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Fra 149,00 kr. Ny bog i Egypten-serien fra adventure-mesteren, Wilbur Smith. EN USTOPPELIG FJENDE. EN CIVILISATION PÅ RANDEN AF KOLLAPS. EN FAREFULD MISSION.I over halvtreds år har Egypten eksisteret i skyggen af krig og ødelæggelse under det blodtørstige og barbariske Hyksos-folk. Det er desperate tider, men en tapper modstandsgruppe med den mægtige Taita i spidsen kæmper endnu imod.Piay, Taitas unge protegé, er blevet en uforlignelig spion, og han rejser mod nord til Mykene på en farlig mission - gennem Hyksos-folkets områder og over det store hav - for at finde allierede til kampen for Egypten. Situationen bliver stadigt mere farlig og rigets skæbne balancerer på en knivsæg. Vil Piay lykkes med sin mission, eller vil dette betyde enden for Egyptens storhed for evigt?
42,99 kr. ‘100 Quotes by Lao Tseu’ is a collection of thoughts and reflections by one of the most influential figures in Chinese philosophy.Thoughtful, reflective, and with a focus on personal development, his ideas are food for any hungry soul.An ideal read for those with an interest in philosophy, this book is superb for dipping in and out of, particularly if you’re in search of a drop of practical wisdom.Commonly referred to as the ‘Old Master,’ Lao Tseu (4th century) is thought to have been born in the Hu district, part of the Henan province. What little is known about him suggests that he was a court astrologer and historian under the Zhou dynasty.According to legend, Tseu met Confucius and accused him of being too arrogant and ambitious. Subsequently, Confucius hailed him as something close to a dragon, seeing the world from above the clouds.Tseu’s travels are equally shrouded in mythology, with many stating that he travelled to the pass separating the Wei valleys and the Yellow River. There, he was challenged to write a book, by the guardian, Yinxi. The result was the ‘Daodejing,’ Tseu’s thoughts on the purpose and fulfilment of life.
- Lydbog
- 42,99 kr.