Alderstrin: fra 13 år

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  • af Maria Carme Roca i Costa
    58,99 kr.

    Una novel·la històrica que ens trasllada a la Barcelona de l'any 1342. Quan Jaume III de Mallorca, acompanyat de la seva esposa, arriba a Barcelona per entrevistar el seu cunyat, Pere III, ja sap que la reunió no anirà bé. Fa temps que estan barallats, ja que els seus desitjos es contradiuen: un vol conservar el regne, l'altre vol recuperar el que el seu rebesavi, Jaume I, va dividir. Carme Maria Roca mostra un episodi històric d'intriga, maquinacions polítiques i amor.Maria Carme Roca (Barcelona, 21 de novembre de 1955) és llicenciada en Història i Filologia Catalana. Des dels anys noranta ha escrit més de quaranta obres, la major part juvenils o infantils, però també ha treballat en novelles adultes i ha col·laborat en l'elaboració de diversos guions. Ha rebut premis literaris com el Néstor Luján de novela historica o el Premi Barcanova de literatura infantil i juvenil.

  • af Virginia Tedeschi Treves
    40,99 kr.

    Pubblicato nel 1912, questo racconto educativo per ragazzi narra la storia di una famiglia molto affiatata che durante le vacanze estive decide di riunirsi in campagna presso il nonno, sindaco del paese e noto a tutti col soprannome di Barbabianca. Oltre a occuparsi del benessere del villaggio, Barbabianca vive insieme ai nipotini tante piccole avventure quotidiane, dall'esplorazione di uno stagno con i suoi animali all'incontro con una misteriosa tribù di zingari. Attraverso una narrazione tradizionale ma vivace, che cerca di toccare i maggiori temi educativi per i ragazzi dell'epoca, lo svolgersi delle vicende porterà infine i bambini a imparare valori come l'amore per la natura, la sensibilità e il rispetto per gli altri.Virginia Tedeschi-Treves (1849 - 1916), nota anche con lo pseudonimo di Cordelia, è stata una scrittrice italiana. Dopo il matrimonio nel 1870 con Giuseppe Treves, proprietario col fratello Emilio della casa editrice Fratelli Treves, diede vita a un salotto letterario frequentato dai principali intellettuali dell'epoca, soprattutto dell'ambiente lombardo e del nord Italia. Contemporaneamente iniziò la sua fortunata carriera di scrittrice di racconti per ragazzi e di romanzi rosa, all'epoca definiti "romanzi per signore". Oltre alla vasta produzione letteraria, lavorò per anni come direttrice di riviste di moda.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    67,99 kr.

    Medieval feats of courage, bravery, and heroism from Persia, India, Egypt, and Mesopotamia fill these magical tales of "The Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales." From the windswept sands of Baghdad's deserts, through the tempestuous sea voyages of Sinbad, to the gold-packed wondrous cave of Ali Baba, these amazing stories come to live for children and reluctant readers.This compilation includes:- The Talking Bird, the Singing Tree, and the Golden Water- The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie- The History of the Young King of the Black Isles- The Story of the Gulnare of the Sea- The Story of Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lamp- The Story of Prince Agib- The Story of the City of Brass- The Story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves- The History of Codadad and His Bothers- The Story of Sinbad the VoyagerKate Douglas Wiggin (1856-1923) was an American author, educator, and musician. She is most famous for the children’s book "Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (1903), and in 1878, she founded San Fransisco’s first free kindergarten. She wrote and edited many children’s books with the help of her sister Nora Archibald Smith.Nora Archibald Smith (1859–1934) was an American author. She wrote children’s literature, most notably "Boys and Girls of Bookland" (1923). She wrote and edited many children’s books with her sister Kate Douglas Wiggin.

  • af Anne-Grethe Dahms
    Fra 79,00 kr.

    Gedske Horeunge og hendes mor, Maria, arbejder på en lille landsbykro, hvor livet er hårdt og brutalt. Da ravne og sorte rotter begynder at dukke op i landsbyen i hobetal, er Gedske sikker på, at det er et varsel om en stor fare, der er på vej. Hun vil væk fra byen, men hendes mor vil blive. Hun forstår ikke, at det er pesten, der er ved at arbejde sig op igennem Europa, og at ingen i by længere er sikker."Ravnetid" udkom første gang i 1996.Anne-Grethe Dahms (1947-2015) var en dansk forfatter og talepædagog. Hun debuterede som forfatter i 1978 med bogen "Mange/få" og skrev efterfølgende både børnebøger, voksenbøger og bøger om talepædagogik.

  • af Marita Hauhia
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Ihastus lepattaa vatsanpohjalla, ja mustasukkaisuus jämähtää palana kurkkuun. Pinja on pahasti pihkassa syötävän hyvännäköiseen Jesseen, mutta poika katoilee tämän tästä. Kun Pinja aavistaa, että Jessellä on vispilänkauppaa toisen tytön kanssa, vyyhti alkaa purkautua odottamattomalla ja epämieluisalla tavalla. Tilannetta mutkistaa Pinjan luokkakaveri Roope, joka yrittää kiilata Jessen ohi Pinjan suosioon. Kun nuoret matkustavat Lappiin ja Marokkoon, maailma avartuu ja ihmissuhteet mullistuvat ikimuistoisesti.Marita Hauhian nuortenromaani kuvaa uskottavasti ensirakkauden ihanuutta ja kamaluutta.Marita Hauhia on opettaja ja palkittu lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka kuvaa murrosikäisten iloja ja suruja kaunistelemattomasti. Nuortenromaanien lisäksi hän on kirjoittanut myös Emma ja Eetu -lastenkirjasarjan, näytelmiä, kolumneja ja oppimateriaaleja. Hauhialle myönnettiin Laivakello-tunnustuspalkinto vuonna 1996.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    The prince of the Black Isles and the inhabitants of his city have suffered under the magical power of his cousin, whom he married not knowing she was an enchantress—until the sultan from "The Story of the Vizir Who Was Punished" comes to the prince’s aid. Completing the cycle of tales that began with "The Story of the Fisherman", this is the eighth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    An old man leads a deer that appears completely tame; stranger still, he claims that it is really his wife. Nor is she the first of his household to have been turned into an animal: her current state is poetic justice for her own jealous actions. A story of magic and metamorphosis, "The Story of the First Old Man and of the Hind" is the third of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    Palace intrigues abound in the story of the first calender, a wandering Sufi of royal birth: on a visit to his uncle’s kingdom, the young prince is sworn to secrecy by his cousin, who then disappears; on his return home, he finds that his father has been overthrown by the grand-vizir, who harbours a special grudge against the prince. The mystery of his cousin’s disappearance and his escape from the treacherous vizir are revealed in this, the eleventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    59,99 kr.

    The Arabian Nights is an exotic collection of stories that will grab your attention from the very first page. At the heart of the collection is Scheherazade, the bride of Schahriar, Sultan of Persia. The jealous sultan marries a new girl every evening, and has her executed the following morning – until Scheherazade decides to put a stop to his cruelty, and volunteers to marry him. As clever as she is courageous, night after night Scheherazade distracts the Sultan with tales that keep him listening, and her alive, until he falls in love with her.This classic selection presents the best-loved stories from the Arabian Nights, translated into English and introduced by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    When a wandering physician named Douban cures a Greek king of his leprosy, he inspires murderous jealousy in the king’s vizir, leading the king to tell a cautionary tale of his own. A story within "The Story of The Fisherman", this is the sixth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af Marita Hauhia
    58,99 kr.

    Juuri ysiluokan aloittaneet, erottamattomat Aki ja Noora lähtevät mökille kuhertelemaan. Kun he saapuvat perille, mökin ikkuna löytyy rikottuna. Tavaroitakin on viety.Ilkivalta unohtuu kuitenkin nopeasti, kun tulee mukavampaa mietittävää. Nooran pitkäaikainen bestis Virva on alkanut seurustella Sähiksen kanssa, ja nelikko palaa mökille yhdessä. Mukavan reissun jälkeen Virva alkaa kuitenkin vältellä Nooraa. Mitä Virva oikein piilottelee?Marita Hauhian Rikottu ikkuna luotaa tarkkanäköisesti teini-ikäisten ihmissuhteita ja kuvaa, kuinka parhaaseen ystäväänkään ei voi aina luottaa.Marita Hauhia on opettaja ja palkittu lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka kuvaa murrosikäisten iloja ja suruja kaunistelemattomasti. Nuortenromaanien lisäksi hän on kirjoittanut myös Emma ja Eetu -lastenkirjasarjan, näytelmiä, kolumneja ja oppimateriaaleja. Hauhialle myönnettiin Laivakello-tunnustuspalkinto vuonna 1996.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    A beautiful lady asked the porter in our story to carry her things home. The porter agreed and he was invited to stay for the night but on one condition – he was not supposed to speak of that which did not concern him. It was then things took a strange turn. Three Persian Calenders came as well. Later on, the vizir joined the group. One of the ladies began singing, the other one fainted. Some slaves were brought inside, and they had to kill the guests. Do you think the porter managed to keep his promise? Find out what actually happened in "The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad".This is the tenth of the 34 tales in the classical "Arabian Nights" collection, translated into English by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af Marita Hauhia
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Kun Mika liittyy jengiin, tylsyys on enää haalea muisto. Uusi porukka tarjoaa niin alkoholia kuin tupakkaa, ja naisistakin puhutaan, vaikka Mika on jo iskenyt silmänsä ihanaan Katiin. Meno lähtee kuitenkin nopeasti lapasesta. Joku jengistä varastaa auton, ja koko porukka lähtee kruisailemaan sillä Helsinkiin. Varkaus arveluttaa Mikaa, mutta tuhatta ja sataa kiitävästä autosta ei niin vain hypätä ulos. Mitä Katikin mahtaa ajatella saadessaan tietää?Rosoisen realistinen nuortenromaani kuvaa murrosikäisen kokeiluntarvetta ja etsintää omanikäisten joukossa. Marita Hauhia ei heristele sormeaan näyttäessään, kuinka ristiriitaiset tuulet nuoria kotkanpoikia riepottelevat.Marita Hauhia on opettaja ja palkittu lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka kuvaa murrosikäisten iloja ja suruja kaunistelemattomasti. Nuortenromaanien lisäksi hän on kirjoittanut myös Emma ja Eetu -lastenkirjasarjan, näytelmiä, kolumneja ja oppimateriaaleja. Hauhialle myönnettiin Laivakello-tunnustuspalkinto vuonna 1996.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    The second wandering Sufi tells how, as a young prince, he set off to visit the Sultan of the Indies, but never arrived. Instead, his adventures led him through danger, poverty, a secret palace, and into the clutches of a terrible genie, from which only his storytelling might save him. Continue the adventures of the three one-eyed calenders in this, the twelfth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    The story of the third calender is as packed with mysteries and adventures as the tales of Sinbad the Sailor: after surviving shipwreck, the young prince finds that friendship leads him to a series of ordeals that not only wound him physically, but also force him to recognise his helplessness in the face of fate and human weakness. This tragic story brings Scheherazade’s third narrative cycle to a conclusion, in the fourteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    A jealous husband gives his wife a talking parrot as a gift—but if you remember Gilbert Gottfried as Iago in Disney's animated Aladdin, you'll have an idea what to expect! Now the wife must somehow bamboozle the bird and outwit her husband. A story within "The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban", this is the seventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    An old man explains that his two black dogs are really his two brothers, whom he repeatedly saved from poverty. When he married a beautiful woman, however, all his kindnesses were forgotten, and his brothers tried to kill them. Yet the merchant’s wife was not what she seemed, as the murderous brothers would soon find out. A story of brotherly love betrayed and revenged, "The Story of the Second Old Man, and of the Two Black Dogs" is the fourth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    Readers familiar with the friendly blue genie in Disney’s Aladdin films may be shocked to discover a crueller kind in Scheherazade’s first tale. When a merchant accidentally kills the son of a genie, the spirit swears to kill him in revenge, but grants him a year’s reprieve to say his goodbyes. Yet when the merchant returns on the appointed day, he meets three old men, who have a plan to avert his death. Listen as tale leads into tale in "The Story of the Merchant and the Genius", the second of 34 tales in the classic Arabian Nights collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    When the second princely calender’s story of an envious man fails to appease an evil genie, his punishment is to be turned into a monkey. No longer able to speak, he nonetheless retains his greatest talent: his perfect handwriting. His gift will take him to the court of a sultan, where his true nature will finally be revealed—yet the genie who cursed him is not finished with him... Hear the resolution to the story of the second calender in this, the thirteenth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    Genies don’t always grant three wishes, as a fisherman discovers when his nets drag up a small yellow pot sealed with lead. Opening the seal frees a genie, but unlike the one discovered by Aladdin, this one promises the fisherman nothing but death! Discover how the cunning fisherman escaped his fate in this, the fifth of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af One Thousand and One Nights
    38,99 kr.

    Perhaps the most intricate of the Arabian Nights, "The Story of the Vizir Who Was Punished" begins as a second tale within "The Story of the Greek King and the Physician Douban", and provides a grim twist to the debate between the Greek king and his vizir. It then continues "The Story of the Fisherman" and leads into "The Story of the Young King of the Black Isles". Follow the twists and turns of Scheherazade’s storytelling in the seventh of 34 tales in the classic "Arabian Nights" collection translated by Andrew Lang.A treasure-trove of timeless stories, the One Thousand and One Nights or Arabian Nights have been loved, imitated, and added to over many centuries. Similar to the fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm, the Arabian Nights are drawn from the folklore of India, Iran and the Middle East, and were collected in Arabic versions throughout the medieval period; others were added as recently as the eighteenth century. These stories of the exotic East have been popularised for new generations by film adaptations such as Disney’s Aladdin, starring Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried in 1992, and Will Smith in 2019, and Dreamworks’ Sinbad, starring Brad Pitt and Michelle Pfeiffer. They continue to inspire writers as varied as Marcel Proust and Neil Gaiman, while numerous Bollywood and manga versions attest to their popularity around the world. These stories of magic, adventure and romance have shaped readers’ imaginations for generations, and are sure to be retold for years to come.This selection was translated by Andrew Lang from the French versions by Antoine Galland, who was the first to include the stories of Aladdin and Ali Baba. Born in Scotland in 1844, Lang was a scholar of ancient Greek, a journalist, historian, novelist and poet, and the author of 25 popular collections of fairy tales; his edition of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainment was published in 1898. He became a Fellow of the British Academy in 1906, and died in 1912.

  • af Marita Hauhia
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Yhdeksäsluokkalaiset Milla ja Timppa ihastuvat ja alkavat seurustella, mutta rakkauteen tulee lovi. Milla on tullut raskaaksi ja joutuu tekemään abortin. Lapsuuden leikit jäävät auttamattomasti taa, kun raju kriisi koettelee vasta aikuistumassa olevia nuoria. Se eka on Marita Hauhian esikoisteos. Se kuvaa tavallisia murrosikäisiä poikkeuksellisessa tilanteessa rosoisen rehellisellä otteella.

  • af Louisa M. Alcott
    43,99 kr.

    Rose är djupt olycklig efter hennes föräldrars bortgång, och känner sig ensam och utlämnad i den stora herrgård som hennes fastrar bor i. Så en dag, när Rose är som allra mest sorgsen, hör hon det vackraste av fågelkvitter. Långt nerifrån korridoren kommer lätet, som visar sig vara 15-årige tjänsteflickan Phebes sångröst. Rose och Phebe blir goda vänner och Phebe hjälper den tafatta och blyga Rose att navigera i den nya tillvaron. Rose har åtta kusiner som hon aldrig träffat och till råga på allt är de alla pojkar. Rose som avskyr pojkar! Men med hjälp av snälla farbror Alec lär hon känna sin nya släkt och får uppleva hur det är att leva någon annanstans än i böckernas värld.Louisa May Alcott föddes 1832 i Germantown i Pennsylvania och dog 1888 i Massachusetts. Under sitt relativt korta liv hann hon skriva böcker för alla åldrar, men mest känd är hon för ungdomsboken Unga Kvinnor (1868).

  • af Kalle Güettler
    43,99 kr.

    Spelplanen är skolan, med fullklottrade väggar och långa korridorer. Huvudpersonerna är Yussuf, Ullis och Fimpen. Yussuf, som är adopterad från Eritrea, väcker stor uppståndelse på sin första skoldag. Fimpen, krigarnörden, försöker först mobba Yussuf men måste kapitulera för hans snabba tunga. Ullis har aldrig sett en så vacker människa. Men vem är han egentligen? Svensk inuti, eritrean utanpå. Han minns ingenting från sina första år i Eritrea. Var det bara han i familjen som överlevde? Vad är det för kvinnoansikte som kommer tillbaka i drömmen och gör honom sorgsen och lycklig på samma gång? Han måste dit för att få veta! Till sitt ursprung. Till kriget som ännu pågår, långt borta i Eritrea. En ny spelplan väntar.Kalle Güettler (1949-) är en svensk författare av ungdoms- och barnböcker. Han debuterade 1990 och förutom böcker skriver han även för tidskrifter och har en bakgrund som skolbibliotekspedagog.

  • af Nils Arne Hermansson
    96,99 kr.

    "In de grote villa in Bordeaux waren de ouders van Genia vroeg naar bed gegaan. Maar ze konden geen van beiden slapen. Ze konden het beeld niet loslaten van Genia, die elke dag meer op haar broertje ging lijken. Hetzelfde smalle lijfje, hetzelfde rare grote hoofd, en die vreselijke vermoeidheid, waardoor ze niet eens kon eten. Haar broertje zou nu drie jaar oud geweest zijn." In Frankrijk kwijnt een baby weg, lijdend aan een genetische ziekte die ook al een eerder kind van de familie trof. De familie is rijk en als ene Ricardo Jensen, een onbekende dokter, de mogelijkheid van gentransplantatie opwerpt, zijn ze wanhopig genoeg om in te stemmen met de dubieuze behandeling. De Nederlandse Bernadette weet niets van dit alles. Zij staat op de drempel van een carrière in de muziek. Het succes lonkt, vooral als een gefortuneerde fan opduikt...Nils Arne Hermansson is het pseudoniem van auteur-acteur Cees Baas. Hij schrijft vooral scripts (o.m. "Wie helpt mij nu nog?", "Lege plekken", allebei uit 2007). "Code Berna" is zijn romandebuut.

  • af Lasse Ekholm
    43,99 kr.

    Det är midsommarafton och festligheterna är på topp. Solen har passerat sin högsta punkt och mörkret börjar falla i det idylliska firandet. Simon och Nina tänker att de ska ut på sjön och beslutar sig för att stjäla en motorbåt. Somliga straffar gud direkt, sägs det. Om någon gudomlighet var inblandad i Simon och Ninas olycka är täckt i ovisshetens dunkel. Vad de däremot med fasa får förhålla sig till är att de i mörkret rammar en kajak. Ännu värre: det var någon i kajaken. Överlevde han? Ska Simon och Nina erkänna vad de har gjort eller skylla ifrån sig?"Dansa med livet" är en nervpirrande thriller skriven för barn och ungdomar.Lasse Ekholm (1936-2019) var en svensk barn- och ungdomsboksförfattare. Ekholm skrev ett trettiotal böcker, men var även verksam som lärare och ledamot i Barnboksakademin.

  • af Bo R. Holmberg
    43,99 kr.

    Anders är föräldralös. För att klara sig jobbar han som dräng hos en bonde. Det är ett tufft liv som blir ännu värre av att en våldsam äldre dräng trakasserar Anders dygnet runt. Till slut får Anders nog och rymmer. Han hamnar i samhällets utkant, en kniv sätts i hans hand och han är snart en fullfjärdrad tjuv. Han har sin frihet, men är den nyvunna friheten värd sitt pris som kriminell?"Nattmannens pojke" är en historisk roman skriven för barn- och ungdomar.Bo R. Holmberg (1945-) är en svensk, prisbelönt författare. Genom åren har han bl. a. tilldelats Astrid Lindgren-priset och Augustpriset. Han har skrivit inom vitt skilda genrer; barnböcker, spänningsromaner, historiska skildringar och facklitteratur. Mellan 1999 och 2008 satt han som ledamot i Svenska barnboksakademien.

  • af Alice Johansson & Johanna Krebs Johansson
    62,99 kr.

    Innan sjukdomen var Emma som vilken trettonårig tjej som helst. Men så plötsligt en dag förändrades allt. När hon nu tvingas åka på läger, för att anpassa sig till sitt nya liv som blind, är hon därför långt ifrån nöjd. Inte ens ledarhunden Santos, som hon haft turen att få, gör henne särskilt imponerad. Vad ska hon med en labradoodle till?Det visar sig snart att Santos är en alldeles speciell hund. Han kan nämligen låna ut sin syn till Emma! Och samtidigt som de lär känna varandra står det klart att det finns flera personer på skolan som sitter på hemligheter. Någon eller några smyger runt i korridoren om natten - men varför? Medan Emma utvecklar sin nya förmåga börjar hon drömma mystiska drömmar om en fyr, och om den otäcke Margrim. För hundra år sedan mördade han den så kallade Viskaren. Vad betyder det att Emma drömmer om honom nu?Johanna Krebs Johansson (f. 1971) och Alice Johansson (f. 2004) är en svensk författarduo som även är mor och dotter. Johanna är uppväxt på Öland men numera bor familjen i småländska Huskvarna. Duons debutroman, ungdomsfantasyn Viskaren, utkom år 2021 och är den första delen i Arvtagarserien.

  • af Ida-Marie Rendtorff
    Fra 69,00 kr.

    "Da min mor var gået, gloede jeg længe på fotoet. Det føltes, som om Ronja så direkte på mig – som om hun udfordrede mig til den der leg ’hvem blinker først’.Jeg satte mig op og fandt min telefon frem.’Skal vi lave matematik sammen i aften?’ skrev jeg til hende. Vi vidste begge to, hvad det betød. At jeg tilbød at lave den for hende...Først flere timer senere kom der svar.’Kan ikke. Ses i morgen.’ Ikke noget om, hvad hun skulle. Intet hjerte. Ikke engang en smiley."Hvor langt kan man gå for andre, før man mister sig selv?Mille og Ronja er seriøst trætte af klamme mænd, der kontakter unge piger online. En dag får de en idé til, hvordan de både kan give den slags typer en lærestreg OG samtidig skaffe nogle lette penge. Eller faktisk er det mest Ronjas idé. Mille synes, planen er for farlig. Men da hun prøver at bakke ud, bliver hun indhentet af fortiden.Måske startede det hele med, at Ida-Marie Rendtorff drak blæk som treårig. Hun har i hvert fald altid været vild med at skrive. I 2004 debuterede hun med dobbeltromanen ’Strømsvigt’ og fik sammen med Daniel Zimakoff Kommunernes Skolebiblioteksforenings Forfatterpris i 2005 for bogen. Siden har hun skrevet en lang række romaner for børn og unge – både i den realistiske og fantastiske genre. Flere af romanerne er oversat til norsk, svensk, tysk og russisk og støttet af Kunstfonden.

  • af Marita Hauhia
    58,99 kr.

    Teini-ikäinen Sami haluaa bilettää kavereittensa kanssa, mutta isä kiikuttaa hänet juhlista niskaotteella kotiarestiin. Taipumaton Sami päättää karata ja muuttaa asumaan vanhan kaverinsa Janin luo. Kun elämä ei maistu uudessakaan paikassa, äiti keksii nerokkaan ratkaisun: Sami voisi kiertää Eurooppaa enonsa rekan kyydissä. Rekan tarakalla istuessaan Sami saa olla vapaa kuin taivaan lintu, ja samalla maailma avartuu niin, että vatsapohjassa kirpaisee.Samin tarina on koskettava kuvaus vapaudenkaipuusta ja pyristelystä kohti itsenäisyyttä.Marita Hauhia on opettaja ja palkittu lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka kuvaa murrosikäisten iloja ja suruja kaunistelemattomasti. Nuortenromaanien lisäksi hän on kirjoittanut myös Emma ja Eetu -lastenkirjasarjan, näytelmiä, kolumneja ja oppimateriaaleja. Hauhialle myönnettiin Laivakello-tunnustuspalkinto vuonna 1996.