewska obawia się,że bez pomocy sobie nie poradzi. Odsiecz nadchodzi w osobie przyjaciółki Sabiny z czasów studenckich, konsultantki policyjnej Anastazji Sosnowieckiej. Kobieta posiada dar dostrzegania tego, czego inni nie widzą...Beata Skarbek - polska pisarka, autorka „Sprawy Mściciela z Konwaliowej Doliny". Autorka powieści bardzo ceni sobie swoją prywatność i pragnie, by informacje na jej temat pozostały tajemnicą...

  • af Ines Buck
    88,99 kr.

    Janes idyllisches Familienleben in Irland gerät in Gefahr, als sie von einem schrecklichen Gerücht erfährt: Ihr Mann Thomas soll in seiner Jugend einen kaltblütigen Mord begangen haben. Die nötigen Beweise hat die Polizei allerdings nie vorgelegt. Und Thomas schwört, dass er unschuldig ist. Aber kann Jane ihm noch glauben? Wie sicher sind sie und ihre kleine Tochter bei diesem Mann, der ihr plötzlich grauenvoll fremd erscheint? Jane hält die Ungewissheit nicht mehr aus. Sie stellt Nachforschungen an, reist in ein abgelegenes Dorf in den East Midlands und in die Vergangenheit ihres Mannes. Was dabei ans Tageslicht kommt, übertrifft ihre dunkelsten Vorstellungen. Und plötzlich muss Jane um ihr eigenes Leben bangen. Ines Buck lebt mit ihrer Familie im Taunus, vor den Toren der Mainmetropole Frankfurt. Sie arbeitet als Journalistin und schreibt leidenschaftlich gerne, am liebsten spannende Psycho-Thriller.

  • af Sue Grafton
    96,99 kr.

    In deze sensationele misdaadroman staat de D niet alleen voor doodslag, maar ook voor dronkaard, dodelijk en een denderend drama. Wat op het eerste gezicht een gemakkelijke klus lijkt voor privédetective Kinsey Millhone, wordt al gauw een zaak vol vijanden, verdachten en overtuigende motieven. Wanneer ene Alvin Limardo Kinsey betaalt om de jonge Tony 25.000 euro cash te overhandigen, voelt ze dat er iets niet in de haak is. Wat blijkt? Alvins echte naam is John Daggett en hij wordt een paar dagen later dood gevonden op het strand. Hij was een beruchte dronkaard met meer vijanden dan vrienden. Maar wie van die vijanden is ook een moordenaar?‘D van doodslag' is het vierde boek in de populaire Alfabetreeks van New York Times-bestsellerauteur Sue Grafton, met de eigenwijze Kinsey Millhone in de hoofdrol."Grafton's no-bull private eye proves a credit to the alphabet in 'D' is for Deadbeat, a mystery that deserves another 'D'—Damned Good...Grafton tells a dandy story."—Marilyn Stasio, Cleveland Plain Dealer

  • af Edgar Wallace
    40,99 kr.

    Strzał w eleganckiej posiadłości. Pan domu, sir James Tynewood, w kałuży krwi. Tajemniczy mężczyzna z pistoletem. Nieuczciwe przywłaszczenie drogocennego diamentu. Prywatna detektyw Marjorie Stedman ma ręce pełne roboty! Idealna lektura dla czytelników lubiących odgadywać rozwiązanie zagadki kryminalnej. W 1960 r. powieść doczekała się ekranizacji. Reżyserem filmu pt. "The Man Who Was Nobody" był Montgomery Tully.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) - angielski pisarz i scenarzysta, autor popularnych powieści awanturniczo-kryminalnych. Nie miał łatwego startu. Był nieślubnym dzieckiem aktorki wychowywanym przez rodzinę tragarza. Edukację zakończył na szkole podstawowej i tuż po niej rozpoczął pracę. Po uzyskaniu pełnoletności przystąpił do Royal West Kent Regiment i służył w Południowej Afryce. Jego talent dosłownie eksplodował w 1905 r., kiedy ukazała się jego powieść "Zemsta Sprawiedliwych". W ciągu kolejnych dwudziestu ośmiu lat napisał ok. 170 książek, kilkanaście sztuk teatralnych i wiele scenariuszy filmowych, m.in. do "King-Konga" z 1932 r. Nie używał pióra, treść swoich książek rejestrował na dyktafonie, skąd spisywała je maszynistka.

  • af JJ Marsh
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Black River’ is the second instalment in the ‘Run and Hide’ series by author JJ Marsh, known for her popular ‘Beatrice Stubbs’ crime series.In ‘Black River’ we re-join the mysterious and gutsy Ann Sheldon as she continues to try to forget her past and start afresh. Wanting to steer clear of any more trouble, as well as the local police inspector, Gil Maduro, Ann tries to relax and embrace her new life. When a young girl goes missing from a camp however, the services of Gil Maduro are called upon, and Ann soon joins him on an investigation which will take them deep into the Amazon as well as into even deeper trouble.The pair encounter dangerous enemies along the way and Ann struggles to keep her true identity secret. A captivating thriller, full of adventure, secrecy, and deadly threats.

  • af JJ Marsh
    102,99 kr.

    ‘White Heron’ is the first thrilling instalment in the ‘Run and Hide’ series by Welsh author JJ Marsh.Ann Sheldon is a woman with secrets - and a past that she wants to leave behind. What better place to escape than to a remote shack in the Brazilian jungle?However, when a young local boy is violently murdered, Ann finds herself drawn into the investigation and fearful that her past has caught up with her.A high octane thriller packed full of mystery, danger, and adventure.

  • af JJ Marsh
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Gold Dragon’ is the third novel in the ‘Run and Hide’ series by popular author JJ Marsh. After her dangerous escapades in Brazil, Ann Sheldon has had to reinvent herself once again. Now known as Olivia Lane, she has given up the peace and tranquillity of her Brazilian beach hut and moved to one of the most densely populated cities on earth – Macau. Olivia can trust no one, and must hunt down a dangerous ex-colleague who holds the answers that she so desperately needs. A fast-paced, gripping thriller from the author of the ‘Beatrice Stubbs’ series.GOLD DRAGON 5* reviews:There's only one flaw in JJ Marsh's writing: It's so gifted that I read all of her eagerly-awaited books within a day or two of their arrival. Golden Dragon was no different. The characters, vivid locale descriptions, expertly-paced action and surprising plot twists provided a gloriously entertaining escape that--of course--were deeply satisfying, and have left me once again longing for the next episode. – Cate, USI loved this newest run and hide book from Ms Marsh! It was exciting as ever and filled with wonderful scenery and beautiful food experiences. I could see and feel the atmosphere in every location throughout the story. I highly recommend this book! – Déborah, FranceA great story that will keep you on the edge of your seat! JJ Marsh has such a talent for bringing you right into the life she is writing about! After reading one of her books I feel as though I have visited the country and eaten the cuisine! Looking forward to the next book in this series!! Also try her Beatrice Stubbs detective series. Excellent!! – Di, USIt is a very long time since I have enjoyed reading a book so much. J J Marsh leads you on an intriguing journey, full of twists and turns with no shortage of dangerous surprises. Well worth reading. – James, UKLots of twists and turns in this book. I really enjoyed learning more about Hong Kong and Macau. Great characters and storyline in this series. Just when you think Olivia is safe and happy you see she is probably going to move on for awhile yet again. In each book you hope she may again find love, happiness and safety. Can’t wait to read the next book in this series as soon as it’s out! – Susan, USPage turner, surprises often, good characters...great plot...looking forward to the next edition! Hope she gets happy then.....hope she finds Gil... - Mary, CanadaThis book kept me reading through the night, Excellent! How can I possibly wait months for the fourth instalment to be released? – Sandra, USJJ Marsh is a Welsh author who grew up in Wales, Africa, and the Middle East. JJ studied English Literature and Theatre Studies, and has worked as an actor, director, teacher, journalist, and writer. She is well-known for her popular Beatrice Stubbs crime series. JJ now lives in Switzerland with her husband and three dogs, where she continues to write.

  • af Ineke van Stempvoort
    73,99 kr.

    Mei 1987. De onhandige maar opmerkzame politieschoolverlater Regina Klumson heeft het zich anders voorgesteld, dit snoepreisje met het softwarebedrijf van haar dominante echtgenoot Bart. Wanneer het gezelschap vóór de presentatie van een nieuw alarmsysteem uit het museum in kwestie verdwijnt, komt Regina’s onalledaagse speurderstalent boven. Is een kunstroversbende getipt over de code waarmee het systeem wordt uitgeschakeld?Een maffioso, een sinistere suppoost, een minibus en een cryptisch kladje leiden haar langzaam maar zeker in de goede richting. En passant brengt een begeerlijke gentleman-schurk haar liefde voor Bart stevig aan het wankelen.In deze feelgoodthriller geen bloederige taferelen, maar voeren humor en romantiek de boventoon. Een novelle waarin onzekerheid ombuigt naar zelfontplooiing, misdaad niet schijnt te lonen en moed en loyaliteit tot antwoorden leiden. En een kat genaamd Bella die op het juiste moment voor een belangrijke wending zorgt.Ineke van Stempvoort is schrijfster. Ze debuteerde met de historische roman "Odi et Amo" (in samenwerking met Hay van den Munckhof), schreef een verhaal voor de bundel "18 verloren zielen" en verkent het detectivegenre in "Madame Clumsy, een kat in ‘t nauw".

  • af Daniel Warmoeskerken
    96,99 kr.

    Na de scheiding van haar ouders verhuist Ellen met haar moeder naar Windewaard om voor haar oma te zorgen. Nu moet ze haar laatste jaar havo uitzitten op een nieuwe school. Al snel merkt Ellen dat er iets goed mis is op het Haagwinde College. De leerlingen en docenten worden allemaal gechanteerd door de beeldschone Quinty. Ellen besluit zich te verzetten tegen haar klasgenoot, haar te verslaan bij haar eigen spelletje. Dan verdwijnt er een klasgenoot. Dreigementen duiken op in Ellens kluisje. Was het wel slim om Quinty tot haar vijand te maken? Wie is er schuldig en wie kan ze nog vertrouwen? Bij wie kan ze nog terecht als niemand iets met haar te maken wil hebben?Daniel Warmoeskerken is docent Nederlands, redacteur en schrijver. Hij publiceerde de fantasyroman "Hellehonden" en de thriller "Neppe vrienden & echte vijanden".

  • af Maria Teresa Valle
    96,99 kr.

    Il 1992, a Genova, non è un anno qualunque. Sono trascorsi esattamente cinquecento anni da quando Cristoforo Colombo – uno dei suoi cittadini più illustri – ha toccato per la prima volta le sponde dell’America. La città è in subbuglio, presa com’è dai preparativi di una grande commemorazione, che attirerà frotte di turisti. Maria Viani è una biologa col pallino per le storie di delitti. Una sera, passeggiando per Capo Santa Chiara, si imbatte in una vecchia villa dall’aspetto decadente ma estremamente affascinante. Parlandone col marito, scopre che quell’edificio, negli anni Trenta, è stato il teatro di un omicidio misterioso, che sembra aver legato a filo doppio Genova con Bengasi. Anni addietro, un commissario soprannominato il Becchino (che suonerà certamente familiare ai lettori di Maria Teresa Valle), aveva indagato sul caso. Ora sarà compito di Maria ricostruire tutti gli avvenimenti di quel remoto 1938…©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontMaria Teresa Valle nasce a Varazze, nel savonese. Laureata in Scienze Biologiche, ha lavorato a lungo come Dirigente Biologa all’Ospedale San Martino di Genova (città in cui tuttora risiede col marito, i figli e i nipoti). Come scrittrice, ha esordito nel 2008 pubblicando “La morte torna a settembre” (Fratelli Frilli Editori). Con lo stesso editore ha inoltre dato alle stampe vari altri romanzi, fra cui si possono citare “Le tracce del lupo” (2009), “Le trame della seta. Delitti al tempo di Andrea Doria” (2010) e “L’eredità di zia Evelina. Delitti nelle Langhe” (2012). Autrice prolifica, ha pubblicato anche racconti (fra cui spicca “Apro gli occhi”) e collaborato al concept album “The Circle” del gruppo progressive rock Neverdream. Alcuni suoi lavori sono inoltre stati distribuiti da importanti quotidiani nazionali (Il Secolo XIX, Il Sole 24 ore).

  • af Theresa Talbot
    102,99 kr.

    Oonagh O'Neil is back with another dark and chilling investigation.'Do that which is good and no evil shall touch you.'This is the message the so-called Raphael killer leaves on each of his victims. A clue - and a reminder - that three decades later they're still at large.When investigative journalist Oonagh O'Neil is given a tip off about one of the biggest tragedies to hit the NHS, the tainted blood scandal, she can't help but spot that the two seemingly different events could be linked.People were dying at the hands of those who were meant to save them and with a scandal this huge, those responsible will stop at nothing to keep it quiet...Could Oonagh be the key to piecing together the web of lies in order to catch the killer?Authentic and gritty, 'Keep Her Silent' is a gripping and page-turning thriller that will leave you breathless. What people are saying about Theresa Talbot: 'I could hardly read fast enough!' Ourbookreviewsonline.blogspot.co.uk'In Oonagh O'Neil, the author has created a fascinating, flesh and blood character. Someone who pops from the page and someone, dare I say it, who would be great fun to go for a drink with' Crimesquad.com'A good mystery with many unexpected twists... It keeps you turning pages the whole time' Cynthia MoskalPerfect for fans of Susie Steiner, and Karin Slaughter, Patricia Gibney.

  • af Stephanie Harte
    129,99 kr.

    Gemma is about to risk it all for the man she loves. Will she survive entering into a life of crime? Gemma has always been there for Nathan. He's the love of her life and she made a commitment to him, one she'd never consider breaking... until smooth-talking gangster Alfie Watson comes into their lives and changes everything.Alfie doesn't care about true love – he wants Gemma, and the gangster always gets what he wants. When Nathan ends up owing him money, Alfie gets payback by recruiting Gemma to carry out a jewelry heist. To everyone's surprise, she's a natural. Until Alfie forgives Nathan's debt, she has no choice but to accompany the gangster on more and more daring heists – even though one slip-up could cost her everything.Nathan might have fallen under Alfie's spell, but it doesn't take long for him to realize that he needs to save Gemma from his own mistakes if their marriage is to have any chance of surviving. But when that means taking on the East End's most notorious gangster at his own game, will he find himself up to the challenge?Perfect for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Emma Tallon and Jessie Keane.

  • af Stephanie Harte
    102,99 kr.

    Alfie doesn't forget... and he certainly doesn't forgive. Can Nathan and Gemma's marriage survive the mob boss's return?Nathan has tried to be a changed man for Gemma after they escaped gangster Alfie's clutches, but it doesn't take long for him to give into temptation... and now Alfie's back to get what's his.Alfie doesn't like losing. The gangster has been biding his time ever since Nathan and Gemma escaped his clutches, but he's determined to collect his debt now. It helps that he knows about Gemma's big secret...Gemma's been hiding something life-changing from her husband while they've been on the run. But now Alfie's back in town, her lies could cost her Nathan... and her son.Perfect for fans of Kimberley Chambers, Emma Tallon, and Jessie Keane.

  • af Jennifer Wells
    102,99 kr.

    Iris Caldwell and Nell Ryland were never meant to be friends. From two very different backgrounds, one the heir to the Caldwell estate, the other a humble vicar's daughter. Both have their secrets, both have their pasts, but they each find solace with one another and soon their futures become irrevocably intertwined.Until May Day 1912, a day that haunts Missensham. The day two girls disappeared. The day the girls were murdered.Now, many years later, old footage has emerged which shows that Iris Caldwell may not have died on that spring morning. The village must work out what happened the day the girls went missing...

  • af Luigi Irdi
    96,99 kr.

    Nella minuscola cittadina di Torre Piccola è avvenuto uno strano incidente: il giovane saldatore Francesco Ramarri, appassionato di pittura, è morto nel cantiere Ostro, durante la costruzione della nave da crociera Athena Museàl. È quindi compito del sostituto procuratore, Sara Malerba, indagare sul caso, col prezioso aiuto del maresciallo dei carabinieri Elvio Berardi. Pochi ed enigmatici, gli indizi: un testimone poco avvezzo a parlare, una fotografia, un monile e un quadro dipinto dal celebre scrittore Carlo Levi. Il tutto, poi, si intreccia col grottesco caso di un’anziana signora che denuncia la mancata consegna di bollini per una raccolta punti. Intriso di ironia, ma al contempo sostenuto da una suspense che non molla mai chi legge, "Operazione Athena" è un esordio brillante, che si nutre di continui rimandi al mondo dell’arte, della letteratura e del cinema (quest’ultimo passione innata della protagonista). Insomma: una storia imperdibile!Luigi Irdi (Roma) è giornalista, scrittore e poeta, da pochi anni anche brillante autore di crime fiction. Nei suoi quarantacinque anni di esperienza, ha collaborato con alcuni tra i maggiori periodici italiani, fra cui L’Europeo, Il Venerdì di Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera e National Geographic Magazine. Ha esordito nel 2020 con "Operazione Athena", seguito, l’anno successivo, da "Il nero sta bene su tutto".

  • af Sue Grafton
    96,99 kr.

    Welke geheime informatie heeft Bobby, en wie heeft geprobeerd hem ervoor om te leggen? De eigengereide privédetective Kinsey Millhone wordt aangesproken door de gebroken Bobby in de sportschool. Hij vertelt dat hij op een nacht werd aangereden en in een ravijn belandde. Wonder boven wonder overleefde hij het ongeluk, maar na de traumatische gebeurtenis is zijn geheugen bijna helemaal verdwenen. Toch is hij ervan overtuigd dat het niet zomaar een ongeluk was, maar een gerichte moordpoging. Doodsbenauwd voor een nieuwe aanslag schakelt hij de hulp in van Kinsey. Maar hoe kan zij hem helpen als Bobby zich niets meer kan herinneren? Dan slaat het noodlot toe. Vlak nadat Kinsey met de opdracht is begonnen, wordt Bobby dood gevonden...‘C van crimineel’ is het derde boek in de populaire Alfabetreeks van New York Times-bestsellerauteur Sue Grafton, met de eigenwijze Kinsey Millhone in de hoofdrol."The writing is as good as the literary tradition behind it."—Patricia Holt, San Francisco Chronicle"A nice piece of work."—John D. MacDonald"Grafton's a heads-up delight."—Cryptus, Detroit NewsSue Grafton (1940 - 2017) was een beroemde Amerikaanse detectiveschrijfster. Haar populaire Alfabetreeks, die in 1982 begon met ‘A van alibi’, werd wereldwijd een hit. Het was ten tijde van de eerste publicatie bijzonder dat een vrouwelijke detective de hoofdrol had. In de reeks volgt Graftons miljoenenpubliek privédetective Kinsey Millhone die moordzaken probeert op te lossen. Vlak voor haar overlijden in 2017 kwam de laatste misdaadroman in de reeks uit: ‘Y staat voor...’, waarmee Graftons moordalfabet eindigt met de letter Y. De New York Times-bestsellerauteur heeft het hoofdpersonage Kinsey op haar eigen alter ego gebaseerd, een versie van zichzelf als ze niet jong was getrouwd en geen kinderen had gehad. Haar boeken zijn in 29 landen uitgegeven. Bovendien won de schrijfster, naast vele andere prijzen, de Anthony Best Novel Award maar liefst drie keer.