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  • af Alice Brown
    120,99 kr.

    Following the first world war, John Raven dwells on the course of path for his friends Dick and Raven who served in the Ambulance corps. He laments on the relationship of Raven and 'Nan', who have a considerable age gap.Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown's stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, 'Stratford-by-the-Sea', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    Adapted into episode one of the TV mini-series, The Nightmare Worlds of H.G. Wells – starring Ray Winstone and Michael Gambon – The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham is a short story by H.G. Wells. A young, poverty-stricken man called Edward Eden meets a strange older gentleman, Egbert Elvesham, who declares that he would like Eden to be his sole heir. At the end of a meal together, Elvesham pours a strange pink powder into their drinks and the following day, Edward Eden wakes to find himself in Elvesham’s body in a ‘Freaky Friday’ body-swapping scenario. Eden is destined for more than he signed up for in this fantasy, horror story.H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’

  • af Alice Brown
    102,99 kr.

    These sixteen short stories are packed full with charming characters and vibrant prose. Each of the tales are based in New England and primarily centered on strong female protagonists who face various hurdles in their relationships.Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown's stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, 'Stratford-by-the-Sea', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.

  • af Kerstin Rachfahl
    88,99 kr.

    Es war die Schuld, die mich von zu Hause fortgetrieben hat, obwohl ich in meinem ganzen Leben noch keinen Tag woanders gewesen war. Die Schuld ist es auch, die mich nach Hause zurückgeholt hat, weil ich weiß, dass ich nicht die Einzige bin, die mit der Vergangenheit zu kämpfen hat. Womit ich nicht rechnete, war der Schmerz.Ich dachte, ich hätte ihn und alles hinter mir gelassen, fest in meinen Erinnerungen verschlossen, sodass es sich nur nachts in meine Träume schleicht. Aber jetzt weiß ich, dass ich mir in den letzten Jahren nur etwas vorgemacht habe. Niemals werde ich ihn vergessen. Niemals wird die Wunde heilen, die er in mein Herz geschlagen hat.„Ja, Vera, du hast recht, ich habe nicht die geringste Ahnung von dem, was in deinem Kopf vorgeht. Verschwinde nur, geh. Duke ist nicht dein Pferd, also was kümmert es dich, was mit ihm passiert? Soll er doch verrecken, nicht wahr? Hauptsache, du kannst dich raushalten. Geh nur, verkriech dich unter deiner Bettdecke. Bemitleide dich selbst. Stefan hatte recht, du hast dich verändert."Liebe hinterlässt tiefe Spuren, und im Grunde meines Herzens weiß ich, dass ich ihm nicht gerecht werde. Er hätte nicht gewollt, dass ich mit dem Reiten aufhöre. Er hätte nicht gewollt, dass ich aus meinem Leben flüchte. Er hat mir all sein Vertrauen geschenkt, und ich habe es gleich mehrmals gebrochen. Werde ich mir das je verzeihen können?Romantische und spannende Romane mit Happy-End, so lassen sich die Bücher von Kerstin Rachfahl am besten umschreiben. Die Leidenschaft zum Schreiben entdeckt sie erst spät. Als Mitinhaberin eines IT-Unternehmens und Mutter zweier Kinder blieb ihr keine Zeit für andere Abenteuer. Um wenigstens für ein paar Momente ihrem Alltag zu entfliehen, tauchte sie ein in eine Welt der Fantasie und kam jedes Mal mit frischem Elan in die Realität zurück. 2011 veröffentlichte sie ihren ersten Pferderoman: Duke - ein weiter Weg zurück. Seit dem kann sie sich ein Leben ohne Schreiben und ihre Fans, die ihre Liebe zu den Figuren ihrer Romane teilen, nicht mehr vorstellen. Mehr über die Autorin, ihre Romane und Figuren erfahrt Ihr auf ihrem Autorenblog:

  • af Lone Theils
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    You have 87 seconds to save yourself from drowning. Can you? A young woman in a strapless blue summer dress lies on the cobblestones next to the canal. With her eyes half open, it looks like she's had one too many Bacardi Breezers and is going to wake up with a killer hangover. Except she won't wake up ever again... and her lifeless body has been pulled from Christianshavn canal, right in the centre of Copenhagen. Investigator Georg Guldmann watches with dismay as the zip of the bodybag is pulled close. As the last teeth of the zip catch, he realises something that feels out of place – a fiery red burn mark spreading across the victim's right underarm. It doesn’t take long for this observation to reveal two things: one, this isn’t a drunken mistake, this is a murder case and two, this woman is most likely not the only victim.The hunt for the truth leads Guldmann across Copenhagen; from the city's restaurant community, through the Danish Parliament and even to the magnificent Opera House. Perfect for fans of Nordic Noir influenced crime shows such as "The Bridge", "Borderliner" and Netflix’s "Marcella".Lone Theils is a Danish journalist and author who has worked as a correspondent in London. She debuted in 2015 with her crime series about Nora Sand, which has been published in 16 languages.

  • af Lisa Jankowski
    Fra 59,99 kr.

    The loss of a child is the most devastating event a parent can face. Sharing her experience about the loss of a desperately loved daughter, and the effects that go beyond what people could ever imagine, Liza Jankowski explores her deepest thoughts and feelings surrounding stillbirth in this moving memoir. As she discusses the impact on her relationships, her subsequent pregnancy and what she ultimately learned, ‘Changed’ weaves a powerful combination of a mother's personal journey with helpful information to offer comfort, hope and understanding. A true support for bereaved parents and an aid for health professionals alike, this book is for anyone experiencing or supporting those with the feelings and emotions that arise after stillbirth.Liza Jankowski is a part-time pharmacist and volunteer parent support worker with SIDS and Kids in Adelaide, Australia. The author of the powerful and moving memoir ‘Changed: Living with Stillbirth’, Jankowski is the mother of four children, two boys and two still born girls. She is hopeful that her book will provide comfort and hope to bereaved parents and also help health professionals looking to gain a better understanding of the feelings and emotions that arise after stillbirth.

  • af Dr. Dawn Macintyre
    Fra 77,99 kr.

    One in five people live with chronic pain and most feel misunderstood and unsupported. Dr Dawn Macintyre was one of those people. In ‘Living with Chronic Pain’, she shares her journey from a full life to one characterised by pain and shame – and back again- as she reclaims her thriving self. Interwoven with insight into the emotions and challenges faced, as well as practical advice for changes and support to help sufferers, Dawn provides her perspective as both a sufferer of chronic pain, and a health practitioner. Perfect for health professionals looking to best support patients and those living with chronic pain, this story will bring you courage, joy and most importantly, the knowledge to find your meaningful life again.Dr Dawn Macintyre trained in Education and Psychology at London University, before completing her Masters in Public Health at Curtin University, WA. She worked and supported families who had tragically experienced the death of a child, going on to focus her PhD on the gaps and challenges faced by grieving families. She is now one of just a handful of professionals across Australia who specialise in supporting feelings of sudden loss, grief and confusion. Having experienced a life changing experience of chronic pain, and learning to survive and thrive through it all – Dawn is the author ‘Living with Chronic Pain: From OK to Despair and Finding My Way Back Again’

  • af Yvonne Wundersee
    88,99 kr.

    Lizzy und Mathias gelangen in eine lebensfeindliche Welt. Ständige Kometeneinschläge machen nur ein Leben unter der Erde möglich. Im Tempel des Pluto, dem Herrn der Unterwelt, finden einige Menschen ein neues Zuhause. Doch der Preis dafür ist hoch. Nach einem erbitterten Kampf in der Arena werden Lizzy und Mathias voneinander getrennt. Lizzy ist wieder einmal auf sich allein gestellt. Als noch ein weiterer Feind aus der Dunkelheit der unterirdischen Welt auftaucht, scheint selbst das letzte bisschen Hoffnung verloren. Werden Mut und Entschlossenheit ausreichen, um in einer Welt zu siegen, die bereits von Satan regiert wird?Yvonne Wundersee lebt mit ihrer Familie und zwei Hunden in einer Kleinstadt, am Rande der schönen schwäbischen Alb. Sie liebt es, fantastische Geschichten zu spinnen und damit ihre Leser und Leserinnen in atemberaubende Welten zu entführen. Ihre größte Freude ist es, den Leser / die Leserin für ein paar Stunden zu fesseln und in eine andere Welt abtauchen zu lassen. Er / Sie soll mit den Protagonisten mitfiebern und ihnen die Daumen drücken.

  • af Paul Frigyes
    43,99 kr.

    I Sverige bor det människor från jordens alla hörn. Dessvärre har många av dem behövt fly från sitt ursprungliga hemland. Skyddade av yttrandefrihet, demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter fortsätter de aktivt att arbeta för förbättring med hoppet om att en dag kunna känna sig säkra och fria i sitt ursprungsland. I den här boken får vi ta del av sju starka demokratiaktivisters berättelser om hur de vägrar tystas; modet de besitter för att våga kritisera, kräva förändring och förbättring. Den handlar om människor som fortsätter att kämpa för sitt land från sitt nya hemland Sverige.Paul Frigyes (1962-) är en svensk författare, journalist och lärare vars texter till stor del fokuserar på tryckfrihet, demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Han har bland annat utkommit med boken I Ukraina på drift som handlar om landets kamp för demokrati.

  • af Märta Leijon
    34,52 kr.

    På en lugn gård i 50-talets Sverige kunde man höra fåglar kvittra, katter spinna och hönor kackla – men sen föddes energiknippet Fröken Bråkstake. Familjens liv vänds uppochner när deras första flicka börjar ta sina första steg. Lilla Fröken Bråkstake ger sig ut på varje äventyr hon får chans till. Varför sitta still när det finns så mycket att utforska?Stackars mamma måste klättra upp på tak och springa runt ladugården efter Fröken Bråkstake men ingen kraft i världen kan stoppa hennes äventyrslust.Märta Leijon (1893-1971) var en svensk författare, lärare och lantbrukare. Hon var även en utav grundarna av Centerkvinnorna. Hennes skönlitterära böcker skildrar ofta lantbrukarnas dagliga slit och belyser även viktiga samhällsproblem.

  • af Roberta Gately
    102,99 kr.

    The girl in the photo was laughing, her head thrown back, her lips painted a bright red. Jessie could feel the simple joy reflected in that moment. And as she looked closer, she saw the same gold cross and chain that had adorned the first victim’s neck.When a young woman falls to her death from a parking garage, the Boston police department rule it as a suicide. But when Jessie Novak examines the scene, she isn’t so sure... The girl’s delicate hands are bruised and her fingernails torn: evidence of a struggle. Did someone push her from the roof?Then a second young woman is found dead, this time at the foot of her dorm building, her hands injured in the same way as the first victim’s with a gold cross and chain clutched in her fist. Jessie is convinced there is a connection and that a twisted killer is on the loose.Just as Jessie thinks she is closing in on the culprit, her worst fears are realized: a third girl is found dead. The gap between murders is closing: the killer is getting more confident. He will never stop until he is caught.But little does Jessie know that, while she works to pick up the trail of her suspect, he is already on hers. She is the only one who can stop this monster before he kills again—but to save the next innocent life, is she prepared to risk her own?A thrilling and totally gripping crime thriller that will grab you from the start and not let go until the final, heart-stopping page. Utterly addictive reading for fans of Lisa Regan, Angela Marsons and Tess Gerritsen.Readers are loving Her Mother’s Cry:"WOW! I am actually at a loss for words. This is the first book in a little while that I have got 100% stuck into and refused to put down. Reading late into the night and finishing in the early hours... Everything you could possibly want from a crime thriller. A pace that keeps you guessing and keeps you hooked. The creepiness that had the hairs on my arms standing up." Chloe’s Reading Room"Another fantastic five star read from this author... Intense, chilling and gripping. This book had me sat on the edge of my seat and constantly holding my breath and as for the climax I literally have no nails left. This author has done it again. A must read series and another explosive addition to this gripping and very addictive series. Loved it!!!!" NetGalley reviewer"Suspense, action, intrigue, murder and a great who-done-it!... Gave me the chills." Goodreads reviewer.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    H.G. Wells considered his short story, 'The Jilting of Jane', to be amongst the best of his early fiction.This romantic, mystery novella tells the story of Jane, a maid working in the household of George and his wife Euphemia. Jane is engaged to be married to William, however, Euphemia is suspicious and does not believe William to be a decent man. To Jane's despair, she soon finds out William is indeed harbouring a secret...Romance, mystery, and tragedy entwine in this short story that will be enjoyed by fans of 'Downton Abbey', 'Upstairs Downstairs', and 'Far From the Madding Crowd'.H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. Additionally, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’

  • af Yvonne Wundersee
    88,99 kr.

    Ohne Zeit sich zu erholen oder ihre Verletzungen zu heilen, landet Lizzy in einer Dimension in der ein übermächtiger Kardinal alles daran setzt das Übernatürliche auszurotten. Hexen werden auf Scheiterhaufen verbrannt und Kreaturen der Anderswelt sind begehrte Folterobjekte. Zu allem Übel hat es Mathias auch in diese Dimension verschlagen und er wurde sofort auf dem Sklavenmarkt verkauft. Nach allem was er ihr angetan hat, schlägt Lizzys Herz immer noch schneller, wenn sie an ihn denkt. Doch soll sie die Mission wirklich gefährden, um ihn zu retten? Lizzy wird weiterhin alles daran setzen Satan zu besiegen und ihre Familie zu retten.Yvonne Wundersee lebt mit ihrer Familie und zwei Hunden in einer Kleinstadt, am Rande der schönen schwäbischen Alb. Sie liebt es, fantastische Geschichten zu spinnen und damit ihre Leser und Leserinnen in atemberaubende Welten zu entführen. Ihre größte Freude ist es, den Leser / die Leserin für ein paar Stunden zu fesseln und in eine andere Welt abtauchen zu lassen. Er / Sie soll mit den Protagonisten mitfiebern und ihnen die Daumen drücken.

  • af Jennifer Benkau
    148,99 kr.

    Episch. Sinnlich. Herzzerreißend.Band 1 der atemberaubenden neuen Romantasy-Reihe von SPIEGEL-Bestsellerautorin Jennifer BenkauSie malt Magie auf seine Haut.Nachtschwarz ist der Wald, in dem die junge Schmiedin Kaya von Räubern entführt wird. Totenbleich ist der verwundete Anführer Mirulay, der Kayas Hilfe braucht. Blutrot ist ihre Angst, dass sie einem Mann in die Falle gegangen ist, der nicht nur mit ihren Gefühlen spielt, sondern auch ihr größtes Geheimnis für seine Zwecke nutzen wird. Denn Kaya beherrscht die Gabe, Magie zu malen. Mirulay verfügt jedoch über eine ganz andere Magie, die Kayas Sinne betört und die Macht hat, Königreiche zu stürzen.Jennifer Benkau schreibt Bücher für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche und hat sich vor allem mit der erfolgreichen "Dark Canopy"-Reihe einen Namen gemacht, für die sie 2013 u. a. mit dem DeLiA-Literaturpreis ausgezeichnet wurde. 2016 gründete sie zusammen mit vier anderen Autorinnen das Label INK REBELS. Ihr Herz schlägt für die Fantasy und die schreibt sie gern mit lauter Musik, Schokolade und jeder Menge Kaffee. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann, vier Kindern, zwei Hunden und einem Pferd zwischen Düsseldorf und Köln und ist auf der ständigen Suche nach versteckten Toren in fremde Welten.

  • af Hendrike Applebloom
    73,99 kr.

    »Bitte keine Szene, das ist unter deiner Würde.«Und das sagt der Ehemann, der zwischen Kartoffelsalat und Würstchen die Scheidung verlangt! Sein Wunsch kommt zwar unerwartet, aber traurig macht er Clara nicht. Nur so wütend, dass sie Stunden später einsam und verlassen am Bahnhof von Moorstede steht. Mit gerade mal fünfzehn Euro im Portemonnaie. Es sieht nicht gut aus.Doch es kommt alles anders, als Clara es sich jemals erträumt hat. Wie sollte sie auch eine Kräuterhexe, einen Lakritzkoch und eine Karriere in Gummistiefeln vorhersehen? Oder das Glück, das in Moorstede wohnt? Und so wird es zwischen Moor und Meer (streit-)lustig und manchmal fast romantisch.Ein Name so süß wie die Träume meiner Heldinnen. Von was sie träumen? Von besonderen Männern und besten Freundinnen, von spannenden Jobs und aufregenden Reisen.Und ich? Ich lebe am schönen Rhein mit meiner Familie und einem kleinen Zoo, gehe gerne spazieren, liebe indisches Essen und bevorzuge Romantik, wenn sie mit Humor und Ironie daherkommt und gerne ohne explizite Szenen; ich setze auf die Fantasie der Leserin.Besucht mich auch unter oder auf Instagram - ich freue mich immer über Kontakt zu meinen Leserinnen!

  • af Rebel Carter
    102,99 kr.

    A romance of cosmic proportionsAnton is everything Grace dreamed of. Smart, funny, supportive of her best friend’s work... He makes her heart race.Too bad they’ve never met—at least not face-to-face. Emails and the occasional phone call are their only links.Until finally they do meet. And it blows, because the funny, sensitive, and thoughtful man vanishes in the blink of an eye, replaced by a condescending jerk who thinks she’s little more than an errand girl.Billionaire. Rake. Playboy. Physicist.Anton has played many roles. But his greatest wish is to gain respect as science's brightest star. Determined to put his bad boy reputation to rest and recover his company after the theft of valuable research, Anton accepts the offer to work in his friend Lou's lab in Geneva. The lab Grace just so happens to manage.Amid glitter bombs, shrink rays, over-caffeinated scientists, and stolen research, the two of them struggle to figure out what to do about their burgeoning feelings.Is love, like gravity, a wave? And will it pull them under?"Rebel Carter writes with wit, elegance, and longing. Her love stories exist in a world of their own and it's one I never want to leave." -Talia Hibbert, author of Get A Life, Chloe BrownRebel Carter is a romance novelist from Colorado, USA. Her books are packed with passion, intriguing and dynamic characters, and plenty of steamy scenes. A writer of both contemporary and historical romance fiction, Carter is an exciting new voice in the romance genre.

  • af Howard Pyle
    77,99 kr.

    Who doesn't love a little bit of magic? Well this story is full of it! Imagine finding a magical clock and discovering all its secrets.When the storyteller comes across a marvellous ancient clock in Father Time's attic, little does he know that there is going to be magic involved. Each hour from the clock releases a story that corresponds to the hour of the day - breakfast, school, milking, tea, bedtime, and others. 'The Wonder Clock' becomes a timeless masterpiece for little children and their first steps in the world of literature.Katharine Pyle (1863-1938) was an American artist, illustrator, poet, and children’s book author. She wrote over 30 books, beyond her work as illustrator for other writers. She was the sister of fellow artist Howard Pyle.Howard Pyle (1853-1911) was an American artist, illustrator, and children’s book author. He is most famous for his illustrated novel 'The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood of Great Renown in Nottinghamshire' (1883). A teacher, he eventually founded his own school of illustration, The Howard Pyle School of Illustration Art. He was the brother of fellow artist Katharine Pyle.Robin Hood has been made into many movies over the years with the most popular being from Disney (1973), 'Robin Hood' (2010) starring Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett, and probably the most famous 'Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves' (1991) starring Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman.

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    38,99 kr.

    The last story from the "Mirgorod" cycle, here Gogol presents two landowners deadlocked in an argument over a Turkish rifle, a brown pig, and a goose insult. What results is a playful satire and parody of the middle class Russian society and its war veterans. Quite memorable characters (the two Ivans), vivid imagery (though at time grotesquely depicted), humorous and witty dialogues, and an extraordinarily entertaining narrative make this short story a perfect read and a must for Gogol fans!Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809-1852) was one of the best known realist writers in Russia. Acknowledged as one of the forerunners and best practitioners of the short story genre alongside Pushkin, E. T. A. Hoffmann, and Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gogol’s boundless ambition and penmanship proved remarkably fertile. His writing was largely marked by his own troubles in life, the culture and folklore of his native Ukraine, social issues, and the problematic relationships between people. Gogol’s most famous works include the novel "Dead Souls", the horror novella "Viy", as well as the short story collections "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod".

  • af Kathryna Kaa
    88,99 kr.

    Halloween - in dieser Nacht verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen den Lebenden und dem Reich der Toten. In dieser Nacht stehen die Pforten zur Anderwelt weit offen, und in dieser Nacht bekommt die 19-jährige Paulina Schwarz ein neues Herz.Noch ahnt sie nicht, dass diese gefährliche Verbindung von Leben und Tod ihr Schicksal für immer verändern wird. Doch kurz vor dem nächsten Halloweenfest vernimmt sie in ihrem Inneren das unheimliche Flüstern einer unbekannten Stimme, und bald darauf beginnt ein Kampf um Leben und Seele.Schreiben ist Kathryna Kaas Leidenschaft. Ihren Vollzeitjob hat sie gegen Teilzeit eingetauscht, um mehr Zeit dafür zu haben. Magisch, düster und fantastisch mag sie es am liebsten und schreibt daher nicht nur, aber doch zumeist, im dunklen Bereich der Phantastik. Mit Familie und Haustieren lebt sie in Sachsen und fände es aufregend, wenn (nette!) Vampire an der Fensterscheibe kratzen oder (nette!) Aliens im Garten landen.

  • af Martha Sophie Marcus
    88,99 kr.

    Zu Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts in der Mark Brandenburg: Während des Kampfes um die Burg ihres Vaters geht die kleine Tochter des Raubritters Dietrich von Quitzow im Wald verloren, wird dort zuerst von Köhlern aufgenommen, dann von einem geächteten Adligen aufgezogen. Jahre später macht sie sich allein auf den Weg, um ein Versprechen einzulösen, das sie ihrem sterbenden Ziehvater Richard gegeben hat. Auf der Suche nach dessen Sohn und ihrer eigenen Familie muss sie sich nicht nur mit Bogen und Dolch in der Hand in gefahrvollen Situationen behaupten, sondern sich immer wieder mit den strengen Normen und Verhaltensregeln auseinandersetzen, denen sie als Frau unterworfen ist. Werden ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten und ihre neugewonnenen Freunde ihr helfen, Richards letzten Wunsch zu erfüllen und ihren angestammten Platz als Adlige wieder einzunehmen? Oder muss sie sich verleugnen, um ihr Glück zu finden?Martha Sophie Marcus wurde 1972 im Landkreis Schaumburg geboren und verbrachte dort ihre Kindheit zwischen zahllosen Haustieren und Büchern.Die Autorin studierte in Hannover bis zum Magisterabschluss die Fächer Germanistik, Pädagogik und Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt auf geschichtlichen Aspekten. Anschließend lebte sie zwei Jahre lang im englischen Cambridge und genoss die malerische historische Kulisse.Ihr Interesse an der Vergangenheit reicht bis in ihre Kindheit zurück, und ihre Leidenschaft für Literatur brachte sie früh zum Schreiben. 2010 erschien mit „Herrin wider Willen", einer Geschichte aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg, ihr erster historischer Roman. "Salz und Asche", ein historischer Lüneburg-Roman, folgte. "Der Rabe und die Göttin", ein Roman aus der Wikingerzeit, erschien im Jahr 2011, "Die Bogenschützin" im Jahr 2012. Und mit "Rabenherz und Elsternseele" (Baumhaus Verlag) ist Marthas erster Roman für Kinder und Jugendliche entstanden.Martha hat zwei erwachsene Kinder, lebt heute mit ihrem Lebensgefährten in Lüneburg und ist Vollzeit-Schriftstellerin.Mehr zur Autorin auf und

  • af Barbara Cartland
    42,99 kr.

    The impetuous and dashing Marquis of Troon is to marry the disreputable Lady Dilys Powick against the advice of his closest friends. In celebration he arranges a steeplechase event full of prizes, but one of the guests suddenly dies from a heart attack. The Marquis is shocked to hear that he has been named in the will as the guardian of the guest’s daughter!Throw in a kidnapping, crime and a dangerous trip to London, and you will be gripped by this story.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.

  • af Jens Hellström
    50,99 kr.

    Ingela har inte gett upp nätdejtingen. Tvärtom – hon har utökat sökområdet. Nästa blinddejt blir med en man som är bosatt i Paris, och de ska träffas utanför självaste Notre-Dame. Det får bli en weekendresa till den franska huvudstaden. Bodil ska med såklart, som resesällskap och stöd, och inte minst som kritisk övervakare.Samtidigt på hemmaplan råder det en djup konflikt mellan de två falangerna i bostadsrättsföreningen, något som Peder varit lyckligt ovetande om ända fram till nu. Som nyligen invald i styrelsen kastas han rakt in i konfliktens epicentrum: Ska han bli tvungen att välja sida? Båda falangerna försöker värva Peder, och innan han vet ordet av har han allierat sig med båda två.I Grannar och fiender plockar Jens Hellström upp tråden där den uppskattade första delen av följetongen om Brf Kramsnö slutade.

  • af Miranda Cowley Heller
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    Papirslottet er en fortælling om hemmeligheder, kærlighed og løgne.Det er en dejlig sommermorgen på Cape Cod. Elle Bishop, lykkeligt gift med Peter og mor til tre, vågner på familiens sommersted Papirslottet. Her har hun tilbragt alle somre i sit liv: som barn, som ung og sammen med sin egen familie. Men denne morgen er anderledes. Aftenen før sneg Elle sig ud sammen med barndomsvennen Jonas og havde sex, mens deres intetanende familier opholdt sig indenfor. I løbet af det næste døgn må Elle træffe en stor og livsændrende beslutning: Skal hun blive hos Peter, som hun elsker, eller skal hun starte et nyt liv med Jonas, som var hendes første store kærlighed? Som ung var hun sikker på, at de en dag ville gifte sig, men en tragisk hændelse forandrede alt.Papirslottet er en fascinerende historie om en kvindes liv og svære valg.

  • af Larissa Schwarz
    73,99 kr.

    Wer kennt das nicht? Nur zu gern würden wir unsere geliebten Vierbeiner verstehen. Für Julietta erfüllt sich dieser Wunsch nach einer likörseligen Nacht und plötzlich plappert Katze Tiffany ihr die Ohren voll. Ihre Feline Hoheit entpuppt sich als fellgewordener Alptraum – wie bringt man sowas möglichst schonend dem neuen Freund bei? Zwischen himmelhoch maunzend und zu Tode geliebt nimmt der Wahnsinn seinen Lauf.Larissa Schwarz' erste Schreibmaschine war eine Olympia SM3, die sie im Alter von vier Jahren geschenkt bekam und die in ihr den Wunsch weckte, Schriftstellerin zu werden. Nach Umwegen über ein Studium der Water Sciences, einer Abbiegung bei Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften sowie Soziologie ging es weiter als Bankerin und Unterbrandmeisterin bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr. Sie liebt alte amerikanische Autos, das Ruhrgebiet und High Heels. In 2016 veröffentlichte die sportbegeisterte Autorin den ersten ihrer Romane, denen weitergedachte Begebenheiten, erlebte Momente und herzergreifende Inventionen zu Grunde liegen. Seit 2018 ist sie ausschließlich als Bloggerin und Autorin tätig.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    From the author of the science fiction classic, 'The War of the Worlds', H.G. Wells' 'The Lost Inheritance' is a supernatural, suspense novella. In this short story, a young man's sole purpose in life is to persuade his rich and eccentric uncle to leave him his vast fortune. Although, when the elderly man finally passes, there is no will to be found...Greed, money, and family dynamics lead this comic tragedy tale, an early literary prototype for shows like HBO's 'Succession'.H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. In addition, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’

  • af Camilla Grebe
    149,95 kr.

    Lykke Andersen er forlagsredaktør og gift med en kendt forfatter, sammen har de tvillingerne David og Harry. Udefra set er alt godt, og Lykke beundres af sin omgangskreds for sin store integritet og enorme kærlighed til sønnerne.Så hvorfor står hun en dag pludselig anklaget for et brutalt mord?Hvad skete der egentlig på den idylliske familiegård Evigheden, i hjertet af Sörmland? Har det nye knivmord noget at gøre med det mord, der blev begået samme sted otte år tidligere? Og hvorfor nægter Lykke at lade andre end kriminalinspektør Manfred Olsson forhøre sig?Velkommen til evigheden er en isnende spændingsroman. Det er sjette bog i krimiserien Den mørke side (eller Malin-serien) af svenske Camilla Grebe. Også den nye krimi stiller spørgsmålet: Hvem ejer sandheden? Og er der forskel på at være refærdig og at gøre det rigtige?

  • af Tilly Tennant
    129,99 kr.

    Hannah loves festive surprises. But the arrival of a handsome stranger on Christmas Day is much more than she bargained for...Snow is falling heavily on Holly Way. Inside her cottage, Hannah is trying to fake some holiday cheer. Freshly dumped, just in time for Christmas, her sister and niece have come to share the day with her and she owes it to them to put a brave face on things.But as they sit down to open their presents, they are interrupted by a knock at the door.On their doorstep is a handsome man with a nasty cut on his forehead, no coat, and no memory of who he is or how he came to be there.Once their unexpected guest is safe by the fire Hannah starts asking him questions to jog his memory. But although she learns nothing about his identity, Hannah can’t ignore the warm feeling she gets when he smiles at her. And it has nothing to do with the mulled wine.When the snow finally melts and spring flowers bloom, will the man who arrived at her door be just a funny story for Hannah to tell next Christmas? Or will he be the key to mending her broken heart?Filled with festive cheer, laughter and heart-warming scenes, immerse yourself in this enchanting story by Tilly Tennant. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie Silver.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 290,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • af Tilly Tennant
    102,99 kr.

    As the cold winter nights draw in, escape to the sleepy town of Wrenwick, where the streets sparkle with snow and a lonely young widow is about to find that true love really can strike twice...As Christmas cheer fills Sparrow Street with excitement, grieving Nina is having a hard time. December is always a difficult month to face without her beloved husband Gray, the days feel long and bleak, and to cap it all, she’s just lost her job.So when Nina hears that Sparrow Street’s Community Garden, one of Gray’s favourite places, is to be put up for sale she knows she must do something. Filled with purpose, she gathers the residents of Sparrow Street around her to turn the neglected patch of land into a Garden of Memories.Working with her neighbours, single mum Kelly and eighty-year-old Ada, Nina soon finds that she’s not the only lonely soul on Sparrow Street. And as the community comes together and the garden flourishes, Nina can’t help but be drawn to Irish gardener Colm with his sparkling blue eyes and kind heart, finding herself confiding in him about all her recent troubles.But just as Colm and Nina grow closer and he opens up to her about his own secret loss, Colm’s estranged wife returns from Scotland, wanting to try again. Nina knows she should let the man she’s falling for go – it’s the right thing to do. But what if fate has other plans in store? Will the beautiful garden on Sparrow Street have brought two people together only for Nina’s cautious heart to push them apart?If you love an uplifting, moving love story, then The Garden on Sparrow Street is the perfect romantic read to curl up with on a winter’s afternoon. Fans of Josie Silver and Carole Matthews will love this book!Readers are falling in love with The Garden On Sparrow Street:‘A lovely, lovely, book. I picked it up cuddled into my chair and started reading, I did not get up for hours. I left my world, entered the town, met the characters, loved every page and was sorry to reach the end of this story, say goodbye to all the characters.’ Netgalley Reviewer‘Another gorgeous novel by Tilly! It's like an old friend giving you a warm hug! Lovely characters and a gorgeous front cover, I really loved this novel and it's perfect for the winter season ahead. I smiled all the way through this one.’ NetGalley Reviewer‘I always love a Tilly Tennant book. They are always like a big warm hug in book form. They are full of joy, romance and happiness. This book was absolutely beautiful.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 280,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.

  • af Emma Davies
    102,99 kr.

    Daisy Turner has worked at Buchanan’s Family Jewellers since the day she finally escaped her troubled home. With a unique talent for matching the perfect piece of jewellery to any romantic milestone, she painstakingly polishes each stunning creation every morning and safely locks them away each night, longing for the day she’ll have a love story to call her own...But everything changes one day in December when the owner announces she is retiring. She will leave the shop to whichever of her three sons creates the perfect piece of Christmas jewellery for Daisy.In danger of losing the job that once saved her, Daisy is catapulted out of her comfort zone as each of the brothers sweeps her off her feet to find out what her heart truly desires. Between ice-skating, starlight shopping and cosy candle-lit dinners, it’s only handsome and guarded youngest brother Kit who really seems to be listening. Because Daisy has a secret. Every night, when the shop closes, she lays out her tools in neat rows and creates sparkling designs of her own...As Christmas Day approaches, Daisy’s growing feelings for Kit fill her with a confidence she never knew she had. But as the brothers present their elaborate gemstone masterpieces, she’s in for the shock of her life... Was Kit using her to get ahead in the competition all along? Or has he truly worked out the one thing she has always longed for?They say all good things come in small packages, but the best things don’t need wrapping at all...Snuggle up with this absolutely heart-warming Christmas read and find a warm spot by the fire. An unputdownable festive treat for lovers of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street:‘Really wonderful... Full of charm, romance, great characters, and magic settings... will get you in the mood to put your Christmas tree up early.’ Netgalley reviewer‘I fell in love with this book instantly. I absolutely love this author... the most amazing characters... so well written... envelopes you in a massive hug. A brilliant festive book!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5 stars‘Grab a cup of hot chocolate and a throw, curl up in your favourite chair and enjoy this story! It is a winner.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.

  • af Donna Ashcroft
    102,99 kr.

    Welcome to the gorgeous little Scottish village of Christmas, where snow is falling, presents are being wrapped and the locals are writing their festive wish lists. Will this finally be the year that Belle’s dreams come true?Thirty-year-old Belle Albany is feeling lonely this Christmas. Another whole year has passed and her life is... exactly the same as it was last December. She longs for true love and a little bit of winter magic – but she’s almost given up on finding it in the sleepy Scottish community where she lives...When Belle crashes into elderly Edina on her cherry red bicycle, it’s not the meet-cute she’d been hoping for. But she immediately recognises the lost look in Edina’s watery-blue eyes and resolves to organise a Christmas to remember for them both – brimming with mince pies, mulled wine and lots of sparkle. Although Belle hadn’t counted on Edina’s home being a crumbling Scottish castle and she certainly hadn’t been expecting Edina’s handsome long-lost grandson Jack Hamilton-Kirk to turn up on the doorstep in the middle of a snow storm...Jack is arrogant, rude and bossy and Belle is convinced he’s about to ruin the seasonal cheer she has worked hard to create. He’s basically the Grinch in human form, so why does her heart race every time they’re in the same room? They disagree on almost everything, from menu choices to music, and yet she starts to glimpse a softer side hidden behind Jack’s clipped words and brooding countenance.As they hunt down costumes for the annual nativity show and save a donkey from a snowy disaster, Belle can’t ignore their growing attraction. But will a secret from Jack’s past come between them? Or will this finally be the year Belle falls in love?This gorgeous, festive read is like a warm hug in a book! The perfect cosy romance to snuggle up with this Christmas. Fans of Nicola May, Trisha Ashley and Debbie Macomber will love this wonderfully uplifting novel.Readers love Christmas in the Scottish Highlands:‘An absolutely stunning read!!! A perfectly gorgeous book!!! The vivid descriptions left me feeling the fresh air of Scotland and feeling the warmth of the fire... make yourself a hot chocolate and clear your schedule ready to get lost in this unputdownable heartwarmer.’ Bookworm86‘Such a cute Christmas story!... I was obsessed from beginning to end (read it in every single spare second I had)... I would 100% recommend for those who like a good romance in a Christmassy scenario.’ NetGalley reviewer‘Such a cute book!... made my heart ache in a good way... made me laugh and made me cry... incredible... it made me feel like I was the one living in a Scottish village in Christmas time.’ Goodreads reviewer