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  • af Mary Shelley
    38,99 kr.

    While out walking with his fiancé Juliet in Virginia Waters, a young Neville stumbles across the unmarked grave of his childhood friend, Ellen. Juliet demands to know the truth and Neville is forced to reveal a long held secret and face up to his heart-breaking past. ‘The Mourner (1829) is a classic, short story by the English writer Mary Shelley, famous for her best-selling novel ‘Frankenstein’. This tale is a reflection of the grief and guilt experienced by Shelley after her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned at sea.Mary Shelley (1797–1851) was an English author and travel writer best known for her ground-breaking Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). Considered one of the first true works of science-fiction, the book became an instant bestseller.It has been adapted for TV, stage and film on many occasions, with Boris Karloff famously playing Frankenstein’s monster on screen in 1933. Other adaptations include ‘Mary Shelley's Frankenstein’ (1994) starring Kenneth Branagh and Robert De Niro and ‘Viktor Frankenstein’ (2015) starring Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy.Shelley’s other novels include Valperga (1823), The Last Man (1826), Perkin Warbeck (1830), Lodore (1835), Falkner (1837) and the posthumously published Mathilde (1959). However, she will always be remembered as the creator of Frankenstein.The book continues to influence filmmakers, writers and popular culture to this day, inspiring and terrifying new audiences the world over.

  • af Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    38,99 kr.

    Suffrage Songs and Verses, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a collection of 25 poems which advocates the suffragette movement and women’s rights. Published in 1911, the poetry anthology includes both famous and lesser-known works such as ‘Women of To-day’, ‘Boys Will Be Boys’ and ‘The Socialist and the Suffragist’, and is a clear inspiration for modern feminist writers and pro-women’s rights campaigners. Now seen as a classic selection of American female poetry and inspirational literature, this forward-thinking anthology examines the role of women in a pre-WW1 patriarchal society – and was one of many works to inspire the 2015 British historical drama film ‘Suffragette’ which starred Carey Mulligan, Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne‑Marie Duff. A selection of Perkins’ work featured in this book were originally published in the book ‘In this our World’ in 1898. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s best known work was her autobiographical-inspired short story ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’, written about her experience of severe postnatal depression, which was made into a 2011 gothic thriller film by Logan Thomas.Charlotte Perkins Gilman, also known as Charlotte Perkins Stetson, was born on 3rd July 1860 in Connecticut, USA. Her early family life was troubled, with her father abandoning his wife and family; a move which strongly influenced her feminist political leanings and advocator of women’s rights. After jobs as a tutor and painter, Perkins – a self-declared humanist and ‘tom boy’ – began to work as a writer of short stories, novels, non-fiction pieces and poetry. Her best-known work is her semi-autobiographical short story, inspired by her post-natal depression, entitled ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ which was published in 1892 and made into a film in 2011. A member of the American National Women's Hall of Fame, Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a strong believer that "the domestic environment oppressed women through the patriarchal beliefs upheld by society". A believer in euthanasia, she was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer in January 1932 and chose to take her own life in August 1935, writing in her suicide note that she "chose chloroform over cancer".

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    When Professor Serebrakoff and his younger wife, Helena, return to his rural estate, they find themselves less than welcome. Despite the smiles and formality, there is tension in the air and all roads lead to Helena. A family friend, Dr. Astrov quickly falls in love with her, as does the eponymous uncle. ‘Uncle Vanya: Scenes from Country Life’ is one of Chekhov’s greatest plays, and expertly demonstrates the power of subtext. What most of the characters say in this play, is not necessarily mean. It has been performed countless times across the world, most notably starring Toby Jones, Ciaran Hinds, Cate Blanchett, Peter Dinklage and Ian McKellen.Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860 – 1904) was born in Taganrog, in Southern Russia. The son of a grocer, and the third of six children, he was educated at the local Greek School. After Chekhov’s father became bankrupt, the family lived in poverty, before fleeing to Moscow to avoid debtor’s prison.After writing a series of tales for various publications, Chekhov started to gain critical attention. However, it was a trip to the Ukraine that put the literary wheels in motion. After the publication of his novella, ‘The Steppe,’ he was commissioned to write a play, resulting in ‘Ivanov.’Over the course of his career, Chekhov wrote more than 200 short stories, and 14 plays. Works, such as ‘The Seagull,’ ‘The Cherry Orchard,’ and ‘Uncle Vanya,’ have been performed on stages across the world.

  • af Charles Dickens
    77,99 kr.

    'Like a chaotic magic-lantern show, fascinated both by the spectacle it offers and by himself as spectator.'Pictures from Italy is a travelogue by Charles Dickens.In 1844 Charles Dickens took a break from writing novels and travelled through Italy. While there he visited the sites of Rome, Naples, Venice and Florence, however, it was the Italians themselves and their streets and lifestyle that caught Dickens' imagination.This book is a treasure for anyone wanting to dig a little more into the life of Charles Dickens and find out about the man behind the famous stories.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    Charles Dickens is renowned as one of the best writers of the Victorian era, and his after-dinner speeches were very much in demand during his lifetime. Dickens spoke on public occasions as a literature representative, and in sympathy with humanitarian movements. He even delivered a speech at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane, London on Wednesday, 27th June 1855. On one occasion, Dickens became critical of the administrative costs of running a charity and certainly didn't hold back in saying so. "I say openly, and plainly, that this fund is pompously and unnaturally administered at great expense, instead of being quietly administered at small expense."Can you imagine enjoying a meal in the 19th century and suddenly Charles Dickens stands up to deliver a speech? This collection of speeches from Charles Dickens allows readers to experience that moment for themselves.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Kate Chopin
    77,99 kr.

    Love for unavailable men, regret, unhappy marriages, priests and an old woman losing her memory, these stories cover many issues we still face today.A young woman tired of marriage resolves to leave her husband, making her way to New Orleans alone. Finished with work for the day, Telèsphore decides to take the train into town. A woman content with spinsterhood unexpectedly finds herself responsible for her neighbour’s four young children.'A Night in Acadie' is a collection of short stories by Kate Chopin and a fantastic read for any classics fan.Kate Chopin (1850-1904), born Katherine O’Flaherty, was an American writer of novels and short stories mostly set in the 19th-century American South. Her works deal with themes of the female psyche and women's limited life opportunities in the Victorian era, often in a naturalist style. She was considered controversial in her time, but is now praised as a pioneer of 20th-century feminist American literature.Her most famous works include the novel ‘The Awakening’ (1899), which explores themes of rebellion against femininity and motherhood at the turn of the 20th century. Adaptations of this title include Grand Isle (1991) starring Kelly McGillis and Adrian Pasdar, and The End of August (1981).

  • af Edward Prime-Stevenson
    42,99 kr.

    It’s Budapest, early 20th century. Oswold is spending the summer at a language school, whilst Imre, a Hungarian calvary officer, is on leave. In the hustle and bustle of a café nestled deep in the city, the two men meet. As their companionship grows in the most unlikely of circumstances, their story is about to carve its own ending...At a time when society was less than kind to the gay community, Edward Prime-Stevenson’s psychological romance weaves a beautifully unexpected tale. Written under the pseudonym of Xavier Mayne, ‘Imre’ marks a turning point in LGBTQ+ literature. The openly gay love story is perfect for fans of ‘Call Me by Your Name’ with of Timothée Chalamet.Edward Prime-Stevenson, pseudonym of Xavier Mayne (1858-1942), was an American writer, journalist and author. Celebrated today as having written the first openly gay novel with a happy ending, his work spans early YA novels such as ‘The White Cockades: An Incident in the "Forty-five"' and ‘Left to Themselves: Being the Ordeal of Philip and Gerald.’ In 1908, Prime-Stevenson published the nonfiction book ‘The Intersexes’; a comprehensive analysis and defence of homosexuality to date. Today, he is remembered as having marked a turning point in English literature and remains an outstanding observer of the early 20th century LGBT scene.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    The majority of the poems in this collection ‘The Poems and Verses’ are a classic collection of poetic works by Charles Dickens. They are brought together in this anthology after appearing in Dickens' other works, including ‘The Pickwick Papers’ and several plays that he wrote together with Wilkie Collins.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    59,99 kr.

    ‘Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ is a second collection of short stories written by the renowned author of ‘Great Expectations’, Charles Dickens. First published in ‘Household Words’, Pearl-Fishing – Second Series’ follows Dickens’ first anthology of short stories ‘Pearl-Fishing – First Series’. Featuring titles such as ‘The Young Advocate’, ‘The Last of a Long Line’, ‘Evil is Wrought by Want of Thought’ and ‘The Home of Woodruffe the Gardener’, amongst others. These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine when they were first published and are still classic reads to be enjoyed by any modern-day fan of Charles Dickens.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    Charles Dickens' ‘Children Stories’ is a collection of tales for kids from one of history’s finest storytellers. In this wonderful anthology, children are introduced to characters who also appear in Dickens’ adult fiction including; Tiny Tim from ‘A Christmas Carol’, Trotty Veck and his daughter Meg from ‘The Chimes’, Oliver Twist and Little David Copperfield among other entertaining characters that we already know and love. These stories are the perfect bedtime reading, with wonderful tales to read out loud. Children and adults alike will delight in hearing them.Regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era, Charles Dickens is best known for creating some of the world’s best known fictional characters who feature in his most popular novels, including The Artful Dodger in 'Oliver Twist’, Ebenezer Scrooge in ‘A Christmas Carol’, and Miss Havisham in ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens’ timeless novels and short stories are still widely read today and many have been adapted into countless TV programmes and films including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’, and 'A Christmas Carol' which is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time.

  • af Kate Chopin
    77,99 kr.

    A wide-ranging collection from classics of fiction tales to humorous sketches to romances, these short stories, with their interesting and diverse characters, have something for everyone.‘Desiree’s Baby’ deals with mixed-race children, with a surprise ending that subtly questions the feelings of racial superiority.‘La Belle Zoraide’ is about the cruelty of slaveholders in trying to arrange a marriage between a creole beauty and a mulatto she doesn’t love.‘A Lady of Bayou St. John’ tells the tale of a young married woman in a lonely marriage who is attracted to another man and believes she will go "anywhere, anywhere" with him.You may well find yourself curled up on your sofa one evening reading all these great stories in one sitting!Kate Chopin (1850-1904), born Katherine O’Flaherty, was an American writer of novels and short stories mostly set in the 19th-century American South. Her works deal with themes of the female psyche and women's limited life opportunities in the Victorian era, often in a naturalist style. She was considered controversial in her time, but is now praised as a pioneer of 20th-century feminist American literature.Her most famous works include the novel ‘The Awakening’ (1899), which explores themes of rebellion against femininity and motherhood at the turn of the 20th century. Adaptations of this title include Grand Isle (1991) starring Kelly McGillis and Adrian Pasdar, and The End of August (1981).

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    'The carpenter's daughter has won a name for herself, and deserved to win it.'"Contributions to 'All the Year Round'" by Charles Dickens is a collection of short stories originally published in 'All the Year Round' - a weekly British literary journal which was founded and owned by Charles Dickens himself.Featuring titles such as 'The Poor Man and his Beer', 'Five New Points of Criminal Law', 'Leigh Hunt: A Remonstrance', 'The Young Man from the Country' and 'The Late Mr Stanfield' among others.These tales were very popular amongst readers of the magazine and will be with any classics and Charles Dickens fan too.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af Tilly Tennant
    102,99 kr.

    She’s given up on love. But one little letter might change everything...Single mum Bonnie is a born romantic. But she’s been seriously let down by love. Her good-for-nothing husband walked out on her and daughter Paige two years ago, and hasn’t been heard from since.Between trying to make ends meet, managing teenage mood swings and the serious lack of eligible bachelors in her small town, Bonnie has all but given up on finding her happily ever after.Although if real-life romance is in short supply, it doesn’t mean Bonnie can’t indulge in a harmless imaginary one. She’s started writing to her totally unattainable dream man, baring her soul before screwing up the pages and tossing them straight in the trash...But when fate intervenes and Bonnie actually meets the man she never thought she could have, events take an interesting turn. Envelopes addressed to her start mysteriously arriving on her doorstep. Although Bonnie never sent him any of the letters she wrote, he has now begun writing to her.Is Bonnie about to discover that dreams really do come true?A fabulously funny and warm romantic comedy that fans of Josie Silver, Holly Martin and Lindsey Kelk will absolutely love!Previously published as Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn.Praise for The Time of My Life:‘Has you hooked from page one with its light-hearted comedy... Tilly really managed to weave magic with this book... I just could not put it down and I was desperately sad when I reached the end.’ Goodreads Reviewer‘I loved this book. Tilly Tennant has an amazing gift of story-telling.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Tilly has sold over 280,000 copies. Previously published as Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn.For fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie SilverFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • af Alys Murray
    102,99 kr.

    "Tugged on my heartstrings... I loved every minute I spent reading this adorable story... my heart was aching... Such a sweet heart-warming story" Audio Killed the BookmarkCan you ever really forget your first love?It’s been eight long years since May Anderson’s high school sweetheart Tom Riley drove down Main Street in his truck, leaving Hillsboro—and May—in his rearview mirror. Now he’s back and, try as they might, the pair can’t avoid each other.As Hillsboro prepares to host the prestigious North West Food and Wine Festival, Tom and May are reluctantly called in to plan the big event. Tom needs May’s help to repair his bad-boy reputation and, with the whole town counting on them, May and Tom need to learn to trust each other again.May is determined to protect her heart, but a lot has changed since high school. She can’t help but notice how the skinny boy she used to know is now a man who perfectly fills out his button-down, and Tom can’t seem to tear his gaze away from May’s sweet smile. It’s clear old feelings are surfacing again, but there is a secret keeping them apart and, until they find the courage to face it, their second chance summer will be only that...A heartwarming story about first love, family and the importance of second chances. Fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber and Robyn Carr will adore Sweet Pea Summer.Readers love Sweet Pea Summer:"I binge-read this book... Very charming setting in a charming town. Highly recommend this great summer read!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars"Read as fast as I could. It's a heartwarming read perfect for escaping from these bleak times and I thoroughly enjoyed it." Scrapping and Playing, 5 stars"Right away, I knew I was going to love Sweet Pea Summer... It set a standard of charm, romance, and lovability that will be incredibly difficult for other summer reads to outdo." Tamsterdam Reads, 5 stars"I loved this book. Great storyline, characters, humor, romance and emotions. Everything I look for in a great book. This is one book you need to read and enjoy." Goodreads reviewer, 5 starsThe first book featuring the Anderson family, The Magnolia Sisters, reached #40 in the US top 100. Alys' previous title, The Christmas Company, was turned into a Hallmark movie.Alys Murray writes novels for the romantic in all of us. Born and raised in New Orleans, she received her BFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and her Master's in Film Studies from King's College London. Though she's moved away from home, she'll always be a Southern girl at heart.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    Demelza is caught up in the middle of chaos when her brother rents their family home to Valient, Earl of Trevarnon and his friends during the Royal Ascot races. Infamous playboy Trevarnon wins over Demelza, despite him being married. As she explores the secret chambers and underground passages in the manor, Demelza finds herself falling for Trevarnon but knowing he can never be hers. The drama unfolds when she spoils a plot against Trevarnon – could this be enough to win him over for good?In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Charlotte Perkins Gilman
    59,99 kr.

    'Herland' is a adventurous book that looks at what an all female utopia could look like. Written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the story is about three explorers that crash land in a community where women have created a utopia without any men. The book questions feminism, the structure of society and the concept of gender itself. The book paves the way to feminist discussions explored in titles such as 'The Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood, and by trailblazers like Judith Butler.Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an American novelist that was known for her feminist and humanitarian literature. Considered a utopian-feminist, Perkins paved the way for future generations of feminists through her writing. Best known for her semi-autobiographical short 'The Yellow Wallpaper', Perkins examined women's role in society, and the concept of gender itself.

  • af Lily Graham
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Hands down one of the best books I've read in a long time. This story hooks you immediately, one cannot put it down. I even dreamed about the book!’ Goodreads Reviewer 5*Victoria Langley needs to find a refuge when her husband leaves her. She finds it, in the shape of Seafall Cottage on a Cornwall clifftop.The unkempt cottage in the village of Tregollan is a perfect place to recharge - particularly when she finds a fascinating diary from 1905.Victoria determines to solve the secrets the diary contains, but locals blank her when she asks about its author, Tilly Asprey.In walks a handsome lawyer with a missing piece of the puzzle. Now Victoria knows that Tilly's story is just like hers.Can Victoria learn from TIlly's mistakes or is she destined to suffer the same fate?An evocative and romantic read about lost love and new beginnings, this is perfect for fans of Phillipa Ashley, Emma Burstall and Liz Fenwick.Previously published as The Cornish EscapeWhat everyone’s saying about 'Summer at Seafall Cottage':‘My anguished howl of "nooooo" as I finished was so loud I had to go and check I hadn’t woken my three-year-old ... I wanted the book to carry on and on and on ... I was caught from the very first, beautifully written, paragraph.’ After the Rain‘I read it in one sitting and so will you.’ Goodreads Reviewer 5*‘Oh, this was such an enjoyable book! ... To sum up, The Cornish Escape is one enjoyable, feel-good book I totally recommend. You’ll simply be flying through it, devouring it in one sitting.’ This Chick ReadsOver 21,000 copies sold. Amazon US and UK Top 20 bestselling author.Lily has been telling stories since she was a child, starting with her imaginary rabbit, Stephanus, and their adventures in the enchanted peach tree in her garden, which she envisioned as a magical portal to Enid Blyton’s Faraway Tree. She’s never really got out of the habit of making things up, and still thinks of Stephanus rather fondly. She lives with her husband and her English bulldog, Fudge, and brings her love for the sea and country-living to her fiction.

  • af Ellen Watkins Harper
    77,99 kr.

    'Iola Leroy', one of the first novels published by an African-American woman, follows a group of slaves who are seeking refuge with the approaching Union army during the Civil War. The Union commander is made aware that a beautiful young woman is being held as a slave in the neighbourhood and sets her free.The narrative then switches to Iola Leroy's point of view and follows her turmoil with being tricked, misled, and eventually sold off and taken away from her mother.In a story exploring the serious social issues of education for women, religion and social responsibility, we follow Iola as she attempts to track down her family once again.People who are familiar with Harriet Jacobs' 'Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl' will like this novel!Frances Ellen Watkins Harper was an American abolitionist, suffragist, poet, teacher and writer. She was one of the first African-American women to be published in the United States. Harper was born free in Baltimore, Maryland, and had a long career, publishing her first book of poetry at 20-years-old. She published her novel 'Iola Leroy' aged 67 in 1892, making her one of the first Black women to publish a novel.In 1851, while she was living with the family of William Still, a clerk who helped refugee slaves make their way along the Underground Railroad, Harper turned to writing anti-slavery literature. A couple of years later she joined the American Anti-Slavery Society and began her career as a public speaker and political activist.Harper founded, supported, and held positions in several progressive organizations, becoming the superintendent of the Colored Section of the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Women's Christian Temperance Union. She also helped found the National Association of Colored Women and served as its vice president.Harper died at age 85 in February, 1911, nine years before women gained the right to vote.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    38,99 kr.

    ‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism’ is an incisive essay on the nature of art, politics, freedom, and the individual. Insightful and sometimes satirical, it dissects the conventions of socialism, run as an authoritarian system. Wilde also goes on to discuss the role of the artist under capitalism and relationship between the needs of the public and art itself.This essay also explores the idea of art as the central pillar to revolution. Divisive at its time of publication, ‘The Soul of Man Under Socialism’ is a fascinating read for those with an interest in art, politics, philosophy, and the great man himself.Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) was an Irish novelist, poet, playwright, and wit. He was an advocate of the Aesthetic movement, which extolled the virtues of art for the sake of art. During his career, Wilde wrote nine plays, including ‘The Importance of Being Earnest,’ ‘Lady Windermere’s Fan,’ and ‘A Woman of No Importance,’ many of which are still performed today. His only novel, ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ was adapted for the silver screen, in the film, ‘Dorian Gray,’ starring Ben Barnes and Colin Firth. In addition, Wilde wrote 43 poems, and seven essays. His life was the subject of a film, starring Stephen Fry.

  • af Willa Cather
    59,99 kr.

    Brilliantly intelligent, rich and stylish Myra is a living legend in her hometown.But she sends shockwaves through the community when she rejects her riches and elopes with hard-up Oswald Henshawe.When Nellie, a long-time acquaintance of Myra's, next sees the couple, they are living a glamorously poor Bohemian life in post-Revolution Paris, with singers, actors, poets and artists in and out of their apartment.But, when elegant poverty becomes real poverty in a tumbledown hotel, Myra realises the identity of her 'Mortal Enemy'.This heart-rending study of the blessings and curses of love is perfect for fans of Thomas Hardy's 'Tess of the d'Urbervilles' and 'Middlemarch' by George Eliot.Willa Cather (1873-1947) was an American writer best known for her novels of life on the Great Plains of the United States.After a time as a magazine writer and editor, then as an English teacher, Cather began to publish collections of her poetry and short stories.Her first novel, 'Alexander's Bridge', was published in 1912, followed by her 'Prairie Trilogy' - 'O Pioneers!', 'The Song of the Lark' and 'My Antonia'.Numerous other novels followed as Cather became one of the US's most celebrated authors.In 1923 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her First World War-based novel, 'One of Ours'.

  • af Anna Mansell
    102,99 kr.

    Fans of Sheila O’Flanagan, Amanda Prowse and Jojo Moyes will love The Lost Wife, the compelling story of a woman’s deepest secrets, and the friends and family who must learn to live without her.‘An incredible, beautiful story of loss, love, forgiveness, moving on, overcoming grief, redemption and above all, hope.’ Renita D’SilvaWhen Ellie Moran passes away, she leaves her newborn son and husband Ed behind her. Their marriage was perfect, their lives everything they had hoped for. So why was Ellie keeping secrets from Ed?Knowing he can never ask his wife the truth, Ed is struggling to cope. When the secrets threaten to tear his whole family apart, Ed turns to Rachel, the one person who sees him as more than just Ellie’s widower.But then Rachel discovers something Ellie was hiding, something that would break Ed’s heart. Can Rachel help Ed to find peace without the wife he lost – and a second chance at happiness?Read what everyone is saying about 'The Lost Wife':‘Heartbreaking... I was absorbed... I put down the book thinking "This is it. This was perfect." Emotional doesn't even begin to describe this story... The Lost Wife is an exceptional and poignant tale of love.’ Chocolate ‘n’ Waffles, 5 stars‘This stunning book blew me away, I couldn’t put it down... I was hooked from the start... This book has everything! It’s very emotional, touching and moving!... A magnificent story.’ Simona’s Corner of Dreams, 5 stars‘Oh Anna Mansell, what have you done to me, woman!!... Unbelievably beautiful... You NEED to read The Lost Wife.’ The Writing Garnet, 5 stars.Anna spent almost twenty years trying to shoehorn writing in to her career as a marketing manager for dance and theatre companies. Eventually, she did what you are not remotely supposed to do and walked away from an excellent job in order to try and become a published author. Three years, lots of tears and some slightly hairy bank balances later, she met Kirsty Greenwood and the rest, as they say, is history. Anna lives in Cornwall with her husband and two kids. She feels very fortunate!

  • af Karen Clarke
    102,99 kr.

    On the beautiful French coast lies the Café Belle Vie, a peaceful haven offering a warm welcome and delicious pains au chocolat – and where Natalie’s quiet life is about to be turned upside down...When thirty-one-year-old Natalie Bright’s boyfriend dumps her and immediately gets engaged to his ex-girlfriend, she escapes her heartbreak and moves to the charming village of Chamillon on the Île de Ré.She’s determined to build a new life there: writing about farmer’s markets for a local magazine, exploring the local vineyards on her bike, and taking advantage of the sunshine. And in the Café Belle Vie she finds a bustling community – including new best friend Charlie – and a near-constant supply of cakes.All in all, things are looking pretty good.So when a blast from the past – her teenage crush Jay Merino – suddenly turns up in Chamillon, Natalie’s thrown. She’s sworn off men ever since she moved to France, but she and Jay have a connection that stretches back years.But could taking a chance on an old flame complete her new life – or ruin everything she’s worked so hard for?A gorgeous rom-com full of sunshine, croissants and sparkling romance! Perfect for fans of Imogen Payne, Polly Babbington and T. A. Williams.What readers are saying about Escape to the Little French Café:‘Oh I did laugh!! I absolutely bloomin' LOVED reading this... Such an uplifting, cosy novel which will make your heart leap with joy.’ The Writing Garnet‘So many laugh-out-loud moments that I lost count of them and the story reeled me in from the very first page! I became so absorbed within the storyline that I forgot where I was... Grab yourself a little bit of romantic escapism to France... You won’t regret it!’ Stardust Book Reviews‘Perfect and laugh-out-loud funny. Brilliantly written. I enjoyed every minute of it. If you need a pick me up this is the book you need, guaranteed giggles throughout... I actually devoured this book in a day... Highly recommended. Full of fun, giggles and romance.’ Between the Pages Book ClubPrevious series has sold over 130,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 authorAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.

  • af Karen Clarke
    102,99 kr.

    In the beautiful village of Chamillon lies the Café Belle Vie, where you’ll always find croissants and friends when you need them the most – and where Elle is hoping to uncover the truth about her past...Thirty-year-old Elle Matheson has decided it’s finally time to find the mother who gave her up as a baby. With a faded postcard from the Café Belle Vie in hand – one of the very few things she has from her mother – she heads straight to the Île de Ré to begin her search.With only the postcard and the ivory shawl she was wrapped in as clues, finding her mum is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, even with the help of friendly – and gorgeous – café-owner Charlie. And since Elle hasn’t exactly told her younger sister what she’s up to, the little white lies about where she is are starting to add up...But Elle is really starting to feel at home on the beautiful island. The locals are welcoming, the café is homely, and Charlie is always there with a helping hand, a listening ear, and a pain au chocolat.Is Elle about to discover not just where she came from – but where she belongs?A hilarious rom-com perfect for reading in the sunshine! Fans of Debbie Johnson, Zara Stoneley and Debbie Macomber will love Karen Clarke!Readers are loving Summer at the Little French Café!‘I was hooked in really quickly into the wonderful, summery book, and read it in a few short hours... I loved every moment of this delightful book and there was even a mystery that had me stumped but equally eager to find out the outcome. This was a pure pleasure to read.’ Rachel’s Random Reads, 5 stars‘A fabulous sunny, summery read that sparkles and delights. I was engrossed in this lovely story from page one. Lovely imagery and a really pretty cover, a must read for the beach!’ NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars‘You can’t help but kept swept away... The added aspect of it all being set in France was just the icing on the top of an already scrumptious story... a wonderful and entertaining read.’ By the Letter Book Reviews, 5 stars.Previous series has sold over 130,000 copies to date. Amazon UK top 100 authorAfter giving up her job as a library assistant, Karen now writes full-time. She’s had over 300 stories published in women’s magazines in the UK and abroad, and has written three paranormal romantic comedies, published by Little, Brown/Corsair. When she’s not writing she reads avidly, walks dogs at her local rescue centre, and is eagerly awaiting the next season of The Walking Dead. She lives in Buckinghamshire with her husband and three grown-up children.

  • af Anna Mansell
    129,99 kr.

    Your best friend deserves the truth. But it will ruin her life. What would you do?It’s been over twenty years since four very different teenage girls sat on that beach at Goran Haven, and swore to be best friends forever. Their lives went different ways after Emily left. But each remembered that promise. And none truly found friendship like it again.Now, Emily’s back, with a secret she can’t face. She tries to hide away, take time to heal and make some difficult choices, but she runs into one of her old friends, and soon the four are reunited. Lolly, warm as ever, is a successful physiotherapist, married with kids. Yet smart, strong Amanda, who cherishes her teenage daughter, is alone and seemingly stuck in a dead-end job. And creative Jess is so much quieter than Emily remembers.The bond is still there, and Emily realises their friendship might keep her together, but there are reasons why the women fell out of touch. Secrets that have lain dormant for decades start to surface, and then one of the women discovers a betrayal so big, it could turn each of their lives upside down.It’s always those we’re closest to who have the power to tear us apart. Can friendship give Emily and her friends the strength to survive a devastating shock, or are some things unforgivable?Full of truths about friendship, marriage, and the relationships that define us, Her Best Friend’s Secret is a powerful, relatable and emotionally gripping novel for fans of Jojo Moyes, Diane Chamberlain, and "The Silent Wife".Readers are loving Her Best Friend’s Secret:‘Totally loved it! The intricate storyline, the beautiful settings and the fascinating yet flawed characters. I could not stop reading... A truly amazing piece of escapism, dramatic and insightful.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘Should be on your must-read list for the summer... heartbreaking and gripping! It is also thought-provoking and eye-opening, and you will find yourself having a favorite character as I did. And if you are also like me, you will get swept up in the beautiful writing and outstanding story.’ Cara’s Book Boudoir, 5 stars‘I'm a huge fan of books that celebrate strong, independent women and this is definitely one of those... There was a brilliant OMG moment midway through the book which had me reeling,.. A warm, funny, enjoyable read.’ Mrs Roadley Reads.Author has sold over 30,000 copies to date and is a top 20 Amazon CA and top 70 Amazon UK author.Anna spent almost twenty years trying to shoehorn writing in to her career as a marketing manager for dance and theatre companies. Eventually, she did what you are not remotely supposed to do and walked away from an excellent job in order to try and become a published author. Three years, lots of tears and some slightly hairy bank balances later, she met Kirsty Greenwood and the rest, as they say, is history. Anna lives in Cornwall with her husband and two kids. She feels very fortunate!

  • af Renita D'Silva
    126,99 kr.

    Monsoon Memories is an unforgettable journey through a mesmerizing, passionate land of contrasts – with a family whose story will touch your heart.Anyone who enjoys the storytelling of Jodi Picoult, Diane Chamberlain, or Dorothy Koomson will love this.Exiled from her family in India for more than a decade, Shirin and her husband lead a comfortable but empty life in London. Memories of her childhood – exotic fragrances, colours, stifling heat and tropical storms – fill Shirin with a familiar and growing ache for the land and the people that she loves. With the recollections though, come dark clouds of scandal and secrets. Secrets that forced her to flee her old life and keep her from ever returning.Thousands of miles away, in Bangalore, the daughter of Shirin’s brother discovers a lost, forgotten photograph. One that has escaped the flames. Determined to solve the mystery of an aunt she never knew, Reena’s efforts will set in place a chain of events that expose the painful trauma of the past and irrevocably change the path of the future.Praise for Monsoon Memories‘D'Silva weaves a tale so rich and complex in detail and history that I found it quite impossible to put the book down. The details are rich, vivid and so well described that I truly felt at times that I was there or at least was hearing the story first hand from the main character... from start to finish I loved this book and couldn't recommend it more.’ 5/5.NovelEscapes‘It mesmerized me with its poignant narration and heart-warming story and kept me hooked until the last page. 9/10.ChickLitClub‘A wonderfully dramatic and poignant debut novel from Renita D’Silva. I was captivated by the characters and their plight.'MomssmallvictoriesOver 21,000 copies soldRenita grew up in a picturesque coastal village in the South of India, the oldest of three children. Her father got her first story books when she was six and she fell in love with the world of stories. Even now she prefers that world, by far, to this.

  • af Helen Pollard
    102,99 kr.

    Many of us long to leave everything behind and start a sun-soaked new life.Emmy Jamieson has done it: she is the manager of a beautiful guesthouse that nestles among vineyards in France.She has also found love with gorgeous Alain the accountant. Life could not be better.She is so happy that she is even confident that she can cope with the arrival of the eccentric, demanding Thomson family for a golden wedding.Then, in steps owner Rupert's poisonous ex-wife Gloria, who criticises Emmy, attacks Alain and unpicks Rupert's finances.Things start to fall apart and Emmy fears her dream life is about to become a nightmare.Fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Nick Alexander will be drawn to join Emmy among the vineyards.What everyone’s saying about 'Return to the Little French Guesthouse':‘I've absolutely fallen in love ... I felt myself longing for a Rupert of my own in times of crisis ... I'll also take some friends like Sophie and Ellie ... What I really want, though, is at least one more book with all of them.’ Well Read Pirate Queen‘Oh wow! I absolutely loved, lived, laughed and cried with this brilliant, addictive tale. I ADORED the first book in the series and reading this one was like meeting up with much loved old friends ... oodles of humour thrown in. A beautiful, fun tale, set in stunning surroundings, with characters that you don't want to leave behind. Highly recommended!’ Renita D’Silva, author of "The War Child".Return to the Little French Guesthouse has been published in 7 languages and the series has sold over 230,000 copies in the English language.As a child, Helen had a vivid imagination fuelled by her love of reading (long past her bedtime!) so she started to create her own stories in a notebook. She still prefers fictional worlds to real life and loves infusing her writing with humour and heart. Helen lives in Yorkshire with her husband, two grown-up (in theory) kids and a Jekyll and Hyde cat. She enjoys reading, coffee with friends and indulging her nostalgia by watching old seventies and eighties TV shows.

  • af Liz Eeles
    102,99 kr.

    ‘This book is AMAZING!... What a SCRUMPTIOUS read!!... I genuinely could not, and did not want to put it down at all... I would advise that you switch your phone to silent, grab a ginormous slice of cake and ignore EVERYONE around you while you binge read...’ The Writing GarnetThe Cosy Kettle café is the perfect place to escape this summer, for fans of Cathy Bramley, Jenny Colgan and Debbie Johnson. Guests can tuck into fruit puddings and strawberry-studded ice cream, but for Flora, the warm summer breeze is blowing in big changes...When Flora finds out about her husband’s secret fling, she escapes to the one place she feels safe: her beloved café, the Cosy Kettle, in the charming village of Honeyford. Serving up cream teas to her café regulars is the perfect way to soothe her broken heart, and although she’s never lived in the area, the little community welcome her with open arms.She’s soon lodging with local eccentric Luna in her remote and beautiful Starlight Cottage, snuggled between rolling green hills. Luna’s handsome son Daniel lost his wife several years ago, and as Flora gets to know him, sharing walks through the blossom-scented woods, they both slowly begin to heal... and she realises that behind Daniel’s quiet exterior, there’s a passionate nature that makes her forget all about her ex-husband.As she settles into her new life, hosting a baking competition for the village’s summer celebration seems like a great idea... but with Daniel’s mysterious silences leading Flora to believe he’s hiding secrets, she can’t help but wonder if she can really trust him. And when the race to bake the perfect Victoria sponge stirs up old rivalries between locals, Flora starts to feel like she’s bitten off more than she can chew.After her new start, will Flora ever truly belong in Honeyford? And, this summer, can she risk opening up her heart again?Readers are loving A Summer Escape and Strawberry Cake at the Cosy Kettle:‘Love love love this book so much! It's incredible... anyone who is a fan of a lovely heartwarming book, should definitely read this!’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘Oh my heart... a must-read... I am absolutely blown away by how much I loved and enjoyed it.... A well deserved five stars... Highly recommend. I actually devoured most of this book in a day, I couldn’t put it down.’ Between the Pages Book Club, 5 stars‘Funny, heart-warming and totally addictive, I just couldn't put it down... an absolutely smashing book.’ Mrs C’s Honest Book Reviews, 5 stars‘This story was a fabulous feel-good read, with a little bit of mystery, some romance and plenty of laughs to keep you going right from the beginning to the end! I loved it and once started, couldn’t put it down!!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars30k copies sold in the Cosy Kettle series.For fans of Cathy Bramley, Debbie Johnson and Jenny Colgan.Liz began her writing career as a journalist for newspapers and magazines before moving into the health sector as a communications manager and press officer. The low point of her career was abandoning an interview with Cliff Richard after two questions because she was about to faint – her excuse is that she was newly pregnant at the time. Liz lives by the sea in West Sussex with her husband and grown-up daughter. She spends a lot of time meaning to meditate, avoiding exercise, and missing her son who lives in London.

  • af Dee MacDonald
    102,99 kr.

    ‘I ended up reading until the wee small hours of the morning... Certainly took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs, the happiness and sadness, the laughs and the sobs.’Tess and Simon Sparrow may have a few more grey hairs than they used to, but that doesn’t stop them from being swept up in a whirlwind romance and starting over.Swapping their city lives for an escape to the Cornish countryside, they fall in love with a crumbling hotel and impulsively buy it to renovate as their forever home.But soon the newlyweds have had their first fight (and their second and third...) and building costs are spiralling out of control. Their families think they’re mad and Tess is starting to agree – she just wants to escape back to civilisation.Doing up the glorious, wisteria-clad property was meant to be a delightful retirement project. But the electrics are faulty, there’s no central heating, and the kitchen ceiling’s fallen in: the dream has become reality and things only get more chaotic when the first guests arrive...Mysterious Celia, hapless romantic Dominic and tarnished, lovelorn actress Titania are all looking for a fresh start. Everyone in this eclectic group has their own reasons for being in Cornwall, but the summer is full of secrets and surprises. As plans go awry and truths are revealed, Tess and Simon realise that they’ve taken on a bigger challenge than they intended to: can their happily-ever-after survive the chaos or will this end up being the biggest mistake of their lives?From the bestselling author of The Runaway Wife and The Silver Ladies of Penny Lane, this is a completely uplifting page-turner about embracing new friendships, finding love and making each day count. Perfect for fans of The Kicking the Bucket List and The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry.Why readers are loving The Golden Oldies Guesthouse:‘Five golden stars for Dee McDonald’s latest... charming... The Golden Oldies Guesthouse features humour with a deft touch, charm, fun, love and romance.’ Jena Books‘Utterly charming!... It’s gentle, humorous, heart-warming and packed full of characters that you will remember long after the book is finished. I adored every word and my only complaint is that the story ended!’ NetGalley Reviewer‘A hilarious romp... larger than life characters...Told as only Dee Macdonald can tell these stories of ‘older folk’ having another swipe at life and all that follows this book is funny, heart-warming, makes you feel good... a joy to read... 10/10.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Top 50 Amazon UK authorAged 18, Dee arrived in London from Scotland and typed her way round the West End for a couple of years before joining BOAC (forerunner of British Airways) in Passenger Services for 2 years and then as a stewardess for 8 years. She has worked in Market Research, Sales and at the Thames TV Studios when they had the franchise. Dee has since relocated to Cornwall, where she spent 10 years running B&Bs, and only began writing when she was over 70! Married twice, she has one son and two grandsons.

  • af Johan Bojer
    77,99 kr.

    From the author of 'The Emigrants’ – a five-time Nobel Prize for Literature nominee – Johan Bojer’s ‘Our Kingdom’ is a classic novel set to the backdrop of the Norwegian fjords. A tale of identity and belonging, and of displacement, Bojer tells the story of Erik Evje, his life, and some fateful meetings.Johan Bojer (born Johan Kristoffer Hansen) was a popular Norwegian novelist and dramatist. He grew up as a foster child in a poor family living in Norway and learned of the realities of poverty early in life.Bojer principally wrote about the lives of poor farmers and fishermen, both in his native Norway and among the Norwegian immigrants in the United States. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature five times and is best remembered for his novel 'The Emigrants', a major work dealing with the motivations and trials of Norwegians who emigrated to the plains of North Dakota.

  • af E.T.A. Hoffmann
    77,99 kr.

    ‘Weird Tales Volume 1’ (1885) was written by German Romantic author E. T. A. Hoffmann, most famous for his novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’ (1816). Included in this first of two volumes are the short stories: The Cremona Violin, The Fermata, Signor Formica, The Sandman, The Entail and Arthur’s Hall. These classic short stories are perfect for fans of horror and fantasy fiction and the authors H. P. Lovecraft and Neil Gaiman.Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), better known as E. T. A. Hoffmann, was a German Romantic author of fantasy and gothic horror. He was also a composer, music critic, draftsman and caricaturist.Hoffmann's stories inspired several famous operatic composers including Richard Wagner, Jacques Offenbach and Léo Delibes. He is also the author of the novella ‘The Nutcracker and the Mouse King’, on which Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet, ‘The Nutcracker’ is based. The story also inspired the film ‘The Nutcracker and the Four Realms’ (2018), starring Keira Knightley, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren.