Krimier og mysterier: privatdetektiver
Fra 40,99 kr. Detektyw Hanaud zostaje poproszony o zbadanie okoliczności śmierci bogatej wdowy, pani Dauyray. Kobieta została uduszona w swojej Willi Róż, co więcej z tym zabójstwem wiąże się kradzież jej cennej biżuterii. W kręgu podejrzanych jest młoda przyjaciółka madame Dauyray, Celia Harland, która zniknęła zaraz po zgłoszeniu zabójstwa. Inspektor Hanaud odkrywa, że w tajemniczej Willi Róż odbywały się seanse spirytystyczne, zaś piękna Celia występowała w nich jako medium. Okazuje się, że ostatni seans kobieta miała przeprowadzić właśnie w noc morderstwa... ,,Willa Róż" to najbardziej udana powieść detektywistyczna Masona. Na jej motywach powstała sztuka teatralna z 1920 r. oraz cztery adaptacje filmowe z lat 1920-1940. Książka przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom pełnych zawiłych szczegółów zagadek kryminalnych i wczesnych powieści detektywistycznych w stylu Agathy Christie. Śledztwa inspektora Hanauda - seria powieści detektywistycznych A. E. W. Masona, w których występuje fikcyjny francuski inspektor John Hanaud i jego przyjaciel, były finansista Julius Ricardo. Postać Hanauda była wzorowana na dwóch prawdziwych szefach policji Monsieur Macé i Monsieur Goron, których wspomnienia czytywał Mason. Niewysoki i przysadzisty detektyw Hanaud miał być całkowitym przeciwieństwem szczupłego Sherlocka Holmesa, przez wielu uważany jest za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Alfred Edward Woodley Mason (ur. 7 marca 1865 w Dulwich, zm. 22 listopada 1948 w Londynie) - brytyjski pisarz, dramaturg, podróżnik i alpinista, polityk zaangażowany w życie społeczne. Kształcił się w Dulwich College, a w 1888 r. ukończył Trinity College w Oksfordzie. Zadebiutował w 1895 r. utworem ,,A romance of Wastale", ale największą sławę przyniosły mu ,,Cztery pióra" (1902 r.) i ,,Tajemnica Willi Róż" (1910 r.) - powieść kryminalna o losach detektywa Hanauda, uważanego za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Podczas I wojny światowej piastował funkcję burmistrza, służył w Pułku Manchester oraz Royal Marines. Jako wojskowy był założycielem siatek kontrwywiadowczych w imieniu rządu brytyjskiego. W uznaniu zasług zaproponowano mu tytuł szlachecki, ale Mason odmówił jego przyjęcia, argumentując, że niewiele on by znaczył dla bezdzietnego mężczyzny.
96,99 kr. En una Barcelona futura, a la víspera de su cumpleaños, Alexandra recibe un mensaje críptico: podrá heredar la herencia de sus padres, que murieron en un accidente, si cumple con una misión. Para poder hacerlo, Alex tendrà que encontrar la clave escondida dentro del juego online más conocido del mundo: el Barcelona Roman Steampunk. La trama adictiva llevará a la joven por caminos inesperados y necesitará la ayuda de antiguos amigos. Crímenes, suspense, videojuegos y una historia que entremezcla la tecnología, la realidad y la ficción, el mundo digital y el físico.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.La saga Ømni es una colección de dos libros, creada por Jaume Valor (texto) y Laura Llimós (ilustraciones y animaciones) que quiere crear una experiencia interactiva y multimedia. La historia mezcla dos mundos, el virtual y el real, el fantástico y el de un futuro próximo. A la vez, el lector navega entre el mundo analógico (representado por el libro) y el mundo digital (representado por las imágenes y los videos).Jaume Valor Montero es arquitecto y escritor. Además de su trabajo con planos y edificios, Jaume construye historias ucrónicas como La república Pneumatica o la saga Ømni. El mundo que ha recreado en varias novelas es una ucronía donde el Imperio Romano inventó una máquina de vapor. Además de su faceta de novelista, Jaume Valor ha escrito varios relatos, reconocidos con premios como el Bienal de Barcelona (1985), el de Escritura Rápida de Sabadell (2012) o el de Inspiraciencia-CESIC (2013).
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Kun johtaja Strandia kiristetään valokuvan avulla, hän palkkaa yksityisetsivä Allan Karven. Karven on otettava selville kuvassa esiintyvän tytön taustat ja ratkottava tapaus ennen kuin johtajan maine tahriintuu lopullisesti. Tunnelma tihenee, kun tapahtuu uusi murha ja poliisit alkavat seurata Karvenkin tekemisiä entistä tarkemmin.Tiivistahtisen dekkarisarjan avausosa esittelee itsekseen viihtyvän, kolmikymppisen salapoliisi Allan Karven. Nopea tempo ja monipuolinen henkilögalleria takaavat mehevän ja verevän lukunautinnon.
40,99 kr. Anna i Piotr Baliccy to sympatyczna, idealnie dopasowana para, której pasją jest rozwiązywanie detektywistycznych łamigłówek w różnych zakątkach świata. Fascynujące, a niekiedy mrożące krew w żyłach przygody tych dwojga przedstawiają książki z cyklu o sprawach kryminalnych Banickich. W zawiłych życiorysach Anny i Piotra rozdartych między Polską a Australią można znaleźć odwołania do życia samego autora,,Spotkanie po latach" to książka bardzo osobista i pełna skrajnych emocji, dlatego autor dopiero po wielu latach od jej napisania dojrzał do decyzji, by ją opublikować. Skąd wziął się pomysł na stworzenie głównych bohaterów Anny i Piotra Balickich? Dlaczego akcja powieści Brzozowskiego tak często rozgrywa się w australijskim Perth lub ma związek z Gliwicami czy też Krakowem? ,,Spotkanie po latach" to lektura idealna zarówno dla fanów twórczości Janusza Brzozowskiego, jak i tych, którzy nie mieli jeszcze okazji poznać państwa Balickich. Uważny czytelnik odnajdzie w niej odwołania do twórczości tak znamienitych autorów jak Agatha Christie i sir Artur Conan Doyle.Bohaterami cyklu jest sympatyczne małżeństwo Anny i Piotra Balickich na stałe zamieszkujących Australię. Kolejne powieści z tej serii przybliżają czytelnikowi fascynujące łamigłówki kryminalne, które z zapałem rozwiązuje ta zgrana para Polaków.Janusz Brzozowski - urodzony 58 lat temu w Gliwicach. Jako 27-latek wyemigrował wraz z żoną i córką do Australii, gdzie pozostał do dziś jako mieszkaniec Perth. Przez lata podróżował po świecie i handlował perłami. Dziecięce marzenia o zostaniu pisarzem udało mu się spełnić po przejściu na emeryturę. Jego debiutanckie powieści: ,,Tydzień u rodziny" oraz ,,Sen" nagrodzono w konkursie na najlepszą książkę jesieni 2010 roku.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
Fra 43,99 kr. Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! I denna idylliska by i hjärtat av Toscana bor ordenssystern Isabella. Och när hon inte arbetar eller ber, jo men då löser hon mord. I "Kloster, mord och dolce vita" får du ta del av de två första böckerna om Isabella, Toscanas egen detektivnunna!Lunchfallet:I lilla Santa Caterina går dagarna långsamt fram för ordenssystern Isabella, vars dagar mest består av arbete och bön. Men när hon hittar syster Raffaela livlös inne på klostergården så blir det genast liv i den sömniga lilla staden. Man misstänker att den levnadsglada nunnan måste ha ramlat ner från klocktornet. Men det är inte vad Isabella tror. Tillsammans med den unge karabinjären Matteo börjar Isabella själv utreda dödsfallet och kommer snart en mörk hemlighet på spåren... Nu krävs gudomlig hjälp!Döden vid floden:Den gamle Gaetano och hans trogna sanktbernhardshund Caesar är omtyckta gäster i Santa Caterina. Men en dag hittar karabinjären Matteo den sympatiske landstrykaren kallblodigt mördad i sin lilla bovagn nere vid floden. Hela byn är i chock – vem skulle göra något sådant mot en så godhjärtad människa? Och var har hunden tagit vägen egentligen? Syster Isabella blir också mycket berörd när hon hör talas om mordet. Tillsammans med Matteo börjar hon följa upp spåren. Och upptäcker att Gaetano inte var den han utgav sig för att vara...Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! I denna idylliska by i hjärtat av Toscana bor ordenssystern Isabella. Det är här hon lever, arbetar och ber. Men som en blixt från klar himmel hamnar hon mitt i en mordutredning! Från och med den dagen gör den nyfikna nunnan det till sin livsuppgift att gå till botten med bybornas alla större och mindre förbrytelser. Och karabinjären Matteo uppskattar sin himmelskt hjälpande hand. För som enda polis i Santa Caterina har han verkligen händerna fulla...Valentina Morelli har skrivit romaner i många år. Serien "Kloster, mord och dolce vita" är en hyllning till hennes älskade hembygd och den fångar det underbara, levnadsglada Toscana. Genom sina mysiga deckare förmedlar hon djupt mänskliga historier.
96,99 kr. Martha Frisch ermittelt – und wie!Ostfriesland, 1958: Martha Frisch ist Witwe, eine patente Mittfünfzigerin und ihrer Zeit voraus. In ihrer Heißmangelstube in Leer kriegt sie allerhand Klatsch und Tratsch mit. Als eine treue Kundin, die junge Edelprostituierte Vera Malottke, tot in ihrer Wohnung aufgefunden wird, zerreißt sich die ganze Stadt das Maul über das frivole Frauenzimmer. Die Polizei zeigt wenig Einsatz und legt sich schnell auf den Täter fest: einen alten Freund der Toten, der gerade aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wurde. Schließlich möchte man die Honoratioren der Stadt – allesamt Veras Kunden – nicht in die delikate Angelegenheit hineinziehen.Gemeinsam mit ihrem Großneffen, dem Wachtmeister Hans Frisch, und ihrer Enkelin Annemieke wehrt Martha sich gegen diese Doppelmoral und begibt sich auf die Suche nach dem wahren Täter.Christiane Franke wurde an der Nordseeküste geboren und lebt immer noch gerne dort. Neben ihren gemeinsamen Projekten mit Cornelia Kuhnert schreibt sie weitere Krimis und Romane, die im Emons Verlag und im Goya Verlag erscheinen.Cornelia Kuhnert lebt in Hannover und hat dort als Lehrerin gearbeitet. Sie hat bereits zahlreiche Kriminalromane veröffentlicht und Anthologien herausgegeben.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Detective stories and mysteries never go out of fashion.From Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes' to Richard Osman's 'Thursday Murder Club' series, we continue to love a whodunit.'The Mystery of a Hansom Cab' is a classic and was the best-selling mystery novel of the Victorian era.There is almost a Down Under Dickens touch in the way Hume uses the story of the murder to expose the seedy side of its setting, Melbourne.As the murder probe is launched, secrets look set to be exposed and high-profile figures face humiliation.With a plot like a corkscrew, 'The Mystery of a Hansom Cab' will keep you guessing.Ferguson (Fergus) Hume (1859-1932) was born in England and brought up in New Zealand. He trained as a barrister and moved to Australia, where he endured the frustration of having his plays rejected by theatres.His first mystery novel 'The Mystery of a Hansom Cab' changed that, becoming a sensation, selling more than 500,000 copies and inspiring Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to write his first 'Sherlock Holmes' mystery, 'A Study in Scarlet'.Hume, who moved back to England, was a prolific author, publishing well over 100 mystery novels.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
111,99 kr. El pequeño pueblo de la costa barcelonesa de Alella está conmocionado: el cadáver de una mujer brutalmente asesinada ha aparecido en el campanario, el día de la ceremonia de inauguración de las nuevas campanas.La mujer –Lucía, una concursante del Esta es tu vida, un reality show de máxima audiencia– presenta tres heridas mortales en su costado y las cuencas de los ojos vacías. Cuando el inspector de policía Julián Ortega se hace cargo de la investigación, descubre que el asesino parece haber utilizado un antiguo ritual del martirio de los cristianos, el mismo que mató a Santa Lucía de Siracusa...Por su lado, Leire Castelló, periodista que trabaja en los servicios informativos de la cadena de televisión que emite Esta es tu vida, se verá obligada por sus jefes a participar en un programa sensacionalista especial que trata el caso, lo que le da acceso directo a la historia.Sin embargo, los asesinatos no han hecho más que empezar y Julián y Leire están metidos en una situación de la que no hay escapatoria...Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.José Sanclemente. Nació en Barcelona. Es economista y experto en medios de comunicación. Ha sido consejero delegado de Grupo Zeta y consejero de Antena 3 TV, presidente de la Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles, promotor y fundador del diario ADN y consejero de la Casa Editorial El Tiempo de Bogotá. Es Presidente de Diario de Prensa Digital, editor de Esta es la cuarta novela de la serie protagonizada por Leire Castelló y Julián Ortega.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Hurlingham House school is a high-achiever’s heaven, full of happy, hard-working pupils. There’s just the small matter of the dead body on the field... Sounds like a case for Epiphany Bloom!When Epiphany Bloom’s best friend’s sister Claire is accused of trading exam papers for money, Epiphany agrees to see Ms Peters, the headteacher of Claire’s fiercely competitive school, to provide moral support. Claire has always been a model student and is loudly protesting her innocence: surely it’s all just a misunderstanding.But when Ms Peters hears about Epiphany’s previous sleuthing exploits, she enlists her help to track down the true culprit!Taking a job as a PE teacher, Epiphany soon realises she has plenty of suspects for the exam scam mastermind. The broke young teacher with a shady past? The father willing to buy his daughter anything – including grades? The school governor desperate to keep Hurlingham House at the top of the ranks?Then Epiphany finds one of them dead at the school fair, and it becomes clear someone is taking the cut-throat culture of the school too literally – and when mysterious accidents start happening around her too, it seems the killer knows she’s onto them.Can Epiphany solve the murder as well as clearing Claire’s name, before she becomes the next victim? This is one test she can’t afford to fail...A charming and totally addictive cozy mystery with a hilarious and warm-hearted heroine. A must-read for fans of M.C. Beaton, Richard Osman, and Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series.See what readers are saying about the Epiphany Bloom Mysteries:‘Wow! I need to get my breath back after that... A lie down in a darkened room is also definitely required to recover from the whirlwind that is amateur sleuth Epiphany Bloom, a real force of nature by anyone’s standards!... Moves along at a break-neck pace.’ Fiction Books Blog‘Katie Gayle never fails to keep me laughing, entertained, and trying to figure out the mystery till the very end. I absolutely adore this book... 10/10... This book is absolutely perfect!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘You’ll be hard pushed to find a fictional sleuth who’s more of a delight; she truly is a tonic...oozing quirkiness and charisma and I absolutely love her!... Undoubtedly rollicking good fun. If the need to escape reality for a few hours presents itself, I can highly recommend this hilarious hullabaloo of a read.’ NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars .Author sold just under 1000 copies in less than 1 month of publishing their previous titleFor fans of M.C. Beaton, Joanne Fluke and Janet EvanovitchKatie Gayle is the writing partnership of best-selling South African writers, Kate Sidley and Gail Schimmel. Kate and Gail have, between them, written over ten books of various genres, but with Katie Gayle, they both make their debut in the cozy mystery genre. Both Gail and Kate live in Johannesburg, with husbands, children, dogs and cats. Unlike their sleuth Epiphany Bloom, neither of them have ever stolen a cat from the vet.
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- 102,99 kr.
- intégrale
43,99 kr. ‘The Escape of Arsène Lupin, the Adventures of Arsène Lupin the Gentleman Burglar’ are classic crime stories by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Full of murder, intrigue, and daring escapes, the bold and charismatic detective finds himself on the wrong side of the law yet again as he seeks justice in his own unique way.The inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, these stories are perfect for fans of the show and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ series.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.
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- 43,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Lupin's Marriage, the Confessions of Arsène Lupin’ is a classic crime caper by the French writer Maurice Leblanc, featuring his famous gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin.Referred to as the French ‘Sherlock Holmes and the inspiration behind the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’, the criminal genius and master of disguise looks back on his action-packed adventures in this ten-story collection: ‘Confessions of Arsène Lupin’.The other stories in this compilation are: ‘Two Hundred Thousand Francs Reward’, ‘The Wedding Ring’, ‘The Infernal Trap’, ‘The Sign of the Shadow’, ‘The Red Silk Scarf’, ‘Shadowed by Death’, ‘A Tragedy in the Forest of Morgues’, ‘The Invisible Prisoner’ and ‘Edith Swan-Neck’.Full of villains to outsmart and ladies to save, these classic nail-biting mysteries are perfect for fans of the Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ and Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘Sherlock Holmes’ stories.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist, whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’ who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.A whip-smart, witty, and roguishly handsome master of disguise, Lupin became an international success and saw Leblanc write over 60 crime novels and short stories featuring his French detective. The books inspired the hit Netflix TV series ‘Lupin’ starring Omar Sy, Ludivine Sagnier, and Clotilde Hesme.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. A classic crime caper featuring the daring gentleman-thief turned detective, Arsène Lupin, a master of disguise, a criminal genius, and a man intent on righting wrongs when Justice can't be bothered.In this gripping tale, Lupin has set himself a challenge: to rob the millions stashed in Madame Imbert's safe. But Imbert’s private mansion is a fortress. Can Lupin outwit the police and unlock the secrets within the safe?Guaranteed to keep you guessing until the very end, this tale is perfect for fans of ´Knives Out´ and ´Glass Onion´.Maurice Leblanc (1864 - 1941) was a French author and journalist whose literary legacy consists of novels and short stories. Although he wrote two well-received science fiction books, he was most famous for his gentleman thief adventure series, ‘Arsène Lupin’, who was considered a French counterpart to Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective ‘Sherlock Holmes’.He was awarded the Légion d'Honneur for his services to literature.
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- 42,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Die WGler Matti, Dornröschen und Twiggy können es nicht fassen. Platten-Rosi ist tot. Und es war Mord. Doch der Fall wird von der Polizei etwas zu schnell abgehakt. Für die drei Altlinken ist eins klar: Hier geht es nicht mit rechten Dingen zu. Doch was ist mit Rosi geschehen und was war das Motiv dieser grauenvollen Tat? Könnten Rosis Kumpanen aus der Bürgerinitiative »Aufwertung von Wohnraum« etwas wissen? Oder müssen die WGler sich genauer in der Immobilienfirma Kolding AG umsehen, gegen die Rosi radikal vorging?Christian v. Ditfurth wurde 1953 in Würzburg geboren und ist der Bruder der Politikerin Jutta Ditfuhrt. Ihre Familie gehört einem alten deutschen Adelsgeschlecht an. Christian v. Ditfurth ist studierter Historiker und arbeitet seit mehreren Jahrzehnten als Verlags- und freier Lektor. Seine Haupttätigkeit ist jedoch das Schreiben. Der Autor ist nicht nur durch seine zahlreichen Veröffentlichungen im "Der Spiegel"-Magazin bekannt, sondern schrieb viele populäre Romane in den Bereichen "Alternate History" und Krimi. Damit stellt er nicht nur sein unglaubliches Talent für Sprache unter Beweis, sondern auch, dass er sich auf elegante Ermittlungen versteht.
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- 51,99 kr.
55,99 kr. El viaje en crucero de unos amigos argentinos por varias ciudades europeas se cruza de repente con el enigma de un homicidio. La visita a todos esos puertos mezcla el mundo presuntamente apacible de los guías turísticos con figuras mucho más misteriosas (como la del marsellés Jean Louis), al lado de lo cual aparecen secretos históricos y flores bellísimas pero potencialmente venenosas..."Asesinato en Malta" es un libro ágil, agudo y entretenido. Otra más en la serie de obras atípicas a las que nos viene acostumbrando su autor.
125,99 kr. Advocaat Torkel Vaa krijgt verontrustende brieven. Nou ja, brieven... Er is geen tekst, alleen een blauw silhouet van een poema. Journaliste Mette Minde denkt dat er een verband is met de moorden die zij aan het onderzoeken is. Kent Torkel de moordenaar, zonder het zelf te beseffen? Het tweetal reist af naar Porsgrunn, het stadje waar Torkel opgroeide. Precies wat de moordenaar verwachtte...Reeks Noorse thrillers met hoofdrollen voor journaliste Mette Minde en advocaat Torkel Vaa.Merete Junker (Noorwegen, 1959) studeerde criminologie, geschiedenis en politicologie. Ze werkte als journalist voor diverse kranten en als docent op een middelbare school. Ze publiceerde 5 thrillers met journaliste Mette Minde in de hoofdrol en de stand-alone roman "Vannmannen" (nog niet vertaald).
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- 125,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Ma tu guarda: un’altra rogna per il povero don Prusòt. Che poi lui non chiede tanto: giusto pace, tranquillità, un bicchiere di vino a pranzo, e magari un piatto di pere caramellate. E invece no, ogni volta ce n’è una a destabilizzare Pravorino, che è sì solo un paesello, ma dà grattacapi come se fosse una città. Questa volta proprio al campo di bocce, tra l’altro. Forse il maresciallo dei Carabinieri dovrà intervenire. Chissà, sembra essere una cosa seria, conviene controllare.Nella Pianura Padana piemontese, in questo paesino dai tratti tragicomici, squisitamente anni Cinquanta, don Prusòt si troverà quindi coinvolto nell'ennesima avventura...Giuseppe Grinza è uno scrittore italiano. Dopo aver lavorato come insegnante, Grinza ha deciso di dedicarsi alla scrittura, immortalando nei suoi romanzi la vita che fu dei paesi della campagna piemontese.
111,99 kr. Um die Wahrheit ans Licht zu bringen, muss sie sich ins Herz der Finsternis wagen: »1979 – Jägerin und Gejagte« ist der erste Fall für Investigativ-Journalistin Allie Burns von Bestseller-Autorin Val McDermid.Schneestürme, Stromausfälle, Streiks und ungeklärte Todesfälle: Der Winter 1979 beschert Schottland ein Debakel nach dem anderen. Für die junge Journalistin Allie Burns sind schlechte Nachrichten jedoch die einzige Chance, über etwas anderes als Familiendramen und Babywunder zu berichten und vom »Boys' Club« der Zeitung endlich ernst genommen zu werden.Mit ihrem Kollegen Danny Sullivan kommt Allie tatsächlich einer potenziellen terroristischen Bedrohung auf die Spur – und sie schmieden einen Plan, bei dem jeder Schritt ihr letzter sein könnte …Val McDermid, geboren 1955, arbeitete lange als Dozentin für Englische Literatur und als Journalistin bei namhaften britischen Tageszeitungen.Heute ist sie eine der erfolgreichsten britischen Autorinnen von Thrillern und Kriminalromanen. Ihre Bücher erscheinen weltweit in mehr als vierzig Sprachen.
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- 111,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Prästen Sven lever sitt pensionerade liv på Kungsholmen i Stockholm tillsammans med väninnan Gunilla. Men vid ett besök på en kyrkogård i Gunillas hemstad uppenbarar sig ett femtioårigt mysterium. Gunillas bror Anders försvann en sommarkväll 1975 och har inte hörts av sedan dess. Nu vill Gunilla ha Svens hjälp för att lista ut vad som faktiskt hände hennes mångårigt mentalsjuke bror, som genom ett under äntligen tillfrisknat. Spåren efter honom leder dem till utslussningshemmet Kända nästet i Småland. Föll han offer för ett brott eller gav han sig frivilligt av därifrån?Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.
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- 50,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Prästen och enstöringen Sven Eliasson håller i vad han tror är en sedvanlig begravning när han upptäcker att det är något som inte stämmer. Några av de närstående verkar märkligt skuldmedvetna.Sven byter ut sitt stilla liv mot en amatördetektivs stundvis händelselösa, stundvis overkligt spännande vardag. Han beger sig från Kungsholmen till Kanarieöarna, där han söker efter stulet kyrksilver. Han hamnar i för honom tidigare totalt okända kretsar, och snart står hans eget liv på spel. Det är någon, eller några, som försöker vilseleda honom, och som absolut inte vill att han ska ta reda på sanningen. Vem står bakom pseudonymen Sam Ingman, och vad hände egentligen med den avlidne Kjell Nilsson?Ulf Durling, född 1940, är en svensk psykiater och författare. Han är verksam inom deckargenren och är en utav föreningen Novellmästarnas grundare.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
42,99 kr. An invisible killer, a family curse, a voodoo cult, a murdered prince, and a stolen salad dressing. Strange events call for a detective like no other, and Father Brown has a tendency to see to the heart of things. G. K. Chesterton’s famous priest-detective shines in this crime anthology, packed with mystery and paradox. From ‘The Absence of Mr. Glass’ to ‘The Head of Caesar’, Father Brown and his thief-turned-detective sidekick, Flambeau, return for a series of adventures that range from philosophical quibbles to the most fundamental matters of morality. This collection of crime short stories will tickle fans of Sherlock Holmes and Dirk Gently alike with satirical wit and enticingly clever cases.Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874 – 1936) was an English writer, journalist, philosopher, and literary critic. An unparalleled essayist, he produced over four thousand essays during his lifetime, alongside eighty novels and two hundred short stories. Tackling topics of politics, history, philosophy and theology with tenacious wit and humour, G. K. Chesterton was often considered a master of the paradox. Himself both a modernist and devout Catholic, he is remembered best for his priest-detective short stories ‘Father Brown’, and his metaphysical thriller ‘The Man Who Was Thursday’. In his lifetime Chesterton befriended and debated some of the greatest thinkers of the age, such as George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, and Bertrand Russell, while his works went on to inspire figures including T. S. Eliot, Michael Collins, and Mahatma Gandhi.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
77,99 kr. "Little Novels" isn’t quite a "Little Women" spin-off, as the title might suggest. While you won’t be treated to Timothée Chalamet, you will be treated to fourteen short stories – or little novels (ah now the title makes sense).Wilkie Collins loved writing thrillers about characters proposing marriage who get caught up in dramatic circumstances and must solve a mystery. The thrilling mystery-solving element is the foundations of modern detective novels. While these little novels are true to Collins’s style, they are unique and captivating stand-alone stories. There’s even some supernatural and some social commentary thrown in there.A haunted priest, a sea captain falling in love in Polynesia, a princess falling in love with a secretary, the unsolved murder of a sleepwalker’s husband – these short stories will immerse you in a Victorian world of intrigue, romance, and male suitors who you might imagine looking like Timothée Chalamet.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Ok, nobody wants to lose pound500 – but is it big enough of a deal to deserve a short story? To put it into context: a Victorian pound500 was about pound60,000 in today’s money. So, yeah, it’s a big deal. That’s why, when Lady Lydiard has the money stolen from her, the plot becomes a whodunnit. A precursor to modern-day detective novels, this novella revolves around the colourful characters (and a Scottie dog) who are all present in Lady Lydiard’s household when her pound500 disappears.In this fun and compelling tale, two of the men suspected are both romantically interested in Isabel Miller, Lady Lydiard’s companion-cum-adoptive-daughter. "My Lady’s Money" follows these suspects as the intensity of both the theft and romance increases.A classic mystery novella with a love story: think Miss Marple but with marriage proposals.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Joaquin Phoenix won an Oscar for playing the Joker, capturing the psychologically dark personality of a villain. Critics were stunned – just as how the villainous character of Lydia Gwilt in "Armadale" stunned critics of the time. "Armadale" might give us the Victorian answer to the Joker, but it’s not only a psychological thriller. This novel is also a feat of classic Victorian themes of the supernatural, detectives, and romance.Inheriting his mother’s family estate in Norfolk, Allan Armadale is brought into contact with the spine-chilling Lydia who is jealous of his love interest. Meanwhile, Allan’s friend, Ozias Midwinter, receives a letter written years before by a man on his deathbed – also named Allan Armadale. The letter reveals a shocking secret that connects the past of Allan and Ozias.Discovering this secret, Lydia "the Joker" Gwilt uses it to plot against Allan in a dramatic tale of stolen identity and family inheritance.London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Giorgio Martinengo riesce a trovarsi lavoro anche durante un pranzo di Natale con i parenti. Tutta la famiglia, che di rado si riunisce al completo. La famiglia di Giorgio non si ama come tante altre al mondo e quando la magna Luisa, sua zia, gli propone un’indagine patrimoniale su suo marito, quell’idea in Giorgio si rafforza. Livio Baudino, lo zio mandrogno, il parente acquisito un po’ spaccone, ha messo Betesio, lo zio matto, in una costosa e prestigiosa casa di cura a San Costantino Belbo, piccolo comune della Langa. La retta è alta ma Livio Baudino non si fa il minimo scrupolo e oltre ad accollarsi quella spesa riesce a condurre uno stile di vita sontuoso. E senza toccare le finanze di famiglia. Questo inquieta magna Luisa e incuriosisce Giorgio che accetta. Poco tempo dopo, è contattato da una ditta di Alba, l’Eno Drink, specializzata in bevande isotoniche e bibite a base di mosto non fermentato, una derivazione dell’indotto dall’inflazionato mercato vinicolo. Giacosa, il titolare, sospetta che il suo braccio destro, il giovane e ambizioso Derek Bosso, conduca il doppio gioco con una ditta concorrente. Un ingaggio classico per Martinengo che grazie alla sua esperienza non trova particolarmente difficile da eseguire. Le cose cominciano a prendere una piega amara quando sembra che il contatto di Derek Bosso con la concorrenza sia l’affascinante Melissa Pozzo, moglie di Alessandro Baudino, il fratello minore di Livio Baudino, il quale grazie anche al suo supporto, ha appena avviato una società che si occupa delle stesse bevande della Eno Drink. Come se non bastasse, è proprio Alessandro Baudino a cercare Giorgio e ingaggiarlo per indagare sulla presunta infedeltà della moglie e il tutto mentre le indagini su Livio portano a società sospette e a una cooperativa di Canelli in odor di caporalato. Intanto, durante un torrido settembre, si preparano le vendemmie. Indagini multiple, grane di famiglia, mafie dall’est e l’aiuto di un outsider dai modi spicci e le mani pesanti attendono Martinengo e sarà tutto più difficile.©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontFabrizio Borgio nasce prematuramente nella città di Asti il 18 giugno 1968. Appassionato di cinema e letteratura, affina le sue passioni nell’adolescenza iniziando a scrivere racconti. Trascorre diversi anni nell’Esercito. Lasciata l’uniforme, bazzica gli ambienti artistici astigiani, segue stage di sceneggiatura con personalità del nostro cinema, tra cui Mario Monicelli, Giorgio Arlorio e Suso Cecchi d’Amico. Collabora proprio come sceneggiatore e soggettista assieme al regista astigiano Giuseppe Varlotta. La fantascienza, l’horror, il mistero, il fantastico "tout court", gialli e noir sono i generi che maggiormente lo coinvolgono e interessano ma non si pone paletti di sorta nella sua scrittura. Nel 2014 esce Vino rosso sangue, il primo noir che vede protagonista l’investigatore privato Giorgio Martinengo cui seguono Asti ceneri sepolte, Morte ad Asti (Menzione d’onore al festival Giallo Garda 2018), La Ballata del Re di Pietra (2019) e Panni sporchi per Martinengo (2020).
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Giorgio Martinengo è un investigatore privato. Vive in collina, vicino a Castagnole delle Lanze, tra Langhe e Monferrato. Una sera incontra, per lavoro, Elena Rondissone, la figlia di Giuseppe Rondissone, titolare di una facoltosa azienda vinicola. L’uomo è scomparso senza lasciare tracce apparenti da diverso tempo e quasi contemporaneamente alla sua sparizione, dall’esposizione del Consorzio del quale la sua azienda faceva parte, è stata trafugata una pregevole bottiglia di Barbera superiore. La donna incarica Martinengo di ritrovare la preziosa bottiglia. Il caso assume presto toni drammatici quando, durante un sopralluogo presso il Consorzio, un tecnico che sta rilevando le impronte digitali, urta un’altra bottiglia dell’esposizione, rompendola. Da quel momento, inizia la prima, complessa, indagine di Giorgio Martinengo, investigatore dalla cultura sterminata, un formidabile bagaglio di esperienze in tutti i campi e un amore spirituale verso i vini della sua terra. Tra le nuove frontiere del vino, la globalizzazione, rischi di sofisticazioni e intrecci internazionali, l’investigatore, dovrà misurarsi con un assassino che usa i vini piemontesi come simboli di una sua oscura vendetta.©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontFabrizio Borgio nasce prematuramente nella città di Asti il 18 giugno 1968. Appassionato di cinema e letteratura, affina le sue passioni nell’adolescenza iniziando a scrivere racconti. Trascorre diversi anni nell’Esercito. Lasciata l’uniforme, bazzica gli ambienti artistici astigiani, segue stage di sceneggiatura con personalità del nostro cinema, tra cui Mario Monicelli, Giorgio Arlorio e Suso Cecchi d’Amico. Collabora proprio come sceneggiatore e soggettista assieme al regista astigiano Giuseppe Varlotta. La fantascienza, l’horror, il mistero, il fantastico "tout court", gialli e noir sono i generi che maggiormente lo coinvolgono e interessano ma non si pone paletti di sorta nella sua scrittura. Nel 2014 esce Vino rosso sangue, il primo noir che vede protagonista l’investigatore privato Giorgio Martinengo cui seguono Asti ceneri sepolte, Morte ad Asti (Menzione d’onore al festival Giallo Garda 2018), La Ballata del Re di Pietra (2019) e Panni sporchi per Martinengo (2020).
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. On keskipäivä Santa Caterinan luostarissa. Sisar Isabella on ihmeissään, sillä kellot eivät soita rukouskutsua. Lähtiessään tutkimaan asiaa Isabella tekee kauhistuttavan löydön: sisar Raffaela makaa luostarin sisäpihalla hengettömänä. Elämäniloinen nunna on ilmeisesti pudonnut kellotornista. Mutta onko todella kyse onnettomuudesta, kuten luostarin johtajatar kivenkovaan väittää? Isabellasta tuntuu mahdottomalta uskoa sitä. Entä mitä merkitsee luku, joka on piirretty ruumiin viereen hiekkapölyyn? Isabella alkaa yhdessä nuoren karabinieerin, Matteo Silvestrin kanssa tutkia tapausta. Pian kaksikko pääseekin synkän salaisuuden jäljille... Nyt tarvitaan Jumalan johdatusta!Benvenuto a Santa Caterina! Toscanan ihastuttavassa kylässä asuu, työskentelee ja rukoilee luostarisisar Isabella. Äkkiarvaamatta tämä utelias nunna päätyy tutkimaan murhaa ja alkaa sen jälkeen selvitellä myös muita kylässä tapahtuvia rikoksia. Santa Caterinan ainoa poliisi Matteo Silvestri on kiitollinen nunnan tarjoamasta taivaallisesta avusta. Valentina Morelli on kirjoittanut romaaneja jo vuosia. Hän omistaa "Luostari, murha ja dolce vita" -sarjansa Italialle ja onnistuu oivallisesti vangitsemaan toscanalaisen tunnelman. Rikosromaaneillaan hän haluaa kertoa inhimillisiä tarinoita.
102,99 kr. Madonna, the Queen of Pop, was not the first to be named in honour of the graceful Madonna in art. The focal point of this novel, Mary, is affectionately known as "Madonna" on account of her beauty. Moreover, Mary is both deaf and dumb: "Hide and Seek" is a bold and thrilling Victorian novel that reflects on disability in a positive light.Mary was adopted from a circus by Lavinia – who also has a disability – and Valentine Blyth. That circus past becomes the central enigma of the novel when friends Zachary and Mat become involved with Mary in London. Mat is solving his own family mystery when he stumbles upon a shocking detail linked to Mary.A tale of forbidden love, family drama, and mystery, Charles Dickens liked it so much that he declared it the "cleverest novel". (It even has a circus clown – eat your heart out Krusty the Clown.)London-born Wilke Collins (1824-1889) became known in Victorian England for his novels and plays, sometimes writing together with Charles Dickens. His most famous works, "The Woman in White" (1859) and "The Moonstone" (1868), are examples of the first modern detective novels.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘Those Folk of Bulboro’ is a fascinating entry in Wallace’s long list of fictional works as it is neither a thriller nor a mystery novel as you may expect from Wallace. This novel is instead, a drama which takes place in a small town in Northern England following the life of a young doctor who has returned from the Congo to take over his uncle's practice. Likely informed by Wallace’s own time in the Congo reporting on the brutality and violence of Belgian colonialism, this novel follows the young doctor as he fights the intolerance and ignorance of his local townsfolk. It is a passionate and sympathetic read, with a brilliantly drafted cast of characters and truly compelling dialogue. It is a book that remains relevant to this day and is an excellent read for anyone who enjoys detective novels.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Matteo De Foresta, giornalista che abita e lavora a Genova, convive con Barbara. Hanno una figlia ma la loro relazione è in crisi. Decide di aiutare Evgeni, un suo amico scassinatore a cui deve la vita, a scoprire chi ne ha ucciso il cugino. Le indagini lo portano ad un misterioso giocatore del poker online. Con l’aiuto di Attilio, giocatore di poker paralizzato e sulla carrozzina, si infiltra nelle partite clandestine a casa di Rodolfo Mutti, avvocato e primo sospettato. Intanto il giornale per cui lavora Matteo è a rischio chiusura. Direttrice pro tempore viene nominata l’avvenente Clara Manzini, al cui fascino il giornalista non è insensibile.©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontMarvin Menini (1971) è uno scrittore italiano. Di Genova, città a cui è profondamente legato, Menini combina la sua professione di chirurgo con la passione letteraria. Autore principalmente di gialli e noir, nei suoi romanzi approfondimento psicologico e misteri apparentemente irrisolvibili danno vita ad intrecci elettrizzanti.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Un tempo alto ufficiale dei Carabinieri, Alessandro Pinna ha deciso di congedarsi volontariamente dall’Arma dopo quello che è accaduto a sua figlia Giulia. Nel presente, Pinna è un investigatore privato che cerca di convivere con i rimorsi e sbarcare il lunario. Ed ecco che tre omicidi capitano sulla sua strada, tre casi da risolvere: un primario ospedaliero che viene trovato morto dopo un gioco erotico, un caso di pedofilia e una cinese senza nome dentro ad un container nel porto di Genova. Tre storie tra presente e passato, intrecciate con la sua esistenza tormentata, il suo carattere duro e chiuso, e le due donne che lo hanno portato a scelte difficili. Tre momenti diversi della sua vita, con a fianco l’inseparabile amico, tenente dell’Arma, Marcello Mari. E una quarta, misteriosa, vicenda di alta finanza e corruzione tra Milano e Camogli. Che cosa lega Marco Sgrò ad Alessandro Pinna?©2022 Fratelli Frilli Editori (P)2022 Saga EgmontMarvin Menini (1971) è uno scrittore italiano. Di Genova, città a cui è profondamente legato, Menini affianca la sua carriera di chirurgo alla sua passione letteraria. Autore principalmente di gialli e noir, nei suoi romanzi si alternano indagini psicologiche e misteri irrisolvibili.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.