Sent 17. århundrede, 1650 til 1699
58,99 kr. Il Corsaro Nero e accecato dal desiderio di vendetta: vuole scovare a tutti i costi il nascondiglio del duca Wan Guld, colui che ha fatto uccidere i suoi due fratelli. Cosi, parte alla ricerca del duca insieme ai suoi fidi filibustieri: solca il cristallino Mar dei Caraibi a bordo della nave Folgore, fa tappa nelle locande malfamate delle isole piratesche dove il rum scorre a fiotti e il fumo annebbia la vista, parla con informatori insospettabili, affronta avventure di ogni tipo - ma il destino puo assumere le forme piu disparate, e il Corsaro Nero non ha idea di quello a cui sta andando incontro.'La regina dei Caraibi' e il secondo capitolo del ciclo dei 'Corsari delle Antille', una serie di romanzi scritti da Emilio Salgari ambientati nel Mar dei Caraibi.-
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Dopo la morte di suo padre, il temutissimo Corsaro Nero, Jolanda e rimasta orfana. Divenuta adulta, la giovane donna decidera di lasciare l'Italia per le cristalline ma pericolose acque del Mar dei Caraibi. Li, infatti, suo nonno materno le ha lasciato un'eredita da riscattare. Jolanda sara pero fatta prigioniera dal conte di Medina e Torres, zio illegittimo da parte di madre, il quale vuole tenere l'eredita tutta per se. Nonostante siano passati ormai parecchi anni dalla sua morte, pero, il Corsaro Nero e ancora una leggenda nei Caraibi e molti dei filibustieri che gli erano amici sono ora esponenti di spicco della societa piratesca. Uno di questi, Morgan, venuto a conoscenza della prigionia di Jolanda, decidera quindi di lanciarsi al salvataggio della figlia del suo ex capitano... 'Jolanda, la figlia del Corsaro Nero' e il terzo capitolo del ciclo dei 'Corsari delle Antille', una serie di romanzi scritti da Emilio Salgari ambientati nel Mar dei Caraibi.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. En mission pour les interets de la reine d'Autriche, d'Artagnan et Porthos partent a la recherche M. Beaufort, un prisonnier fugitif. Lors d'un furieux combat d'epee dans l'obscurite, ils decouvrent que ses ennemis sont en fait Athos et Aramis ! Ce desaccord politique va t-il nuire a leur vieille amitie ? Avec ce recit debordant d'aventures, Dumas prolonge la trajectoire des quatre amis et fait une analyse du schema politique de l'epoque, dans le contexte de la Fronde. Il a ete source d'inspiration pour plusieurs adaptations au cinema et a la television, notamment le film homonyme d'Henri Diamant-Berger (1922), avec Jean Yonnel, et le film Le Retour des Mousquetaires (1989) librement adapte par Richard Lester, avec Michael York.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Aramis et Athos sont encore persuades a proteger le roi Charles Ier d'Angleterre. Mais d'Artagnan et Porthos, sous les ordres du commandant Oliver Cromwell, cherchent a capturer ce roi ! Quand ils decouvrent que le terrible Mordant est aussi du cote de Cromwell, les quatre amis s'unissent pour arreter ses idees redoutables.Avec ce recit debordant d'aventures, Dumas prolonge la trajectoire des quatre amis et fait une analyse du schema politique de l'epoque, dans le contexte de la Fronde. Il a ete source d'inspiration pour plusieurs adaptations au cinema et a la television, notamment le film homonyme d'Henri Diamant-Berger (1922), avec Jean Yonnel, et le film Le Retour des Mousquetaires (1989) librement adapte par Richard Lester, avec Michael York.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Vingt ans plus tard, on decouvre que les quatre amis mousquetaires ont finit par se separer et l'heros d'Artagnan est le seul a continuer dans la carriere militaire. Dans une France maintenant remplie de conflits politiques et sociales, il part a la recherche de ses anciens compagnons d'epee, Porthos, Athos et Aramis, pour les inviter a participer d'une mission dangereuse...Avec ce recit debordant d'aventures, Dumas prolonge la trajectoire des quatre amis et fait une analyse du schema politique de l'epoque, dans le contexte de la Fronde. Il a ete source d'inspiration pour plusieurs adaptations au cinema et a la television, notamment le film homonyme d'Henri Diamant-Berger (1922), avec Jean Yonnel, et le film Le Retour des Mousquetaires (1989) librement adapte par Richard Lester, avec Michael York.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Apres renouveler leur liens d'amitie eternelle, les quatre amis mousquetaires continuent sur ses chemins separes : pendant que d'Artagnan et Porthos protegent le jeune roi Louis XIV et la reine d'Autriche, Aramis et Athos essaient de proteger le roi Charles Ier d'Angleterre. Ils ignorent que le fils de Milady de Winter est a leur poursuite et cherche a venger la mort de sa mere...Avec ce recit debordant d'aventures, Dumas prolonge la trajectoire des quatre amis et fait une analyse du schema politique de l'epoque, dans le contexte de la Fronde. Il a ete source d'inspiration pour plusieurs adaptations au cinema et a la television, notamment le film homonyme d'Henri Diamant-Berger (1922), avec Jean Yonnel, et le film Le Retour des Mousquetaires (1989) librement adapte par Richard Lester, avec Michael York.-
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
Fra 96,99 kr. On vuosi 1665. Rutto on saapunut Lontooseen. Paikallinen satulakauppias on kahden vaiheilla – pitäisikö hänen paeta kaupungista vai jäädä sinne? Lopulta satulakauppias päättää jäädä, mutta hän joutuu todistamaan niin tuttujen kuin tuntemattomienkin traagisia sairastumisia ja kuolemia. Kaupunki yrittää kaikkensa, jotta tauti ei leviäisi, mutta turhaan. Ihmiset hakevat turvaa uskonnoista ja puoskareista. Kuolleiden asunnot ryöstetään. Massatyöttömyys uhkaa. Onko kaupungilla minkäänlaisia mahdollisuuksia selvitä taudista, joka on kuin suurempien voimien lähettämä kirous?"Ruttovuosi" on Daniel Defoen kauhua tihkuva 1700-luvulla julkaistu romaani, joka on pelottavan ajankohtainen 2020-luvun alussa. Daniel Defoe (1660–1731) oli englantilainen kirjailija, joka työskenteli myös toimittajana. Hän julkaisi esikoisromaaninsa "Robinson Crusoen" 59-vuotiaana vuonna 1719. Menestysromaani perustunee merenkulkija Alexander Selkirkin tapaukseen. Muita Defoen tunnettuja romaaneja ovat "Kapteeni Singleton" sekä "Moll Flanders".
50,99 kr. Sjuttonåriga Margrete skulle ha gift sig i sommar. Nu blir det dock inget med den saken. Byarna i området svälter - och hennes familj är inget undantag. Under en period går det att lindra hungern med en sked ljummet vatten. Men sen då? Att byborna är nödställda beror på svenskarna. På Karl den XI:s armé med sina drabanter och dragoner. Allt av nytta har de lagt beslag på, samtidigt som de satt skräck i varenda bonde i det skånska landskapet. Våldtäkter och avrättningar är vardagsmat för de svenska krigsförarna. För bönderna är de kniven mot strupen - hotet som tvingar dem till underkastelse."Isvaken" är en gripande skildring av livet på det skånska bondlandet under svenska stormaktstiden.Gay Glans, född 1951, är en svensk kulturjournalist och författare från Skåne. Hans författardebut kom år 2005 med titeln "Nils Holgersson landade aldrig på Finjasjön".
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- 50,99 kr.
39,00 kr. I anledning af 200-året for den dansk-norske præst Hans Egedes fødsel, skrev og udgav Vilhelm Bang dette lille festskrift som en hyldest til Egede, der virkede som præst og missionær i Grønland i årene 1721-36 og for eftertiden er blevet kendt som Grønlands apostel.Vilhelm Bang (1843-1910) var en dansk præst og kulturhistoriker. Han skrev en lang række artikler, afhandlinger og selvstændige skrifter, der især omhandler Danmarks kirke- og kulturhistorie. Fælles for hans værker er, at de henvender sig til en bred læserskare uden at bygge på meget dybtgående studier.
- E-bog
- 39,00 kr.
9,95 kr. Жили-были король с королевой. Долго у них не было детей, но, наконец, родилась дочь. Счастью их не было предела. На крестины пригласили всех волшебниц, которые жили в королевстве. Но туда пришла и старая колдунья. Волшебницы посулили девочке красоту, ум, голос, умение танцевать, играть на разных инструментах. А колдунья сказала, что принцесса проткнёт руку веретеном и умрёт. Но самая молодая волшебница пообещала, что она не умрёт, а только уснёт на сто лет. А потом придёт молодой королевич и её разбудит. Сбылось ли пророчество волшебницы? Узнаете из сказки Шарля Перро «Спящая красавица».Шарль Перро (1628-1703) – известный французский писатель-сказочник, автор «Сказок матушки Гусыни». Дивные сказки из этого сборника «Золушка», «Спящая красавица», «Кот в сапогах», «Мальчик с пальчик», «Красная шапочка», «Синяя борода» прославлены в музыке, балетах, кинофильмах, театральных спектаклях, в живописи и графике десятки и сотни раз. Сказки Шарля Перро представляют собой литературную обработку народных сказок (полагают, что они были услышаны от кормилицы). Только одна сказка «Рике-Хохолок» была сочинена самим Шарлем Перро. Он ввёл народную сказку в жанр «высокой литературы».
9,95 kr. У мельника было три сына. Умирая, он оставил в наследство старшему мельницу, среднему осла, а младшему Кота. Расстроился младший сын и подумал, что судьба несправедлива к нему. Но Кот оказался необычным. Он попросил у своего хозяина заказать ему пару сапог, чтобы не больно было ходить по кустам и дать мешок. И тогда он сделает его богатым. Как Кот смог войти в доверие королю? Как ему удалось перехитрить Людоеда? Сделал ли он богатым своего хозяина? Узнаете из сказки Шарля Перро «Кот в сапогах».Шарль Перро (1628-1703) – известный французский писатель-сказочник, автор «Сказок матушки Гусыни». Дивные сказки из этого сборника «Золушка», «Спящая красавица», «Кот в сапогах», «Мальчик с пальчик», «Красная шапочка», «Синяя борода» прославлены в музыке, балетах, кинофильмах, театральных спектаклях, в живописи и графике десятки и сотни раз. Сказки Шарля Перро представляют собой литературную обработку народных сказок (полагают, что они были услышаны от кормилицы). Только одна сказка «Рике-Хохолок» была сочинена самим Шарлем Перро. Он ввёл народную сказку в жанр «высокой литературы».
50,99 kr. Hans Pehrsson har ett stort beslut att fatta. Ska han gå kvar i sin fars skugga, och leva efter dennes regler, eller gå sin egen väg? Fullärd masmästare är han redan, men i Gammelbo får han inget göra förrän fadern kastar in handduken. Inte heller har han föräldrarnas tillåtelse att fria till Anna Matzdotter Mineur. En fransösk kolares dotter – det går bara inte an.För Anna börjar tiden rinna ut. Hon vet att hon inte borde ha gett sig hän den där gången med Hans. Ändå står hon där nu med resultatet av deras akt. Han lovade att han skulle fria. Så varför har han ännu inte dykt upp?"Stenens hemlighet" är den fjärde delen i serien om vallonerna i 1600-talets Bergslagen.Maj-Britt Nergård (1933-2017) var en svensk författare från Riddarhyttan i Västmanland. Hon har studerat både historia och litteraturhistoria i Uppsala. Flera av hennes böcker handlar om Bergslagen och hon har bl.a. skrivit en serie om vallonerna.
- E-bog
- 50,99 kr.
62,99 kr. Aldrig har Nicolas Herou varit sin egen. Ett franskt påbrå gör man bäst i att dölja – och när fadern dör tar sonen hans plats i den glödheta hammarsmedjan. Men en dag får den unge lärlingen nog. Ett infekterat bråk med en hotfull bokhållare gör att han tvingas lämna arbetet. Och kanske är det lika bra – han ville ju egentligen inte följa sin fars fotspår. För att kunna försörja familjen väljer Nicolas istället att inställa sig som soldat. Hans mor är dock allt annat än imponerad. Har han gjort ett stort misstag? I armén får han inte ens behålla sitt namn. Vem blir han då?"Den okände karolinen" är en historisk roman som tar sin början i 1700-talets Bergslagen.Maj-Britt Nergård (1933-2017) var en svensk författare från Riddarhyttan i Västmanland. Hon har studerat både historia och litteraturhistoria i Uppsala. Flera av hennes böcker handlar om Bergslagen och hon har bl.a. skrivit en serie om vallonerna.
- E-bog
- 62,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Les Caracteres sont la reflexion de toute une vie. Si La Bruyere semble parfois absent, c'est parce qu'il s'est retire en spectateur. Il observe, et de la en tire une serie de fragments, de maximes et de portraits qui demelent le rapport complexe entre la nature humaine et ses mA urs. Qu'en est-il de l'argent? De l'amour? Ou de la religion? Les Caracteres c'est aussi l'embleme du debat entre les Anciens et les Modernes. La Bruyere, avec cette traduction anonyme d'un auteur grec, Theophraste, s'inscrit dans la lignee des Anciens. Pourtant, il evoque aussi le Moderne - l'A uvre annonce le vent de contestation qui s'exprimera au XVIIIe siecle.-
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Once lived a powerful and rich man called Blue Beard. Can you guess why? Well of course because of his beard that was strangely blue. The man himself was also a bit strange, even frightening. He married several times but each time his wife disappeared into thin air. He decided to remarry again and he chose one of his neighbor’s daughters. Some time passed by and the rich man was about to leave the country. He left his wife a magical key which opened every door in the castle but one. The girl was not allowed to try to enter it. However her curiosity prevailed and she opened the door. What did she see there and will her husband find out that she disobeyed? "Blue Beard" holds the answers.Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Once lived an ugly prince who had a kindhearted godmother. The godmother gave the prince the power to confer wit upon the ones he loved the most. He headed out to a far kingdom where two princesses lived. The one was intelligent but ugly. The other one was a real beauty but was unwise. Which one will the prince choose? Will there be a wedding in the end of the tale? Find out in "Riquet of the Tuft".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. One man and his wife had seven children. However they were all so poor that the parents decided to leave their children in the forest. The smallest, Little Thumb, was the smartest and although he was often neglected, he managed to get his brothers out of trouble several times. Will he however succeed and save them when they end up in an ogre’s house or this will be beyond his power? Will they find their way home? Find out how the story ends in "Little Thumb".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Once lived a mother with her two daughters. The older one was a lot alike her mother – rude and impolite while the younger was beautiful and kind like her father. The mother’s favorite daughter was of course the one that looked and behaved like her so she made her younger daughter do all the housework. The poor girl had to go to the river each and every morning and carry a jug of water home. One day she met a poor old woman who begged for a bit of water. The kindhearted girl helped her right away but what she did not know was that it was not an ordinary woman she helped, it was a fairy. Do you want to find out how to story goes for both sisters? Then read "The Fairy".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. One king, his queen and their daughter lived once in a big castle which was so rich because of the magical golden donkey they had. One day the queen died. Her last wish was that the king would remarry only if he found someone as beautiful as her. But it was not an easy task because such beauty was nowhere to be seen. Eventually the king realized that his own daughter was as magnificent as her own mother, so he decided to marry her. The poor girl however was not willing to marry her own father so she sought advice from her fairy godmother. The girl had to make impossible demands and if she was granted all of them, the king was going to get her consent. One of the conditions was the skin of the king’s precious golden donkey. Do you think the king will sacrifice the source of the kingdom’s wealth? Find out in "Donkey Skin".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Have you heard of Little Red Riding Hood? Then you most certainly know that she was a little girl who headed out to bring food and wine to her poor grandmother. But the Red Riding Hood met a wolf. He seemed harmless so she did not fear. But then he tricked her into telling him where she was headed. And he ran as fast as he could to get to the Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother first. But did he eat her? Did he hide her? What did he do with the poor Riding Hood when she arrived? You can find the answers in Charles Perrault’s "Little Red Riding Hood".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. Once lived a king and a queen whose only dream was to finally have a child. Their dream came true and the queen gave birth to a breathtaking beauty. They invited all of the fairies in the land but forgot about one. She was so furious that she cursed the poor little girl. She was going to prick her hand with a spindle, and die of it. Fortunately one of the good godmothers managed to lessen the curse. If such thing happened, the girl was not going to die. She was just going to sleep for a 100 years. The king did everything he could to get rid of every spindle and spinning wheel. But the curse was stronger than that. And when the girl turned sixteen, she pricked her hand and fell asleep. Who disenchanted the girl and what followed after that? Find out in "The Sleeping Beauty".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
38,99 kr. A wealthy man remarried after his wife passed away. His second wife and her two daughters were however so mean, selfish and greedy that they made the man’s daughter clean and work all day long. The poor girl on the other side was kindhearted and gentle. One day the prince invited all the young ladies in the land to a ball. He was going to choose his future wife. The two step-sisters and the rude step-mother prepared their gowns. Cinderella was however not allowed to go with them. But then her good fairy godmother helped her and sent her to the ball dressed in a magically beautiful dress and glass slippers. Will the prince choose her before all the others and what will happen when he finds out that Cinderella is an ordinary girl who sleeps near a fireplace? Find out in "Cinderella".Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French author. He is known for being a pioneer of the fairy tale genre, deriving his stories from traditional folk tales. His most famous stories include "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Sleeping Beauty", and "Cinderella". His stories have been adapted to stage and screen countless times, most notably by Disney with classic animated films like "Sleeping Beauty" and "Cinderella". His story "Puss in Boots" was the basis for the character from the animated films "Shrek 2" and "Puss in Boots".
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Los dos virreyes es un drama teatral en tres actos de José Zorrilla. Narra el enfrentamiento de dos potentados en la Nápoles de 1653.José Zorrilla es un autor nacido en Valladolid en 1817 y fallecido en Madrid en 1893. Su obra, repartida entre la poesía y el teatro, es sobre todo conocida por el drama romántico Don Juan Tenorio.
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- 40,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Willa Cather bringer 1600-tallets Quebec til live i romanen Skygger på klipperne, som især følger den franske nybygger Euclide Auclair og hans 12-årige datter Cécile. Mens Euclide har svært ved at tilpasse sig de nye omgivelser langt fra Frankrig, føler Cécile sig hjemme i de vidtstrakte landskaber af klipper og viltre skove. Gennem barnets fantasifulde blik udforskes det nordamerikanske kontinent med lige dele ærefrygt og fortryllelse, og Cather væver sideløbende historiske begivenheder ind i fiktionen.Den amerikanske forfatter og journalist Willa Cather (1873-1947) voksede op i Nebraska og blev i sin litteratur ved at vende tilbage til den vestlige stats emigrantmiljø og øde prærielandskaber. Hun skrev hele sit liv, og hendes roman "One of Ours" blev tildelt en Pulitzer pris i 1922. Når forfatterskabet vandt fornyet popularitet blandt feminister i 1970’erne, så var det måske fordi der er mange kvindelige pionerer i Cathers fortællinger.
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- 69,00 kr.
Fra 79,00 kr. " – Sådan en bandit, din kærrekusk... Han skal nok dukke op igen med en bande tyveknægte, der stjæler alt fra os...Bisontin så på Marie, hvis ansigt pludselig fik et anspændt udtryk. Han vendte sig mod den store Saura for at svare, men Pierre kom ham i forkøbet. Mens han langsomt gik fremad, tog han mål af bonden, der var to hoveder højere end han, og med en bestemt stemme, men uden at råbe, sagde han: - Jeg forbyder dig at tale på den måde. Mathieu var en af vore. Vi er her for at forsvare ham."Under Trediveårskrigen kan tømrersvenden Bisontin og hans venner godt se, at Frankrig er et usikkert sted for dem at blive. Med Bisontin som leder beslutter de sig for at flygte fra de mange farer, der lurer overalt i det krigshærgede Frankrig for at komme til Schweiz, hvor de håber at kunne skabe sig en bedre tilværelse."Søens lys" er anden del af Bernards Clavels spændende tetralogi "Himlens søjler", der fortæller om livet i Frankrig og omegn under Trediveårskrigen i første halvdel af 1600-tallet.Bernard Clavel (1923-2010) var en fransk forfatter, der skrev en lang række bøger til både unge og voksne. Han debuterede som forfatter i 1956, og mange af hans bøger er blevet oversat til fremmedsprog. Bernard Clavel har vundet flere prestigiøse litteraturpriser og er særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner.
163,99 kr. The story of "The Three Musketeers" continues in "The Man in the Iron Mask" but the plot is even more intricate. D’Artagnan, Athos, Porthos and Aramis return to the scene but this time each of them is fighting for completely different things. D’Artagnan remains in the service of the corrupt King Louis XIV while his "brothers" try to remove him from the throne. Will the four stay loyal to each other or will the friendship be destroyed? Who is the man in the iron mask and what is his role in the story? Where is he hiding and from whom? Will all those questions be answered or will a part of the story stay shrouded in mystery?B. J. Harrison started his Classic Tales Podcast back in 2007, wanting to breathe new life into classic stories. He masterfully plays with a wide array of voices and accents and has since then produced over 500 audiobooks. Now in collaboration with SAGA Egmont, his engaging narration of these famous classics is available to readers everywhere.Alexandre Dumas was a French writer who lived in the period 1802-1870. He is best known with his historical adventure novels "The Count of Monte Cristo", "The Three Musketeers" and "The Man in the Iron Mask" but his literary legacy goes way beyond these three works. Dumas wrote many essays, short stories and travelogues which recount not only his personal life, but give also give an insight into the literary life during the French Romantic Movement. As a result Alexandre Dumas is known to be one of the most popular and leading authors of the 19th century.
- Lydbog
- 163,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Los primeros mártires de Japón es una obra de teatro político de Lope de Vega. Articulada en forma de drama político, se desarrolla en torno a la conversión al cristianismo y a las intrigas palaciegas de la corte del Shogún.Félix Lope de Vega y Carpio fue un autor nacido en Madrid en 1562 y fallecido en 1635. Célebre dramaturgo y poeta, se le considera emblema del Siglo de Oro de la literatura española y uno de los autores más prolíficos de la literatura universal.
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
21,99 kr. Ein Märchen über zwei ungleiche Schwestern: Die beiden Töchter einer Witwe könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein – das jüngere Mädchen ist fleißig und liebenswürdig, die ältere Schwester boshaft und faul. Trotzdem ist Letztere der Liebling der Mutter. Als die jüngere Schwester einer alten Frau am Brunnen hilft und ihr Wasser gibt, entpuppt sich diese als gute Fee, die ihr zu wunderbaren Fähigkeiten verhilft. Als die Mutter aus Gier auch die andere Tochter zum Brunnen schickt, erkennt die Fee schnell den wahren Charakter der faulen Schwester...Charles Perrault (1628-1703) war ein französischer Schriftsteller und höherer Beamter, der mit seiner Märchensammlung „Geschichten oder Erzählungen aus alter Zeit" sehr berühmt wurde. Auch die Brüder Grimm übernahmen Erzählungen von ihm. Bereits vor seinem Jurastudium begann Perrault zu schreiben und verfasste anfangs Burlesken. Er wurde u.a. prestigeträchtiger Sekretär der „Académie française". Mit einem Gedicht löste er 1687 eine große Kontroverse aus, die als „Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes" bekannt wurde.
- Lydbog
- 21,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Wir schreiben das Jahr 1683. Ob Philosophen in London oder Dichter in Paris: Sie lieben es alle. Das neue Mode-Getränk in Europa heißt Kaffee. Er ist immens begehrt – und teuer, denn die Osmanen haben das Monopol darauf und wachen streng darüber. Wer es wagt, ihn außer Landes zu schmuggeln, wird mit dem Tod bestraft. Aber ein junger Engländer hat einen waghalsigen Plan: Mit finanzieller Unterstützung der Vereinigten Ostindischen Compagnie stellt er eine Truppe internationaler Spezialisten zusammen, um den Türken den Kaffee zu klauen. Die spektakuläre Reise scheint zunächst zu gelingen, doch dann sind immer mehr Mächte hinter ihnen her ...
- Lydbog
- 51,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Kuningas Charles Ensimmaisen puolesta taisteleva Menteithin jaarli on kokenut sotamies. Kolmenkymmenen vuoden sodassa mainetta on niittanyt myos Dugald Dalgetty, joka auttaa jaarliaan rahasta seka puhtaasti tappamisen takia. Walter Scottin kirja kertoo seka sotaretken tapahtumista etta Menteithin jaarlin yksityiselaman kiemuroista.Sodan aikana Menteithin jaarli joutuu nimittain keskelle kolmiodraamaa. Mika on kauniin mutta mysteerisen Annot Lylen tausta? Onko hanessa laisinkaan aatelista verta, ja kenet han lopulta valitsee - jaarlin, vai jaarlin hyvan ystavan?-
- E-bog
- 58,99 kr.