USA: Jazztiden
78,99 kr. Short, witty and exciting collection of short stories, “Tales of the Jazz Age” is by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, the author of 'The Great Gatsby'. Divided into three parts, the tales are grouped into serious stories, non-sensical narratives, and fantasies. Among the most famous stories are the greedy and sinister 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz', the utterly amusing and ridiculous 'The Camel’s Back', and the intriguing 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', which has since been adapted into an award-winning film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It is a great read for anyone having an interest in the Jazz Age, 1920's stories or Fitzgerald’s fiction; and perfect for those who need something short and snappy to read on the go.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', all of which have been adapted in to successful film adaptations. His writing helped popularise the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.
- E-bog
- 78,99 kr.
Fra 42,99 kr. “In his blue gardens, men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.”It’s the height of the roaring 20’s. Every Saturday, the doors to Gatsby’s gothic mansion are flung wide to the bright young things of New York - the music is loud, the dancing is wild, and the champagne flows freely. Gatsby’s new neighbor, Nick Carraway, is fascinated by the spectacle. But when he pushes beyond the shimmering, glistening veneer of Gatsby’s charmed life, Nick discovers his new friend is tortured by a profound yearning for the one thing – and one person – he can’t have. A vibrant tale of obsession and opulence, corruption and canapes. The promise of the American Dream set against the glittering chaos of the Jazz Age.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is considered one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and the author of 'Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’. He and his wife, Zelda, were prominent socialites and spent much time moving in famous literary circles across Europe.
38,99 kr. A witty short story about popularity and revenge, 'Bernice Bobs Her Hair' is about a mixed-race girl with Native American heritage, trying to fit in with those around her. Like a mix between 'Gossip Girl' and 'The Great Gatsby', the story shows the benefits and downfalls of rising up the social ladder. Written by Scott F. Fitzgerald, the great mind behind 'The Great Gatsby'. 'Bernice Bobs Her Hair' is a coming-of-age tale set amid the roaring twenties.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’. His writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
Fra 44,99 kr. Den store Gatsby är ansedd som en av tidernas mest framstående romaner och skildrar det flådiga livet på Long Island under det glada tjugotalet. Romanen kretsar kring den mystiska miljonären Jay Gatsby och hans besatthet av den vackra Daisy Buchanan. Men vad döljer sig bakom hans överdådiga fester, den strida strömmen av alkohol och jazzmusiken? Kasta dig in jazzålderns glamorösa leverne och ta reda på det själv. F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896–1940) är en av 1900-talets främsta amerikanska författare och har bland annat skrivit de klassiska romanerna Den store Gatsby och Natten är ljuv. Scott Fitzgerald satte i sina verk tonen för 1920-talets "Jazz Age", som han och hans fru Zelda var en viktig del av.
Fra 32,99 kr. Nowy Orlean, lata 20. XX wieku. Podczas karnawału giną miejscowi policjanci. Na trop sprawcy zbrodni wpada młoda dziennikarka, Sophie Monroe, która samotnie wchodzi w mroczny świat przestępstw, biedy, Ku Klux Klanu, a także Voodoo. Po pewnym czasie dołączają do niej były bokser, żołnierz mafii, oraz związana z przemysłem filmowym dama. W tle jazz i ciekawostki o Louisie Armstrongu.Jarosław Klonowski - prozaik, publikował w „Nowej Fantastyce", „Science Fiction", „Magazynie Fantastycznym" i „Esencji". Jego utwory zdobyły nie tylko przychylność czytelników, ale także krytyków literackich ( nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na wiosnę w portalu Granice PL za „Tajemnicę świętego Wormiusa", nagroda w plebiscycie na najlepszą książkę na jesień w tym samym portalu za utwór „Ognie świętego Wita"). Od 2017 roku datuje się współpraca Klonowskiego ze Stowarzyszeniem Przystań, które skupia utalentowanych artystów-amatorów.
Fra 59,99 kr. The Beautiful and Damned, first published by Scribner's in 1922, is F. Scott Fitzgerald's second novel. The novel provides a portrait of the Eastern elite during the Jazz Age, exploring New York Café Society. As with his other novels, Fitzgerald's characters are complex, especially in their marriage and intimacy, much like how he treats intimacy in Tender Is the Night. The book is believed to be largely based on Fitzgerald's relationship and marriage with Zelda Fitzgerald. It tells the story of Anthony Patch (a 1920s socialite and presumptive heir to a tycoon's fortune), his relationship with his wife Gloria, his service in the army, and alcoholism.
Fra 59,99 kr. Bernice is turned into a proper society girl by her more desirable cousin, who feels Bernice is a drag on her social life. But when Bernice starts to win over all the boys in town, the girls turn viciously against each other. Based on letters F. Scott Fitzgerald originally sent to his little sister advising her on how to be more attractive to men, `Bernice Bobs Her Hair‘ is one of eight vivid stories in Fitzgerald‘s first short story collection. In another, `The Off-Shore Pirate‘, a girl gets captured by pirates and falls in love with the captain. It was adapted into a romantic comedy and starred silent movie actress Viola Dana. `Flappers and Philosophers‘ (1920) are tales about young dreamers whose dreams get broken, tales which perfectly encompass thezeitgeist of the 1920s.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics `Tender is the Night‘ and `The Great Gatsby‘. His writing helped illustrate the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.