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  • af Margrethe Vestager & Morten Møller
    Fra 179,99 kr.

    I denne bog åbner Margrethe Vestager for nye indgange til at forstå, hvem hun er, og hvad der driver hende. Hun giver sin personlige beretning om Europas og hendes egen rejse mod en ny tid. Fra sine møder med statsledere, udenrigsministre og direktører for store techvirksomheder. Fra de intense dage omkring Ruslands angreb på Ukraine. Fra en verden i omvæltning på flere måder.Den anerkendte historiker Morten Møller har fulgt Margrethe Vestager i hendes afsluttende tid som kommissær og ledende næstformand i EU-Kommissionen. Været med hende på arbejde i Bruxelles. Vandret med hende i gaderne omkring hjemmet på Amager. Kørt med hende i kommissærbilen til grundlovstale i Rødding. Gået i hendes fodspor under havevandring i barndomshjemmet i Ølgod. Og gentagne gange interviewet hende om hendes liv i og uden for Danmark. Margrethe Vestager fortæller om sit personlige engagement i flere af de spørgsmål, som har præget hendes år i europæisk politik, og som fortsat optager hende i dag: teknologi, klima, flygtninge og krig. Og hun forklarer, hvorfor hun insisterer på at være optimist.

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    78,99 kr.

    Short, witty and exciting collection of short stories, “Tales of the Jazz Age” is by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, the author of 'The Great Gatsby'. Divided into three parts, the tales are grouped into serious stories, non-sensical narratives, and fantasies. Among the most famous stories are the greedy and sinister 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz', the utterly amusing and ridiculous 'The Camel’s Back', and the intriguing 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', which has since been adapted into an award-winning film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It is a great read for anyone having an interest in the Jazz Age, 1920's stories or Fitzgerald’s fiction; and perfect for those who need something short and snappy to read on the go.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', all of which have been adapted in to successful film adaptations. His writing helped popularise the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.

  • af Arnold Bennett
    77,99 kr.

    Penny-pinching bookseller Henry Earlforward harbours a desperate love for his neighbour and customer Violet. After he succeeds in wooing and marrying her, their marriage begins to fall into ruins as Violet’s spending clashes with Henry’s miserly nature. As Henry’s health begins to decline, their loyal maid Elsie attempts to keep the household afloat, secretly waiting for her shellshocked love, Joe, to return for her. Set in Clerkenwell, London, Arnold Bennett’s ‘Riceyman Steps’ (1923) is a bittersweet tale that marked a significant departure from his other works. Fans of heart wrenching love stories will enjoy this early 20th century classic that reads like a cross between Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and Jojo Moyes’ ‘Me Before You’.Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 – 1931), better known as Arnold Bennett, was an English writer of novels, short stories and plays. The eldest of six children, Bennett grew up in Staffordshire as part of a cultured artistic family. His first novel, ‘A Man From The North’, was published in 1898 to critical acclaim but little commercial success. However, his prolific output soon made him a successful author, and by the time of his death at 63 he was a household name with many published classics. Bennett is best remembered for his novels ‘Anna of the Five Towns’ (1902), ‘The Old Wives’ Tale’ (1908), ‘Clayhanger’ (1910) and ‘Riceyman Steps’ (1923). His work frequently dealt with real-life issues and have been loved for their relatability and the keen insight they offer into the everyday. Posthumously recognised as a literary genius, Bennett’s works have had frequent comparisons to those of his contemporaries such as H.G. Wells and John Galsworthy.

  • af Malte Tellerup
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    Mestrene er en autobiografisk roman om at vokse op i et sportsmiljø – om familie, håndbold, halkultur, om at være queer i et maskulint domineret fællesskab og om vindermentalitet i 00’erne. Malte – en forfatter sidst i 20’erne – hjemsøges af mareridt om at komme tilbage på banen og brillere i sin ungdoms sport. Malte er vokset op i ”en rigtig håndboldfamilie”. En familie, der er dybt investeret i spillet og i fællesskabet i de lokale håndboldklubber. Fra en tidlig alder bliver han en del af en gylden årgang i håndboldklubben Bolbro, der trods klubbens lille størrelse begynder at vinde stort, og i takt med at han bliver ældre, begynder han at spille på højere og højere plan. Men da han som 17-årig står over for sin helt store chance og muligheden for en professionel karriere som håndboldspiller, smuldrer det hele mellem fingrene på ham. Hvorfor? Og hvad skete der egentlig? Det er spørgsmålene, der ikke vil slippe ham. De sender Malte ud på en opdagelsesrejse, ikke bare i sin egen fortid, men også i håndboldspillets historie og i de danske håndboldklubbers udvikling.

  • af Christina Krüger
    88,99 kr.

    Schwere Prüfungen liegen vor Avina, Siran und Darian. Immer tiefer geraten sie in das Netz der Verschwörungen und Lügen. Exanion und seine Handlanger jagen noch immer Darian und seine Freunde. Die Drei und ihre treuen Begleiter werden zu unfreiwilligen Spielfiguren des Schicksals. Die Gefahren um sie wachsen mit jeder Stunde der Finsternis. Längst geht es um das Leben ihrer gesamten Familie. Die Ballade der Nacht erklingt von Neuem. Nichts wird je wieder so sein, wie es einst war.Seit der Kindheit bin ich begeisterte Fantasyleserin und habe viele dieser Welten entdeckt. Bald musste ich selbst Abenteuer niederschreiben und mein eigenes Universum gestalten.Im echten Leben findet man mich und meine Hündin meist an prasselnden Lagerfeuern und der Natur. Als Biologin und Naturmensch aus tiefster Seele erlebe ich stets die kleinen und großen Abenteuer der Wildnis, die für mich die größte Inspiration für das Schreiben sind.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    38,99 kr.

    Hester appears to have it all - marriage, a nice home, three children and a stimulating job.But it is not enough. For no matter how much she and her husband earn, she spends more.Driven by a desire to be loved by his mother, young Paul starts betting on the horses with the family's gardener.He wins, wins and just keeps winning. But, as quickly as he hands her the money, Hester has splurged it away.Then, as Derby day approaches, the spooky secret of Paul's endless run of luck is revealed.As tragedy beckons, will Paul win his mother's love?This book is perfect for fans of Edgar Allan Poe and Ernest Hemingway.It was made into the 1949 fantasy film 'The Rocking Horse Winner', starring John Howard Davies, Valerie Hobson and John Mills.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer and poet.He was at the centre of a great deal of controversy during and after his life, with the explicit nature of some of his novels leading to censorship and protests.Many critics admired his imaginative and deeply descriptive style, though.Among his best-known novels are 'Sons and Lovers', 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', 'The Rainbow' and 'Women in Love'.

  • af Ava Cooper
    88,99 kr.

    Ein neuer Gegner erwacht ...Der Frieden in den Vereinigten Traumreichen bröckelt, denn Talishas und Krians Gegner wollen das Weltenbündnis um jeden Preis zerstören. Sie versuchen mit allen Mitteln, ihre Unabhängigkeit wieder zu erlangen, und kennen dabei keine Rücksicht. Obwohl diese Intrigen unabhängig voneinander gesponnen werden, entfesseln sie gemeinsam eine verheerende Wirkung.Gleichzeitig erwacht im Verborgenen ein abgrundtief böses Wesen, das nur ein Ziel kennt: Die ganze Welt in einen Sog aus Hass und Zerstörung zu stürzen. Um diesen grausamen Gegner aufzuhalten, müssen Talisha und Krian einen verschollenen, magischen Kristall wiederfinden. Doch die Zeit läuft, denn die Situation im Reich spitzt sich immer weiter zu.Ava Cooper (geboren 1971) schreibt seit ihrer Kindheit; überwiegend in den Bereichen Fantasy und Mystery. Schon als Grundschülerin dachte sie sich erste Horrorgeschichten aus und vertonte sie mit dem Kassettenrekorder im heimischen Keller, wo die Türen so schön quietschten.Der Leidenschaft fürs geschriebene Wort ist sie auch später im Berufsleben treu geblieben: Sie arbeitete zunächst als Journalistin, bevor sie in die Kommunikationsabteilung eines Chemiekonzerns wechselte. Wann immer ihre Zeit es zulässt, taucht sie ab in fremde Welten und legt ihren Heldinnen und Helden jede Menge Steine in den Weg.

  • af Christina Krüger
    88,99 kr.

    Die Zwillinge Siran und Avina haben sich die Studienreise mit ihrem Lehrmeister, dem Heiler Haron Salbwis, deutlich harmloser vorgestellt. Doch durch einen ungeschickten Dieb, den spitzohrigen Akhari-Prinzen Darian, werden sie mitten in eine königliche Verschwörung verstrickt. Darian ist auf der Flucht vor seinem Onkel, der ihm den Mord an seinem Vater angehängt hat. Der Prinz ist nun auf die Hilfe der Menschen angewiesen, die er von seiner Unschuld überzeugen kann.Seit der Kindheit bin ich begeisterte Fantasyleserin und habe viele dieser Welten entdeckt. Bald musste ich selbst Abenteuer niederschreiben und mein eigenes Universum gestalten.Im echten Leben findet man mich und meine Hündin meist an prasselnden Lagerfeuern und der Natur. Als Biologin und Naturmensch aus tiefster Seele erlebe ich stets die kleinen und großen Abenteuer der Wildnis, die für mich die größte Inspiration für das Schreiben sind.

  • af Kajsa Arnold
    73,99 kr.

    Rosalie, die jüngste der Schwestern, kann es gar nicht abwarten, endlich in den Stand der Ehe zu treten. Doch woher einen Verehrer nehmen und nicht stehlen? Francis Bennett, der zukünftige Earl of De Lacy, den Rosalie ins Herz geschlossen hat, heiratet eine andere. Jonathan Babington, mittlerweile der Earl of Conteville, kümmert sich um Rosalie, doch er scheint nur an ihrer Gesellschaft interessiert. Als Rosalie dem Earl of Grafton begegnet, ist sie wie gefangen, von seinem Charisma. Doch Grafton hat keinen guten Ruf, immerhin hat er die Verlobung mit Emily Beaufort, die Tochter des Marquis of Holland, gelöst, ohne sichtbaren Grund. Grayson will seine Schwester vor Schaden bewahren, doch wer ist der richtige Mann für Rosalie?Kajsa Arnold wurde im Sternzeichen Schütze in Essen geboren. Seit 2010 widmet sich die Autorin ganz dem Schreiben von Liebesromanen aus den Bereichen Contemporary, Historical und Young Adult. Bevor sie mit dem Schreiben ihrer Geschichten beginnt, designt die Autorin ihr eigenes Cover und erweckt so ihre Protagonistin zum Leben. Und Kajsas eigenwillige Heldinnen danken es ihr, indem sie regelmäßig die Bestsellerlisten erklimmen.

  • af Jerome K. Jerome
    77,99 kr.

    ‘This is the story, among others, of Henry the waiter—or, as he now prefers to call himself, Henri—told to me in the long dining-room of the Riffel Alp Hotel, where I once stayed for a melancholy week "between seasons".’ The collection of short stories in The Observations of Henry are a witty and wondrous insight into the life and times of 19th century England, as told by an enigmatic waiter, Henry (Henri). An observer of life, and offering counsel to his various customers’ romantic entanglements, dramas and career carry-ons, the charming tales from a unique hotelier’s perspective is an uplifting, funny and occasionally shocking set of tit-bits from some of the more memorable characters which Henry has met in his work. Aided by comic assailants, Kipper and Carrot, Jerome K. Jerome sets the perfect scene for scandal, humour and charismatic capers. Originally published in 1901, the warm and witty mini sagas will appeal to any reader who is a fan of Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Sometimes dark, often light and occasionally highly unexpected, The Observations of Henry is charming, insightful and extremely funny - people watching at its very best.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After various jobs as an actor, clerk and a school teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – a warm and witty autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War I, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • af Rex Beach
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Rainbow's End’ by Rex Beach is a western, action-adventure novel set to the backdrop of the Spanish-American war that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Rough Riders’ by Theodore Roosevelt or the film ‘Citizen Kane’. The story tells the tale of a time when young men in the West who were old enough to ride would head to East Texas to join Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, and assist with the invasion of Cuba. They would ride to glory and return as heroes, but there were very few who would return home to their families.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.

  • af Rex Beach
    77,99 kr.

    In Rex Beach's ‘The Ne'er-Do-Well’ Kirk Anthony is a rich, playboy who enjoys the lavish lifestyle of expensive dinners, fancy cars, and the New York Night Life, despite his father’s pleas for him to settle down and do some real work. Kirk won’t stop having a good time with his father’s money until one of his drunken friends is persuaded, by a man trying to escape the law, to play a fun ‘trick’ on Kirk. Kirk is kidnapped by his own friends and put on a ship to Panama with no money and the wanted man’s identity. Working to earn his passage home, Kirk is shocked to find that his father is tired of his irresponsible lifestyle and refuses to help him out of this situation. The perfect novel for fans of ‘Windfall’ starring Jason Segal and Jesse Plemons, or ‘All the Money in the World’.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.

  • af Jerome K. Jerome
    42,99 kr.

    Set in a drawing-room in London’s Russell Square in 1911, ‘The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy’ is a fictional stage play full of wit and warmth, which addresses the issue of women’s rights in Edwardian England. As the play progresses, and Mrs. Chilvers joins the timely cause of women's suffrage, her seemingly sudden commitment to suffragette radicalism shocks her husband and has a large effect on the rest of her upper class family. The four act play by author and playwright Jerome K Jerome, whose other works include 'Three Men in a Boat' and ‘The Observations of Henry’, begins with a detailed introduction to the play with insightfully personal character descriptions. With whiffs of classic Oscar Wilde and a clear preamble for the 2015 film ‘Suffragette’, starring Carey Mulligan and Meryl Streep, Jerome takes on the genre of family drama and class meets equality, feminism and women’s liberation in a touching, humorous and forward-thinking way. It was first performed at The Royalty Theatre, London, on April 26th, 1911, starring actors Mary Rorke as Lady Mogton and Lena Ashwell as Annys Chilvers.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After jobs as an actor, clerk and a teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – an autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, 'The Observations of Henry' and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War 1, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • af R. M. Ballantyne
    42,99 kr.

    'The Life of a Ship' is a classic adventure tale about a young boy named Davy who has always dreamt about going to sea and living the life of an fearless fisherman. A perfect escape from the drudgery of everyday life. After years of watching ships being built at the docks and going on short excursions with his father and grandfather, he finally gets the chance to go on a great fishing expedition.But is Davy up for the challenge?A perfect fit for fans of exciting 19th century adventure stories complete with a potent take on morality.Recommended for fans of Daniel Defoe's adventure novel 'Robinson Crusoe' and Walt Disney's 1960 movie 'Swiss Family Robinson' starring John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur and Janet Munro. Nobel-Prize winning author William Golding also drew inspiration from Ballantyne's seafaring and adventure prose for his cult novel 'The Lord of The Flies'.R. M. Ballantyne was a Scottish writer specialising in the juvenile fiction genre. He was born as Robert Michael Ballantyne into a family of well-known printers and publishers in Edinburgh. At age 16 he travelled to Canada where he served with the Hudson's Bay Company for six years. He returned to Scotland in 1847 and published his first book the next year, 'Hudson's Bay: or Life in the Wilds of North America'. For several years he was employed by the publishing house Messrs Constable. But in 1856 he decided to leave the literature business. Instead he began writing a series of adventure stories for young readers.

  • af Debbie Young
    102,99 kr.

    A romantic Valentine’s evening at The Bluebird turns into a murder mystery when a dead body plummets to the bottom of the village well.There are no witnesses, but surely in a community where everyone knows each other’s business, the murderer can’t stay hidden for long?Sophie doesn’t think so, and she’s on the case, determined to restore peace to the idyllic Cotswold village once more.The latest cosy mystery from bestselling author Debbie Young is ideal for fans of Richard Osman, Katie Gayle, and Catherine Coles.Debbie Young is the much-loved author of the "Sophie Sayers" and St Brides cosy crime mysteries. She lives in a Cotswold village, where she runs the local literary festival, and has worked at Westonbirt School, both of which provide inspiration for her writing.

  • af Ava Cooper
    88,99 kr.

    Eine Liebe – zwei Welten – unzählige FeindeEigentlich sollte Talisha rundum glücklich sein – sie hat ihre Heimat Remavo gerettet, die Gegner von einst zu Verbündeten gemacht und sie darf bald ihre große Liebe Krian heiraten. Aber anstatt sich auf die Hochzeitsplanung konzentrieren zu können, hat sie alle Hände voll damit zu tun, die ehemals verfeindeten Welten zu einem friedlichen Reich zu verschmelzen.Das gestaltet sich allerdings deutlich schwerer als geahnt, denn Missgunst, Machtgier, Hass und Furcht führen zu allerlei Konflikten zwischen Remavonern und Daraniern. Als wäre das nicht genug, kämpft Talisha auch noch mit Krians Alleingängen. Und am Horizont tauchen bereits neue Gegner auf, die ihre Zerrissenheit ausnutzen. Finden Talisha und Krian wieder zueinander und retten das Reich gemeinsam - oder wird ihre Liebe an den Unterschieden zerbrechen?Ava Cooper (geboren 1971) schreibt seit ihrer Kindheit; überwiegend in den Bereichen Fantasy und Mystery. Schon als Grundschülerin dachte sie sich erste Horrorgeschichten aus und vertonte sie mit dem Kassettenrekorder im heimischen Keller, wo die Türen so schön quietschten.Der Leidenschaft fürs geschriebene Wort ist sie auch später im Berufsleben treu geblieben: Sie arbeitete zunächst als Journalistin, bevor sie in die Kommunikationsabteilung eines Chemiekonzerns wechselte. Wann immer ihre Zeit es zulässt, taucht sie ab in fremde Welten und legt ihren Heldinnen und Helden jede Menge Steine in den Weg.

  • af Ida Fryklund
    Fra 54,99 kr.

    Nykära Bella och nyligen dumpade Lisette är ägarna av en frisörsalong mitt i centrala Kungsbacka. För att läka sitt brustna hjärta ger sig Lisette ut i världen av nätdejting och blir snabbt charmad av Jonathan. Samtidigt träffar hon upprepande gånger på sin tonårsförälskelse Anton. Han som under en kväll för många år sedan både fångade och krossade hennes hjärta. Är det slumpen eller ödet som för dem samman och kan hon släppa sina sårade känslor och åter låta honom komma in i hennes liv?Under tiden som Bella stöttar sin väns sökande efter ny kärlek fördjupar hon själv relationen med pojkvännen Casper. Det är dags att träffa hans mamma Margaretha vilket leder till att Bella kastas in i ett oväntat familjedrama. När hela historien uppdagas för Bella befinner hon sig plötsligt ofrivilligt i centrum av allt. Motvilligt förstår hon att om hon inte hanterar situationen på rätt sätt kan den potentiellt betyda slutet på hennes och Caspers relation."Balsam för själen" är en härlig feelgood-roman om vänskap, kärlek och familjerelationer, och är första delen i Sjöallén-serien.Ida Fryklund är en svensk författare som är uppvuxen på västkusten. Hon har länge arbetat som marknadsförare men har haft författardrömmar sedan barndomen. 2021 släpptes äntligen hennes feelgood-debut "Gårda Brygga: Med handen på hjärtat". "Balsam för själen" är hennes tredje roman.

  • af Kerstin Rachfahl
    88,99 kr.

    Wie kannst du je wieder einem Menschen vertrauen? Diese Frage stellte ich mir, bis zu dem Ausritt, bei dem Duke einem jungen wildfremden Mädchen zur Hilfe eilte. Jeder der sieht, wie er über die Hindernisse fliegt, sagt mir, es wäre falsch ihn auf dem Hof als Freizeitpferd zu verstecken. Aber kann ich mir sicher sein, dass ich, dem Erfolg widerstehen und sein Wohlbefinden an erste Stelle setze, wenn es darauf ankommt? Wie geht es weiter mit mir und Henning? Wohin immer ich ihn begleite, bin ich eine Außenseiterin in einer mir fremden Welt, dir mir nichts bedeutet. Wie kann ich von ihm verlangen, dass er ein Teil meines Lebens wird, wenn ich nicht bereit bin, ein Teil seines zu werden? Liebe bedeutet, zu vertrauen. Bin ich so mutig wie Duke?Romantische und spannende Romane mit Happy-End, so lassen sich die Bücher von Kerstin Rachfahl am besten umschreiben. Die Leidenschaft zum Schreiben entdeckt sie erst spät. Als Mitinhaberin eines IT-Unternehmens und Mutter zweier Kinder blieb ihr keine Zeit für andere Abenteuer. Um wenigstens für ein paar Momente ihrem Alltag zu entfliehen, tauchte sie ein in eine Welt der Fantasie und kam jedes Mal mit frischem Elan in die Realität zurück. 2011 veröffentlichte sie ihren ersten Pferderoman: Duke - ein weiter Weg zurück. Seit dem kann sie sich ein Leben ohne Schreiben und ihre Fans, die ihre Liebe zu den Figuren ihrer Romane teilen, nicht mehr vorstellen. Mehr über die Autorin, ihre Romane und Figuren erfahrt Ihr auf ihrem Autorenblog:

  • af Sophus Boas
    59,99 kr.

    "It was my good fortune, that the prisons in Germany were still controlled by the Ministry of Justice and not by Heinrich Himmler's Gestapo! It was also a stroke of luck that the staff I came across in the prisons had been there from the time before Hitler came to power. They may have been members og his party, but that was only because it had become a condition of their employment after Hitler had taken over. These weren't the kinds of things I could have known before I arrived. At the sight of a swastika, a raised right hand and a chorus of 'Heil Hitler', I thought I was confronted by a fanatic Nazi. I met the fanatics now and again, but the trick was to find the non-fanatics in each of the prisons."In this autobiography, Boas tells the reader about his experience as a young priest in the Danish church in Hamburg during the Second World War. He was the only Dane allowed to meet the resistance fighters captured and imprisoned in Germany. With a suitcase full of contraband, he was invited into the prisons and gave support and encouragement to the brave Danes that had been imprisoned during their fight for a free Denmark.People who enjoyed 'Babylon Berlin' and the constant tightrope walk Gereon Rath (played by Volker Bruch) and Charlotte Ritter (played by Liv Lisa Fries) have to tread between different factions in German society, should read 'Sophus Boas - A Danish Priest in the Third Reich'.Sophus Boas (1914-1994) was a Danish priest and author. During his life as a priest, Boas travelled around the world bringing the gospel and his help to people in need. During the Second World War, he met with the imprisoned Danish resistance in Germany. After the war, his calling took him to Korea, Spain and Argentina.

  • af Horatio Alger Jr.
    42,99 kr.

    Can a lowly shoeshine boy called Dick make his way up the ladder to bigger and better things or is he destined to be poor for his whole life?This classic rags-to-riches story follows young Dick Hunter’s life in New York City from his position as a lowly shoeshine boy to his rise through society. Wildly popular long after it was first published, 'Ragged Dick' is the first story in Horatio Alger Jr. famous series. Dick's confidence, determination, and great sense of humour help him a lot in life, especially with his encounters with people good and bad alike.Horatio Alger Jr. (1832-1899) was an American writer who worked predominantly in the young adult genre. His protagonists are often boys who undergo tremendous transformations and whose humble origins at the beginning are contrasted with their successful careers at the end of their journeys.Among his many novels, the most important ones are 'Ragged Dick', 'Fame and Fortune', 'Rough and Ready', and 'Adrift in New York'. A 1982 musical, Shine!, was based on Alger's work, particularly Ragged Dick and Silas Snobden's Office Boy.

  • af Howard Nemerov
    42,99 kr.

    Widely considered to be among his best works, ‘War Stories’ is a collection of poems detailing Nemerov’s observations and personal experiences of the Second World War. From the grand, sweeping reflections of ‘The War in the Heavens’ to the haunting verses of ‘The War in the Streets,’ this anthology is as pertinent now as it was when it was first published. A superb book for those with an interest in World War II, or those who want to see a different side to this usually-satirical poet.Howard Nemerov (1920 – 1991) was an American novelist and poet, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1978. His novels are characterised by the use of self-deprecating wit and an ongoing sense of irony. While his books tended to satirise 20th Century American life, his poems often focussed on the beauty and innocence of nature. In addition, Nemerov also worked as a scriptwriter, most notably on the film, ‘Tall Story,’ starring Anthony Perkins and Jane Fonda.

  • af William Wallace Denslow
    38,99 kr.

    Everyone knows the rhyme about poor Humpty Dumpty but how many have heard the tale of his son?Humpty Dumpty’s son wants to be different form his father, harder and not so fragile. The son vows to become stronger than his father and more resilient to breaking. He goes to the black hen for advice, and his story begins.What a marvelous adventure awaits Humpty Dumpty's son!Humpty's many travels and escapades continue to please children all around the world.William Wallace Denslow (1856-1915) was an American illustrator and caricaturist. He is most famous for a number of one notable, classic nursery rhymes and stories.He also drew the illustrations for 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' (1900), which as everyone knows was written by L. Frank Baum and turned into many movies with most famous starring Judy Garland. Who can ever forget the adventures of Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Lion!

  • af Howard Nemerov
    42,99 kr.

    In this dazzling collection, Nemerov plays with other forms of poetry, including gnomic verse, sonnets, and lyrics. ‘Sentences’ reverberates with imaginative approaches to poetry, and the subject matters are equally varied. Poems, such as ‘A Christmas Storm,’ and ‘By Al Leibowitz’s Pool’ are both charming and fantastic examples of the author’s ability with words. Shot through with his trademark sense of the satirical, ‘Sentences’ is a must for Nemerov fans, and for those looking for an introduction to his work.Howard Nemerov (1920 – 1991) was an American novelist and poet, who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1978. His novels are characterised by the use of self-deprecating wit and an ongoing sense of irony. While his books tended to satirise 20th Century American life, his poems often focussed on the beauty and innocence of nature. In addition, Nemerov also worked as a scriptwriter, most notably on the film, ‘Tall Story,’ starring Anthony Perkins and Jane Fonda.

  • af Zane Grey
    77,99 kr.

    ‘Tappan’s Burro, and Other Stories’ (1923) is a collection of classic western tales from the master of the genre, American author Zane Grey, best known for his romanticized stories about the old West.Tappan and his burro Jenet, is an impressive, Western duo searching for gold. Jenet is a great companion, since she knows the trails and waterholes of their upcoming journey to remote, dangerous terrain better than her prospecting owner.Trekking through the searing heat of Death Valley and the freezing blizzards of Arizona's mountains, the duo’s adventures take them to the brink of death in the search of gold.This gripping short story is a tale of loyalty, courage and friendship with a Western twist.The book features four other short stories: ‘The Great Slave’, ‘Yaqui’, ‘Tigre’ and ‘The Rubber Hunter’.Pearl Zane Grey (1872 – 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels about the American West. His stories are credited with the creation of the ‘Western’ literary genre.The novel ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1912) was Grey’s best-selling work, while other popular titles include ‘The Lone Star Ranger’ (1915), ‘The U.P. Trail’ (1918), ‘Call of the Canyon’ (1924), and ‘Code of the West’ (1934). His nonfiction books include ‘Tales of Fishing’ (1925). Grey wrote more than 80 books in total, a number of which were published posthumously.Many of his works have been adapted for tv and film, including ‘Zane Grey Theatre’ (1956-1958) and ‘Riders of the Purple Sage’ (1996) starring Ed Harris.

  • af Ava Cooper
    88,99 kr.

    Zwei Welten – die eine licht, die andere dunkel. Ein bevorstehender Krieg. Eine Spionin, die zur Kriegerin wird.Um den drohenden Krieg zwischen den Welten zu verhindern, schleicht sich Talisha ins feindliche Heerlager. Als Dienerin des Heerführers Krian kann sie nicht nur seine Pläne ausspionieren, sondern auch gegen ihn intrigieren. Doch dabei stellt sie fest, dass nicht alles böse ist und selbst ihr Feind unerwartet gute Seiten hat. So muss Talisha sich bald fragen, was gefährlicher ist: ihre Mission oder ihre Gefühle für Krian ...Ava Cooper (geboren 1971) schreibt seit ihrer Kindheit; überwiegend in den Bereichen Fantasy und Mystery. Schon als Grundschülerin dachte sie sich erste Horrorgeschichten aus und vertonte sie mit dem Kassettenrekorder im heimischen Keller, wo die Türen so schön quietschten.Der Leidenschaft fürs geschriebene Wort ist sie auch später im Berufsleben treu geblieben: Sie arbeitete zunächst als Journalistin, bevor sie in die Kommunikationsabteilung eines Chemiekonzerns wechselte. Wann immer ihre Zeit es zulässt, taucht sie ab in fremde Welten und legt ihren Heldinnen und Helden jede Menge Steine in den Weg.

  • af Edgar Wallace
    59,99 kr.

    It’s the ultimate plot to steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London. But when a criminal mastermind finds Scotland Yard detectives sniffing around his tracks, things become far from easy. And when a beautiful girl arrives on the scene, distractions are all the more inevitable.Packed with suspense, tension and thrills, Edgar Wallace’s rip-roaring crime novel ‘The Traitor’s Gate’ is perfect for fans of BBC’s hit series ‘Sherlock’ starring Benedict Cumberbatch.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer so prolific, that his publisher claimed that he was responsible for a quarter of all books sold in England. An author, journalist and poet, Wallace wrote countless novels, short stories, screen plays, stage plays, along with historical non-fiction. His work has been adapted into more than 160 films. In 1932, Wallace died suddenly in Hollywood, during the initial drafting of his most famous work, ‘King Kong’.

  • af Violet Jacobs
    42,99 kr.

    As an aristocrat by birth, Violet Jacob's decision to write poetry in Scots dialect risked ridicule from her peers, who considered it vulgar. Most others would struggle to take her efforts seriously - until they read it.'Northern Lights and Other Poems' shows her consummate knowledge and use of the vernacular.The verses are packed with rich detail about people and places - exploring emotions, the natural world, sexuality and a love for Scotland.This collection is perfect for fans of the poetry of Marion Angus and William Dunbar.Violet Jacob (1863-1946) was a Scottish novelist and poet. She is best known for her historical novel of the Jacobite Rising 'Flemington' and for her poetry, written primarily in Scots.She was born into the House of Dun, an aristocratic family, and was of Royal heritage, as the great-granddaughter of King William IV - though his child, her grandmother, was illegitimate.The essayist, journalist and political figure Hugh McDiarmid described Jacob as "by far the most considerable of contemporary vernacular poets".

  • af Sherwood Anderson
    42,99 kr.

    Sherwood Anderson built his literary reputation on his to-the-point novels about American life.When he turned his hand to poetry, he stayed on-message - producing a powerful collection of verse that sometimes punches hard enough to wind you.'A New Testament' pulls together at-times visceral poems describing the people and places around him and themes including death, hunger and a visit from God.Strap yourself in for a rugged ride!The work of Sherwood Anderson is ideal for fans of authors he influenced, including Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck.Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941) was an American novelist and short story writer.He became a copywriter and business owner in Ohio, but quit his business and his family after a nervous breakdown in 1912.A move to Chicago saw Anderson focus more on his writing as he mixed with well-known authors. His career was launched in 1919 by the short-story sequence 'Winesburg, Ohio', but he had by then published other titles, including the novels 'Windy McPherson's Son' and 'Marching Men' and a collection of prose poems, 'Mid-American Chants' (1918).His other bestseller, 'Dark Laughter', was published in 1925.

  • af Anna Loyelle
    88,99 kr.

    Geheimnisse bleiben so lange sicher verwahrt, bis ein kleiner Funke an Unachtsamkeit ein Feuer entzündet und alles ans Tageslicht bringt.Elisha und Cade haben etwas gemeinsam - ihr Leben birgt viele Geheimnisse. Vielleicht ist das der Grund, warum sie sich auf Anhieb zueinander hingezogen fühlen? Als sich der Schatten der Vergangenheit über sie legt und ihr Leben aus der Bahn zu werfen droht, wird ihnen klar, wie viel sie einander bedeuten.Sie begegnen sich an Elishas erstem Tag an ihrer neuen Schule. Cade bringt Elishas Herz mit seinen blauen Augen und seiner sanften Art zum Flattern. Schritt für Schritt tastet er sich an sie heran, bis sie sich entgegen ihrer Vorsätze auf eine Beziehung mit ihm einlässt. Doch Cade hat mit den Dämonen seiner Vergangenheit zu kämpfen. Als Briefe auftauchen, die seine Mutter vor ihrem Tod verfasst hat, kommen schreckliche Geheimnisse ans Licht. Geheimnisse, die mit dem spurlosen Verschwinden eines Mädchens zu tun haben. Geheimnisse, die einen Menschen in Verzweiflung stürzen und dazu bringen, ein Verbrechen zu begehen.Anna Loyelle schreibt Jugendromane, Erotikgeschichten und Kurzgeschichten unterschiedlicher Genres. Hinter dem Pseudonym Anna Loyelle verbirgt sich die Gründerin und Herausgeberin des Tiroler Literaturmagazins - Schreib Was - Andrea Kammerlander. Mehr über die Autorin erfahren Sie auf

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    A sombre, grieving monk, ferries a man across the river to visit his local church for the Easter holiday festivities. As they journey towards the celebrations and excitement on the opposite bank, the ferryman recounts the death of his best friend Nikolai.Written by the famous Russian author and playwright, Anton Chekhov, ‘Easter Eve’ (1886) is an atmospheric tale of friendship and grief. Regarded as one of the greatest writers in the world, Chekhov is famous for his plays, including ‘Uncle Vanya’, ‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’ and ‘The Cherry Orchard’, and for his influence in the development of the modern short story.Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) was a prolific Russian playwright and short-story writer and is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the world. He wrote several famous plays including ‘Uncle Vanya’, ‘The Seagull’, ‘Three Sisters’ and ‘The Cherry Orchard’. They are still performed all over the world and are considered to be masterpieces.Chekhov wrote over one hundred short stories including ‘The Lady with a Dog’, ‘Rothschild’s Violin’, ‘About Love’ and ‘The Bishop’. Credited with being the single most important influence on the development of the modern short story, as well as the father of modern drama, his popularity continues to grow. The Russian’s work has influenced many important writers, including James Joyce, Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams and continues to influence writers and audiences to this day.