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  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    En varm sommerdag i begyndelsen af juli 2010 passerer nogle unge mennesker Farstaängen i det sydlige Stockholm. Ved en legeplads får de øje på en mand, der kontakter en lille pige. Han har en cykel med, som pigen får lov til at prøve. De unge genkender ham som "den pædofile fra Hökarängen" og beslutter sig for at ringe til politiet, hvis manden stadig er der, når de kommer tilbage fra det pizzeria, de er på vej hen til. Da de har spist og igen passerer legepladsen ved 18-tiden, kan de se, at manden stadig er der. Et par af drengene sniger sig tættere på for at se, hvad manden laver. Derefter ringer de til 112 ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Julen nærmer sig, og vinduerne i bydelen Lunden i Göteborg er oplyst af adventslysestager og stjerner. Udenfor er det ti graders frost, og et lag sne dækker jorden. Klokken er lidt over ni om aftenen, og kendingsmelodien til den populære tv-serie Arkiv X lyder fra flere af lejlighederne på Räntmästaregatan. Men ikke fra alle. I en af lejlighederne er der højlydt larm, der bliver efterfulgt af dyb stilhed ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Susanna on nuori lääkäri, joka on erikoistumassa gastroenterologiseen kirurgiaan. Susanna kärsii kuitenkin jatkuvista huonommuuden tunteista – onko hän varmasti tarpeeksi hyvä? Kirurgi ei saisi epäröidä! Sairaalan omanarvontuntoiset kirurgimiehet eivät tee Susannan olosta yhtään sen parempaa. Susanna haluaa pitää etäisyyttä työtovereihinsa. Hän ei paljastaisi epävarmuuttaan kenellekään... Työpaikalla on kuitenkin eräs mies, joka ei anna Susannan suhteen periksi. Voiko Susanna avata sydämensä hänelle?Henkiin herätetty on koskettava rakkaustarina sairaalamaailmasta.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Natten til den 22. januar 2010 klokken cirka 02.00 trængte to personer ind i den 87-årige bosniske kvinde Hamida Didovics lejlighed i den norske by Horten, mens en tredje person holdt vagt udenfor. Lejligheden blev gennemrodet, og gerningsmændene forlod stedet med en kuffert indeholdende 3.000 kroner. Hamida Didovic fik hænderne bundet med strips på ryggen og blev efterladt liggende på maven med hoved og overkrop tildækket med en dyne, et tæppe og flere puder. Hun blev fundet død i sit hjem af sin søn samme morgen klokken cirka 06.45, hvorpå politiet straks blev tilkaldt.Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Sara Storm
    Fra 58,99 kr.

    Heini Lassila on päivystyksen traumatologi, joka on tottunut sairaalassa tiukkoihin tilanteisiin. Kun sairaalaan tuodaan junan alle hypännyt mies, paljoa ei ole tehtävissä. Tilanne muuttuu kuitenkin erikoiseksi, kun miehen tausta selviää. Mies oli poliisi, joka oli hiljattain saanut munuaissiirron. Miksi mies sitten oikein tappoi itsensä? Tapahtumaa ihmettelee myös paikalle saapunut poliisi, kuolleen miehen kollega, joka toimi elinluovuttajana. Heini ei arvaa, että näillä tapahtumilla on vielä oleva suuri vaikutus hänen elämäänsä – ja että ne tuovat hänen elämäänsä uuden rakkauden... Otit minut, pidä minut on romanttinen kertomus sairaalamaailmasta. Se on täynnä jännittäviä tilanteita ja hurjia käänteitä.Nimimerkki Sara Storm kirjoittaa viihteellisiä rakkaustarinoita, jotka ovat saaneet vankan lukijakunnan. Ammatiltaan hän on freelance-toimittaja.

  • af Line Leonhardt
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Ida ja Emma ovat parhaita ystäviä. Bestiksiä! Koulussa he ovat erottamattomat ja tekevät kaiken yhdessä. Miten käy, kun heidän luokallaan aloittaa uusi tyttö, Vilma? Ida ja Vilma alkavat tulla hyvin toimeen keskenään. Emma tuntee olonsa surulliseksi ja vähän vihaiseksikin siitä, että nämä kaksi hengailevat yhdessä. Voisivatko kaikki kolme tyttöä ystävystyä?Line Leonhardt on tanskalainen opettaja ja kirjailija. Hän on julkaissut useita lastenkirjoja, tehnyt lastenohjelmia DR Ultraan -kanavalle ja opettaa myös kirjoittamista lapsille ja nuorille.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Mandag den 6. februar 2012 står den tiårige Vanessa tidligt op for at forberede sig til skoledagen. Intetanende tror hun, at det bliver en helt almindelig dag i skolen, hvor hun skal være sammen med sine venner. Det er en kold morgen, og der ligger sne på jorden. Vanessa klæder sig varmt på, men glemmer at tage sine vanter på. Det viser sig at være en fejltagelse, der vil ændre hendes liv ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Jyri Hokkinen
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Rikostrilleri Helsingin yöelämästä on trilogian ensimmäinen osaTapio "Foka" Fokin on jättänyt rikospoliisin työt taakseen ja ryhtynyt ravintolan portsariksi. Lain nurja puoli ei kuitenkaan jätä Fokaa rauhaan. Hän lähtee ruotsinlaivalle rentoutumaan, mutta joutuu sattumalta venäläisen rikollisjoukon silmätikuksi. Selkkaus johtaa yhä suurempiin seurauksiin, kun Helsingin alamaailma näyttää Fokalle synkeät kasvonsa.Uskollinen lemmikkikoira Japi ja ihastus rikostutkija Miiaan tuovat ovimikon päiviin toisenlaista, keveämpää sisältöä. Pian asiat menevät kuitenkin peruuttamattomasti solmuun, ja painajaismainen tapahtumaketju saa piinaavan päätöksensä.Jyri Hokkisen kovaksikeitetty rikostrilleri Rypsisade tarjoilee jännitystä ja tiheää tunnelmaa Helsingin yöelämässä.Entinen rikospoliisi Foka joutuu turvautumaan riuskoihin otteisiin toiminnallisessa trillerisarjassa. Jyri Hokkinen on suomalainen yrittäjä, koodari ja kirjailija. Monet Foka-trilogian tapahtumat perustuvat hänen omiin kokemuksiinsa henkivartijana.

  • af Mary Jayne Baker
    102,99 kr.

    A birthday. A lighthouse. And the love of her life...Bobbie Hannigan's life is perfectly fine, but that doesn't stop her from wanting a bit of adventure. To throw caution to the wind and buy a lighthouse.Armed with her new purchase, she decides to turn it into a music venue with the help of local musician, Ross Mason, the first boy she ever kissed.Determined to keep things professional, Bobbie tried to forget the past, but the happily-ever-after they're working towards is too good to resist. That is, until someone from the past crawls back to cause trouble.Can Bobbie look past the secrets Ross has been keeping from her? Or will the boy, the lighthouse, and the dream all slip away?Escape to the Yorkshire coast with this laugh-out-loud romantic comedy from Mary Jayne Baker! Perfect for fans of Laura Jane Williams, Ali Hazelwood, and Sally Thorne.Mary Jayne Baker is a romance author from Yorkshire, UK. After graduating from Durham University with a degree in English Literature, she dallied with living in a number of cities, but eventually came back with her own romantic hero in tow to her beloved Dales, where she first started telling stories about heroines with flaws and the men who love them.

  • af Johny Pitts
    148,99 kr.

    ¿Es lo mismo ser una persona negra en Estados Unidos que en Europa? Sin duda, el racismo existe en todos los países y culturas, pero en cada nación los orígenes de la discriminación racial o sus consecuencias son diferentes al del resto de naciones.Con su libro «Afropeo» Johny Pitts trata de analizar la situación de la comunidad negra en el continente europeo y, en particular, la de las personas racializadas en el Reino Unido, donde el «brexit» ha supuesto una radicalización del racismo y una crisis de identidad en aquellos afropeos que se sienten europeos y a la vez no.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Johny Pitts es un fotógrafo, periodista y escritor británico, ganador del Premio Decibel Penguin, un premio ENAR (European Network Against Racism) y, en 2021, del Premio al Entendimiento Europeo, de la Feria del Libro de Leipzig. Pitts recibió el Premio Jhalak y el Bread & Roses por su ensayo «Afropeo», el cual es considerado por varios medios de comunicación, como «Guardian», «New Statesman» y «BBC History Magazine», el mejor libro de 2019.

  • af Alexander Oetker
    111,99 kr.

    Knallharte Thriller-Kost aus FrankreichSeit dem Tod ihres Vaters hat die korsische Mafiosa Zoë endgültig alle Brücken zu ihrer Zwillingsschwester Zara abgebrochen – denn die Europol-Profilerin ist für diesen Tod verantwortlich. Als Zoë vom Oberhaupt der korsischen Mafia auf einen schwer bewachten Goldtransport angesetzt wird, scheint das ein äußerst lukrativer Job zu sein. Was die Killerin nicht weiß: Ihr Boss wird vom arabischen Clanchef Shokran Al-Hamsi erpresst, dessen Bruder dank Zoë im Koma liegt. Jetzt ist Al-Hamsi mindestens so sehr auf das Leben der Mafiosa aus wie auf das Gold. Will Zoë überleben, hat sie nur eine Chance: ihre verhasste Zwillingsschwester Zara ...Alexander Oetker ist der Frankreich-Experte der neuen Generation. Er war langjähriger Frankreichkorrespondent für RTL und n-tv. Aus seiner Feder stammen mehrere SPIEGEL-Bestseller.

  • af Shari Low
    102,99 kr.

    One December wedding. One runaway bride. One winter's day to bring everyone together again...Today is the day Caro and Cammy are due to walk up the aisle. But Caro's too caught up in the trauma of her past to contemplate their happy ever after.Stacey's decision to return from L.A. is fuelled by one thing – telling Cammy how she feels before it's too late.Wedding planner, Josie, needs to sort the whole mess out, but she's just been dealt some devastating news. Can she get through the day without spilling her secret?On a chilly winter's day, they have twenty-four hours to prove that love can lead the way to a brighter future...The third in the series, ´The Last Day of Winter´ is perfect for fans of Isabelle Broom, Sarah Morgan and Amanda Prowse.Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well-known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she's fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

  • af Shari Low
    129,99 kr.

    One day, four lives, and a wintery web of secrets and lies. On a chilly morning in December forever friends Shauna and Lulu touch down at Glasgow Airport on a quest to find answers from the past.George knows his time is nearing the end, but is it too late to come to terms with his two greatest regrets? His grandson Tom uncovers a betrayal that rocks his world as he finally tracks down the one that got away.And single mum Chrissie is ready to force her love-life out of hibernation, but can anyone compare to the man who broke her heart?After the success of the No1 best seller "One Day in December", comes the second unmissable read in Shari Low's Winter Day trilogy.Perfect for the fans of Jojo Moyes, Debbie Johnson, Amanda Prowse and Marian Keyes.Praise for "Another Day in Winter":'Shari Low writes with humour and skill about the complicated subtleties of adult relationships' Dorothy Koomson. 'Read as many of Shari's books as you can, and devour this one too' Gill Feldman. 'A definite go-to author' Revva Tenag.Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she's fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

  • af Karen King
    102,99 kr.

    What if – to find yourself – you had to run away?Last year was meant to be when Holly got her happy-ever-after. But stuck in a job that’s going nowhere, and a relationship that feels more like it’s going backwards... this year Holly has decided it’s time to change her life. She just has to:– End the relationship with the commitment-phobic boyfriend– Go on a proper adventure– Learn to be herself again– Definitely, categorically not fall in love.Cramming her belongings into her little yellow Mini, Holly drives to Spain to stay near a beautiful village in the Andalusian hills. But the day she arrives she nearly crashes her car into the gorgeous Matias on a motorbike. Much to Holly's irritation, their paths keep crossing.As she starts to learn Spanish from the locals, lays plans for her design business, and sips sangria in the sunlit village square, Holly begins to remember who she is and what she wants.So she won’t allow herself be distracted by Matias. Because this year, there are more important things in life than love. And she won’t let yet another bad relationship ruin everything... will she?A moving and uplifting romantic comedy about living each moment and learning to trust yourself again.For fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber, and Sophie Kinsella.Karen King was born in Birmingham and has always enjoyed reading and writing. A multi-published author of children’s books and romantic fiction, her rom-com "The Cornish Hotel by the Sea" became an international bestseller.

  • af Shari Low
    129,99 kr.

    On a cold December morning... Caro sets off to find the truth: has her relationship with her father been based on a lifetime of lies?Cammy can't wait to surprise the woman he loves with a proposal. All he needs is the perfect ring. Lila can no longer hide her secret. She has to tell her lover's wife about their affair.After thirty years, Bernadette knows it's time. She's ready to leave her controlling husband... and never look back.Over the course of twenty-four hours, four lives are about to change forever...Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she's fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

  • af Lotte Kirkeby Hansen
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    Visceral and poetic, these short stories reveal everyday miracles and trivialities, human desires and anxieties in a very recognizable reality. The woman who cooks soup for the lover whose fidelity she questions, the man who loses courage when faced with the birth of his child, the married couple who know they have embarked on their last summer together.In English for the first time, readers of Tove Ditlevsen and Tove Jansson will be thrilled to discover the debut short story collection of a celebrated Danish writer. Lotte Kirkeby (b.1970) is a Danish independent journalist, author, editor, and translator. She has co-authored a number of specialist books on maternity, old age and divorce. "The Reunion" is her English debut.

  • af Gudrun Skretting
    Fra 74,99 kr.

    Nauruhermoja kutkuttava chick lit -romaani vähän erilaisesta joulusta!Vilma Veierød on kolmekymppinen pianonsoitonopettaja, joka kärsii omituisesta kuolemanpelosta. Elämää saattavat lyhentää esimerkiksi banaanit – ne ovat radioaktiivisia. Niinpä Vilma viettää aikaa lähinnä kotona, työpaikan lisäksi.Kun eräänä päivänä Vilman oven taakse ilmestyy kaksi miestä, pappi ja patologi, hän on ymmällään. Pian selviää, että Vilman tuntemattomaksi jäänyt isä on kuollut ja jättänyt Vilmalle pinon kirjeitä. Hän päättää avata yhden kirjeen päivässä. Pikkuhiljaa Vilman eteen aukeaa hänen vanhempiensa rakkaustarina – ja samalla vetäytyvä Vilma oppii paljon myös itsestään. Mutta miten pappi ja patologi liittyvät tähän kaikkeen? Vilmalla ei ole juuri ollut miehiä elämässään, mutta joulukuu tuokin niitä kaksi – tai kolme, jos kuollut isä lasketaan.Vilman kolme miestä on norjalaisen Gudrun Skrettingin romaani rakkaudesta ja kuolemasta, huumorilla höystettynä.Gudrun Skretting (s. 1971) on palkittu norjalainen kirjailija ja pianisti. Skretting on julkaissut kirjallisuutta niin lapsille kuin myös aikuisille. Häneltä on suomennettu romaani Vilman kolme miestä.

  • af Theresa Talbot
    102,99 kr.

    Oonagh O'Neil is back with another gloomy and heart-wrenching investigation.If only someone had listened...When the supposed suicide of famous Scottish football coach Harry Nugent hits the headlines, the tabloids are filled with tributes to a charitable pillar of the community that gave so much back to sport and to those less fortunate.But something isn't right.Normally celebrities are queuing up to claim to have had a very special relationship with the deceased, but investigative journalist Oonagh O'Neil is getting the distinct impression that people are trying to distance themselves from Harry.Oonagh's investigation leads her to uncover a heartbreakingly haunting cover-up that chills her to the core... and places her in mortal danger from those willing to protect their sadistic and dark secrets at any cost...A gritty and gripping thriller, ´The Quiet Ones´ is perfect for fans of Patricia Gibney, Angela Marsons, and Cara Hunter.What people are saying about ´The Quiet Ones´:"Another gripping book by Teresa Talbot. I couldn't put it down. Can't wait for the next one. Brilliant Page Turner." - Patriciasines"If you ever wondered what a page-turner is, get this book. Oonagh is back and on a mission to expose the horrific deeds of the great and good. A gripping tale that will keep you entertained until the last page." - ThomjackTheresa Talbot is a BBC broadcaster and freelance producer. A former radio news editor, she also hosted The Beechgrove Potting Shed on BBC Radio Scotland, but for many, she will be most familiar as the voice of the station's Traffic & Travel.Late 2014 saw the publication of her first book, ´This Is What I Look Like´, a humorous memoir covering everything from working with Andy Williams to rescuing chickens and discovering nuns hidden in gardens. She's much in demand at book festivals, both as an author and as a chairperson.´The Lost Children´ was Theresa's debut crime novel.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Den 30. marts 2012 klokken 12.43 ringer en mand til alarmcentralen og fortæller, at der "skal ligge en mand på gulvet i en lejlighed i alkoholikerhuset". Adressen er Gläntstigen i området Annelund i Säffle i Sverige. Han siger, at han ikke ved, om manden er i live. En af hans venner har ringet til ham. Der skal sendes en ambulance, og så siger manden, "at det haster ikke".Han vil ikke forbindes med politiet ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Med vestlige vinde som den fremherskende vindretning sørger Atlanterhavet normalt for, at Midt-Norge er "velsignet" med rigelig nedbør, sommer som vinter. Vinteren 2013/2014 var imidlertid noget helt for sig selv rent klimatisk. Et solidt højtryk lagde sig over det nordlige Skandinavien og Kolahalvøen.De uvante vejr- og nedbørsforhold kom i sidste ende til at resultere i et brandslukningsarbejde, der varede i over tre uger. Et udbrændt område på 15 kvadratkilometer. 64 bygninger, der gik tabt på under 12 timer. 26 personer, 7 heste, 40 grise og en hund, der blev evakueret ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Lørdag den 23. juni 2012 klokken 07.06 får politiet melding om en brand i et tofamilieshus i byen Orkanger i Norge. Politiet ankommer til stedet som første udrykningsenhed og bliver mødt af beboere og naboer, der forsøger at slukke branden med haveslanger. De spuler vand mod et soveværelsesvindue på første sal og prøver at knuse vinduet. Nogle minutter senere kommer brandvæsnet. Politiet får overblik over beboerne. Hege Opøien, mor til tre er savnet! Hun ligger ifølge sin samlever helt sikkert i soveværelset på første sal ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Hordaland politidistrikt modtog anmeldelse om drabet på den 98-årige Hilda Feste den 1. januar 2012 klokken cirka 21.18. Det var hjemmesygeplejersken, der havde fundet hende, og ikke kun det, sygeplejersken havde også fået et kort glimt af drabsmanden inde i soveværelset. Hun kunne imidlertid ikke give en detaljeret beskrivelse af gerningsmanden. Men hun mente, at han var "mere ung end gammel", og at han sandsynligvis var hvid i huden.Men hvem er det, der voldtager og slår en ældre forsvarsløs kvinde ihjel i hendes eget hjem?Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Tom Knutsen var leder af en fodboldklub i sin hjemby. Det var en veldrevet fodboldklub med klare mål for deres arbejde. Der var et stort engagement hos både forældre og børn. I foråret 2011 annoncerede de efter trænere.Jørgen blev ansat som træner for 91-holdet. Han havde i flere år opsøgt fodboldklubber i Østlandsområdet i Norge og arbejdet som træner og fodbolddommer. Kort efter stod det klart, at den nye træner havde en speciel interesse for unge drenge ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Det begynder så småt at blive lyst på en frisk efterårsmorgen i Tana Bru, en lille landsby i Øst-Finnmark med omkring 600 indbyggere. Tana Bru er normalt et harmonisk og roligt sted, idyllisk beliggende ved Tanaelvens bred.I løbet af natten har ukendte personer hærget på egnen, og de er forsvundet med store værdier. Da den første anmeldelse tikker ind til alarmcentralen i Øst-Finnmark politidistrikt, er der ingen, der aner sagens dimensioner ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Diverse
    39,00 kr.

    Nogle minutter efter klokken 13.00 lørdag den 23. oktober 2010 modtog kriminalpolitiet i Helsinki en opringning til politiets alarmcentral. Der var foregået et knivstikkeri i en lejlighed på Dragonvägen 15 i bydelen Munksnäs.Der blev sendt tre patruljer af sted. Patrulje 222 var den første, der ankom. Døren blev åbnet af en mand, der havde et blødende sår på højre hånd. I stuen sad en anden mand og talte i telefon. På gulvet lå en ældre mand. Han lå på højre side. Lægen, der ankom til stedet, kunne kun konstatere, at manden var død ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.

  • af Jo Allen
    103,99 kr.

    The charred remains of a child are discovered - a child no one seems to have missed...It's high summer, and the lakes are in the midst of an unrelenting heatwave. Uncontrollable fell fires are breaking out across the moors faster than they can be extinguished. When firefighters uncover the body of a dead child at the heart of the latest blaze, Detective Chief Inspector Jude Satterthwaite's arson investigation turns to one of murder.Jude was born and bred in the Lake District. He knows everyone... and everyone knows him. Except his intriguing new Detective Sergeant, Ashleigh O'Halloran, who is running from a dangerous past and has secrets of her own to hide...Temperatures - and tension - in the village are rising, and with the body count rising Jude and his team race against the clock to catch the killer before it's too late...The first in the gripping, Lake District-set, DCI Jude Satterthwaite series.Jo Allen was born in Wolverhampton and is a graduate of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and the Open University. After a career in economic consultancy she took up writing and was first published under the name Jennifer Young in genres of short stories, romance and romantic suspense. In 2017 she took the plunge and began writing the genre she most likes to read – crime. Now living in Edinburgh, she spends as much time as possible in the English Lakes. In common with all her favourite characters, she loves football (she's a season ticket holder with her beloved Wolverhampton Wanderers) and cats.

  • af Jo Allen
    103,99 kr.

    A brand new DCI Jude Satterthwaite crime mystery from the bestselling Jo Allen.When one-hundred-year-old Violet Ross is found dead at Eden's End, a luxury care home hidden in a secluded nook of the Lake District's Eden Valley it's tragic, of course, but not unexpected. Except for the instantly recognisable look in her lifeless eyes... that of pure terror.DCI Jude Satterthwaite heads up the investigation, but as the deaths start to mount up it's clear that he, and DS Ashleigh O'Halloran need to uncover a long-buried secret before the killer strikes again...The second in the unmissable, Lake District-set, 'DCI Jude Satterthwaite' series.Jo Allen was born in Wolverhampton and is a graduate of Edinburgh, Strathclyde and the Open University. After a career in economic consultancy she took up writing and was first published under the name Jennifer Young in genres of short stories, romance and romantic suspense. In 2017 she took the plunge and began writing the genre she most likes to read – crime. Now living in Edinburgh, she spends as much time as possible in the English Lakes. In common with all her favourite characters, she loves football (she's a season ticket holder with her beloved Wolverhampton Wanderers) and cats.

  • af Lucy Knott
    102,99 kr.

    Can two dreamers find love in the real world?When quirky bookworm Florence Danver loses her job, she knows it's time to make some serious changes. Nanna Margot encourages Flo to spend a week at Camp Calla Lily, where she hasn't been since she lost her parents. Her return is filled with bittersweet memories... until she meets Jo Hadlee.Soon enough, Flo and fellow dreamer Jo are inseparable as they connect over books and building castles in the air. But when Jo leaves suddenly for his job in London, the fantasy bubble bursts and real life comes roaring back in.For Florence to turn her fairy-tale summer into a happily-ever-after, she'll have to dive head-first into real life and all its chaos.Perfect for fans of Jasmine Guillory, Beth O'Leary and Kiley Dunbar.'A lovely, very different 5* read from Lucy Knott, full of her trademark cosiness' - Sam Tonge, author of ´Summer Secrets at Streamside Cottage´.

  • af Shari Low
    128,99 kr.

    Have you ever made a life-changing decision before wondering if you made the right one...?When Liv and Nate walked up the aisle, Liv knew she was marrying the one, her soul mate and her best friend. Six years later, it feels like routine and friendship are all they have left in common. What happened to the fun, the excitement, the lust, the love?In the closing moments of 1999, Liv and Nate decide to go their separate ways, but at the last minute, Liv wavers. Should she stay or should she go? Over the next twenty years, we follow the parallel stories to discover if Liv's life, heart, and future have been better with Nate... Or without him?Perfect for the fans of Jojo Moyes, Lucy Diamond and Marian Keyes.Praise for ´With or Without You´:"´Cold Feet´ meets ´Sliding Doors´. This is one of the best books I've EVER read" - Mandy Baggot, author of ´One Last Greek Summer´."This is the first Shari Low book I have read, but definitely won't be the last. A keeper - to reread again!' - Zara Stonely, bestselling author of ´The Wedding Date´."This was a very entertaining book throughout and one I really enjoyed reading, even the parts that had me in floods of tears" - That Thing She Reads.'I will certainly be recommending this book to everyone who will listen to me! Stunning!' - Stardust Book Reviews.Shari lives in Glasgow and writes a weekly opinion column and Book Club page for a well known newspaper. She is married to a very laid-back guy and has two athletic teenage sons, who think she's fairly embarrassing, except when they need a lift.

  • af Shari Low
    129,99 kr.

    This is... Denise.Married to Ray, her first and only love, Denise has never, for one moment, regretted putting the husband she idolised on a pedestal above everyone and everything else. But, after forty years of marriage, he is gone, leaving Denise to discover that their perfect marriage was fatally flawed. Now she faces a future alone. But first, she must face the betrayals of the past.This is... Claire.The estranged daughter of Denise, the woman who put her husband before her children, Claire took the opposite path and devoted her life to raising her family, sacrificing her marriage along the way. With her teenage sons about to flee the nest, she realises she may have left it too late to find her own happily ever after.This is the story of two women, both alone, both cautionary tales of one of motherhood's biggest decisions. Who is more important, your partner or your children? And what happens if you make the wrong choice?Perfect for the fans of Jojo Moyes, Lucy Diamond, and Marian Keyes.Praise for ´This is Me´:"Amazing story that sucks you in slowly and then has you hoping that you won't get to the end any time soon!" - reviewer"Such an emotional book and a look into how you are raised and the love you received or didn't receive affects your adult life." - reviewer