73,99 kr. "Meesterwerken van Jacob Cats" bevat een ruime selectie uit zijn gedichten, eerder verschenen in bundels als "Huis- en zedebeelden" en "Zelfstrijd van goede en kwade gedachten". Het boek bevat echter ook zijn bekendste toneelstuk, "Huwelijk". Wie Cats’ muzikale taal tot zich neemt, reist met een tijdmachine naar een onverwachte wereld: een Nederland dat tegelijk herkenbaar en totaal anders is. Hij is de zedenmeester bij uitstek, de man die perfect verwoordde hoe er in het nette 16de-eeuwse Nederland gedacht werd. Laat de verouderde spelling je niet afschrikken: Vader Cats heeft zijn plaats in de literatuurgeschiedenis meer dan verdiend.Jacob Cats (1577-1660) was een Nederlandse politicus, jurist, diplomaat en dichter. Tijdens zijn leven was hij bekend als Vader Cats, omwille van het educatieve karakter van zijn gedichten. Hij onderscheidde deugden en ondeugden, legde de huwelijksmoraal uit, net als het voor kinderen gewenste gedrag. Bekende werken zijn "Houwelick" en "Trouringh" (Huwelijk en Trouwring). Cats groeide op en woonde het grootste deel van zijn leven in Zeeland. Hij heeft zijn naam gegeven aan het Catshuis, sinds 1963 de ambtswoning van de Nederlandse minister-president.
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40,99 kr. Behalve dichter was J.H. Leopold ook classicus, met grote waardering voor de filosofen van de Stoïcijnse school. In 1910 publiceerde hij "Uit den tuin van Epicurus", met een gedeeltelijke vertaling van diens hoofdwerk "De rerum natura" en een reeks zelfgeschreven stukken over de filosoof. In zijn vertaling probeerde Leopold de Latijnse woordvolgorde te respecteren, wat hem ruimte bood om hier en daar iets toe te voegen. In zekere zin eigende hij zich Epicurus’ werk toe en gaf er zijn eigen draai aan. Het poëtische gehalte van zijn vertaling overtreft soms het origineel.Jan Hendrik Leopold (1865-1925) was een symbolistisch dichter. Hij publiceerde heel weinig, maar veel van die gedichten zijn wel vaste prik in bloemlezingen. Bekend is "Cheops", een verhalend gedicht waarin we de ziel van farao Cheops volgen na zijn dood. J.H. Leopold schreef wel vaker over het verlangen van de mens om op te gaan in een groter geheel (en de onmogelijkheid daarvan).
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- 40,99 kr.
58,99 kr. 'Het Lied van Schijn en Wezen' is een leerdicht met de lengte van een boek. Dit lange gedicht werd door van Eeden geschreven over een periode van 30 jaar (van juni 1892 tot mei 1922) en werd gepubliceerd in drie afzonderlijke delen. De verschillende delen weerspiegelen elk de veranderingen in Van Eeden's gedachten: aanvankelijk beginnend bij een monistisch pantheïsme waar het goddelijke immanent en alomvattend is, omarmt Van Eeden later het rooms-katholicisme. In deze uitgave zijn alle drie delen te lezen.Ondanks de incidentele stroefheid van taal en strofe is het Van Eeden knap gelukt om via dichtvorm wijsgerichte denkbeelden en mystieke wijsheden over te brengen.De Nederlander Frederik Willem van Eeden (1860 – 1932) was huisarts, daarna psychiater en tegelijkertijd schrijver. Hij is bekend van de klassiek geworden romans 'De kleine Johannes' (1887) en 'Van de koele meren des doods' (1900). Van Eeden was lid van de eind negentiende-eeuwse beweging 'De Tachtigers' die zich in het tijdschrift 'De Nieuwe Gids' afzetten tegen de retorische en moralistische ‘domineespoëzie’ die destijds erg in trek was. Zij stelde liefde en de persoonlijke, zintuigelijk ervaring centraal, die tegelijkertijd een transcendentale betekenis hadden. Hun credo was 'l’art pour l’art', de overtuiging dat de kunst bij uitstek een esthetische functie heeft.
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- 58,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Discover the English writer of romantic poems, Christina Rossetti's extensive collection with this comprehensive anthology. Spanning ‘The Prince’s Progress’, following the story of a princess awaiting the return of her prince and ‘The Goblin Market’, the tale of Laura and Lizzie tempted with fruit by goblin merchants, Rossetti's delicate and swift prose is crafted to charm adults and children alike. Dealing with themes of female sexuality, patience and religion, Rossetti's ‘Poems’ are the perfect companion for fans of the Radio 4 podcast ‘In our Time’.Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) was an English writer of romantic, religious and children’s poems. Celebrated today as an inspiration for Virginia Woolf’s writings, Rossetti's work spans themes of female sexuality with ‘The Goblin Market’ and issues of self-indulgence, devotion and patience with ‘The Prince’s Progress’. She volunteered at St Mary Magdalene house of charity in Highgate, a refuge for ex-prostitutes, and openly opposed slavery in the United States during the years of the American Civil War. Rossetti remains a prominent female poet, associated with Elizabeth Barret Browning as her predecessor.
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42,99 kr. While she might be best known as the author of ‘The Age of Innocence’ (adapted for film, and starring Michelle Pfeiffer, and Daniel Day-Lewis), Edith Wharton wrote an extensive range of novels, journals, and poetry.Containing 24 poems, ‘Artemis to Actaeon’ muses on the themes of life, love, death, and the passing of time, with a few well-chosen words set aside for her beloved France. As the title suggests, there is plenty of classical inspiration as Wharton draws on ancient legends surrounding mythical figures, such as Orpheus, and Actaeon.Her writing is lyrical and has a yearning quality to it, particularly in poems such as ‘All Souls,’ and ‘Vesalius in Zarate.’ A superb collection for those familiar with Wharton’s work, and those new to her.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors.During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Good and evil, right and wrong, innocence and sinfulness, redeemed and fallen.'Songs of Innocence and of Experience' is a classic book of two halves - encapsulated by the extended original title that included 'Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul'.Accompanied throughout by William Blake's edgily beautiful illustrations, the book is broken into 19 poems of 'Innocence' and 26 of 'Experience'.'Songs of Innocence' are lyrical and evocative verses depicting life in pastoral harmony and youthful naivety - but with a brooding undercurrent of what is to come.That undercurrent flows rapidly throughout 'Songs of Experience', as the innocence gives way to darkness, threat and worldliness.These mind-bending poems and illustrations are ideal for fans of the poetry of John Milton and Dante Alighieri.William Blake (1757-1827) was an English poet, painter and printmaker whose writings and artwork often explored Heaven and Hell, and the state of the human heart.His best-known work includes 'Songs of Innocence and of Experience', 'The Marriage of Heaven and Hell' and 'Jerusalem'.Blake's work was largely ignored during his lifetime, but he is now considered to be among the greatest and most influential poets and visual artists of the Romantic Age. Blake's work continues to inspire authors, artists and filmmakers today. Bestselling author, Philip Pullman, has described William Blake as one of three major literary influences on 'His Dark Materials' and references to his artwork is found in films like The Wachowskis' 'V for Vendetta' (2006).
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69,00 kr. "Jeg ser nu dine Øjne,halvlukte, lange,Sireneblikket som i fordums Tidhar gjort mig ofte svagog stundom bange –Jeg ser nu dine Øjnesom druknet i en blaalig Dobbeltskygge:den ubevægelige Tropedags,der er eet eneste,et tungt bedøvende,og derfor lydløst Kog,og Skyggerne, de smægtende, violblaai denne egne Laag –Jeg ser nu dine Øjne,der ikke mærkerde tavse og de tunge Timers Tog,i deres blaa og dunkle Dobbeltskyggeaf Længsel og urolig Lykkeunderfundigt smile..."Christian Rimestads kærlighedsdigte tager os med tilbage til starten af det tyvende århundrede, hvor dansk poesi var midt i en rivende blomstringstid. Digtene emmer af skønhed, mismod og hengivenhed, og form såvel som indhold vidner om et stort digtertalent og et dybt hjerte.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1920.Christian Rimestad (1878-1943) var en dansk forfatter, digter, oversætter og litteraturkritikker. Han debuterede som digter i 1905 med digtsamlingen "Aftnerne" og skrev foruden flere digtsamlinger en lang række bøger om litteraturhistorie. Christian Rimestad modtog både Otto Benzons Forfatterlegat og Drachmannlegatet.
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- 69,00 kr.
39,00 kr. Pindar (ca. 520 f.Kr. - 443 f.Kr.) var en af det gamle Grækenlands største lyriske digtere. Det kan være svært for læsere, der ikke forstår oldgræsk at forstå Pindars skønne digte med alle deres nuancer, og derfor har filolog og forfatter Anders Bjørn Drachmann forsynet sine oversættelser med noter, der forklarer det, der ellers går tabt i oversættelsen. Bogen er en spændende og lettilgængelig introduktion til Pindars poesi og hans samtid.Anders Bjørn Drachmann (1860-1935) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk filolog. Han var professor ved Københavns Universitet og præsident for Videnskabernes Selskab. I løbet af sin karriere udgav Anders Bjørn Drachmann en lang række bøger blandt andet om Romerriget, kristendommens oprindelse samt klassisk poesi og religion.
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- 39,00 kr.
22,99 kr. Un renard flatte un corbeau pour lui voler son fromage ; une tortue gagne une course contre un lièvre présomptueux ; un rat délivre un lion de ses mailles…Voici quelques unes des deux cent quarante trois fables de ce recueil légendaire où les animaux prennent la parole pour instruire les hommes. Qu'on les connaisse de mémoire, de nos lectures du soir, ou simplement de nom, ces fables constituent un outil de connaissance, l'identité de notre pays, et, depuis des siècles, contribuent à orienter nos expériences de vie — enfants comme adultes…Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) est le plus grand fabuliste du XVIIe, principalement connu pour ses « Fables ». Inspiré de l'Antiquité gréco-latine et en particulier d'Ésope, il maîtrise avec perfection les vers. Il est aussi auteur de contes, poèmes et pièces de théâtre qui confirment tous ses motivations de moraliste.
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49,99 kr. «La tiranía del frac: Crónica de un preso» (1905) es una recopilación de ensayos breves, cartas y poesías de Alberto Ghiraldo que tratan, principalmente, de la lucha obrera y las reivindicaciones sociales. Algunos de estos textos son «Bajo el estado de sitio: Cabeza de proceso», «Exponentes de cultura» o «Cárceles flotantes».Alberto Ghiraldo (1875-1946) fue un escritor, publicista, político y abogado argentino. Colaboró con revistas como «La Quincena», «Martín Fierro» y «La Protesta Humana». Durante toda su vida participó en movimientos de reivindicación social y, aunque militó en el Partido Socialista Argentino, su ideología se circunscribía al anarquismo.
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40,99 kr. "Para no tener que hablar" es una misiva en verso a la Muriel Villanueva del pasado, la niña que creció con dos madres lesbianas. Pero en este libro se aleja de su rutina diaria y su infancia al lado de sus dos figuras maternas para centrarse en el padre, en los fines de semana que pasaba con él. Un poema ilustrado por Sara Márquez.Muriel Villanueva (Valencia, 1976) és escriptora i professora. Es va llicenciar en Teoria de la literatura i va estudiar també educació musical. Ha treballat com a mestre d'ambdues disciplines, però actualment compagina el seu treball d'escriptora amb la docència literària. Ha publicat més d'una vintena d'obres de poesia i narrativa, sobretot dins la literatura juvenil i infantil.
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- 40,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Gracias a las cartas que Cecilia Böhl de Faber intercambiaba con amigos y familiares, podemos conocer la parte más íntima de su pensamiento.Este decimocuarto volumen de «Obras completas de Fernán Caballero» recoge la correspondencia entre la importante escritora española y sus amistades, reconocidas personalidades de la época, como José Fernández Espino, Fermín de Iribarren, el coronel Miguel de Velarde y otros. Igualmente, se recogen dos poemas finales, uno de Guillermo Fortaleza y otro de Pedro Madrazo, como homenaje al escritor Fernán Caballero, seudónimo bajo el que Cecilia Böhl de Faber publicaba sus obras.Cecilia Böhl de Faber (1796-1877) fue una escritora española, más conocida por su seudónimo masculino Fernán Caballero, tras el que se ocultó para no ser menospreciada por sus contemporáneos. Fue representante del costumbrismo literario y su extensa obra se caracteriza por su finalidad didáctica y su defensa de la moral tradicional. Algunas de sus obras más célebres son «La Gaviota» (1849) o «Clemencia» (1852).«Obras completas de Fernán Caballero» es una serie de volúmenes que recogen la producción literaria de la escritora Cecilia Böhl de Faber, quien publicó en vida bajo el seudónimo masculino Fernán Caballero. En la colección completa de sus obras se recogen relatos, novelas de costumbres, poemas, refranes y dichos, cartas y otros escritos.
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51,99 kr. Poemes que neixen de la constant i sempre infructuosa recerca de donar sentit a les nostres vides mitjançant les accions cotidianes. El llibre està acompanyant d'un disc amb una suite para piano composta i interpretada per Àlex Escamilla, germà de l'autor.David Escamilla és comunicador, editor, escriptor i músic. Ha treballat com a director i presentador per ràdio i televisió a emisores com ara RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicat més de cinquanta llibres des de 1992 entre els quals figuren assajos, biografies, novel·les, relats breus, guies culturals i poesía.
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42,99 kr. Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.Gibran is famed for his inspiring and enlightening writings and sayings which include, "You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts." and "If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were."This collection contains 100 of Khalil Gibran’s most celebrated quotes.Kahlil Gibran (1883-1991) was a Lebanese artist, poet and writer best known in the western world for his book ‘The Prophet’ (1923). Regarded as a literary and political rebel, his romantic style was part of a renaissance in modern Arabic literature, breaking away from the classical school.He is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind only Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu, and despite emigrating to America, he is still celebrated as a literary hero in Lebanon.
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58,99 kr. Scritta durante il periodo che l'autore trascorse in Eritrea, questa raccolta di poesie di gusto scapigliato anticipa una certa tendenza a tematiche tipiche del periodo futurista. Seppur inizialmente influenzato da un'educazione di stampo cattolico, tipicamente moralista e paternalista, è infatti evidente in Invrea un particolare sentire decadente, che avvicina i temi narrativi dell'autore alla produzione crepuscolare.Gaspare Invrea (1850 - 1917), noto con lo pseudonimo di Remigio Zena, è stato un autore e intellettuale italiano. Di origini aristocratiche, ebbe un'educazione fortemente religiosa che lo portò ad arruolarsi per la difesa di Roma durante la Breccia di Porta Pia.Vicino a Manzoni per la connotazione religiosa dei suoi scritti e a Verga per la predilezione verso personaggi di ceto sociale basso, i poveri e gli emarginati, Invrea ha scritto racconti, romanzi e componimenti poetici di intonazione religiosa e moraleggiante, ma anche dotati di tratti ironici e vivaci, di gusto scapigliato. Tra le sue opere, la più famosa è il romanzo e testo teatrale "La bocca del lupo" (1872).
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148,99 kr. Auf den Weltbestseller „The Hill We Climb" folgt der erste Gedichtband der gefeierten Lyrikerin.Amanda Gorman hat am 20. Januar 2021 Geschichte geschrieben: mit ihrer Lyrik, ihrer Vision, ihrem Sinn für Gerechtigkeit und Hoffnung. The Hill We Climb wurde am Tag der Inauguration von Joe Biden zum berühmtesten Gedicht der Welt, und Amanda Gormans Worte inspirierten Millionen Menschen rund um den Globus. Nun legt die Autorin ihre erste Gedichtsammlung vor, in der sie sich erneut mit einer umwerfenden poetischen Kraft mit den Themen, die ihr am Herzen liegen, auseinandersetzt: Demokratie, Weltoffenheit, Antirassismus, Feminismus und Chancengleichheit.Amanda Gorman ist eine US-amerikanische Lyrikerin und Aktivistin. Sie wurde 1998 in Los Angeles geboren und setzt sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Gendergleichheit und gegen Rassismus und Unterdrückung ein. 2017 wurde sie zur ersten National Youth Poet Laureate der USA ernannt. Am 20. Januar 2021 trug sie bei der Amtseinführung des 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigsten Staaten von Amerika, Joseph R. Biden, als jüngste Inaugurationsdichterin in der Geschichte ihres Landes ihr Gedicht The Hill we climb - Den Hügel hinauf vor und wurde damit weltberühmt.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
102,99 kr. It is often the lot of the creative individual to not be appreciated during their lifetime. While alive, Walt Whitman endured countless campaigns to ban his book of poems, 'Leaves of Grass', on the basis of its obscene sexual imagery. A century later, his poem 'O Captain! My Captain!' featured in the movie 'Dead Poets Society'. Then, the US TV series 'Breaking Bad' included numerous Walt Whitman references in different episodes.Some argue that he was ahead of his time. It is certainly the case that he was a one-off.'Leaves of Grass', which was first published as a handful of poems and grew to more than 400, is a loosely-connected collection. It focuses on the body and the material world and celebrates the natural world. The poems do not rhyme and do not follow any accepted rules. But they capture people's imagination - and have a place among the greatest works of US poetry.Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was an American poet, essayist and journalist. He was a humanist and is often called the father of free verse - a sobriquet inspired by the unstructured nature of much of his poetry. His poetry collection 'Leaves of Grass' was controversial, with critics decrying its overt sensuality. At different times a teacher, a journalist and a government clerk. Whitman worked in hospitals caring for the wounded during the American Civil War.
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- 102,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson; Merry and Pippin; Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy...great duos often help to make great literature. So when two soon-to-be luminaries of the English Romantic movement came together to produce a book of their poems, the result was inevitable. 'Lyrical Ballads' by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a slow burner for readers, but grew to be lauded as a landmark piece of work, taking English writing in a new direction.Wordsworth does most of the heavy lifting by contributing the majority of the poems, but Coleridge's efforts include the famous 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. The pair aimed to prick the bubble of what they felt was a snobbish approach to 18th century poetry. In 'Lyrical Ballads', they use everyday language, add the voices of the poor and focus on the original state of nature. The result is an accessible, original collection that remains fresh to this day.William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an English poet and a pioneer of the Romantic Age in English literature. His first collections, 'An Evening Walk' and 'Descriptive Sketches', were published in 1793. His career took off after he moved to the Lake District with his sister Dorothy. Wordsworth produced countless poems, often on the themes of death and grief, including the first version of his epic 'The Prelude'. He was Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a founder of the Romantic Movement in English literature and one of the Lake Poets. He wrote literary criticism, including of William Shakespeare's work, and the major prose book 'Biographia Literaria'. His best-known works were the poems 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.
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77,99 kr. Dive into one of the most important figures in American poetry, Emily Dickinson’s iconic collection. Characterised by three distinct periods, a sentimental tone lies in her work dating up to the American Civil War, followed by her most creative period and finally rounding off with her last notes before her death in 1886. A major influence on film, music and culture today, fans of Apple TV+’s ‘Dickinson’ series and the 2016 biographical film ‘A Quiet Passion’ can revel in her sometimes flowery, more often than not morbid and occasionally religious observations of life and love in 19th century America.Emily Dickinson (1830-1866) was an American poet, celebrated today as one of the most influential figures in American poetry. Although much of Dickinson’s work was not uncovered until after her death, she is remembered as an eccentric and prolific writer, producing close to 2000 poems. Her work spans themes of death and immortality, along with society, nature and spirituality. Pushing the boundaries of literary trends, she crafted poems with unconventional punctuation and atypical wording. Snappy and rhythmic, her work tended to fit the melodies of folk songs. Dickinson remains today a pivotal figure in American culture, with Apple TV+’s ‘Dickinson’ series ideal for literary buffs looking to learn more about her life.
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77,99 kr. It took the publication of the lengthy work 'The Ring and the Book' to gain Robert Browning recognition in his lifetime. But today, the Victorian poet is more admired for these, his shorter poems, complete with their powerful dramatic monologues.The preface to 'Shorter Poems', by Teachers' College, New York, says the poems are perfect for the "tastes and capacities of readers of the high-school age".They are, but they are also perfect for the tastes and capacities of readers of all ages.With rhymes that are often discordant and sentences that defy literary convention, Browning's work is pioneering and challenging. He provokes thought and even defies understanding. Browning's work is perfect for fans of Percy Shelley, Lord Byron and W. H. Auden.Robert Browning (1812-1889) was a poet and writer in 19th century England and Florence.His initial work was heavily influenced by Percy Bysshe Shelley. Some of his early work did not received popular or critical acclaim, but the publication of 'Bells and Pomegranates' saw him produce what became his trademark dramatic monologue.In 1846 he married the poet Elizabeth Barrett and they moved to Florence. After his wife's death, Browning settled in England. In 1869-1869, 'The Ring and the Book' was serialised, telling a murder story from 10 different viewpoints. It was rated as his greatest work and his writing continued until he died in 1889 while visiting his son in Venice.
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42,99 kr. Poetry can inspire, evoke, provoke and transport the reader. But this collection of 39 poems did even more - it broke barriers. This collection was written by Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman whose poetry writings were published.Seized from West Africa as a young girl, Phillis lived in Boston as a slave to the prominent Wheatley family where she learned to read and write, as well as undertaking lessons in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history and British, Greek and Latin Literature. By the age of 18, Phillis had amassed a decent quantity of poems and together with the Wheatley family, sought out a publisher. However, based on racial prejudices, Phillis was received with disdain in the United States. Attention was turned to London instead, where Phillis posted one of her poems, 'On the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield', to Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon and a well-off supporter of the abolitionist cause, who connected her with a bookseller although Wheatley still had to go through interrogation to prove that she was the author of her own work.This collection of poems shows the breadth and depth of her reading, and includes poems reflecting her Christian faith, her interest in Greek mythology and her admiration for well-known figures including Alexander Pope.'Poems on Various Subjects' is perfect for people who have read 'The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano'.Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was an American poet who was the first African-American writer to be published. She was born in West Africa, sold into slavery aged seven or eight, then bought by the Wheatley family of Boston. They encouraged her to pursue her poetry as her talent became clear. But Wheatley had to go to London to find patrons to help her get her work published. When 'Poems on Various Subjects' was published in 1773, she gained fame in England and the African colonies - even receiving praise from George Washington and Voltaire. After being emancipated, she married the grocer John Peters. But they slipped into poverty and Phillis died in obscurity at the age of 31.
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38,99 kr. Poetry lovers look no further! Elizabeth Barret Browning’s passionate collection of 44 love sonnets is all you'll ever need.Following the Italian model made popular by Petrarch, Browning’s intimate prose spans the famous ‘Sonnet 43’, an emotional expression of everlasting love for her husband. Named after Richard Browning’s nickname for Elizabeth, and to protect her privacy as a means of suggesting a translated work, 'Sonnets from the Portuguese' weaves a heartfelt collection ideal for romance fans of Nicholas Spark’s ‘The Notebook’.Elizabeth Barret Browning (1806-1861) was an English poet, who wrote during the Victorian era. Following her marriage to the writer Robert Browning, Elizabeth moved to Italy where she lived for the rest of her life. Her poetry such as ‘The Cry of the Children’ urged child-labour reforms, whilst ‘A Drama in Exile’, ‘A Vision of Poets’ and ‘Lady Geraldine’s Courtship’ appeared in her widely successful 1844 two-volume ‘Poems’. Browning is remembered today as a rival candidate for poet laureate Tennyson on the death of Wordsworth.
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36,99 kr. Conjunto de cartas y textos poéticos que escribió Ramón de Campoamor. Algunas epístolas están dirigidas a conocidos, como la carta que inicia el libro, dirigida a su madre. Otras son epitafios para sepulcros de conocidos. La colección reúne también varios madrigales y versos cortos. Una colección de textos poéticos que muestran como el autor destaca también en poesía corta.Ramón de Campoamor (1817-1901) fue un poeta y escritor español. Nació en Asturias en el seno de una familia acomodada. Con quince años se marcha a Madrid para estudiar y poco después se matricula en la universidad de la capital. Pese a sus intenciones de estudiar medicina, acabó decantándose por la literatura y el periodismo. Bajo el patronazgo de Espronceda, Campoamor empezó a escribir poesía en 1837. En los siguientes años publica obras, antologías poéticas y libros de filosofía. En 1842 empieza su carrera política y su literatura empieza a alejarse del romanticismo, característico de Espronceda, para acercarse más al realismo que lo representaría como escritor. Durante sus ochenta y tres años de vida escribió más de cincuenta obras.
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- 36,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Join Aurora on her travels from Florence to London - a coming of age journey full of trials and tribulations. Spanning 9 books, Browning’s poetic blank verse evokes classical and mythological references, ideal for the passionate philosopher.Dubbed the greatest long poem of the 19th century, ‘Aurora Leigh’ weaves the perfect coming-of-age story for fans of Dev Patel’s 2019 comedy-drama ‘The Personal History of David Copperfield’.Elizabeth Barret Browning (1806-1861) was an English poet, who wrote during the Victorian era. Following her marriage to the writer Robert Browning, Elizabeth moved to Italy where she lived for the rest of her life. Her poetry such as ‘The Cry of the Children’ urged child-labour reforms, whilst ‘A Drama in Exile’, ‘A Vision of Poets’ and ‘Lady Geraldine’s Courtship’ appeared in her 1844 two-volume ‘Poems’. Browning is remembered today as a rival candidate for poet laureate Tennyson on the death of Wordsworth.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Gennem essays og digte beskriver en række fysisk handicappede, hvad det vil sige, og hvordan det føles at leve med et handicap. Fælles for bogens forfattere er trangen til at råbe op og en stærk modvilje mod medynk og medlidenhed. Annette Wiborg Sørensen har været redaktør på bogen, der udkom første gang i 1985.Annette Wiborg Sørensen (f. 1950) er journalist, forfatter og oversætter. Hun blev uddannet journalist ved Roskilde Tidende og var i en årrække engageret i etableringen af alternative medier, herunder dagbladet Vejle Avis, der vandt Cavlingprisen i 1973, og avisen KØBENHAVN. I perioden 1988-1996 arbejdede hun som journalist ved BUPL’s fagblad og har siden været freelancer for en lang række forlag, frivillige organisationer og fagblade.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
12,99 kr. Zbiór 44 utworów miłosnych pisanych do męża przez wiktoriańską poetkę. Ze względów obyczajowych opublikowane jako tłumaczenie wierszy portugalskiego poety doby odrodzenia Luísa de Camõesa - stąd pierwotny tytuł "Sonety z portugalskiego". Zamieszczone tu liryki spełniają kryteria formalne sonetu włoskiego. Tom uchodzi za jeden z najważniejszych osiągnięć poetyckich w historii literatury angielskiej.Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) - angielska poetka epoki wiktoriańskiej. Solidnie wykształcona jak na kobietę w swoich czasach, miała bowiem pozwolenie, by wraz z bratem uczęszczać na lekcje z guwernerem. Na przekór XIX-wiecznej obyczajowości pisała wiersze i wydawała je, choć musiała się przy tym uciekać do sztuczek. Jej najsłynniejsze dzieło to wiersze miłosne pisane do męża. Ukazały się one pod tytułem "Sonety z portugalskiego", jako rzekome tłumaczenie utworów Luísa de Camõesa. Jako dorastająca dziewczyna zapadła na ciężką chorobę (prawdopodobnie gruźlicę), w skutek czego rodzice traktowali ją jak inwalidkę. Nie przeszkodziło to jej potajemnie wyjść za mąż za pisarza Roberta Browninga, przeprowadzić się z Londynu do Włoch, a także urodzić i wychować syna. Pochowana na cmentarzu we Florencji.
- E-bog
- 12,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Soldier, secretary, Anglican priest, MP, father of 12, Dean of St Paul's...it's amazing that John Donne had any spare time.But this collection of his poems shows why it is good to give work to a busy person.'The Poems of John Donne' is an education and an inspiration, with his signature rhetorical style ever-present.Through love letters, songs, epigrams, satires and memorial verse, Donne reveals a breadth of knowledge and depth of understanding of the human spirit that has hardly been surpassed.This collection is perfect for fans of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope.Born to parents who refused to reject their Roman Catholic faith, John Donne (1572-1631) defied the odds to live a remarkable life.He is best known as a poet, with his works celebrated by many as the greatest of all metaphysical verse.It includes sonnets, love poems, religious poems, epigrams, elegies, songs and satires.Despite his Catholic background, Donne was ordained as an Anglican priest and made Dean of St Paul's Cathedral in 1621.He was a Member of Parliament in 1601 and 1614.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
102,99 kr. "Better to reign in Hell than to serve in Heaven."It's the classic temptation - power. And these are the words John Milton puts on the forked tongue of the serpent when it speaks to Adam and Eve.We know how it ends - an apple, nakedness and banishment.But in 'Paradise Lost', Milton turns a few Bible verses into a true epic. In 10,000 lines of beautiful but dark verse, he tells the parallel stories of Satan and of Adam and Eve.With greed, temptation, lust, sex, deception, shame and much more, it is a classic whose themes are as relevant and alluring today as ever before.John Milton (1608-1674) was almost 60 when he produced his masterpiece, 'Paradise Lost'.He was an English poet who served as a civil servant under Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century. Before this, he was considered a dangerous radical as he published rebellious pamphlets during the reign of Charles I.A famed republican, his work 'Areopagitica' was a scorching condemnation of pre-publication censorship.The Restoration of Charles II saw Milton marginalised from 1660. He died blind and impoverished.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘The Prophet’ is a collection of prose poetry offering spiritual insights into a range of subjects. Through 26 fables, Gibran explores everything from love, marriage, and children to the nature of good and evil, friendship and death. An extraordinary work, it lyrically suggests that we should welcome being present on the Earth and, only after we die will we understand the greater meaning behind our personal highs and lows. An eminently quotable book for those who want to delve into the idea of spiritual enrichment.The book was adapted into a film by the Mexican actor and producer Salma Hayek. The voices of Liam Neeson and Frank Langella were also used in the animated film.Born in Lebanon, but to move to the USA, Kahlil Gibran (1883 – 1931) was an important figure in the Romantic movement of the early 20th Century. Although he regarded himself more as a painter than an author, his writing challenged the established rigidity of traditional Arabic literature. In his works, he explored the theory of the loss of natural beauty in the modern world, alienation, and personal discord. Influenced by the Romantic writings of 19th Century European authors, Gibran is widely recognised as one of the most intellectually-sensitive writers of his time.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
102,99 kr. You won't fail to be captured by one of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s greatest books 'Religious Studies, Sketches and Poems'.Religious and spiritual, the studies and poems reflect on how to live a godly life, discuss the afterlife, and the consequences of loss and tragedy. Stowe, herself, was very religious from early childhood and throughout her life, so it’s not surprising that an entire book was written by her about religious thought and feelings. This is a great collection of some of her best literature classic works.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson. Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.