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  • af Friedrich Nietzsche
    42,99 kr.

    ‘150 Quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts’ is a collection of reflections and ideas by one of the greatest minds the world has ever seen.Sometimes poetic, often ironic, and always incisive, these quotes are taken from various periods in Nietzsche’s life and give an insight into the way his ideas formed and solidified.A superb book for dipping in and out of, and ideal for anyone with an interest in the human condition.Born in Röcken, Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 – 1900) would grow to become one of the leading figures in the worlds of philosophy and modern thought. An outstanding pupil throughout his childhood, he later went on to the University of Leipzig.Despite not having finished his dissertation or his degree, Nietzsche’s progress was such that his classics professor recommended him for a professorship at the University of Basel. However, the outbreak of the Franco-Prussian War cut his teaching career short.Between 1879 and 1889, Nietzsche lived as a virtual recluse, devoting himself to writing. His most famous work, ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ established him as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th Century.

  • af – Heraclitus Of Ephesus
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Heraclitus of Ephesus’ is a superb read for those with an interest in philosophy or the human condition.Insightful, esoteric, and incisive, 21st-century readers will be taken with the relevance of observations made more than 2,500 years ago.Whether you’re looking for philosophical inspiration or to further your self-development, this is a superb book for dipping in and out of.While Heraclitus of Ephesus (535BC – 475BC) might be one of the more enigmatic figures in Greek philosophy, his impact is no less profound. From what we know, he was one of the pioneers of the idea of an ‘ordered universe,’ but was equally preoccupied with the concept of equality between all people.However, it was his focus on the balance between the elements that was to be his critical undoing. Heraclitus’ belief that each element has its place in the order of things may have made him unpopular with the cognoscenti, but it also paved the way for those following in his philosophical footsteps, such as Socrates and Plato.

  • af Moliere
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Molière’ is a compendium of thoughts and observations by one of the greatest minds of 17th-century France.Often witty, sometimes sharp, and occasionally touching, readers will find themselves getting a sneak peek inside Molière’s mind.A superb read, ‘100 Quotes by Molière’ is ideal for those with an interest in theatre and a wonderful book for dipping in and out of.One of France’s greatest dramatists, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin (1622 – 1673), better known by his stage name, Molière, was born in Paris. While his father fully intended for Molière to become a furnisher for the French Royal family, much like himself, Molière initially decided he wanted to work as an actor.However, after trying to establish a theatre company in Paris, spending some time in prison, and touring with a theatre troupe, Molière eventually turned his attention to writing plays. His first, ‘L’Étourdi; ou, les contretemps,’ was staged in Lyons in 1655. However, it was three years later, when performing his ‘Le Docteur Lamoureux' that Molière found fame, falling under the wing of the king’s brother, Phillipe.Although little is known about his later life, his plays are staged worldwide to this day. Many have been adapted for film and television, including ‘Don Juan,’ starring Jacques Weber.

  • af Aeschylus
    42,99 kr.

    ´100 Quotes by Aeschylus´ unveils the musings of the originator of tragedy.With topics such as religion, life, love, and death taken to task, Aeschylus offers the 21st-century reader an insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Ancient Greeks. However, what is surprising is just how resonant many of those ideas are today.An outstanding book for those seeking bite-sized nuggets of timeless wisdom.Thought to have been born in Eleusis, Aeschylus (524BC – 456BC) is the subject of both myth and legend. According to the story, at the age of 26, he was working in a vineyard. During that time, he was visited by the Greek god Dionysus, who pointed him towards the theatrical art of tragedy.In addition to working as a playwright, he served in the Greek army, particularly in the wars against Persia, which heavily influenced his earliest works. When inducted into a secret cult surrounding the goddess, Demeter, Aeschylus revealed many of the sect’s mysteries in his scripts. As a result, he was accused of religious mockery, although acquitted at his trial.While he has set the template for tragedians to follow, many of his works have been adapted for film and TV. Perhaps the most notable is ‘Oresteia,’ starring Diana Rigg and Anton Lesser.

  • af Groucho Marx
    42,99 kr.

    ‘100 Quotes by Groucho Marx’ is a collection of quips, thoughts, and reflections by one of comedy’s greatest clowns.From the classic "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member" to lesser-known one-liners, it’s a superb read for anyone with even the faintest interest in comedic art.The perfect book for dipping in and out of, there are some wisecracks worth committing to memory, alongside some observations into the mind of the man behind the moustache.Born in New York, Julius Henry ‘Groucho’ Marx (1890 – 1977) was an American comedian and, some might say, stand-up philosopher.Initially, Marx tried his hand at singing but proved "hopelessly average." Under his mother’s guidance, he formed ‘The Marx Brothers,’ with his siblings, Adolph, Leonard, Herbert, and Milton. Their breakthrough came in 1914 when, during a performance, a runaway donkey caught the audience’s attention. On their return, Marx’ quick-witted scolding won them over.After a series of films, Marx pursued a solo career, appearing on TV, stage, radio, and the silver screen. In the character of Groucho, he created an iconic comic figure that is still imitated to this day.

  • af Heinrich Von Kleist
    40,99 kr.

    Ein Richter, der sich selbst richten muss. In Kleists bekannter Komodie "e;Der zerbrochene Krug"e; wehrt sich Dorfrichter Adam gegen die Anklage, er hatte einen Krug zerstort, und nicht nur das. Im Verlauf der Gerichtsverhandlung versucht Adam die Zeugen zu manipulieren. Was genau passiert ist, kommt nach und nach ans Licht. Der Aufbau des Enthullungsdramas erinnert an die Odipussage, wahrend der Mix aus Tragik und Komik shakespearesque erscheint.-

  • af Preben Ramløv
    69,00 kr.

    Folkeeventyrene er, som al anden digtning, et forsøg på at tolke den menneskelige tilværelse, og spørgsmålene om, hvem vi er, hvor vi kommer fra, og hvor vi skal hen, fylder meget i de ældgamle fortællinger, hvis oprindelse fortaber sig i det uvisse.I "Myter og folkeeventyr" giver Preben Ramløv en grundig, men lettilgængelig introduktion til folkeeventyrenes historie og til deres litterære og kulturhistoriske aspekter. Bogen kan bruges både i dansk- og litteraturundervisningen, men henvender sig også til den almindeligt interesserede læser.Den danske forfatter Preben Ramløv (1918-1988) var særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner for børn og unge og for sine genfortolkninger af de gamle folkeeventyr.

  • af G Geschichte
    51,99 kr.

    Der Bauernkrieg – Deutschlands großer VolksaufstandIm Gegensatz zum weitverbreiteten Irrglaube sind die Auswirkungen des Bauernaufstandes von 1524 bis 1526 auch in unserer heutigen Gesellschaft noch erkennbar. Was damals wirklich geschah und wie dieser Aufstand zu einem der tragenden Momente der deutschen Geschichte wird, zeigt dieses Hörbuch. Es werden elementare Persönlichkeiten der damaligen Zeit beleuchtet und der Historiker Ulrich Niggemann zieht eine Bilanz darüber, was die Bauern wirklich erreicht haben.Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.

  • af Verónica Valenzuela Cordero
    96,99 kr.

    Madrid lleva siglos atestada de vampiros sin que los ciudadanos de a pie lo sepan. Al investigar una serie de crímenes extraños, el policía Miguel Aguirre cae en las garras de la oscuridad y se ve obligado a abandonar a su hijo con tal de protegerlo. Con una gran sed de venganza, combatirá contra los vampiros que se extienden por toda Europa, hasta descubrir que una antigua profecía puede cambiar su destino y el del mundo al completo.Verónica Valenzuela es una escritora natural de Jerez de la Frontera especializada en el género romántico y el suspense.

  • af Ole Hyldtoft, Niels Finn Christiansen & Helle Askgaard
    99,00 kr.

    Den industrielle revolution er en af de vigtigste begivenheder i Danmarks historie, og den ligger til grund for det overflodssamfund, vi har i dag. Industrialiseringen medførte en enorm samfundsændring i sidste halvdel af 1800-tallet, hvor tusindvis af mennesker forlod deres hjem på landet for at finde arbejde på byens nye fabrikker. Det ændrede Danmark, som man kendte det, selvom livet som fabriksarbejder var hårdt og opslidende og sjældent sådan, som man havde håbet."Det industrielle Danmark 1840-1914" er skrevet som en undervisningsbog for gymnasiet og hf, men kan læses af alle, der interesserer sig for danmarkshistorie og samfundsudvikling.Ole Hyldtoft (f. 1943) er en dansk historiker, der har skrevet en lang række bøger om Danmarks erhvers- og industrihistorie, industrialisering og kulturhistorie. Sammen med Helle Askgaard og Niels Finn Christiansen har han skrevet bogen "Det industrielle Danmark 1840-1914".