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  • af Richard Petersen
    69,00 kr.

    Richard Petersens bog fra 1888 kigger hundrede år tilbage i tiden og laver et tværsnit over livet i Danmark i år 1788. Bogen lægger ikke vægt på bestemte begivenheder, men dykker ned i hverdagslivet hos de forskellige klasser og befolkningsgrupper, fortæller om selskabsliv og fritidsaktiviteter som udflugter og spadsereture, om tidsånden og de spirende nye tendenser, om kulturliv i form af poesi og teater samt om livet på universitetet, på gymnasiet og i skolen.Richard Petersen (1838-1905) var en dansk præst, forfatter og historiker, der udgav en lang række bøger om store skikkelser inden for litteraturens verden, kristendommen og historien. Richard Petersen var grundtvigianer, hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i hans forfatterskab. Han er særligt kendt for sine biografier om Henrik Steffens, Frederik Barfoed, B.S. Ingemann og Jung-Stilling.

  • af Washington Irving
    Fra 49,00 kr.

    ”Jo nærmere han kom, jo mere forbavset blev han over den fremmedes sælsomme udseende. Det var en lille, firskåren, gammel mand med tykt, pjusket hår og gråt skæg. Han var klædt på gammel hollandsk manér – en klædestrøje med bælte om livet, adskillige par bukser uden på hinanden, de yderste af anseligt omfang og pyntet med blanke knapper på rad ned langs sømmene og duske ved knæene. På ryggen bar han et solidt anker, der så ud til at være fuldt af brændevin, og han gjorde tegn til Rip om at komme og hjælpe ham med det.”Rip Van Winkle lever et trist liv i et kærlighedsløst ægteskab, da han på en jagttur støder ind i en gammel hollænder med en forunderlig drik, som han ikke kan dy sig for at smage. 20 år senere vågner han op i en verden, han ikke kan genkende. Han er gået glip af den amerikanske revolution, livet for hans familie er gået videre uden ham, og verden ser i det hele taget helt anderledes ud, end da han faldt i sin uforklarlige tornerosesøvn. Et spørgsmål står frem blandt de mange: Hvem var den gamle hollænder, og hvor kendte han Winkles navn fra?Novellen udkom oprindeligt i 1819.Den amerikanske forfatter Washington Irving (1783-1859) er særligt kendt for sine gotiske noveller ”Rip Van Winkle” og ”Legenden om Sleepy Hollow”, som er blevet filmatiseret med Johnny Depp og Christina Ricci i hovedrollerne. Han står desuden bag en række biografier blandt andet om sin navnebror George Washington og Muhammed.

  • af M.C. Beaton
    Fra 50,99 kr.

    Den unga änkan Delphine har inget minne av sitt förflutna, allt hon vet är att hon som liten flicka räddades undan den franska revolutionen och fördes till England. Där har hon lev ett isolerat liv och det är bara via marknaden för franska migranter som hon träffar sina forna landsmän. En av dem är en charmig jonglör med gyllene hår och himmelsblå ögon. Först efter sin makes död får Delphine reda på sitt verkliga öde. Hon kommer från en adlig familj och hon har sedan barnsben varit trolovad med den franska greven Jules Saint-Pierre. Han befinner sig nu i England och vill gifta sig med henne. För att hedra sina föräldrars sista önskan går Delphine med på giftermålet. Men när hon möter sin blivande man så är det ett par bekanta himmelsblå ögon som ser på henne. Vem är egentligen Jules Saint-Pierre? Är han en greve eller en bedragare? M.C. Beaton (1936-2019) är den internationellt bästsäljande författaren till både Agatha Raisin- och Hamish Macbeth-serierna, såväl som flera populära historisk romance-serier. Hennes böcker har översatts till 17 språk och hennes Agatha Raisin-mysterier har blivit till TV-serie.

  • af Sabrina Kiefner
    74,99 kr.

    Dramaturge ou aventurière, issue du peuple ou de l'aristocratie - les femmes ont joué un rôle à la Révolution française, qu'elles ont vécu entre drames et passions. Sabrina Kiefner dresse les portraits de l'élégante marquise du Grégo, de la passionnée comtesse de la Rochefoucauld, d'une nourrice loyale et inconnue ainsi que de l'inoubliable Olympe de Gouges. Sur un fond historique, ces belles rebelles renaissent sous la plume de l'autrice qui a consacré des sagas plus longues à d'autres femmes oubliées. Ce recueil de nouvelles est fait pour les redécouvrir tout en se cultivant.Sabrina Kiefner est d'origine allemande et vit en France depuis plus de trente ans. Diplômée de l'école de commerce, elle se spécialise dans les langues étrangères et crée sa société immobilière, qu'elle gère avec succès pendant une dizaine d'années. Passionnée par l'équitation, elle se réinvente dans des formations dédiées aux métiers du cheval. Aujourd'hui, la traductrice rend hommage à des femmes au destin hors du commun. Ses romans "Céleste - le manuscrit de l'amazone" paru aux éditions Le Lys et le Lin ainsi que son deuxième livre "Vol en piqué", édité par Stellamaris, sont disponibles en librairie et existent également en langue allemande.

  • af Sandra Paretti
    29,99 kr.

    Es gibt ein neues Mädchen in der Stadt, über das sogar in den Pariser Salons geflüstert wird! Caroline de la Romme Allery ist jung, schön und hungrig nach Abenteuern. In Paris macht sie sich durch ihre heißen Affären und Liebschaften einen Namen. Insbesondere ihre Beziehung zu Kaiser Napoleon ist in aller Munde. Mit ihrem Liebreiz und Charme verdreht sie den Männern, denen sie begegnet, den Kopf. Eine Geschichte über eine junge Frau, die sich nimmt, was sie will.Sandra Paretti (1935–1994) wurde als Irmgard Schneeberger in Regensburg geboren und verfasste in erster Linie Gesellschaftsromane. Parettis Werke wurden in 28 Sprachen übersetzt, wodurch sie bis heute zu einer der meistgelesenen deutschsprachigen Autorinnen zählt. Ihr Werk „Der Wunschbaum" wurde zudem als TV-Serie adaptiert.

  • af Alexandre Dumas
    59,99 kr.

    A seamless blend of fact and fiction, ‘The Royal Life Guard, or The Flight of the Royal Family’ tells the story of the downfall of the French Monarchy.Set during the French Revolution, this novel paints Marie Antoinette as the villain of the piece.By comparison, King Louis XIV is depicted as an accommodating monarch with his people’s interests at heart.Historians will know the outcome of this thrilling tale but, even so, will find it fast-paced and brimming with intrigue and conspiracy.The adventure-packed narrative is supported by historical observations and Dumas’ rapier-sharp political knowledge.A superb read for those new to his work and for those who want to read beyond the romantic romps of ‘The Three Musketeers.’Alexandre Dumas (1802–1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.

  • af P.G. Lindhardt
    69,00 kr.

    Hvem var egentlig N.F.S. Grundtvig? Lige efter hans død udbrød en livlig og velbegrundet strid. Befandt han sig politisk til højre eller til venstre? Og kunne han tages til indtægt for kirkelig ortodoksi og hævdvunden moral eller bedre for en humant og evolutionistisk tolket, religiøs kulturidealisme? Forsøgene på at finde frem til den "rigtige" Grundtvig har været mange. De forsøg gør professor i kirkehistorie P.G. Lindhardt op med i denne biografi, hvor han i stedet søger at tegne et billede af "hele" Grundtvig.Bogen udkom første gang i 1964.P.G. Lindhardt, Poul Georg Lindhardt, (1910-1988) var en dansk teolog og den første professor i kirkehistorie ved Aarhus Universitet i årene 1942-1980. Sammen med K.E. Løgstrup, Johannes Sløk og Regin Prenter var han kendt som en af de fire Aarhus-teologer, der prægede den teologiske debat fra midten af det 20. århundrede og frem. Lindhardt havde desuden et omfattende virke som prædikant, foredragsholder, anmelder og kronikør.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    102,99 kr.

    Scotland, 1750, just four years after Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Rising of the Clans, it’s hard to know who’s loyal to the English and who is faithful to the Stuarts. And it’s beautiful seventeen-year-old Iona’s perilous mission to ascertain whether the Duke of Arkrae, head of Scotland’s most powerful clan, is a traitor or is he in cahoots with the English.Iona’s mission is to gain the trust of the Duke and his clan by claiming to be the sister he thought to have died as a child. As all around her doubt her claim and call her a "pretender", Iona struggles to hold her nerve. Her wit and steely nerves do not fail her but almost instantly, on meeting the imperious Duke, it’s her heart that lets her down. She’s fallen deeply, hopelessly in love! Traitor or not, surely the Duke could never love the Little Pretender who was sent to ensnare him?

  • af Zbigniew Wojnarowski
    12,99 kr.

    Ponura jesień 1773 r. Wytworne towarzystwo odbywa podróż dyliżansem. Nagle konie stają dęba, bo zwierzęta czują to, co dla człowieka niezauważane - zapach śmierci. W istocie, wśród zbutwiałych liści leżą trupy kobiety i dzieci. A to dopiero początek makabrycznych odkryć. Prawdziwy strach oblatuje podróżnych, gdy obracają zwłoki plecami do góry. Trzymająca w napięciu historia kostiumowa, której akcja rozgrywa się na kilku planach czasowych. Dla miłośników niesamowitości w stylu Edgara Allana Poe.Zbigniew Wojnarowski (ur. 1956) - polonista i pisarz pochodzący z Konina, gdzie chętnie osadza akcję swoich książek. Uznany autor słuchowisk radiowych oraz powieści „Miraż" i „Pióra". Napisał także wiele opowiadań. Pod pseudonimem Dominika Stec publikuje lekkie utwory obyczajowe dla kobiet. Książki podpisane tym nazwiskiem pojawiają się na półkach wydawniczych obok utworów Katarzyny Grocholi, Izabeli Sowy czy Moniki Szwai. Największą popularność przyniosła mu seria o przygodach miłosnych Dominiki ("Mężczyzna do towarzystwa", "Kobieca intuicja", "Bingo!").

  • af Jane Austen
    42,99 kr.

    ‘The Beautiful Cassandra and Other Stories’ (1793) was written by the renowned English novelist Jane Austen, best-known for her novels ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (1811) and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (1813).This collection of short stories, written when the author was very young, deals with an abundance of topics, such as murder, theft, deceit, imprisonment, romance, and intrigue.A fascinating and entertaining insight into the young Jane Austen’s mind, this collection is a sensational read for those contemplating reading some of Austen's famous novels later down the line, or for those already familiar with her brilliant body of work!There are few authors as iconic as Jane Austen (1775-1817). Her body of work contains some of the most beloved books and characters of all time which have been in print for over two hundred years and sold millions of copies worldwide.Austen was a trailblazer, famed for her satire, her astute social commentary and her strong-willed, passionate heroines. Her ability to wield humour with realism has found her favour with critics and readers for generations.Her most famous works include Pride and Prejudice (1813), Emma (1816), Sense and Sensibility (1811) and Persuasion (1818), all of which have received success in adaptations for the screen, stage and radio.

  • af Honoré de Balzac
    59,99 kr.

    With a sweeping narrative that features revolution, restoration, and colonial war, 'The Two Brothers' is Honore de Balzac at his masterful best.It focuses on the Bridau family, including Agathe, her two sons, and her elder brother, as they engage in increasingly undignified battles for their inheritance.The eldest son, Philippe, is a courageous soldier but a gambler and a crook. The youngest, Joseph, is a misunderstood artist.When the Bourbons are restored and Napoleon exiled, Philippe becomes embroiled in an anti-government conspiracy.Meanwhile, a mysterious "long-lost uncle" appears and worms his way into the family - with unsavoury intentions.With the plot's fuse lit, it burns through priceless paintings, racist persecution, a knife attack, a duel, and an explosive climax.If you like this, you will love 'Les Miserables' by Victor Hugo and 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for a sequence of novels, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His signature style was a warts-and-all representation of post-Napoleonic French life, rich in detail and featuring complex, unfiltered characters.The style means Balzac is regarded as one of the pioneers of European literary realism. He is named as an influence on writers including Emile Zola, Henry James, Charles Dickens, and Gustave Flaubert.The first novel he published under his own name was 'Les Chouans' in 1829. In 1834 he hit upon the idea of grouping his novels together to record all of society. The result, over a period of years, was 'The Human Comedy', which comprised three categories: 'Analytic Studies'; 'Philosophical Studies'; and 'Studies of Manners'.

  • af David Donachie
    148,99 kr.

    Der mitreißende dritte Teil der Serie um die Freibeuter-Brüder, die niemals zur Ruhe kommen.Während im Jahre 1794 die Schrecken der französischen Revolution ganz Europa in Brand zu stecken drohen, spitzt sich auch auf See die Situation zu: Im Ärmelkanal geraten der erfahrende Freibeuter Harry Ludlow und seine Mannschaft in den erbitterten Kampf zwischen rivalisierenden Schmugglern. Zwar gelingt es ihnen, sich in Sicherheit zu bringen, doch die ist trügerisch: Hinter der Fassade der idyllischen Hafenstadt Deal herrschen Korruption und Gewalt. Für Ludlow und seinen Bruder James steht fest, dass sie etwas unternehmen müssen, um der Bevölkerung zu helfen – denn sie sind nicht nur mit allen Wassern gewaschene Seemänner, sondern auch ehrbare Gentlemen ...»Ein Muss für alle Fans von Marine-Romanen – ein großartiges Buch.« Manchester Evening NewsEnde des 18. Jahrhunderts: Harry Ludlow schmeißt seinen Offiziersposition in der Royal Navy hin um fortan als Freibeuter über die Meere zu ziehen. Auf seinen Reisen stolpern er und seine Gefährten immer wieder in brenzlige Situationen und Mordfälle, die aufgeklärt werden wollen. Mit dieser fesselnden Reihe kommen nicht nur Fans von historischen Seefahrer-Romanen, sondern auch begeisterte Krimi-Leser auf ihre Kosten.David Donachie, 1944 in Edinburgh geboren, ist ein schottischer Autor, der auch unter den Pseudonymen Tom Connery und Jack Ludlow Bekanntkeit erlangte. Sein Werk umfasst zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen; besonders beliebt sind seine historischen Seefahrerromane.

  • af Jules Verne
    58,99 kr.

    Bezorgd over de spanning die heerst tussen Frankrijk en Pruissen, vertrekt de Franse soldaat Natalis Delpierre naar Pruissen om zijn zus te bezoeken, die hij al dertien jaar niet heeft gezien. Hij hoopt haar veilig terug te brengen naar Frankrijk. Maar zodra hij arriveert, breekt er een oorlog uit tussen de twee landen. Verdacht door de lokale spionagepolitie en bedreigd door een zekere Kalkreuth, zal Delpierre een manier moeten vinden om ongeschonden terug te keren naar Frankrijk. Tegelijkertijd wordt hij smoorverliefd op een jonge Franse vrouw, Martha. Maar hij is niet de enige die haar hart probeert te veroveren...'1792 – Op weg naar Frankrijk' is een historische avonturenroman van Jules Verne die zich afspeelt in het jaar 1792 van de Franse Revolutie. Zal Natalis' familie terugkeren naar Frankrijk of wordt de oorlog hun fataal? Zal de jonge soldaat wraak nemen op zijn tegenstander von Grawert? Wie zal Martha's hart veroveren? Is liefde tijdens oorlog überhaupt mogelijk?Jules Verne (1828-1905) werd geboren in de Franse havenstad Nantes en had advocaat moeten worden zoals zijn vader, maar hij rende vroeg van huis weg om toneelstukken en artikelen voor tijdschriften te schrijven. Zijn samenwerking met de uitgever Pierre-Jules Hetzel leidde tot de magisch populaire boekenreeks 'Voyages extraordinaires', of 'Buitengewone reizen'. Beroemde titels in deze serie zijn onder andere 'Naar het middelpunt der aarde' (1864), 'Twintigduizend mijlen onder zee' (1870) en 'De reis om de wereld in 80 dagen' (1873). Verne deed altijd uitgebreid wetenschappelijk onderzoek voor hij met schrijven begon.Jules Verne is ten onrechte geclassificeerd als kinderschrijver vanwege de verkorte en vervormde versies van zijn boeken, terwijl hij als auteur in Frankrijk de artistieke avant-garde heeft beïnvloed.Jules Verne is de op één na meest vertaalde auteur ter wereld - tussen Agatha Christie en William Shakespeare in - en wordt vaak de vader van het genre sciencefiction genoemd.

  • af Olaudah Equiano
    42,99 kr.

    Sometimes true life spins more shocking stories than the minds of writers. That is the case with 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano'.The understated title masks an autobiography where truth trumps fiction, featuring kidnapping, death, slavery, jail, transportation, rape, Christian faith and much more.It is also one of the most important books of its time, the late 18th century. For its publication told the truth about the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and sowed the seeds for the abolition movement that eventually stopped it.The scandal of slavery that Equiano helped get into the public's consciousness has been featured in a host of films, including '12 Years a Slave', directed by Steve McQueen and based on a novel by Solomon Northup.Olaudah Equiano (1745-1797) was known throughout most of his life as Gustavus Vassa. He was born in Benin, where he and his sister were kidnapped and sold to slave traders.They were separated and Equiano endured the horrors of transportation to the Caribbean, was sold to three slave owners and witnessed the very worst of the truly shameful trade. After buying his freedom, he lived in London and supported the British abolitionist movement.His autobiography, 'The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano', went through nine editions and helped the abolitionist movement gain the momentum that saw the British Slave Trade Act passed in 1807.

  • af Antonio Caccianiga
    73,99 kr.

    Romanzando la vita di un giovane Canova che si affaccia, per la prima volta, sulla scena artistica della Serenissima, viene a comporsi un affresco della Venezia di fine Settecento. Tra le calle della laguna si seguiranno una dopo l’altra scene di una quotidianità scomparsa, empori e locande, teatri e saloni. E Canova, che da Treviso si è appena trasferito in laguna, vedrà questo mondo dispiegarsi davanti ai suoi occhi, un mondo colorato e salmastro che sa di tinte a tempera e di polvere di bottega.Antonio Caccianiga (1823-1909) è stato uno scrittore italiano. Impegnato nella scena politica Risorgimentale, Caccianiga assunse varie cariche pubbliche nella sua città natale, Treviso. Le sue opere molto spesso rispecchiano e riportano le tematiche sociali dell’epoca.

  • af Victor Hugo
    79,00 kr.

    I 1793 er rædselsregimet i Frankrig på sit højeste, og ingen kan vide sig sikker. Landets fjender samler sig faretruende langs landets grænser, men livet i den nyfødte republik er på mange måder mere skræmmende end alle Europas forenede monarkier.Victor Hugos realistiske og bevægende roman "1793" viser os livet i Frankrig i netop dette år, som det så ud blandt den forpinte befolkning. Bogen viser, hvordan de politiske idealer om et lige og retfærdigt samfund, der startede revolutionen, blev ofret i den strøm af vanvid, der skyllede ind over det blødende Frankrig i 1790’erne.Victor Hugo (1802-1885) var en fransk digter, romanforfatter og dramatiker. Mens resten af verden fejrer ham for de store romanværker "Klokkeren fra Notre Dame" (Notre-Dame de Paris) fra 1831 og "De elendige" (Les Miserables) fra 1862, er han i Frankrig primært kendt for sine digtsamlinger, fx "Les Contemplations" og "La Légende des siècles".Han producerede mere end 4.000 tegninger og kæmpede socialpolitiske kampe for eksempelvis afskaffelse af dødsstraffen. Hans sociale engagement afspejles også i hans værker, der berører de fleste af de politiske og sociale spørgsmål samt de kunstneriske tendenser i sin tid. Han er begravet i Panthéon i Paris og hyldet som en af Frankrigs allerstørste digtere overhovedet.

  • af Carl Bernhard
    69,00 kr.

    Carl Bernhards tante Lenore var en af de få udlændinge af det bedre borgerskab, der gennemlevede den franske revolution og de grusomme år, der fulgte den, og formåede at fortælle om dem til eftertidens store glæde. Her genfortæller Carl Bernhard den vise og charmerende gamle dames erindringer, som han har hørt dem fra hendes egen mund. Det er en spændende beretning om en svunden tid i et Paris, der aldrig blev det samme igen efter revolutionen, set fra sidelinjen helt tæt på.Carl Bernard er pseudonym for den danske forfatter Andreas Nicolai de Saint-Aubain (1798-1865), der stod bag en række romaner og noveller. Carl Bernard er særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner, der bar præg af stort kendskab til de få kilder, der dengang fandtes om de historiske perioder, han skrev om. Bøgerne bragte ham stor succes på hans egen tid, og han huskes endnu for dem i dag.

  • af William Wordsworth & Samuel Taylor Coleridge
    59,99 kr.

    Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson; Merry and Pippin; Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy...great duos often help to make great literature. So when two soon-to-be luminaries of the English Romantic movement came together to produce a book of their poems, the result was inevitable. 'Lyrical Ballads' by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge was a slow burner for readers, but grew to be lauded as a landmark piece of work, taking English writing in a new direction.Wordsworth does most of the heavy lifting by contributing the majority of the poems, but Coleridge's efforts include the famous 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'. The pair aimed to prick the bubble of what they felt was a snobbish approach to 18th century poetry. In 'Lyrical Ballads', they use everyday language, add the voices of the poor and focus on the original state of nature. The result is an accessible, original collection that remains fresh to this day.William Wordsworth (1770-1850) was an English poet and a pioneer of the Romantic Age in English literature. His first collections, 'An Evening Walk' and 'Descriptive Sketches', were published in 1793. His career took off after he moved to the Lake District with his sister Dorothy. Wordsworth produced countless poems, often on the themes of death and grief, including the first version of his epic 'The Prelude'. He was Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was a founder of the Romantic Movement in English literature and one of the Lake Poets. He wrote literary criticism, including of William Shakespeare's work, and the major prose book 'Biographia Literaria'. His best-known works were the poems 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and 'Kubla Khan'.

  • af Phillis Wheatley
    42,99 kr.

    Poetry can inspire, evoke, provoke and transport the reader. But this collection of 39 poems did even more - it broke barriers. This collection was written by Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman whose poetry writings were published.Seized from West Africa as a young girl, Phillis lived in Boston as a slave to the prominent Wheatley family where she learned to read and write, as well as undertaking lessons in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history and British, Greek and Latin Literature. By the age of 18, Phillis had amassed a decent quantity of poems and together with the Wheatley family, sought out a publisher. However, based on racial prejudices, Phillis was received with disdain in the United States. Attention was turned to London instead, where Phillis posted one of her poems, 'On the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield', to Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon and a well-off supporter of the abolitionist cause, who connected her with a bookseller although Wheatley still had to go through interrogation to prove that she was the author of her own work.This collection of poems shows the breadth and depth of her reading, and includes poems reflecting her Christian faith, her interest in Greek mythology and her admiration for well-known figures including Alexander Pope.'Poems on Various Subjects' is perfect for people who have read 'The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano'.Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was an American poet who was the first African-American writer to be published. She was born in West Africa, sold into slavery aged seven or eight, then bought by the Wheatley family of Boston. They encouraged her to pursue her poetry as her talent became clear. But Wheatley had to go to London to find patrons to help her get her work published. When 'Poems on Various Subjects' was published in 1773, she gained fame in England and the African colonies - even receiving praise from George Washington and Voltaire. After being emancipated, she married the grocer John Peters. But they slipped into poverty and Phillis died in obscurity at the age of 31.

  • af Maria Edgeworth
    59,99 kr.

    It is 'Downton Abbey' meets 'Succession' - but in the 18th century.Four generations of heirs to the Rackrent estate in Ireland are shown to have unique talents for mismanaging it.The careless big spender Sir Patrick O'Shaughlin, litigious Sir Murtagh Rackrent, abusive gambler Sir Kit Rackrent and the kind but unwise Sir Condy Rackrent are brought vividly to life by Maria Edgeworth through a narrator, Rackrent steward Thady Quirk.As the four heirs fight and foul up, behind the scenes there is a master manipulator pulling the strings. Will he benefit from the chaos?'Castle Rackrent' is Edgeworth's first novel and is regarded as pioneering in the field of historical and regional novels.It satirises Anglo-Irish landlords at a time when the English and Irish governments were trying to formalise their union.The novel is alluded to in F. Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby'. It is also cited by Sir Walter Scott as the inspiration for his 'Waverley' historical novels.The Irish poet and dramatist W.B. Yeats called Castle Rackrent "one of the most inspired chronicles written in English."The Irish writer Maria Edgeworth (1768-1849) was highly regarded in her day as a pioneer of early 19th century fiction and children's literature.A friend of the novelist Sir Walter Scott ('Ivanhoe', 'Rob Roy'), she was active and vocal about political and estate reform.Today, she is rather underappreciated - and overshadowed - by other 19th century satirical novelists like Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope.A prolific writer, Edgeworth's best-known works include 'Ennui', 'The Dun' and 'Belinda', which was controversial in its day for featuring inter-racial marriage.

  • af Victoria Holt
    Fra 45,99 kr.

    Minella Maddox elst upp á enskum herragarði. Frá unga aldri veit hún hins vegar að henni er ekki ætlað að búa þar til frambúðar, enda er hún aðeins dóttir kennslukonunnar. Í fyrsta sinn sem hún sér hinn hrokafulla greifa Fontaines Delibes kallar hún hann „greifann á hestbaki". Hann bæði hræðir hana og heillar og fundur þeirra verður örlagaríkur. Þrátt fyrir að hann sé frægur kvennabósi getur Minella ekki hætt að hugsa um hann og fljótlega snýst líf hennar um hann.Greifinn ræður Minellu sem lagskonu dóttur sinnar, hún flytur með þeim til Frakklands, beint inn í ólgandi hringiðu frönsku byltingarinnar. Hún verður svo ástfangin að hún getur ekki sleppt takinu, þrátt fyrir að líf hennar sé í hættu og maðurinn sem hún elskar muni án efa verða eitt af fyrstu fórnarlömbum byltingarinnar.Victoria Holt er eitt höfundarnafna Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert. Hún fæddist í Bretlandi árið 1906 og lést 1993 og ritaði um 200 sögulegar skáldsögur um ævina undir hinum og þessum höfundarnöfnum, allt eftir umfjöllunarefni sagnanna. Meðal annarra höfundarnafna hennar eru Jean Plaidy og Philippa Carr. Verk hennar hafa unnið til verðlauna, verið þýdd á fjölda tungumála og hafa selst í yfir 50 milljón eintökum um allan heim.

  • af Mariano Melgar
    69,99 kr.

    «Obra poética» recoge todas sus poesías, la edición estuvo a cargo de Aurelio Miró Quesada y de la Academia Peruana de la Lengua, además, fue la obra que inició la colección de clásicos peruanos de esta institución. Melgar cultivó todo tipo de poesía, desde la filosófica hasta los epigramas, pero sobre todo se le reconoce el cultivo del yaraví, una canción de tema amoroso que combina los harawi incaicos con la música trovadoresca española.Mariano Melgar (1791-1815) fue un poeta y revolucionario independentista peruano. Parte de la crítica lo considera el precursor del romanticismo literario en América. Participó en la guerra de Independencia de Perú junto al ejército de Mateo Pumacahua. Lo apresaron durante la batalla de Umachiri y lo fusilaron al día siguiente, cuando tenía 24 años.

  • af Baroness Orczy
    77,99 kr.

    Who is the Scarlett Pimpernel? Will his identity finally be revealed? Will the elusive hero succeed in liberating Marguerite and escaping his pursuers yet again?Find out in 'The Triumph of the Scarlet Pimpernel' by Baroness Orczy.In 1794, the reign of terror is still raging in Paris, while people are imprisoned and executed indiscriminately in the name of the revolution. The Scarlett Pimpernel, much to the chagrin of his enemies, is still at large, but Agent Chauvelin refuses to give up. He captures the Pimpernel's beloved Marguerite in the hope of luring out his enemy.The Scarlett Pimpernel has been adapted for movies and TV over the years with the most well known being from 1982 starring Jane Seymour and Ian McKellen.Baroness Orczy was a British author, born in Hungary, who lived in the period 1865 – 1947. Her literary legacy consists of a series of novels and playwrights. She gained wide popularity in 1905 with the publication of "The Scarlet Pimpernel", a play which she wrote together with her husband.The interest that followed after the first publication led to several sequels. Baroness Orczy was also an important figure during World War I as she established an organization that was women-orientated and aimed to encourage them to seek active service in the armed forces.

  • af Jane Austen
    58,99 kr.

    With handsome rich men and ladies of leisure fluttering their eyelids trying to catch their attention, 'The Three Sisters' reads like a humorous trial run for 'Pride and Prejudice'.Told via correspondence, this is in fact a tale of a single man, Mr. Watts, who is in possession of a good fortune and is in want of a wife. Mrs. Stanhope is the mother of a family of girls who is very much in want of a son-in-law. And the girls? Despite one of them being "the happiest creature on the planet", they aren’t actually all that happy at all.This satirical narrative of courtship and self-interest by the young Jane Austen is a must for any fan of the modern Chick-Lit novel or Rom-Com film.As an extra treat, this edition includes four additional writings from Jane Austen, making this essential reading for any Austen fan or study. These additional pieces include:•t'A Fragment written to inculcate the practice of Virtue'•t'A beautiful description of the different effects of sensibility on different minds'•t'The Generous Curate: A moral Tale, setting forth the Advantages of being Generous and a Curate.'•t'Ode to Pity'Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most beloved British writers of all time. During her short life, she published six novels: ´Sense and Sensibility´, ´Pride and Prejudice´, ´Mansfield Park´, ´Emma´, ´Northanger Abbey´ and ´Persuasion´, that are all considered as literary classics today.Her writing is full of sharp observations on the society in which she evolved, as well as ripe with timeless irony, and a solid dose of humour. She has created immortal characters that have inspired countless authors, novels, and movies such as 'Bridget Jones' and 'Clueless'.The most notable film adapted from a Jane Austen novel is 'Pride and Prejudice' from 2005 starring Keira Knightley (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Matthew Macfadyen.

  • af Francois Voltaire
    67,99 kr.

    'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life' - that's the essence of Voltaire's 'Candide'. For, like the ever-upbeat character in 'Monty Python's Life of Brian', the eponymous Candide is taught that everything is for the best. The young Frenchman must not grumble, grimace or lose heart.However, when he is cast out for falling for the daughter of a Baron, his sunny disposition is sorely tested by global disasters including earthquakes, the Inquisition and syphilis.'Candide' was initially banned because of blasphemy and political sedition. But the satire has since become one of the great novels in European history.Voltaire is the pen name of the French writer Francois-Marie Arouet (1694-1778). He was a writer and philosopher whose radical anti-Catholic and pro-freedom work helped inspire the French Revolution a decade after his death. He wrote 20,000-plus letters and 2,000 books and pamphlets and famously spent two years in exile in England for his seditious views. Among his many works, Voltaire was known for 'Lettres Philosophique' and 'Candide'.

  • af Montesquieu
    42,99 kr.

    Featuring some of the most brilliant and notable sayings from a revolutionising world, ´100 Quotes by Charles Louis de Montesquieu´ is the perfect companion for readers looking to be inspired by one of the most influential figures in history.French judge, historian, and political philosopher, Montesquieu remains a leading figure in the French Revolution and a major influence on the Founding Fathers of the United States. Responsible for devising a government separated into branches of power, his political theories remain in practice in many constitutions throughout the world today.Uncover his thoughts and musing with this impressive collection from the man who lay the foundations for the world as we know it. ´100 Quotes by Charles Louis de Montesquieu´ is perfect for fans of Hugh Jackman's ´Les Miserables´.Charles Louis de Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a French judge, man of letters, historian, and political philosopher. His most influential work, 'The Spirit of the Law', divided French society into three classes, thereby erasing the feudal system.Montesquieu is remembered today as a defining influence on the Founding Fathers of the United States.

  • af Nicolas de Chamfort
    42,99 kr.

    Featuring some of the most brilliant and notable sayings from a revolutionising world, ‘100 Quotes by Nicolas de Chamfort’ paints a vivid mosaic of life during and after the French Revolution.Having thrown himself into the Republican movement and fight to overthrow the last king of France, Chamfort was one of the first to have entered the Bastille as it was triumphantly stormed.Secretary to Louis XVI’s sister and of the notary Jacobin Club, he went on to witness the dawn of a new era with the reign of Marat and Robespierre, underseeing the campaign towards universal men’s suffrage.Influencing and shaping one of the most defining moments of history, ‘100 Quotes by Nicolas Chamfort’ is a must-read collection for those interested in the figures, who lay the foundations for the world as we know it today.Nicolas de Chamfort (1741-1894) was a French writer and secretary to Louis XVI's sister, along with that of the Jacobin club. A strong defender of the Republican movement, his work reflects a turbulent time in France's history when society turned against the Monarchy.

  • af Richard Petersen
    79,00 kr.

    B.S. Ingemann er en af Danmarks fineste forfattere, og hans eventyrlige historier og skønne sprog har længe været en fornøjelse for både store og små læsere. I anledning af hundredåret for den store eventyrdigters fødselsdag udgav Richard Petersen en biografi om ham, som henvender sig til lægmand og ikke blot de litterære spidser. Bogen omhandler B.S. Ingemanns barndom og ungdom, hans dramatiske værker, udlandsrejser og den inspiration, hans bragte med sig hjem, samt hans spændende virke som forfatter.Richard Petersen (1838-1905) var en dansk præst, forfatter og historiker, der udgav en lang række bøger om store skikkelser inden for litteraturens verden, kristendommen og historien. Richard Petersen var grundtvigianer, hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i hans forfatterskab. Han er særligt kendt for sine biografier om Henrik Steffens, Frederik Barfoed, B.S. Ingemann og Jung-Stilling.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    Unfairly dismissed from her role as a governess after her lecherous employer forces himself upon her, Druscilla Morley is determined to keep her head down. Dressing drably to hide her beauty, she is surprised to find an old acquaintance staying with her new family. Valdo, Lord Marquis of Lynche, is handsome, charming and an absolute rogue. It soon becomes clear that he is having an affair with the lady of the house and proposes a marriage of convenience to Druscilla to cover his tracks.From miserable governess to Marchioness of Lynche, Druscilla can hardly believe her luck but are her feelings for the Lord Marquis as uncomplicated as it seems?An early contender in the fake dating genre, "The Audacious Adventuress" is perfect for fans of Julia Quinn, Eloisa James and Merry Farmer.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances.A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Vicente Blasco Ibañez
    148,99 kr.

    ¡Viva la República! es una novela histórica del autor Vicente Blasco Ibáñez. Aparecida en un primer momento por entregas, es un relato ficcionado de los momentos más relevantes de la Revolución Francesa, en la que se mezclan personajes relevantes de la política española como Godoy con actores principales del episodio histórico, como Dantón y Marat. Se la considera una obra capital tanto de la novela histórica como del relato de aventuras.Vicente Blasco Ibañez fue un autor español nacido en Valencia en 1867 y fallecido en Menton (Francia) en 1928. Periodista, político y escritor, se le considera uno de los pilares de las letras españolas de todos los tiempos. De ideas republicanas y progresistas, es uno de los mayores exponentes del movimiento realista y naturalista en España.