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  • af D.H. Lawrence
    67,99 kr.

    England, My England' is a collection of short stories written between the years 1913-1921, including the notable 'Wintry Peacock'. Set against the backdrop of World War One, Lawrence uses them as a means to explore the complexity of human relationships and the human psyche. His provocative and controversial prose is unmissable for fans of Anton Chekhov's psychological musings. -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    41,99 kr.

    A collection of stories from one of the foremost figures in literature, 'The Wintry Peacock' details the disastrous effects of World War One. It follows Egbert as he struggles to find his identity as a soldier, husband, and father. When all that he was avoiding comes back to him, Egbert is thrown into a balancing act, juggling his time between reconciling with his family, and coping with the onslaught of injuries, infidelities, and deaths that war so inevitably brings. DH Lawrence's uncompromising rawness is perfect for those who enjoyed Sylvia Plath's 'The Bell Jar'.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af Virginia Woolf
    38,99 kr.

    "Doesn't one always think of the past, in a garden with men and women lying under the trees? Aren't they one's past, all that remains of it, those men and women, those ghosts lying under the trees... one's happiness, one's reality?"A family of four is walking around Kew Gardens in London, lost in their thoughts. The husband thinks of the girl who turned down his marriage proposal in this very garden many years ago. When asking his wife if it upsets her that he's thinking about this other woman, she reasons that one's past is like ghosts lying under the trees.Only Virginia Woolf can write a short story about completely ordinary things and people and make you long for more. With exquisite prose, she invites you along as she examines the beauty of normal summer's day.Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer who, despite growing up in a progressive household, was not allowed an education. When she and her sister moved in with their brothers in a rough London neighborhood, they joined the infamous The Bloomsbury Group, which debated philosophy, art and politics. Woolf's most famous novels include 'Mrs Dalloway' (1925) and 'To the Lighthouse' (1927).

  • af Jack London
    67,99 kr.

    Jack London infamously wrote books about fantastic dogs and 'Jerry of the Islands' is no exception. Jerry is an English Terrier who lives a life coloured by the rough and racist views of his owner, Mr. Haggin. One day Mr. Haggin decides to give Jerry to a local sea captain and Jerry starts a new, exciting life on a whale boat. However, as the boat stops at Malaita Island, Jerry is suddenly left all alone amongst the people he once considered his biggest enemies. As Jerry's new life unfolds, it takes an unexpected turn, one that he might not be able to survive. Echoing the colonial sentiments of the era, 'Jerry of the Islands' is a thrilling story of South Sea adventure told through the eyes of man's best friend. From electrifying action, thought-provoking statements and a great canine hero- this novel has it all. -

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    67,99 kr.

    DH Lawrence's third collection of poems, 'Look! We have come through!' details a clandestine affair between a man and a woman. The way in which Lawrence uses his works to explore human relationships, sensuality, and sexuality is uniquely profound, and this collection is no exception. Unmissable for fans of Lawrence's own 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' looking for an introduction to poetry.-

  • af Virginia Woolf
    41,99 kr.

    "Perhaps it was the middle of January in the present that I first looked up and saw the mark on the wall."'The Mark on the Wall' is about a woman sitting in her chair, starring at a mark on the wall, but if you think that is all it is, you are in for a surprise. In a series of stream of consciousness, which Virginia Woolf mastered so well, the narrator contemplates the cause of this unknown mark, and in doing so, reveals much about both herself and the society she is a part of.'Two Stories' was originally published by Virginia Woolf's and her husband Leonard Woolf's own publishing house, Hogarth Press, in 1917. The book also includes Leonard Woolf's short story 'St Brides Bay'.Adeline Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) was an English writer who, despite growing up in a progressive household, was not allowed an education. When she and her sister moved in with their brothers in a rough London neighborhood, they joined the infamous The Bloomsbury Group, which debated philosophy, art and politics. Woolf's most famous novels include 'Mrs Dalloway' (1925) and 'To the Lighthouse' (1927).

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    41,99 kr.

    Written in 1915, 'New Poems' is a collection of DH Lawrence's early poetry. He uses his profound perspectives on the world around him to explore issues such as human relationships, sensuality, and sexuality, setting them against unique backdrops.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English poet and novelist. Famed for his lyrical prose, he was uncompromising in his mission to uncover the consequences of modernity and industrialization, particularly on sexuality, instinct, and spontaneity. His works, although innovative, were not truly appreciated until after his death, the most notable of which 'Lady Chatterley's Lover' was adapted to screen in 1981.

  • af Elna Panduro
    49,00 kr.

    Elna Panduro blandede sig som en af de første kvinder i diskussionen om seksualundervisning i skolen. Denne lærebog fra 1913 er rettet mod piger og bygger på den overbevisning, at ren besked er langt bedre end halve sandheder eller elevernes mangelfulde indbyrdes udveksling af erfaringer. Derfor er denne bog oprindeligt illustreret med udfoldelige anatomiske farvetavler af kvindens underliv samt forskellige fosterstadier, der efter tidens målestok var både avancerede og baseret på lægevidenskaben. Efter Panduros opfattelse tjente seksualiteten først og fremmest reproduktive formål inden for ægteskabets rammer, men undervisningen indebærer også de socialpolitiske aspekter af graviditet og fødsel, herunder kønssygdomme, den enlige moders stilling og prostitution. Tilgangen til denne seksualundervisning var i tråd med de tanker, der herskede omkring Dansk Kvindesamfund på denne tid: Unge piger skulle have en uddannelse og lære at tage vare på sig selv, både fysisk og psykisk.Elna Panduro (1871-1947) var lærerinde på Frederiksberg og en pioner inden for seksualoplysning og -undervisning. Allerede i 1906 blandede hun sig i diskussionen om seksualundervisning i skolen med artiklen "Forplantningslæren i børneskolen", der byggede på hendes egne erfaringer som underviser. I 1913 udgav hun lærebogen "Det seksuelle spørgsmål i hjem og skole", der henvendte sig til piger, og i 1915 fulgte "Vore drenges og ynglinges seksuelle opdragelse". Elna Panduros arbejde med undervisning i kønslig sundhedslære og kønslig moral bar frugt og førte til indførelse af seksualundervisning inden for Frederiksberg skolevæsen på en tid, hvor det ellers ikke var obligatorisk eller udbredt på landets skoler.

  • af C.H Ostenfeld
    49,00 kr.

    C.H. Ostenfeld var en pioner inden for planktonforskning i de danske farvande. Han var medlem af Kommissionen for Havundersøgelser og udførte personligt mange undersøgelser i både danske og udenlandske farvande. "De danske farvandes plankton" er et af de første værker, der udelukkende fokuserer på vegetationsskildringer af netop Danmarks have, og bogen giver et spændende indblik i den danske planktonforsknings spæde start.Carl Emil Hansen Ostenfeld (1873-1931) var en dansk botaniker og forfatter, der var kendt for sin udforskning af flora og plankton i de danske farvande. Han arbejdede blandt andet som kurator ved Botanisk Museum og inspektør ved Københavns Universitets Botaniske Museum. Senere blev C.H. Ostenfeld professor ved Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landboskole. Han skrev en lang række bøger om flora i dansk natur og farvande og var endvidere Ridder af Dannebrog, Dannebrogsmand og medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab.

  • af L. Frank. Baum
    67,99 kr.

    Set during WWI, ‘Mary Louise and the Liberty Girls’ is the fourth book in the popular children’s series by ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Mary Louise and her friends decide to form a group to help raise money for the war effort, calling themselves the Liberty Girls. When the group hears about anti-war sentiment being spread in the town, they task themselves with discovering whether it comes from a spy hidden in their midst.Lyman Frank Baum (1856 – 1919) was a prolific and well-known American writer. He is best known for his famous series of modern fairy tales set in the imaginary land of Oz. The first of the books, ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’ is widely considered to be the first true American fairy tale and was the basis for the hugely popular 1939 classic musical ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Judy Garland. Born and raised in New York, Baum held a range of jobs including as a poultry farmer, clerk, and storekeeper before pursuing his talent for writing at the age of 41. He wrote 14 novels in the Oz series, as well as over 40 other novels and over 80 short stories. He died in California in 1919.

  • af Veikko Korhonen
    58,99 kr.

    Jo kihloissa Tuomasta askarruttaa, onko Annan katse taysin kirkas. Rakastaako tama yksin ja ainoastaan hanta? Myos Topias Isotalon sanotaan vokotelleen Annaa. Pappi lausuu aamenen, mutta katkeruus ja epatietoisuus tayttavat edelleen Tuomaksen mielen. Miten han saattoi antaa Isotalon tanssittaa Annaa koko haayon, ja miksi mies kay heilla edelleen niin usein kylassa? Kysymyksiin on saatava vastaus, tai muuten koko avioliitto on tuomittu tuhoon."e;Hapea"e; on Veikko Korhosen klassinen avioliittoromaani.-

  • af Kristian Hvidt
    39,00 kr.

    I 1920 blev Danmark kastet ud i en politisk krise, da kong Christian X afskedigede den radikal-socialdemokratiske regering Zahle. Krisen er gået over i historien som påskekrisen og er fortolket forskelligt i eftertiden. Kristian Hvidt beretter i denne artikel om årene, der ledte op til krisen, og betragter den som fremprovokeret af statsministeren for at standse kongens indblanding i politik.Kristian Hvidt (f. 1929) er en dansk historiker, tidligere Folketingets bibliotekar og arkivar. Han har skrevet bøger om dansk historie i 1800- og 1900-tallet med hovedvægt på den politiske og sociale udvikling, blandt andet om oversøisk udvandring og om det danske folkestyres udvikling i bred forstand. Hertil kommer en række biografier over ledende politikere og litterater. I ti år var Kristian Hvidt forstander for Det kongelige danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie. I perioden 1962 til 2006 anmeldte han historisk litteratur i Berlingske Tidende. Han er ridder af 1. grad af Dannebrogsordenen.

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102,99 kr.

    Published just three years before the outbreak of WWI in Europe, 'Havoc' gives a fascinating insight into the atmosphere on the continent at the time. Colliding in Vienna are the beautiful Mademoiselle Idiale and her lover, the Emperors of Germany and Austria and the Czar of Russia, and an American journalist who comes across a secret memo. A story of ruin, speculation, spies and crime - this is a gripping tale from popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim. -

  • af Angeles Mastretta
    79,00 kr.

    Allerede som seksårig bliver den smukke apotekerdatter Emilia betaget af den fem år ældre lægesøn Daniel. Både Daniel og Emilias forældre er dybt optaget af den politiske situation som deres hjemland Mexico befinder sig i ved begyndelsen af 1900-tallet og de tager alle del i den revolutionære kamp for demokrati. Som Daniel og Emilia bliver ældre, blomstrer der langsomt et lidenskabeligt, men stormfuldt, kærlighedsforhold op mellem dem. Emilia drages mod lægegerningen og begynder selv at studere medicin. Her møder hun den unge og pålidelige læge Zavalza, men det stiller Emilia i et svært dilemma. Skal hun vælge den lidenskablige, men usikre kærlighed til Daniel eller skal hun vende sig mod Zavalzas trygge favn?Ángeles Mastretta (f. 1949) er en mexikansk forfatter, journalist, skuepiller og filmproducent. Hun er særlig kendt for sine nuancerede kvindelige hovedpersoner og for at skildre sit hjemlands sociale og politiske omstændigheder i sine bøger. Mastretta cementerede sine evner som forfatter med bogen "Tag mit liv" (da. 1988), der omgående blev en bestseller og vandt adskillige priser. Ved siden af sin forfattergerning og sit arbejde som filmproducent, bidrager hun også jævnligt med journalistiske artikler for Spaniens største avis, El País.

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    67,99 kr.

    ‘The Zeppelin’s Passenger’ by popular author E. Phillips Oppenheim was first published in 1918 and is set during WWI. When a Zeppelin crashes in a small English town the passenger escapes to wreak havoc. Dissatisfied in her marriage, local woman Phillipa finds herself attracted to the dangerous stranger and her allegiances are torn as she begins to help him with his espionage, despite her patriotic leanings. Will she really betray her country for the love of a stranger?E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • af Edith Nesbit
    67,99 kr.

    If you could create your own world from scratch what would it look like? In this story the brave characters find out.10-year-old Philip becomes concerned when his sister marries the father of a girl named Lucy, whom Philip does not get along with. In order to escape the situation, Philip creates a magical world entirely from his own imagination.However, Philip soon realizes that he has to come to terms with the world he has created in order to face reality.Step into a courageous adventure where objects come alive and dragons are slain, and still every page tells you something about your own life. Perfect for fans of J.K.Rowling and J.M.Barrie.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • af Edith Nesbit
    92,99 kr.

    Do you believe in magic? Then fasten your seatbelt and join the ride as The Three C’s – Charlotte, Caroline, and Charles - try to figure out where it can be found.Spending an adventurous summer while visiting their uncle, they discover both mysterious books and a wonderful garden that will change their lives forever. Especially one book catches their attention "The Language of Flowers" which seems to be an actual Spell book! As they try out some of the spells incredible things start to happen. Could this magic be real, or are the extraordinary events taking place merely coincidental? A fascinating book about the magic we can find in everyday life, and a story of what it means to be a child trying to find their way in an adult world.Great for fans of C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • af Edith Nesbit
    38,99 kr.

    This novel is the aquatic adventure of a lifetime.Four siblings, Francis, Mavis, Bernard, and Kathleen set out to rescue the sister of a mermaid who is being held captive at a circus.But who is good and who turns out evil? As always, appearances may deceive, and all is not as it seems.Meeting many new friends and gaining access to a secret kingdom underneath the sea, the siblings find themselves caught up in a war to save their new friends - the merpeople. Now, the siblings must confront their loyalty to each other as they fight for the goodness of the world.A timeless book, perfect for fans of C.S. Lewis, Bethany C. Morrow and J.K. Rowling, or anyone looking for a little bit of magic in their lives.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • af Edith Nesbit
    92,99 kr.

    What would you do if you found out magic is actually all around you?These twelve magical short stories are all about magic and how it can be found in unlikely places. The atmosphere of each story is similar to the fantastic universe of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland.They all contain important lessons for children as well as adults. In "The Cat-hood of Maurice," the protagonist learns to see life through another perspective and appreciate beings who are different from him. In "Kenneth and the Carp," a boy turns into a fish in order to prove his innocence. The story called "The Aunt and Amabel" is said to have inspired C.S. Lewis’ famous Narnia-series because Amabel goes through a wardrobe and arrives in another world much like the Narnia children. A fairy-tale book like no other.Perfect for fans of Roald Dahl, Lyman Frank Baum and Dianna Wynne Jones.Born in Kennington in 1858, Edith Nesbit wrote and co-authored over 60 beloved adventures at the beginning of the 20th century. Among her most popular books are "The Story of the Treasure-Seekers" (1899), "The Phoenix and the Carpet" (1904), and "The Railway Children" (1906). Many of her works became adapted to musicals, movies, and TV shows. Along with her husband Hubert Bland, she was among the first members of the Fabian society - a socialist debating club. A path in London close to her home was named "Railway Children Walk" in her honor, manifesting her legacy as one of the pioneers within the children’s fantasy genre.

  • af Edith Nesbit
    92,99 kr.

    Funny characters, mischiefs and crazy adventures - this book has got it all. It contains both fairy tales and stories of the Bastable siblings known from the famous novel "e;The Story of the Treasure Seekers."e; Continuing their journey, Oswald tells us everything about what happens next.Which of the children are you most like? Are you a diplomat like Dora or brave like Alice? Perhaps sensitive like Noel? No matter what the siblings go through, they do it together. The family dynamic, however, is put to the test as they get into risky business. For fans of Lewis Carroll and Elizabeth Winthrop. -

  • af Nils Parling
    50,99 kr.

    Vid Lobergets skogar sätter det stora skogsbolaget villkoren. Trots att de redan äger nästan all mark försöker de girigt roffa åt sig den lilla mark som fortfarande ägs av privatpersoner. Markägaren Hiskia Zakirsson är en av de som för en evig kamp mot bolagets långa fingrar. Men betydligt större prövningar väntar Zakirsson och det lilla samhället, när spanska sjukan år 1918 sveper över världen och slutligen når Loberget.Hård höst är en karg och mörk, men ändock hoppfull, beskrivning av livet under det tidiga nittonhundratalet.Nils Parling (1914-2002) var en svensk arbetarförfattare från Ludvika. Han romandebuterade 1950 och försörjde sig dessförinnan som skogs- och fabriksarbetare. Under sina levnadsår utkom han med ett femtiotal böcker.

  • af Joachim Ringelnatz
    96,99 kr.

    Packend und mitreiend berichtet Joachim Ringelnatz uber seine Zeit als Seemann der deutschen Marine im ersten Weltkrieg. Fur den Kriegsdienst eingezogen, schildert er seine anfangliche Kriegsbegeisterung und Euphorie, aber auch das spatere Erwachen in den Schrecken des Kriegsgeschehens. Ein Lebensbericht der besonderen Art, der nichts verheimlicht und seinen LeserInnen einen authentischen Einblick in die Seemannswelt zwischen Kriegs- und Seefahrerromantik sowie bitterer Realitat gewahrt. -

  • af Arnold Bennett
    96,99 kr.

    Tout a commence pres des marches de Riceyman a Londres, dans la librairie de M. Earlsforward. Au moment ou Mme Arb a pousse la porte pour acheter un livre, le cA ur du libraire s'est mis a battre intensement. Quelques jours plus tard, ils se sont maries.Mais l'amour-eclair d'un libraire trop avare s'est mue en peur du manque. Mme Arb est depensiere. Elle a engage une bonne qui mange trop et qui laisse les chandelles se consumer toute la nuit. Vetements, chauffage, lumiere, nourriture : chaque sous depense est pour M. Earlsforward aussi douloureux qu'un coup de poignard en plein cA ur...Passion froide et vice destructeur, ce roman devoile un homme en proie a l'avarice extreme. Il s'agit d'une peinture du Londres du debut du XXe, d'une satire des mA urs, et d'un thriller sombre et sanglant d'un grand ecrivain.-

  • af Maha Akhtar
    111,99 kr.

    Khalid y Noura logran escaparse de Turquía, pero al llegar a El Líbano, él es condenado por espionaje y ahorcado en una plaza pública. Noura huye entonces a El Cairo donde se encuentra con Salah, compañero de su difunto marido en el movimiento de liberación y que al poco tiempo debe partir rumbo a Jordania con un ejército al mando de Lawrence de Arabia para atacar el golfo de Aqaba. Será en El Cairo donde Noura conozca a Rania y el grupo de mujeres que se reúnen habitualmente en su café. Mientras los hombres descubrirán el alto precio que deben pagar por su participación en la Revuelta árabe, estas mujeres librarán su propia guerra en el terreno de la familia y el amor.Beirut, 1963. Maha Akhtar es colaboradora habitual de Departures, una de las publicaciones más destacadas del American Express Publishing Group of Magazines. También es articulista para el periódico The Times en la India, donde publica una columna cada dos semanas. Entre otras actividades profesionales, Maha Ahktar fue ayudante de The Cure y trabajó para el canal de noticias CBS desde enero 1993 hasta julio 2006, siendo nombrada directora de CBS Communications en 1995. En el año 2000 se convirtió en jefa de personal del célebre presentador televisivo Dan Rather. Gracias a su talento para la escritura, se convirtió en co-redactora de casi todos los discursos de Rather. Escribió y produjo sus comentarios radiofónicos emitidos a diario y colaboró con él en muchos de sus libros. Maha Ahktar divide su tiempo entre Nueva York, Sevilla y Nueva Delhi. Habla con fluidez seis idiomas. Es asimismo una destacada bailarina profesional de flamenco y ha creado coreografías con la Compañía Manuela Carrasco. La nieta de la Maharaní es su primer libro.

  • af E. F. Benson
    102,99 kr.

    Dodo, who is well-known from E.F. Benson's bestseller carrying the same name, is now settled down. But Dodo has new problems in her life. Dodo's daughter Nadine is only eighteen years old but despite that she is already a self-confident woman - some would say that she is even quite full of herself! But is smoking cigarettes and chatting with friends enough to be the main content of one's life?'Dodo's daughter' is an intriguing novel about upper-class society youth in the 1910's.-

  • af Ludwig Bechstein
    40,99 kr.

    Die Rheinsage ist eine Sammlung der besten Sagen und Marchen des Autors Ludwig Bechstein. Einige der Marchen hat er selbst geschrieben, andere hat er gehort und gesammelt. Tauchen Sie in ein abenteuerliches Universum der besten deutschen, klassischen Marchen und Volkserzahlungen ein. Auch heute sind Bechsteins Sagen und Marchen lebendig und immer noch lesenswert.-

  • af Joachim Ringelnatz
    36,99 kr.

    Spitzfindig und amusant ruckt Joachim Ringelnatz die Turnbegeisterung seiner Zeit in diesem Werk ins Zentrum seiner satirischen Betrachtungen. Pointiert beleuchtet er verschiedenste Leibesubungen der damaligen Epoche und stellt in gewohnt komischer Weise deren Sinnhaftigkeit zur Diskussion. Dabei treffen lyrische wie athletische Wortbilder auf den fur Ringelnatz typischen Sprachwitz und erzeugen so ein lebhaftes Bild zeitgenossischer Korperkultur.-

  • af Joachim Ringelnatz
    40,99 kr.

    Fur Literaturliebhaber und Anhanger humoristischer Lyrik: Eine Auswahl der schonsten und popularsten Gedichte des bekannten kabarettistischen Dichters Joachim Ringelnatz. Erschienen 1912, finden sich in dieser Zusammenstellung Ringelnatz' bekannteste Gedichte, welche die Vielfaltigkeit seines Werkes in ihrer ganzen Bandbreite reprasentieren. Mal nachdenklich, mit Tiefgang und Melancholie, aber vor allem abwechslungsreich, bunt und voller Komik.-

  • af Yngve Kernell
    43,99 kr.

    Under en promenad i Hagaparken får journalisten Joakim syn på något underligt. På marken ligger en tonårig pojke, invirad i en filt och klädd i de mest besynnerliga av kläder. När pojken så småningom vaknar till liv tätnar mysteriet ytterligare. Han vägrar nämligen att tala om sitt namn. Däremot kan han berätta att han sänts för att varna kung Gustav III om förrädarna som planerar att mörda honom den sextonde mars. Problemet är bara att det redan hunnit bli den artonde – och att Gustav III varit död i över hundra år. Inte kan väl pojken ha rest i tiden från år 1792 till 1912? Det måste finnas en logisk förklaring...Yngve Kernell (1903-1994) var en svensk arkitekt, konstnär och författare från Göteborg. Han studerade vid Chalmers och gick även utbildningar på målarskolor i Stockholm och Paris.

  • af Catherine Cookson
    148,99 kr.

    Wie had ooit gedacht dat de strooien hoed met gouden glans haar hele leven zou veranderen? In het prachtige Victoriaanse Londen krijgt Emily de prachtige hoed cadeau van haar beste vriendin. Wanneer ze naar Nice reist voor vakantie, trekt het hoofddeksel de aandacht van de aantrekkelijke Paul, en Emily weet zijn hart te veroveren. Helaas is Paul niet de lieve man wie hij leek en verwoest Emilys leven, waar zelfs haar kinderen en kleinkinderen nog de gevolgen van kunnen merken. Hoe heeft de strooien hoed alles zo overhoop gehaald?Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) groeide op in een arm gezin in Engeland en is uitgegroeid tot een van de populairste romanschrijfsters in Groot-Brittannië. Hoewel ze pas op haar 44e haar eerste boek uitbracht, heeft ze in haar leven meer dan honderd boeken geschreven waarvan er wereldwijd meer dan honderd miljoen verkocht zijn. Haar bekendste werken zijn ‘Fiona’, ‘Het geslacht Mallen’, ‘Maisie’, ‘Mary Ann’ en ‘Tilly Trotter’. Op 91-jarige leeftijd overleed Cookson en liet ze de wereld achter met een indrukwekkend oeuvre aan romantische weglezers en vele verfilmingen.