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  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: Pesquisa trágica, Quilapán, Sub sole, Sub terra y Víspera de difuntos.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: La mano pegada, La mariscadora, La trampa, Las nieves eternas y Los inválidos.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: Caza Mayor, El ahogado, El angelito y El calabozo número 5.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: El vagabundo, En la rueda, Era él solo, Inamible e Irredención.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: Juan Fariña, La barrena, La chascuda, La compuerta número 12 y La cruz de Salomón.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Baldomero Lillo
    40,99 kr.

    Primer volumen de obras completas del cuentista chileno Baldomero Lillo, relatos cortos de profundo corte naturalista y arraigados en un realismo social que disecciona la realidad chilena de su época. Contiene los siguientes relatos: El chiflón del diablo, El grisú, El hallazgo, El oro y El pago.Baldomero Lillo es un autor nacido en Lota (Chile) en 1867 y fallecido en Santiago de Chile en 1923. Dedicó buena parte de su obra al relato corto, llegando a estar considerado hoy en día como uno de los mejores cuentistas chilenos y un maestro del subgénero del realismo social, seguidor ferviente de la corriente del naturalismo.

  • af Luigi Capuana
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    La vita di Patrizio scorre senza troppi problemi. È sposato con Eugenia, ha un buon lavoro e una grande casa nel sud della Sicilia fornitagli dal comune. A vivere con Patrizio ed Eugenia c'è però anche la madre di lui, la quale sembra esercitare un'influenza morbosa sul figlio. Comprensibilmente, la situazione è sempre più intollerabile per Eugenia. La lente d'ingrandimento di Capuana si posa implacabile su questa strana famiglia, sulle sue tesissime dinamiche, i suoi non detti, l'apatia e l'immobilismo di Patrizio—e cosa sarà mai quell'insistente profumo di agrumi che Eugenia sembra emanare?Uno dei grandi romanzi psicologici della letteratura italiana, Profumo scava nei traumi infantili dei personaggi rivelando come spesso i piccoli dettagli di un passato ormai dimenticato possano influenzare un presente apparentemente perfetto.Luigi Capuana (1839-1915) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Le sue opere di stampo naturalista, tra le quali ricordiamo ‘Il marchese di Roccaverdina’, sono spesso ambientate nella Sicilia rurale di fine Ottocento. Molto interessato alla vita contadina, Capuana farà dell’indagine psicologica dei personaggi uno degli aspetti cardine della sua poetica.

  • af Jack London
    42,99 kr.

    "When the World Was Young" introduces us to a thief named Dave Slotter, who intends to steal from James Ward - a famous and wealthy businessman. However, while Slotter walks through Ward’s property, he encounters a wild barbarian and is forced to fight for his life.Will Slotter escape from the wild man who wants to kill him? Who is the barbarian and what is he doing on Ward’s lands? Will the thief succeed in his plan?"Moon-Face" introduces us to John Claverhouse, a man who is unreasonably despised. The narrator of this story does his best to get rid of the poor man but fails with every attempt. However, tired of all his failures, the narrator decides to kill Claverhouse. For this purpose, he buys a dog.Why is Claverhouse hated by everyone? Why does the nameless narrator want to kill the man? How is the dog going to help him with his vicious plan?B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels that are considered classics today, among these are 'Call of the Wild', 'Sea Wolf' and 'White Fang'.

  • af Jack London
    42,99 kr.

    Edith Whittlesey is born in a country district of England, where life flows as per the rule of thumb. She is married to an honest and hardworking miner, who works together with four other men. Usually no unexpected things happen, but one day it all changes. One of the miners bursts into the hut where his partners are sitting together with Edith. The man kills two of them but is stopped and tied up thanks to Whittlesey’s quick reaction.Why did the miner tried to kill his partners? Is it because of the gold they have gathered? Or is it a reason? What are the survivors going to do with the murderer? Is Edith’s husband going to kill him?Find all the answers in Jack London’s short story "The Unexpected" from 1906.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels that are considered classics today, among these are "Call of the Wild", "Sea Wolf" and "White Fang".

  • af Jack London
    42,99 kr.

    A man travels through the frozen wasteland bordering the Yukon River, accompanied by his best friend – a large husky dog. The dog tries to dissuade the man from walking farther into the frozen land, but the man pushes on. At some point the man decides to stop and build a fire. Unfortunately, snow falls from one of the trees and extinguishes the fire. This is the moment where the problems truly begin.Why is the man travelling through the Canadian frozen lands? Where is he heading to? Will he manage to restart the fire? Will he and his friend survive in the harsh weather?Find all the answers in Jack London’s short story "To Build a Fire" from 1908.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Jack London (1876–1916) was an American writer and social activist. He grew up in the working class, but became a worldwide celebrity and one of the highest paid authors of his time. He wrote several novels that are considered classics today, among these are "Call of the Wild", "Sea Wolf" and "White Fang".

  • af Karl Mantzius
    99,00 kr.

    Skuespilkunsten har en lang og spændende historie bag sig, som flere steder i verden strækker sig flere tusind år tilbage i tiden. Gennem århundrederne har ikke blot selve teaterstykkerne ændret sig betydeligt, men også måden, man fremførte dem på, har gennemgået en stor udvikling, som med tiden begyndte at blive kategoriseret i konkrete teknikker og opdelt i skoler inden for faget.Skuespiller Karl Mantzius fortæller om skuespilkunstens historie helt fra oldtiden og op til det 19. århundrede. Sjette og sidste bind fokuserer på klassicismen og romantikken, hvor skuespilkunsten fik lov at blomstre side om side med de andre store kulturelle udviklinger, der fandt sted under disse strømninger. Bogen fortæller om nogle af tidens vigtigste skikkelser og skoler heriblandt Edmund Kean, Oliver Goldsmith og skuespillerfamilien Kemble.Karl Mantzius (1860-1921) var en dansk skuespiller og cand.mag. Han var søn af den berømte skuespiller Kristian Mantzius 1819-1879). Begge optrådte de på Det Kongelige Teater i løbet af det 19. århundrede dog ikke på samme tid.

  • af Theodore Dreiser
    42,99 kr.

    "The Lost Phoebe" is a short story by Theodore Dreiser. Henry is so devastated by the death of his wife that cannot find peace, he finds himself constantly searching for her. He slowly yet inevitably descends into madness. Dreiser’s vivid descriptions of the couple’s happy days offer a sharp contrast to Henry's gloomy present. Set on a dilapidated Midwestern farm during the Big Depression, it as story about love, death, sanity and social inequality.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) was an American writer, journalist, and a member of the school of naturalism. His novels explore the social problems that characterized industrial America. His magnum opus is "An American Tragedy", an immense novel that traces the rise and fall of Clyde Griffiths, a desperate seeker after success. His other notable works are "Sister Carrie", "The Titan", and "The Financier".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    42,99 kr.

    Can a man lose his mind because of a braid of hair? Can people come back from the dead?"The Head of Hair" tells the story of one poor man who gets so obsessed with a hairpiece that he comes to believe that the lady it belonged to has returned from the underworld. Nobody believes him and he ends up in an institution for mentally ill but could he have been telling the truth? Did he really get a visitor from the past?B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    42,99 kr.

    The Baron d’Etraille witnesses a disturbing scene at a party between his own wife and another young man. D’Etraille decides that they have to separate, so he leaves the baroness and heads out on a long journey. He spends almost six years wandering around from one place to another, not knowing what is happening with his wife. Eventually, he returns to Paris but a month later he catches such a bad cough that he is sent to Nice for the rest of the winter. The Baron d’Etraille gets on the train to Nice and there he sees a gorgeous young woman who takes his breath away.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    42,99 kr.

    A man’s beloved woman suddenly dies of pneumonia. He cannot cope with the loss and spends a whole night wandering around the cemetery searching for her. However, what he finds and sees there is far from what he expected.Would you feel fear after reading "Was It A Dream?"? Then it may be interesting for you to find out what the characters in Maupassant’s short story "Fear" have to say about it as well.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    42,99 kr.

    A three-mast Brazilian ship passes by and a man standing on the shore, waving to it. After sailing on the broad and getting back home, the man starts feeling worse with every passing day. He realizes that there is a supernatural being in his home, taking his strength and sanity away. The man tries to fight back and kill the ghost but it proves more challenging than he had expected. He realizes that he himself had invited the creature. It was travelling on the Brazilian ship and was plaguing a lot of Brazilians, who were forced to flee their homes. Is it possible to drive away the supernatural being or will the man have to sacrifice his own life? Find out in the horror story "The Horla" by Guy de Maupassant.B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    A man keeps a disembodied hand attached to his wall. One night he is found murdered, a finger sticking out of his mouth, and the hand is missing from the wall. Later a hand with one missing finger is seen at the man’s grave. The police inspector who worked on the case wants to give some logical explanation but is there any? Or it was a supernatural occurrence? Find out in Guy de Maupassant’s horror story "The Hand".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    66,99 kr.

    Rouen is occupied by the Prussian army and a group of ten residents decides to leave town. Although it is not that easy, they manage to get on a carriage. The group is quite colorful as every person represents a different part of the French population during the Franco-Prussian War of the late 19th century. A prostitute is a part of the group and although the others are filled with prejudices towards her, she is the one who could save them all when they find themselves in a Prussian-held territory. Will she put herself before the others and how will they react to this? Find out in "The Ball of Fat".B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Guy de Maupassant was a French author who lived in the period 1850-1893. He is best known for his short stories but he also wrote novels, travel books and poems. His work depicts human lives and social conditions, but often through a pessimistic point of view. His first publication "The Dumpling" (1880) is considered to be one of his masterpieces. Other works by Guy de Maupassant include "Mother Savage", "Bel-Ami" and "The Tellier House". He wrote over 300 short stories during lifetime and as such is called "the father of the modern short story".

  • af Emile Zola
    96,99 kr.

    Zolas zweiter Roman aus dem Rougon-Macquart-Zyklus, der mit satirischen Mitteln die Bourgeoisie kritisiert und als Affront gegen die Sittlichkeit angesehen wurde: Mit 19 Jahren heiratet die aus reichem Elternhaus stammende Renee den alteren Witwer Aristide Rougon. Sie geniet das Luxusleben in vollen Zugen, und beginnt dann mit 30 ein Verhaltnis mit ihrem 20-jahrigen Stiefsohn Maxime. Aber findet sie so wirklich ihr Gluck?Emile Zola (1840-1902) war ein franzsischer Schriftsteller, Maler und Journalist, der als Begrnder des literarischen Naturalismus angesehen wird. Bereits als Schler befreundete er sich in Aix-en-Provence mit dem spteren Maler Paul Czanne. Whrend seiner Anstellung in einer Buchhandlung in Paris gelangen ihm seine ersten Verffentlichungen. Ab den 1860ern tat er sich jedoch nicht nur als Romancier hervor, sondern auch als politischer Journalist des gemigten linken Lagers.

  • af Emile Zola
    96,99 kr.

    Der Roman uber einen intriganten Kleriker, der einen ihm unliebsamen politischen Kontrahenten verdrangt: Als der Abbe Faujas mit seinen Verwandten bei der Familie Mouret einzieht, zeichnet sich bald ab, dass er die Oberhand gewinnt. Nicht nur drangt er die psychisch labile Marthe in den religiosen Wahn, sondern er schafft es auch, deren Mann, den Hausherrn Francois, mit Anschuldigungen auer Gefecht zu setzen, was sich als politisches Kalkul herausstellt... Emile Zola (1840-1902) war ein franzsischer Schriftsteller, Maler und Journalist, der als Begrnder des literarischen Naturalismus angesehen wird. Bereits als Schler befreundete er sich in Aix-en-Provence mit dem spteren Maler Paul Czanne. Whrend seiner Anstellung in einer Buchhandlung in Paris gelangen ihm seine ersten Verffentlichungen. Ab den 1860ern tat er sich jedoch nicht nur als Romancier hervor, sondern auch als politischer Journalist des gemigten linken Lagers.

  • af Emile Zola
    96,99 kr.

    Der funfte Teil des satirischen Rougon-Macquart-Zyklus: Im Mittelpunkt steht der junge Priester Serge Mouret, den man bereits als Kind im vorherigen Band "e;Die Eroberung von Plassans"e; kennengelernt hat, und der an einer Nervenkrankheit leidet. Auf einem Landgut, auf dem er sich von seiner Krankheit erholt, verliebt er sich in Albine, die Tochter des Besitzers. Doch als seine Erinnerung zuruckkehrt, lasst er Albine im Stich...-

  • af Emile Zola
    111,99 kr.

    Die dramatische Geschichte einer Landarbeiterfamilie kurz vor Ausbruch des Deutsch-Franzosischen Krieges: Jean Macquart, der sich als Wanderarbeiter und Tagelohner durchschlagt, kommt in das kleine Dorf Rognes und verliebt sich dort in Francoise, die er spater auch heiratet. Doch Buteau, ihr Schwager, hat auch ein Auge auf sie geworfen. Eine kompliziertes Erbangelegenheit, Eifersucht und Verlangen fuhren schlielich zu einem tragischen Ende...-

  • af Emile Zola
    111,99 kr.

    Der groe Gesellschaftsroman von Emile Zola, der seiner Zeit einen Skandal ausloste: Im Zentrum steht Nana, die aus sehr bescheidenen Verhaltnissen stammt. Sie wittert den Aufstieg, als sie sich von der einfachen Straenprostituierten zur Kurtisane entwickelt und sich als Operettenstar in Paris einen Namen macht - jedoch nicht aufgrund ihres Konnens, sondern wegen ihrer erotischen Ausstrahlung. Diese wei sie geschickt einzusetzen und wickelt damit nicht nur den Pariser Adel um den kleinen Finger. Doch letztendlich ist selbst das nicht ihre Rettung...-

  • af Guy De Maupassant
    40,99 kr.

    Guy de Maupassant nella novella Chissà!? descrive la incredibile avventura del protagonista, "un solitario, un sognatore", che viveva nella sua casa, circondato da cose, ninnoli, mobili, ai quali era affezionato tanto da sentirli importanti come persone e che una sera mettono in atto una inspiegabile rivolta e "decidono" di andarsene dalla casa in cui erano "ospiti". Vi torneranno poi, altrettanto misteriosamente, ma il protagonista essendo rimasto sconvolto per l’accaduto, dopo un viaggio, decide di farsi ricoverare in una casa di cura, pensando di poter essere "lo zimbello d’una bizzarra visione. In fin dei conti, chissa!?".Guy de Maupassant è stato uno scrittore, drammaturgo, reporter di viaggio, saggista e poeta francese, nonché uno dei padri del racconto moderno. Maupassant è profondamente influenzato da Zola e Flaubert, nonché dalla filosofia di Schopenhauer, sulla quale egli fonda il suo amaro, angoscioso realismo. I suoi racconti e i suoi romanzi nascono spesso dal disgusto nei confronti dell'ipocrisia, dell'opportunismo, del meschino egoismo della piccola borghesia. Per contro, Maupassant mostra una sensibilità costante verso i tormenti cui sono sottoposti i deboli, coloro che non si possono difendere dalla stupida, ottusa crudeltà dei "benpensanti". Ed ecco comparire in primo piano il mendicante, la prostituta, l'animale, disprezzati e condannati a soffrire senza che nessuno si curi della loro sorte. Le sue novelle si contraddistinguono per lo stile secco, sintetico, e per la lucidità con cui i temi sono sviluppati. Maupassant eccelle nella costruzione dell'intreccio. Gli sono sufficienti poche pagine per fissare in modo straordinariamente incisivo le caratteristiche di una vita intera. Il suo stile sceglie quindi la sintesi piuttosto che l'analisi. In questo egli prende le distanze rispetto agli scrittori naturalisti suoi contemporanei. Con le sue opere ha influenzato numerosi scrittori, tra i quali Ventura García Calderón.

  • af Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
    40,99 kr.

    -Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.En esta leyenda en la que Bécquer se pone en la voz del mismo narrador, cuenta como un día paseando por el barrio de San Jerónimo de Sevilla, se encontró con una venta en la cual había gran algazara y jolgorio. Se decidió a tomar algo en tan agradable ambiente, y, mientras bebía, observó a una hermosa chica, que era la cantante en un coro femenino. Consiguió hacer de ella un bonito retrato a lápiz.  Cuándo se disponía a abandonar la venta, el guitarrista, un chico joven, se le acercó y le pidió que le regalase el retrato de su amada.Después de esto, el autor abandonó Sevilla, donde regresó diez años después. Tras haber paseado por toda la ciudad, retornó al barrio de San Jerónimo, en busca de tan alegre venta. Una vez allí, se dispuso a tomar algo en el mismo lugar en que diez años atrás había estado, pero todo había cambiado. El ventero comenzó a contarle todo lo sucedido allí: la chica a la que había retratado, Amparo, se prometió con el muchacho de la guitarra. Estaban a punto de casarse, cuando un día, se acercaron a tal lugar unas personas pidiendo información sobre Amparo, y...Gustavo Adolfo Claudio Domínguez Bastida (1836 – 1870), más conocido como Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, fue un poeta y narrador español, perteneciente al movimiento del Romanticismo. Por ser un romántico tardío, se lo asoció con el movimiento posromántico. Nacido en Sevilla, después de iniciarse en la pintura sin destacarse lo suficiente, se radicó en Madrid, donde desarrolló su carrera literaria. Pero fue después de su muerte cuando la mayor parte de su obra literaria fue publicada. A pedido expreso del poeta, sus amigos editaron la obra para así poder ayudar económicamente a sus tres hijos, la cual se consolidó como un conjunto de poemas dispersos y relatos, reunidos en uno de los libros mas populares de la literatura hispana.

  • af August Strindberg
    58,99 kr.

    "e;Avioelamaa: kahdeksantoista aviojuttua"e; on jatkoa August Strindbergin aiemmin julkaistulle novellikokoelmalle "e;Avioelamaa: kaksitoista kertomusta avioelamasta"e;. Toisessa novellikokoelmassaan Strindberg jatkaa avioliittoaiheen kasittelya, mutta ensimmaista osaa synkemmissa tunnelmissa. Novellien aihepiireiksi nousevat niin rakkauden haalistuminen kuin olosuhteiden vaaristava vaikutuskin. Osaa kokoelman novelleista on syytetty jopa naisvihamielisyydesta. Naturalistinen novellikokoelma kohautti ilmestyessaan, ja silla oli myos tuhoisa vaikutus Strindbergin silloiselle avioliitolle. -

  • af August Strindberg
    58,99 kr.

    August Strindbergin julkaisuaikanaan kohauttaneessa naturalistisessa novellikokoelmassa aiheena on avioliitto, kaikkine hyvine ja huonoine puolineen. Novellien savy vaihtelee aina kevean seesteisista kertomuksista avoimen vihamielisiin ja synkkiin pohdintoihin.Novellikokoelmalle on julkaistu myos jatko-osa nimella "e;Avioelamaa 2: Kahdeksantoista aviojuttua"e;. Ensimmainen osa on jatko-osaa valoisampi, mutta siinakin voi havaita viitteita Strindbergin vaitettyyn naisvihamielisyyteen. Novellien julkaisuaikana keskustelu naisten asemasta kavi kiivaana, mika nakyy myos novellien aiheissa. Strindberg joutui novelliensa takia myos oikeuden eteen jumalanpilkasta syytettyna, mutta sai vapauttavan tuomion.-

  • af Hans Christian Andersen
    40,99 kr.

    Eine fesselnde Novelle über ein Familiendrama: Bahnwärter Thiel ist ein frommer, schweigsamer Mann, der seine Frau bei der Geburt ihres Sohnes Tobias verliert. Als er nur ein Jahr später die herrische Lene heiratet, steht er zu Hause unter ihrer Fuchtel und schafft es nicht, seinen geliebten Tobias vor ihren Schlägen zu beschützen. Nur in seinem einsamen Bahnwärterhäuschen im Wald kann er seiner verstorbenen Frau gedenken. Als er Lene und seine beiden Kinder mit in den Wald nehmen muss, geschieht ein schrecklicher Unfall, der Thiel in den Wahnsinn treibt.Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946) war ein deutscher Dramatiker und Schriftsteller und gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Vertreter des Naturalismus. Nach mehreren gescheiterten Studienversuchen, u.a. als Bildhauer und Zeichner, begann er als Schriftsteller zu arbeiten – finanziell unterstützt von seiner Frau. Das Bahnwärterhaus in Erkner, wo Hauptmann einige Jahre lebte, lieferte ihm Inspiration für die Novelle "Bahnwärter Thiel", mit dem ihm 1888 der Durchbruch gelang. 1912 erhielt er den Nobelpreis für Literatur.rn

  • af Juhani Aho
    58,99 kr.

    Juhani Aho (1861-1921) kirjoitti teoksen Hellmannin herra, joka on laajamuotoinen novelli ja ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran jatkokertomuksena Keski-Suomi-lehdessä vuonna 1886. Se on tyyliltään erilainen kuin Ahon muut teokset. Novellissa herra Hellmann tulee Pohjanmaalta ja on varakkaimpia koko kylässä - varsin itsetietoinen asemastaan, mutta kun pitäjän taksoituslautakunta mietti sopivia veroja itse kullekin, niin herra Hellmannia ei tuo oikein miellytä, ja hän lähtee kertomaan lautakunnan edustajille, mitä ajattelee asiasta ja heistä yleensäkin. Tästähän tietenkin seuraa se, että asiat mutkistuvat ja Aho osaa ottaa aiheesta kaiken irti, josta ei puutu huumoriakaan. Teos tuo esille maaseudun sosiaalisen vastakohtaisuuden ongelmat, ja teos luokitellaankin naturalistiseksi kuvaukseksi. Aho muokkasi teosta uudelleen v. 1904, johon tämä julkaisukin perustuu. Hellmannin herra on hieno ihmiskuvaus myös nykyajan ihmiselle.

  • af Emile Zola
    40,99 kr.

    Nantas, jeune marseillais fils de macon, quitte sa ville natale pour Paris. Sa mere aurait voulu qu'il passe son baccalaureat, revant qu'il puisse ainsi s'elever dans la societe. Ses parents avaient travaille dur pour lui payer ses etudes, mais sa mere mourut et son pere chuta, obligeant d'abord Nantas a travailler chez un negociant, puis a remplacer son pere. Quand il trouve ce dernier mort, Nantas vend tout, et avec deux cent francs en poche, il quitte Marseille pour la capitale, sure que sa fortune l'y attend. Cependant, celle-ci se fait attendre et Nantas vit dans une etroite chambre mansardee, perdant progressivement patience. Quand finalement la chance frappe a sa porte, c'est avec une offre des moins conventionnelles...-