17. århundrede, 1600 til 1699
58,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1841 come parte della serie "Crimes célèbres", "L’avvelenatrice" è un racconto con cui Alexandre Dumas ha saputo cogliere perfettamente gli umori del suo pubblico, sempre in cerca di storie sanguinose e inquietanti.Il fatto che la vicenda narrata sia anche storicamente comprovata, inoltre, rende il racconto particolarmente appetibile anche per chi, ancora al giorno d’oggi, si nutre di oscuri fatti di cronaca del passato. Nella Parigi del XVII secolo, Marie-Madeleine d'Aubray – marchesa di Brinvilliers – si diletta nell’uso di veleni insieme all’amante Godin de Sainte-Croix. La strage che ne scaturisce terrorizzerà l’aristocrazia francese per anni, obbligando le autorità ad intervenire contro un male che, in piena epoca del Re Sole, non aveva ancora ricevuto l’etichetta moderna di "omicidio seriale".Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) nasce a Villers-Cotterêts, figlio di un generale della Rivoluzione Francese di origini haitiane. Cresciuto con la madre, che gestisce un piccolo spaccio di tabacchi, nel 1823 si trasferisce a Parigi, dapprima come copista del Duca di Orléans e poi affermandosi come drammaturgo. Ottenuta la fama con "Enrico III e la sua corte", ben presto Dumas si specializzerà nel romanzo storico e, a partire dal 1844, pubblicherà i suoi libri più noti: "La Regina Margot", "I Tre Moschettieri" e "Il Conte di Montecristo". Trascorre lunghi anni in viaggio – per sfuggire ai creditori – visitando vari paesi europei, la Russia e il Caucaso. Morirà nel 1870, ospite nella villa del figlio, suo omonimo e altrettanto noto scrittore.
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- 58,99 kr.
99,00 kr. Historien om den store salmedigter og biskop over Fyn, Thomas Kingo, er en historie om, hvordan det selv i 1600-tallet var muligt ved flid, klogskab og held at hæve sig fra de laveste klasser og op til de øverste trin på rangstigen.Richard Petersens biografi om Thomas Kingo handler om opvæksten i små kår som væversøn i Slangerup i Nordsjælland og om den unge drengs store evner, som skaffede ham en studieplads ved universitetet i København, hvor pesten ved hans ankomst netop var brudt ud. Den handler desuden om, hvordan håndværkersønnen steg og steg i graderne, om det danske samfund, som det så ud i det 17. århundrede, og om de mange historiske personer, han mødte på sin vej.Richard Petersen (1838-1905) var en dansk præst, forfatter og historiker, der udgav en lang række bøger om store skikkelser inden for litteraturens verden, kristendommen og historien. Richard Petersen var grundtvigianer, hvilket tydeligt kommer til udtryk i hans forfatterskab. Han er særligt kendt for sine biografier om Henrik Steffens, Frederik Barfoed, B.S. Ingemann og Jung-Stilling.
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- 99,00 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘Oronooko’ tells the story of a fictional African prince, who is duped into slavery and sent to Surinam, a British colony in South America.There, with his beloved Imoinda also enslaved, he must use every ounce of his reasoning and nobility to persuade his captors to free him.A poignant tale, ´Oroonoko´ was first staged in the UK by the Royal Shakespeare Company, and featured Jo Martin, of TV’s ‘Doctor Who.’´Oroonoko´ is a riveting read that swayed many of Behn’s critics toward abolitionism.Aphra Behn (1640 – 1689) lived many lives in one lifetime. While she is best known for her work as a poet, author, and playwright, she also worked as a spy for the court of King Charles II and spent some time in a debtor’s prison.However, very little is known about the UK’s first professional female author, possibly as the result of Aphra erasing her history to work in the field of espionage.What we do know is that a quick stay in jail prompted Behn to begin writing as a means of financing herself. Despite an initially successful run of plays, including ‘The Forc’d Marriage’, ‘The Amorous Prince’, and ‘The Dutch Lover’, critics panned her outings, on account they had discovered they had been written by a woman.However, she continued to write, and her play, ‘The Rover’, became a favourite in Charles II’s court. Towards the end of her life, Behn wrote prose until her death in 1689. She was buried in Westminster Abbey.
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- 42,99 kr.
58,99 kr. In het boek 'Zinne en minnebeelden' zijn toepasselijk 52 zinne- en minnebeelden opgenomen. Steeds gebruikt Cats dezelfde opbouw: het thema van het beeld wordt toegepast op drie verschillende levensfasen. Zo is er bijvoorbeeld de tedere uitleg van jeugdige geliefden die het beeld van liefde overbrengt. Daarentegen bevatten de zinnebeelden vaak een diepere verborgen betekenis die ligt opgesloten in de eigenschappen van aan bod komende dieren en voorwerpen.Jacob Cats (1577-1660) was een Nederlandse politicus, jurist, diplomaat en dichter. Tijdens zijn leven was hij bekend als Vader Cats, omwille van het educatieve karakter van zijn gedichten. Hij onderscheidde deugden en ondeugden, legde de huwelijksmoraal uit, net als het voor kinderen gewenste gedrag. Bekende werken zijn "Houwelick" en "Trouringh" (Huwelijk en Trouwring). Cats groeide op en woonde het grootste deel van zijn leven in Zeeland. Hij heeft zijn naam gegeven aan het Catshuis, sinds 1963 de ambtswoning van de Nederlandse minister-president.
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- 58,99 kr.
59,99 kr. ‘The War of Women II’ follows the continuing rivalry between Nanon de Lartigues and Viscountess de Cambes, who have both fallen in love with the Baron de Canolles.Unlike many of his other works, this book and its predecessor focus their attention on the two women, casting the male characters in secondary roles.Set in 17th century France, the political unrest has deepened, and chaos threatens the monarchy. However, Baron de Canolles has more pressing matters on his mind.A boisterous romp, packed with twists and turns, dastardly villains, and historical detail, this is a must for fans of Dumas’ swashbuckling stories.Alexandre Dumas (1802 – 1870) was one of the most popular French authors and playwrights of the 19th Century. After the death of his father, Dumas travelled to Paris where he eventually decided to work in the theatre. He first came to public attention at the age of 27 with his first play, ‘King Henry III and his Courts.’After a succession of successful stage plays, Dumas turned his hand to writing novels. Many of these were serialised in newspapers, such as ‘La Comtesse de Salisbury; Édouard III,’ and ‘Le Capitaine Paul.’Many of Dumas’ later works have been hailed as timeless classics and adapted for television and the silver screen, such as ‘The Three Musketeers’, starring ‘Lord of the Rings’´ Orlando Bloom, and ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’, starring ‘Superman’ star, Henry Cavill.
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- 59,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Den danske adelsmand og dommer Gunde Rosenkrantz (1604-1675) levede et spændende og begivenhedsrigt liv blandt de højeste kredse inden for den danske adel og det europæiske diplomati. Han var på alle måder et barn af sin tid, og Chr. Bruuns biografi om ham tegner således ikke blot et portræt af en enkelt mand, men af hele den tid og det samfund han var en del af.Bogen er oprindeligt udgivet i 1885.Christian Walter Bruun (1831-1906) var en dansk forfatter, historiker og bibliotekar, der opnåede stor anerkendelse for sit bidrag til forskning i dansk historie. Chr. Bruun var i en årrække forstander for Det kongelige danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie og endvidere medlem af Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab. Ved fejringen af Københavns Universitets 400 års jubilæum i 1879 blev Chr. Bruun gjort til æresdoktor. Han udgav en lang række biografier om historiske danskere og bøger om dansk historie.
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- 79,00 kr.
69,00 kr. Det vrimler med store forfattere i spansk litteratur, der på hver sin måde har bidraget til verdenslitteraturen. Blandt de mange forfattere rager tre imidlertid langt højere op end andre. I "Den spanske trilogi" fra 1884 stiller Benedicte Arnesen Kall skarpt på Miguel Cervantes, Lope de Vega og Pedro Calderón de la Barca og fører os helt ind på livet af de tre store forfattere og deres værkers særpræg.Benedicte Arnesen Kall (1813-1895) var en dansk forfatter og oversætter, der blandt andet skrev romaner, rejseskildringer, debatbøger og erindringer. Udover virket som forfatter påtog Benedicte Arnesen Kall sig det enorme arbejde at oversætte og annotere samtlige Molières komedier fra fransk til dansk. Benedicte Arnesen Kall levede et spændende liv med rejser til Italien, Grækenland, Konstantinopel og Island, som hun efterfølgende udgav rejseskildringer om.
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- 69,00 kr.
36,99 kr. Een vriendelijke maar naïeve boer ontvangt op zijn boerderij in Ouderkerk een onbekende man.De boer biedt de man onderdak aan, niet wetende dat hij eigenlijk een oplichter is. ‘S avonds haalt de oplichter een mooie, vetgemeste koe van stal en zet hem buiten op het erf. Vervolgens overtuigt hij de boer ervan dat het helemaal niet zijn koe is, maar de koe van de oplichter... In ‘De klucht van de koe’ (1612) wordt de lezer meegenomen in een verhaal vol sluwe streken. Een snelle, klassieke komedie met bijzonder gedetailleerde karakters.
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- 36,99 kr.
39,00 kr. Stavnsbåndet er på mange måder en skamplet på den danske historie, og det viser hvor grusom og ulige en samfundsorden, der herskede i Danmark i mange århundreder. A.D. Jørgensens artikel om den danske bondes stavnsbånd er skrevet til tidsskriftet "Tilskueren" i 1888 og giver et spændende indblik i, hvordan man opfattede stavnsbåndets plads i danmarkshistorien, omkring et århundrede efter det endelig var blevet ophævet.Adolph Ditlev Jørgensen (1840-1897) var en dansk forfatter, historiker og rigsarkivar, der udgav en lang række bøger om Nordens historie. I løbet af sit liv modtog A.D. Jørgensen en lang række æresbevisninger. Han blev i 1882 medlem af Det kongelige danske Selskab for Fædrelandets Historie, og året efter blev han medlem af Videnskabernes Selskab. Han blev desuden udnævnt til kommandør af 2. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor af det Filosofiske Fakultet ved Københavns Universitet.
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- 39,00 kr.
111,99 kr. Eletään 1600-lukua. Nuoren suomalaisen orpotytön Hagarin ja Ruotsin kuningatar Kristiinan välille on muodostunut ainutlaatuinen ystävyys, ja Hagar on päätynyt töihin kuningattaren kirjastoon. Kuningattaren ja Hagarin suhde ei ole kuitenkaan yksinkertainen – samanikäisten naisten ystävyyteen sisältyy paitsi intohimoisia keskusteluja tieteestä ja taiteesta, myös ankaraa kilvoittelua.Nyt Hagar on lopettanut työnsä hovissa. Mitä siitä mahtaa seurata? Risteävätkö kuningattaren ja Hagarin tiet vielä uudestaan?Tähtien turvatit 3 on jännittävän historiallisen romaanin kolmas osa.Tähtien turvatit on Zacharias Topeliuksen huima romaanisarja ystävyydestä, uskonnosta ja sodasta. Se vie lukijan keskelle kiehtovaa 1600-lukua.Zacharias "Sakari" Topelius (1818–1898) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja Helsingin yliopiston rehtori. Topeliuksen tunnetuin teos on moniosainen romaani Välskärin kertomuksia, joka julkaistiin vuosina 1853–1867. Topelius tuli tunnetuksi kuitenkin myös runoilijana ja rakastettujen satujen kirjoittajana.
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- 111,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Talvi-iltain tarinoita 4 on jännittävä kahden romaanin yhteisnide Zacharias Topeliukselta.Nuoruuden unelmia sijoittuu vuoteen 1615. On lokakuu, kun myrsky riehuu Tammisaaressa ja vierasmaalainen laiva haaksirikkoutuu kaupungin edustalle. Vain osa miehistöstä selviää paikallisten nopean toiminnan vuoksi. Mistä vierasta kieltä puhuvat miehet ovat kotoisin? Haluavatko he jotain Suomesta? Yksi miehistä osaa myös ruotsia – voiko hän todellakin olla legendaarinen sotilas Iivari Pärttylinpoika?Vernan ruusut on maaginen tarina 1700-luvulta. Kun nuori ratsuväen luutnantti kohtaa elimäkeläisen kartanon pihalla näyttävän nuoren naisen, hän on mennyttä miestä. Kuka tyttö oikein on ja mistä hänen viehätysvoimansa kumpuaa?Talvi-iltain tarinoita on viehättävä kirjasarja Zacharias Topeliukselta. Sen erilaiset kertomukset ja romaanit vievät lukijan menneeseen Suomeen.Zacharias "Sakari" Topelius (1818–1898) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja Helsingin yliopiston rehtori. Topeliuksen tunnetuin teos on moniosainen romaani Välskärin kertomuksia, joka julkaistiin vuosina 1853–1867. Topelius tuli tunnetuksi kuitenkin myös runoilijana ja rakastettujen satujen kirjoittajana.
- E-bog
- 148,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Eletään 1600-lukua. Hagar on nuori nainen, joka on syntynyt veljensä kanssa samana yönä kuin eräs hyvin merkittävä henkilö – Ruotsin kuningatar Kristiina. Tietäjä on ennustanut, että kyseisenä yönä syntyneillä on mahdollisuuksia suuriin.Kuningatar Kristiinan ja Hagarin elämät ovat muodostuneet kuitenkin varsin erilaisiksi. Mitenpä köyhä orpo Suomesta voisikaan vetää vertoja kuningattarelle? Yllättäen kuningatar Kristiinan ja Hagarin tiet kohtaavat uskomattomissa merkeissä. Ennen kuin Hagar arvaakaan, Kristiina on kutsunut hänet palatsiinsa – Hagarista on tuleva Kristiinan kirjastonhoitaja.Tähtien turvatit 2 on jännittävän historiallisen romaanin toinen osa.Tähtien turvatit on Zacharias Topeliuksen huima romaanisarja ystävyydestä, uskonnosta ja sodasta. Se vie lukijan keskelle kiehtovaa 1600-lukua.Zacharias "Sakari" Topelius (1818–1898) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja Helsingin yliopiston rehtori. Topeliuksen tunnetuin teos on moniosainen romaani Välskärin kertomuksia, joka julkaistiin vuosina 1853–1867. Topelius tuli tunnetuksi kuitenkin myös runoilijana ja rakastettujen satujen kirjoittajana.
- E-bog
- 111,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Eletään joulukuista yötä vuonna 1626. Pieni tyttö syntyy Tukholmassa rikkauksien keskelle. Samalla hetkellä Suomen puolella syntyvät kaksoset hyvin erilaisissa olosuhteissa. Heidän äitinsä kuolee synnytyksessä. Lapset jäävät orvoiksi.Tähdistä on ennustettu, että juuri kyseisenä yönä syntyneillä lapsilla on mahdollisuudet muuttaa maailmaa. Tukholmasta syntyneestä tytöstä tulee maan hallitsija, kuningatar Kristiina. Mutta miten käy Suomessa syntyneille Bennulle ja Hagarille? Onko myös orpolapsilla edessään merkittävä tarina?Tähtien turvatit 1 on jännittävän historiallisen romaanin ensimmäinen osa.Tähtien turvatit on Zacharias Topeliuksen huima romaanisarja ystävyydestä, uskonnosta ja sodasta. Se vie lukijan keskelle kiehtovaa 1600-lukua.Zacharias "Sakari" Topelius (1818–1898) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja Helsingin yliopiston rehtori. Topeliuksen tunnetuin teos on moniosainen romaani Välskärin kertomuksia, joka julkaistiin vuosina 1853–1867. Topelius tuli tunnetuksi kuitenkin myös runoilijana ja rakastettujen satujen kirjoittajana.
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- 96,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Elisabeth Maria Musch (1639-1699) had een griffier van de Staten-Generaal als vader en de dochter van schrijver Jacob Cats als moeder. Zij is de hoofdpersoon in deze klassieke roman van Jacob van Lennep. Centraal staat haar ballingschap, als weduwe van een wegens hoogverraad onthoofde diplomaat. Raadspensionair Johan de Witt wordt neergezet als de man die haar terugkeer naar Nederland onmogelijk maakt. "Elizabeth Musch" is een meeslepende roman, al moet opgemerkt worden dat Van Lennep voor één keer flink de bal missloeg wat de historische waarheid betreft. En over de vele mannen en minnaars van zijn heldin zwijgt hij in alle talen. Historische fictie, met de klemtoon op fictie.Jacob van Lennep (1802-1868) was een Nederlandse schrijver, dichter, taalkundige, advocaat en politicus. Hij was de belangrijkste 19de-eeuwse schrijver van Nederlandse historische romans. Zijn bekendste titels zijn "Elisabeth Musch" en "De roos van Dekama", allebei romans die belangrijke episodes uit de Nederlandse geschiedenis als achtergrond nemen. Van Lennep is ook de literatuurgeschiedenis ingegaan als de man die Multatuli’s "Max Havelaar" op de markt bracht, in een politiek afgezwakte versie, tot grote woede van de auteur.
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- 148,99 kr.
148,99 kr. Vitus von Campodios hat endlich gefunden, wonach er so lange gesucht hat: eine Familie und damit die Wahrheit über seine Herkunft. Als sein Großonkel ihn auf dem Totenbett bittet, nach seiner Enkelin Arlette zu suchen, beginnt für Vitus die nächste große Reise. Er ist in Arlette verliebt, seit er sie zum ersten Mal gesehen hat, und würde alles tun, um sie zu finden. Auf seiner Reise nach der Liebe stößt er auf Hindernisse und Gefahren. Wird er es schaffen, sie rechtzeitig zu finden? "Der Chirurg von Campodios" knüpft an "Der Wanderchirurg" an und führt Leser*innen das nächste, große Abenteuer.Wolf Serno (1944) ist ein deutscher Autor, der mit seiner Wanderchirurgen-Reihe große Erfolge feierte. Bevor er 1997 Vollzeit-Autor wurde, arbeitete er als Messegestalter, Elektriker und Theaterbeleuchter. Heute lebt und arbeitet er in Hamburg.
- Lydbog
- 148,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Grote historici zijn in staat om de clichés te doorprikken. Iedere Nederlander kent de 17de eeuw als de Gouden Eeuw, maar Huizinga zet in deze beknopte grote vraagtekens bij die term. Hij probeert een genuanceerd beeld van de 17de eeuw te schetsen en vindt een tijd van evenwicht, matigheid en harmonie. Nederland was politiek achter op de rest van Europa, maar de Middeleeuwse machtsverhoudingen werden door de economische groei wel subtiel gewijzigd. Huizinga is ook geboeid door de sterke neergang van de Nederlandse cultuur in de 18de eeuw en vraagt zich af hoe de situatie zo snel zo radicaal kon veranderen. Met zijn typische oog voor schoonheid legt hij dwarsverbanden tussen maatschappij en kunst, politiek en Vermeer.De Nederlandse historicus Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) was al bij leven een internationale beroemdheid. Zijn belangrijkste werken zijn "Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen" (1919), "Erasmus" (1924), "In de schaduwen van morgen" (1935) en "Homo ludens" (1938). Hij was een groot stilistisch talent en schreef over het verleden in een zintuiglijke stijl. Historicus Willem Otterspeer schreef dat Huizinga "een historisch zintuig" had. Schrijver Jeroen Brouwers vond dat Huizinga’s "Herfsttij der Middeleeuwen" deel zou moeten uitmaken van de literaire canon.
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- 51,99 kr.
77,99 kr. In this great historical adventure novel, Ransal Holles, a former soldier in Cromwell’s army, feels like there is no place for him now that the monarchy has been restored and the exploits of the Republicans are being condemned.Desperate for an escape from his hopeless situation and the very certain threat of execution that lingers over him, Holles has no choice but to accept the Duke of Wellington’s commission to abduct a famous actress and bring her to him.Set in London, 1665, ‘Fortune's Fool’ by Rafael Sabatini is a story of love, adventure, villains, and swashbuckling heroes that will be enjoyed by fans of 'The Three Musketeers' and Hilary Mantel’s 'Wolf Hall'.Rafael Sabatini was an Italian-English writer of romance and adventure novels. He produced 34 novels, eight short story collections, six non-fiction books, several uncollected short stories, and several plays, and he is best known for his worldwide bestsellers; ´The Sea Hawk´, ´Scaramouche´, and ´Bellarion the Fortunate´.
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- 77,99 kr.
125,99 kr. Una impresionante obra maestra. Una novela épica sobre la civilización británica que recorre la vida de cinco familias inglesas a través de los siglos.Con Sarum, Edward Rutherfurd se adentra esta vez en los entresijos históricos de la civilización británica, civilización que cobra vida a través de los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en la zona de Salisbury a lo largo de casi cien siglos.Los parajes de Salisbury serán el escenario por el que transcurran las agitadas vidas de cinco familias muy diferentes. Se trata de los Wilson y los Shockley, envueltos en una espiral de rivalidad y venganza durante más de cuatrocientos años; de los Mason, involucrados en la creación de lugares como Stonehenge o la catedral de Salisbury; de los Porteus, descendientes de un joven soldado romano en el exilio; y de la familia aristocrática de los Godfrey, que caerán en la absoluta miseria antes de lograr recuperar su fortuna.Un minucioso retrato de la civilización británica firmado por uno de los grandes maestros de la novela histórica que nos recuerda que son los destinos individuales los que trazan el devenir de los grandes acontecimientos.Edward Rutherfurd nació en Salisbury, Inglaterra. Se diplomó en historia y literatura por Cambridge. Es el autor de Sarum, El bosque, Londres, París, Nueva York, Rusia, Rebeldes de Irlanda, Príncipes de Irlanda y China.En todas sus novelas Rutherfurd nos ofrece una rica panorámica de las ciudades más atractivas del mundo a través de personajes ficticios y reales que se ponen al servicio de una investigación minuciosa en lo que ya se ha convertido el sello particular de autor.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
58,99 kr. Mediados del siglo XVII. Héctor Quispe es un joven huérfano que vive en la zona del Caribe junto a Sofía Espinosa, su hermosa prometida. Sus días transcurren felices hasta la llegada de Don Beltrán de Jovellanos, un aristócrata conocedor de la magia negra que se encapricha de Sofía y la rapta. En tan fatales circunstancias aparece un hombre siniestro y violento llamado el Puma que dice tener sed de venganza. Quispe y el Puma unirán sus fuerzas en una aventura tan fantástica como infernal en la que transitarán lugares misteriosos y se enfrentarán a criaturas jamás vistas.Enrique Dueñas es licenciado en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Máster de guión de Cine y Televisión por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Aficionado a la literatura fantástica y a los juegos de cartas desde niño, combina su actividad como escritor con el diseño de juegos de tablero para distintas editoriales.
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- 58,99 kr.
68,99 kr. ‘600 Quotations from the Great Writers of the 17th Century’ features the wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest-ever writers, including Miguel de Cervantes, novelist and scientist Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, French playwright Jean Racine, and English playwright William Shakespeare, one of the most quoted people in the world.This carefully curated compilation is motivating, insightful, and entertaining and will delight those who are looking for an extra dose of inspiration.Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) is renowned for his best-selling novel ‘Don Quixote’, which has been adapted for TV and film on many occasions. German poet and playwright, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), is the author of the acclaimed ‘Metamorphosis of Plants’ and ‘Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship’.French playwright Jean Racine (1639-1699) is one of the greatest playwrights of the 17th century and the author of ‘Phèdre’, ‘Andromaque’, and ‘Athalie’. William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is considered one of the most famous English playwrights and the author of ‘Hamlet’, ‘Macbeth’, ‘Romeo & Juliet. His works continue to entertain and inspire to this day.
- Lydbog
- 68,99 kr.
60,99 kr. ‘400 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 17th Century’ features the unparalleled wit and wisdom of some of the 17th century’s greatest philosophers, including Voltaire and Montesquieu.These great minds are responsible for some of the most famous quotes in the world, and their influence continues to this day. Guaranteed to educate and entertain, ‘400 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 17th Century’ is a hand-picked collection ideal for those needing a bit of extra philosophical guidance.Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu (1689-1755) was a French historian and political philosopher, famous for his work ‘The Spirit of Law’ which influenced the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.Voltaire (1694-1778) was a French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher famous for his novella ‘Candide’. He famously criticised Christianity and slavery and advocated for freedom of speech and the separation of church and state.Baruch Spinoza (1635-1677) was a leading philosophical figure of the Dutch Golden Age and wrote the influential ‘Ethics’.Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French mathematician, philosopher, and writer. His two most famous works are ‘The Lettres Provinciales’ and ‘The Pensées’.
- Lydbog
- 60,99 kr.
120,99 kr. This Polish 'Gone with the Wind’ is set in 17th century Poland during the Cossack-Polish War as the Kingdom of Poland struggles to maintain unity. It is a historical epic, in the same vein as Dumas or Walter Scott, where a stunning plot is weaved through actual history to create compelling and brilliantly grounded characters.An epic story with a stunning ensemble of real and fictitious characters, whose passion and vitriol leap off the page. It is a novel of Polish identity and belonging, written in a time of Polish partition, which brought immense patriotic pride to the embattled nation. It is a novel that has rightly earned its place as an epic. If you loved the BBCs ‘War and Peace’ you will love this classic tale.Henryk Sienkiewicz (1846-1916) was a Polish fiction writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, for his outstanding merits as a writer of epic fiction. He became one of the most famous authors in Poland at the end of the 19th century before translations of his work catapulted him to international renown. Many of his works remain in print today with his most famous novels being ‘With Fire and Sword, ‘Quo Vadis’ and ‘Sir Michael’.
- E-bog
- 120,99 kr.
79,00 kr. Court Tancke rejser i midten af 1600-tallet rundt i Europa for at købe kunst og rariteter til den danske konge. Samtidig er charlatanen Kaj Lykke på flugt for sit liv, da han i Danmark er dømt for majestætsfornærmelse. Han jages af dronningens to politispioner, Wahl og Brylle, som ihærdigt tilsidesætter alt for at fange ham og bringe ham bag lås og slå. Tancke fascineres af Lykke, som har et næsten umenneskeligt tag på kvinder, og snart er Tancke filtret ind i det ene farlige optrin efter det andet, alt imens han får den første spæde idé til det, der engang skal blive til lysbilledet, som vi kender det i dag.Kun få forfattere har været så konsekvente i deres litterære tematikker som Bo Reinholdt. Derfor handler hans nye roman ligeledes som flere af de foregående, om synet og billedet. "Tancke" er (som altid) en sproglige afsøgning af det visuelle felt — af øjets utrættelige arbejde, af farvernes spil på himlen og de uendeligt mange og sammensatte perspektiver vores virkeligheder er udgjort af.Med "Tancke" indbyder Bo Reinholdt igen sine læserne ind i hans særegne litterære verden, hvor kunsthistorie, billedtænkning, spænding og mystik væves sammen i et mesterligt og idiosynkratisk sprog.Bo Reinholdt (født 1948) debuterede i 1983 med "Akefalens vidnesbyrd" og har senest udgivet romanen "Focus Puller" (2020). I alt tæller Reinholdts forfatterskab mere end 18 udgivelser, fordelt over fire årtier.
- Lydbog
- 79,00 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘The Pirate’ is a thrilling adventure novel by Walter Scott. The story takes place on the edge of civilisation in the remote Shetland Isles during the 17th Century as a mysterious man washes up on their secluded shores. The mystery man is rescued by the lovelorn Mordaunt, but they soon become rivals as they vie for the attention of two sisters. It is later revealed that the enigmatic stranger is a pirate captain, and violence ensues as the sisters are taken hostage and Mordaunt must rescue them. ‘The Pirate’ features some of Scott’s finest romantic prose as he vividly depicts the isolation and beauty of the islands north of the Scottish Mainland. There are some gothic elements to the tale as the heroes are aided in their quest to defeat the pirates by the mystical Norna whose poetic dialogue was celebrated at the time of the book’s release. Although this is a historical novel the theme of changing culture and fear of societal shifts remains timely. ‘The Pirate’ is a riveting novel teeming with adventure, danger, and romance that is recommended for fans of historical fiction or adventure stories such as ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’.Walter Scott (1771 – 1832) was a Scottish writer, poet, and historian. Fascinated by traditional storytelling, during the 1790s Scott dedicated himself to researching and collecting ballads and published the epic collection ‘Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border’ in 1802. A prominent poet, Scott also wrote and published a range of poems, including the popular ‘The Lady of the Lake.’ His first historical novel ‘Waverley’ was published in 1814, whereupon it was an immediate success, receiving critical acclaim and selling out many printings. His best-known work ‘Ivanhoe’ followed in 1820. Scott died in 1832 at the age of 61. He was commemorated after his death with monuments in Edinburgh, Glasgow, and New York due to his impact on western literature. His literary works influenced and inspired many other great authors such as Virginia Woolf. Internationally renowned, Scott’s literary legacy continues to be felt all over the world to this day.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Set in the 1600s ‘Hunted and Harried’ by prolific author R.M. Ballantyne is set against the backdrop of the conflict between the Scottish Kirk and the king of England. Will Wallace sets out on a mission for the king to find the vocal and defiant Scotsman Andrew Black, but when the pair finally encounter one another Will soon finds his beliefs challenged. A violent and sometimes graphic tale of persecution and martyrdom.R.M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) was a Scottish artist and prolific author of mostly children’s fiction. Born in Edinburgh, Ballantyne was the ninth of ten children. At the age of 16 Ballantyne moved to Canada, where he worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company, travelling all over the country to trade for fur. He returned to Scotland in 1847 following the death of his father, and it was then that he began his literary career in earnest, writing over 100 children’s adventure books over the course of his life. Stories such as ‘The Coral Island’ and ‘The Young Fur Traders’ were hugely popular, and many of them drew on his own experiences of travelling throughout Canada. A stickler for detail, Ballantyne continued to travel widely to research the backgrounds and settings for his exciting stories. His tales became an inspiration for authors of the future, including ‘Treasure Island’ novelist Robert Louis Stevenson. Ballantyne spent the latter period of his life living in London and Italy for the sake of his health. He died in Rome in 1894 at the age of 68.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The King of Pirates’ is an entertaining and creative story by Daniel Defoe. Written as Captain Avery, the notorious and feared pirate king, the book is told in two letters as Avery reveals the truth about his swashbuckling adventures. Defoe takes the reader on a captivating journey from South America to Asia as the infamous pirates encounter danger and discover lost treasure. Defoe’s thrilling stories about pirates have influenced films such as ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ and created the modern-day image of pirates. This novel controversially portrays pirates as heroes and not villains in a gripping and humorous manner. ‘The King of Pirates’ should be read by fans of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ and ‘A General History of the Pyrates’.Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731) is one of the most important authors in the English language. Defoe was one of the original English novelists and greatly helped to popularise the form. Defoe was highly prolific and is believed to have written over 300 works ranging from novels to political pamphlets. He was highly celebrated but also controversial as his writings influenced politicians but also led to Defoe being imprisoned. Defoe’s novels have been translated into many languages and are still read across the globe to this day. Some of his most famous books include ‘Moll Flanders’ and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ which was adapted into a movie starring Pierce Brosnan and Damian Lewis in 1997. Defoe’s influence on English novels cannot be understated and his legacy lives on to this day.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
96,99 kr. Enontekiön markkinat ovat juuri alkamassa. Vilinää ja vilskettä on tavallista enemmän; lapsia juoksentelee ympäriinsä, miehet ovat kauppatavaroineen päämäärätietoisia. Paikalle saapuu myös Enontekiön kappalainen, Olaus Sirma. Sirma on itsekin syntyperäinen saamelainen. Hänellä on kuitenkin edessään vaikea tehtävä. Kuinka istuttaa kristinusko Lappiin, jossa on vahva kansanusko? Mikä avuksi, kun kansa käy kirkossa mutta käyttää kuitenkin vapaa-ajallaan noitarumpuja? Sirma tekee myös suuren työn kääntäessään katekismuksen saamen kielelle.Risti ja noitarumpu on historiallinen romaani Olaus Sirman (1655–1719) elämästä.Arvi Järventaus (1883–1939) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja pappi. Järventauksen romaaneista tunnetaan parhaiten hänen esikoisteoksensa "Risti ja noitarumpu".
- E-bog
- 96,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘A General History of the Pyrates’ is a captivating account of some of history’s most notorious pirates. The author, writing as Captain Charles Johnson, blends fiction and non-fiction to provide readers with a most entertaining version of these iconic heroes and villains. This book was a massive success upon its first release due to its adventurous stories filled with danger and treasure and its influence lives on to this day as it shaped the modern view of pirates. Some of the best accounts in the book are of the infamous Blackbeard and the trailblazing female pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read. ‘A General History of the Pyrates’ is the definitive story of the golden age of piracy and should be read by fans of books such as ‘Treasure Island’ and movies such as ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’.Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731) is one of the most important authors in the English language. Defoe was one of the original English novelists and greatly helped to popularise the form. Defoe was highly prolific and is believed to have written over 300 works ranging from novels to political pamphlets. He was highly celebrated but also controversial as his writings influenced politicians but also led to Defoe being imprisoned. Defoe’s novels have been translated into many languages and are still read across the globe to this day. Some of his most famous books include ‘Moll Flanders’ and ‘Robinson Crusoe’ which was adapted into a movie starring Pierce Brosnan and Damian Lewis in 1997. Defoe’s influence on English novels cannot be understated and his legacy lives on to this day.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Set in Paris during King Louis the fourteenth's reign, E.T.A Hoffmann's 'Mademoiselle Scuderi' throws the reader into a city under siege from an organised group of thieves who rob citizens of their expensive jewellery. Aristocrat, Mademoiselle Scuderi, pens a poem mocking the men who now fear going out at night to see their mistresses but when an unexpected man visits her and delivers a box of jewellery, as thanks for supporting the thieves, Scuderi is plunged into a dangerous game of passion, crime, and murder.People who enjoyed Netflix’s adaptation of ‘Lupin’ shouldn’t hesitate to read Hoffmann's exciting crime thriller 'Mademoiselle Scuderi'E.T.A Hoffmann was a German author of fantasy, and gothic horror, and was highly influential on the Romantic Movement. He is perhaps best known for writing the novella 'The Nutcracker and the Mouse King' which was the inspiration for Tchaikovsky's ballet 'The Nutcracker'.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
Fra 37,99 kr. El pescador cuenta sus aventuras –extrañas aventuras– y le da una vuelta de tuerca a cada anécdota. Por momentos el pescador filosofa, pero nunca se detiene ni se pone solemne. En cambio busca moverse al ras de lo que recuerda, y siempre está listo para retomar el hilo. El pescador salta de un tiempo a otro. Salta entre los tiempos de su vida, salta entre los tiempos de la historia.Estamos ante un personaje bien latinoamericano que dice cosas muy peculiares sobre lo que ocurrió con los europeos (y sin los europeos) en el continente.Juan Camacho entra a hablarnos de reyes, piratas, amores y dragones, o del arte de pescar, en un monólogo que fluye como los mejores ríos y los mejores cuentos.