Kvalifikatorer: Uddannelse og uddannelsesniveauer
69,00 kr. Når man dykker helt ned i ét bestemt forfatterskab, bør man gå til stoffet på en anden måde, end hvis man studerer en genre eller et kapitel i litteraturhistorien. "At læse et forfatterskab" vejleder os til at få mest muligt ud af forfatterskabet og få dets dybde til at komme til udtryk. Bogen henvender sig primært til gymnasie- og hf-undervisning samt indledende forløb på danskstudiet på universitetet, men den kan læses af alle, der er interesserede i litteratur og ønsker at få en dybere forståelse af den.John Chr. Jørgensen (f.1944) er en dansk litteraturforsker og har været tilknyttet Københavns Universitet siden 1969. Han har desuden været litteraturkritiker ved både Politiken og Ekstra Bladet. John Chr. Jørgensen var desuden én af hovedkræfterne bag Dansk forfatterleksikon, 1-2 fra 2001.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
77,99 kr. The aristocratic Phil Meredith chooses to marry Violet, a working-class girl from London, which raises more than a few eyebrows. However, when Violet decides to throw a party for her friends at her new country residence, she is murdered, leaving the guests in a state of shock.The arrival of two detectives, Merrington and Caldew, sets the investigation in motion. This is swiftly followed by the arrival of America’s greatest private eye, Grant Colwyn. Will he be able to work with the two policemen, or will he rely on his own methods to solve the case?‘The Hand in the Dark’ is packed with red herrings, twists, and turns, and is sure to have even the most dedicated armchair detective guessing until the last page.Born in Melbourne, Arthur J. Rees (1872 – 1942) was an Australian author and journalist. After a brief spell working for the ‘Melbourne Age’ newspaper, he acted as a reporter for the ‘New Zealand Herald,’ before becoming the editor of the ‘New Zealand Truth.’During his twenties, Rees left for England, where he worked as a journalist for the ‘London Times.’ It was during this period that he began his literary career, with the publication of ‘The Merry Marauders.’ Rees made his mark as a writer of crime and mystery novels and was most notably praised by the English crime writer, Dorothy L. Sayers.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
102,99 kr. The third novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘A Man Could Stand Up’ follows the further trials of Christopher Tietjens. Set on Armistice Day 1918, the story sees Tietjens back in London, mulling over the events of World War I.So too, is his beloved Valentine, although gossip has spread about their illicit, romantic entanglements. As each debates their place in a post-war world, the main burning question is whether or not they can find happiness together.A beautifully-written and touching story from one of the best war novelists of the 20th Century, 'A Man Could Stand Up' will delight any person who is interested in World War I literature.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel called ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier’.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
163,99 kr. It takes a great mind to study a great mind.The literary critic John Livingston Lowes puts his reputation on the line by chosing to analyse the sources, thoughts and imagination of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge.The result, 'The Road to Xanadu', is a remarkable and insightful examination of the creative processes and reading material that inspired 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.Lowes brilliantly uses his study of Coleridge as a springboard to a more wide-ranging analysis of the imagination.If you like Coleridge's work, you will be fascinated by this look into the mind of a literary giant.John Livingston Lowes (1867-1945) was an American scholar and critic of English literature. His best-known subjects were Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Geoffrey Chaucer, author of 'The Canterbury Tales'.His most famous work is 'The Road to Xanadu: A Study in the Ways of the Imagination', which examines the sources of Coleridge's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Lix: 12Let: 15Hvad laver en koala? Får den mange unger? Og hvorfor spiser den lort? Det kan du få svar på her i bogen. Du kan også få svar på, hvorfor to af koalaens tæer sidder sammen. Og hvad der sker med koalaerne, hvis skoven brænder.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘Maud and Other Poems’ is a collection of eight poems, including the famous ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade.’Through his works, Tennyson explores a range of subjects, such as love, death, marriage, regret, God, and war.The title poem follows the narrator’s love for Maud, from its initial unsteadiness to its all-consuming passion. Tennyson’s poetic skills move the poem from wistful lament to hot-blooded action.A superb read for fans of one of the greatest poets of all time.One of the most popular and prolific poets of the Victorian age, Alfred Tennyson (1809 – 1892) was born in Lincolnshire. The son of a rector, he was one of 11 children. The size of the family meant that Tennyson was educated at a local grammar school in order to reduce expenditure.At the age of 18, Tennyson was accepted into Trinity College, Cambridge. There, he befriended the poet, Arthur Hallam, and was awarded the Chancellor’s Gold Medal for one of his earliest works, ‘Timbuktu’.During his career, Tennyson wrote over 100 poems, including ‘In Memoriam A.H.H.’, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’, and ‘Crossing the Bar’.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Skal en kanin have motion? Er der vilde kaniner i Danmark? Og må din kanin få avokado? Alt det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om blinde kanin-unger. Og om en kanin, der vejer over 20 kilo. Og du kan lære, hvordan du passer din egen kanin.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Er en kinkaju en abe? Hvad bruger den sin hale til? Og er en kinkaju et godt kæle-dyr? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvorfor en kinkaju er glad for hule træer. Og hvorfor den aldrig bliver stukket af en bi.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, ‘A War-Time Wooing’ tells the story of Bessie Warren and her love for Lieutenant Paul Revere Abbott.Bessie's brother has been killed in the fighting, and her beloved Paul is sent to the heart of the conflict. While they write to each other constantly, will Paul return home or suffer the same fate as Bessie's brother?At its heart, this is a historical romance. However, it is packed with fascinating details of the war between the North and the South, many of them based on the author's own experiences.This will delight anyone interested in war novels.Born in New York, Charles King (1844 – 1933) was the son of a general in the United States army. At first, a military career seemed inevitable, and King graduated from the West Point Academy, to serve in the Indian Wars as a captain.However, during that conflict, he was injured and forced to return home. After his recovery, King was appointed as a general and fought in several conflicts, including The Battle of Manila, and The Battle of Santa Cruz.On returning, he embarked on a literary career, writing more than 60 books, focussing on life in the army. In addition, he wrote several scripts for Buffalo Bill Cody. Cody was a soldier, hunter, and actor, who King befriended during the Indian Wars. King died in Milwaukee, aged 88.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Kafka und Satie - Erzählungen von Franz Kafka inszeniert mit Musik von Eriki SatieFranz Kafkas kurze Erzählungen vereinen Phantastisches, Paradoxes und Absurdes. Unglaubliches und Unerhörtes wird da beschrieben, minutiös, nüchtern-ernst und oft verblüffend komisch. Grenzbereiche unseres Lebens werden ausgeleuchtet, existenzielle Grund- oder Ausnahmesituationen in unvergessliche, traumverwandte Bilder gefasst, geschrieben in einer wunderbar klaren Sprache, die im Deutschen ihresgleichen sucht. Erik Saties minimalistische, teils meditative, teils witzig-skurrile, oft wie musikalische Aphorismen anmutende Klavierstücke, entstanden zur gleichen Zeit (zwischen 1910 und 1925) in Paris, als Kafka seine Prosa in Prag niederschrieb.Stefan Laux studierte Musik und Germanistik in Heidelberg und Stuttgart, seine Klavierausbildung erhielt er bei Christoph Back, einem Schüler von Alfred Brendel, sowie bei Arne Torger und Jürgen Uhde. Von Konrad Richter, Jürgen Glauss und Norman Shetler wurde er im Fach Liedgestaltung ausgebildet. Er war Begleiter bei Meisterkursen von Elisabeht Schwarzkopf und Dietrich Fischer Dieskau. Sein Repertoire umfasst nahezu die gesamte Liedliteratur von Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven über Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Wolf, Schönberg, Berg, Webern und Eisler bis in die heutige Moderne. Er ist Vorstand und künstlerischer Leiter der Süddeutschen Schubertgesellschaft e.V.
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.
68,75 kr. Hvad er om-sorg? Hvem har brug for et drop? Og hvordan bliver man syge-plejerske? Alt det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, om syge-plejersker kan arbejde i andre lande, og hvorfor de ikke måtte gifte sig i gamle dage. Og du finder måske ud af, om det er noget for dig at blive syge-plejerske.
- E-bog
- 68,75 kr.
38,99 kr. Lix: 3Let: 10Ky ankommer til fastelavnsfest. Hun er klædt ud som en bi. Men så kommer Le. Le er også en bi. Hvem må slå på tønden nu? Det må bi … men hvilken bi?
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
Fra 39,00 kr. Har en is-bjørn brug for is? Kan den lugte en sæl i vandet? Og hvad er Arktis? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om is-bjørne-unger med pink hud. Og om en is-bjørn, der slap ud af sit bur i ZOO.
Fra 39,00 kr. Kan en rotte svømme? Er en rotte kilden? Og hvad bruger en rotte papir til? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om rotter, der er forsøgs-dyr. Og du kan finde ud af, hvorfor en rotte kan dø af at have for lange tænder.
68,75 kr. Nanna og Mark bliver overfaldet af banden Ulvene. De forsøger at få Marks mobil tilbage ved hjælp af GPS, en ny ven og en drone.Høj puls er en serie med action og uhygge. Der er fire titler i serien:Høj puls 1 - BunkerenHøj puls 2 - UlveneHøj puls 3 - Jamie KHøj puls 4 - Fælden
- E-bog
- 68,75 kr.
68,75 kr. Nanna og Mark er på ferie ved Vesterhavet. De finder en bunker fra Anden Verdenskrig. Dagen efter finder de også en mærkelig pakke på stranden.Høj puls er en serie med action og uhygge. Der er fire titler i serien:Høj puls 1 - BunkerenHøj puls 2 - UlveneHøj puls 3 - Jamie KHøj puls 4 - Fælden
- E-bog
- 68,75 kr.
Fra 39,00 kr. Hvordan bliver en fisk rund som en ballon? Kan en fisk være så lang som en bus? Og kan man spise en giftig fisk i Japan? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om en fisk, der vejer 1.000 kilo. Og om en fisk, der suger kød og blod fra andre fisk. Lix-tal: 14. Let-tal: 16. Der findes gratis læseforståelsesopgaver til bogen på fagklub.alinea.dk. Grøn Fagklub Underlige fisk er oplagt frilæsning til dem, der elsker faglitteratur. Grøn Fagklub er henvendt til de nye læsere i indskolingen og er bygget op som eksemplariske fagbøger med indholdsfortegnelse, overblik og stikordsregister.
163,99 kr. An unsentimental look at the lives of farmers and businessmen in the late 19th century, ‘The Octopus’ details the expansion of the railroad, its tracks spreading out like tentacles across the US.We follow the farmers as they are slowly crushed by the pressures put on them by this new industry, due to the greed and corruption of cold, corporate businessmen, who are willing to go to unsavoury lengths to ensure they do not lose out on the possible financial rewards.Written without any romanticism, ‘The Octopus’ gives a fascinating insight into the effects of industrialism, and the subsequent avarice that inevitably follows.Frank Norris (1870 – 1902) was born Benjamin Franklin Norris, in Chicago. Widely hailed as the first American ‘naturalist’ writer, he was the son of a self-made businessman and an actress. After the death of his brother, Norris went to Paris to study art at the Académie Julian. While there, he was introduced to the novels of Émile Zola, who was to profoundly influence his work.His later studies at the University of Berkeley exposed him to the works of Charles Darwin, which would heavily impact his writing. It was at university, via the ‘San Francisco Wave´, that he first published his stories. When he left Berkeley to go to Harvard, he was persuaded to pursue a literary career by fellow author, Lewis E Gates.Many of Norris’ works deal with how corporate corruption affects those at the lower end of the financial spectrum, and further act as fantastic documents of American life in the late 19th century and the early 20th century.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
38,99 kr. When the gambler, John Oakhurst, senses that he may have outstayed his welcome in the mining camp of Poker Flat, he sets off to find pastures new.Accompanied by the local drunk, Uncle Billy, and two prostitutes, he makes his way towards Sandy Bar. However, when things do not go according to plan, and the weather turns, Oakhurst must look deep inside himself to work out what to do.A gritty tale, riddled with tragedy and romance, ‘The Outcasts of Poker Flat’ does not spare the horses when it comes to depicting the difficulties faced by ordinary folk in the Old West.Born in New York, Bret Harte (1836 – 1902) was a prolific poet, author, and journalist. The son of one of the founders of the New York Stock Exchange, Harte’s education was erratic, and he left school at the age of 13.Four years later, he moved to California, trying out a number of jobs, including working as a miner and a journalist. After an unsuccessful stint as a stagecoach guard, he became a schoolteacher.Later, he was hired as an editor for ‘The Golden Era’ magazine. His piece on the Wiyot Massacre resulted in death threats, and Harte was forced to flee to San Francisco. There, he became a journalist for ‘The Atlantic Monthly’ and was instrumental in founding ‘The Californian’, and ‘The Overland Monthly’. The latter was to publish one of his most well-known stories, ‘The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches’.During his lifetime, Harte published more than 30 books.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
77,99 kr. When Leslie comes to meet her father, Caspar Brooke, for the first time, she is keen to learn why her mother left him.While living with him, Leslie sets herself the task of reuniting her estranged parents. In Sergeant’s typically observant style, the circumstances that surround Brooke’s separation from Lady Alice have as much to do with their characters as they have to do with a chain of events.‘Brooke’s Daughter’ is an incisive exploration of human relationships and how a simple misunderstanding can change the course of someone’s life. In Caspar, we have one of the most appealing characters in Sergeant’s canon, despite her trademark criticisms of male Victorian values.A fascinating and rewarding read, ‘Brooke’s Daughter’ is sure to delight any reader familiar with her body of work.Emily Frances Adeline Sergeant (1851 – 1904) was one of the most prolific novelists of the 19th century. Born in Derbyshire, Emily was the daughter of Richard Sergeant, a Methodist missionary, and Jane Hall, a writer of children’s books. Jane published her stories under the name Adeline, which Emily was later to adopt.During her lifetime, Adeline Sergeant wrote over 90 novels, including ‘The Story of a Penitent Soul,’ ‘No Saint,’ and ‘The Idol Maker.’ Many of her works explored the theme of religion, as her views changed from committed faith to agnosticism, and finally, to Catholicism.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Written just eight years before the Wright brothers made their first powered flight, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ follows the fortunes of eccentric millionaire, Monson. Monson is determined to build the world’s first flying machine. However, with his fortune dwindling and time against him, will he be successful in his mission?Another example of Wells’ extraordinary prescience, ‘The Argonauts of the Air’ is a thought-provoking and taut read, and possibly the only book to put London’s Worcester Park on the literary map.H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Unterhaltsam, spannend, pfiffig und amüsant: „Kriegen Eisbären eine Gänsehaut" hat auf jede noch so knifflige Kinderfrage eine lehrreiche und interessante Antwort. Gibt es Leben auf dem Mars? Warum können Pinguine nicht fliegen? Und wie kommt es eigentlich, dass wir im All schwerelos sind? Diese und viele andere Themen werden mühelos enträtselt – ein Muss für Kinder und neugierige Erwachsene!
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.
68,75 kr. Er et mar-svin et svin? Har et mar-svin fjender? Og må dit mar-svin få majs? Alt det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om gris-linger og om for-tænder, der vokser hele tiden. Og du kan lære, hvordan du passer dit eget mar-svin.
- E-bog
- 68,75 kr.
Fra 38,99 kr. Kan et hus køre? Kan man bo i en container? Er et hus atid fir-kantet? Her kan du læse om spændende og anderledes måder at bo på. Du kan også læse om at gen-bruge ting. Og om at bo klima-venligt og ud-lede mindre CO. Til sidst kan du teste dig selv: Kan du huske, hvad alle de seje huse hedder?
70,49 kr. Hvad er en lama i familie med? Kan en lama være alene? Og hvad er et pak-dyr? Det får du svar på her i bogen. Du får også svar på, hvor stærk en lama er, og om der bor lamaer i Danmark.´Og du lærer, hvornår du skal løbe langt væk fra en lama ...
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.
70,49 kr. Hvor meget kan en myre løfte? Er en myre-tue vand-tæt? Og lugter alle myrer ens? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om myrer, der sprøjter gift ind i deres bytte. Og 100.000 myrer, der arbejder hårdt for deres dronning. Og meget mere ...
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.
70,49 kr. Kan en edder-kop lave spind af væske? Hvad bruger den sit spind til? Og kan en konge lære noget af en edder-kop? Det kan du læse om her i bogen. Du kan også læse om spinde-vorter og edder-kopper, der går på line. Og du kan lære, hvordan du kan farve et spind og tage det med hjem.
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.
70,49 kr. En tordnende masse af hvidt kommer væltende ned ad bjergsiden med over 300 kilometer i timen. Du har to - måske tre - sekunder til at flygte ...Laviner findes alle steder, hvor der er bjerge og sne. Her kan du blive klogere på det farlige naturfænomen. Du kan læse om ustabile snelag, om kontrollerede sprængninger og om en russisk ekspedition, der gik grueligt galt. Du kan også finde ud af, hvordan du aflæser en lavineskala, og hvorfor du sagtens kan tage på skiferie uden at være i fare. Vil du teste, hvordan en lavine opstår? Så prøv forsøget bagerst i bogen.
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.
73,99 kr. Considerado por la academia latinoamericana como la obra pionera lexicográfica del Nuevo Mundo, este diccionario elaborado por el escritor y aventurero español Ciro Bayo recaba numerosos vocablos latinoamericanos desarrollados a raíz de la expansión del español como lingua franca en el continente y su posterior desarrollo. Una obra de importancia filológica capital.Ciro Bayo y Segurola, nacido en Madrid en 1859, fue un escritor y aventurero español. Bohemio y despreocupado, luchó en las guerras carlistas, fue hecho prisionero y posteriormente liberado, recorrió buena parte de España y de los continentes europeo y americano, tanto a caballo como a pie; hazañas que recogió en su obra novelada y ensayística. Trazó buena amistad con escritores de la época como Pío Baroja. A día de hoy se le considera uno de los pioneros de la literatura de viajes, ascendente directo de Kapuscinski o Manu Leguineche.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
70,49 kr. Kan verdens mindste hund løbe? Hvor hurtigt kører verdens mindste bil? Kan du sove på verdens mindste hotel? Alt det får du svar på i denne bog. Du får også svar på, om man kan ride på verdens mindste hest. Og du får idéer til at lave din egen rekord-bog over alt muligt, der er mindst. Og meget mere ...
- E-bog
- 70,49 kr.