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  • af Sofie Boysen
    38,99 kr.

    Lix: 4Let: 10Eli og Elo er på tur i sne. Nu er der meget sne. Eli og Elo må væk i en fart. De løber ind i et hus. Hvem bor mon i det hus?

  • af Tove Jansson
    19,99 kr.

    Fylgstu með lífi múmínsnáðans, fjölskyldu hans og vina, allar fjórar árstíðirnar! Hér segir frá fyrsta vordeginum, þegar Snúður kemur til baka úr vetrarferðalaginu sínu, og björtum sumarnóttum þegar múmínsnáðinn leysir ráðgátu. Við upplifum litadýrð haustins, en þá finna múmínsnáðinn og Snabbi flöskuskeyti og leggja af stað í leiðangur í leit að nýjum vini. Loks kynnumst við myrkum frosthörkum vetrarins þegar múmínálfarnir liggja í dvala og bíða eftir því að sólin láti aftur sjá sig.Komdu með í ferðalag í friðsælan og tímalausan heim múmínálfanna þar sem múmínsnáðinn, múmínpabbi og múmínmamma lenda í ótal spennandi ævintýrum ásamt vinum sínum snorkstelpunni, Snabba, Míu litlu, Snúði, Pjakki, Fillífjonkunni og öllum hinum.Til hvaða undraheima skyldu þau ferðast næst og hvaða ævintýraverur hitta múmínsnáðinn og vinir hans á leiðinni?Ævintýraveröld múmínálfanna, sköpunarverks Tove Jansson, fangar ímyndunarafl barna jafnt sem fullorðinna. Fyrstu sögurnar urðu til árið 1945 og síðan hafa múmínfjölskyldan og vinir hennar eignast aðdáendur um allan heim og birst í bókum og sjónvarpsþáttum á meira en 35 tungumálum. Einstakur og allt að því goðsagnakenndur ævintýraheimur Tove Jansson hefur sópað til sín bókmenntaverðlaunum, svo sem H.C. Andersen verðlaununum, Bókmenntaverðlaunum Selmu Lagerlöfs og mörgum fleirum.

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,99 kr.

    ¡Acompaña a Mumin, su familia y amigos durante las cuatro estaciones del año! Desde el primer día de la primavera, cuando Manrico vuelve de sus viajes invernales, hasta el resplandor dorado del solsticio de verano, en la tarde que Mumin resuelve un misterio. En el otoño de tonos amarillos y anaranjados, Mumin y Sniff descubren un mensaje en un botella y se embarcan en busca de una nueva amistad. Luego, en el invierno, los Mumin se preparan para el gran sueño y cuando están listos, duermen hasta que el sol regrese al valle.Entra en el tranquilo y atemporal mundo de los Mumin, donde Mumin, Papá Mumin y Mamá Mumin viven maravillosas aventuras junto con sus amigos Esnorquita, Sniff, la Pequeña My, Manrico, Stinky, la señora Fillyjonk y muchos otros.¿A qué tierras míticas les llevará el viaje? ¿Qué criaturas fantásticas descubrirán Mumin y sus amigos por el camino?El mágico mundo de los Mumin, de la mano de Tove Jansson, tiene el poder de cautivar la imaginación de niños y adultos por igual. Los personajes de la familia Mumin y sus amigos, creados en 1945, se han convertido en algunos de los dibujos más queridos de todo el mundo. Los Mumin han protagonizado libros, cómics y series de televisión en más de 35 idiomas. El mundo de fantasía único y casi mítico de Tove Jansson ha ganado varios premios literarios, como el H.C Andersen Award y el Selma Lagerlöf Prize, entre otros.

  • af Teresa F. Morgan
    102,99 kr.

    Be swept away to Cornwall in this summery tale of love and new beginnings!After a tough break-up, Rhianna is determined to put her heart on hold and focus on opening her beachside cocktail bar. But fate has other plans when she reconnects with her holiday fling, the irresistible Joe Trescott.As Joe helps Rhianna navigate her new town and business, sparks fly and old flames reignite.But will Rhianna resist Joe's player charm and stay true to her career aspirations?Escape to Cornwall's sun-kissed beaches and find love, passion, and second chances in this irresistible summer read. Perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Liz Fenwick, and Holly Martin.A member of both the Romantic Novelists' Association and The Society of Authors, author Teresa F. Morgan offers a touch of escapism in her beloved novels.

  • af Yvonne Ehn
    Fra 68,99 kr.

    En uventet sms tikker ind på Cornelias telefon. Det føles som en mavepuster. Hun er klar over, at hun nu bliver nødt til at lægge alting bag sig.Lejligheden, jobbet og hendes ting betyder ikke noget længere. Hun må flygte til et sted, hvor afsenderen af sms'en ikke kan finde hende. Cornelia hopper på den første båd væk fra byen og går i land på Kanelholmen, en ø i Stockholms billedskønne skærgård. Uden hverken arbejde eller noget sted at bo, må dette blive hendes nye hjem.På øen finder Cornelia et fællesskab, som byder hende velkommen med åbne arme. Men hun støder også på udfordringer, som hun ikke havde kunnet forestille sig. Mens Cornelias brogede fortid spøger i baggrunden, falder hun selv over et mysterium. Et mysterium, som hun må forsøge at løse.Sommer på Kanelholmen er første del i en serie om livet, kærligheden og menneskene på den skønne ø Kanelholmen i Stockholms skærgård.YVONNE EHN er en svensk forfatter og bosat i Stockholm. Hun debuterede i 2019 og Sommer på Kanelholmen er hendes tredje bog. Yvonne elsker dyr og håber, at hun en dag kan adoptere en hund, som har brug for et nyt hjem.

  • af Yvonne Ehn
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Cornelia non può stare a pensarci sopra: sa che deve lasciarsi tutto alle spalle. L’inatteso SMS che le è appena arrivato sul telefono ha avuto l’effetto di un pugno allo stomaco. L’appartamento, il lavoro, ogni oggetto che possiede... nulla ha più significato. Deve fuggire, dove nessun mittente possa rintracciarla. La scelta cade su Kanelholmen, un’isola remota del pittoresco arcipelago di Stoccolma. Così, senza alcuna garanzia di un alloggio o di un lavoro stabile, si imbarca per quella sua nuova vita. O la va, o la spacca.A Kanelholmen Cornelia viene accolta a braccia aperte dalla comunità locale. Nonostante ciò, la vita sull'isola ha anche in serbo molte difficoltà che Cornelia non ha messo in conto. Cosa direbbe il suo amato nonno se potesse vederla ora? Proprio mentre il passato torna a bussare alla sua porta, Cornelia incappa in un mistero. Un mistero che non potrà fare a meno di tentare di risolvere."Estate, speranza e amicizia sull'isola della cannella" è la prima parte di una serie sulla vita, sull’amore e sugli esseri umani nella splendida isola di Kanelholmen, nell’arcipelago di Stoccolma.YVONNE EHN è nata e cresciuta a Danderyd, a nord di Stoccolma. Una borsa di studio per meriti calcistici l’ha portata nel New Hampshire, negli USA, dove ha studiato come grafica pubblicitaria e lavorato nel settore editoriale. Dopo essere tornata in Svezia e aver vissuto per diversi anni a Nyköping, Yvonne è infine ritornata a Stoccolma, dove nel 2019 ha debuttato come scrittrice.

  • af Yvonne Ehn
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Uusia alkuja kesäisessä saaristossa!Odottamaton tekstiviesti pistää Cornelian elämän sekaisin. Hetkeäkään miettimättä hän jättää asuntonsa, irtisanoutuu työstään ja hyppää laivaan. Päämäärä: minne tahansa, mistä viestin lähettäjä ei voi löytää häntä. Hetken mielijohteesta Cornelia päätyy Kaneliluodolle, syrjäiselle saarelle Tukholman saaristossa. Cornelialla ei ole tietoa asunnosta tai työpaikasta, kun hän aloittaa saarella uuden elämänsä. Syteen tai saveen.Kaneliluodon asukkaat ottavat Cornelian avosylin vastaan. Ei kestä kauaa, kun Cornelia löytää majapaikan ja yllättää itsensä auttamalla hylättyjen koirien turvatalolla. Samalla saari tarjoaa kuitenkin haasteita ja mysteereitä, joita hän ei voi jättää rauhaan. Kaneliluodolla Cornelia tuntee vihdoin voivansa päästää irti kirjavasta menneisyydestään, mutta miten käy, kun menneisyys saapuu Kaneliluodolle?Toivon ja ystävyyden kesä Kaneliluodolla aloittaa hyvän mielen kirjasarjan, joka kertoo elämästä, rakkaudesta ja ihmisistä viehättävällä Kaneliluodolla Tukholman saaristossa.Yvonne Ehn on kotoisin Danderydistä Tukholman pohjoispuolelta. Jalkapallostipendi vei hänet New Hampshireen, Yhdysvaltoihin, missä hän opiskeli graafista suunnittelua. Mutkien kautta Yvonne on palannut Tukholmaan ja haaveilee koiran adoptoimisesta. Hänen esikoisteoksensa Mina drömmars värde julkaistiin 2019.

  • af Cecilia Sahlström
    Fra 77,99 kr.

    Intrigue, illusions, and insidious motives...Still recovering from testifying against her abuser, Chief Inspector Sara Vallén is called out to investigate a mysterious death in an idyllic allotment on the outskirts of Lund. The victim - a beloved social worker - is found brutally murdered inside one of the potting sheds. But when Sara and the police dig deeper into the case, they begin to unravel a web of dark secrets surrounding the victim's seemingly perfect life...Can Sara trust her intuition and catch the killer before it's too late? The second novel in Cecilia Sahlström’s wildly popular Sara Vallén series and an exciting, disturbing follow-up to her first success, "White Lilac".Cecilia Sahlström is a popular Swedish crime writer based in Lund, in the south of Sweden. She worked in the police force for twenty years before turning to writing. Her first novel, "White Lilac", was highly acclaimed in Sweden.

  • af Tove Jansson
    30,99 kr.

    Följ med Mumintrollet och hans familj och vänner genom årets fyra årstider! Vi tar avstamp i vårens allra första dag då Snusmumriken återvänder från sina vinterresor, vidare till den blomstrande midsommardagen när Muminmamman löser ett mysterium. Under höstens gyllene dagar hittar Mumintrollet och Sniff flaskpost och ger sig ut för att finna en ny vän. Och så slutligen återvänder midvinterns frusna mörker till Mumindalen och alla Mumintroll sover tills solen återvänder.Följ med till Mumindalen där Mumintrollet, Muminpappan och Muminmamman ger sig ut på många fantastiska äventyr tillsammans med sina vänner Snorkfröken, Sniff, Lilla My, Snusmumriken, Stinky, Filifjonkan och många andra.Till vilka mytiska länder kommer resan att leda nästa gång, och vilka sagoväsen kommer Mumintrollet och hans vänner att upptäcka längs vägen?Tove Janssons magiska Muminvärld har sedan den först introducerades år 1945 fångat både barns och vuxnas fantasi. Muminfamiljen och deras vänner är älskade över hela världen och medverkar i allt från böcker, merchandise och tv-serier och har översatts till över 30 språk. Tove Janssons unika, nästan mytiska fantasilandskap har vunnit flera litterära priser, bland annat H.C Andersen-priset och Selma Lagerlöfs pris.

  • af Rennie McOwan
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    Are you ready for an adventure? Meet Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot - a group of friends with an unstoppable imagination for creating outdoor adventures in the remote Scottish countryside.But what happens when their latest expedition takes them down a perilous and ominous path? Hold on tight as these brave kids face thrilling and unexpected danger. With crime lurking at every corner, it's up to the kids to stop the criminals and save themselves before it is too late! Weaving an inspiring tale of friendship and perseverance, "Light on the Dumyat" is the first novel in Rennie McOwan's "The Clan Series". It is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and Disney’s blockbuster hit "Brave".Rennie McOwan (1933-2018) was a Scottish author, journalist, and broadcaster. He wrote more than 50 historical fiction and children’s books, including the beloved "The Clan Series".

  • af Rennie McOwan
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    Get ready to join Gavin, Clare, Michael and Mot on another thrilling adventure! After successfully taking down a gang of crazy criminals, the kids are now busy converting a ruined island castle into a den for themselves. But things are about to take a surprising twist when they come face to face with a strange and beautiful white stag...What mysteries do the majestic animal hold? And what secrets lie hidden within the castle's crumbling walls?Weaving an inspiring tale of childhood freedom and friendship, "The White Stag Adventure" is the perfect read for fans of "The Famous Five" and Disney’s blockbuster hit "Brave".Rennie McOwan (1933-2018) was a Scottish author, journalist, and broadcaster. He wrote more than 50 historical fiction and children’s books, including the beloved "The Clan Series".

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,99 kr.

    Volg Moomintrol en zijn familie en vrienden in alle seizoenen van het jaar!Van de eerste dag van de lente, waarop Snuisterik terugkomt van zijn winterreis, tot de warme gouden zomer, waarin Moomintrol een mysterie oplost. Van de geeloranje herfst, waarin Moomin en Snif een brief in een fles vinden en op zoek gaan naar een nieuwe vriend, tot de koude, donkere winter, waarin alle Moomins gaan slapen tot de zon weer begint te schijnen.Ga mee naar de vredige en tijdloze Moominwereld, waarin Moomintrol, Moominpapa en Moominmama de mooiste avonturen beleven met hun vrienden: Troela, Snif, Kleine Mie, Snuisterik, Tofsel en Wifsel, Toe-Tikkie, mevrouw Filifjonk en de rest.In welke mythische werelden komen Moomintrol en zijn vrienden terecht, en welke sprookjesachtige figuren komen ze daar allemaal tegen?De magische Moominwereld van Tove Jansson prikkelt de fantasie van kinderen en volwassenen. De Moominfamilie en hun vrienden zagen in 1945 het levenslicht en zijn inmiddels wereldwijd geliefd. Ze verschenen in boeken, stripverhalen en tv-series in meer dan 35 talen. Tove Janssons unieke, bijna mythische fantasiewereld heeft meerdere literatuurprijzen gewonnen, waaronder de H.C. Andersen Award, de Selma Lagerlöf Prize en nog veel meer.

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,99 kr.

    Lähde muumiperheen kanssa seikkailemaan kaikkina vuodenaikoina!On kevään ensimmäinen päivä, kun Nuuskamuikkunen palaa matkoiltaan. Keväästä siirrytään keskikesän kultaiseen hehkuun, jolloin Muumipeikko ratkaisee Muumipapan kadonneiden kirjoitusvälineiden mysteerin. Kun syksy leiskuu oranssina, Muumipeikko ja Nipsu löytävät pullopostia ja lähtevät etsimään uutta ystävää. Lopulta syksyn seikkailuista loikataan keskitalven jäiseen kylmyyteen, jolloin kaikki muumit nukkuvat odottaen seuraavaa kevättä.Tule mukaan Muumilaaksoon ja koe tunnelmallisia seikkailuja sen asukkaiden seurassa!MuumitTule mukaan rauhallisen ja ajattoman Muumilaakson elämään, jossa Muumipeikko, Muumipappa ja Muumimamma kokevat lukemattomia upeita seikkailuja yhdessä ystäviensä Niiskuneidin, Niiskun, Pikku Myyn, Nuuskamuikkusen, rouva Vilijonkan ja muiden kanssa. Mihin kiehtovaan paikkaan matka mahtaakaan seuraavaksi johtaa, ja millaisia satumaisia olentoja Muumipeikko ystävineen kohtaa matkalla?Tove Janssonin taianomaisella Muumimaailmalla on kyky herättää niin lasten kuin aikuistenkin mielikuvitus. Vuonna 1945 luotua Muumiperhettä ystävineen rakastetaan kaikkialla maailmassa. Muumit seikkailevat yli 35 eri kielellä kirjoissa, sarjakuvissa ja televisiosarjoissa. Tove Janssonin ainutlaatuinen, miltei myyttinen fantasiamaailma on voittanut useita kirjallisuuspalkintoja kuten Hans Christian Andersen -palkinnon ja Selma Lagerlöfin palkinnon sekä monia muita.

  • af Altan
    Fra 38,99 kr.

    Christmastime is always full of joyful surprises... especially for Pimpa! On Christmas Day, Pimpa meets Dina the little duckling when she arrives in a Christmas present! The two become firm friends, and Pimpa looks after Dina like a big sister. Join Pimpa in teaching Dina how to wash and get dressed, telling her about good and bad, helping her to name the things and animals she meets, and showing her the beauty of winter as it turns into spring.A tale of friendship and family, ´Pimpa and the Christmas Surprise´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who is simply longing for a short and sweet adventure! Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • af Altan
    38,99 kr.

    It’s the Christmas holidays at last, and Pimpa and Armando are ready for another adventure!The sun is shining and Pimpa decides to go for a walk in the snowy woods, where she meets Max the snowman. Max has a cold head, so Pimpa lends him Armando’s hat. But a sudden gust of wind blows it away... Join Pimpa and Max as they try to get the hat back. But don't worry - Max might have a few tricks up his sleeves to make things a lot easier. A wintery tale with a hint of magic, ´Pimpa and Max the Snowman´ is perfect for early readers, and anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • af Altan
    38,99 kr.

    Grab your warmest blanket, fetch yourself a nice cup of hot chocolate, and join Pimpa on this cold adventure! It’s winter, and Pimpa walks with Armando to work. But when it starts snowing heavily, she can’t seem to find her way home. Luckily, she meets Molly the mole.While she can’t see very well, Molly has an excellent sense of smell and a knack for making tomatoes. Through underground tunnels, stairs, and plant pots, Pimpa slowly inches her way back home.A cosy and wintery tale, ´Pimpa and Molly the Mole´ is perfect for early readers, or anyone who would like to join the friendly, red-spotted dog on a thrilling adventure!Pimpa is a cheerful, red-spotted dog. Accompanied by her friend and owner Armando, a man with an impressive moustache and a bowler hat, the two embark on colourful and touching adventures together. Every story features a world of new friends, imagination and curiosity. Cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan created Pimpa as a present for his daughter in 1975. Since then, more than 150 stories featuring Pimpa have been published, selling more than 6.5 million copies. Pimpa has also been the star of several successful TV adaptations produced by the major Italian broadcaster RAI. Now Pimpa is ready to be a loyal companion to a new generation. The books are perfect for both young children and their older siblings, and her stories can be enjoyed by the whole family.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    Set during the hunting season, the Chateau Baneville is peopled with guests waiting for the weather to improve.After half-heartedly playing board games, they tell stories. None is so shocking as the one told by Genevieve and the boy who loved her in her youth.With allusions to mental illness and obsession, this is a dark romantic tale, sure to promote some heated conversation.Touching on similar themes as Robert Redford’s ‘Ordinary People,’ ‘A Widow’ is a tragic love story.It will delight fans of other tragic love stories such as Shakespeare's ´Romeo and Juliet´ and Victor Hugo's ´The Hunchback of Notre Dame´.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.

  • af Sasha Morgan
    102,99 kr.

    She wanted an adventure. What she found was so much more...Adira Summers has spontaneously quit her high-flying career as a barrister in London. She needs to escape from the rat race and, encouraged by her bohemian gran, has bought a campervan to do so.Taking off for a tour around Britain, disaster strikes early on when her van breaks down outside the quaint village of Lilacwell. But things look up after she meets handsome Jasper, who is visiting to check on his ailing uncle and his crumbling estate, The Laurels.As Adira falls for Lilacwell, she is torn between forgoing her travel plans to stay or continuing with her adventure. Jasper must also choose between returning to his job in Dubai or moving back for his uncle - and Adira.A gorgeous summery romance for fans of Tessa Bailey and Jenny Colgan.What readers are saying about ´Escape to Lilacwell´:"A lovely read... The setting was nice and the story flowed well." - Reader review"This book fixed my reading slump! I enjoyed it so much that I kept turning the pages. Adira's a very relatable heroine and the romance develops slowly, in a very believable way." - Reader review"What a beautiful summer read, I enjoyed this book from the first to the last page. The characters are so well written. A good book to take on holiday." - Reader reviewSasha Morgan lives in a village by the coast in Lancashire with her husband and has one grown-up son. She writes mainly contemporary fiction, her previous series having a touch of 'spice', probably due to all the Jilly Cooper novels she read as a teenager.

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,99 kr.

    Suivez Moumine le troll, sa famille et ses amis à travers les quatre saisons de l’année ! Du premier jour de printemps, quand Sniff revient de ses pérégrinations hivernales, jusqu’aux douces soirées estivales, lorsque Moumine résout un mystère. Puis à l'automne, quand Moumine et Sniff découvrent un message dans une bouteille et partent à la recherche d'un nouvel ami – ou par une nuit d’hiver glaciale, quand tous les Moomines s’endorment jusqu’au retour des beaux jours.Viens rejoindre le monde paisible et atemporel des Moumines, où Moumine le troll, Papa Moumine et Maman Moumine vivent de nombreuses et de merveilleuses aventures en compagnie de leurs amis : Demoiselle Snork, Sniff, Petite Mu, Mumrik, le Puant, Madame Filigonde et tous les autres. Vers quelles terres fabuleuses ce voyage conduira-t-il la prochaine fois, et quelles créatures enchantées Moumine le troll et ses amis rencontreront-ils en chemin ?Le monde enchanté des Moumines créé par Tove Jansson a le pouvoir de captiver l’imagination des enfants aussi bien que des adultes. Créée en 1945, la famille Moumine et ses amis sont désormais aimés dans le monde entier. Ils figurent dans des livres, des bandes-dessinées et des séries télé dans plus de 35 langues. Le succès du paysage fantastique et presque mythique de Tove Janssen a été tel qu’il a remporté de nombreux prix littéraires, comme le prix Hans Christian Andersen et le prix Selma Lagerlöfs.

  • af Guy de Maupassant
    38,99 kr.

    Set in the Swiss Alps, ‘The Inn’ could almost be the template for ‘The Shining,’ starring Jack Nicholson.When winter sets in, the owners of the eponymous inn decide to go see the snow out in the nearby valley. Behind them, they leave the caretaker, Gaspard, Ulrich, and Sam the dog.However, when Ulrich leaves to go hunting and doesn’t come back, Gaspard is left all alone...A haunting tale, swathed in snow and with a brooding, unsettling atmosphere, this is a perfect fireside read for fans of Stephen King.Hailed as one of the pioneers of the modern short story, Henri Ren Albert Guy de Maupassant (1850 - 1893) was born in Dieppe, France. After his parents’ divorce, Maupassant was cared for by his mother who had a passion for literature.During his secondary education, he was introduced to the acclaimed novelist, Gustave Flaubert, who was to play a prominent part in Maupassant’s literary career.The Franco-Prussian War saw the author enlist in the Navy, and his experiences influenced many of his books, including ‘Boule de Suif.’ Flaubert was to take him under his wing after the war, introducing him to realist and naturalist authors, such as Émile Zola and Ivan Turgenev.

  • af Tove Jansson
    49,00 kr.

    Oplev de fire årstider sammen med Mumi, hans familie og venner! Tag med på den første forårsdag, hvor Mumrikken vender tilbage fra sin vinterrejse, og glæd dig til de lune sensommeraftener, hvor Mumi løser et mysterium. Da bladene skifter farve om efteråret, finder Mumi og Snif en flaskepost og rejser ud for at finde en ny ven, og når vinterens iskolde mørke lægger sig over Mumidalen, gør mumifamilien sig klar til at sove, til solen vender tilbage igen.Rejs med ind i mumitroldenes enestående og tidløse verden, hvor Mumi, Mumifar og Mumimor tager på fantastiske eventyr sammen med Snorkfrøkenen, Snif, Lille My, Mumrikken, Filifjonken, Hemulen og mange andre.Hvilke eventyrlige væsner og mystiske steder finder Mumi og hans venner undervejs på deres rejse?Tove Janssons magiske historier om mumitroldene har tryllebundet børn og voksne siden 1945. Mumifamilien og deres venner er elsket overalt i hele verden, og de har optrådt i bøger, tegneserier, film og TV-serier på mere end 35 sprog. Tove Janssons unikke, filosofiske og fantasifulde univers har vundet mange priser, blandt andet H. C. Andersen-medaljen og Selma Lagerlöfprisen.

  • af Tove Jansson
    40,99 kr.

    Seguite Mumin, la sua famiglia e i suoi amici attraverso le quattro stagioni dell'anno!Dal primo giorno di primavera, quando Tabacco torna dai suoi viaggi invernali, alle lunghe giornate dorate di mezza estate, quando Mumin si troverà a dover risolvere un mistero. Dal giallo e arancione dell'autunno, dove Mumin e Sniff scoprono un messaggio in una bottiglia e partono alla ricerca di un nuovo amico, al buio gelido di metà inverno, quando tutti i Mumin vanno a dormire fino a quando non torna il sole.Venite a scoprire il tranquillo e intramontabile mondo dei Mumin, dove Mumin, papà Mumin e mamma Mumin partono per tante meravigliose avventure insieme ai loro amici: Grugnina, Sniff, Piccola Mi, Tabacco, Puzzolente, signora Fillyjonk e tutti gli altri.A quali terre mitiche condurrà il viaggio e quali creature fiabesche scopriranno Mumin e i suoi amici lungo la strada?Il magico mondo dei Mumin dell'autrice e illustratrice finlandese di lingua svedese Tove Jansson è in grado di catturare l'immaginazione di grandi e piccini. Creati nel 1945, i Mumin e i loro amici sono stati amati in tutto il mondo e sono apparsi in libri, fumetti e serie televisive in più di 35 lingue.

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    38,99 kr.

    A salutary tale, ‘The Baby Party’ focuses on John and Edith Andros.John is at odds with himself over his attitude towards his daughter, Ede. On one hand, he’s glad that life will continue through his child. On the other, the day-to-day practicalities of fatherhood bore and irritate him.However, when Ede is invited to a party and ends up hurting another child, John’s instincts are put to the test.A pithy story, ‘The Baby Party’ suggests that there are occasions when children can act with more maturity than their grownup counterparts.Fun, fast-paced, and full of laughs, ‘The Baby Party’ is perfect for fans of Ernest Hemingway.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, with the latter having been made into a film starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan.Skillfully capturing the prosperity of post-World War One America, his writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and his wife Zelda Fitzgerald were at the centre of.

  • af Elizabeth Von Arnim
    59,99 kr.

    "Last night after dinner, when we were in the garden, I said, "I want to be alone for a whole summer, and get to the very dregs of life. I want to be as idle as I can, so that my soul may have time to grow."This witty tale of a rejuvenating summer is a semi-autobiographical tale told in the form of diary entries from a nameless narrator.In it, a woman spends her summer in her garden, away from the social world that she was trained to reside in with all its rules and conventions.Despite the name of the book, the nameless female narrator does not spend her entire summer alone but is instead joined by her daughters and husband – the latter of which she has nicknamed ‘The Man of Wrath’.A sequel to her famous début ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, ‘The Solitary Summer’ will delight fans of ‘Downton Abbey’ and ´Bridgerton', whose narratives feature the same social world our heroine is trying to escape.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

  • af Julie Larsen
    88,99 kr.

    Mit Leib und Seele kümmert sich Olivia Adamsen um das Familienunternehmen. Ob sie leckeren Cider aus der eigenen Kelterei ausschenkt oder die Gäste des kleinen Bed and Breakfast »Hotel Hygge« auf der dänischen Insel Mandø umsorgt, Olivia hat ihre Berufung gefunden. Darum trifft es sie völlig unvorbereitet, als sie erfährt, dass der Betrieb vor dem Aus steht. Doch der nächste Schock folgt sogleich, denn der attraktive Jesper, in dessen Nähe sie zum ersten Mal seit Langem wieder Schmetterlinge im Bauch hat, ist nach Dänemark gekommen, um den Kauf des Geschäfts voranzutreiben. Olivia ist bereit, für ihren Traum zu kämpfen. Doch bleibt die Liebe dabei auf der Strecke?

  • af Helena Stjernström
    Fra 50,99 kr.

    Det är något som inte stämmer på Kullahalvön ...Kyrkoherden Ylva Ullman har fått nog av folk och drar sig undan från Tunneberga. Hon flyttar in i en ödslig gammal skånegård för att äntligen få vara ifred, men på granngården sker det underliga saker. En kriminell grupp med kopplingar till ryska maffian har bestämt sig för att flytta delar av sin organisation från stekheta Dubai till pittoreska Kullahalvön, och Ylva hamnar av misstag i vägen för deras planer. När hennes granne, jazzpianisten Jacob, spårlöst försvinner tvingas Ylva bli djärvare än någonsin för att rädda sin nyfunne vän. Och med hjälp av den gamle kriminalkommissarien Walter tar hon till nya metoder för att nysta upp mysteriet om vad som lurar under ytan på den skånska landsbygden. "Midnatt råder på Kullahalvön" är den spännande fristående fortsättningen om kyrkoherden Ylva Ullman.Helena Stjernström arbetar som författare samt frilansande redaktör och projektledare. Hon är numera bosatt på Kullahalvön som är själva inspirationskällan till denna bok. Några av hennes tidigare verk inkluderar Miraklet i Tunneberga och serien Copenholm stories.

  • af Disney
    39,00 kr.

    Anna er dronning af Arendal og har ikke lyst til at tilbringe julen uden sin søster, snedronningen Elsa, ved sin side. Men deres liv har forandret sig meget, og deres pligter ligger hver sit sted. Med hjælp fra sin forlovede Kristoffer, hans bedste ven, rensdyret Sven, samt den talende snemand Olaf gør Anna noget ganske særligt for at dele julen med Elsa og naturånderne i Den fortryllede skov.© Disney. All rights reserved.Tag med på vidunderlige eventyr med prinsesse Anna, Dronning Elsa, snemanden Olaf, bjergvandreren Kristoffer, rensdyret Sven og resten af Arendal. Tag med på spøgelsesjagt, følg troldespor og vær med til pyjamasfest, fødselsdag og ismesterskab i Disneys fantastiske, frosne univers! Fat din ishakke og flet den smukkeste fletning – lad nordlyset vise dig vej!Bliv fortryllet af DISNEYS fantastiske verden. Tag med på eventyr og oplev magien med Mickey, Minnie, Anders, Fedtmule, Aladdin, Dumbo, Lynet McQueen, Anna, Elsa, Peter Plys, Snehvide, Løvernes Garde, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Vaiana og alle de andre fra DISNEYS skatkammer. Slå ørerne ud og læn dig tilbage – mod det uendelige univers!

  • af Emma Haughton
    118,99 kr.

    Ein Mord – zwölf Verdächtige – vierundzwanzig Stunden Dunkelheit!Notärztin Kate North zögert nicht lang, als sie das Angebot erhält, auf einer UN-Forschungsstation in der Antarktis einzuspringen und den Stationsarzt Jean-Luc zu ersetzen, der bei einem tragischen Unfall im Eis ums Leben gekommen ist: Sie ist am Tiefpunkt ihres Lebens angekommen und will nur noch weg. Doch bald schließt der gnadenlose Winter die 13-köpfige Crew in der Forschungsstation ein, und die monatelange Dunkelheit bringt nach und nach alle an ihre Grenzen. Schließlich beginnt Kate zu ahnen, dass Jean-Lucs Tod gar kein Unfall war. Je mehr Fragen sie stellt, desto klarer wird: Der Mörder ist unter ihnen. Und er wird wieder töten. Hoch atmosphärisch schildert die britische Autorin Emma Haughton in ihrem ersten Thriller die atemberaubende Natur der Antarktis und die klaustrophobische Enge innerhalb der Forschungsstation. Die Spannungsschraube wird unerbittlich angezogen - bis zum Showdown.

  • af Shari Low
    102,99 kr.

    One December wedding. One runaway bride. One winter's day to bring everyone together again...Today is the day Caro and Cammy are due to walk up the aisle. But Caro's too caught up in the trauma of her past to contemplate their happy ever after.Stacey's decision to return from L.A. is fuelled by one thing – telling Cammy how she feels before it's too late.Wedding planner, Josie, needs to sort the whole mess out, but she's just been dealt some devastating news. Can she get through the day without spilling her secret?On a chilly winter's day, they have twenty-four hours to prove that love can lead the way to a brighter future...The third in the series, ´The Last Day of Winter´ is perfect for fans of Isabelle Broom, Sarah Morgan and Amanda Prowse.Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well-known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she's fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

  • af Lucy Knott
    102,99 kr.

    Can two dreamers find love in the real world?When quirky bookworm Florence Danver loses her job, she knows it's time to make some serious changes. Nanna Margot encourages Flo to spend a week at Camp Calla Lily, where she hasn't been since she lost her parents. Her return is filled with bittersweet memories... until she meets Jo Hadlee.Soon enough, Flo and fellow dreamer Jo are inseparable as they connect over books and building castles in the air. But when Jo leaves suddenly for his job in London, the fantasy bubble bursts and real life comes roaring back in.For Florence to turn her fairy-tale summer into a happily-ever-after, she'll have to dive head-first into real life and all its chaos.Perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory, Beth O'Leary and Kiley Dunbar.'A lovely, very different 5* read from Lucy Knott, full of her trademark cosiness' - Sam Tonge, author of ´Summer Secrets at Streamside Cottage´.