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Grønlandsk medicinsk statistik og nosografi. Undersøgelser og erfaringer fra 30 års grønlandsk lægev
78,99 kr. Levevilkår og livsstil hænger uløseligt sammen med en befolkning og et individs generelle sundhedstilstand. Læge og forfatter Alfred Bertelsen tilbragte mange år af sit liv i Grønland, hvor han indsamlede viden om og skildrede den oprindelige grønlandske befolknings levevilkår og sundhed. Hans bog ”Grønlandsk medicinsk statistik og nosografi” skildrer grønlændernes levevilkår både i de huse, den danske stat byggede til dem, og i de oprindelige grønlandske huse.Bogen udkom oprindeligt i 1937 og er udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Alfred Bertelsen (1877-1950) var en dansk læge, medicinalkonsulent og forfatter, der i mange år arbejdede som læge i Grønland. Han skrev en række anerkendte bøger om Grønland med fokus på den oprindelige befolknings sundhedstilstand og livsvilkår, som endnu den dag i dag har stor værdi som historiske dokumenter.
- E-bog
- 78,99 kr.
78,99 kr. ”Tænker man sig en uhyre trekant med hjørnerne i Hawaii, Påskeøen og New Zealand, så har man omtrent det område, der kaldes Polynesien, spredte øgrupper som næsten forsvinder i Stillehavets vandmasser. Øerne beboedes, da de blev opdaget – som vi siger – af folk, der umiddelbart var nær beslægtede. Man fandt dem af samme legemstype, smukke og kraftigt byggede. Deres sprog var nær beslægtede, næsten dialekter af ét og samme sprog. Også i ydre kultur sprang mange ligheder straks i øjnene. De kaldes derfor under ét Polynesien.”Religionshistoriker J. Prytz-Johansen fortæller om de religiøse og kulturelle skikke hos maorierne på New Zealand og zunierne i det sydlige USA. Selvom de to folkeslag lever langt fra hinanden, er der mange spændende overlap i deres religioner og traditioner.Bogen udkom første gang i 1962 og er udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Jørgen Prytz-Johansen (1911-1989) var en dansk religionshistoriker og forfatter, der er særligt kendt for sin forskning inden for naturreligioner hos polynesiske folkeslag. Inden sine studier i religionshistorie tog J. Prytz-Johansen en kandidat i teoretisk fysik, hvilket gjorde hans vidensfelt usædvanligt alsidigt. Han var professor i religionshistorie ved Københavns Universitet fra 1966-1981 og udgav en lang række bøger og artikler i løbet af sin karriere.
- E-bog
- 78,99 kr.
78,99 kr. Hélène Berr er blevet kaldt ’den franske Anne Frank’. Hélène er af jødisk afstamning og bor med sin familie i Paris, da byen bliver besat af tyskerne i 1940. De mange indgreb overfor jøderne gør hendes tilværelse stadig sværere, så for at lette sit hjerte, begynder hun i april 1942 at skrive dagbog. Senere samme år begynder deportationen af de franske jøder. Hélène fortsætter med at skrive, til hun bliver arresteret i marts 1944 og ender i kz-lejren Bergen-Belsen. Her dør hun, svækket af sygdom, i en alder af 24 år, kort tid før befrielsen. Hélènes dagbogsoptegnelser giver et hjerteskærende og enestående indblik i de franske jøders vilkår og livet i den franske hovedstad under besættelsen.”Dagbog 1942-1944” udkom første gang på dansk i 2008.Hélène Berr (1921-1945) var en fransk-jødisk kvinde, der skrev dagbog om livet i Paris under den tyske besættelse af byen. Hun døde i Auschwitz i april 1945, fem dage før lejren blev befriet.Mariette Job (f. 1950) er Hélène Berrs niece. I 1992 fandt og udgav hun manuskriptet til Berrs dagbog.
- E-bog
- 78,99 kr.
68,99 kr. ”Det flimrede for øjnene af Anna Sara, mens hun desperat prøvede at finde ud af, hvordan dette vanvid kunne stoppes.Ideen med at sprænge dæmningen i luften var vanvittig, også selv om de kun havde tænkt sig at true med at gøre det.Hvad ville der ske hvis de fire blev presset, når de nåede frem til dæmningen. Følte slaget var tabt, fordi de var omringet af politi, hvad så?”Samepigen Anna Sara finder ud af, at hendes bror er med i en gruppe, der truer med at sprænge en dæmning i luften. Samerne er nemlig i konflikt med den norske regering, der vil udnytte det land, som samerne bor på. Johan på 16 år er taget med sin far, som skal dække konflikten som pressefotograf. Sammen med Anna Sara forsøger han nu at forhindre sabotageaktionen, inden det er for sent.”Kampen om ødemarken” udkom første gang i 1984.Peter Kramhøft er en dansk journalist og forfatter. Han var i en årrække lektor og rektor på Danmarks Journalisthøjskole og har endvidere deltaget i en lang række bistandsprojekter i Afrika, Asien og Mellemøsten. Peter Kramhøft har både udgivet lærebøger og romaner til børn og unge.
- E-bog
- 68,99 kr.
60,99 kr. Filmatized in 2013 and the official recipient of three Oscars, Solomon Northup's powerful slave narrative 'Twelve Years a Slave' depicts Nortup's life as he is sold into slavery after having spent 32 years of his life living as a free man in New York.Working as a travelling musician, Northup goes to Washington D.C, where he is kidnapped, sent to New Orleans, and sold to a planter to suffer the relentless and brutal life of a slave.After a dozen years, Northup escapes to return to his family and pulls no punches, as he describes his fate and that of so many other black people at the time.It is a harrowing but vitally important book, even today. For further reading on this subject, try 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' by Harriet Beecher Stowe.Solomon Northup (c.1807-c.1875) was an American abolitionist and writer, best remembered for his powerful race memoir 'Twelve Years a Slave'.At the age of 32, when he was a married farmer, father-of-three, violinist and free-born man, he was kidnapped in Washington D.C and shipped to New Orleans, sold to a planter and enslaved for a dozen years.When he gained his freedom, he wrote his famous memoir and spent some years lecturing across the US,on behalf of the abolitionist movement.'Twelve Years a Slave' was published a year after 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' by Harriet Beecher Stowe and built on the anti-slavery momentum it had developed.Northup's final years are something of a mystery, though it is thought that he struggled to cope with family life after being freed.
- E-bog
- 60,99 kr.
- Roman | Bald als große Netflix-Verfilmung
119,99 kr. »Ein zarter Hauch von Magie übertupft den Realismus wie frischer Puderschnee matschige Rentierspuren.« ― FAZDie unvergessliche Geschichte eines Sámi-Mädchens, das in einer im Verschwinden begriffenen Welt für seinen Platz im Leben kämpft. Ein Roman, so fesselnd und bezaubernd wie die schneebedeckte Weite, in der er spielt.Die Sámi Elsa ist neun Jahre alt, als sie allein Zeugin des Mordes an ihrem Rentierkalb wird. Der Täter zwingt sie, zu schweigen. Sie kann nichts tun und fühlt sich doch schuldig, gegenüber ihrer Familie und allen, die ihr nah sind, denn wieder einmal sieht die Polizei keinerlei Anlass, in einem Verbrechen zu ermitteln. Elsas Rentier gilt schlicht als „gestohlen“. Als die Bedrohung der Sámi und ihrer Herden dramatisch zunehmen und auch Elsa selbst ins Visier des Haupttäters gerät, findet sie endlich die Kraft, sich ihrer lange unterdrückten Schuld, Angst und Wut zu stellen. Aber wird sie etwas ausrichten können gegen die Gleichgültigkeit der Behörden und die Brutalität der Täter?JANA MARIE BACKHAUS-TORS studierte Schauspiel und Afrikastudien. Sie ist Sprecherin, Klinikclown und Gründerin. Sie lebt in Namibia.Ann-Helén Laestadius ist eine schwedische Autorin und gebürtige Sámi. In Schweden war sie bereits für ihre vielfach preisgekrönten Kinder- und Jugendbücher bekannt, bevor sie mit ihrem ersten Roman einen Nummer-1-Bestseller landete.
- Lydbog
- 119,99 kr.
Fra 79,00 kr. ”I mere end 200 år havde Spaniens herredømme hvilet over Rio Grandes opland, dets udposter havde flokket sig om den lille by Santa Fè, og alskens indskrænkninger og hæmmende lovbestemmelser havde i al denne tid rejst en mur omkring livet i disse egne, så at de havde været komplet afskårne fra enhver forbindelse med den voksende magt i Østen.”Hvilke karavaneveje brugte amerikanerne til at udvide mod vest? Hvordan udforskede man prærien, og hvordan tog man den i besiddelse? Hvilken politik førte de hvide over for de indfødte amerikanere, da det var lykkedes at erobre hele det store land?”Kampen om prærien” fra 1915 er en af de første danske fremstillinger af amerikansk historie og bygger på nogle af tidens vigtigste amerikanske kilder. Bogen giver et interessant indblik denne dele af Amerikas historie, som man anså den omkring århundredeskiftet.”Kampen om prærien” er skrevet i 1915 med datidens sprogbrug.Oluf Christian Molbech (1860-1927) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter. Han boede en lang årrække i USA og står blandt andet bag oversættelser af siouxindianeren Charles Alexander Eastmans erindringsromaner. Oluf Christian Molbech skrev mange romaner, hvoraf flere foregår i USA.
79,00 kr. "Norsk Finmarken er et glimt af ynde, en efterklang af elegisk poesi, som af en vilkårlig hånd er kastet op mod ishavets kyster, og er bleven liggende der, gemt og – forglemt.Lad os skynde os did op, medens det endnu er sommer; thi Ultima Thules sommer er det korrekteste billede på menneskelivet, den er stakket og kort. Den ligner liljen, som blomstrer i dag og i morgen kastes i ovnen."Langt oppe i det nordligste Thule lever André et tilbagetrukket liv begravet i bøger. Da han for seks år siden giftede sig med Aina, var det med forventning om, at den vilde og livlige pige skulle komme til at elske ham, og at de kunne leve deres stille liv sammen som to sjæle, der er vokset sammen.Da Aina fortæller ham, at hun aldrig har elsket ham, og at hun heller ikke elsker deres søn, bryder hans verden sammen. Hans kone er træt af at sidde stille. Hendes nomadenatur river i hende, og al hans kærlighed er ikke nok til at få hende til at blive. Andrés drøm om et lykkeligt familieliv går itu, og inden længe kastes hele egnen ud i en historisk hungersnød, der truer befolkningens eksistens."André fra Kautokejno" er en spændende fortælling fra det nordligste Thule i midten af 1800-tallet. Bogen er baseret på virkelige hændelser og på historiske skikkelser, som forfatteren selv har mødt eller fået fortalt om fra sine forældre. Bogen udkom første gang i 1879.Laura Kieler (1849-1932) var en dansk-norsk forfatter, der både var kendt for sit forfatterskab, som ivrig debattør i kvindeorganisationernes tidsskrifter og for at være inspiration til to kvindeskikkelser i Henrik Ibsens skuespil. Henrik Ibsens skildringer af Laura Kieler var ikke flatterende, men udstillede i stedet aspekter af hendes liv, som hun ikke ønskede, at offentligheden skulle se. Uagtet Henrik Ibsens fremstillinger af hende og blandt andre Georg Brandes’ hårde kritik huskes Laura Kieler som en dygtig forfatter og en handlekraftig og viljestærk kvinde, der formåede at hæve sig over den uretfærdighed, verden igen og igen bød hende. Laura Kieler blev læst af mange, og hun fik som en af de få gennembrudskvinder en betydelig indkomst af sit forfatterskab. Sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
- E-bog
- 79,00 kr.
38,99 kr. Written to honour the life of the eponymous abolitionist and activist, ‘John Brown’ is the transcript of a speech delivered by Douglass in 1860.While some saw Brown as a radical and a criminal, Douglass saw his friend as a man prepared to sacrifice his life so that others might be free.Passionate and powerful, the speech not only extolls Brown’s virtues, but also highlights the political and social issues faced by African Americans at the time.´John Brown´ is an important read for anyone with an interest in social justice and injustice.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
102,99 kr. The second of Douglass’ three autobiographies, ‘My Bondage and My Freedom’ details his transition from youth to adulthood, while under the bonds of slavery.Even when he manages to escape, he discovers that his struggles to be treated and seen as an equal aren’t over, even when he reaches the apparently-libertarian Northern states.Unflinching in his recollections of brutality and psychological torment, Douglass paints a picture composed of sadness, anger, and compassion.A stunning and important work. 'My Bondage and My Freedom' should be read by anyone and everyone.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘Abolition Fanaticism in New York’ is a speech written by Douglass and delivered in 1847.Proving that the pen can be mightier than the sword, Douglass deftly used his linguistic abilities to create a rousing appeal to the English to shame America into abolishing slavery.Witty, moving, and always intelligent, this is a superb read for anyone with an interest in one of America’s most unsung heroes.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. For fans of American history and the abolition of slavery, 'Clotel' follows two sisters who are the fictional slave daughters of Thomas Jefferson. After Thomas Jefferson's death, Clotel and her sister Althesa encounter many hardships, with the women making heroic decisions in order to keep themselves safe and preserve their families.A harrowing story of huge importance, 'Clotel' is the first novel published by an African American. With historic overtones, the story looks at how slavery destroyed African-American families and tore them apart, and the difficulties mixed-raced people faced living in the mid-1800s.Those who enjoyed Ellen Watkins Harper's 'Iola Leroy' should certainly explore this gripping historical novel!William Wells Brown was a prominent abolitionist lecturer, novelist, playwright, and historian in the United States. He was born into slavery in Montgomery County, Kentucky and escaped to Ohio in 1834 at the age of 19.He settled in Boston where he worked for abolitionist causes and became a prolific writer. His novel Clotel (1853), considered the first novel written by an African American, was published in London, where he resided at the time; it was later published in the United States.Brown was a pioneer in travel writing, fiction, and drama literary genres. In 1858 he became the first published African-American playwright and following the Civil War, in 1867 he published what is considered the first history of African Americans in the Revolutionary War. He was among the first writers inducted to the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame, established in 2013.Brown was lecturing in England when the 1850 Fugitive Slave Law was passed in the US. As its provisions increased the risk of capture and re-enslavement, he stayed overseas for several years and traveled throughout Europe. After his freedom was purchased in 1854 by a British couple, he and his two daughters returned to the US.
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- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Born into the squalor and humiliation of slavery, Frederick Douglass seemed destined for a lifetime of misery. So how did he break the shackles and become a world-famous abolitionist, author and statesman?In 'Frederick Douglass: A Biography', Charles W. Chesnutt recounts the remarkable life story of a man who left a permanent mark on the ongoing struggle for freedom and civil rights.Writing in a pacy style that does justice to the near-unbelievable events, Chesnutt tells of Douglass's escape from slavery in Maryland and his perilous and fearless journey to become the leader of the abolitionist movement.His brilliant oratory and leadership skills were a resounding counter-punch to slaveholders' and many others' arguments that enslaved people did not have the intellect to become American citizens.Chesnutt goes on to tell how Douglass courted controversy by engaging with slave owners, saying: "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."'Frederick Douglass: A Biography' will delight readers of 'The Underground Railroad' by Colson Whitehead and 'The Interesting Narrative' by Olaudah Equiano.Charles Waddell Chesnutt (1858-1932) was an African-American writer, political essayist and lawyer. He was best known for novels and short stories that confronted and explored post-Civil War racial and social identity issues.His best-known works include 'Frederick Douglass – A Biography', 'The House Behind the Cedars' and 'The Colonel’s Dream'.He gained new fame during the US civil rights movement in the 20th century, with many of his books being republished.In 2008, he was the subject of a commemorative stamp.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Wynema’ (1891) is a novel by Native American writer Sophia Alice Callahan. Occupying the position as the first-ever novel written by a Native American woman, it is an important and gripping account of the hardships suffered by Native Americans, and further covers the infamous ‘Massacre at Wounded Knee’.When a married couple hears of the horrors at the battle of Wounded Knee, they decide to adopt a Native American orphan girl. But raising a Lakota girl in a white town influenced by Western values and Christianity inevitably leads to a clash of cultures.´Wynema´ is perfect for those interested in Native American history, as well as those familiar with Zitkala-Ša's ´American Indian Stories´.Sophia Alice Callahan (1868 –1894) was a Native American novelist and teacher, best known for her novel, ‘Wynema’ (1891), which is the first novel written by a Native American woman.The book details the horrors of the battle at Wounded Knee and the treatment of Native Americans in 1890’s United States society. It has been declared a work of great historical importance and has been studied by scholars.
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- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. A fictional tale set in America at the turn of the 20th century, ‘The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man’ tells the story of a mixed-race man whose lighter skin allows him to pass for a white man when the need arises.Charting his journey across the racial divides, it describes his journey from a black college kid in Jacksonville to a successful man living in the white suburbs of the Northeast.This gripping, powerful novel is a landmark work in black American literary history, and its unsentimental look at race relations in America describes many of the racial issues that still affect the country to this day.‘The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man’ is perfect for readers of Brit Bennett's ´The Vanishing Half´.James Weldon Johnson, (1871-1938) was a poet, musician, writer, and diplomat. As a composer, he and his brother John Rosamond Johnson wrote ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing’, based on his poem of the same name. It later became a national anthem for many African Americans. The pair went on to write over 200 songs on Broadway.Johnson’s writing includes the works ´The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man’ and ‘Fifty Years and Other Poems’, as well as his ground-breaking anthology ‘Book of American Negro Poetry’ and ´The Books of the American Negro Spirituals’. However, his best-known work remains the book of verse, ‘God’s Trombones’.
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- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Behind the Scenes’ (1868) was written by American civil activist and author, Elizabeth Keckley, who is best known as the confidante of the First Lady, Mary Todd Lincoln.Her astonishing life story is told in this autobiographical book which traces her eventful life, from enslavement in Virginia and thirty years as a slave to her eventual freedom and time working in the White House.This enthralling, poignant book is an extraordinary piece of American history that will delight anyone interested in slave narratives, such as Frederick Douglass' ´Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass´.Elizabeth Keckley (1818 –1907) was a successful seamstress, civil activist, and author, best known as a confidante of First Lady, Mary Todd Lincoln, and for her autobiography ‘Behind the Scenes: Or, Thirty Years a Slave and Four Years in the White House’ (1868).Born into slavery, she became a seamstress and eventually bought her freedom in 1855. She moved to Washington where she started a successful business as a seamstress and was popular amongst politicians’ wives.Meeting the President’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, Keckley became her confidante and ended up working in the White House.
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- 59,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Written just a year before his death, ‘Why is the Negro Lynched?’ is one of Douglass’ most moving and passionate speeches.Still sadly-pertinent today, his skill as a wordsmith is captured in passages that discuss everything from law and respect for human life to religion and the necessity for belonging.An expert orator, Douglass presents his arguments as though they were part of a court case, deftly switching between the roles of prosecution and defence, before passing sentence against the white establishment of the time.An important book for anyone and everyone.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Two Articles by Frederick Douglass’ houses two of the abolitionist’s most important essays on race and equality.The first essay, ‘My Escape from Slavery’, details his daring bid for freedom from a plantation as well as his experiences on reaching New York.The second, ‘Reconstruction’, is an open letter to the white readers of the ‘Atlantic Monthly’ magazine, highlighting the importance of extending the vote to African Americans and the need for equal rights.The two essays are startling pieces of writing, with both documenting the struggles faced by African Americans at the time. ´Two Articles´ will delight any person already familiar with Douglass' body of work.Frederick Douglass (1818-1995) was an American abolitionist and author. Born into slavery in Maryland, he was of African, European, and Native American descent. He was separated from his mother at a young age and lived with his grandmother until he was moved to another plantation.Frederick was taught his alphabet by the wife of one of his owners, a knowledge he passed on to other slaves. In 1838, he successfully escaped slavery by jumping on a north-bound train. After less than 24 hours, he was in New York and free.The same year, he married the woman that had inspired his run for freedom and started working actively as a social reformer, orator, statesman, and women’s rights defender.He remains most known today for his 1845 autobiography "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave."
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
59,99 kr. For those interested in the history of slavery and the American Civil War, 'Up from Slavery' is the autobiography from American eudcator Booker T. Washington in which he describes his experiences of living as an enslaved child during the Civil War.Washington overcame many obstacles to get an education and throughout his autobiography, he gratefully reflects on the help of his teachers and philanthropists who helped educate Black and Native Americans.The autobiography was a best seller; much to do with its honest and historically significant depiction of the struggles that Washington faced.If you are eager to know more about the history of slavery, Sojourner Truth's 'Narrative of Sojourner Truth' will provide great insight into being a slave in the North.Booker T. Washington was born into slavery in Virginia in 1856. He is regarded as one of the foremost African American leaders of the late 19th century, and founded the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute in 1881.He became a teacher after the Civil War, and was also a political adviser and writer.Washington's mother, Jane, worked as a cook for a plantation owner and his father was an unknown white man, most likely from a nearby plantation.From a young age, Washington worked carrying sacks of grain to the plantations mill. Despite the sacks weighing around 100-pounds and being too heavy for a young boy, he was often beaten for not working to a high enough standard.After the Civil War, Washington and his mother moved to West Virginia, where she married a freedman. The family was very poor, and nine-year-old Washington went to work in the nearby salt furnaces instead of going to school. He then worked as a houseboy for the wife of a local coal mine owner. She recognised his desire for education and allowed him to go to school for an hour a day during the winter months.He died in November, 1915, at the age of 59, of congestive heart failure.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. For those interested in the abolition of slavery and the Slavery Act in America, 'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl' is an autobiography by Harriet Ann Jacobs, a mother and fugitive slave.The book covers Jacobs' life as a slave and how she fought for freedom for herself and her children. With deep historical prominence, the autobiography covers the struggles she faced, including the sexual abuse that female slaves had to endure.Published in 1861 and filled with accounts of heroism and courage, 'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl' will leave you shocked and brimming with admiration for Harriet Jacobs.This is perfect for fans of Fredrick Douglass' memoir 'Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave'.Harriet Ann Jacobs was an African-American writer, whose autobiography, 'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl', is now considered an important American classic.Born into slavery in North Carolina, Jacobs was sexually harassed by her enslaver and when he threatened to sell her children if she didn't allow him to abuse her, she hid in a tiny gap under the roof of her grandmother's house for seven years. She finally managed to escape to the free North where she was reunited with her two children and her brother.During the Civil War, she went to the Union-occupied parts of the South with her daughter and founded two schools for fugitive and freed slaves. They kept boarding houses together until 1887-88, when Harriet became too ill to continue. She died in 1897 in Washington D.C.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Auf den Weltbestseller „The Hill We Climb" folgt der erste Gedichtband der gefeierten Lyrikerin.Amanda Gorman hat am 20. Januar 2021 Geschichte geschrieben: mit ihrer Lyrik, ihrer Vision, ihrem Sinn für Gerechtigkeit und Hoffnung. The Hill We Climb wurde am Tag der Inauguration von Joe Biden zum berühmtesten Gedicht der Welt, und Amanda Gormans Worte inspirierten Millionen Menschen rund um den Globus. Nun legt die Autorin ihre erste Gedichtsammlung vor, in der sie sich erneut mit einer umwerfenden poetischen Kraft mit den Themen, die ihr am Herzen liegen, auseinandersetzt: Demokratie, Weltoffenheit, Antirassismus, Feminismus und Chancengleichheit.Amanda Gorman ist eine US-amerikanische Lyrikerin und Aktivistin. Sie wurde 1998 in Los Angeles geboren und setzt sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit, Gendergleichheit und gegen Rassismus und Unterdrückung ein. 2017 wurde sie zur ersten National Youth Poet Laureate der USA ernannt. Am 20. Januar 2021 trug sie bei der Amtseinführung des 46. Präsidenten der Vereinigsten Staaten von Amerika, Joseph R. Biden, als jüngste Inaugurationsdichterin in der Geschichte ihres Landes ihr Gedicht The Hill we climb - Den Hügel hinauf vor und wurde damit weltberühmt.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Poetry can inspire, evoke, provoke and transport the reader. But this collection of 39 poems did even more - it broke barriers. This collection was written by Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman whose poetry writings were published.Seized from West Africa as a young girl, Phillis lived in Boston as a slave to the prominent Wheatley family where she learned to read and write, as well as undertaking lessons in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history and British, Greek and Latin Literature. By the age of 18, Phillis had amassed a decent quantity of poems and together with the Wheatley family, sought out a publisher. However, based on racial prejudices, Phillis was received with disdain in the United States. Attention was turned to London instead, where Phillis posted one of her poems, 'On the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield', to Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon and a well-off supporter of the abolitionist cause, who connected her with a bookseller although Wheatley still had to go through interrogation to prove that she was the author of her own work.This collection of poems shows the breadth and depth of her reading, and includes poems reflecting her Christian faith, her interest in Greek mythology and her admiration for well-known figures including Alexander Pope.'Poems on Various Subjects' is perfect for people who have read 'The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano'.Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was an American poet who was the first African-American writer to be published. She was born in West Africa, sold into slavery aged seven or eight, then bought by the Wheatley family of Boston. They encouraged her to pursue her poetry as her talent became clear. But Wheatley had to go to London to find patrons to help her get her work published. When 'Poems on Various Subjects' was published in 1773, she gained fame in England and the African colonies - even receiving praise from George Washington and Voltaire. After being emancipated, she married the grocer John Peters. But they slipped into poverty and Phillis died in obscurity at the age of 31.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Para Sebastián, ir cada día a clase es un auténtico infierno. El Gato y su pandilla de neonazis le hacen la vida imposible. Sebastián quiso ser como ellos en algún momento, pero se dio cuenta de que no compartía su manera de ver el mundo. Ahora Sebastían tiene un paquete con información muy delicada que incrimina a El Gato y a su banda en un crimen que ocurrió un tiempo atrás. Los neonazis insultan, pegan y humillan a Sebastían para que les entregue el paquete, pero este se resiste. Hasta que deciden ir más allá y secuestran a un amigo suyo. El chantaje es claro: si quiere volver a ver con vida a su amigo, debe entregarles el paquete.Arturo Padilla de Juan (Montornés del Vallés, 1989) se enamoró del arte de contar historias desde bien pequeño, cuando su padre les contaba a él y a su hermana un cuento para dormir en el que ellos eran los protagonistas. Antes de saber escribir ya le dictaba historias a su padre y una vez pudo agarrar el lápiz y el papel, ya no lo soltó nunca. Con dieciséis años ganó el Premio Jordi Sierra i Fabra dirigido a jóvenes, lo cual supuso un gran impulso para decidir lanzar su carrera de escritor. Graduado en Teoría de la literatura, compagina el mundo de la escritura con su labor como profesor.
- E-bog
- 51,99 kr.
43,99 kr. Carmen är tretton år gammal och jobbar med att sälja armband och tygportmonnäer till turister i Veracruz. Men affärerna går dåligt och Carmen behöver snabba pengar till ett sjukhusbesök för sin bror Miguel.När Carmen får höra att en svensk har kommit till Veracruz för att köpa en röd papegoja, en quacamaya, ser hon sin chans. Med pengarna som svensken är beredd att betala skulle hon få råd med sjukhusbesöket – och mycket mer. Carmen tar mod till sig och gör en överenskommelse med Manuel, mannen som svensken vill köpa papegojan av. Hon har fyra dagar på sig att fånga en guacamaya, annars gäller inte överrenskommelsen. Men guacamayan är morgonrodnadens fågel, född av solen och viktig för gudarna. Vad kommer hända om någon för bort den?Bisse Falk är en svensk författare, journalist, fotograf och filmare. Hon föddes 1950 och växte upp på en gård utanför Kolmården med en äventyrslysten pappa och en andlig mamma. Hennes första bok, Mårtens morgon, kom ut 1977 och är döpt efter hennes ende son.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
69,00 kr. I mange århundreder blev samerne betragtet som et tilbagestående mindretal i både Norge, Sverige, Finland og Rusland, hvor dette ældgamle folkefærd hører til. Da man i anden halvdel af det 20. århundrede imidlertid begyndte at anerkende samerne som et folk, der skal have samme rettigheder og beskyttelse som andre, begyndte udviklingen at vende. Dengang var samernes kultur og levevis dog allerede under hårdt pres fra majoriteten i de lande, de levede i.Henning Asp-Poulsens bog fortæller om samernes historie, kultur og levevis, og hvilken plads de har i de lande, de lever i. Den viser, hvor forskellige deres rettigheder og vilkår er i henholdsvis Norge, Sverige, Finland og Rusland og sætter fokus på samernes fremtid og overlevelsesmulighederne for deres enestående kultur og sprog.Henning Asp-Poulsen (1933 - 2005) var en dansk forfatter. Før sin forfatterkarriere arbejdede han som folkeskolelærer i 25 år indtil han i 1986 debuterede med romanen "Sig det ikke til nogen". Siden skrev og udgav han en række både fag- og skønlitterære bøger, børnebøger og skuespil, ligesom han var en flittig skribent af kronikker og debatindlæg. Asp-Poulsen oprettede forlaget Bellis, hvor han redigerede og udgav andres manuskripter. I løbet af sin karriere modtog han flere gange rejselegater, som han brugte til at rejse op nord for polarcirklen, hvor han blandt andet skrev om livet nord for trægrænsen i bogen "Samerne. Et urfolk i nord" fra 2004.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
102,99 kr. New job, New city...New man?To the world at large Melinda Pérez is at the top of her game. She’s just earned a promotion to her dream job, in her dream city. Melinda should be living her best life in New York City, and she is. At least according to her social media.The Diamond Dating League is the newest and most exclusive dating app on the market - curing loneliness is just one swipe away. It might be the answer to her prayers - if it weren’t for her driver. Her hot and obnoxious driver who she just can’t seem to get out of her head.Even under the best circumstances, you aren’t supposed to daydream about your driver. Even more so when he’s eight years younger than you.Liam Conlon is infuriating and makes it clear he thinks Melinda is a spoiled princess. Never being one to disappoint, she’s happy to step into the role. But despite all the ways they clash there is no denying the tension and attraction building between them.But can they find the courage to step out of their roles and find something real with each other?"Rebel Carter writes with wit, elegance and longing. Her love stories exist in a world of their own, and it's one I never want to leave." - Talia Hibbert, author of Get A Life, Chloe Brown.Rebel Carter is an award winning new voice in romance with diverse, multicultural characters and plots that readers yearn for. Fans of Beverly Jenkins, Alyssa Cole, and Talia Hibbert will find much to love in Rebel's strong willed heroines and the swoon-worthy men who love them!
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Fri som en fågel har Viktoria levt sina första sex år i livet. Hennes familj är samer utan fast boplats. Tillsammans med sina renar rör de sig i takt med årstiderna, hämtar vatten i friska bäckar och jagar ripor i fjällmarkerna. Bara på vintern får de låna en stuga att bo i, när kölden är som värst. Viktoria älskar deras enkla tillvaro. Därför känns det så hemskt, det som ska hända till hösten. Då måste hon lämna familjen för att börja i nomadskolan.Efter ett ögonöppnande år, i ett klassrum där man tydligt ser ner på det samiska folket, återvänder Viktoria till familjen. Hon vet redan att hon aldrig tänker gå tillbaka till skolan. Och snart händer något som blir startskottet för Viktorias nya liv, när en gammal sierska dyker upp och spår hennes framtid. Kort därefter bestäms det att hon ska flytta till sina morföräldrar i Rönnsele. Plötsligt står hon med en fot på var sida, precis som sierskan sagt. Stämmer det att kärlek och olycka kommer följa henne i livet, vart hon än går? Och vad var egentligen det där om ond bråd död?Sonia Strömberg föddes 1929 och växte upp i det lilla sågverkssamhället Rundvik i Västerbotten. Genom att läsa kvällskurser skaffade hon sig tidigt en utbildning och flyttade sedan till Mölndal där hon arbetade som gymnasielärare under många år. När en hörselnedsättning tvingade henne att pensionera sig i förtid, bestämde hon sig för att skriva romaner. Det blev hela 19 böcker fram till hennes bortgång 2017.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Piritta, nuori saamelaistytto varttuu 1990-luvun Enontekiossa. Han tyoskentelee sukulaisnaisen omistamassa hotellissa, mutta laman runtelema Lappi ei ole otollinen paikka bisneksen pyorittamiseen. Paikkakunnan ilmapiiria kiristaa myos kiista Yla-Lapista, silla saamelaiset ja ei-saamelaiset ovat eri mielta siita, kenelle maa kuuluu. Piritta joutuu etsimaan itseaan ja rakkautta voimakkaiden, yhteiskunnallisten ristiriitojen keskella. Onko eheaa aikuisuutta mahdollista saavuttaa?Piritta on itsenainen jatko-osa tunnelmalliselle ja aistivoimaiselle Marja ja Niila -romaanille.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Shortlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize 2022 - ‘The UK’s most prestigious award for first-time novelists' - The Telegraph‘Tice Cin has arrived. With a style all her own and a confidence that radiates off each page, poetry that renders settings and characters incredibly vivid. No impression will escape you.’ – Derek Owusu‘Thrums with feeling, illustrating the London community with a sharp and confident eye. Her characters are full and sure, and traverse their world with humour, boldness and love. Hope fills these pages.’ – Caleb Azumah NelsonCabbages . . . The Turkish variety are prized for their enlarged leaf bud, that’s where we put the heroin . . .There’s a stash of heroin waiting to be imported, and no one seems sure what to do with it . . . But Ayla’s a gardener, and she has a plan.Offering a fresh and funny take on the machinery of the North London heroin trade, Keeping the House lifts the lid on a covert world thriving just beneath notice: not only in McDonald’s queues and men’s clubs, but in spotless living rooms and whispering kitchens. Spanning three generations, this is the story of the women who keep their family – and their family business – afloat, juggling everything from police surveillance to trickier questions of community, belonging and love.Great for fans of Zadie Smith, Monica Ali and Brit Bennett.Tice Cin is an interdisciplinary artist from north London. A London Writers Award-winner, her work has been published by Extra Teeth and Skin Deep and commissioned by places like Battersea Arts Centre and St Paul's Cathedral. An alumnus of Barbican Young Poets, she now creates digital art as part of Design Yourself – a collective based at the Barbican Centre – exploring what it means to be human when technology is changing everything. A producer and DJ, she has released an EP, Keeping the House, to accompany her debut novel of the same name.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
129,00 kr. Da Lavrekas’ mor på sit dødsleje beder ham tage sig af hans lillebror, må han opgive drømmen om at leve som digter og i stedet arbejde hårdt som købmand for at tjene penge, som lillebroren Paavo bagefter kan ødsle bort. Paavo får opbygget en strålende karriere som kunstner, men hans succes er bygget på Lavrekas’ slid og opofrelser.Da et af Lavrekas’ fragtskibe ladet med kostbart gods forliser, kommer det frem, at han har investeret andres penge i den sørgelige affære. Nu rejses der anklager imod ham, og han får brug for Paavos hjælp. Men kan den pålidelige storebror regne med lillebroren, når nu han har allermest brug for ham?"Lavrekas Horhoinen" er en spændende fortælling fra det nordligste Lapland, der skildrer laplændernes traditionelle, men hårde liv, som forfatteren selv fik det beskrevet af sine mange bekendte fra Lapland. Romanen betragtes af mange som Laura Kielers hovedværk.Laura Kieler (1849-1932) var en dansk-norsk forfatter, der både var kendt for sit forfatterskab, som ivrig debattør i kvindeorganisationernes tidsskrifter og for at være inspiration til to kvindeskikkelser i Henrik Ibsens skuespil. Henrik Ibsens skildringer af Laura Kieler var ikke flatterende, men udstillede i stedet aspekter af hendes liv, som hun ikke ønskede, at offentligheden skulle se. Uagtet Henrik Ibsens fremstillinger af hende og blandt andre Georg Brandes’ hårde kritik huskes Laura Kieler som en dygtig forfatter og en handlekraftig og viljestærk kvinde, der formåede at hæve sig over den uretfærdighed, verden igen og igen bød hende. Laura Kieler blev læst af mange, og hun fik som en af de få gennembrudskvinder en betydelig indkomst af sit forfatterskab. Sammen med forfatterkollegaerne Jenny Blicher-Clausen og Johanne Schjørring redigerede hun et festskrift, der udkom i 1895 i anledning af Kvindernes Udstilling samme år.
- E-bog
- 129,00 kr.