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  • af José Morella
    73,99 kr.

    Roberto es un hombre independiente que se jubiló hace seis años, pero que, a sus sesenta y un años, sigue traduciendo. De la limpieza de la casa se ocupa Dolores, la portera, pero de pronto un día Dolores sufre una embolia y no puede volver a trabajar. Es entonces cuando la hija de Roberto insiste en que contrate a una asistenta.Quien llama a la puerta es Jacinta, una inmigrante que ha tenido que luchar constantemente contra la desconfianza del resto. Su belleza y su carácter impresionan a Roberto y enseguida surge entre ellos una relación que revela los prejuicios propios y ajenos. Esta es una historia sobre la incomprensión social, el miedo y la inhibición, una fábula de la cotidianidad llena de facetas inesperadas.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.José Morella es un escritor y traductor español. Nacido en Ibiza, es licenciado en Teoría Literaria y Literatura Comparada. Entre sus trabajos publicados se encuentran las novelas «La fatiga del vampiro», «Como caminos en la niebla» y la colección de poesía Tambor de Luz. Su novela «Asuntos propios» fue nominada al Premio Herralde. Su obra «West End» ganó el Premio Café Gijón en 2019.

  • af Clare Pooley
    88,99 kr.

    Mittags ein Gläschen mit der Freundin, abends mit dem Partner. Immer mehr Alkohol, um endlich loszulassen vom Stress durch Job und Kinder. Doch die Abstürze häufen sich. Nach einem besonders heftigen Wochenende packt Clare Pooley den Wein in den Schrank, kauft Kisten von alkoholfreiem Bier – und kämpft.Mutig und offen lässt sie ihre Hörer_innen teilhaben an den ersten 365 Tagen ohne den Stoff, nach dem sie süchtig ist. Sie erzählt vom Auf und Ab ihrer Gefühle, vom Staunen ihrer Freunde über die neue Clare. Am Ende des Jahres lebt sie ein Leben, das sie sich nie hätte träumen lassen.Eingestreut in Clares herrlich ehrlichen Erfahrungsbericht ist viel praktischer Rat: Woher weiß ich, dass ich zu viel trinke? Wie überstehe ich Partys und Weihnachten? Was richtet der Alkohol in meinem Körper an? Clare Pooleys Humor, ihre positive Haltung und ihre ganz direkte Art machen dieses Werk zum absoluten Hörvergnügen mit ernstem Hintergrund.Clare Pooley, ehemalige Top-Werberin in einer Londoner Marketingagentur und Mutter von drei Kindern, eröffnete parallel zu ihrem Entschluss, sich endgültig vom Alkohol zu befreien, den Blog „Mummy was a Secret Drinker".

  • af Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    102,99 kr.

    Often referred to as a ‘sociological study’, ´The Home: Its Work and Influence´ – written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and published in 1903 – is an examination of the traditional household structure and the repression of women within a domestic role.Ahead of her time on feminist issues and women’s suffrage, the author criticises the assumed domesticity of women in the early part of the 20th century. Gilman argues that liberating women (and men, for that matter) and enabling them to gain economic independence is an essential ingredient for improving a marriage, family, and their role as a parent – improving not only classic domestic setups but racial inequality too.In ´The Home´, Gilman focuses on key topics such as cooking, domestic ethics, and children, in an effort to show how every household could benefit the entire family unit as well as society at large. This book is perfect for those interested in gaining insight into women's place in society in the early 20th century.Charlotte Perkins Gilman, also known as Charlotte Perkins Stetson, was born on 3rd July 1860 in Connecticut, USA. Her early family life was troubled, with her father abandoning his wife and family; a move which strongly influenced her feminist political leanings and advocator of women’s rights.After working as a tutor and painter, Perkins – a self-declared humanist and tomboy – began to work as a writer of short stories, novels, non-fiction pieces, and poetry. Her best-known work is her semi-autobiographical short story, inspired by her post-natal depression, entitled ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, which was published in 1892 and made into a film in 2011.Gilman was a member of the American National Women's Hall of Fame and a strong believer that "the domestic environment oppressed women through the patriarchal beliefs upheld by society". A believer in euthanasia, she was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer in January 1932 and subsequently took her own life in August 1935, writing in her suicide note that she "chose chloroform over cancer".

  • af Howard Pyle
    59,99 kr.

    What would you do if you accidentally killed someone at the age of 18 and had to become an outlaw? In the classic ‘The Merry Adventures of Robinhood’ by Howard Pyle, young Robin finds himself in this exact predicament and forms a group of other outlaws as they trek through the medieval English forest fighting their way out of trouble and conflicts with the law. Join Robin and his hood along in their great adventures as they discover what it means to be an outlaw, and how they can fight for the poor and their world’s many injustices.American author Howard Pyle, well known for his writing of ‘The Merry Adventures of Robinhood’ and ‘King Arthur’ is also a very well respected illustrator, gaining recognition for his drawings of pirates and attributed with the creation of the modern pirate look. His illustrations were featured in Harper’s Weekly where they quickly became fan favorites. Robinhood is a classic tale, which has been adapted for the classic Disney film, and the newer 2018 movie featuring Taron Egerton and Jamie Foxx.

  • af Tina Keller
    88,99 kr.

    Ein Bad Boss, eine schrille Familie und ein chaotischer Urlaub Maja braucht dringend Urlaub. Sie hat einen zwar unverschämt attraktiven, aber auch anstrengenden Chef, der ihr das Leben schwer macht. Maja hofft, dass sie sich eine Woche lang mit ihrer schrillen Familie bei einer Kreuzfahrt erholen kann. Ihr Entsetzen kennt keine Grenzen, als es an Bord einen Passagier gibt, mit dem sie nicht einmal in ihren schlimmsten Albträumen gerechnet hätte: ihren Bad Boss. Und es kommt noch schlimmer: Ihr Boss taucht überall dort auf, wo Maja auch ist. Er residiert in der Suite neben ihr und sitzt im Restaurant an ihrem Tisch. Es scheint kein Entkommen vor ihm zu geben. Das kann doch kein Zufall sein! Wer hat das eingefädelt? Er selbst etwa? Und warum? Maja kann jedoch nicht leugnen, dass sie sich von ihrem Chef immer stärker angezogen fühlt. Und bald entdeckt sie Seiten an ihm, die so "bad" gar nicht sind ...Die Autorin lebt mit ihrem leicht chaotischen Mann und zwei verliebten Kaninchen in Berlin und an der Ostsee. Nach der Zusammenarbeit mit einigen Verlagen startete sie 2015 als Self Publisherin und hat seitdem mehr als 50 Romane veröffentlicht. Ihre Bücher sind humorvoll, erotisch, tiefgründig und haben immer ein Happy End. Schreiben ist für sie ihr liebstes Hobby, bei dem sie sich von der anstrengenden Hausarbeit erholt, die sie nie so ganz in den Griff bekommt.

  • - A heart-warming, feel-good summer romance
    af Barbara Josselsohn
    106,99 kr.

    A family secret. A new romance. And a summer she will never forget.When Caroline left Lake Summers thirty years ago, she thought she’d never return to the place where she lost her parents. But when she finds out that the town’s lily garden lovingly built by her mother is going to be destroyed, she knows fate is calling. Dropping everything at her office in Chicago, she knows she is the only person who can save the garden.Caroline and her daughter Lee are welcomed home by the warm smile of her mother’s best friend Maxine, and piles of pancakes at her cozy little restaurant in town. And Caroline soon learns she isn’t the only person invested in saving her mother’s legacy when she meets handsome historian Aaron. As she gets to know him, strolling along the sparkling lakeshore, she can’t imagine anywhere else she’d rather be.But then Caroline learns a terrible secret about the day her mother died. And soon the real reason Aaron is in Lake Summers comes to light. Will the truth about the people she loves force her to give up a future with Aaron, and the beautiful town that has always been in her heart?An utterly uplifting and heart-warming story about loss and memory, family and forgiveness. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Joanne Harris, and Mary Alice Monroe.“I devoured this beauty in a day! Talk about being hooked to a book! This one did it to me! Had me from the first page and didn't let go! I loved these characters they were realistic and raw! The story also had me wrapped. Looking for a light-hearted read that will tug at the heart? Read this book!” Goodreads reviewer“An uplifting, refreshing romance novel that leaves you with a fuzziness after you finish reading it… a story of family, friends, forgiveness and second chances. A refreshing summer read.’ Netgalley reviewer“Another uplifting, and heart-warming book about small-town life, families, and friendship. It’s perfect for a light summer read, and you’ll fall in love with the small town of Lake Summers and the townsfolk who inhabit it… sweet and realistic. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a sweet summer romance.” The Bashful BookwormBarbara Josselsohn is an award-winning journalist and novelist. Her novels center around second chances, family relationships and, of course, romance. She lives just north of New York City.

  • af Carlos Garrido Torres
    58,99 kr.

    La vida son múltiples caminos que no siempre transitamos como en un principio esperábamos. Alba tiene veintiún años y sin esperarlo recibe la repentina noticia de que padece una enfermedad mortal. Inicia entonces una lucha contada por su padre en la que lo que más quiere es no dejar de ser ella misma. La tristeza de las circunstancias se ve envuelta de valentía y amor y dan lugar a la esperanza; la historia de Alba no es una historia de pérdida, ni siquiera de muerte: es la historia de una joven y su padre que se aferran a lo que nos da sentido aunque a veces no lo sepamos: los sueños, el amor y las emociones.Carlos Garrido Torres es periodista, divulgador y escritor. Especialista en arqueología y el mundo antiguo, tiene más de cincuenta libros publicados a sus espaldas. Entre sus títulos más destacados se encuentra la serie «Las islas mágicas». En el campo de la novela ha publicado otros títulos destacados como «Voy al Tibidabo». También ha participado en diversos proyectos musicales y desde 2011 dirige espectáculos divulgativos sobre historia y patrimonio.

  • af Spektrum Kompakt
    51,99 kr.

    Um andere zum Lachen zu bringen, kommt es besonders auf eine überraschende Komponente an – und wie wir alle wissen, lacht nicht jede und jeder über dieselben Witze, da ist Fingerspitzengefühl gefragt. Noch stärker ist das bei Ironie und Sarkasmus der Fall. Eines aber ist auf jeden Fall klar: Humor und Sachlichkeit schließen sich nicht aus, im Gegenteil: Gerade nüchterne Inhalte aus der Wissenschaft macht eine Prise Witz besser bekömmlich. Wer wüsste besser darüber Bescheid als Eckart von Hirschhausen, der in einem Interview mit Chefredakteur Daniel Lingenhöhl aus seinem beruflichen Nähkästchen plaudert.Spektrum Kompakt bündelt als Hörbuch Artikel zu aktuellen Themengebieten. Als Teil der Springer Nature Verlagsgruppe gehört es zu den führenden Wissenschaftsverlagen der Welt.

  • af Sabine Rückert
    111,99 kr.

    Unschuldig schuldig – wie dieser Widerspruch wahr werden kann, zeigt Kriminalreporterin Sabine Rückert in ihrem Werk „Unrecht im Namen des Volkes". Zuvor hatte die Autorin in ihrem aufsehenerregenden Titel „Tote haben keine Lobby" anhand konkreter Fälle erzählt, wie viele Morde ungesühnt bleiben. In ihrem neuen Buch schildert sie nun anhand eines Missbrauchsvorwurfs, wie zwei unschuldige Menschen von der Justiz trotz eindeutiger Beweise fälschlicherweise zu vielen Jahren Haft verurteilt wurden. Schockierend, haarsträubend, wahr und im Namen des Volkes: Rückert stellt erneut unsere Vorstellung des deutschen Rechtskorpus infrage.Sabine Rückert ist stellvertretende Chefredakteurin der Hamburger Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit". Gemeinsam mit Andreas Senkter veröffentlicht sie zudem seit 2018 den Podcast „Die Zeit – Verbrechen". Bekannt geworden ist die 1961 in München geborene Journalistin vor allem durch ihr 2000 erschienenes Sachbuch „Tote haben keine Lobby", in welchem sie über zahlreiche Tötungsdelikte in Deutschland berichtet, denen aufgrund einer fehlenden Obduktion nie nachgegangen wurde. Sabine Reichter erhielt für ihre Arbeit jede Menge Auszeichnungen.

  • af Lene Kaaberbøl
    Fra 64,99 kr.

    Dína er ung stúlka sem hefur erft gáfur frá móður sinni sem gera henni kleift að sjá inn í sálu fólks. En Drakan, drekaherrann yfir Dúnark, er í herferð við að elta niður og brenna hennar líka, svo hún verður að taka á öllu sínu til að berjast við hann. Þar kemur Nikó vinur hennar til sögunnar. Hann er erfingi ríkisins og frændi Drakans, en gerir ekki flugu mein. Saman leggja þau þó á ráðin um að steypa Drakan af stóli og koma á friði, en það mun hætta öllu sem þau elska...Þetta er 4. og síðasta bókin í ávítaraseríunni vinsælu.Ávítaraserían er röð ævintýrasagna fyrir börn og unglinga, sem fjalla um stúlkuna Dínu sem hefur yfirnáttúrulega hæfileika. Í seríunni lærir hún að nota hæfileika sína, en upplifir einnig mótlæti vegna þeirra og berst við ill öfl sem vilja útrýma hennar líkum.Lene Kaaberbøl fæddist 24. mars árið 1960 í Kaupmannahöfn. Hún hefur skrifað frá því hún man eftir sér, en aðeins 15 ára gaf hún út sína fyrstu bók, um hestastelpuna Tinu. Síðan þá hefur hún skrifað yfir 30 barna- og unglingabækur og jafnvel spreytt sig á glæpasögum fyrir fullorðna. Hún er mjög hrifin af bókum J.R.R. Tolkiens og Ursulu K. LeGuin, enda gerast flestar bækur hennar í ævintýraheimi. Lene hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir bækur sínar og það hafa meira að segja verið gerðar kvikmyndir eftir nokkrum þeirra. Fyrir utan ritstörf, hefur hún unnið sem menntaskólakennari, reiðkennari og ritstjóri.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    Now that he’s turned 21, Lewis Raycie has been sent to travel Europe to form his tastes and fortify his judgments. Lewis’ father packs him off with $5,000 and the instruction to return with art by Raphael. However, while traveling, Lewis becomes entranced with the works of other artists and returns with those instead. ‘False Dawn’ is an intricate and intimate examination of social climbing, social artifice, and the purpose of art. A superb read, peppered with evocative descriptions of the places that our protagonist visits on his Grand Tour.A mix of travel writing and historic fiction, people who like 'Around the World in 80 Days' by Jules Verne, which has recently been reproduced with David Tennant as Phileas Fogg, will enjoy this entertaining read.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Leonard Leslie Brooke
    38,99 kr.

    'I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!'A story with little piggies and a big bad wolf has all the ingredients for an exciting adventure.The classic tale of the three little pigs, and their fateful meeting with the big, bad wolf comes alive in this wonderful storybook by Leonard Leslie Brooke. Enter the story at your own risk, but beware - the wolf always lurks in the shadows, ready to snatch any disobedient and naughty piglet.Leonard Leslie Brooke (1862-1940) was an English illustrator, writer and artist. Many of his illustrations are filled with humour, morality, and slight criticism. His most famous works include "Johnny Crow's Garden" (1903), "Ring O' Roses","Johnny Crow's Party" (1907), and "Johnny Crow's New Garden" (1935).'The Three Little Pigs' is well known worldwide and has been rewritten and published many times. It is still a big favourite of children everywhere.

  • af E.R. Eddison
    102,99 kr.

    The book that set the stage for Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’, ‘The Worm Ouroboros’ tells a sweeping tale of political – and mystical - battles between heroic warriors, witches on crooked mountaintops and the ocean’s darkest depths. Interlaced with brewing romances and devilish trickery, The Lords of Demonland go head-to-head with the Lords of Witchland in one epic fantasy. Crafted with expert language, Eddison provides a reading experience like no other. ‘The Worm Ouroboros’ is ideal for fantasy fans of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’.Erick Rücker Eddison, CB, CMG (1882-1945) was an English civil servant and widely celebrated author of epic fantasy novels. Spanning ‘The Worm Ouroboros’ and ‘Zimiamvia Trilogy’, his work crafted fantastical, mythical lands using meticulously created Jacobean prose. Tolkien in particular praised ‘The Worm Ouroboros’ as inspiration for his ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series. Eddison remains an influential pioneer of the fantasy genre.

  • af Howard Nemerov
    Fra 102,99 kr.

    Nemerov’s first novel, ‘The Melodramatists’ is a parody of life in 20th Century America. When wealthy Nicholas Boyne is committed to a mental health facility, his two daughters, Claire and Susan, are left to their own devices. Susan embarks on an ill-fated affair with her psychiatrist, while Claire undergoes a spiritual awakening and sets about a plan to convert the family home into a retreat for the rehabilitation of prostitutes. Brutally funny and packed with wry observations, this is an ideal read for anyone curious about the works of this celebrated writer.Howard Nemerov (1920 – 1991) was an American novelist and poet, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1978. His novels are characterised by the use of self-deprecating wit and an ongoing sense of irony. While his books tended to satirise 20th Century American life, his poems often focussed on the beauty and innocence of nature. In addition, Nemerov also worked as a scriptwriter, most notably on the film, ‘Tall Story,’ starring Anthony Perkins and Jane Fonda.

  • af Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, mfl.
    77,99 kr.

    Take a tour through nine of the finest minds of all time, with ‘900 Quotations from Modern Philosophy.’With words of wisdom, reflections, and observations on everything from life and love to death and hatred, and everything in between, this is a superb book for those looking for inspiring and self-questioning thoughts to gain a new perspective on our existence.A superb read for fans of modern philosophy and those who simply want something fascinating to dip in and out of.Michel de Montaigne (1533 – 1592) was a French philosopher, who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device. Montesquieu (1689 – 1755) was also French, whose writing had a huge influence on political systems. Voltaire (1694 – 1778), also from France, was one of the founders of the French Enlightenment movement. Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 – 1527) was an Italian diplomat who excused the use of unscrupulous means in politics.Born in Geneva, Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a spearhead in the European Enlightenment movement. Born in Germany, Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) was another central figure of Enlightenment philosophy, as was Dutchman, Baruch Spinoza (1632 – 1677). Born in France, Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1662) was a fideistic philosopher, while Francis Bacon (1909 – 1992) is best known as an existential artist.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    When unassuming shopkeeper, Mr Coombes, decides to end his melancholic life, he eats what he believes to be a poisonous mushroom: the 'Purple Pileus' of the title. However, Mr Coombes is mistaken in his choice and, instead, ingests a fungus with powerful hallucinatory properties. In the grip of a psychedelic fever, the shopkeeper decides it’s time for a change. One of Wells’ short stories, this intriguing tale was adapted for television in 2016, featuring Leanne Best and Ray Winstone.HG Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. In addition, we wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’

  • af Marcus Aurelius
    77,99 kr.

    Although never intended for publication, ‘Meditations’ has gone on to become one of the most important collections of philosophical thought, of all time.During his reign as Roman Emperor, devout Stoic, Marcus Aurelius, recorded his feelings and beliefs on what it is to be a well-rounded human being. While Stoicism has its roots in the ‘expect the worst and you won’t be disappointed’ school of thought, Aurelius’ experiences as Emperor also lead him to try and find the best of himself and eschew the opinions of others.A moving and motivational read for philosophy fans.Marcus Aurelius (121 – 180) was a Roman Emperor, ruling for almost 20 years. His rule was founded on his beliefs in the philosophy of Stoicism, which espoused the qualities of virtue, wisdom, and resisting temptation. For many, he embodies the Roman Empire at the peak of its powers.

  • af Spektrum Kompakt
    51,99 kr.

    Es klingt schon verheißungsvoll: Wer fürchtet, dass die eigene Ernährung den täglichen Bedarf an Vitaminen, wichtigen Mineralen oder Nährstoffen nicht deckt, hilft einfach mit entsprechenden Präparaten aus Drogerie oder Apotheke nach. Beliebte Superfoods und Co sollen in Sachen Gesundheit sogar regelrechte Wunder bewirken. Doch was ist dran an diesen Versprechen? Und wie groß ist das Risiko eines Mangels bei einer durchschnittlichen Ernährung überhaupt? Diesen und weiteren Fragen wird in dieser Ausgabe von Spektrum Kompakt nachgegangen.Spektrum Kompakt bündelt als Hörbuch Artikel zu aktuellen Themengebieten. Als Teil der Springer Nature Verlagsgruppe gehört es zu den führenden Wissenschaftsverlagen der Welt.

  • af Kate Chopin
    42,99 kr.

    Written by Chopin the author of the much celebrated novel "The Awakening" comes another classic rich piece of late 19th century feminist american literature.Set in the heart of America’s deep south, "Athénaïse" is a short story exploring the timeless theme of women conforming to society’s expectations, rebellion, relationships and coming of age. From the cotton plantations to New Orleans we follow the title character, Athénaïse, a strong, independent and daring young woman on her journey of self-discovery.Feeling trapped in her marriage Athénaïse with the help of her brother flees to New Orleans. She soon discovers she is pregnant; will this change her perspective on her marriage? Will her husband accept her back?An American novelist and short story writer of French and Irish descent, Kate Chopin (1850 -1904) is one of the most celebrated feminist authors of the twentieth century.Most of her fiction is set in Louisiana where she lived depicting the lives of intelligent young women, Creole culture and society in the American south. She wrote over 100 short stories including children’s tales that were all published in some of the most prestigious magazines but her most notable work is her novel ‘The Awakening’ which firmly has a place in American literature.

  • af Luisa Villar Liébana
    73,99 kr.

    Todo el mundo alrededor de Ágata oculta secretos. Su madre pasa todo el día fuera y no dice de dónde viene cuando regresa en mitad de la noche; la profesora de teatro, Marabella, evita hablar de su pasado amoroso; Maruja huye de Mallorca; Domicila oculta que está casada...Todo el mundo libra una batalla con su presente o su pasado, incluso la propia Ágata. ¿Por qué se muerde las uñas?, ¿por qué se queda ausente?, ¿por qué tiene esas extrañas pesadillas?, ¿por qué un verso de Veinte poemas de amor consigue arrancarle lágrimas incontrolables? Poco a poco, gracias al apoyo de las mujeres que la rodean, el velo que cubre los secretos va cayendo y la verdad sale a flote.Luisa Villar Liébana (Jaén, 1950) es una filóloga hispánica, técnica de cultura y escritora española. Ha publicado numerosas obras dirigidas al público infantil (la mayoría, novelas policiacas y de detectives) en colecciones como El Barco de Vapor. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo a promover el amor por la literatura a través de la red de bibliotecas infantiles y de distintos programas de animación a la lectura destinados a niños y a adultos, como el programa Jugando a Leer en Vallecas. Algunos la conocen como la dama del Ministerio de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

  • af Allyson Snow
    88,99 kr.

    Die Hölle macht keine halben Sachen. Sie vermasselt es komplett!Davine hat die Nase voll von ihrem Leben – kein Mann, keine Freunde und viel schlimmer: kein Job! Eingestellt wird nämlich nicht nach Intelligenz, sondern nach Ego-Größe. Das geht ihr gewaltig gegen den Strich. Gebete nützen nichts, das Karma hat auch Besseres zu tun, also kann nur noch die Hölle helfen.Eine Teufelsanbetung später hat sie mehr Hilfe, als ihr lieb ist. Denn Merdian ist wild entschlossen, einen Pakt mit ihr zu schließen und ihre Seele der Hölle zu verschreiben. Ihre Probleme lösen? Für Merdian ein Kinderspiel. Doch seine unorthodoxen Mittel und Wege stoßen sie von einer Misere in die nächste und Davine muss feststellen: Von hilfreich war eben nie die Rede, aber der Teufel ist schon ganz schön heiß ...Die Leipziger Autorin wurde 1989 im schönen Sachsen geboren und ist ihrer Heimat bis heute treu geblieben. Gemäß dem Stil dieses liebenswerten Völkchens, geht ohne Kaffee gar nichts.Das Schreiben war für sie zunächst ein Ausgleich zu den vielen Zahlen ihres Berufes. Doch es entwickelte sich mehr und mehr von einem Hobby zu einer Leidenschaft. Ihre Bücher schreibt sie gerne mit Witz, Sarkasmus und einer ordentlichen Portion Irrsinn. Wenn das Leben bereits abstrus ist, dann darf es das in den Büchern erst recht sein.2015 veröffentlichte sie ihren Debütroman Entschuldigung, darf ich Ihr Sklave sein?. Ihr erster Fantasyroman Vampire, Pech und P(f)annen hat es 2016 auf Anhieb zum Fantasy-Bestseller und auf die Bild-Bestseller-Liste geschafft. Seither ist sie regelmäßig in den Fantasy-Bestsellerlisten vertreten.

  • af Bengt Olson
    50,99 kr.

    Döden vet ingenting om rättvisa. Eller gör den? Olivia har förlorat båda sina föräldrar och nyligen även sin man när hon får ett oväntat telefonsamtal. I det får hon veta att hon fått ett stort – mycket stort – arv av en engelsman hon aldrig har hört talas om men som tydligen kände hennes mor. Mycket nära. Vad arvet innehåller är dock långt ifrån solklart, och hon måste åka till England för att få veta allting. Hur känns det egentligen att förlora så mycket och samtidigt bli rik i en helt annat bemärkelse? Det stora arvet medför stora möjligheter men väcker också frågetecken kring moderns historia, och det visar sig snart att det nya välbärgade livet kommer med stora utmaningar.Bengt Olson, född 1957, är en svensk författare och pensionerad flygledare med många år både på Arlanda och Landvetter. Han debuterade 1989 med romanen Varmt mörker och drygt 33 år senare är det nu dags för hans tredje verk. Han är numera bosatt i Hindås.

  • af Lene Kaaberbøl
    Fra 61,99 kr.

    Dína hefur erft gáfur móður sinnar, en það er ekkert til að gleðjast yfir. Móðir hennar býr nefnilega yfir þeirri gáfu að geta fengið fólk til að játa allt sem það skammast sín fyrir með því einu að horfa í augu þeirra. Fyrir Dínu eru gáfurnar bölvun og hún gerir allt til að komast hjá því að nota þær. Á sama tíma þráir hún innilega að vera eins og önnur börn og geta átt vini. En þegar hræðilegir atburðir gerast í Dúnark ferðast þær mæðgur þangað saman og Dína verður að sætta sig við gáfurnar til að bjarga mömmu sinni.Gerður var söngleikur eftir bókinni sem sýndur var í Kaupmannahöfn og síðar meir kvikmynd, sem var gefin út árið 2015 við góðar undirtektir en hún hlaut Robert Prisen árið 2016 fyrir barna- og fjölskyldumynd ársins.Þetta er 1. bókin af 4 í ávítaraseríunni vinsælu.Ávítaraserían er röð ævintýrasagna fyrir börn og unglinga, sem fjalla um stúlkuna Dínu sem hefur yfirnáttúrulega hæfileika. Í seríunni lærir hún að nota hæfileika sína, en upplifir einnig mótlæti vegna þeirra og berst við ill öfl sem vilja útrýma hennar líkum.Lene Kaaberbøl fæddist 24. mars árið 1960 í Kaupmannahöfn. Hún hefur skrifað frá því hún man eftir sér, en aðeins 15 ára gaf hún út sína fyrstu bók, um hestastelpuna Tinu. Síðan þá hefur hún skrifað yfir 30 barna- og unglingabækur og jafnvel spreytt sig á glæpasögum fyrir fullorðna. Hún er mjög hrifin af bókum J.R.R. Tolkiens og Ursulu K. LeGuin, enda gerast flestar bækur hennar í ævintýraheimi. Lene hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir bækur sínar og það hafa meira að segja verið gerðar kvikmyndir eftir nokkrum þeirra. Fyrir utan ritstörf, hefur hún unnið sem menntaskólakennari, reiðkennari og ritstjóri.

  • af Lene Kaaberbøl
    Fra 61,99 kr.

    Ungi ávítarinn Dína getur fengið fólk til að játa syndir sínar með því einu að horfa í augu þeirra. Hún er að læra að nota gáfurnar sem hún erfði frá móður sinni þegar henni er rænt og hún neydd til að nota gáfurnar til ills. Davin bróðir hennar kemur henni til bjargar og saman lenda þau í hættulegri atburðarás.Þetta er 2. bókin af 4 í ávítaraseríunni vinsælu.Ávítaraserían er röð ævintýrasagna fyrir börn og unglinga, sem fjalla um stúlkuna Dínu sem hefur yfirnáttúrulega hæfileika. Í seríunni lærir hún að nota hæfileika sína, en upplifir einnig mótlæti vegna þeirra og berst við ill öfl sem vilja útrýma hennar líkum.Lene Kaaberbøl fæddist 24. mars árið 1960 í Kaupmannahöfn. Hún hefur skrifað frá því hún man eftir sér, en aðeins 15 ára gaf hún út sína fyrstu bók, um hestastelpuna Tinu. Síðan þá hefur hún skrifað yfir 30 barna- og unglingabækur og jafnvel spreytt sig á glæpasögum fyrir fullorðna. Hún er mjög hrifin af bókum J.R.R. Tolkiens og Ursulu K. LeGuin, enda gerast flestar bækur hennar í ævintýraheimi. Lene hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir bækur sínar og það hafa meira að segja verið gerðar kvikmyndir eftir nokkrum þeirra. Fyrir utan ritstörf, hefur hún unnið sem menntaskólakennari, reiðkennari og ritstjóri.

  • af Lene Kaaberbøl
    Fra 64,99 kr.

    Dína hefur yfirnáttúrulega gáfu sem hún virkjar með því einu að horfa í augun á fólki. Kraftana fékk hún frá móður sinni, en föður sinn hefur hún aldrei hitt. Þegar dularfullur maður sem segist vera faðir hennar birtist skyndilega, verður móðir Dínu hrædd og flýr yfir holt og hæðir með börnin sín. En hinn ókunni hefur mátt slöngunnar, sem þýðir að hann sér í gegn um lygar og blekkingar, svo það reynist þeim erfitt að fela sig fyrir honum. Dína verður að nota gáfur sínar til að bjarga þeim og uppgötvar að hún gæti haft fleiri gáfur sem hún vissi ekki af.Þetta er 3. bókin af 4 í ávítaraseríunni vinsælu.Ávítaraserían er röð ævintýrasagna fyrir börn og unglinga, sem fjalla um stúlkuna Dínu sem hefur yfirnáttúrulega hæfileika. Í seríunni lærir hún að nota hæfileika sína, en upplifir einnig mótlæti vegna þeirra og berst við ill öfl sem vilja útrýma hennar líkum.Lene Kaaberbøl fæddist 24. mars árið 1960 í Kaupmannahöfn. Hún hefur skrifað frá því hún man eftir sér, en aðeins 15 ára gaf hún út sína fyrstu bók, um hestastelpuna Tinu. Síðan þá hefur hún skrifað yfir 30 barna- og unglingabækur og jafnvel spreytt sig á glæpasögum fyrir fullorðna. Hún er mjög hrifin af bókum J.R.R. Tolkiens og Ursulu K. LeGuin, enda gerast flestar bækur hennar í ævintýraheimi. Lene hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir bækur sínar og það hafa meira að segja verið gerðar kvikmyndir eftir nokkrum þeirra. Fyrir utan ritstörf, hefur hún unnið sem menntaskólakennari, reiðkennari og ritstjóri.

  • af Weedon Grossmith & George Grossmith
    38,99 kr.

    'The Diary of a Nobody' is a satirical, slapstick comedy about a Victorian family trying to work their way up in society. With a pompous dad, an accident prone son and a story full of shenanigans, it's easy to see how it paved the way for sitcoms like 'Modern Family' and 'Schitts Creek'. Written by the brothers George and Weedon Grossmith, this is a raucous tale that gives a window to the great British serial comedy.George and Weedon Grossmith were the sons of a court reporter, who was also a part-time stage entertainer. Although George started out as a reporter, both him and Weedon went on to work as entertainers on stage. After they both had successful careers as actors, comics and Weedon even having art exhibited at the Royal Academy, the pair combined their skills to write 'The Diary of a Nobody'.

  • af Luisa Villar Liébana
    40,99 kr.

    Brunilda tiene 9 años y es una bruja de verdad, ya lo dice su nombre: «B de bruja y de Brunilda». Sin embargo, no será una bruja con todas las de la ley hasta que supere la ceremonia de iniciación.En la ceremonia, Malvada, la bruja mayor, le entregará la varita con la estrella blanca y por fin podrá poner en práctica todo lo que le ha enseñado su maestra, Guillermina, y hacer magia. Bueno, siempre y cuando todo vaya bien y no enfaden a Malvada.Luisa Villar Liébana (Jaén, 1950) es una filóloga hispánica, técnica de cultura y escritora española. Ha publicado numerosas obras dirigidas al público infantil (la mayoría, novelas policiacas y de detectives) en colecciones como El Barco de Vapor. Dedica gran parte de su tiempo a promover el amor por la literatura a través de la red de bibliotecas infantiles y de distintos programas de animación a la lectura destinados a niños y a adultos, como el programa Jugando a Leer en Vallecas. Algunos la conocen como la dama del Ministerio de la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

  • af Josan Hatero
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Esta antología de relatos es un recorrido por las biografías silenciosas, por las vidas privadas de personas anónimas.Una mujer sueña que ama a un hombre y en el sueño descubre la presencia de otro hombre. Una llamada de teléfono le anuncia su muerte. El pasado deviene de este modo una posibilidad imposible. Un grupo de amigos roba coches para matar el tiempo. No hay violencia, solo aburrimiento y luego una situación absurda y una muerte. Muere el hombre del sueño. Y alguien hereda su nombre. Una mujer se levanta de madrugada y delante del espejo pinta su cuerpo con un pintalabios: ha tomado una decisión. Pintura de guerra privada. Una pareja mira un paisaje. Ella sabe que él se va a marchar. Él dice que quiere otra vida. Hay otra mujer. La agonía de elegir. La huida.Josan Hatero nos ofrece con su primera antología veinte relatos donde despliega todo su ingenio.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Josan Hatero es un escritor español. Es conocido sobre todo por su producción de narrativa breve, pero ha desarrollado otros géneros, como la novela, la crónica de viajes y el guion cinematográfico. Su producción ha recibido varios premios, como el Premio de Relatos Villa de Algete en 2003 o el Premio La Galera Jóvenes Lectores en 2011.

  • af Sonia Bestulic
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    Motherhood is a personal journey of self-discovery. From feeling delight and wonder, to challenged and overwhelmed – often, all in one day! FLOURISH for Mums is your perfect companion to cultivate 21 healthy ways to let go of unrealistic expectations and create space to celebrate your unique parenting pathway. Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions – this is personal, yet universal in its strong, yet gentle message. The weight of social media, societal expectations, and an ever-evolving concept of what it means to be a good parent play heavily on the minds of mothers. If the daily life of a busy mum is not enough this is the burden that can break a mother’s feelings of self-worth and success – personally, in work, and in the family unit.Filled with uplifting anecdotes and supportive strategies, while busting big misconceptions Flourish for Mums cultivates a self-empowerment specific to mothers with its unique, strong, yet gentle messages."This compassionate, wise and soulful book cuts to the heart of motherhood ... It’s the ideal handholding companion." - Michelle Mitchell Author, Speaker, EducatorSonia Bestulic is a creative, energised woman, combining an extraordinary blend of creativity, intellect, empathy and passionate, determined drive; Sonia shares a natural gift for empowering those with children in their lives, to embrace their own personal growth.Sonia is an award-nominated Children’s Author, Speech Pathologist, Podcaster, and highly regarded Speaker. She combines real-world experience having worked with thousands of mothers and their children, within her Speech Pathology practices, together with her own lived motherhood, raising three children.Sonia is also the Founder of Talking Heads Speech Pathology clinics, in Sydney Australia. She is an advocate for honouring mothers’ wellbeing, celebrating children, and living a life powered by love.

  • af Miguel de Unamuno
    96,99 kr.

    El propio Miguel de Unamuno consideraba esta obra como su más importante esfuerzo de reflexión sobre el País Vasco.A través del drama de la guerra, el escritor consigue hablar de temas trascendentales, tales como la relación del yo con el mundo o como la presencia insoslayable de la muerte.Ambientada en el asedio que sufrió Bilbao en 1874, durante la última guerra carlista, esta novela está escrita a partir de las vivencias de niñez de Unamuno y de sus recuerdos de algunos de los momentos más decisivos en la historia del pueblo vasco.Miguel de Unamuno nació en Bilbao en 1864. Firmó obras en distintos géneros como el ensayo, la novela, la poesía, el teatro y como modernista contribuyó a disolver las fronteras entre todos ellos. Unamuno tuvo un papel central en la vida intelectual de España, ya que fue rector de la Universidad de Salamanca durante dos períodos distintos. Se le considera uno de los autores más destacados de la literatura española.