42,99 kr. ‘Fighting France’ is a collection of essays, written by Wharton, on the outbreak of the First World War. Having returned to her beloved France to work with the Red Cross, Wharton began detailing the impact of the conflict on her spiritual homeland. While she uses her literary talents to paint a harrowing picture of the devastation caused by the war, she always puts people, rather than places, under the spotlight. A fascinating read from the time of Downton Abbey for anyone interested in military history and exceptional journalism of the early 20th Century.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. One of Wharton’s earliest works, ‘The Marne’ offers a fascinating insight into the shadow cast by the First World War. When 15 year-old American, Troy Belknap, is on his annual holiday in France, war breaks out. While Troy would love to fight for the French but is too young for service. Will he be able to live with himself or will frustration swallow him up? ‘The Marne’ is a culturally-significant story and one that allows us to see and experience France as the author herself did. A thrilling and thought-provoking story from one of America’s greatest novelists.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Detektyw Hanaud zostaje poproszony o zbadanie okoliczności śmierci bogatej wdowy, pani Dauyray. Kobieta została uduszona w swojej Willi Róż, co więcej z tym zabójstwem wiąże się kradzież jej cennej biżuterii. W kręgu podejrzanych jest młoda przyjaciółka madame Dauyray, Celia Harland, która zniknęła zaraz po zgłoszeniu zabójstwa. Inspektor Hanaud odkrywa, że w tajemniczej Willi Róż odbywały się seanse spirytystyczne, zaś piękna Celia występowała w nich jako medium. Okazuje się, że ostatni seans kobieta miała przeprowadzić właśnie w noc morderstwa... ,,Willa Róż" to najbardziej udana powieść detektywistyczna Masona. Na jej motywach powstała sztuka teatralna z 1920 r. oraz cztery adaptacje filmowe z lat 1920-1940. Książka przypadnie do gustu miłośnikom pełnych zawiłych szczegółów zagadek kryminalnych i wczesnych powieści detektywistycznych w stylu Agathy Christie. Śledztwa inspektora Hanauda - seria powieści detektywistycznych A. E. W. Masona, w których występuje fikcyjny francuski inspektor John Hanaud i jego przyjaciel, były finansista Julius Ricardo. Postać Hanauda była wzorowana na dwóch prawdziwych szefach policji Monsieur Macé i Monsieur Goron, których wspomnienia czytywał Mason. Niewysoki i przysadzisty detektyw Hanaud miał być całkowitym przeciwieństwem szczupłego Sherlocka Holmesa, przez wielu uważany jest za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Alfred Edward Woodley Mason (ur. 7 marca 1865 w Dulwich, zm. 22 listopada 1948 w Londynie) - brytyjski pisarz, dramaturg, podróżnik i alpinista, polityk zaangażowany w życie społeczne. Kształcił się w Dulwich College, a w 1888 r. ukończył Trinity College w Oksfordzie. Zadebiutował w 1895 r. utworem ,,A romance of Wastale", ale największą sławę przyniosły mu ,,Cztery pióra" (1902 r.) i ,,Tajemnica Willi Róż" (1910 r.) - powieść kryminalna o losach detektywa Hanauda, uważanego za inspirację do stworzenia Herkulesa Poirota Agathy Christie. Podczas I wojny światowej piastował funkcję burmistrza, służył w Pułku Manchester oraz Royal Marines. Jako wojskowy był założycielem siatek kontrwywiadowczych w imieniu rządu brytyjskiego. W uznaniu zasług zaproponowano mu tytuł szlachecki, ale Mason odmówił jego przyjęcia, argumentując, że niewiele on by znaczył dla bezdzietnego mężczyzny.
59,99 kr. ‘French Ways and their Meaning’ is part guidebook and part tribute to Wharton’s beloved France. While living there during the First World War, Wharton decided to write a collection of essays about the French, to enlighten the English and American troops who were to find themselves stationed there. Often funny, and always perceptive, Wharton not only beautifully captures the cities and countryside but the spirit of the French. A superb read for Francophiles, Wharton fans, and those with an interest in 20th Century history.Edith Wharton (1862 – 1937) was an American designer and novelist. Born in an era when the highest ambition a woman could aspire to was a good marriage, Wharton went on to become one of America’s most celebrated authors. During her career, she wrote over 40 books, using her wealthy upbringing to bring authenticity and detail to stories about the upper classes. She moved to France in 1923, where she continued to write until her death.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
163,99 kr. Sir Peter Pendragon is running from his woes. Caught up in the luck of a large fortune, a life of decadence and indulgence is hard to fight when you’re battling inner demons. But marrying the striking and clever Louise Laleham will put him on the right track. Or so it seems. She’s the daughter of the occultist Basil King Lamus. And with one too many magic tricks up her sleeve, there’s no telling where their love will take them.Set against the backdrop of a society sinking its teeth into addiction following the brutal and bloody World War I, ‘Diary of a Drug Friend’ weaves an unexpectedly uplifting and insightful tale about the truth behind addiction. Incorporating a magic touch, it's a must-read for fans of Erin Morgenstein’s breathtaking ‘The Night Circus’.Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was an English occultist, magician, poet, painter and author. Having founded the religion Thelema, many of his novels and non-fiction books explore the occult and magic as an ancient art, including ‘Diary of a Drug Friend’, ‘Moonchild’ and ‘Magick in Theory of Practice’. Having focused on poetry and mountaineering at Trinity College, the University of Cambridge, he remains today a highly influential figure in Western esotericism and the counterculture of the 1960s.
- E-bog
- 163,99 kr.
Fra 73,99 kr. Raphaël Styx is dood, maar ook na je dood kan je nog voor de politie werken. Als "zombiecop" wordt hij ingeschakeld als de gewone politiemethodes falen. Als in Ieper, bij een herdenking van WO I, een aanslag wordt gepleegd met mosterdgas, tonen de bewakingscamera’s een jonge vrouw. Styx volgt het spoor naar Wenen en vervolgens naar het verleden. Door de tijd reizend belandt hij in 1914, en in een Weens sanatorium. Bavo Dhooge graaft dieper in de personages van zijn reeks over de "zombiecop" en laat zijn held zelf verliefd worden – in het verleden. En hoe kan de overledene zijn weduwe helpen om over haar verlies heen te komen?
120,99 kr. 'It ranks with the greatest books ever written in the English language.' So said Winston Churchill after reading T.E. Lawrence's 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom'.The book, a mixture of autobiography and military history, tells the story of the almost 'Boy's Own Adventures' of Lawrence as he helped the Arab leaders in their revolt against the Ottoman Empire from 1916. The escapades were given global attention in 1962, when the movie 'Lawrence of Arabia' was released. Very little Hollywood spin was needed. For the truth was extraordinary enough. Find out about sun-baked negotiations in the desert, near misses, friendship, tragedy and fierce desert battles.It is an autobiography that reads like fast-moving military fiction.Thomas Edward (T.E.) Lawrence (1888-1935) was a British archaeologist, writer, diplomat and army officer who became known as 'Lawrence of Arabia' through his role in the Arab Revolt (1916-1918). He was working in the British Army's intelligence unit in Egypt and - during missions in Mesopotamia and Arabia - liaised with the Arab forces that were fighting the Ottoman Empire.Lawrence worked closely with Emir Faisal, leader of the revolt, even taking charge of some military actions. Back in Britain after 1918, Lawrence joined the Foreign Office, then the Royal Air Force. In 1926 he wrote the autobiographical 'Seven Pillars of Wisdom', about his participation in the Arab Revolt. He also wrote 'The Mint', about his time in the RAF.Lawrence died in a motorcycle accident in Dorset in 1935. His public image was later to receive a huge boost when David Lean directed the 1962 movie 'Lawrence of Arabia', starring Peter O'Toole and Alec Guinness.
- E-bog
- 120,99 kr.
Fra 79,00 kr. Året er 1910. I det nye århundredes første årti har filmen – de levende billeder – skabt grobund for en helt ny og særdeles indbringende industri. Bernhard Bruun arbejder som bydreng hos en af byens filmfabrikker, Aarhus Films-Compagni, og drømmer om en fremtid inden for det nye billedmedie.Tingene tager fart, da filmfabrikkens direktør har en visionær plan på bedding, og da Bernhard møder den fornemme, men hemmelighedsfulde, frøken Edith Pedersen, der også har en drøm om at gøre karriere i filmens verden.Den unge frøken gør et dybt indtryk på Bernhard, men ikke alt udvikler sig, som han kunne ønske sig det – og samtidig rystes byen af et makabert mord, hvor offeret har været udsat for et angreb med stærkt ætsende syre.En stræbsom politimand sætter sig for at opklare sagen, men snart står det ham klart, at morderen har flere mord på samvittigheden, og da sporene pludselig peger i retning af filmfabrikken, må Bernhard se sig hvirvlet ind i jagten på den vanvittige syremorder ..."Det er et fint plot forfatteren har sat i spil. Samtidig er der meget research bag denne roman, som giver et flot og godt billede af filmverdenen i 1910 samt af Aarhus på den tid." – krimisiden.dk"En charmerende og hamrende underholdende spændingsroman. Kan kun varmt anbefale den." – gyseren.dk"En både meget ambitiøs og vellykket roman. En ganske herlig læseoplevelse." – Lektørudtalelse, DBC, Dansk BiblioteksCenter"Der er spænding og en god del humor ... det er rigtig god læsning." – bogrummet.dkSiden midten af 1990’erne har den danske tegneserietegner og forfatter Lasse Bo Andersen skrevet krimier og gyserfortællinger for børn. Han har også skrevet bøger til voksne og leveret historier og idéer til Anders And & Co.
73,99 kr. Yliopistolla työskentelevä herra Qvillander on joutunut hankalaan tilanteeseen. Ensin hän otti yhden vekselin, sitten toisen. Lopulta hän on joutunut ottamaan lisää vekseleitä, jotta selviää edellisten maksuista. Nyt Qvillanderilla ei kuitenkaan ole enää ketään, joka voi allekirjoittaa hänelle vekselin. Löytyisikö apu hänen sedästään? Hyväntuulinen setä on rikas kuin kroisos, ja Qvillanderin pitäisi periä hänet vielä jonain päivänä. Mutta mikä avuksi, kun setä vaikuttaa elävän ikuisesti? Rahaongelmat vievät Qvillanderin keskelle erikoista seikkailua, johon liittyy myös harvinaisen viehättävä nainen.Frank Heller oli ruotsalaisen kirjailija Gunnar Sernerin (1886–1947) salanimi. Serner kirjoitti erityisesti seikkailuromaaneja.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
103,99 kr. Zwei Familien. Drei Generationen. Ein Schicksal.Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs stehen die beiden ehemals verfeindeten Straßburger Patisserie-Familien Picard und Tritschler vor einem Scherbenhaufen, denn eine ihrer beiden Feinbäckereien mussten sie aufgeben. Die junge Ruth träumt davon, mit ihrer Tante Ida die Patisserie erneut zum Erfolg zu führen und der nunmehr französischen Stadt die süßen Köstlichkeiten wiederzugeben. Als Idas Ziehsohn Marcel traumatisiert von der Front heimkommt, sind auch Ruths verdrängte Gefühle für den attraktiven Bäckermeister wieder da. Gelingt der Familie die Rückkehr in goldene Zeiten?Charlotte Jacobi ist das Pseudonym der Autoren Eva-Maria Bast und Jørn Precht. Eva-Maria Bast, geboren 1978, ist Journalistin, Jørn Precht, geboren 1967, ist Drehbuchautor und Schriftsteller.
- Lydbog
- 103,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Von ihren Eltern wenig beachtet, wächst die kleine Mary Lennox von Kindermädchen und Dienern umsorgt in Indien auf. Als eine schwere Krankheit ausbricht, sterben ihre Eltern und ihr Kindermädchen, woraufhin das Waisenkind zu ihrem Onkel nach England gebracht wird. Auch hier wird ihr wenig Fürsorge entgegengebracht. Auf ihren einsamen Streifzügen entdeckt sie einen mysteriösen und verwilderten Garten und macht es sich zur Aufgabe, das Geheimnis dahinter zu ergründen.Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) war eine britische Schriftstellerin. 1865 wanderte sie mit ihrer Familie in die USA aus. Sie war zweimal verheiratet. Von ihrem ersten Ehemann ließ sich Burnett scheiden, der zweite starb wenige Jahre nach ihrer Hochzeit. Ihr Lebenswerk umfasst zahlreiche Schriftstücke, am bekanntesten sind jedoch „Der kleine Lord" und „Der geheime Garten", die mehrfach verfilmt wurden.
- Lydbog
- 58,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Eline Begtrups bog "Dyresjælen" fra 1916 er en af de første danske naturvidenskabelige bøger, der beskæftiger sig med dyrenes psykologi. Forfatteren spillede en stor rolle i oplysning af danskerne om darwinisme og evolutionslæren, og "Dyresjælen" er et spændende bud på en populærvidenskabelig fremstilling af et vigtigt aspekt af datidens store naturvidenskabelige strømninger.Siden "Dyresjælen" udkom i 1916, har naturvidenskaben rykket sig på en række områder. Bogen skal læses som et historisk dokument over datidens syn på naturvidenskabelige emner, da en del af dens påstande kan være blevet modbevist sidenhen.Eline Begtrup (1860-1947) var en dansk forfatter, højskoleforstander og kvinderettighedsforkæmper. Hun underviste i zoologi og engelsk ved Askov Højskole og spillede en stor rolle i at få indført naturhistorie og evolutionsteori på de grundtvigianske folkehøjskoler. I 1897 oprettede Eline Begtrup Levring Højskole, hvor hun som noget nyt tilbød kvindelige elever et lige så langt højskoleophold som de mandlige. Eline Begtrup var en vigtig stemme i kampen for kvinders stemmeret, som blev indført i Danmark i 1915.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
49,00 kr. Dette er historien om dengang i 1911, hvor et fængsel i Wyoming lokkede en flok dødsdømte fanger til at spille baseball i den tro, at de fik udsat eller annulleret deres dødsdomme, hvis de vandt.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
43,99 kr. Vintern år 1915 är sträng. Vinden viner och det blåser fasligt kallt. De två syskonen undrar om vintern någonsin kommer att ta slut. Deras föräldrar är fyrväktare och just den här vintern, under sex prövande och svåra veckor, får syskonen sköta underhållet av fyren på egen hand. De tar hand om fyran och varandra, men även om utsatta, vilda djur som behöver all hjälp de kan få denna vinter som verkar hålla i sig för evigt.Ensamma på ön är ett spännande äventyr skriven för barn i åldern 9-12.Gun Jacobson (1930-1996) var en svensk författare och lärare. Hennes författargärning kännetecknas framförallt av realistiska skildringar av barn och ungdomars vardag. Mest känd är hon för boken Peters baby, utgiven 1971, som också blev tv-serie.
- E-bog
- 43,99 kr.
102,99 kr. D.H. Lawrence considered 'The Plumed Serpent' his best novel, while some critics considered it blasphemous and misogynistic.Controversy followed the author around, but this is a thrilling and original tale set in post-revolutionary Mexico.Irish tourist Kate Leslie meets Don Cipriano and Don Ramon Carrasco, founders of the religious movement The Men of Quetzalcoatl.They believe themselves to be reincarnated Aztec gods and aim to wipe from the face of Mexico all worship of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.As Cipriano seeks to marry Kate, the nation is hit by religious murder, fighting and the burning of Christian artifacts.The violence builds and Kate is drawn inexorably to the mysterious beliefs of the followers of Quetzalcoatl.Who will claim Kate's soul - and which side will triumph in the battle for the hearts and minds of Mexico?'The Plumed Serpent' is perfect for fans of John Steinbeck, Karl Heller and Cormac McCarthy.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer and poet.He was at the centre of a great deal of controversy during and after his life, with the explicit nature of some of his novels leading to censorship and protests.Many critics admired his imaginative and deeply descriptive style, though.Among his best-known novels are 'Sons and Lovers', 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', 'The Rainbow' and 'Women in Love'.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
59,99 kr. Written on the eve of Allied Forces’ preparation for going into battle with Germany, this prophetic book can be read as a manifesto preaching peace amidst the horrors of the Great War. In ‘What is Coming?’ Wells puts forth the need for a world organization that would ensure a fair peace treaty that unfortunately did not take place after the First World War. The celebrated author correctly ascertains that Germany would strengthen after The Great War ends through exhaustion. Wells delves deeper into the financial and social traps that await the post-war world and predicts the rise of feminism and the fall of colonialism. The accurate predictions are impressive but the ones which did not take place may be even more interesting as Wells’ arguments for a socialist world order to provide basic needs remain relevant to this day. ‘What is Coming?’ is a thought-provoking and captivating window into a time that still impacts our world today. Teeming with prophecies, the book is a perfect read for First World War historians and the history of socialist thought.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
69,00 kr. I 1885 blev Danmarks første kvindelige læge udlært. Hun hed Nielsine Nielsen (1850-1916) og hendes kamp for at få adgang til medicinstudiet banede vejen for, at flere kvinder siden fik lov at uddanne sig på universitetet. Ved Nielsine Nielsens død fandt man hendes ungdomserindringer, der både fortæller om dem, der hjalp hende frem mod målet, og om høje herrer, der skabte forhindringer. Erindringerne er før blevet udgivet i censureret form, men her er originalmanuskriptet.Nielsine Nielsens erindringer tegner et billede af en enestående og visionær kvinde. Som kvindesagsforkæmper er hun blevet kaldt for en af de vigtigste danske pionerer og normbrydere i det moderne gennembruds Danmark.Bogen er udgivet som historisk dokument med datidens sprogbrug.Læge Nielsine Nielsen (1850-1916) var Danmarks første kvindelige akademiker. Hun begyndte som den første kvinde nogensinde på lægestudiet ved Københavns Universitet i 1877, kort tid efter at kvinder havde fået ret til at blive indskrevet på universitetet. I 1885 færdiggjorde hun lægestudiet med topkarakterer, og fire år senere åbnede hun sin egen lægepraksis.
- E-bog
- 69,00 kr.
59,99 kr. "I see dead people". So said the little boy in the Hollywood Blockbuster ‘The Sixth Sense’, starring Bruce Willis. The little girl in Frances Burnett’s ‘The White People’ doesn’t put it quite like that, but she does have the same special gift. She too sees ghosts, and she refers to them as the white people, because that’s what they are to her.This classic ghost story is set in the Scottish Highlands, a place full of legends and mystery. This wouldn’t be a Frances Burnett novel without a castle or two, and sure enough, the little girl lives in one. Her parents where high born, and so is she, but now she’s an orphan, with only servants – and ghosts – to keep her company.Frances Hodgson Burnett was an English American playwright and author. Born in the UK in Manchester to a family of ironmongers, she later migrated to the United States where she would go on to write some of her most famous plays and novels.During the span of her career, Frances Hodgson Burnett wrote and published more than 53 novels, most of them for adults. However, she is perhaps best known for her work in children’s literature, including famous titles such as ‘The Little Princess’ (1905), ‘The Secret Garden’ (1911), and ‘Little Lord Fauntleroy’ (1886).Frances Hodgson Burnett is also known for her historical fiction, including acclaimed titles such as 'The Head of the House of Coombe' (1922) and its sequel, 'Robin' (1922).Burnett’s work has been adapted for film many times. The latest movie adaptation of ‘The Secret Garden’ was released in 2020, starring Colin Firth and Julie Walters.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
73,99 kr. La guerra injusta es un ensayo que trata sobre el Atentado de Sarajevo y sus consecuencias. En 1914 es asesinado Francisco Fernando, el archiduque de Austria, una muerte que aceleró el inicio de la Primera Guerra Mundial. La opinión de la sociedad española se dividió entre los que apoyaban Alemania y los que apoyaban a los aliados, sobre todo a los franceses. Palacio Valdés, aliadófilo, fue enviado como corresponsal de un periódico a Francia en 1916. Los catorce artículos que escribió durante su estadía y otros dos que se añadieron a posterior, conforman este ensayo.Armando Palacio Valdés (1853-1938) fue escritor y crítico literario. Creció en el ambiente rural de Asturias, hasta que se trasladó a Oviedo con doce años. En 1870 se instaló en Madrid para estudiar derecho y ahí entró en el mundo literario de la capital, participando en revistas y formando parte del Ateneo. Empezó a escribir ensayo y críticas literarias, pero a partir de su primera novela, de éxito inmediato, se decantó hacia la narrativa. Escribió más de treinta libros, entre novelas y ensayos. Murió en Madrid durante la guerra civil, a la edad de 84 años.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
67,99 kr. A classic mystery novel and a cheeky sense of humour are often associated with the works of Conan Doyle, but Edgar Wallace's 'The Terrible People' is just as gripping and inventive as Sherlock Holmes. A gang of criminals return from the dead to haunt an heiress, as they seek to find redemption for crimes they didn't commit.It is a novel which never ages and has remnants of a Gothic horror, as the protagonist attempts to exert revenge on those who have wronged him - his executors.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that one of his publishers claimed that he was behind a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, he wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, historical non-fiction, etc. Today, more than 160 films have been made from his work. He died suddenly in Hollywood in 1932, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, "King Kong".
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- 67,99 kr.
67,99 kr. Bram Stoker is primarily known for his infamous horror novel 'Dracula', and its 1931 film adaptation starring Bela Lugosi. But Stoker has also penned shorter works intertwined with peculiar and morbid themes which echo the writings of the American master of the macabre, Edgar Allan Poe.This consists of sinister stories published by Stoker’s widow following his death. For instance 'The Secret of The Growing Gold', a ghost story about revenge that will send shivers down your spine. Accompanied by the humorous albeit chilling 'The Coming of Abel Behenna' among others. This collection encapsulates the full scope of Stoker’s horror fiction at its finest.A must-read of the horror genre, with a touch of nostalgia.Abraham "Bram" Stoker was born in Dublin in 1847. Turning to fiction in his later years, Stoker published his first short story 'The Crystal Cup' (1872) in London Society magazine. In the 1880s and 1890s, he published 'Under the Sunset' (1882) and an adventure novel titled 'The Snake’s Pass' (1890).It was the publication of 'Dracula' in 1897 which launched Stoker into literary stardom.
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- 67,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Kan man skjule et krigsskib på åbent hav? Nej. Men man kan skjule, hvor det er på vej hen, og hvor hurtigt. Det var tanken bag én af de skøreste, men også mest geniale idéer under 1. verdenskrig, hvor en kunstner - inspireret af Picasso - dekorerede den britiske flåde. Og aldrig har en flåde været mere fabulous! Det handler selvfølgelig om Razzle Dazzle Camouflage!Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
49,00 kr. Harriet Tubman er én af historiens ubetinget sejeste kvinder. Født som slave, flygtede, befriede hundredvis af slaver, var spion under Den Amerikanske Borgerkrig - og nåja, også lige den første kvinde til at lede et angreb under samme krig.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.
- Podcast
- 49,00 kr.
73,99 kr. Suomen sisällissota kolkuttelee jo ovella, kun runoilijan urasta haaveileva Santeri tutustuu kirjailija Irmari Rantamalaan. Rantamalan kirjoittama korkealentoinen Harhama on tehnyt Santeriin vaikutuksen. Vaan minkälainen ihminen Irmari Rantamala mahtaakaan olla, kun Santeri oppii tuntemaan miehen paremmin? Pystyykö Rantamala valmentamaan Santerista oikean kirjailijan? Ja voiko kukaan ylipäätään auttaa kirjailijaksi tulemisessa – vai onko kyseessä jokaisen itsenäinen taistelu?Irmari Rantamalan hahmo pohjaa kirjailija Algot Untolaan (1868–1918). Untola käytti myös salanimeä Irmari Rantamala.Kirjailija Petteri Paksuniemi (s. 1965) on julkaissut kaunokirjallisuutta sekä lapsille että aikuisille. Hän työskentelee myös muusikkona ja toimittajana.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Pat Glendon Jr. is a promising boxer who has spent his entire life quietly away from much of society, spending his time hunting, reading poetry and hiking. When Sam Steubner a boxing promoter takes him on he quickly rises through the ranks, knocking opponents out at will. However the world of boxing is not as honest as it shows itself to be and soon Pat must reckon with this corruption himself. He begins to distance himself from society seeing it as a corrupt, that is until the ‘Abysmal Brute’ falls in love. It is a fantastic novel, emblematic of London’s amazing descriptive talents and world building that would make a perfect read for anyone who loved ‘Rocky’ or Michael B. Jordan’s ‘Creed’.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Det sägs att alla vägar bär till Rom och att staden är evig. Beskrivningarna av Roms skönhet är många och allmängiltiga. I "Palatset med kolonnerna" är upplevelsen av Rom personlig och skildras genom varma barndomsminnen. Den finländska författaren Edvard Robert Gummerus växte delvis upp i Rom och berättar med självupplevd inlevelse om bland annat Hotel Flora och det franska inslaget Lycée Chateaubriand."Palatset med kolonnerna" är en inkännande barndomsskildring av en stad som sitter på fler berättelser än vad man kan räkna till.Edvard Robert Gummerus (1905-1991) var en finlandssvensk författare, översättare och lärare. Han utkom med ett stort antal romaner och är kanske mest känd för en trilogi som kretsar kring en finlandssvensk släkt i flera generationer.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Evil gold-diggers, sacrifices, blood-thirsty priests and slave owners make for some life and death adventures for our hero Tarzan.Being the fifth novel in the series, 'Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar' traces Tarzan’s adventures on his return to the fictional lost city of Opar, whose people are engaged in mining gold. However, he is being followed by two greedy men. What is more, the priests of the flaming god are trying to lure him into their trap so they can sacrifice him.'Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar' is a nice adventure reading, perfect for your summer holiday or the long and gloomy winter months.Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American author, best known for his novel ‘Tarzan of the Apes’ (1914) and its sequels as well as the Barsoom series. During World War II, he was one of the oldest U.S war correspondents.Tarzan and his adventures are loved by both young and old, and are evergreen classics. Many have watched at least one Tarzan tv series or movie with one of the most popular being the Disney animation film from 1999 and 'The Legend of Tarzan' from 2016 starring Alexander Skarsgård and Samuel L. Jackson.
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
77,99 kr. John Pathurst, a successful playwright has run out of inspiration, New York, fame, women and the arts have lost it’s lustre. In a desperate grab for inspiration he books passage on a cargo ship from Baltimore to Seattle, taking him around the treacherous Cape Horn hoping it will spark his passion once again. When a vicious mutiny breaks out amongst the crew, Pathurst is exposed to the cold indifference of life more than ever before, but will he survive to write about it? It is a brilliant read, inspired by London’s own treacherous journey around the Horn, with stunning description and deeply engaging characters. If you loved Jules Verne’s epic ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’ you’ll love this brilliant adventure.Jack London (1876–1916) was a pioneer, novelist, journalist and social activist. London was one of the first American authors to become an international celebrity thanks to his pioneering work in commercial fiction and magazines. Additionally he is accredited as a major innovator in the genre we now know as science fiction. Growing up in a working class background and spending several years homeless, he was a passionate fighter for workers’ rights, socialism, unionisation and animal rights. He would go on to be one of the highest paid authors in America thanks to his classics such as ‘Call of the Wild’, ‘White fang’ and ‘Sea Wolf’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
67,99 kr. In Edgar Rice Burroughs’ seventh book about ape-man Tarzan, World War I rages through East Africa. While away in Europe fighting for England, Tarzan is unaware of the evil descending upon his plantation in British East Africa. When he returns, it is too late. German colonial forces have ransacked and destroyed his entire home, leaving nothing but disaster behind. In the wreckage, Tarzan finds the charred, blackened corpse of his beloved wife Jane. Consumed with grief and thoughts of vengeance, he sets out to wage a bloody guerilla war against all Germans troops that stand in his way on his path to ultimate revenge on German officer Captain Fritz Schneider. Will Tarzan succeed through harsh desert and wasteland with the help of his untraditional army of gorillas and lions?Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) was an American author, best known for his book series about Tarzan, an English infant abandoned in the African jungle and brought up by apes. The first novel, "Tarzan of the Apes", was published in 1914 and was succeeded by a total of 24 books about the ape-man. The Tarzan stories have been translated into more than 56 languages and gained popularity in both film, television and radio. During World War II, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Burroughs, aged 66, became one of the oldest U.S war correspondents to cover the South Pacific theatre.
- E-bog
- 67,99 kr.
Fra 24,99 kr. Pierwsza w historii literatury wielka powieść szpiegowska trzyma w napięciu kolejne pokolenie czytelników! Richard Hannay jest brytyjskim szpiegiem, który wspiera amerykańskiego agenta w jego tajnej misji - ma udaremnić polityczne zabójstwo. Kiedy ciało Amerykanina zostaje znalezione w mieszkaniu Hannay, staje się on głównym podejrzanym o zabójstwo. Mężczyzna zostaje wciągnięty w skomplikowaną rozgrywkę między niemieckimi szpiegami a brytyjskim wojskiem. Czy uda mu się ujść z tego cało?Wśród wielu adaptacji książki należy wyróżnić film "The 39 Steps" z 1935 r. w reżyserii Alfreda Hitchcocka. John Buchan (1875-1940) - szkocki polityk, który przez długie lata zajmował się również twórczością literacką. Jako świeżo upieczony absolwent filologii klasycznej wyjechał do Afryki, gdzie został asystentem wpływowego administratora kolonialnego. Po powrocie do Londynu równolegle rozwijał karierę pisarską i polityczną. Podczas I wojny światowej rozpoczął współpracę z Biurem Propagandy Wojennej, awansując z czasem na jednego z głównych propagandzistów zatrudnionych przez brytyjski rząd, działał również w wywiadzie wojskowym jako autor przemówień dla marszałka Haiga. W związku z objęciem stanowiska gubernatora generalnego Kanady otrzymał tytuł barona Tweedsmuir. Zmarł nagle, na skutek udaru mózgu. Pozostawił po sobie ponad 100 utworów, a czego 30 to powieści sensacyjne i przygodowe. W Polsce dotąd ukazała się tylko jedna jego książka - "39 stopni, czyli Tajemnica czarnego kamienia".