World War One period (1914–1918)

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  • af Ford Madox Ford
    102,99 kr.

    The third novel in the ‘Parade’s End’ series, ‘A Man Could Stand Up’ follows the further trials of Christopher Tietjens. Set on Armistice Day 1918, the story sees Tietjens back in London, mulling over the events of World War I.So too, is his beloved Valentine, although gossip has spread about their illicit, romantic entanglements. As each debates their place in a post-war world, the main burning question is whether or not they can find happiness together.A beautifully-written and touching story from one of the best war novelists of the 20th Century, 'A Man Could Stand Up' will delight any person who is interested in World War I literature.Born in Wimbledon, Joseph Leopold Ford Hermann Madox Hueffer (1873 – 1939) was a prolific poet, novelist, and literary critic, who would become better known by his pen-name, Ford Madox Ford. The grandson of the artist, Ford Madox Brown, he was educated firstly in Kent, before being accepted at the University College School in London.At the age of 21, Ford eloped with his childhood sweetheart, Elsie Martindale. After living at several houses, they finally settled in Winchelsea. There, Ford befriended a number of authors living locally, including HG Wells and Henry James.However, it was Joseph Conrad with whom he decided to collaborate, writing a pirate novel called ‘Romance’. After a nervous breakdown, Ford went to recover in Germany, which laid the foundations for ‘The Good Soldier’.On returning to England, he founded ‘The English Review’ magazine, before being sent to fight in World War I. When the war finished, Ford spent the rest of his life travelling and writing. He leaves behind him more than 80 books and numerous poems.

  • af Edgar Wallace
    42,99 kr.

    Set during the First World War, ‘A Day with von Tirpitz’ sees Billy Best and Tam returning from a bombing raid, where the German naval commander is staying.When engine trouble and fog bring their aeroplane down, they need to work out whether they are behind enemy lines. However, their investigations lead them to an unexpected encounter.A taut short story, ‘A Day with von Tirpitz’ is shot through with humour and offers a fascinating insight into life in the British army, during the early 20th Century.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book, ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times - most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts.However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad.’

  • af Amelia Martin
    103,99 kr.

    Lassen Sie sich entführen ins schillernde Wien der Zwanzigerjahre!Die 29-jährige Sarah Rosewell wird stellvertretende Leiterin des Auktionshauses Hofmann's. Wertvolle Lampen, edle Teppiche, stilvolle Gemälde – Sarahs Ruf als Kunstkennerin ist legendär. Doch die Schatten ihrer Vergangenheit lassen sie nicht zur Ruhe kommen – jemand verfolgt sie mit einem perfiden Racheplan. Als der amerikanische Kaufhauskönig John Redloff sie bittet, sein Stadthaus in London auszustatten, zieht es sie zurück in ihre Heimatstadt. Sarah muss sich ihren Dämonen stellen und kämpft um ihren Ruf und ihre Existenz. Zumal ihr ehemaliger Geliebter Philipp Maynard plötzlich wieder vor ihr steht ...Amelia Martin ist das Pseudonym einer Bestsellerautorin. Sie hat jahrelang als Sachverständige für ein weltweit handelndes Auktionshaus gearbeitet, die Provenienz von Möbeln und Kunstgegenständen geprüft und Ausstellungen organisiert. Nach Jahren in England und im europäischen Ausland unternimmt die Autorin heute ausgedehnte Recherchereisen an die Schauplätze ihrer Romane.

  • af Edgar Wallace
    38,99 kr.

    While this might be one of Wallace’s shorter tales, he packs it with plenty of character and an unusual amount of darkness.Tam is interrogated over his role in the crashing of an artillery bus. However, the questioning leads to a chain of events with a rather unhappy ending for one character.With more than a whiff of ‘Catch 22,’ by Joseph Heller, and ‘Trainspotting,’ by Irvine Welsh, 'The Man Called McGinnice' is a superb read for those who like their short stories, wry, dry, and unsentimental.Born in London, Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was an English writer so prolific that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.Leaving school at the age of 12, Wallace made his first steps into the literary world by selling newspapers on the corner of Fleet Street.He worked as a war correspondent after joining the army at age 21, which honed his writing abilities. This led to the creation of his first book ‘The Four Just Men.’Wallace is best remembered as the co-creator of ‘King Kong,’ which has been adapted for film 12 times (most notably directed by ‘Lord of the Rings’ director, Peter Jackson, and starring Jack Black and Naomi Watts).However, he leaves behind an extensive body of work, including stories such as ‘The Crimson Circle’ and ‘The Flying Squad’.

  • af Bernhard Kellermann
    99,00 kr.

    Den 9. november 1918 bliver en skæbnedag for Tyskland, da kejser Wilhelm abdicerer, efter første verdenskrig er tabt. Nu kastes landet ud i et sandt kaos, mens magten over det enorme, krigshærgede rige bliver overdraget til lederen af det socialdemokratiske parti, Friedrich Ebert.Bernhard Kellermanns roman "Den 9. november" ser begivenhederne gennem den unge humanist Akermans øjne. Gennem ham oplever vi de grusomheder, som soldater og officerer udsatte den tyske befolkning for i denne tumultariske periode. Samtidig mærker vi den ensomhed og magtesløshed, et menneske kan føle over for et system, der løber løbsk, når reglerne bliver sat ud af spil."Den 9. november" udkom første gang i 1920 og var en af de første romaner, der kritiserede magthavernes opførsel over for folket på denne skæbnesvangre dag. Bogen blev forbudt under nazisterne og blev brændt offentligt. Samtidig slog den Bernhard Kellermanns navn fast som en af de vigtigste kritiske røster i mellemkrigstidens Tyskland.Bernhard Kellermann (1879-1951) var en tysk forfatter, der er kendt for sine fængslende romaner med interessante karakterskildringer og spændende plot. Mange af Bernhard Kellermanns bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog, herunder dansk.

    51,99 kr.

    Wie viele Literatenhäuser stellt Lawrences Refugium »Clouds Hill« im südenglischen Bovington ein Abbild seiner Seele dar. Die einstige Bauernkate ist äußerst schlicht eingerichtet, aber die Bibliothek und Schallplattensammlung zeugen von dem intellektuellen Universum, das Lawrence war: Homer, Dante, Cervantes, Mozart, Beethoven und Elgar. Dann in einer Ecke rostige Fragmente von Schienen. Es sind Reliquien der Hedschasbahn von Aleppo nach Medina – Erinnerungen an seinen Guerillakrieg in der Wüste gegen die Türken. Lawrences militärische Karriere ist außergewöhnlich. Als die Kanonen des Ersten Weltkriegs schweigen, dient er als der jüngste Oberst in der britischen Armee. König Georg V. will ihn zum Ritter schlagen, doch er lehnt diese Ehre unter Protest ab, da Großbritannien seine Versprechungen gegenüber den Arabern nicht eingehalten hat. Stattdessen zieht er sich als einfacher Soldat in die Anonymität der Armee zurück – Buße oder Befreiung von der Last des Ruhmes? Der Asket kennt nur ein Laster: den Rausch der Geschwindigkeit. Getrieben von einer seelischen Unruhe, rast Lawrence mit seinem Motorrad durch England – bis ihn im Mai 1935 der Tod einholt. Sein Vermächtnis sind die »Sieben Säulen der Weisheit«, ein Meisterwerk, das Winston Churchill als eines der »größten Bücher der englischen Sprache« preisen wird. Viel Hörvergnügen bei dieser spannenden Ausgabe von G/Geschichte!Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.

  • af Amelia Martin
    111,99 kr.

    Vom Elendsviertel in die High Socity: Sarah Rosewell kämpft für ihr GlückAls Sarah Rosewell in den Haushalt von Lady Sudbury aufgenommen wird, ändert sich ihr Leben über Nacht: Sie entkommt der Enge und der Gewalt ihres Elternhauses im Armenviertel Soho, und vor ihr liegt plötzlich eine strahlende Zukunft. Sie wird von ihrer Wohltäterin zu einer Expertin für wertvolle Gegenstände ausgebildet und beginnt, für das prestigeträchtige Auktionshaus Varnham’s zu arbeiten. Das ist jedoch vielen ein Dorn im Auge, und Sarah muss sich gegen mächtige Gegenspieler behaupten, die nur darauf warten, dass sie einen Fehler macht. Ihre Vergangenheit kann sie nicht abstreifen, und ihre Zukunft will sie nicht aufs Spiel setzen – auch wenn das bedeutet, dass sie den Mann, dem ihr Herz gehört, nie haben kann. Doch dann bricht der Erste Weltkrieg aus, und die Kriegsjahre verändern alles …Amelia Martin ist das Pseudonym einer Bestsellerautorin. Sie hat jahrelang als Sachverständige für ein weltweit handelndes Auktionshaus gearbeitet, die Provenienz von Möbeln und Kunstgegenständen geprüft und Ausstellungen organisiert. Nach Jahren in England und im europäischen Ausland unternimmt die Autorin heute ausgedehnte Recherchereisen an die Schauplätze ihrer Romane.

  • af Elizabeth Von Arnim
    42,99 kr.

    The only novel published under the pen-name Alice Cholmondeley, ‘Christine’ gives insight into von Arnim's thoughts about the atrocities of World War I.The story is told through a series of letters to her mother in Britain from the titular Christine, an English girl who is studying in Germany in 1914 in the lead up to World War I.Initially marketed as non-fiction, this novel could be a semi-autobiographical account of von Arnim’s own daughters, Beatrix and Felicitas, who were living in Germany during World War I.‘Christine’ will be enjoyed by fans of 'The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society'.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.

  • af Robert Welles Ritchie & Earl Derr Biggers
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Inside the Lines’ (1915) is a gripping novel by American writers Earl Derr Biggers and Robert Wells Ritchie.On the eve of the First World War as preparations for the conflict are in full swing, American businesswoman, Jane Gerson, is stranded on the tiny island of Gibraltar, unable to get back home.With rumours of a German plot and spies around every corner, Jane’s path home is fraught with suspicion and danger.This page-turning adventure thriller is perfect for fans of espionage films and fiction.Earl Derr Biggers (1884-1933) was an American writer of novels and plays. He predominantly wrote detective mysteries and famously created the Chinese-American detective, Charlie Chan, which has been adapted for film and TV on numerous occasions. His most popular works include 'The House Without a Key', 'Seven Keys to Baldplate', and 'The Black Camel'.Robert Welles Ritchie (1879-1942) was an American writer and journalist. He wrote novels and short stories and is mostly remembered today for 'Inside the Lines', 'Trails to Two Moons', and 'Dust of the Desert'. Many of his works were also adapted for film.

  • af Edgar Wallace
    42,99 kr.

    Edgar Wallace’s ‘Army Reform’ unravels the opinions, thoughts, and experiences of Private Smith during World War One.Packed with witty humour and peppered with sarcasm, this autobiographical short story invites readers behind the scenes at one of Europe’s darkest memories.Crafted with deep insight, Wallace reminds us that humanity can be found during the most difficult of times.‘Army Reform’ is perfect for fans of ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ starring Andrew Garfield.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.An author, journalist, and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screenplays, and stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films.In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’

  • af Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg
    49,00 kr.

    Mellem d. 1. maj og 1. juni 1916 foregik et af historiens største søslag - ud for Jyllands kyst. Siden første verdenskrigs udbrud to år tidligere stod det klart, at den tyske og engelske flåde ville støde sammen, og derfor var hele verden spændte, da det skete. To år efter slaget lykkedes det Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg at samle så mange oplysninger, at det var muligt at skrive en bog om, hvordan kampene foregik. Bogen er hovedsageligt baseret på de to landes officielle rapporter og kommunikeer, og den gennemgår både de årsager, der førte op til slaget, samt selve flådernes opbygning og strategi. Endelig udfoldes slaget time for time. Tabene var store på begge sider. Omtrent 10.000 mistede livet, men begge nationer udråbte sig efterfølgende som sejrherre.Carl Vilhelm Theodor Heiberg (1846-1924) var en dansk søofficer og forfatter.

  • af Flavia Steno
    58,99 kr.

    Il giovane tenente Gino Niccoli viene mandato dalla madre in convalescenza dallo zio Augusto, con la tacita speranza che egli sappia convincere il ragazzo a rinunciare al pericoloso proposito di darsi all’aviazione. Gino è un giovanotto vivace ed entusiasta della vita – cosa che Augusto Cesari sa molto bene – ma ha forse bisogno di un po’ di tranquillità. Sarà difficile, tuttavia, restare indifferenti al fascino di Claudia, la giovane moglie che Augusto ha preso in sposa soltanto sedici mesi prima...Flavia Steno (1877-1946), pseudonimo di Amelia Cottini Osta, nasce a Lugano. Autrice dapprima di articoli e romanzi d’appendice, si afferma successivamente come corrispondente di guerra, distinguendosi come una fra le uniche donne ad aver documentato la Prima Guerra Mondiale direttamente dal fronte. Il 27 luglio 1944, avendo osteggiato il morente regime fascista in un suo articolo, verrà condannata in contumacia a quindici anni. Nascostasi in un cascinale insieme a dei partigiani – nei pressi di Moncalvo – attenderà la fine della guerra, di cui, fino alla morte, denuncerà le crudeltà. È autrice, fra i tanti romanzi, di "Fra cielo e mare", "Il pallone fantasma" e "L’ultimo sogno".

  • af Teresa Gómez Reus
    73,99 kr.

    Interesantísima colección de textos que van de lo ficticio a lo ensayístico pasando por lo epistolar y lo poético, todos ellos escritos por mujeres angloamericanas que participaron en la Primera Guerra Mundial. Vivencias, recuerdos, miedos, esperanzas y desencuentros en los que vemos el papel vital que desempeñaron las mujeres en el conflicto.Teresa Gómez Reus es una autora y catedrática española. Especializada en Literatura Norteamericana, pertenece al departamento de Filología Inglesa de la Universidad de Alicante. Está especializada en crítica cultural, literatura escrita por mujeres y Primera Guerra Mundial. Asimismo, ha desarrollado una carrera literaria enfocada en sus campos de interés.

  • af Alfredo Panzini
    40,99 kr.

    Scritto a caldo nei mesi convulsi di quello stesso anno, "Romanzo della guerra nell’anno 1914" rappresenta inizialmente un esercizio fatto da Panzini per sé stesso, senza cioè alcuna intenzione di darlo alle stampe. Ma poi, su invito del suo editore, il grande intellettuale romagnolo accetta di pubblicare il testo. Si tratta di un diario intimo, toccante, delle lunghissime settimane successive all’attentato di Sarajevo, con cui sarebbe poi scoppiata la Grande Guerra. Mesi difficili in tutta Europa, certo, ma anche in Italia: stretta nella morsa di un’alleanza innaturale con l’Austria e la Germania, ma anche tentata da un’ostinata neutralità che, come ben sappiamo, sarebbe stata infranta solo dopo, con la decisione di entrare in guerra a fianco dell’Intesa nell’anno successivo. Un documento preziosissimo su una pagina fondamentale della nostra storia...Alfredo Panzini (1863-1939) nasce a Senigallia, figlio di un medico riminese. Trascorsa l’infanzia a Rimini, frequenta il Convitto Nazionale Foscarini a Venezia e poi l’Università di Bologna, laureandosi in Lettere (fra i suoi docenti, anche Giosuè Carducci). Insegnerà per tutta la vita al Liceo Ginnasio Statale Terenzio Mamiani di Roma, affiancando alla professione di insegnante una vivace produzione letteraria e lessicografica. Nel 1905, infatti, è fra i compilatori del Dizionario Moderno Hoepli. Scrittore estremamente prolifico, firma una trentina di romanzi (fra cui "Rose d’ogni mese", "Il padrone sono me!" e "La sventurata Irminda"), ma è anche autore di vari saggi storici ("Sigismondo Malatesta") e letterari ("L’evoluzione di Giosuè Carducci").

  • af Alfredo Panzini
    58,99 kr.

    "Finalmente andò a sfogarsi con mamà. Nella camera dove mamà lavorava, c’era entro una cornice vecchia di legno, dal contorno barocco, quell’immagine di una Madonna, con un profilo bianco, sur un fondo scuro, incline e dolce sul pargoletto lattante" ... Aquilino è un ragazzo vivace, sempre dedito a far valere ciò che per lui è giusto contro le palesi iniquità del mondo. Che si tratti degli insegnanti, dei preti o dei suoi coetanei, dell’amore e della famiglia: ogni cosa sembra concorrere a trasformare questo mondo in qualcosa di diverso, strappandolo all’abbraccio della gioventù per una missione sovrumana. La guerra incombe, i giovani si preparano a partire. Scritto durante la Grande Guerra – e dedicato a un giovane amico, caduto fra i primi sul fronte nel 1915 – "La Madonna di Mamà" è un romanzo dolente, puro e sincero. Uno dei testi più emblematici della fantasia narrativa di Alfredo Panzini.Alfredo Panzini (1863-1939) nasce a Senigallia, figlio di un medico riminese. Trascorsa l’infanzia a Rimini, frequenta il Convitto Nazionale Foscarini a Venezia e poi l’Università di Bologna, laureandosi in Lettere (fra i suoi docenti, anche Giosuè Carducci). Insegnerà per tutta la vita al Liceo Ginnasio Statale Terenzio Mamiani di Roma, affiancando alla professione di insegnante una vivace produzione letteraria e lessicografica. Nel 1905, infatti, è fra i compilatori del Dizionario Moderno Hoepli. Scrittore estremamente prolifico, firma una trentina di romanzi (fra cui "Rose d’ogni mese", "Il padrone sono me!" e "La sventurata Irminda"), ma è anche autore di vari saggi storici ("Sigismondo Malatesta") e letterari ("L’evoluzione di Giosuè Carducci").

  • af Edgar Wallace
    77,99 kr.

    Everybody is running from The Terror. But when nobody knows what it is, suspicion grows. Especially in the darkest corners of the world.And when governments enter a false show of care and love after years of turmoil, it is clear that a complex case needs to be cracked.Towards the end of World War One, can one lead detective unpack the web of lies and deceit to get to the truth?In Edgar Wallace’s ‘The Day of Uniting’, readers are in for a rip-roaring tale of crime and mystery.Perfect for fans of George Orwell’s ‘1984’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England.An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction.His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    ‘The War That Will End War’ is a collection of thought-provoking esssays, in which H. G. Wells examines the causes and effects of the First World War.For the pacifist Wells, the First World War is an unredeemable atrocity, but he argues that it may be the only way to ‘exorcise a world madness and end an age’. Wells states the goal of the war should be to avoid future wars through a fair peace treaty and a global ‘Peace League’.It is interesting now to see which of Wells’ unique prophecies were accurate or not, as an unsuccessful attempt was made to create peace after the First World War. This book was influential at the time and impressed U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, and it is still cited to this day about different wars.Well-balanced, passionate, and creative, ‘The War That Will End War’ is recommended for those interested in the First World War.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet.Nominated for a Nobel Prize in Literature four times, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’.Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.

  • af Stefan Zweig
    Fra 99,00 kr.

  • af Jaroslav Hašek
    Fra 20,99 kr.

    Josef Švejk je smířen se svým osudem, což mu ani zdaleka neubírá na jeho nekonečném elánu. Po zjištění, že Švejk je ve skutečnosti Čech, ho čeká obvinění z dezerce a rozsudek smrti. Ve vězení, kde čeká na popravu, mu duchovní útěchu poskytuje kněz Martinec. Tento nábožensky založený muž je natolik zděšen Švejkovým přístupem k životu, že se raději zpije do bezvědomí. Po sérii nedorozumění je Švejk osvobozen a vrací se ke svému pluku.Dokončení čtvrtého dílu románu o osudech Josefa Švejka, nejlepšího vojáka světové války, přerušilo Haškovo nenadálé úmrtí.Jaroslav Hašek (1883–1923) byl český spisovatel a novinář, známý především pro svůj čtyřdílný román Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka. Napsal přes 1200 povídek a ve své tvorbě zpracovával především svoje vlastní zážitky. Byl zakladatelem satirického uskupení Strana mírného pokroku v mezích zákona.

  • af Jaroslav Hašek
    Fra 20,99 kr.

    Tváří v tvář hrozbě smrti zůstává Švejk nad věcí a v naprostém klidu. Kvůli nedorozumění se záměnou uniforem se mu podaří „prošvejkovat" až do zajetí. Děj třetího dílu zahrnuje přesun pěšího pluku na ruskou frontu. Sled absurdních historek posunuje kupředu především Švejkovo neutuchající mluvení a sklony dostávat sebe i své nejbližší okolí do malérů. Někteří lidé jsou ze Švejka nadšení, jiní by ho raději už v životě neviděli. Tím vším se Švejk nenechává vyvést z míry a neustále se snaží být tím nejlepším vojákem v celé válce.Tento čtyřdílný román Jaroslava Haška se stal národní klasikou i díky svému filmovému a rozhlasovému zpracování.Jaroslav Hašek (1883–1923) byl český spisovatel a novinář, známý především pro svůj čtyřdílný román Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka. Napsal přes 1200 povídek a ve své tvorbě zpracovával především svoje vlastní zážitky. Byl zakladatelem satirického uskupení Strana mírného pokroku v mezích zákona.

  • af Jaroslav Hašek
    Fra 20,99 kr.

    Vojenský sluha Josef Švejk, který má sklony dostávat sebe i své okolí do nikdy nekončících potíží, i nadále doprovází svůj odjezd na frontu neustálým mudrováním a neúmyslným vyvoláváním chaosu.Švejkův nadřízený, nadporučík Lukáš, má Švejka tak akorát dost a dostává nového sluhu – Balouna. To vyvolá další vlnu zmatků, kde nechybí policie, opilci, ztracená zavazadla, a nakonec i skutečná válka...Situační humor tohoto románu je zároveň kritikou nesmyslnosti války a vojenského přemýšlení.Jaroslav Hašek (1883–1923) byl český spisovatel a novinář, známý především pro svůj čtyřdílný román Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka. Napsal přes 1200 povídek a ve své tvorbě zpracovával především svoje vlastní zážitky. Byl zakladatelem satirického uskupení Strana mírného pokroku v mezích zákona.

  • af Jaroslav Hašek
    Fra 20,99 kr.

    Všude, kde se objeví, vyvolá zmatek a chaos! Rozkazy plní doslovně a vše komentuje s bodrostí sobě vlastní.V prvním díle sledujeme Švejkovy osudy od sarajevského atentátu až po jeho odvelení na frontu. Švejk se svým počínáním postupně dostane na policejní stanici, do blázince a instituce pro vojenské simulanty...Nakonec je spolu se svým nadřízeným, nadporučíkem Lukášem, odvelen na frontu coby vojenský sluha.Voják Švejk je jednou z nejznámějších postav české literatury. Tento satirický román z období první světové války je dodnes jednou z nejčtenějších a nejpřekládanějších českých knih. Švejkova povaha se stala součástí české identity.Jaroslav Hašek (1883–1923) byl český spisovatel a novinář, známý především pro svůj čtyřdílný román Osudy dobrého vojáka Švejka. Napsal přes 1200 povídek a ve své tvorbě zpracovával především svoje vlastní zážitky. Byl zakladatelem satirického uskupení Strana mírného pokroku v mezích zákona.

  • af Mario Mariani
    73,99 kr.

    In questo romanzo autobiografico, Mario Mariani racconta la sua esperienza militare come ufficiale nel corpo degli Alpini, a seguito dell'ingresso dell'Italia nella Prima guerra mondiale. Pubblicato a ridosso della Grande guerra, fu uno dei suoi libri più apprezzati dalla critica, lodato per essere riuscito a raccontare in maniera onesta e realistica, fuori da ogni retorica, la sua esperienza al fronte.Mario Mariani (1883 – 1951) è stato un giornalista, poeta e scrittore italiano attivo nella prima metà del Novecento. Grazie alle proprie origini benestanti, sin da giovane riuscì ad inserirsi nei circoli letterari più importanti, arrivando a frequentare personalità di spicco come Gabriele D'Annunzio, Giovanni Pascoli e Giosuè Carducci. Visse per un periodo a Berlino, lavorando come corrispondente estero per un periodico italiano, e successivamente a Nizza e in Belgio, durante la sua fuga dal regime fascista.

  • af Lucas Pavetto, Mario Tancredi & Giusy Bausilio
    Fra 12,99 kr.

    Jakie przyczyny doprowadziły do śmierci żywej legendy aliantów?Kto jest za nią odpowiedzialny?Erwin Rommel, nazywany "Lisem pustyni", jest bez wątpienia jednym z najsłynniejszych generałów hitlerowskich Niemiec podczas II wojny światowej. Niniejszy esej historyczny przedstawia ścieżkę niemieckiego dowódcy, od jego początków jako żołnierza na froncie zachodnim w czasie I wojny światowej, poprzez decydującą rolę w kampanii włoskiej pod Caporetto, aż po kampanię afrykańską.Jakie przyczyny doprowadziły do jego śmierci?Kto jest za nią odpowiedzialny?Lucas Pavetto - urodzony w Argentynie, skąd wyprowadził się w młodym wieku. Od najmłodszych lat wykazywał szczególne uzdolnienia w zakresie muzyki i malarstwa figuratywnego. Ukończył instytut sztuki w Urbino, gdzie studiował animację rysunkową i wyspecjalizował się w narracji komiksowej. Zaczął pracować w kinematografii jako reżyser, autor i scenarzysta własnych filmów.

  • af Attilio Frescura
    96,99 kr.

    Non fatevi ingannare dal titolo perché le gradazioni dell’imboscato sono infinite. Basti pensare che chi combatte ha sempre qualcuno che è imboscato rispetto a sé, e a sua volta è imboscato rispetto a qualcun altro. In sostanza il contenuto dell'opera è l’analisi acuta e sagace di un uomo comune che - pur essendo sostenitore della guerra - è uno dei più minuziosi nel documentarne gli elementi di estraneità e di dissenso. Una testimonianza compiuta di chi "a volte dice molto di più di quello che non vorrebbe dire".Attilio Frescura (1881 – 1943) è stato uno scrittore e giornalista italiano. Lavorò a Bologna in qualità di redattore della casa editrice Cappelli, che pubblicò la maggior parte delle sue opere. Fu anche direttore del "Resto del Carlino" e fondò "Il Corriere del pomeriggio". Raccolse i suoi ricordi e commenti sulla Grande Guerra nell’opera "Diario di un imboscato".

  • af Arturo Stanghellini
    73,99 kr.

    "Introduzione alla vita mediocre" è uno dei testi letterari più significativi dedicati all’esperienza della Prima Guerra Mondiale. È il diario intimo dell’insegnante e intellettuale Arturo Stanghellini che racconta i giorni passati sul Carso, dal 6 luglio 1916 al 4 novembre 1918. È la storia di un viaggio che descrive la vita in trincea e gli ostacoli in cui si imbatte il reduce nel riprendere la vita di tutti i giorni: una vita fatta di ore piccole e di domande frivole poste da persone indifferenti e superficiali. Una vita piena di mediocrità e grettezza.Arturo Stanghellini (1887 – 1948) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Fin da giovane partecipa attivamente alla vita culturale e politica di Pistoia, sua città natale. Nel 1910 si laurea in Lettere presso l’Università di Bologna e subito dopo inizia la carriera di insegnante. Nel 1916 parte come tenente per la guerra e al ritorno, dopo oltre due anni trascorsi per la maggior parte nelle trincee del Carso, scrive il suo libro più importante: 'Introduzione alla vita mediocre'. Dal 1932 al 1940 svolge all’estero l’incarico di rappresentante della cultura italiana, per poi rientrare in Italia per partecipare attivamente alla Resistenza antifascista.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    Having lived in France during the First World War, it’s no surprise that Wharton documented the impact on her spiritual homeland, both in fiction and non-fiction.‘Coming Home’ is told from the perspective of an American aid worker, who helps a wounded French soldier, Jen Réchamp. A bond between the two sees them travel to Jean’s home to see that everything is as it should be.While Wharton might be better known for her high-society satires, ‘Coming Home’ reveals an author who can capture the horrors of war and the heroic spirits of those who choose to stand against it.A gripping insight into how the First World War was perceived in France, Wharton's ´Coming Home´ will delight fans of other WWI narratives such as Sam Mendes' Oscar-nominated movie ´1917´.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors.During her career, Wharton wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.

  • af Henri Bergson
    42,99 kr.

    For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, ‘The Meaning of the War’ by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores ‘Life & Matter in Conflict’, as the subtitle of the book tells us.A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud's essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI.Henri Bergson was a French philosopher, born in 1859, who criticised his contemporary Kant, and debated Albert Einstein. In 1927, Bergson won the Nobel Prize in Literature "in recognition of his rich and vitalizing ideas and the brilliant skill with which they have been presented".

  • af T.E. Lawrence
    29,99 kr.

    Entraîné dans le désert brûlant d'Afrique du Nord en tant qu'agent au Service des renseignements militaires britannique, Lawrence est plongé au plein cœur des Révoltes Arabes. Parlant la langue des émirs bédouins, réalisant embuscades sur combats sanglants, traversant les étendues de sable à dos de chameaux, il aide ses nouveaux alliés à s'organiser à repousser les forces armées ottomanes. Bientôt, on le surnommera Lawrence d'Arabie…Best-seller mondial, autobiographie d'un officier, véritable révolution dans la façon de penser l'histoire et la guerre, « La Révolte dans le Désert » balaie les conceptions coloniales de la vieille Europe. Lawrence devient ainsi l'un des premiers occidentaux à défendre l'indépendance arabe, et offre une clef de lecture pour mieux comprendre le Moyen-Orient de notre temps.Thomas Edward Lawrence (1888-1935) connu sous le nom de Lawrence d’Arabie, est un officier et écrivain britannique. Issu d’une famille profondément religieuse, il s'émancipe de son éducation lutte pour le nationalisme arabe. Archéologue au Moyen-Orient, il est en 1914 envoyé par l’armée britannique en mission de renseignements dans la péninsule du Sinaï. Il sert alors comme officier auprès des forces arabes lors de la révolte arabe. Acclamé à son retour, il devient successivement conseiller politique pour les affaires proche-orientales, soldat dans la Royal Air Force, puis dans le Royal Tank Regiment. Si bon nombre d’ouvrages retrace son parcours et son combat, ses romans « Les Sept piliers de la sagesse » et « La Révolte dans le Désert » ainsi que le film de David Lean, « Lawrence d’Arabie », assurent de nos jours sa célébrité d’homme dévoué.

  • af Edith Wharton
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Fighting France’ is a collection of essays, written by Wharton, on the outbreak of the First World War. Having returned to her beloved France to work with the Red Cross, Wharton began detailing the impact of the conflict on her spiritual homeland. While she uses her literary talents to paint a harrowing picture of the devastation caused by the war, she always puts people, rather than places, under the spotlight. A fascinating read from the time of Downton Abbey for anyone interested in military history and exceptional journalism of the early 20th Century.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.