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  • af Albert A. Anderson
    44,99 kr.

    Is our political dialogue elevating or dividing us? Dive into the intricacies of "noble rhetoric" versus manipulative speech in the political arena with Albert A. Anderson. This episode unpacks the dual nature of rhetoric and its impact on democracy, exploring how the philosophical underpinnings of speech can lead us toward unity and fundamental principles, or further into division.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Alt Om Historie
    48,99 kr.

    ”I takt med at Romerriget blev udvidet til De Britiske Øer i nord og Afrika i syd, ville flere og flere af imperiets byer have en akvædukt. Udover at kunne ses i landskabet af forbipasserende gav akvædukten prestige til byen. Med rindende vand kunne borgerne fremvise fontæner og springvand, og mod betaling kunne byens velhavende overklasse få ført vand ind i deres villaer til private havebassiner og toiletter.”Romerriget var ikke bare sin tids største rige. Det var også oldtidens mest teknologisk udviklede. ”Alt om historien” fortæller om det fantastiske riges spændende grundlæggelse, store sejre og det overmod, der var med til at føre til dets undergang efter mere end 1000 års dominans i både Europa og Afrika.”Alt om historie” tager dig med på en halsbrækkende rejse til tidligere tider, så du kan nyde historiens største begivenheder. Følg med tilbage i tiden – tilbage til frontlinjerne af 2. verdenskrig, vikingernes angreb og tilbedelsen af egypterne. ”Alt om historie” er for dem, der vil vide mere om de spændende, dramatiske begivenheder i fortiden.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    44,99 kr.

    Can a monopoly coexist with democracy? Dive into an analysis of Google's recent antitrust case with Albert A. Anderson, exploring the roots of distributive justice from Plato and Aristotle to modern-day market dynamics. We unravel the implications for democracy when corporate power overshadows individual wealth and question the ethics of unbridled capitalism in the pursuit of the common good.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Sophus Helle
    39,99 kr.

    When Sophus’s grandfather died, he left behind an old encyclopedia with a mysteriously empty page. In this episode, Sophus talks about happens when we run out of words, as when the mind is made blank by old age or when our loved ones die and we grieve them in silence. Empty pages are a powerfully symbol. They can mark both an ending and a new beginning, they can represent hope as well as grief. Blank pages are everywhere, and surprisingly beautiful.Hosted and written by Sophus HelleSound editing by Simone Nystrup-LarsenEdited by Andreas Lindinger SaxildFind out more at sophushelle.com/monkeymindMonkey MindCombining wit and wisdom, silliness and seriousness, the podcast Monkey Mind by Sophus Helle takes the audience on a weekly jaunt through the jungle of the mind. Each episode throws a new and unusual light on the issues of everyday life—trees, typos, taxes, and much more besides—making the audience look again at a world they thought they knew. It tells stories that are designed to make the listener chuckle, then reflect, drawn from both the host’s own life and from the deep well of history.Sophus Helle is a writer, translator, and cultural historian. He is an expert in the Babylonian epic Gilgamesh and the ancient poet Enheduana.

  • af Jenny Blicher-Clausen
    78,99 kr.

    ”Min Moder døde da hun gav mig Livet;saa har mit Liv haft større Værd end hendes;stort, som et ansvar, finder jeg det givet:Det maa ej endes, før en Sejer vindes. – –Tror Du man naar, hvad som helst man vil i Livet?”Hebriderne ligger i det frådende hav ved de skotske kyster, og allerede i 800-tallet ankom de norske vikinger dertil for at gøre landet til sit. Hakons mor døde i barselssengen, da han kom til verden, og i dag er det ham, der er høvding på Borggård i højlandene. Jenny Blicher-Clausens episke digt fortæller sagnet om Hakon og Exelcior og maler et skønt og stemningsfuldt billede af det skotske højland og de vikinger, der slog sig ned der.Bogen udkom første gang i 1891.Jenny Blicher-Clausen (1865-1907) var dansk digter og forfatter. Hun begyndte at skrive allerede fra barnsben, og selvom hendes værker stilistisk tilhørte romantikkens litterære tendenser, var hun dybt optaget af det moderne gennembruds ideer om frigørelse og nytænkning. Blicher-Clausen udgav en lang række digtsamlinger og fik især med romanen “Inga Heine” fra 1898 en stor læserskare. Bogens tema er arbejdets rolle i kvindelivet, men fortællingen om hovedpersonens kærlighed til en gift mand står centralt. Blicher-Clausen bidrog desuden aktivt til datidens forskellige magasiner og tidsskrifter, og sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Laura Kieler og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    44,99 kr.

    Is democracy at stake when politics becomes a battle of strength versus morality? In this episode, Albert A. Anderson delves into the recent political upheaval as President Biden steps down, and contrasts his decision with the power-driven rhetoric of the opposition. Examining philosophy's role in this critical moment, Anderson explore what truly constitutes strength and the importance of wisdom over power in democratic societies.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Sven Delblanc
    Fra 68,99 kr.

    ”Flåden lå samlet, i tavs venten, ingen vimpler rørte sig, ingen sejl fyldtes af vind. Euripos lå glat som et grønt marmorgulv. Artemis ventede på et offer.Lyden af dundrende hestehove døde bort – buddet er allerede på vej mod Mykene. Buddet, som skal lokke et offer i døden.Ifigenia, min datter.”Sven Delblancs roman bygger videre på Euripides’ klassiske fortælling om kongedatteren Ifigenia, der må ofres for at vende krigslykken i krigen mellem Troja og Grækenland. Som en tragikomisk beretning fra Den Trojanske Krig, er bogen en på en gang genial, sorthumoristisk, smuk og finurlig fortolkning af en af de stærkeste græske myter.”Ifigenia” udkom første gang i 1990.Sven Delblanc (1931-1992) var en svensk forfatter og professor i litteratur ved Uppsala Universitet. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1962 og udgav sidenhen en lang række bøger. Flere af hans bøger kredser om græsk mytologi.

  • af Ragnar Watz
    32,99 kr.

    Boethius, född 480 e.Kr, är främst ihågkommen för sitt betydande bidrag inom filosofi, poesi och prosa. Under sin livstid tjänstgjorde han också som försteminister under kung Theoderik och utsågs till senator i Rom. Hans framgångsrika liv fick dock ett abrupt slut år 524 då han dömdes till döden, anklagad för förräderi. I väntan på sitt straff påbörjade han sitt mest berömda verk, Filosofins tröst, som han aldrig fick chansen att slutföra.I ”Boethius död” utforskar Ragnar Watz filosofens liv, med särskilt fokus på den dystra tid då han satt fängslad i kapellet Ager Calventianus. Watz blandar fakta och fiktion för att levandegöra den ångest Boethius måste ha upplevt i sitt väntande på det oundvikliga slutet. Hur hanterar man döden när man inte har någon tro på uppståndelse eller evigt liv?Ragnar Watz (1940 –) är en svensk författare, tidigare överläkare och klinikföreståndare.

  • af Otto Jespersen
    48,99 kr.

    Den engelske 1300-tals-digter Geoffrey Chaucer kendes blandt andet for en af den engelske digtnings største klassikere, ”Canterbury-fortællingerne”. Da han som en af de første skrev på engelsk, regnes han i dag også blandt de mest betydningsfulde digtere for engelsk sprog og litteratur. I denne lille biografi, der udkom første gang i 1893, kaster den danske professor Otto Jespersen et nærmere blik på Chaucers liv og digtning.Otto Jespersen, Jens Otto Harry Jespersen, (1860-1943) var en dansk sprogforsker. I perioden 1893-1925 var han professor i engelsk sprog og litteratur ved Københavns Universitet, og hans bøger om engelsk sprog og grammatik blev anvendt i undervisningen både ved de danske og de britiske universiteter. Otto Jespersen er desuden kendt for sin forskning i sprogets lydside, og hans bog ”Fonetik” betragtes som banebrydende inden for europæisk sprogforskning.

  • af Fr. Moth
    38,99 kr.

    ”Sappho, for de elskende unge den sødeste lindring i kviden,Enten Pierias land sammen med musernes flokEller Helikons bjærg, det vedbendrige, dig smykker,Musen fra Eresos, lig dem i begejstrende glød,Eller Hymén Hymenaios med faklen, der straaler,i haanden.”Sappho er en af de mest kendte digtere, men hun er langt fra den eneste gudbenådede kvindelige digter i græsk litteraturhistorie. Fr. Moth beskriver ni af de største kvindelige digtere i græsk litteraturhistorie og bringer nogle af digterindernes smukkeste vers. Bogen udkom første gang i 1929.Claus Frederik Moth (1861-1930) var en dansk litteraturhistoriker, der blandt andet forskede i renæssancens og den tyske humanismes litteratur på latin. Han udgav flere bøger om ældre litteraturhistorie og store litterære og kulturelle skikkelser i europæiske historie.

  • af Jørgen Podemann Sørensen
    78,99 kr.

    ”Af oldtidens religioner er det gamle Ægyptens religion den, der foreligger tydeligst og fyldigst belyst af samtidige kilder. Den store mængde af bevarede religiøse tekster fra ’Pyramideteksterne’ o. 2200 f.v.t. til den græsk-romerske periodes (332 f.v.t. - o. 200 e.v.t.) tempelindskrifter og religiøse papyrusdokumenter gør det muligt ret nøje at studere Ægyptens religion og dens enestående kontinuitet over en periode på 2000 år.”Det gamle Ægyptens religion er en af de mest mangfoldige og fascinerende af alle de store religioner. Religionshistoriker Jørgen Podemann Sørensen bringer oversættelser af de vigtigste religiøse dokumenter fra Ægyptens religion og forsyner hver tekst med forklarende noter, der sætter dem i kontekst for læseren.Bogen udkom første gang i 1999.Jørgen Podemann Sørensen (f. 1946) er en dansk forfatter og lektor emeritus ved Københavns Universitet. Han underviste og forskede i mange år i religionshistorie med særligt fokus på ritualstudier og oldtidens ægyptiske religion. Jørgen Podemann Sørensen har udgivet et væld af bøger og artikler og har længe været en stærk stemme i religionsdebatten.

  • af Allt om Historia
    Fra 31,99 kr.

    Det här är berättelsen om imperiets födelse, guldålder och undergång. Enligt romarnas egna myter grundades staden Rom år 753 f.Kr. Genom århundranden av tårar, triumfer och svindlande innovationer steg Rom till att bli ett av historiens största imperier. Men liksom allt annat, varade dess storhetstid inte för evigt. I början av 300-talet började riket falla isär, konfronterat med det oundvikliga slutet på sin guldålder.De åtta historierna som vi har samlat här berättar om rikets tidiga seger över ärkefienden Karthago, ingenjörernas förbluffande skicklighet, jakten på rikedomar och trycket från yttre och inre fiender som till slut ledde till imperiets undergång. ”Tusen år av Romarriket” är ett fönster till en svunnen era och ett absolut måste för alla historieälskare."Allt om Historia" tar med dig på en halsbrytande resa till svunna tider, så att du ska kunna njuta av historiens största händelser. Följ med tillbaka i tiden – till andra världskrigets frontlinjer, vikingarnas räder och egyptiernas gudsdyrkan. "Allt om Historia" är serien för dig som vill veta mer om spännande och dramatiska händelser i det förflutna.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    43,99 kr.

    Ever pondered the philosophical implications of a total solar eclipse or the urgency of addressing climate change?In this episode of 'Bringing Philosophy to Life,' Albert A. Anderson delves into the existential connections between humanity, nature, and ethics.Through the lens of philosopher Vandana Shiva's insights and historical perspectives, Anderson navigates the complex interplay of philosophy, science, and activism in confronting the pressing environmental crisis.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Homer
    74,99 kr.

    Dans l'Iliade se retrouvent des héros légendaires, un siège qui dure dix ans, deux nations qui s'opposent pour l'amour d'une femme, des dieux qui interviennent dans les combats. Ce récit a traversé l'histoire de l'Occident en inspirant ses rois et ses artistes.Dans l'Odyssée, qui fait suite à la guerre de Troie, le héros grec Ulysse veut rentrer chez lui, sur l'île d'Ithaque pour retrouver Pénélope, sa bien-aimée. Homère décrit ce voyage en 24 chants : mené d'épreuve en épreuve par des monstres, magiciennes et dieux, Ulysse mettra dix années pour retrouver son foyer. En attendant, sa femme doit aussi faire face à des choix difficiles : croyant Ulysse mort, de vils prétendants se disputent sa main. Cette épopée a été source d’inspiration pour le film « Ulysse » (1954) de Mario Camerini et la série « Odysseus » (2013) diffusée sur Arte.Incontournable figure de la littérature européenne, Homère est un poète de la Grèce antique ayant vécu au VIIIème siècle avant notre ère. Son existence n'est pas certaine, mais on lui attribue toutefois la paternité de l'Iliade et l'Odyssée, deux épopées qui inspirèrent bien des écrivains de l'Antiquité à nos jours et sont considérées comme des œuvres fondamentales pour l'étude de la littérature européenne.

  • af Gerbrand Bredero
    40,99 kr.

    Het Amsterdam van de 17e eeuw is een snelgroeiende stad, en velen trekken er naartoe op zoek naar geluk, voorspoed en vrijheid. Zo ook Jerolimo Rodrigo, die uit Antwerpen is gevlucht om aan zijn schuldeisers te ontkomen. Hij is straatarm, maar probeert dit te verbloemen door zich door te doen als welgesteld koopman om zo goedgelovige Amsterdammers van hun bezittingen te ontdoen. Spaanschen Brabander is een levendig blijspel met kleurrijke personages, aanstekelijke humor en tijdloze thematiek.Gerbrand Adriaenszoon Bredero (1585-1618) was een Amsterdamse toneelschrijver en dichter. Hij stond bekend om zijn volkse dichtkunst en schreef onder andere kluchten, blijspelen en tragikomedies.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    43,99 kr.

    Join Albert A. Anderson as he delves into Plato's Allegory of the Cave, unraveling its metaphorical layers to illuminate the transformative journey from ignorance to knowledge. Through Socratic dialogue and dialectic, Anderson explores the role of questioning and critical inquiry in uncovering truth, urging listeners to transcend the shadows of perception and embrace the pursuit of deeper understanding.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    43,99 kr.

    What role does education play in shaping our democracy? Join Albert A. Anderson as he delves into recent university controversies, defends academic freedom, and advocates for prioritizing the humanities in education to foster critical thinking and humanistic values.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Birgit Truust
    38,99 kr.

    ”Runer er kantede figurer, som blev brugt af nordiske og germanske stammer, dels som bogstaver i den tids skrift og dels som magiske figurer hver med sin symbolske mening.De blev indført i England af de angelsaksiske indvandrere i det femte århundrede, og det er faktisk fra England, at den ældste bevarede beskrivelse af runernes symbolske indhold stammer.”I denne bog om runer, der oprindeligt udkom i 1989, fortæller Birgit Truust om runernes oprindelige brug og betydning, samt hvad man kan bruge dem til i dag – både til at forstå vores fælles fortid og til at søge indsigt i os selv og verden omkring os. Vi får en kort og præcis indføring i dette spændende emne, som i århundreder har interesseret og fascineret mennesker over hele Europa.Birgit Truust (1943-2023) var lektor i matematik og fysik, med logik som speciale, og bl.a. uddannet på MIT i USA. Set i det lys er Birgit Truust i sandhed en unik bidragsyder, hvad angår personlig selvudvikling og åndelig forståelse. Man skulle tro, at en sådan uddannelsesbaggrund ville resultere i en verdensanskuelse meget langt fra en dyb spirituel og terapeutisk indsigt i det menneskelige sind. Men netop hendes evne til at se sammenhænge mellem disse forståelsesbegreber er, hvad der gør hendes værker så interessante og fascinerende. En holistisk verdensanskuelse der for hver dag blot bliver styrket yderligere, i kraft med at de to begrebsverdner hele tiden nærmer sig hinanden.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    Is democracy under threat in today's political landscape? Join Albert A. Anderson as he explores the profound connections between philosophy, education, and political governance.Delving into Plato's Republic and Karl Popper's critiques, Anderson challenges prevailing notions about authoritarianism and advocates for a liberal education that fosters genuine democracy.In a world grappling with political crises, discover the urgent need for a holistic education that empowers citizens to think independently and safeguard the common good.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

    52,99 kr.

    Mit Nerva, Trajan, Antoninus Pius und Mark Aurel zählt Hadrian zu den Herrschern, die im englischen Sprachraum als »Five Good Emperors« (Fünf gute Kaiser) bezeichnet werden. Der britische Historiker Edward Gibbon schwärmt 1776 in seinem epochalen Hauptwerk »Verfall und Untergang des Römischen Imperiums« über deren Amtszeit von 96 bis 180 n. Chr.: »Wenn ein Mensch dazu aufgerufen wäre, sich auf einen Abschnitt in der Weltgeschichte festzulegen, in dessen Verlauf die Lage des Menschengeschlechts die glücklichste und fortschrittlichste war, so würde er, ohne zu zögern, jenen benennen, welcher vom Tod des Domitian bis zum Amtsantritt des Commodus reichte.« Das Urteil ist aus heutiger Sicht natürlich unhaltbar. Schon die von Rom angegriffenen und versklavten Völker hätten der Jubelarie sicher nicht zugestimmt. Für die Menschen im Reich aber war es eine Phase erstaunlicher Stabilität, die bereits in der Zeit der Flavier begann und so manchem Bewohner ungeahnte Möglichkeiten eröffnete, wie Archäologieprofessor Salvatore Ortisi im Interview anschaulich erklärt.Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    43,99 kr.

    In this podcast episode, Albert A. Anderson grapples with the moral complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict, asking fundamental questions about the justification for deadly force and the role of social justice.Delving into philosophical analyses, the episode challenges conventional notions of justice, examining historical perspectives from Leviticus to Plato and drawing parallels to modern-day conflicts. Anderson advocates for nonviolent approaches, urging a new paradigm to address the challenges in the region, ultimately emphasizing the importance of dialogue in fostering understanding amid the complexities of the ongoing crisis.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    43,99 kr.

    How does the clash between democracy and authoritarianism unfold? Exploring the ethical dimensions of leaders like Henry Kissinger and dissecting the role of truth in democratic ideals, Albert A. Anderson engages listeners in a profound reflection. Anderson draws on ancient Greek wisdom to unravel the impact of rhetoric on political persuasion, prompting critical questions about the enduring values that shape the democratic landscape. Join the philosophical journey as the episode navigates through historical contexts and contemporary challenges, inviting listeners to ponder the essence of democracy in the face of authoritarian pressures.Bringing Philosophy to LifeIn this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Thukydides
    148,99 kr.

    Puolueettoman historiankirjoituksen isän mullistava teosThukydides teki muistiinpanoja koko Ateenan ja Spartan välisen pitkän peloponnesolaissodan (431–404 eaa) ajan ja kirjoitti kattavan teoksensa loppuun sodan päätyttyä. Teoksessaan hän taustoittaa sodan tapahtumia varhaisemmalla historialla, maantieteellä ja myös politiikalla, ja toisin kuin muut aikansa historioitsijat, hän ei viittaa esimerkiksi jumaliin ja mytologiaan, vaan esittää historian olevan seurausta ihmisen valinnoista ja toimista. Thukydides käyttää kerronnan apuna omia ja silminnäkijöiden havaintoja ja mainitsee pyrkineensä ottamaan asioista mahdollisimman tarkkaan selvää itse, sen sijaan että olisi luottanut toisen käden tietoon. Hänen tavoitteenaan oli kirjoittaa aikaa kestävä historiateos, josta voisi olla tulevaisuudessakin hyötyä tilanteissa, joilla on tapana toistua. Siksi tämä lähes 2 500 vuotta vanha teos on pysynyt ajankohtaisena läpi vuosituhansien.Emil Hårdhin suomennos vuodelta 1912 on teoksen ensimmäinen suomennos.Thukydides (n. 460/455–401/306 eaa) oli antiikin kreikkalainen historioitsija ja sotilas. Hän oli vaurasta ateenalaista sukua, ja hänet nimitettiin peloponnesolaissodassa kenraaliksi. Hänet karkotettiin kuitenkin maanpakoon taistelutappion jälkeen. Maanpakolaisena Thukydides kiersi ympäri Peloponnesosta ja teki muistiinpanoja sodan tapahtumista.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    Can authoritarianism truly secure our lives, and is it the answer to a divided world?Explore this question in this episode as Albert A. Anderson delves into the essence of governance. Through the lens of history and myth, discover why the distribution of political wisdom to all is crucial for democracy, justice, and the values we hold dear. Join the conversation about the battle of ideas that is shaping our world today, as we consider the past and present to navigate an uncertain future.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    How can we address existential threats like nuclear war and environmental crises?Join Albert A. Anderson in this insightful podcast episode as he channels Immanuel Kant's philosophical wisdom to propose unconventional solutions to international politics and conflict. This episode delves into the significance of Kant's ideas for creating a global peace alliance, sparking discussions on redefining our global order. It's a philosophical journey that raises essential questions and urges us to work towards a more peaceful and equitable world.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    Do scientists hold the key to humanity's future? In this episode Albert A. Anderson dives into the ethical responsibilities of scientists. Are they 'crybabies' or moral leaders? From nuclear threats to environmental crises and pandemic responses, explore how scientists impact our world. Discover the urgent need for universal moral values and a vision of democratic globalism to safeguard our future.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Albert A. Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    Can art shape our democracy and our future? Join Albert A. Anderson in this episode as he explores the power of art in our society. From Hollywood strikes to thought-provoking films like 'Oppenheimer' and 'Barbie,' discover how the arts are more than just entertainment. Learn how these creative works raise vital questions about moral responsibility, feminism, capitalism, and authoritarianism. It's time to delve into the world of art and its role in shaping our democracy and humanity.In this series, philosopher and author, Albert A. Anderson, explores the modern world through ancient philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. He provides insightful analyses on the practical applications of philosophy in our daily lives, and brings a fresh perspective on how these concepts can create a better understanding of the world around us. In this podcast, you will be presented with philosophical ideas in a way that is accessible and easy to understand, making it an engaging listen for both old and new philosophy enthusiasts.Albert A. Anderson, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Babson College in Massachusetts, where he held an endowed chair as Murata Professor of Ethics from 1995 to 2003. He has also held tenured faculty appointments in philosophy at Clark University and Albion College and full-time positions at Bates College and Rhode Island School of Design. He was a founding member of the International Society for Universal Dialogue serving as its president from 1996-2001. He is president of Agora Publications, Inc., which specializes in translating, adapting, and performing classical philosophical texts.

  • af Tue Gad
    39,00 kr.

    Der er megen viden at finde om danmarkshistorien i de gamle skrifter, der findes rundt omkring i Skandinaviens ældste kirker, museer og kongelige biblioteker.Middelalderforsker og bibliotekar Tue Gad har lavet et optegnelse over vigtige kirkebøger, afskrifter, fragmenter af missaler og andre vigtige kirkelige skrifter. Ud for hvert afsnit er det anført om der er tale om en trykt eller en håndskrevet kilde."Liturgiske bøger fra Danmarks middelalder" udkom første gang i 1967.Tue Gad (1918-2001) var en prominent middelalderforsker, bibliotekar og forfatter, der i mange år var tilknyttet Det kgl. Biblioteks håndskriftssamling. I løbet af sin lange karriere udgav han et væld af bøger om dansk middelalderhistorie og -kultur. Flere af bøgerne er udgivet i samarbejde med hans kone, Bodil Gad.

  • af Finn Gemynthe
    79,00 kr.

    Vi kender jætterne som nogle overnaturlige kæmper, der ifølge nordisk mytologi kæmpede en evig kamp mod aserne. Men hvad hvis de ældgamle sagaer i virkeligheden rummer helt reelle oplysninger om det moderne menneskes opstandelse. Hvad hvis jætterne i virkeligheden var neandertalere? Det spørgsmål stiller Finn Gemynte i bogen "Jætternes saga", der udkom første gang i 2020.Finn Gemynthe (f. 1951) er bibliotekar, forfatter, opfinder og iværksætter. Han har skrevet både skøn- og faglitterære bøger, hvoraf de fleste kredser om emner som miljø og arbejdsvilkår.

  • af Frederik Poulsen
    49,00 kr.

    Delfi er et af de vigtigste og mest sagnomspundne steder i græsk mytologi og det gamle Grækenlands historie. I sin lille bog om Delfis kunsthistorie beskriver Frederik Poulsen nogle af de vigtigste elementer af det smukke områdes udsmykninger. Bogen udkom første gang i 1917 få årtier efter at Delfi var blevet udgravet og ophørte med blot at være et mytisk sted, som man hørte om i de græske legender, og blev et ægte arkæologisk skatkammer.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.