Alderstrin: fra 3 år

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  • af Mattel
    40,99 kr.

    Nuestro bombero favorito de todos los tiempos vuelve con una nueva colección de libros de cuentos, ¡con nada menos que tres emocionantes historias de Pontypandy!En la primera historia, los bomberos de Pontypandy se dirigen al bosque a toda velocidad: ¡hay un incendio forestal! En la segunda historia, Joe se mete en líos con un globo aerostático, y, en la última historia, una terrible inundación causa importantes daños en todos los rincones de Pontypandy.Ven y experimenta de primera mano lo que es salvar vidas como un bombero de verdad: ¡Sam es el héroe de al lado!Fireman SamÚnete a Sam el bombero en sus fantásticas aventuras con el jefe Steele, Elvis, Tom, Penny y toda la tropa de Pontypandy. Sam saluda a todo el mundo mientras conduce por las concurridas calles de la ciudad con Júpiter, Venus, Mercurio, Neptuno y el resto de geniales vehículos de rescate. Cuando suena la alarma, Sam el bombero acude al lugar enseguida, ya sea si se escapa un pingüino del zoo, si una calabaza gigante da problemas o si un concierto y un partido de fútbol acaban en llamas. ¡Ya lo ves, Sam nuestro héroe es!Sam el bombero es una serie de animación británica creada por dos antiguos bomberos, Dave Gingell y Dave Jones, y desarrollada por el artista y guionista Rob Lee. Se emitió por primera vez en la televisión británica en 1987 y desde entonces se ha hecho muy popular en todo el mundo, en más de 35 idiomas y en 155 países. Ambientada en el ficticio pueblo rural galés de Pontypandy, el valiente bombero Sam y sus compañeros han vivido juntos todo tipo de aventuras a lo largo de sus 30 años de historia, y siempre están cerca para ayudar.

  • af Peyo
    40,99 kr.

    Liity Tohelo Smurffin, Smurffiinan ja muiden smurffien seuraan seikkailuun! Tässä tarinakokoelmassa smurffit joutuvat maagisen portaalin kautta outoon maailmaan, jota he eivät ole koskaan ennen nähneet. Tohelo haaveilee olevansa muuta kuin kömpelö, ja Smurffiina pelkää, ettei hän olekaan oikea smurffi. Löytävätkö smurffit tiensä takaisin kotiin Smurffikylään? Onnistuuko Tohelo olemaan toheloimatta? Ja tunteeko Smurffiina vihdoin kuuluvansa muiden smurffien joukkoon?SmurffitOletko valmis seikkailemaan Smurffiinan, Suursmurffin, Nuotin, Pattismuffin, Runoilijasmurffin ja koko Smurffikylän asukkien kanssa? Kuuntele mitä tapahtuu, kun Käteväsmurffi yrittää lentää, kun Kaunosmurffin heijastus herää henkiin, tai kun paha velho Gargamel yrittää taas kerran pilata Smurffien päivän ilkeillä suunnitelmillaan. Smurffataan!Belgialainen sarjakuvataiteilija Pierre “Peyo” Culliford loi Smurffit vuonna 1958. Nämä pienet siniset hahmot ovat kolmen omenan korkuisia ja asuvat sieniä muistuttavissa taloissa. Kun he eivät leiki, rakenna, juhli tai keksi keksintöjä, Smurffit varmistavat, että velho Gargamelin ja hänen Rontti-kissansa ilkeät suunnitelmat menevät kerta toisensa jälkeen mönkään!

  • af Peyo
    40,99 kr.

    Liity Tohelon, Smurffiinan ja muiden smurffien seuraan seikkailuun! Tässä tarinakokoelmassa smurffit matkustavat Pariisiin pelastamaan Smurffiina. Kun velho Gargamel saa vihiä kadonneesta smurffikylästä, on smurffien lähdettävä apuun Kiellettyyn metsään. Sieltä he löytävät kokonaisen tyttösmurffien kylän! Auttavatko tyttösmurffit Smurffiinaa löytämään oman juttunsa?SmurffitOletko valmis seikkailemaan Smurffiinan, Suursmurffin, Nuotin, Pattismuffin, Runoilijasmurffin ja koko Smurffikylän asukkien kanssa? Kuuntele mitä tapahtuu, kun Käteväsmurffi yrittää lentää, kun Kaunosmurffin heijastus herää henkiin, tai kun paha velho Gargamel yrittää taas kerran pilata Smurffien päivän ilkeillä suunnitelmillaan. Smurffataan!Belgialainen sarjakuvataiteilija Pierre “Peyo” Culliford loi Smurffit vuonna 1958. Nämä pienet siniset hahmot ovat kolmen omenan korkuisia ja asuvat sieniä muistuttavissa taloissa. Kun he eivät leiki, rakenna, juhli tai keksi keksintöjä, Smurffit varmistavat, että velho Gargamelin ja hänen Rontti-kissansa ilkeät suunnitelmat menevät kerta toisensa jälkeen mönkään!

  • af Peyo
    40,99 kr.

    Seikkaile smurffien kanssa viikon jokaisena päivänä! Tässä tarinakokoelmassa jokaiselle viikonpäivälle on varattu oma tarinansa, joten pääset kokemaan uuden smurffiseikkailun joka ilta. Kuulet, kuinka smurffit valmistautuvat suureen syysjuhlaan, kohtaavat pelkonsa ja käyvät koulua ja selviytyvät kaikenlaisista haasteista.SmurffitOletko valmis seikkailemaan Smurffiinan, Suursmurffin, Nuotin, Pattismuffin, Runoilijasmurffin ja koko Smurffikylän asukkien kanssa? Kuuntele mitä tapahtuu, kun Käteväsmurffi yrittää lentää, kun Kaunosmurffin heijastus herää henkiin, tai kun paha velho Gargamel yrittää taas kerran pilata Smurffien päivän ilkeillä suunnitelmillaan. Smurffataan!Belgialainen sarjakuvataiteilija Pierre “Peyo” Culliford loi Smurffit vuonna 1958. Nämä pienet siniset hahmot ovat kolmen omenan korkuisia ja asuvat sieniä muistuttavissa taloissa. Kun he eivät leiki, rakenna, juhli tai keksi keksintöjä, Smurffit varmistavat, että velho Gargamelin ja hänen Rontti-kissansa ilkeät suunnitelmat menevät kerta toisensa jälkeen mönkään!

  • af Peyo
    40,99 kr.

    Astu sisään smurffien maailmaan ja tapaa Pattismurffi, Tohelo, Suursmurffi ja Smurffiina suurissa ja pienissä seikkailuissa! Tässä tarinakokoelmassa Smurffit joutuvat koulunpenkille, harjoittelevat smurffiolympialaisiin ja auttavat Kokkismurffia leipomaan maailman herkullisimman kakun. Haasteita riittää, mutta kun smurffit smurffaavat yhdessä, he onnistuvat lopulta aina!SmurffitOletko valmis seikkailemaan Smurffiinan, Suursmurffin, Nuotin, Pattismuffin, Runoilijasmurffin ja koko Smurffikylän asukkien kanssa? Kuuntele mitä tapahtuu, kun Käteväsmurffi yrittää lentää, kun Kaunosmurffin heijastus herää henkiin, tai kun paha velho Gargamel yrittää taas kerran pilata Smurffien päivän ilkeillä suunnitelmillaan. Smurffataan!Belgialainen sarjakuvataiteilija Pierre “Peyo” Culliford loi Smurffit vuonna 1958. Nämä pienet siniset hahmot ovat kolmen omenan korkuisia ja asuvat sieniä muistuttavissa taloissa. Kun he eivät leiki, rakenna, juhli tai keksi keksintöjä, Smurffit varmistavat, että velho Gargamelin ja hänen Rontti-kissansa ilkeät suunnitelmat menevät kerta toisensa jälkeen mönkään!

  • af Disney
    25,99 kr.

    Nu med fantastisk musik och ljudeffekter!Simbas son, Kion, älskar att springa runt i Lejonriket och leka med sin bästa vän, honungsgrävlingen Bunga. Men en dag förändras allt. Kion upptäcker att hans vrål innehåller krafter från alla hans mäktiga förfäder. Det är alltså dags för Kion att ta ledningen och välja vem som ska få vara med i Lejonvakten, så att de tillsammans kan skydda Lejonriket från de giriga hyenorna. Kion är fast bestluten att inte gå i sin onde förfader Scars fotspår, och tillsammans med sina vänner lär sig Kion att vara en god ledare.© Disney. All rights reserved.© Disney. All rights reserved.

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Put on your most colourful superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another adventure as they head out into the night to battle Night Ninja and Luna Girl!Night Ninja has stolen all sports equipment from the park. Now his Ninjalinos can train and become super strong!Meanwhile, Luna Girl creates a giant moon ball and stores all the toys she has stolen inside.Will the PJ Masks succeed in preventing the villains from carrying out their sinister plans?An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Ready for action!´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2022 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Prepare yourself for trouble and join the PJ Masks on 12 different adventures as they head out into the night to save the day!Owlette, Catboy, and Gekko are ready to go up against the city's supervillains.Can the heroes catch up with Night Ninja's Super Ninjalinos? Will Romeo finally succeed in taking over the world with his new robots? And what villain are they pursuing to the Moon?An action-packed collection of stories filled with friendship, fun and adventures.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    The PJ Masks are ready for a new and exciting adventure! Grab your nearest superhero cape and join them in their quest against not one but two of their archenemies.When Romeo and the Night Ninja join forces, the PJ Masks are determined to defeat their enemies.However, Romeo has come up with a new invention: The Shrinker. Now everything around them is small!Can the PJ Masks prevent the villains from carrying out their sinister plan?A fun and action-packed adventure, ´PJ Masks - Catboy and the Shrinker´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Get ready for an action-packed 4-part special with the PJ Masks!Eager to take on Carly and Cartoka in a roaring race in Zoomzania using their cool PJ vehicles, the PJ Masks go against their good friend Newton Star's advice and join the race anyway.But when they return, the PJ Riders and Newton have vanished! Now they must face a new mean team - the Terrible Trio! Can our heroes save their friends and beat the baddies?PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they tackle Carly and Cartoka – a pair of speed-obsessed villainous twins who love causing trouble!With help from their Gigantogarage and super-fast Flashcar, the new villains wreck the PJ vehicles. But brave Catboy isn't giving up - he ventures into a new world to outrun the twins!Meanwhile, can Gekko and Owlette solve the mystery of the glowing PJ Crystal along with their PJ Pets?PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Join the Pyjama Heroes on another night-time adventure!The PJ Masks get busy when a trio of werewolf siblings show up. The Wolfy Kids have come to town, destroying and stealing everything they can!Can Catboy, Owlette and Gekko defeat their new enemies and save the day?'Cause bedtime is the right time to fight crime!PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    The PJ Masks are back to save the day and they need your help!The PJs' rival Romeo has built a new robot, and they want it on their side. But Romeo won't surrender without a fight. Will the robot follow its commander Romeo, or will the PJs offer of friendship change the robot's mind?PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Put on your coolest superhero costume and join the PJ Masks on yet another exciting night-time adventure, defeating the city's evil villains. The difference? This time it's personal!It’s almost Greg’s birthday and he is looking forward to having a gekko-themed party, but suddenly his lizard cake is gone! Night Ninja stole it. He stole both the birthday decorations and the birthday cake!Will the PJ Masks be able to get everything back in time for the party? And will Greg get the birthday that he always wanted?An action-packed and thrilling adventure, ´PJ Masks - Catboy and the Big Birthday Cake Rescue´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Put on your cosiest pajamas and join the PJ Masks on four exciting adventures: Pedal Power, Battle of the HQs, Feathered Friends, and Mayhem at the Museum!The villains have devised new, dangerous plans, and the heroes must take action.Where have the PJ Masks' super vessels gone? Who will win the battle for the bases? Is Owlette capable of taking care of a pet? And what's really in Romeo's big evil box?You will find out soon!A collection of action-packed and thrilling adventures, ´PJ Masks - PJ Power´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    39,99 kr.

    Fasten your seatbelt and join the PJ Masks in their race against Night Ninja to see who reaches the top of Mystery Mountain first!On Mystery Mountain lies a magical ring which bestows the wearer with ultimate ninja powers. It becomes a race against the villain and his henchmen to reach the top of Mystery Mountain and claim the ring.Night Ninja is on his way but the PJ Masks are right behind him. Will the PJ Masks be able to win the race and save the day?A fun and action-packed adventure, ´PJ Masks - Race Up Mystery Mountain´ is perfect for early readers.PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Ahoy, Matey! Prepare to embark on three awesome adventures with the PJ Masks!From dealing with Romeo's failed experiments to reclaiming stolen treasure from the villainous Pirate Robot, will Gekko, Catboy, and Owlette save the city and all things pirate?Hold onto your seats – it’s time to find out!PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Who goes into the night so they can save the day? PJ Masks!Can Owlette, Catboy and Gekko stop Romeo before he steals their superpowers with his all-in-one super-belt? And who is it that is spreading waste throughout the city?Find out in three new adventures with the PJ Masks!PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Join Catboy, Owlette and Gekko on twelve short adventures as they take on rivals Romeo, the Night Ninjas and Luna Girl.Using their superpowers, wits, and friendship, PJ Masks are ready to head out into the night to save the day!PJ MasksBy day, best friends Connor, Amaya and Greg are ordinary kids, by night they transform into superhero team, PJ Masks. Armed with their unique abilities, they fight villains, solve mysteries and make new friends, all in a night's work.PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af eOne
    44,99 kr.

    Grab your superhero capes and join Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko as they chase down Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos!Defeating the villain with ease, the PJ Masks become overconfident in their abilities and soon find themselves in deep trouble as Night Ninja secretly plots to acquire PJ powers for himself!Will the PJ Masks be able to outsmart Night Ninja once again?PJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2023 HasbroPJ Masks™ and associated trademarks are owned by eOne/Hasbro and used under license from Hasbro. © 2021 Hasbro

  • af Disney
    38,99 kr.

    Simbas søn, Kion, elsker at løbe rundt på Kongesletten og lege med sin bedste ven, honninggrævlingen Bunga. Men alting ændrer sig for Kion, da han opdager, at hans brøl indeholder kræfterne fra alle de mægtige løver fra fortiden. Nu skal Kion vælge, hvem der skal være med i Løvernes garde, så de kan beskytte Kongesletten mod de grådige hyæner. Men Kion er fast besluttet på ikke at ende ligesom den sidste leder af Løvernes garde – nemlig den onde Scar!Denne udgave af historien er beriget med både musik og lydeffekter, der gør lytteoplevelsen endnu mere magisk.Løvernes GardeKongesletten skal bestå, Løvernes Garde passer på! Tag med på vilde eventyr med allersejeste og modigste Kion, Bunga, Fuli, Ono og Beshte. Sammen skal de beskytte Kongesletten mod sultne hyæner, krokodiller og ikke mindst savannens største skurk Scar. Brøl med, når Løvernes Garde er på sagen!© Disney. All rights reserved.Bliv fortryllet af DISNEYS fantastiske verden. Tag med på eventyr og oplev magien med Mickey, Minnie, Anders, Fedtmule, Aladdin, Dumbo, Lynet McQueen, Anna, Elsa, Peter Plys, Snehvide, Løvernes Garde, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Vaiana og alle de andre fra DISNEYS skatkammer. Slå ørerne ud og læn dig tilbage – mod det uendelige univers!

  • af Mattel
    29,99 kr.

    In una giornata soleggiata sull’Isola di Sodor, il trenino Thomas incontra una locomotiva tutta scintillante. È il cosiddetto “Scozzese volante”, fratello di Gordon, che si sta recando al Grande show delle locomotive sul Continente, dove i partecipanti si sfidano per stabilire chi sia la locomotiva più veloce e più forte!Desideroso di partecipare al Grande show, Thomas chiede a Sir Topham di aggiungere degli elementi aerodinamici ad una locomotiva di Sodor, in modo che possa vincere la competizione. Da quel momento, i treni di Sodor iniziano a darsi da fare per ottimizzare il proprio aspetto e le proprie prestazioni, sperando di essere i prescelti. Cosa si inventerà il trenino Thomas per spiccare tra i suoi avversari?Thomas and FriendsPartecipa alle emozionanti avventure del trenino Thomas insieme a Gordon, James, Cranky, Diesel, Dexter, Henry e a tutte le altre locomotive dell’isola di Sodor! Unisciti a loro in una caccia al tesoro e in pericolose missioni di salvataggio, risolvi misteri da brivido e partecipa all’incoronazione del Re di Sodor. Ciuf ciuf! Tutti in carrozza!Il trenino Thomas™ è stato creato da Britt Allcroft a partire dai libri della collana The Railway Series, scritti dal reverendo W. Awdry. Fin dal 1984, i bambini di tutto il mondo si sono appassionati alle storie della piccola locomotiva blu e alle sue avventure sull’Isola di Sodor. Il trenino Thomas occupa un posto speciale nel cuore di molti, ed è stato per tanti anni una vera e propria istituzione, immancabile nelle camere da letto, nei giochi e sugli scaffali delle librerie dei bambini. Potete trovare Il trenino Thomas su Netflix, su YouTube e da oggi anche in versione e-book e audiolibro.Il trenino Thomas e i marchi registrati associati sono di proprietà di Mattel e utilizzati su licenza di Mattel Europa. © 2021 Mattel.

  • af Paw Patrol
    38,99 kr.

    Det er venskabsdag i Adventure Bay, så kom og leg sammen med PAW Patrol!Problemerne begynder, da hr. Postbud vrider om på anklen – hvem skal nu dele alle de skønne venskabsbreve ud? Borgmester Godglad og Borgmester Humdinger udfordrer hinanden: Den by, der kommer på den bedste venskabsdagsgave, får lov at kalde sig den venligste by.Kan PAW Patrol vise, hvor gode venner de er og vinde konkurrencen?PAW PatrolPAW Patrol er en munter actionserie om venskab og kunsten at arbejde sammen. Følg den verdensberømte hvalpepatrulje sammen med Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble og alle de andre, når de tager ud for at redde kæledyr og mennesker i fare!Nickelodeon (1977) er ansvarlig for at skabe nogle af de mest populære børnefranchises i nyere historie, som f.eks: SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol, iCarly, The Fairly OddParents og mange flere.

  • af Paw Patrol
    48,99 kr.

    PAW Patrol er i fuld gang!Denne PAWsome-historiesamling indeholder seks spændende Paw Patrol-eventyr, hvor du kan følge Jake og Everst, der redder onkel Otis fra at sidde fast i en løbsk minebil, eller tage med Rubble, når han skynder sig ud for at redde Apollo fra den farlige Edderkoppekonge!Hver af de seks historier følger en anden hvalp fra PAW Patrol, men fælles for dem alle er spændingen og actionen!PAW PatrolPAW Patrol er en munter actionserie om venskab og kunsten at arbejde sammen. Følg den verdensberømte hvalpepatrulje sammen med Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble og alle de andre, når de tager ud for at redde kæledyr og mennesker i fare!Nickelodeon (1977) er ansvarlig for at skabe nogle af de mest populære børnefranchises i nyere historie, som f.eks: SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol, iCarly, The Fairly OddParents og mange flere.

  • af Paw Patrol
    38,99 kr.

    Der er noget galt med Jake, han er meget syg og har brug for at komme til lægen, men han har for travlt. Ryder og hvalpene sætter sig for at hjælpe Jake med alle hans mange opgaver, mens han går til lægen, hvor Jake gennemgår alle sundhedstjekkene.Men vil Jake klare sig, og vil PAW Patrol nå at afslutte hans mange opgaver i tide?PAW PatrolPAW Patrol er en munter actionserie om venskab og kunsten at arbejde sammen. Følg den verdensberømte hvalpepatrulje sammen med Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble og alle de andre, når de tager ud for at redde kæledyr og mennesker i fare!Nickelodeon (1977) er ansvarlig for at skabe nogle af de mest populære børnefranchises i nyere historie, som f.eks: SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol, iCarly, The Fairly OddParents og mange flere.

  • af Paw Patrol
    48,99 kr.

    Tag med Paw Patrol på eventyr i disse ni skøre, spændende og sjove små historier. Du kan høre, hvordan Skye blev stuntpilot for en dag, se, hvad der skete, dengang Chase blev rumdetektiv, møde Marshalls nye ven og meget, meget mere!PAW PatrolPAW Patrol er en munter actionserie om venskab og kunsten at arbejde sammen. Følg den verdensberømte hvalpepatrulje sammen med Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble og alle de andre, når de tager ud for at redde kæledyr og mennesker i fare!Nickelodeon (1977) er ansvarlig for at skabe nogle af de mest populære børnefranchises i nyere historie, som f.eks: SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol, iCarly, The Fairly OddParents og mange flere.

  • af Paw Patrol
    38,99 kr.

    Det er snart jul, og Paw Patrol har masser at lave. Der er sange, der skal læres, dekorationer, der skal hænges op, og forsvundne pingviner, der skal findes! Kan de nå at ordne det hele og komme tilbage til Adventure Bay i tide til det Vidunderlige Vintershow?PAW PatrolPAW Patrol er en munter actionserie om venskab og kunsten at arbejde sammen. Følg den verdensberømte hvalpepatrulje sammen med Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Skye, Rocky, Rubble og alle de andre, når de tager ud for at redde kæledyr og mennesker i fare!Nickelodeon (1977) er ansvarlig for at skabe nogle af de mest populære børnefranchises i nyere historie, som f.eks: SpongeBob Squarepants, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Paw Patrol, iCarly, The Fairly OddParents og mange flere.

  • af Mattel
    37,99 kr.

    De camino al continente, Henry choca contra un tren de mercancías y Sir Topham Hatt decide que James le sustituya en su encargo de trasladar los vagones hasta el depósito de mercancías de Bridlington. Pero Thomas se siente molesto por no ser la locomotora elegida y decide transportar los vagones antes de que pueda hacerlo James. Solo hay un problema: Thomas no sabe cómo llegar a su destino. ¿Logrará llegar al depósito de mercancías? ¿Qué dirán James y Sir Topham Hatt cuando descubran lo sucedido? ¡Pasa la página y descúbrelo!Thomas and Friends¡Embárcate en trepidantes aventuras con Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diésel, Dexter, Henry y el resto de las locomotoras de la isla de Sodor! Ve en busca de un tesoro, participa en misiones de rescate, resuelve misterios fantasmagóricos y asiste a la coronación del rey de Sodor junto a todas las locomotoras. ¡Chu, chu! ¡Viajeros al tren!Thomas y sus amigos™ es una serie creada por Britt Allcroft basada en la colección de libros infantiles «The Railway Series», del reverendo W. Audry. Miles de niños de todo el mundo llevan disfrutando de las historias de la pequeña locomotora azul y sus aventuras en la isla de Sodor desde 1984. La serie ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de niños y mayores y la pequeña locomotora ha estado presente en habitaciones, ferrocarriles y estanterías de todo el mundo durante muchos años. Puedes disfrutar de las aventuras de Thomas y sus amigos en Netflix y YouTube y ahora también en formato libro electrónico y audiolibro.Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends™CREADO POR BRITT ALLCROFTBasado en The Railway Series de The Reverend W Awdry.© 2021 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Thomas & Friendsson marcas registradas de Gullane (Thomas) Limited.Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Design son Reg. U.S. Pat y TM. Off.© 2021 HIT Entertainment Limited.

  • af Hasbro France SAS
    17,99 kr.

    Harmonia w Equestrii została zburzona – ziemskie kucyki, jednorożce i pegazy przestają sobie ufać, a co gorsza, na świecie nie ma już magii. Sunny jest jedynym kucykiem w Zatoce Grzyw, który nie boi się obcych. Kiedy więc w mieście nagle pojawia się jednorożec o imieniu Izzy Moonbow, szybko stają się przyjaciółkami. Muszą teraz wyruszyć na wielką przygodę, aby odzyskać magię i przywrócić harmonię w Equestrii!My Little Pony - Nowe pokolenieNadszedł czas na nowe opowieści, nowych przyjaciół i zupełnie nowe przygody nowego pokolenia kucyków!Poznaj Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm i Pipp Petals oraz wiele innych fantastycznych kucyków. Zanurz się w cudownej krainie Equestrii i razem z nowymi bohaterami poczuj magię świata My Little Pony!© Hasbro. All rights reserved.Poznaj nowe pokolenie kucyków!Rozgrywająca się wiele lat po serii "Przyjaźń to magia" opowieść o świecie My Little Pony jest pełna nowych i ekscytujących przygód w krainie Equestrii! Przyjdź i poznaj nową piątkę: Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Zipp Storm i Pipp Petals i wiele innych!Dołącz do zabawy z kucykami!

  • af Mattel
    Fra 37,99 kr.

    ¡Sube a bordo de Thomas y sus amigos! Resuelve junto a Thomas, Edward, Henry, James, Emily y Percy los aprietos que causan los vagones problemáticos, sigue las indicaciones del operador gordinflón y disfruta de fantásticas aventuras repletas de amistad. ¿Tienes el equipaje listo? ¡Súbete a la locomotora!Thomas and Friends¡Embárcate en trepidantes aventuras con Thomas, Gordon, James, Cranky, Diésel, Dexter, Henry y el resto de las locomotoras de la isla de Sodor! Ve en busca de un tesoro, participa en misiones de rescate, resuelve misterios fantasmagóricos y asiste a la coronación del rey de Sodor junto a todas las locomotoras. ¡Chu, chu! ¡Viajeros al tren!Thomas y sus amigos™ es una serie creada por Britt Allcroft basada en la colección de libros infantiles «The Railway Series», del reverendo W. Audry. Miles de niños de todo el mundo llevan disfrutando de las historias de la pequeña locomotora azul y sus aventuras en la isla de Sodor desde 1984. La serie ocupa un lugar especial en el corazón de niños y mayores y la pequeña locomotora ha estado presente en habitaciones, ferrocarriles y estanterías de todo el mundo durante muchos años. Puedes disfrutar de las aventuras de Thomas y sus amigos en Netflix y YouTube y ahora también en formato libro electrónico y audiolibro.Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends™CREADO POR BRITT ALLCROFTBasado en The Railway Series de The Reverend W Awdry.© 2021 Gullane (Thomas) Limited. Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Thomas & Friendsson marcas registradas de Gullane (Thomas) Limited.Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends y Design son Reg. U.S. Pat y TM. Off.© 2021 HIT Entertainment Limited.