1640 til 1649

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  • af Margaret Meyer
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    East Anglia, 1645. Martha Hallybread, jordemor, healer og tyende, har levet et fredsommeligt liv i mere end fire årtier i sin elskede landsby, Cleftwater. Alle kender Martha, men ingen kan huske hendes stemme mere, for hun har ikke talt i årevis.Da heksejagten kommer til Cleftwater, bliver Martha hvervet til at undersøge de anklagede kvinders kroppe for beviser. For at beskytte sig selv og kvinderne i landsbyen genopliver Martha i desperation en heksedukke, en lille voksfigur, som hun har arvet fra sin mor, i håbet om at den vil bringe beskyttelse. Men kræfterne i heksedukken er sælsomme, og snart vender tidevandet; tiden rinder ud."Hekseflod" udforsker emner som skyld, synd og samvittighed, har et levende og lyrisk sprog og er inspireret af virkelige historiske hændelser. En storslået debut fra Margaret Meyer.Margaret Meyer er født i Canada, opvokset i New Zealand og bor nu i Storbritannien. Hun har tidligere arbejdet som journalist, redaktør og senest psykoterapeut og har tidligere været Director of Literature ved det britiske kulturinstitut, British Council. "Hekseflod" er hendes debutroman.

  • af Rene Descartes
    14,99 kr.

    Paru en 1641, les « Méditations métaphysiques » est un ouvrage majeur de la philosophie moderne. Il changera tout un pan de la pensée occidentale.Il s'agit d'un parcours philosophique proposé par Descartes : poser les fondements de la connaissance, en soumettant au doute radical les idées estimées vraies.Méditation après méditation, le doute se lève, et l'on peut prouver de l'existence du sujet pensant, de Dieu, des choses matérielles, et de la distinction de l'âme et du corps et de leur union en l'homme.Le texte présente un des éléments iconiques et essentiels de la pensée de Descartes, repris du « Discours de la méthode », le Cogito : « Je pense, donc je suis ».René Descartes (1596-1650) est un physicien, mathématicien et philosophe français. Il est considéré comme le fondateur de la philosophie moderne. Ses écrits, à l’époque novateurs, sont fondés sur une nouvelle méthode scientifique, telle qu’évoquée dans « Le Discours de la Méthode », première grande œuvre philosophique et scientifique écrite en français, et non en latin. Il se veut être accessible à tous. Il est l'auteur du fameux « Je pense donc je suis », et des « Méditations Métaphysiques », œuvre majeure de la philosophie moderne. Il défend Galilée, condamné en 1633 par la Sainte Inquisition pour avoir déclaré que la Terre tournait autour du Soleil. Cependant, son « Traité du monde et de la lumière » n'est publié qu'en 1664 à titre posthume.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    163,99 kr.

    The deciding Battle of Naseby looms on the horizon in this historical adventure of the English Civil War.It is more than a year since printer’s apprentice turned Parliamentarian soldier William Sparrow and his Royalist rival Hugo Telling last came to blows. Parliament’s armies, bruised beaten and humiliated despite their ever-increasing numerical advantage, have been reconstituted as the New Model Army. Sparrow, a veteran of a dozen battles, sieges and scrapes, expects to be offered a commission in ‘Black Tom’s Red Army’ – but his past has caught up with him.As the political and religious divides which have convulsed the country for three years grow more bitter by the day, the New Model Army heads north to challenge the King’s field army, commanded by the brilliant but dangerously compulsive Prince Rupert. Two worlds will collide at Naseby, where history will be made...The sixth and final thrilling instalment of The Shadow on the Crown series, Black Tom’s Red Army is perfect for fans of Conn Iggulden, Bernard Cornwell and David Gilman.Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown – Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    102,99 kr.

    Loyalty is tested to its limits in this thrilling English Civil War adventure.In the opening days of 1644, there seems to be little hope for Parliament’s soldiers. To William Sparrow and his men, the woods of Dorset are a snow-covered sanctuary – even on Christmas Day – from the horrors of Penmethock and pursuit by the King’s men. Hugo Telling has finally returned home, ready to introduce his ‘wife’, Bella Morrison, to his family. But the Telling family is now as affected by the war as any in England; Hugo’s brother has volunteered – but on Parliament’s side...When Hugo and Bella make their way back to Prince Rupert’s stronghold in Oxford, they must consider their justifications for Hugo’s absence. Surprisingly Bella is ordered to the Queen’s service, and now it is up to her to save Hugo – if, for the first time, she can put another‘s needs above her own. And all the while the Scots, the hardiest fighters of all, are making their way through the North of England, bringing new dangers and new fear to the torment that is the civil war.The fifth instalment of The Shadow on the Crown series, Stand by the Colours, is a triumph, perfect for Conn Iggulden and David Gilman's fans.Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown – Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    120,99 kr.

    Rivalry in love and battle in this historical adventure set in the English Civil War.In the late autumn of the first year of the English Civil War, William Sparrow and Hugo Telling are again caught up in the impossible confusion tearing the country and their lives apart. This time, their greatest battles, fought on both land and sea, are with a new enemy, Lord Clavincale.As they struggle through the bitterly cold Dorset winter, their hard-won experience is enough to lead their men, but never equal to capture the most alluring prize of all, Bella Morrison; especially when there is new competition for her hand...The fourth instalment of The Shadow on the Crown series, Harvest of Swords, is perfect for Bernard Cornwell and David Gilman's fans.Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown - Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    129,99 kr.

    It takes courage to survive in this atmospheric historical adventure set during the English Civil War.August 1643: the Siege of Gloucester continues. Can the weak city walls really survive against the might of the Royalists?William Sparrow and Hugo Telling may be on different sides, but their dreams and desires are the same. To find the courage to fight proudly and lead their men. For the war to be over and for the love of the incomparable Bella. But only one side can win the war, and only one man can win Bella’s heart...The third instalment of The Shadow on the Crown series, King’s Men Crow is perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell or Conn Iggulden.Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown – Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    129,99 kr.

    Rivalry and battle abound in this action-packed historical adventure of the English Civil War.1643: Sir William Waller’s army has been defeated on Roundway Down, his infantry left stranded on the bleak slopes at the mercy of the Royalist cavalry. Sir Ralph Hopton is now free to turn his attention to Parliament’s bastion in the West – Bristol.The city walls are strong enough, but Bristol has precious few men and even fewer guns with which to defend them. And to make matters worse, rumour has it that Prince Rupert, the bane of Parliament's cause, is on his way from Oxford to reinforce Hopton.But for William Sparrow, captured on Roundway, such fears are distant. His fight against the King seems to be over, and he is to be sold into slavery and shipped to the West Indies. Hugo Telling has fallen victim to confusing fighting and is a prisoner of Parliament. The war between the two men for Bella Morrison’s affections is at an impasse...The second thrilling instalment of The Shadow on the Crown series, Storming Party, is perfect for David Gilman and Bernard Cornwell's fans.Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown – Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Nicholas Carter
    120,99 kr.

    The country is in turmoil in this thrilling historical adventure of the English Civil War.It is 1643, and the struggle between Parliament and the King erupts in the West Country, tearing families apart and setting village against village. But for some, this fight is not only about crown and country: it is far more personal than that. Royalist soldier Hugo Telling wishes Parliamentarian William Sparrow dead. This rivalry will take them across battlefields the breadth of England, and all for the love of a beautiful woman...An action-packed historical adventure, the first in The Shadow on the Crown series, is perfect for fans of Conn Iggulden and Bernard Cornwell. Shadow on the Crown author Nicholas Carter is based in the West Country and has been working on his English Civil War series – on and off – for more than 30 years. A writer and journalist since leaving school, Nicholas says joining the Sealed Knot gave him priceless insights into the period – and says many of the events and characters in the books are inspired by his experiences re-enacting battles from the Scottish Highlands to Cornwall. In addition to his English Civil war series Nicholas has written two novels based on the Italian Wars and also penned a brace of steampunk fantasy novels. He is working on volume seven of the Shadow on the Crown – Forlorn Hope – plotting the New Model Army's siege of Bristol.

  • af Kurt Juul
    49,00 kr.

    Året er 1640. Måneden er august. Landet hedder Danmark. Kongen hedder Christian. Hans nummer er fire. Vi befinder os i Ribe ... og da møllersvendene Witko og Juro kommer til byen for at finde arbejde, kommer de hurtigt til at spille en hovedrolle i domfældelsen over Maren Spliid – der som en af de sidste kvinder i landet bliver brændt på bålet som heks.Kurt Juul (1937-2019) var en dansk forfatter og højskolelærer. Han debuterede som forfatter med "Egils lange rejse" i 1982 og har siden skrevet en lang række bøger for børn og unge. I 1987 modtog han sammen med Roald Als Kulturministeriets Børnebogspris for "Røverne i Rold".

  • af Heinrich Von Kleist
    Fra 36,99 kr.

    Eine Novelle über ein Erdbeben, das doch nur fast die Liebenden rettet: Als der Hauslehrer Jeronimo und seine Schülerin Josephe sich ineinander verlieben und ein uneheliches Kind bekommen, obwohl Josephes Vater sie bereits in ein Kloster gebracht hat, gibt es einen Skandal. Sie wird zum Tode verurteilt, woraufhin auch Jeronimo sich aus Verzweiflung umbringen will. Doch bevor es dazu kommt, erschüttert ein unglaubliches Erdbeben die Stadt, und die kleine Familie findet sich zufällig außerhalb der Stadt wieder. Doch gerettet sind sie damit noch nicht...Heinrich von Kleist (1777-1811) gehörte einem altpommerschen Adelsgeschlecht an, hatte jedoch trotz günstiger Voraussetzungen Zeit seines Lebens mit Problemen zu kämpfen und beging schließlich Selbstmord. Auch seine Tätigkeit beim Militär und seine diversen Studien in unterschiedlichen Städten brachten ihm nicht die erhoffte Erfüllung. Einerseits als Vertreter der Aufklärung verstanden, wird er auch oft der Weimarer Klassik und Romantik zugeordnet. Seine bekanntesten Werke sind u.a. „Die Marquise von O...", „Der zerbrochene Krug", „Michael Kohlhaas" und „Das Erdbeben von Chili".

  • af Kalman Segal
    32,99 kr.

    Powieść historyczna przedstawiająca dzieje rodziny kozackiej zamieszkującej okolice Trepczy. Fabuła obejmuje trzysta lat (1648-1948). Historia wielopokoleniowej familii sięga czasów, w których Jurko Koba otrzymuje ziemię w Trepczy. Dzieje rodu prowadzą następnie aż do okupacji niemieckiej, kiedy ginie krewny głównego bohatera.Niektóre postacie pojawiające się w powieści występują w opowiadaniach napisanych przez Segala wcześniej. Utwór obrazuje Kresy w okresie przełomu, precyzyjnie, a zarazem nostalgicznie, odmalowując polsko-ukraińską rzeczywistość.Kalman Segal – polsko-izraelski prozaik, poeta i dziennikarz. Tematyka utworów, które napisał w języku polskim, nawiązuje do wspomnień z dzieciństwa spędzonego w Sanoku. Stąd narracja skupiona jest przede wszystkim na życiu pogranicza, gdzie przenikają się wpływy polskie, ukraińskie i żydowskie.

  • af Kåre Johannessen
    Fra 79,00 kr.

    "Forræderen" foregår i den turbulente periode 1648-63 under Frederik III og Karl Gustav-krigenes tid, hvor Danmark taber Skåne, Halland og Blekinge til Sverige. Den unge Regina Dane er familiens sorte får og mistrives på Daneborg. Da Frederik III i 1648 indtager tronen efter Christian IV’s død afholdes et bal i København, hvor Regina møder kongens halvsøster Leonora Christina og rigshofmester Corfitz Ulfeldt. Regina bliver straks fascineret af ægteparrets frisindede og fandenivoldske natur, og da de efterfølgende inviterer hende på et sommerophold i København, er rammerne sat for et årelangt trekantsdrama. Regina indleder en kærlighedsaffære med Ulfeldt, og da Ulfeldt afsættes som rigshofmester efter mistanke om statsforræderi, rejser de sammen til Sverige og allierer sig med kong Karl X Gustav i fælles strategi om at vælte kong Frederik III. Bestræbelserne har dog en høj pris, som de alle tre siden hen må bøde for …