2020 til 2029

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  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Kun Lilja Laaksonen kohtaa hyväntekeväisyystapahtumassa lukioaikaisen ihastuksensa, hän ei tiedä mitä ajatella. Kasper Kivenlahti on edelleen yhtä komea kuin yhdeksän vuotta sitten. Nuorten elämät ovat kuitenkin kulkeneet varsin erilaisia polkuja pitkin. Lilja on valmistunut lääkäriksi ja Kasper puolestaan on menestynyt rallikuski. Voiko heillä olla edelleen jotain yhteistä? Kulkeehan Kasperin vanavedessä missejä ja muita silmäätekeviä, ja Lilja on vain tavallinen tyttö lukioajoilta...Uskallatko rakastaa minua on Sara Stormin vauhdikas rakkausromaani täynnä jännittäviä käänteitä.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Jasmin Laine on sisustusliikkeen myyjä, jonka elämässä on viime aikoina ollut paljon surua. Ensin äiti sairastui vakavasti ja pian Jasminin oli aika jättää äidille lopulliset hyvästit. Kun Jasmin lähtee maaseudulle äidin siunaustilaisuuteen, tilanne muuttuu nopeasti omituiseksi. Mitä Samuli Havusalo tekee täällä? Jasmin ei voi sietää miestä! Kyseessä on äidin jo edesmenneen miesystävän poika. Jasmin ei kuitenkaan arvaa, että testamentti tulee sitomaan hänet Samuliin yllättävällä tavalla. Voivatko Jasminin tunteet tuota ärsyttävää miestä kohtaan muuttua?Toisilleen tarkoitetut on Sara Stormin rakkausromaani täynnä tulisia tunteita.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Lucy Knott
    102,99 kr.

    'This gorgeous Christmassy second chance love story was exactly what I needed to warm my heart and soothe my soul' Rachel BurtonWhen old friends return, sparks ignite this Christmas in Springhollow... Tomboy Scarlett thought Devon would be her best friend forever. He was the only person in Springhollow who supported her ambitious artist dreams. But then one winter, Devon and his parents disappear without warning to start a new life in NYC and a devastated Scarlett is left alone to face her high-school bullies and overbearing mother.Fast-forward ten years: Scarlett is playing it safe in her childhood village with a dull PA job and a wardrobe that passes her mother's old-fashioned standards. Meanwhile, Devon is a Hollywood heartthrob, starring in the latest superhero blockbuster. And he's finally coming home for Christmas...Scarlett can't help blaming her former best friend for the way her life has turned out, but Devon's cheeky charm and gorgeous smile prove difficult to resist. Devon always did make her feel on top of the world, but Scarlett knows her heart isn't racing just because she has her friend back. Is it mistletoe madness, or is she seeing Devon in a completely new light?Could this Christmas of second chances finally be her time to shine?Perfect for fans of Sarah Morgan, Jo Thomas and Holly Martin.Readers LOVE "One Snowy Week in Springhollow"'A super read - quite possibly Lucy's best yet!''A wonderful story of friendship, love, superheroes and being true to yourself''A story you must pick up and devour over a mug of hot chocolate, curled up under a blanket'

  • af Debbie Young
    106,99 kr.

    As Halloween approaches in the Cotswold village of Wendlebury Barrow, Sophie Sayers, new to the village, is suspicious of the fierce new vicar and his ban on the villagers' seasonal celebrations.Especially when he plans to replace them with a traditional Guy Fawkes' Night party, and invites everyone to bring a guy (scarecrow) to burn on his giant bonfire.Sophie thinks the vicar's not the only one with dark secrets to hide. What about her boss, the beguiling bookseller, Hector Munro? Whose body will be found outside his village bookshop? Not to mention the one secretly buried beneath the vicar’s bonfire...Just as Sophie had been starting to feel at home in Wendlebury, she must call on all her inner resources and trust her instincts to save the day before anyone else can come to harm - and to get Hector back on her side.For fans of cosy mysteries everywhere, Sophie’s second adventure will have you laughing out loud as you try to solve the mystery before she does, in the company of engaging new characters, as well as familiar favourites from "Best Murder in Show".Perfect for fans of Richard Osman, Verity Bright and Ann Sutton.Debbie Young is a British writer of cosy mystery novels. She is the UK ambassador for ALLi and the founder of the annual Hawkesbury Upton Literary Festival. Her warm, witty, feel-good contemporary fiction is full of English humour, inspired by life in the Cotswold village which has been her home for over 30 years. Her bestselling ‘Sophie Sayers Village Mystery’ series includes the trailblazing ‘Murder Your Darlings’, which was shortlisted for the Selfies Award for best independently published fiction in 2021.

  • af Sophie Souid & Thomas Brunstrøm
    69,00 kr.

    Hans og Grete (nej, ikke dem fra eventyret) får en hund af deres bedstefar. Herman er ikke som andre hunde – den er ikke så køn og ret ustyrlig, men tvillingerne elsker den alligevel. Kort tid efter opstår der ballade i det lille villakvarter. Et eller andet bæst har gravet alle fru Jørgensens blomster op og har ædt Murer-Hennings kaniner. Alle naboerne er overbeviste om, at det er hunden, som er skyld i det hele. Tvillingerne går straks på jagt efter kanindræberen. Men intet går som planlagt. Slet intet."Et mysterie med bid i" er tredje bind i Thomas Brunstrøm og Sophie Souids serie "To på ti" om tvillingerne Hans og Grete.Thomas Brunstrøm er forfatter, freelancejournalist og filmanmelder. Han debuterede i 2015 med børnebogen "Dengang Sallys far var dreng".Sophie Souid er børnebogsforfatter og podcastvært. Hun debuterede i 2018 med "Alf og Bjørn redder verden – Død over Tandfeen".

  • af Alfredo Speranza
    96,99 kr.

    In un’ansa del Tevere transitano le storie e le fortune di molti personaggi. Una Roma interconnessa—anche e soprattutto nei suoi sotterranei—che si riallaccia, a sua insaputa, in questa curva del fiume, a Porto Giordano. Tra scrittori, meccanici, intellettuali, anziane paladine dei topi del Tevere; e poi ancora, i topi stessi, sempre sull’orlo di essere spazzati via dai meccanismi di una città che si evolve e cresce come una melma—"Rattatata", in bilico tra il fantastico e la meraviglia, racconta una Roma quanto mai reale e tangibile, riunita per l’occasione in un lembo piccolissimo di fiume.

  • af Olivia Lara
    129,99 kr.

    What if the Lift driver who finds your cheating boyfriend's phone holds the directions to true love?'Who are you and why do you have my boyfriend's phone?''He left it in my car. You must be the blonde in the red dress? I'm the Lift driver who dropped you two off earlier.'And with these words, the life of the brunette and t-shirt wearing Maya Maas is turned upside down. Having planned to surprise her boyfriend, she finds herself single and stranded in an unknown city on her birthday.So when the mystery driver rescues Maya with the suggestion that she cheers herself up at a nearby beach town, she jumps at the chance to get things back on track. She wasn't expecting a personalised itinerary or the easy companionship that comes from opening up to a stranger via text, let alone the possibility it might grow into something more...Readers love The Meeting Point!'Fun, feel-good read. I breezed through this in one sitting... The romance had me swooning and I couldn't stop smiling. Need to find my own rideshare now' Netgalley Review'My god, how I love this book!... A must read... Obviously, a big, fat, shiny stars from me!' The Artsy Reader'YA'LL!!!!! This was one of the most unique written plots I have ever experienced in my life! The Meeting Pointhad me in all my feels and even made my eyes leak! Ah-Mazing!... This is a book you do NOT want to miss!'Perfect for fans of Mhairi McFarlane, Josie Silver and Sally Thorne.

  • af Shreya Sen & Aaquib Jaleel
    Fra 29,99 kr.

    Ijas et Vikram sont meilleurs amis depuis toujours. Autrefois voisins, ils vivent désormais loin l'un de l'autre. Pour garder contact, ils s'écrivent des lettres et s'échangent des énigmes. Un jour, Ijas reçoit de la part de son ami une lettre mystérieuse qu'il ne parvient pas à résoudre. Pourquoi n'a-t-il rien écrit ? Quel secret peut bien cacher cette page blanche ?

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Jump in, have a nice warm bubbly bath!The Rainbow Chicks are going to have a bath, but the dirty Kiwi is not too keen on getting in. What's going on?Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks encourage children to enjoy bath time and form good hygiene habits.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Ready to join the Rainbow Chicks on four exciting adventures about friendship?This book contains four stories: A Quarrel, A Springy Cloud, Super Robot and A Piece of Rainbow.It aims to help children learn to share, get along with friends, establish good partnerships, and master the skills to solve conflicts with friends.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Just concentrate! Join the Rainbow Chicks in an adventure of concentration and understanding.This book contains four stories: Walking Sideways, A Branch, Building Blocks, and Buzzing Bugs.It aims to cultivate children's patience and perseverance in order to improve their concentration.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Learn how to be yourself with your good friends the Rainbow Chicks!Four new, exciting stories: Berry's Trouble, An Egg with Legs, A Dark Cloud and Violet’s Trouble.These stories help children to get to know themselves, appreciate their unique identities, establish self-confidence, and foster an optimistic outlook.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Join the Rainbow Chicks on an adventure of self-discovery and most importantly, fun!This book contains four stories: Delivery Boys, Defense of Strawberries, Little Butterflies and Lemon's Doll.It aims to help children establish a sense of responsibility, learn self-control, and being respectful towards others around you.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Believe in yourself and keep going no matter what! Join the Rainbow Chicks in learning about a free-spirited life.This book contains four stories: A Watering Can, A Flower Umbrella, Flying a Kite, and A Floral Dress.It aims to encourage children not to be afraid of difficulties, not to give up in the face of failure, not to be discouraged by setbacks, and to be able to find solutions to problems independently.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Sleepy time! Join the Rainbow Chicks in a dreamy adventure across the sky.It's getting late and Violet is so sleepy that she falls asleep. But Cherry doesn't feel sleepy at all! Instead she watches the starry sky. Gradually, she begins to feel as if she's swimming in a sea of stars! They seem so close she could play with them. Can Cherry reach the stars?In this story, the Rainbow Chicks teach children how to enjoy a regular bedtime routine.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Oh no! Cherry is ill, who will help her? Join the Rainbow Chicks in learning how to take care of your friends!Achoo! Achoo! Cherry is ill in bed, so she has to stay home alone. But then there's a knock on the door! Who could it be?Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks guide children to look after their friends.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Sharing is caring, and so is helping others!Cherry and and Violet think the moon seems different tonight. It should be big and round, but tonight, it looks thinner. But why? Is it hungry?Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks guide children to understand the importance of teamwork and sharing.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Friendship is a priceless treasure, but what else will the Rainbow Chicks find when they follow the treasure map?Cherry discovers a treasure map. What could the treasure be? They won't know the answer until they find it. And so, the chicks set out to find the hidden treasure.Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks encourage kids to explore the world with courage and a positive mindset.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Let’s play hide-and-seek - One, two, three!Lemon can’t find his friends anywhere! Where on earth are they hiding? Can you help find them?In this story, the Rainbow Chicks find the joy of having fun with friends including playing hide-and-seek.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Take care of yourself and your buildings! Join the Rainbow Chicks in discovering the joys of doing things gently and with care.Oh no! The house Cherry built collapsed. The tower which Orange built collapsed, too. But the big castle Lemon built is still standing. I wonder why that is? What did Lemon do differently than the other Rainbow Chicks?Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks guide kids to do things thoughtfully and with care.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af TThunDer Animation
    38,99 kr.

    Remember to love yourself! Join the Rainbow Chicks on a journey of self-love and discovery.Violet wants to use the airship to fly into the sky with Cherry and Indigo. But, the airship is too small for her to fit in. Suddenly, Cherry and Indigo run into danger in the sky and they can’t get back to the ground safely. What will Violet do? Through this story, the Rainbow Chicks guide children to discover and love themselves.Through heart-warming stories, you experience the growth process of the Rainbow Chicks, by focusing on six EQ themes: emotional intelligence, sense of responsibility, self-confidence, problem-solving ability, social skills and concentration. The stories guide children to embrace their emotions, care for, respect and tolerate others and take initiative to solve problems.Seven chicks are living on Cloud Island - it's paradise! Each of the chicks is a colour from the rainbow – say hello to Rainbow Chicks!The stories of Rainbow Chicks are centred around colourful childlike innocence and familiar topics. Through vibrant behaviour-guiding stories, the concepts of friendship, sharing and teamwork are communicated to the young reader. Rainbow Chicks can help facilitate children’s growth and open their eyes to the warmth and beauty of the world.

  • af Tomasz Demm
    Fra 40,99 kr.

    Doskonały karpacki kryminał w sam raz na wczasy!Co zrobić z dławiącym oddech przeczuciem zbliżającej się śmierci o zapachu mokrego błota? Gdzie znajduje się zdziadziały emeryt, który zaginął tuż po wizycie swego marnotrawnego syna?W zapadłej wsi na Pogórzu Przemyskim mają miejsce przedziwne zdarzenia: policja od lat poszukuje dziewczyny z tatuażem na kostce, podejrzany o morderstwo Kudłaty Rafałek wymaga natychmiastowej amputacji zarobaczonej ręki, zaś w pobliżu chałupy z karłowatą gruszą u boku gromadzi się sto dwadzieścia osób pragnących pomóc w wyjaśnieniu okoliczności zniknięcia zamieszkałego w niej zdziwaczałego Lecha Chołymskiego...To przewrotnie mroczna opowieść o przegranym życiu ludzi z zapomnianej wsi na Podkarpaciu. Jeśli lubisz klimatyczne powieści, w których nostalgia za latami 80-tymi miesza się z wątkami kryminalnymi i psychologicznymi, oto lektura w sam raz dla ciebie.Tomasz Demm - absolwent Szkoły Filmowej im. Krzysztofa Kieślowskiego w Katowicach, tłumacz, scenarzysta, doświadczony script doctor. Planuje stworzyć serial na bazie debiutanckiej powieści ,,Między bukami echa mają gęstość krwi" i pracuje nad swoją kolejną książką. Od urodzenia jest związany z Bieszczadami, gdzie mieszka, włóczy się po lasach i jada ulubione ziemniaki – zawsze wprost z ogniska.

  • af Tilly Tennant
    102,99 kr.

    As the cold winter nights draw in, escape to the sleepy town of Wrenwick, where the streets sparkle with snow and a lonely young widow is about to find that true love really can strike twice...As Christmas cheer fills Sparrow Street with excitement, grieving Nina is having a hard time. December is always a difficult month to face without her beloved husband Gray, the days feel long and bleak, and to cap it all, she’s just lost her job.So when Nina hears that Sparrow Street’s Community Garden, one of Gray’s favourite places, is to be put up for sale she knows she must do something. Filled with purpose, she gathers the residents of Sparrow Street around her to turn the neglected patch of land into a Garden of Memories.Working with her neighbours, single mum Kelly and eighty-year-old Ada, Nina soon finds that she’s not the only lonely soul on Sparrow Street. And as the community comes together and the garden flourishes, Nina can’t help but be drawn to Irish gardener Colm with his sparkling blue eyes and kind heart, finding herself confiding in him about all her recent troubles.But just as Colm and Nina grow closer and he opens up to her about his own secret loss, Colm’s estranged wife returns from Scotland, wanting to try again. Nina knows she should let the man she’s falling for go – it’s the right thing to do. But what if fate has other plans in store? Will the beautiful garden on Sparrow Street have brought two people together only for Nina’s cautious heart to push them apart?If you love an uplifting, moving love story, then The Garden on Sparrow Street is the perfect romantic read to curl up with on a winter’s afternoon. Fans of Josie Silver and Carole Matthews will love this book!Readers are falling in love with The Garden On Sparrow Street:‘A lovely, lovely, book. I picked it up cuddled into my chair and started reading, I did not get up for hours. I left my world, entered the town, met the characters, loved every page and was sorry to reach the end of this story, say goodbye to all the characters.’ Netgalley Reviewer‘Another gorgeous novel by Tilly! It's like an old friend giving you a warm hug! Lovely characters and a gorgeous front cover, I really loved this novel and it's perfect for the winter season ahead. I smiled all the way through this one.’ NetGalley Reviewer‘I always love a Tilly Tennant book. They are always like a big warm hug in book form. They are full of joy, romance and happiness. This book was absolutely beautiful.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 280,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • af Emma Davies
    102,99 kr.

    Daisy Turner has worked at Buchanan’s Family Jewellers since the day she finally escaped her troubled home. With a unique talent for matching the perfect piece of jewellery to any romantic milestone, she painstakingly polishes each stunning creation every morning and safely locks them away each night, longing for the day she’ll have a love story to call her own...But everything changes one day in December when the owner announces she is retiring. She will leave the shop to whichever of her three sons creates the perfect piece of Christmas jewellery for Daisy.In danger of losing the job that once saved her, Daisy is catapulted out of her comfort zone as each of the brothers sweeps her off her feet to find out what her heart truly desires. Between ice-skating, starlight shopping and cosy candle-lit dinners, it’s only handsome and guarded youngest brother Kit who really seems to be listening. Because Daisy has a secret. Every night, when the shop closes, she lays out her tools in neat rows and creates sparkling designs of her own...As Christmas Day approaches, Daisy’s growing feelings for Kit fill her with a confidence she never knew she had. But as the brothers present their elaborate gemstone masterpieces, she’s in for the shock of her life... Was Kit using her to get ahead in the competition all along? Or has he truly worked out the one thing she has always longed for?They say all good things come in small packages, but the best things don’t need wrapping at all...Snuggle up with this absolutely heart-warming Christmas read and find a warm spot by the fire. An unputdownable festive treat for lovers of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street:‘Really wonderful... Full of charm, romance, great characters, and magic settings... will get you in the mood to put your Christmas tree up early.’ Netgalley reviewer‘I fell in love with this book instantly. I absolutely love this author... the most amazing characters... so well written... envelopes you in a massive hug. A brilliant festive book!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5 stars‘Grab a cup of hot chocolate and a throw, curl up in your favourite chair and enjoy this story! It is a winner.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.

  • af Donna Ashcroft
    102,99 kr.

    Welcome to the gorgeous little Scottish village of Christmas, where snow is falling, presents are being wrapped and the locals are writing their festive wish lists. Will this finally be the year that Belle’s dreams come true?Thirty-year-old Belle Albany is feeling lonely this Christmas. Another whole year has passed and her life is... exactly the same as it was last December. She longs for true love and a little bit of winter magic – but she’s almost given up on finding it in the sleepy Scottish community where she lives...When Belle crashes into elderly Edina on her cherry red bicycle, it’s not the meet-cute she’d been hoping for. But she immediately recognises the lost look in Edina’s watery-blue eyes and resolves to organise a Christmas to remember for them both – brimming with mince pies, mulled wine and lots of sparkle. Although Belle hadn’t counted on Edina’s home being a crumbling Scottish castle and she certainly hadn’t been expecting Edina’s handsome long-lost grandson Jack Hamilton-Kirk to turn up on the doorstep in the middle of a snow storm...Jack is arrogant, rude and bossy and Belle is convinced he’s about to ruin the seasonal cheer she has worked hard to create. He’s basically the Grinch in human form, so why does her heart race every time they’re in the same room? They disagree on almost everything, from menu choices to music, and yet she starts to glimpse a softer side hidden behind Jack’s clipped words and brooding countenance.As they hunt down costumes for the annual nativity show and save a donkey from a snowy disaster, Belle can’t ignore their growing attraction. But will a secret from Jack’s past come between them? Or will this finally be the year Belle falls in love?This gorgeous, festive read is like a warm hug in a book! The perfect cosy romance to snuggle up with this Christmas. Fans of Nicola May, Trisha Ashley and Debbie Macomber will love this wonderfully uplifting novel.Readers love Christmas in the Scottish Highlands:‘An absolutely stunning read!!! A perfectly gorgeous book!!! The vivid descriptions left me feeling the fresh air of Scotland and feeling the warmth of the fire... make yourself a hot chocolate and clear your schedule ready to get lost in this unputdownable heartwarmer.’ Bookworm86‘Such a cute Christmas story!... I was obsessed from beginning to end (read it in every single spare second I had)... I would 100% recommend for those who like a good romance in a Christmassy scenario.’ NetGalley reviewer‘Such a cute book!... made my heart ache in a good way... made me laugh and made me cry... incredible... it made me feel like I was the one living in a Scottish village in Christmas time.’ Goodreads reviewer

  • af Karen King
    102,99 kr.

    Snowy rooftops, mulled wine, and a hot single dad. Not the Christmas Saffy wished for... but maybe the one she needs?Twenty-nine year old Saffron Baxter knew her holiday plans didn’t stand a chance the moment her sister called to say she was stuck abroad with no hope of being home before Christmas. Saffy would just have to abandon thoughts of wild festive parties in the city and head down to remote Cornwall.Because every year her sister hosts a huge Christmas meal for all the single parents in her village. And Saffy knows it’d break her heart to let them down.Arriving as snow starts to fall over the thatched cottages of the little harbour town of Port Breok, she meets Logan – the tall, fair-haired, blue-eyed, devoted single dad who lives next door, with his adorable daughter Chloe. At first she thinks he might help her make Christmas Day extra-memorable, but he just seems convinced she’ll never manage – that she’s just a party girl who doesn’t care about Christmas, or anyone’s feelings.Maybe he’s right. After all – she doesn’t want to settle down, she’s only there for a few days... But she’s still determined to do her sister proud with gorgeous decorations, the most beautiful real tree – complete with extra twinkly lights, and delicious mince pies. To make it a Christmas everyone will remember, especially little Chloe. Even if, when the mistletoe comes down, she knows she’ll probably never see Logan again...The perfect festive romance novel, ideal for fans of Nora Roberts, Jenny Hale and Debbie Macomber.Readers love Snowy Nights at the Lonely Hearts Hotel:‘Oh my, what a fabulous romantic and festive read!...There really is so much to love about this story... a truly fabulous feel good read that will definitely have you feeling all loved up and romantic by the end. The perfect festive read.’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars‘A pure pleasure to devour this book, I just didn't want it to end, I was enjoying it so much... A wonderful Christmas book.’ Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘The perfect heartwarming and feel good Christmas novel. I loved everything: the plot, the description of Cornwall, the characters. It's a page turner I couldn't put down. Highly recommended!’ Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars‘A beautifully festive and heartwarming story. Absolutely fantastic! Will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.’ The Cosiest Corner, 5 stars

  • af Jo Lovett
    102,99 kr.

    Two single thirty-year-olds. One marriage pact. And a night in Vegas that’s about to change everything...On Christmas Eve eight years ago Evie and Dan made a pact: if they weren’t married by thirty, they were going to marry each other. Of course, neither of them took it seriously, even if Dan has always been mesmerised by Evie’s beautiful smile, and Evie has always fancied Dan, her best-friend’s brother.But then "it" happens. They wake up on Christmas Eve, the night before Evie’s thirtieth birthday in Vegas... married. In a honeymoon suite filled with hundreds of heart-shaped pillows, they realise too late what they’ve done.Surely if they just get a quickie divorce, they can go back to the way things used to be, right? Except moving on is easier said than done when you've secretly loved each other forever... but if one of them doesn’t admit that, what happens to their friendship? If they don’t get together this time, what happens to the pact? Are they really ready to let it go for good?Fall in love this Christmas with this feel-good story about love and second chances. Fans of ´One Day in December´, ´This Time Next Year´, and Beth O’Leary will adore The Mistletoe Pact.Jo Lovett lives in London with her family. She was the runner-up in the Good Housekeeping/ Orion First Novel Competition 2018 and shortlisted for the Comedy Women in Print Award 2019.

  • af Donna Ashcroft
    102,99 kr.

    Snow is falling, fires are crackling merrily, and Lockton tradition has everyone hanging a promise they’re determined to keep this Christmas on the tree in the village square...Meg Scott has promised to make a success of her first solo Christmas. She runs a year-round Christmas shop in the little Scottish village, and is a fan of all things mulled, sparkly and festive. So when her warring family shows up on her doorstep, ready to spread discord and tension, Meg is determined not to let them ruin her favourite time of the year.Meanwhile, Christmas-hating Tom Riley-Clark has been called to the Highlands to help his old friend at The Apple Cross Inn. He’s ready to work hard and has no time for mince pies, tinsel or hanging a promise on the tree: the thought of every day being Christmas is his worst nightmare, and you wouldn’t catch him dead buying a bauble. So everyone is surprised when Christmas-loving Meg and grinch Tom start to get cozy under the mistletoe.But Tom has a big secret about his past, and in a small town like Lockton it’s hard to keep anything hidden for long. Will everything fall apart when Meg discovers who he really is? The pair are about to learn the hard way that some promises are impossible to keep...It’s time to curl up for an enchanting festive romance about learning to trust yourself, taking chances and not being afraid to fall in love.Perfect for fans of Nicola May, Debbie Macomber and Milly Johnson.Donna Ashcroft was born in London and grew up in Buckinghamshire. Her first book was shortlisted for the RNA Debut Romantic Novel of the Year in 2019, Donna loves a happy ending and is never happier than when she's escaping into a romance novel or movie.

  • af Henrik Larsson
    Fra 43,99 kr.

    Maja arbetar på Myndigheten för sjöfartsutvecklingen och är sådär lagom nöjd med tillvaron. På jobbet finns hennes chef som går under öknamnet Bitch-Marie och en hög med kuvert på skrivbordet som aldrig verkar ta slut. Hon drömmer om att säga upp sig och istället ägna sig helhjärtat åt sitt Instagram-konto, där hon lägger ut bilder på sina frukostar och recept. Hennes egen müsli har blivit ganska populär och Maja skulle gärna sälja den på det franska bageriet som hon samarbetar med ibland. Men det är lättare sagt än gjort, åtminstone känns det väldigt svårt. När hon av en slump kommer i kontakt med Fredrik som driver en YouTube-kanal öppnar sig nya möjligheter. Maja tvivlar på sin egen förmåga och tvekar på att ta chansen, men det gör inte Fredrik och ibland krävs det inte mer än att en person tror på en. Henrik Larsson är en svensk musiker och författare. Majas müsli är hans debutroman.

  • af Unto Katajamäki
    96,99 kr.

    Palava maa, kylmät murhat.Paikallisen lahkojohtajan entinen huvila syttyy ilmiliekkeihin ja vie mukanaan eläkeläisnaisen hengen. Uskonnollisesta lahkosta on liikkunut huhuja jo vuosikausia, mutta nyt ne saavat uudet mittakaavat, kun huvilan raunioista löytyy myös vuosia aikaisemmin kadonneen nuoren naisen ruumis.Poliisien tutkintaa ohjaavat niin ennakkoluulot kuin odotukset, ja pian uskonnollinen lahko ja paikallinen pakolaiskeskus ovat murhaepäilyjen ytimessä. Komisario Petri Piha saa tutkimuksissa apua isältään, murhia vapaa-ajallaan ratkaisevalta Martti Pihalta. Onko kaikki sitä miltä näyttää vai piileekö ennakkoluulojen takana jotain paljon vaarallisempaa?Martti Piha -sarjan seitsemäs osa tarjoaa jännitystä Pirkanmaan maisemissa.Unto Katajamäki on tamperelainen kirjailija, joka on julkaissut monipuolisesti kauno- ja tietokirjallisuutta. Historiaa opiskellut Katajamäki on työskennellyt muun muassa lukion rehtorina.