2010 til 2019
58,99 kr. Stress ist für viele ein stetiger Begleiter im privaten Leben, wie auch im beruflichen Alltag, und nicht selten führen die hohen Anforderungen zu physischen oder psychischen Problemen. Mit dem vorliegenden Ratgeber „Stressalarm: Erkennen, lindern, vorbeugen" von Sigrid Engelbrecht können sie für mehr Entspannung im Alltag sorgen und unter Anleitung der Autorin ihren ganz persönlichen „Stressless-Plan" entwickeln.Sigrid Engelbrecht (geb. 1954) studierte zunächst Germanistik, Publizistik und Volkswirtschaft. Später folgte ein Studienabschluss als Diplom-Designerin, die Eröffnung eines eigenen Grafikbüros, sowie eines Ateliers. Daneben war Sigrid Engelbrecht lange als Kommunalpolitikerin in Bayreuth tätig. Nach einer Ausbildung zur Mental- und Wellness-Trainerin veröffentlichte Sigrid Engelbrecht zudem bereits zahlreiche Ratgeber.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Die heutige Welt bietet eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten, selbstbestimmt zu leben. Aber was sind unsere Stärken und wie wollen wir unser Leben gestalten? Was ist mir wichtig? Was erwarte ich von mir, meinem Partner, meinem Job? Worauf sollte ich fokussieren? Eine Hilfestellung zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen bietet der Ratgeber „Meinen Platz im Leben erkennen". Mithilfe von ausgewählten Tests zu zentralen Lebensthemen wie Arbeit, Partnerschaft, dem Umgang mit Belastungen oder der Reflexion eigner Wünsche und Bedürfnisse können Sie lernen, sich besser einzuschätzen und damit ihr Leben nachhaltiger zu gestalten.Sigrid Engelbrecht (geb. 1954) studierte zunächst Germanistik, Publizistik und Volkswirtschaft. Später folgte ein Studienabschluss als Diplom-Designerin, die Eröffnung eines eigenen Grafikbüros, sowie eines Ateliers. Daneben war Sigrid Engelbrecht lange als Kommunalpolitikerin in Bayreuth tätig. Nach einer Ausbildung zur Mental- und Wellness-Trainerin veröffentlichte Sigrid Engelbrecht zudem bereits zahlreiche Ratgeber.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
40,99 kr. „Tybet - zawsze jest o co walczyć" traktuje głównie o Tybecie i ciągłej, beznadziejnej walce o odzyskanie własnej tożsamości.Książka zdecydowanie może przypaść do gustu tym, którzy z przyjemnością powracają do "Siedmu lat w Tybecie" z Bradem Pittem w rolac głównych.Pozycja idealna dla fanów powieści podróżniczych Wojciecha Cejrowskiego i Beaty Pawlikowskiej.Dagmara Babiarz - urodziła się w Rzeszowie, część życia spędziła w Warszawie, kilka lat w Nowym Jorku, do chwili obecnej zmienia miejsca zamieszkania średnio co kilka lat. Oprócz ukończonych kierunków studiów jak filologia polska, historia, czy resocjalizacja ma za sobą wiele zaledwie tkniętych: np. ekonomika, dziennikarstwo, geografia... Obok prac umysłowych jak nauczycielstwo i dziennikarstwo, jak praca w domu dziecka czy w wydawnictwie książkowym ma na swoim koncie wiele prac fizycznych - w lesie, w browarze, w sklepie, w hospicjum i kilka takich, o których wspominać się nie chce chociaż trudno się ich wstydzić. Mimo wielu zainteresowań pospolitych jak dobry film, teatr czy książka ma niesłabnący pociąg do wypadów alpinistycznych, ekscesów nurkowych, akrobacji paralotniarskich, wysiłków off- roadowych i wszystkiego tego, co powoduje, że życie nabiera innych kształtów niż te codzienne.Fascynują ją inne kultury i społeczności - ich życie, religie, tradycje, zwyczaje. Aby je poznać - podróżuje. Podróże nadają sens temu co robi, a dzielenie się wrażeniami - sens podróżom. Dlatego o tym pisze. W 2007 roku ukazała się nakładem wydawnictwa Mamiko jej debiutancka książka "Otwórz oczy" - opisy podróży i obyczajów ludzi mieszkających w najodleglejszych zakątkach świata. W styczniu 2008 roku Mamiko wydało jej kolejną książkę „Podróż za kilka zielonych", w której autorka koncentruje się na autochtonach i kulturze najpiękniejszych zakątków USA. Książka o Papui „Zanim świat się udusi" jest pierwszą, w której stara się zwrócić uwagę na tendencje separatystyczne kraju i konflikty zbrojne jakie tam mają miejsce.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Der zweite Fall für Chefinspektor Oskar SternEin Toter auf den Bahngleisen zwischen Freistadt und Summerau gibt Oskar Stern und Mara Grünbrecht vom LKA Linz Rätsel auf. Der Mann war offenbar an die Schienen gefesselt worden, der heranrasende Zug erledigte den Rest. Doch was hat das Opfer getan, dass es einen derart grausamen und theatralisch inszenierten Tod verdiente? Als seine Identität geklärt ist, haben Chefinspektor Stern und sein Team bald mehr Verdächtige, als ihnen lieb ist: Denn der Tote war Scheidungsanwalt.
- Lydbog
- 111,99 kr.
36,99 kr. La tanica contenente l’acqua del villaggio viene improvvisamente ritrovata vuota. La comunità non ha idea di cosa possa essere successo. Ranj, una piccola detective in erba, decide quindi di cominciare le indagini per conto suo: vuole scoprire che fine possa aver mai fatto l’acqua scomparsa. Un breve "giallo" perfetto per i piccoli lettori amanti delle sorprese.Shalini Srinivasan è una scrittrice e fumettista indiana. Upamanyu Bhattacharyya è un filmmaker e illustratore. Insieme hanno ideato e pubblicato "Il caso dell’acqua scomparsa".
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. La Magica Scala della Matematica unisce i punti più lontani dell’universo. Salendo i pioli di questo particolare strumento si potranno raggiungere posti impensabili: a partire dalla cima del monte Everest, passando per la Luna, il Sole, fino al limite dell'universo stesso. Questo libro, perfetto per dare un’idea ai più piccoli delle misure e delle distanze, combinerà la matematica e la meraviglia dando vita a un testo educativo ed entusiasmante.Sukanya Sinha è una fisica che si occupa, tra le altre cose, di divulgazione scientifica per bambini. Vishnu M Nair è un artista e illustratore indiano. Con "Quant’è lontano Lontano?", il duo ha pubblicato un libro educativo volto a introdurre i concetti di spazio e distanza ai più piccoli.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. T. Sundari non ce la fa proprio a non ridere. È più forte di lei, ci sono cose che la fanno sbellicare, sghignazzare fino ad avere il mal di pancia per il divertimento. Diverse volte è anche finita nei guai per via di questo suo comportamento, eppure quando parte, è difficile che smetta. Non è che lei si preoccupi più di tanto di regolarsi: in fin dei conti sta solo ridendo, perché mai dovrebbe smettere?Meera Ganapathi è una scrittrice indiana che durante la carriera si è dedicata spesso alla creazione di libri per bambini. ROSH, nome d’arte di Roshan Kurichiyanil, è un illustratore ed ex-animatore digitale indiano. La loro collaborazione artistica ha dato vita a "La bambina che non riusciva a smettere di ridere", una storia per bambini che cattura la tipica gioia di divertirsi dei più piccoli.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Sulla lista che il nonno ha dato a Lajjo ci sono tantissimi oggetti che lui stesso ha nascosto. Lajjo li dovrà trovare uno per uno per vincere questa divertente caccia al tesoro: il nonno le ha promesso un dono speciale, e lei è impaziente di cominciare. Seguendo mappe e consigli, Lajjo si tufferà in un’avventura allo stesso tempo magica e impegnativa, all’insegna del ragionamento e del senso di orientamento.Arkapriya Koley è un’illustratrice e animatrice digitale. Ajit Narra è un ingegnere e, nel tempo libero, un autore per bambini. Insieme hanno pubblicato "La caccia al tesoro", una storia per i più piccoli piena di enigmi da risolvere.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Amanda assomiglia un po’ alla mamma e un po’ al papà, solo che non riesce a vederlo subito. Nemmeno molti suoi amichetti riescono: continuano a porle domande che la mettono un po’ a disagio. Eppure è evidente che i suoi capelli non siano altro che una combinazione perfetta di quelli dei genitori, e lo stesso vale per gli occhi. Alla fine, Amanda scoprirà che i suoi colori sono di una sfumatura dolce che ricorda il miele, proprio a metà tra quelli delle due persone che la amano di più.Maïmouna Jallow è una scrittrice e regista Kenyota. Insieme all'illustratrice Caroline Faysse ha pubblicato "Sono del colore del miele", una storia per bambini emozionante sull'infanzia.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Certo che l’acqua alta può far veramente tanta paura! Razia lo sa bene ed è per questo che è molto decisa a imparare a nuotare. Seguendola in questo suo tuffo nella laguna, tutti possono imparare con lei i trucchetti per galleggiare e muoversi come un pesce. Una volta imparato a nuotare, scoprire le bellezze del mare sarà molto più bello e divertente.Divya Panicker è una ricercatrice marina all’università di Washington. Lavanya Naidu è un’animatrice e illustratrice che vive a Melbourne. "Impara a nuotare con Razia", un libro per bambini sull’oceano, è frutto della loro collaborazione.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Chissà cosa ci sarà mai scritto nella lettera che Ijas ha ricevuto da Vikram. I due sono migliori amici, quindi Ijas non vede l’ora di aprirla e scoprirne il contenuto: la vera amicizia, infatti, supera anche la lontananza!Una storia per bambini divertente e formativa, perfetta per insegnare i valori dell’amicizia e del rispetto.Aaquib Jaleel è un comico stand-up e scrittore indiano. Insieme a Shreya Sen, illustratrice e disegnatrice indiana, ha pubblicato "La lettera magica", una storia per bambini intrisa di gioia, mistero e amicizia.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Arnav e Tanisha sono decisi a scoprire se i mantelli dell’invisibilità esistono per davvero. Per farlo, si dirigono verso la biblioteca, il posto perfetto per scoprire nuove informazioni. Fino ad ora, loro non ne hanno mai visto uno—anzi, ne hanno sentito parlare solo nelle storie di fantasia. Per gioco, però, hanno cominciato a chiedersi cosa farebbero se ne avessero uno. Diventerebbero sicuramente i campioni di nascondino, ma cos’altro gli piacerebbe fare?Varsha Joshi è una fisica e ricercatrice indiana che nel tempo libero ricopre anche il ruolo di divulgatrice scientifica per bambini. Radhika Tipnis è un illustratore freelance, autore di fumetti e vignette per bambini. "Sotto il mantello dell'invisibilità" è la prima storia che hanno pubblicato insieme.
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
Fra 58,99 kr. Voiko sinkkuelämän koettelemuksista selvitä kolhiintumatta tai jopa ihan onnellisena?Sinkkutalouksen määrä nousee jatkuvasti, miksi sinkkuus nähdään edelleen vain välitilana, villinä bailaamisena tai häpeällisenä epäonnistumisena? Sinkkuudesta voi kuitenkin myös saada paljon irti. Rakkautta voi etsiä ja löytää, deittiviidakosta voi selvitä järjissään ja yksinkin voi elää hyvää elämää.Sinkun elämää – voimakirja sinkkunaisille on kattava ja voimaannuttava teos sinkkuudesta. Se käsittelee sinkkuutta ja siihen liittyviä ilmiöitä monelta kantilta: kirja on myös teos rakkaudesta, yhteiskunnan normeista ja naisen asemasta. Toimittaja Satu Väisänen (s. 1974) pitää suosittua Vapaalla jalalla -blogia Hidasta elämää -sivustolla. Väisänen kirjoittaa elämäntaidoista, ihmissuhteista ja henkisyydestä, huumoria unohtamatta.
48,99 kr. Czasami ludzie posuwają się do czynów, z których nie są dumni...Dziewiętnastoletnia Allison czasem ma wrażenie, że świat istnieje tylko po to, by sprawiać jej ból. W dzieciństwie porzucona przez ojca, skonfliktowana z rówieśnikami i zamknięta w sobie dziewczyna nie potrafi nawiązać bliskich relacji z obojętną i nieprzystępną matką. Jedyną rzeczą, na jakiej jej naprawdę zależy, jest przyjaźń z Williamem, wrażliwym chłopakiem, który – tak samo jak ona – nieustannie próbuje uciec od swoich traumatycznych przeżyć. Jego samobójstwo sprawia, że Allison pogrąża się w depresji i trafia na oddział zamknięty szpitala psychiatrycznego. Czy znajdzie się ktoś, komu będzie mogła zaufać i wyrzucić z siebie nagromadzony przez lata smutek?To poruszająca historia o samotności i nierównej walce ze swoimi własnymi demonami, ale też próba zmierzenia się z krzywdzącymi stereotypami dotyczącymi chorób psychicznych. Czy potrafimy wysłuchać i zrozumieć tych, którzy najbardziej tego potrzebują? Czy zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, jak często ignorujemy wołanie o ratunek? Czy mamy w sobie dość siły i empatii, by pomóc przerwać czyjeś milczenie?– Wątpię, by i moja śmierć też cię tak obeszła – rzekł po chwili, uśmiechając się smutno.– Dlaczego tak twierdzisz?– W końcu nikogo by nie obeszła. – Zaśmiał się. Nigdy w życiu nie słyszałam smutniejszego śmiechu.– Śmierć nie jest sposobem na ucieczkę.Anna Feret - autorka powieści obyczajowej pt. "Przerwane milczenie".
- Lydbog
- 48,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Sante was a baby when she was washed ashore in a sea-chest laden with treasure. It seems she is the sole survivor of the tragic sinking of a ship carrying migrants and refugees. Her people.Fourteen years on she's a member of Mama Rose's unique and dazzling circus. But, from their watery grave, the unquiet dead are calling Sante to avenge them:A bamboo flute. A golden bangle. A ripening mango which must not fall... are these the missing pieces of the jigsaw which will reveal Sante's story?Written by an award-winning Ghanaian-British filmmaker, shortlisted for the Branford Boase award 2018 and nominated for the 2018 Carnegie Medal.'An ambitious, impressive and skilful blend of modernity, mystery and myth' -- Nicolette Jones, The Sunday Times, Children's Book of the Week'A blend of magical realism and brutality, this is a powerful and original novel' -- Sally Morris, Daily MailA rich powerful novel, fusing the horror of people-trafficking with the magic of African folklore' ― The BooksellerYaba Badoe is an award-winning Ghanaian-British documentary filmmaker and writer. A graduate of King's College Cambridge, she was a civil servant in Ghana before becoming a general trainee with the BBC. Her short stories have been published in "Critical Quarterly", "African Love Stories" and "New Daughters of Africa". She enjoys writing stories that reveal the magical layers of everyday life and show that no matter where we live in the world we're all connected. She has a passion for Gothic horror and psychological thrillers
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Sarla unohtuu katselemaan biologian tunnilla ulos ikkunasta. Hän haluaisi osata lentää korkealla kuin lintu tai kuin lentokone! Sarlan uusi opettaja keskeyttää haaveilun. Hän kehottaa Sarlaa käymään kirjastossa, sieltä löytyy varmasti kirjoja lentämisestä ja lentokoneista.Tässä Sarla kertoo, mitä kaikkea hän on saanut tietää lentämisestä ja lentokoneista. Tiedätkö jo, miten lentokone pysyy ilmassa? Ja miten se osaa mennä oikeaan paikkaan? Entä minkä niminen on maailman nopein suihkukone?"Kuinka lentokoneet lentävät?" on alun perin julkaistu lastenkirjapalvelu StoryWeaverissa, ja se on osa "Read Together" -sarjaa. Monet tarinoista ovat intialaisten kirjailijoiden kirjoittamia ja sijoittuvat toiselle puolelle maailmaa. Niissä käsitellään useita jännittäviä aiheita, kuten tieteellisiä löytöjä ja sitä, miten voimme parhaiten huolehtia toisistamme sekä planeetastamme.
40,99 kr. Maailmankaikkeus on jännittävä paikka! Tule mukaan, niin saat kuulla monista äärimmäisistä ilmiöistä ja opit kaikenlaista maailmankaikkeuden pitkästä historiasta.Tiesitkö, että on olemassa tähti, joka on viisi miljardia kertaa isompi kuin Aurinko? Tai että Voyager 1:n kyydissä on kultalevy, jolla on ääniä Maasta? Entä sen, ettei kukaan ole koskaan nähnyt mustaa aukkoa?Kaikki tämä ja paljon muuta kirjassa Maailmankaikkeus!Line Friis Frederiksen on biologi, joka on ollut mukana useissa ohjelmissa DR, TV2 ja Discovery Channel -kanavilla. Hän on lisäksi vuorikiipeilijä, sukeltaja, jääkiipeilijä sekä naisten kiipeilyseuran Kvindelige Eventyreres Klubin jäsen.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Maailma on täynnä kauhistuttavia eläimiä! Tule mukaan ja opi niistä, jotka ovat kaikkein myrkyllisimpiä ja niistä, jotka ovat kaikkein tappavimpia.Tiesitkö, että valkohai voi nielaista merileijonan yhdellä haukkauksella, että myrkkykäärmeet tappavat vuosittain 50 000 ihmistä, tai että kultanuoli on maailman myrkyllisin eläin?Kaikki tämä ja paljon muuta kirjassa Kauhistuttavat eläimet!Line Friis Frederiksen on biologi, joka on ollut mukana useissa ohjelmissa DR, TV2 ja Discovery Channel -kanavilla. Hän on lisäksi vuorikiipeilijä, sukeltaja, jääkiipeilijä sekä naisten kiipeilyseuran Kvindelige Eventyreres Klubin jäsen.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Kesäloman alkaessa Senttu ja hänen kaverinsa Bubba luulevat olevansa menossa mökille, mutta perillä heitä odottaakin loistelias kartano, jota emännöi poikien ikätoveri Nea. Senttu ja Bubba hämmästelevät kartanon upeutta ja tutustuvat vähitellen Neaan, joka osoittautuu ennakkoluulojen jälkeen kiinnostavaksi tapaukseksi. Tämä nimittäin haluaa tavata biologiset vanhempansa, jotka asuvat Mumbaissa, Intiassa asti. Mutta ennen kuin Nean toive toteutuu, kaverusten lomailu täyttyy huvittavista kommelluksista, omituisista vekottimista ja muista yllätyksistä.Hyväntuulisen Senttu-sarjan vauhdikas, toinen osa osoittaa, että voimakkaatkin ennakkoluulot on mahdollista ylittää.Hauskassa lastenkirjasarjassa Senttu tempautuu kavereineen mielikuvituksekkaasta seikkailusta toiseen.Hanna van der Steen on suomalainen lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka tunnetaan kekseliäästi fantasiaelementtejä ja huumoria yhdistelevistä kirjoistaan. Koulutukseltaan van der Steen on kauppatieteiden maisteri.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Senttu ei pelkää saatuaan tietää, että hänen kotonaan kummittelee isosedän haamu. Sen sijaan hän keksii kaverinsa Bubban kanssa laittaa isosedän ratkomaan koko joukon ongelmia. Onko koevastausten varastaminen muka kiellettyä, jos homman hoitaa kummitus? Oikeastaan Aatu-haamu voisi poistaa kaikki Sentun velvollisuudet päiväjärjestyksestä!Hyväntuulisen ja vauhdikkaan Senttu-sarjan aloitusosa esittelee kaverukset, joiden arkeen sekoittuu usein ripaus yliluonnollista.Hauskassa lastenkirjasarjassa Senttu tempautuu kavereineen mielikuvituksekkaasta seikkailusta toiseen.Hanna van der Steen on suomalainen lasten- ja nuortenkirjailija, joka tunnetaan kekseliäästi fantasiaelementtejä ja huumoria yhdistelevistä kirjoistaan. Koulutukseltaan van der Steen on kauppatieteiden maisteri.
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.
102,99 kr. How much would you pay to survive?Mum-of-three Ronni Ashcroft had just pieced her life back together after her husband left. On a remote spur of the Scottish Highlands, she kept her successful guest house going and even met a new man, Bishop.But it turned out that Bishop had secrets. He had shady connections and shadier plans to use the coastal town as a European gateway for drugs, guns – and something far worse. Now he's disappeared, and Ronnie wants answers.Is he in trouble or simply ignoring her? Was she just his play-thing from the start? And, most importantly, is he dragging them both into something that neither of them will survive?´The Guest House´ is perfect for fans of Alex Michaelides and Ruth Ware.Praise for David Mark:"Dark, compelling crime writing of the highest order" - Daily Mail"Breathtaking" - Peter May"Truly exhilarating and inventive. Mark is a wonderfully descriptive writer" - Peter JamesDavid Mark spent more than fifteen years as a journalist, including seven years as a crime reporter with the Yorkshire Post. His writing is heavily influenced by the court cases he covered: the defeatist and jaded police officers; the competent and incompetent investigators; the inertia of the justice system and the sheer raw grief of those touched by savagery and tragedy.He is the author of the Sunday Times bestselling ´DS McAvoy´ series, historical novels, and psychological suspense thrillers, also writing under the name D.M. Mark.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
39,00 kr. En aften i maj 2010 blev den svenske by Härnösand rystet af en blodig voldsforbrydelse. Klokken 18.05 ringer en mand til alarmcentralen og siger, at han har fundet en livløs person på Artillerigatan. Under samtalen råber manden pludselig, at der ligger to personer til. Det er børnene ...Denne artikel er oprindeligt udgivet af Dansk Politi-Idræts Forlag.
- E-bog
- 39,00 kr.
102,99 kr. Can a chance encounter lead to a blossoming romance?At last, it's the day of the interview, and Sara absolutely must get the job. It's been two years since she graduated, and she's not had much luck in her personal or professional life.Much to her dismay, she is desperately late, teetering on her heels, soaking wet and out of breath by the time she arrives at the offices of ´Inside Look´ magazine.Things are going from bad to worse and when the receptionist tells her the job has already been given to someone else, Sara tries to slip away without being noticed. But she finds herself stuck in the lift with none other than the dazzling model Daniel Gant.After being thrown together by chance, Sara can't believe it when Daniel wants to see her again. Is her luck beginning to change?A hilarious love story for anyone in search of a happy ending, ´Stuck on You´ is perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella and Lindsey Kelk.What readers are saying about ´Stuck on You´:"I loved this novel - the perfect love story""Wonderful!""A beautiful modern fairytale. Sweet, carefree... Perfect!"Patricia Mar was born in Ravenna. Her great passions have always been writing and reading. She never leaves home without a book in her handbag. ´Stuck on You´, her first novel, was originally self-published and has been a bestseller in Italy.
- Lydbog
- 102,99 kr.
129,99 kr. Julie Houston's novels are heart-warming, full of joy and completely addictive.Charlie Maddison loves being an architect in London, but when she finds out her boyfriend, Dominic, is actually married, she runs back to the beautiful countryside of Westenbury and her parents. Charlie's sister Daisy, a landscape gardener, is also back home in desperate need of company and some fun. Their great-grandmother, Madge – now in her early nineties – reveals she has a house, Holly Close Farm, mysteriously abandoned over sixty years ago, and persuades the girls to project manage its renovation.As work gets underway, the sisters start uncovering their family's history, and the dark secrets that are hidden at the Farm. A heart-breaking tale of wartime romance, jealousy and betrayal slowly emerges, but with a moral at its end: true love can withstand any obstacle, and, before long, Charlie dares to believe in love again too...Perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Katie Fforde and Jill Mansell.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
129,99 kr. Clementine needs to find Lucy before it's all too late.Clementine knows bringing up a child on your own down on Emerald Street where the street walkers ply their trade isn't easy, even when your daughter's as adorable as four-year-old Allegra.When Peter Broadbent, wealthy, kind and possessed of the most beautiful house Clementine has ever seen, proposes, she knows it seems almost too good to be true.Will this be the happy-ever-after Clementine deserves, or will her dreams come crumbling down around her?Praise for 'Looking for Lucy':'A real page-turner. You'll laugh and cry, but not be able to put it down as Julie's trademark humour shines through from beginning to end' -Cassam Book Blog.'This is one of those novels that makes you want to read "just one more chapter" before you turn out the light, and that chapter turns into several more' -Big Bertha, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer.'I became so engrossed in this story I couldn't stop – kept going for just another chapter, and another, until I'd read straight through to the end. I loved it – the magic five for me, a wonderful read and one to keep for rereading' -Jeannie Zelos Book Reviews.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
129,99 kr. They say that third time's a charm...It's been two years since mass murderer, Giacomo Riondino, disappeared after killing Greta Alfieri. Dr Claps, devastated and guilt-ridden by Greta's death, has been on a man-hunt for Riondino ever since.Meanwhile, an American girl disappears on the 382nd step of the Cerro trail in Guayaquil, Ecuador. No one saw her disappear. Who took her? And how?When the US authorities contact Claps, he is certain that it must be Riordino. But, unlike Riondino's other victims, the girl has disappeared into thin air... Will Claps solve the puzzle, or will he lose his mind in the process, blinded by his own obsession?The third book in the series and a gripping thriller full of twists you won't see coming, ´Taken´ is perfect for fans of ITV's ´Manhunt´ or M. Night Shyamalan's ´Split´.What people are saying about ´Taken´:"A good novel with plenty of twists and turns that follows the others in the series." - Reader review"A most engaging tale with lots of twists. Good character development and consistency." - Reader reviewMonty Marsden, a Tuscan by birth, grew up in Milan, where he studied medicine and still works. He lives in the province of Bergamo with his wife and four children.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
129,99 kr. A smart, romantic comedy about how finding The One doesn't always have to be love at first sight...Lavinia Ferrari is in her fifth year at Bocconi University where she studies Economics when she is introduced to a new project that will guarantee her extra credits.She's intrigued... but it means the class must team up with students from the Computer Engineering course. Lavinia has absolutely no interest in the project, and to top things off, she's paired with Seb Marconi who is less than enthusiastic.When the work begins, her friends seem to be making great progress with their partners, but Lavinia isn't having the same luck... Seb is making it quite clear that he's not interested in the project, or Lavinia, fuelling her frustration.She has no choice – they're stuck in this, and besides, she won't receive her extra credits unless they work together. Lavinia must come up with a way to convince the guy who drives her crazy to put the work in... but how?´Stuck With You´ is ideal for fans of Sally Thorne and Christina Lauren.Anna Premoli is a bestselling author in Italy. She began writing to relieve stress while working as a financial consultant for a private bank. Her novel, ´Love to Hate You´ won the Bancarella prize in 2013.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
129,99 kr. A wife, a mother, a killer.One wrong decision, one terrifying night, leaves student Elizabeth with a stark choice – kill or be killed. And the consequences of that choice will shape her whole life.Now a wife, a mother, and a lawyer, she must find a way to out run her past, protect her family and live with her secret. But is it really possible to live a happy life with such a huge shadow cast by the past? And as it becomes clear that someone else knows her secret and is hunting her down, time is running out for Elizabeth to keep her family safe.In the bestselling tradition of Clare Mackintosh and Jenny Blackhurst, Cynthia Clark has written a heart-stopping story about the choices we make and how far we'd go to protect our families. Even if it means deceiving the people we love most...'If You Only Knew' is a tense, vividly written story that had me captivated right till the very end. Amazing!' -Adele O'Neill
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
129,99 kr. For almost thirty years they kept a terrible secret. Now their lives are falling apart.Many years ago, orphans Bea, her brother Sebastian, Helen, Sandra, and John all lived together in a home with their caretaker Miriam. However, Miriam didn't care at all.If you asked the children, they would have said that Miriam hated them, and it's not fun living with someone who hates you. Which is why the children decided to do something about it...However, a terrible accident changed everything, and the children were separated.Stricken with remorse, Ronnie Moss is trying to come to terms with the mistake that he made years after the accident. He is haunted by the accusations and seeks solitude far from England. But he can't run forever...Many years later, the children are reunited. Secrets of the past are finally being revealed and nothing will ever be the same again...A breathtaking and gripping suspense novel, Cynthia Clark's ´We All Fall Down´ is ideal for fans of B A Paris and Sophie Hannah.What readers are saying about ´We All Fall Down´:"Amazing read! The author wrote a story that was interesting and moved at a pace that kept me engaged. The characters were easy to invest in." - Amazon reviewerCynthia Clark was born and brought up in Malta, where she graduated in Communications before working for a daily newspaper. She has since lived in the US, where she has worked as a writer in online business journals. She and her husband now live in the States with their twin daughters.
- Lydbog
- 129,99 kr.
48,99 kr. Zemsta się nie przedawnia.Kiedy Alicja ucieka sprzed ołtarza w przeddzień ślubu, nie wie jeszcze, że tak naprawdę nie da się uciec zbyt daleko. Szczególnie jeśli po drodze skręci się kilka razy w niewłaściwą stronę... Kobieta wpada w sidła Adama, tyrana ukrywającego się pod maską porządnego człowieka i cenionego kardiologa. Upokarzana i zaszczuta, pewnego dnia decyduje się wymierzyć sprawiedliwość swojemu dręczycielowi i rozpoczyna nowe życie. Ale kiedy wydaje się, że w końcu znalazła upragniony spokój, ktoś postanawia ją rozliczyć z przeszłości...Ucieczka sprzed ołtarza to dopiero wierzchołek góry lodowej. Całą resztę wydarzeń, które odmieniły życie Alicji, odkrywamy stopniowo, śledząc fabułę z zapartym tchem. To słodko-gorzka historia o tym, ile może kosztować jeden, popełniony lata temu błąd.Paulina Kukuła, mala-czytelniczka.blogspot.comWciągająca historia o powracającej przeszłości i różnych obliczach zemsty. Wywołuje dreszcze, intryguje dobrze zakamuflowaną tajemnicą i zaskakuje na końcowych stronach. Przeczytałam jednym tchem.Wioleta Sadowska, www.subiektywnieoksiazkach.plKsiążka autorstwa Oliwii Stępień opowiada o Alicji, której życie całkowicie zmienia się po tym, gdy ucieka ona sprzed ołtarza. Jest to pełna szokujących zwrotów akcji opowieść o przebaczeniu i chęci zemsty. Świetnie napisana i bardzo wciągająca.Natalia Świętonowska, www.oksiazkachinietylko.pl
- Lydbog
- 48,99 kr.