Klassiske tekster. Middelaldertekster
49,00 kr. Delfi er et af de vigtigste og mest sagnomspundne steder i græsk mytologi og det gamle Grækenlands historie. I sin lille bog om Delfis kunsthistorie beskriver Frederik Poulsen nogle af de vigtigste elementer af det smukke områdes udsmykninger. Bogen udkom første gang i 1917 få årtier efter at Delfi var blevet udgravet og ophørte med blot at være et mytisk sted, som man hørte om i de græske legender, og blev et ægte arkæologisk skatkammer.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.
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- 49,00 kr.
49,00 kr. "Forældrene elskede deres søn overmåde meget. Ikke et øjeblik kunne hans moder være væk fra ham. Var hun ude, havde hun sin lille dreng med sig i vuggen og satte sig gang på gang hos ham og betragtede ham med en moders kærlighed og smilede ømt til ham. Når bonden kom fra marken, gik han også altid først hen til sin søn, tog ham i sine arme og legede kærligt med ham."Safars barndom er eventyrlig og tryg, lige indtil hans mor dør. Hun får hans far til at love, at han altid vil tage sig godt af Safar, men da han gifter sig igen, viser det sig, at hans nye kone ikke kan lide Safar. Safars stedmoder gør livet meget svært for ham, og Safar ved ikke, hvad han skal stille op. Så en dag møder han en hjort, som tager sig af ham og lader ham die ved sig, når stedmoderen nægter ham mad. Kan hjorten også hjælpe Safar, når hans stedmoder sætter sig for at skille dem ad?"Iranske eventyr og historier" består af en række fortællinger fra det gamle Iran. Selvom de foregår i et land langt borte og i en for længst svunden tid, er de stadig spændende for læsere i alle aldre den dag i dag. Samlingen udkom første gang i 1984.Jes Peter Asmussen (1928-2002) var en dansk teolog og filolog, der i over 30 år var professor i iransk filologi ved Københavns Universitet. Han skrev en lang række bøger til både lægmand og fagfolk om blandt andet islam, jødedommen og filologi. Han var medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Lund. Jens Peter Asmussen kunne omkring 70 sprog heriblandt hebraisk, persisk, grønlandsk, arabisk og sanskrit.
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- 49,00 kr.
79,00 kr. "Om religionsstifteren Zarathustras historiske personlighed og om skuepladsen for hans virksomhed har vi ikke andre pålidelige vidnesbyrd end dem, vi ved møjsommeligt studium kan uddrage af selve de avestiske tekster. Vender vi os først til Zarathustras egne digte i Gāthāsamlingen, som er en kerne, omkring hvilken de senere Avestatekster er vokset frem, så får vi i dem et særdeles anskueligt billede af de vilkår, under hvilke profeten virkede."Klassisk filolog Jes Peter Asmussen fortæller om Irans tidligste religion og de hellige skrifter, der gør, at vi i dag kan få glæde af zarathustrismens ældgamle visdom. Bogen beskriver de hellige ritualer, guder og gudinder, Zarathustra som historisk person og den menighed, der samledes om ham.Bogen udkom første gang i 1997.Jes Peter Asmussen (1928-2002) var en dansk teolog og filolog, der i over 30 år var professor i iransk filologi ved Københavns Universitet. Han skrev en lang række bøger til både lægmand og fagfolk om blandt andet islam, jødedommen og filologi. Han var medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Lund. Jens Peter Asmussen kunne omkring 70 sprog heriblandt hebraisk, persisk, grønlandsk, arabisk og sanskrit.
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- 79,00 kr.
42,99 kr. Can art and censorship coexist in a democracy?From recent book removals in Florida schools to historical book burnings, Albert A. Anderson explores the implications of censorship on free speech and democracy. Delving into the role of arts, this episode raises questions about the value of both intrinsic and extrinsic aspects of artistic expression.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. What is the role of social media in shaping our understanding of truth? Can we trust traditional media sources? Join Albert A. Anderson as he explores the challenges of navigating information in the digital age and the importance of critical thinking in a democracy.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Can artificial intelligence pose an existential threat to humanity? Join Albert A. Anderson as he revisits a paper he wrote decades ago, exploring the risks of AI and its exponential growth. Discover the surprising parallels between past predictions and the alarming concerns raised today about our control over this advancing technology.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Is democracy at risk when political divisions turn into internal battles?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson explores the recent struggles within the U.S. House of Representatives and their implications for the common good.He delves into the philosophical principles underlying human governance and the importance of seeking the common good in a democratic society. Join Anderson, as he analyzes the role of rhetoric, the rise of 'populism,' and the impact of media in shaping public opinion.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Does personal character matter in politics? As legal actions loom over Donald Trump, Albert A. Anderson delves into the philosophical implications of character in a moral and political sense. Drawing on Plato's insights, he explores the connection between personal character and different forms of government, shedding light on the state of democracy today and the impact of character on political choices.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Is justice being compromised in the highest court of the land? Join Albert A. Anderson in this episode as he delves into the recent controversies surrounding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. From undisclosed luxury trips to real estate transactions, explore the ethical implications and the importance of justice in a functioning democracy.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Can artificial intelligence replace human beings and their intrinsic values? Join Albert A. Anderson as he explores the philosophical implications of AI advancements, including the risks associated with its rapid progress. Discover the importance of final causes, imagination, and the art of life in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology and human existence.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. What makes human intelligence unique? How does it differ from artificial intelligence? Join Albert A. Anderson as he delves into the philosophical question of mind and soul, exploring Plato's perspective and the essence of 'nous.' Discover the values that give us a reason for living and why they matter in a world increasingly driven by economic concerns and technological advancements.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
69,00 kr. "Hist ligger Gulland i Østersø;Det maa jeg sige for sandt:I Verden findes vel ingen Ø,Der ligner en Snekke saa grandt.Baaden gynger paa Bølge."Frederik Bøghs episke digt "Valkyrien" fra 1861 åbner en dør ind til den nordiske mytologis skatkammer og fortæller den spændende historie om den smukke og iltre unge kvinde Alvilde og hendes forældres forsøg på at gifte hende bort. Digtet trækker på nogle af den nordiske mytologis store skikkelser som Odin og troldkvinden Trude.Frederik Bøgh (1836-1882) var en dansk forfatter, digter og litteraturanmelder ved Berlingske Tidende. Han omgikkes store kulturpersonligheder som H.C. Andersen og kunstnerægteparret Elisabeth og Jens Adolf Jerichau. I 1861 udgav Bøgh "Valkyrien. Et nordisk digt i tyve sange", som vakte stor opmærksomhed. Særligt H.C. Andersen var meget begejstret for digtet og havde store forventninger til Bøghs videre forfatterskab - disse blev desværre aldrig indfriet, eftersom Bøgh siden hen blot udgav forskellige smådigte.
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- 69,00 kr.
39,00 kr. "Da Buddha var død, regerede i byen Pátalíputra en konge ved navn Mahásena, og han var en from og retvis konge.Idet han nu betragtede al den mængde rigdom, som hans forfædre havde efterladt sig, tænkte han: "De har efterladt sig al denne rigdom, nu er de opslugte af døden. Ak, de stakkels fredløse sjæles vankundighed! De opdynger rigdom, men kender intet til deres egen eller deres rigdoms undergang."Den buddhistiske tro er et overflødighedshorn af legender, myter og fortællinger, som alle på den ene eller den anden måde rummer et stykke af Buddhas lære og visdom. Den danske orientalist Dines Andersens bog "Buddhistiske legender" fra 1891, er den første danske oversættelse af disse fortællinger, hvis budskaber taler lige så meget til os i dag, som da de første gang blev fortalt i Indien for så mange århundreder siden.Dines Andersen var en dansk forfatter og orientalist, der opnåede bred anerkendelse for sit bidrag til dansk forskning i orientalisme, buddhisme og indisk historie. Han opnåede doktorgrad hos Københavns Universitet og udgav blandt andet en lærebog i sanskrit, som blev brugt af studerende over hele verden.
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- 39,00 kr.
79,00 kr. "Græsk religion er med sin polyteisme præget af mangfoldighed, og der er ingen kanoniske skrifter eller professionel præstestand til at fastlægge en lære som den rette. Alligevel kan man tale om en enhed, der udgør en fælles baggrund for alle antikkens skribenter, og som man må kende, hvis man vil forstå deres udsagn om religiøse forhold."Græsk religion bestod af en mangfoldighed af lokale kulturer og myter, men ved siden af de lokale varianter fandtes der alment accepterede forestillinger om verdens tilblivelse, om guderne og om menneskelivets vilkår. "Hellas i klassisk tid" fortæller om den kulturelle og religiøse periode i det gamle Grækenland fra Homer i ca. 8. årh. f.Kr. til Alexander den Stores død i 323 f.Kr.Bogen udkom første gang i 1997 og er en del af serien "Verdensreligionernes hovedværker".Vagn Duekilde er en dansk forfatter og oversætter. Han står blandt andet bag bogen "Hellas i klassisk tid" om det gamle Grækenlands religion og kultur samt oversættelsen af Georges Dumézils "De nordiske guder".
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- 79,00 kr.
42,99 kr. The attack on the United States Capitol on January 6th 2022 was an attack on democracy itself. But what is democracy actually? And why is it a superior form of government, that is crucial to defend?Albert A. Andersons answers those question in this episode, while also comparing the ancient forms of democracy originated in Athens with the contemporary definitions of the concept in today's society.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Mass shootings and gun violence have sadly become a regular headline in american news media. Perhaps so regular that we are becoming numb and paralyzed?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson talks about gun violence and mass shootings, and how violence in generel affects us and the society we live in.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Who is allowed to speak in our society? What does free speech mean?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson examines the concept of free speech. Why is it an important part of democracy? And how do we balance living in an open society - and therefore also sometimes having to tolerate the intolerable?For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Is the access to education equal for all? And if not, what happens when knowledge is only for the limited few?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson continues the discussion of education from the last episode, this time with a focus on the political battlefield of the public school system.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Is it a violation of the democratic principles when educational institutions consider race, gender or religion when admitting new students - or is it a necessity in order to achieve equality in education?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson provides a philosophical perspective on how to create equality in the educational system - and how to undestand exclusion, favoritism, racism and prejudices in this context.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. It may be ancient, but the classic philosophical ideas are more relevant in today's modern society than ever.In this episode, you are welcomed into the world of philosophy. Your host, Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Albert A. Anderson, talks about how philosophical principles and concepts help us understand what is happening in our daily life, whether the topic is politics, technology, democracy or something entirely different.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts
- Podcast
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Should the United States support other nations financially when it comes to warfare? And how do we - citizens, politicians and media - discuss this topic?In this episode, Albert A. Anderson talks about money, power and military force and how to know the difference between a debate and a dialogue.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. A new wall is coming up in the middle of the border between Arizona and Mexico, and it's becoming a battlefield between politicians, environmentalists and humanitarians.But what happens to universal values such as tolerance, hospitality and justice when you build a wall? In this episode, Albert A. Anderson elaborates on the topic of border enforcement.For fans of the podcast 'Philosophize This!'In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.
- Podcast
- 42,99 kr.
79,00 kr. De islandske sagaer er fortalt af mænd og handler primært om mænd. I "Kvinden i Sagatiden" fortæller Johannes V. Jensen kvindernes historier fra fordums tid. Med udgangspunkt i sagalitteraturen skildres kvindernes vilkår og hvordan deres tilværelse formede sig mellem krigere og lykkeriddere på grænsen mellem forhistorisk og historisk tid i Norden.Johannes V. Jensen (1873 - 1950) var en dansk forfatter, oversætter og debattør. I 1944 modtog han Nobelprisen i litteratur og i 1999 kårede læserne af Politiken og Berlingske hovedværket “Kongens fald” til det 20. århundredes bedste roman, som også senere blev en del af Kulturkanonen. Jensen var særdeles produktiv og udover sine digte, skuespil og skønlitterære noveller og romaner, var han en flittig skribent af kronikker og debatindlæg til dagblade og tidsskrifter ligesom han står bag en række kulturkritiske artikler og essays.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Humor er ikke et moderne påfund, men ses gennem hele menneskets historie. Forfatter og arkæolog Frederik Poulsen tager os med tilbage til oldtidens civilisationer og fortæller, hvad man dengang for tusindvis af år siden gjorde for at få smilet frem på læben. Han fortæller blandt andet om spøg og skæmt i det gamle Egypten, om den romerske komedie og komiske terrakotter, masker og mosaikker.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1948.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
79,00 kr. Oraklet i Delfi har i årtusinder været kendt vidt og bredt, og i oldtidens Grækenland lagde høj som lav stor vægt på oraklets forudsigelser og visdom.Den klassiske arkæolog Frederik Poulsen fortæller om de mange forskellige aspekter, der knytter sig til oraklet. Han beskriver dets forhold til den græske gud Apollon i græsk mytologi, dets historie og betydning for den græske kultur og religion. Bogen giver en interessant indsigt i de mange myter og fortællinger, der knytter sig til det ikoniske orakel."Oraklet i Delfi" udkom første gang i 1919.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.
49,00 kr. Ilmarinen arbejder dagen lang i sin smedje, mens hans bror rejser rundt i verden og oplever det ene eventyr efter det andet. En dag kommer broren hjem fra Nordgården, hvor den onde husmor med de smukke døtre bor. Han har været lige ved at drukne, da netop den onde husmor fiskede ham op og trak ham i land, og for at få lov at rejse derfra igen, måtte han love, at hans bror vil komme og smede en sampo, en mølle, der kan male mel helt af sig selv. Men Ilmarinen er ikke meget for det. Han ved, hvad man risikerer, hvis man vover sig hen i nærheden af Nordgården."Himmelsmeden" er en fri genfortælling af det finske nationaldigt Kalevalaen. Bogen udkom første gang i 1988 og henvender sig til børn over 10 år.Søren Sørensen (1937-2018) var en dansk forfatter, digter, oversætter og billedkunstner. Han var oprindeligt uddannet skolelærer, men kunne fra 1985 hellige sig arbejdet som forfatter og billedkunstner på fuldtid. Hans imponerende forfatterskab spænder over fagbøger om historie og kultur, romaner og noveller, digte samt oversættelse af digte og sange fra islandsk, finsk, svensk og norsk.
- E-bog
- 49,00 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The Prince’ (1513) is by the Italian philosopher, politician, and writer Niccolò Machiavelli, and is regarded as his most important and influential work.Intended as a guide for the world’s rulers, it discusses the political atmosphere of 16th-century Italy and Europe while offering a worldwide analysis of the notion of power in general.Machiavelli details all the common features, problems, and ideas that characterise rulers from ancient to modern times, and offers radical suggestions.This is an important work about politics and power and remains hugely influential to this day.Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527) was an Italian philosopher, politician, and writer, whose best-known work ‘The Prince’ earned him international fame.Regarded as the father of modern political philosophy and political science, Machiavelli wrote letters to many political and social figures of the day, engaging in a wide array of topics and suggestions.His other influential works include ‘Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius’, which deals with the classical history of Ancient Rome.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
99,00 kr. "Folkepoesien lever endnu i sin gamle ærværdige skikkelse og de folkedigtninger, som kaldes gamle viser, kunne endnu høres, forplantede ved den mundtlige overlevering. Denne bog giver bevis herpå."Hver landsdel har sine egne fortællinger og folkeminder, som er blevet fortalt og genfortalt igennem mange generationer. Ikke mindst Jylland er fyldt med folkeminder, der binder det jyske folk sammen og siger meget om deres særlige kultur. I anden halvdel af 1800-tallet gav den danske forfatter og folkemindesamler Evald Tang Kristensen sig til at indsamle disse mundtligt overleverede fortællinger, inden de forsvandt i urbaniseringen og blev glemt til fordel for det trykte ord.Sjette bind indeholder en lang række sagn og overtroiske overleveringer fra forskellige steder i Jylland. Bogen fortæller blandt andet historier om genfærd og spøgelser, om hekseri og trolddom, om kæmper, nisser og udyr samt religiøse sagn og fortællinger om forudsigelser, der på uhyggelig vis går i opfyldelse.Evald Tang Kristensen (1843-1929) var en dansk forfatter og folkemindesamler. Han er særligt kendt og elsket for sine genfortællinger af gamle danske eventyr og sagn, indsamling og udgivelse af gamle børnerim og viser samt indsamling af ældre menneskers erindringer om lokalhistorie.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
99,00 kr. "Folkepoesien lever endnu i sin gamle ærværdige skikkelse og de folkedigtninger, som kaldes gamle viser, kunne endnu høres, forplantede ved den mundtlige overlevering. Denne bog giver bevis herpå."Hver landsdel har sine egne fortællinger og folkeminder, som er blevet fortalt og genfortalt igennem mange generationer. Ikke mindst Jylland er fyldt med folkeminder, der binder det jyske folk sammen og siger meget om deres særlige kultur. I anden halvdel af 1800-tallet gav den danske forfatter og folkemindesamler Evald Tang Kristensen sig til at indsamle disse mundtligt overleverede fortællinger, inden de forsvandt i urbaniseringen og blev glemt til fordel for det trykte ord.Første bind indeholder en lang række folkesange fra Hammerup-Herred i Østjylland. Bogen gengiver både noder og tekst og fortæller blandt andet om fordrukne og ombejlede ungmøer, en dronning, der efter at have været gravid i syv år, forlader sin mand for at vende tilbage til sine forældres hus, og om en lindorm, der kan forudse folks skæbne.Evald Tang Kristensen (1843-1929) var en dansk forfatter og folkemindesamler. Han er særligt kendt og elsket for sine genfortællinger af gamle danske eventyr og sagn, indsamling og udgivelse af gamle børnerim og viser samt indsamling af ældre menneskers erindringer om lokalhistorie.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Antikkens kultur, mytologi og åndsliv bugner af spændende historier og visdom, der kan fornøje læsere i en hvilken som helst tidsalder. Arkæolog og forfatter Frederik Poulsen genfortæller en række antikke fortællinger og visdom fra gamle tekster, så det er let for lægmand at gå til. De små tekster, der blandt andet handler om Pompeji, brydningstider i græsk kultur, træning af heste i oldtiden og den hellige Frans, giver en interessant indføring i oldtidskundskaben for ung som gammel og høj som lav.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1936.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.