88,99 kr. Halloween - in dieser Nacht verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen den Lebenden und dem Reich der Toten. In dieser Nacht stehen die Pforten zur Anderwelt weit offen, und in dieser Nacht bekommt die 19-jährige Paulina Schwarz ein neues Herz.Noch ahnt sie nicht, dass diese gefährliche Verbindung von Leben und Tod ihr Schicksal für immer verändern wird. Doch kurz vor dem nächsten Halloweenfest vernimmt sie in ihrem Inneren das unheimliche Flüstern einer unbekannten Stimme, und bald darauf beginnt ein Kampf um Leben und Seele.Schreiben ist Kathryna Kaas Leidenschaft. Ihren Vollzeitjob hat sie gegen Teilzeit eingetauscht, um mehr Zeit dafür zu haben. Magisch, düster und fantastisch mag sie es am liebsten und schreibt daher nicht nur, aber doch zumeist, im dunklen Bereich der Phantastik. Mit Familie und Haustieren lebt sie in Sachsen und fände es aufregend, wenn (nette!) Vampire an der Fensterscheibe kratzen oder (nette!) Aliens im Garten landen.
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- 88,99 kr.
88,99 kr. Zu Beginn des 15. Jahrhunderts in der Mark Brandenburg: Während des Kampfes um die Burg ihres Vaters geht die kleine Tochter des Raubritters Dietrich von Quitzow im Wald verloren, wird dort zuerst von Köhlern aufgenommen, dann von einem geächteten Adligen aufgezogen. Jahre später macht sie sich allein auf den Weg, um ein Versprechen einzulösen, das sie ihrem sterbenden Ziehvater Richard gegeben hat. Auf der Suche nach dessen Sohn und ihrer eigenen Familie muss sie sich nicht nur mit Bogen und Dolch in der Hand in gefahrvollen Situationen behaupten, sondern sich immer wieder mit den strengen Normen und Verhaltensregeln auseinandersetzen, denen sie als Frau unterworfen ist. Werden ihre besonderen Fähigkeiten und ihre neugewonnenen Freunde ihr helfen, Richards letzten Wunsch zu erfüllen und ihren angestammten Platz als Adlige wieder einzunehmen? Oder muss sie sich verleugnen, um ihr Glück zu finden?Martha Sophie Marcus wurde 1972 im Landkreis Schaumburg geboren und verbrachte dort ihre Kindheit zwischen zahllosen Haustieren und Büchern.Die Autorin studierte in Hannover bis zum Magisterabschluss die Fächer Germanistik, Pädagogik und Soziologie mit dem Schwerpunkt auf geschichtlichen Aspekten. Anschließend lebte sie zwei Jahre lang im englischen Cambridge und genoss die malerische historische Kulisse.Ihr Interesse an der Vergangenheit reicht bis in ihre Kindheit zurück, und ihre Leidenschaft für Literatur brachte sie früh zum Schreiben. 2010 erschien mit „Herrin wider Willen", einer Geschichte aus dem Dreißigjährigen Krieg, ihr erster historischer Roman. "Salz und Asche", ein historischer Lüneburg-Roman, folgte. "Der Rabe und die Göttin", ein Roman aus der Wikingerzeit, erschien im Jahr 2011, "Die Bogenschützin" im Jahr 2012. Und mit "Rabenherz und Elsternseele" (Baumhaus Verlag) ist Marthas erster Roman für Kinder und Jugendliche entstanden.Martha hat zwei erwachsene Kinder, lebt heute mit ihrem Lebensgefährten in Lüneburg und ist Vollzeit-Schriftstellerin.Mehr zur Autorin auf www.ms-marcus.de und www.martha-s-marcus.blogspot.com
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- 88,99 kr.
42,99 kr. The impetuous and dashing Marquis of Troon is to marry the disreputable Lady Dilys Powick against the advice of his closest friends. In celebration he arranges a steeplechase event full of prizes, but one of the guests suddenly dies from a heart attack. The Marquis is shocked to hear that he has been named in the will as the guardian of the guest’s daughter!Throw in a kidnapping, crime and a dangerous trip to London, and you will be gripped by this story.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 42,99 kr.
50,99 kr. Ingela har inte gett upp nätdejtingen. Tvärtom – hon har utökat sökområdet. Nästa blinddejt blir med en man som är bosatt i Paris, och de ska träffas utanför självaste Notre-Dame. Det får bli en weekendresa till den franska huvudstaden. Bodil ska med såklart, som resesällskap och stöd, och inte minst som kritisk övervakare.Samtidigt på hemmaplan råder det en djup konflikt mellan de två falangerna i bostadsrättsföreningen, något som Peder varit lyckligt ovetande om ända fram till nu. Som nyligen invald i styrelsen kastas han rakt in i konfliktens epicentrum: Ska han bli tvungen att välja sida? Båda falangerna försöker värva Peder, och innan han vet ordet av har han allierat sig med båda två.I Grannar och fiender plockar Jens Hellström upp tråden där den uppskattade första delen av följetongen om Brf Kramsnö slutade.
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- 50,99 kr.
Fra 149,00 kr. Papirslottet er en fortælling om hemmeligheder, kærlighed og løgne.Det er en dejlig sommermorgen på Cape Cod. Elle Bishop, lykkeligt gift med Peter og mor til tre, vågner på familiens sommersted Papirslottet. Her har hun tilbragt alle somre i sit liv: som barn, som ung og sammen med sin egen familie. Men denne morgen er anderledes. Aftenen før sneg Elle sig ud sammen med barndomsvennen Jonas og havde sex, mens deres intetanende familier opholdt sig indenfor. I løbet af det næste døgn må Elle træffe en stor og livsændrende beslutning: Skal hun blive hos Peter, som hun elsker, eller skal hun starte et nyt liv med Jonas, som var hendes første store kærlighed? Som ung var hun sikker på, at de en dag ville gifte sig, men en tragisk hændelse forandrede alt.Papirslottet er en fascinerende historie om en kvindes liv og svære valg.
73,99 kr. Wer kennt das nicht? Nur zu gern würden wir unsere geliebten Vierbeiner verstehen. Für Julietta erfüllt sich dieser Wunsch nach einer likörseligen Nacht und plötzlich plappert Katze Tiffany ihr die Ohren voll. Ihre Feline Hoheit entpuppt sich als fellgewordener Alptraum – wie bringt man sowas möglichst schonend dem neuen Freund bei? Zwischen himmelhoch maunzend und zu Tode geliebt nimmt der Wahnsinn seinen Lauf.Larissa Schwarz' erste Schreibmaschine war eine Olympia SM3, die sie im Alter von vier Jahren geschenkt bekam und die in ihr den Wunsch weckte, Schriftstellerin zu werden. Nach Umwegen über ein Studium der Water Sciences, einer Abbiegung bei Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaften sowie Soziologie ging es weiter als Bankerin und Unterbrandmeisterin bei der Freiwilligen Feuerwehr. Sie liebt alte amerikanische Autos, das Ruhrgebiet und High Heels. In 2016 veröffentlichte die sportbegeisterte Autorin den ersten ihrer Romane, denen weitergedachte Begebenheiten, erlebte Momente und herzergreifende Inventionen zu Grunde liegen. Seit 2018 ist sie ausschließlich als Bloggerin und Autorin tätig.
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- 73,99 kr.
38,99 kr. From the author of the science fiction classic, 'The War of the Worlds', H.G. Wells' 'The Lost Inheritance' is a supernatural, suspense novella. In this short story, a young man's sole purpose in life is to persuade his rich and eccentric uncle to leave him his vast fortune. Although, when the elderly man finally passes, there is no will to be found...Greed, money, and family dynamics lead this comic tragedy tale, an early literary prototype for shows like HBO's 'Succession'.H.G. Wells (1866 – 1946) was a prolific writer and the author of more than 50 novels. In addition, he wrote more than 60 short stories, alongside various scientific papers. Many of his most famous works have been adapted for film and television, including ‘The Time Machine,’ starring Guy Pearce, ‘War of the Worlds,’ starring Tom Cruise, and ‘The Invisible Man,’ starring Elizabeth Moss. Because of his various works exploring futuristic themes, Wells is regarded as one of the ‘Fathers of Science Fiction.’
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- 38,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Janvier 1994, Lorin rejoint sa mère sur le point de décéder; elle lui révèle un lourd secret. Il comprend mieux sonmal être, les chemins tortueux empruntés, les choix qu’il a fait inconsciemment, son questionnement ; comment continuer sa vie, lui donner un sens?Ce roman va vous entraîner dans plusieurs régionsen France, depuis les années 1940, de Paris à Mâcon, de Vichy à Nice, en passant par de nombreux villages... Vous allez suivre plusieurs familles, despersonnages cocasses, minables, gentils, cupides, aimants, voyager de Saïgon à Alger, à travers l’Afrique: Maroc, Tchad, Gabon, l'Amérique: New-York, San Francisco, dans une aventure peu banale.«Un roman touchant, instructif et drôle qui vous feravoyager, pénétrer l'âme humaine »Né à Moulins en 1953, il a passé sa jeunesse dans le Bourbonnais; il s'engage à 16 ans dans l'Armée de l'Air; après une carrière très riche durant laquelle il voyage beaucoup à travers le monde, en particulier en Afrique sur des terrains de conflits. Ensuite, il s'investit dans plusieurs métiers, à Vichy et dans la région parisienne, avant de terminer sa vie professionnelle dans une compagnie aérienne.Depuis sa retraite en 2013, il profite de sa famille et voyage avec sa femme, Europe, Afrique, Amérique; il passe environ cinq mois par an dans sa maison du sud du Maroc, chez les berbères.En 2017, il écrit un livret intime, "Une vie..", titre inspiré de Simone Veil et Maupassant, deux personnes qui lui sont chères, à l'intention de ses enfants, petits enfants et proches, ce qui lui donne le goût de l'écriture.Il profite de la période de confinement de 2020, pour se lancer dans la rédaction de son premier roman, Lorin.
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- 111,99 kr.
149,95 kr. Lykke Andersen er forlagsredaktør og gift med en kendt forfatter, sammen har de tvillingerne David og Harry. Udefra set er alt godt, og Lykke beundres af sin omgangskreds for sin store integritet og enorme kærlighed til sønnerne.Så hvorfor står hun en dag pludselig anklaget for et brutalt mord?Hvad skete der egentlig på den idylliske familiegård Evigheden, i hjertet af Sörmland? Har det nye knivmord noget at gøre med det mord, der blev begået samme sted otte år tidligere? Og hvorfor nægter Lykke at lade andre end kriminalinspektør Manfred Olsson forhøre sig?Velkommen til evigheden er en isnende spændingsroman. Det er sjette bog i krimiserien Den mørke side (eller Malin-serien) af svenske Camilla Grebe. Også den nye krimi stiller spørgsmålet: Hvem ejer sandheden? Og er der forskel på at være refærdig og at gøre det rigtige?
129,99 kr. Hannah loves festive surprises. But the arrival of a handsome stranger on Christmas Day is much more than she bargained for...Snow is falling heavily on Holly Way. Inside her cottage, Hannah is trying to fake some holiday cheer. Freshly dumped, just in time for Christmas, her sister and niece have come to share the day with her and she owes it to them to put a brave face on things.But as they sit down to open their presents, they are interrupted by a knock at the door.On their doorstep is a handsome man with a nasty cut on his forehead, no coat, and no memory of who he is or how he came to be there.Once their unexpected guest is safe by the fire Hannah starts asking him questions to jog his memory. But although she learns nothing about his identity, Hannah can’t ignore the warm feeling she gets when he smiles at her. And it has nothing to do with the mulled wine.When the snow finally melts and spring flowers bloom, will the man who arrived at her door be just a funny story for Hannah to tell next Christmas? Or will he be the key to mending her broken heart?Filled with festive cheer, laughter and heart-warming scenes, immerse yourself in this enchanting story by Tilly Tennant. Perfect for fans of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Josie Silver.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 290,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.
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- 129,99 kr.
102,99 kr. As the cold winter nights draw in, escape to the sleepy town of Wrenwick, where the streets sparkle with snow and a lonely young widow is about to find that true love really can strike twice...As Christmas cheer fills Sparrow Street with excitement, grieving Nina is having a hard time. December is always a difficult month to face without her beloved husband Gray, the days feel long and bleak, and to cap it all, she’s just lost her job.So when Nina hears that Sparrow Street’s Community Garden, one of Gray’s favourite places, is to be put up for sale she knows she must do something. Filled with purpose, she gathers the residents of Sparrow Street around her to turn the neglected patch of land into a Garden of Memories.Working with her neighbours, single mum Kelly and eighty-year-old Ada, Nina soon finds that she’s not the only lonely soul on Sparrow Street. And as the community comes together and the garden flourishes, Nina can’t help but be drawn to Irish gardener Colm with his sparkling blue eyes and kind heart, finding herself confiding in him about all her recent troubles.But just as Colm and Nina grow closer and he opens up to her about his own secret loss, Colm’s estranged wife returns from Scotland, wanting to try again. Nina knows she should let the man she’s falling for go – it’s the right thing to do. But what if fate has other plans in store? Will the beautiful garden on Sparrow Street have brought two people together only for Nina’s cautious heart to push them apart?If you love an uplifting, moving love story, then The Garden on Sparrow Street is the perfect romantic read to curl up with on a winter’s afternoon. Fans of Josie Silver and Carole Matthews will love this book!Readers are falling in love with The Garden On Sparrow Street:‘A lovely, lovely, book. I picked it up cuddled into my chair and started reading, I did not get up for hours. I left my world, entered the town, met the characters, loved every page and was sorry to reach the end of this story, say goodbye to all the characters.’ Netgalley Reviewer‘Another gorgeous novel by Tilly! It's like an old friend giving you a warm hug! Lovely characters and a gorgeous front cover, I really loved this novel and it's perfect for the winter season ahead. I smiled all the way through this one.’ NetGalley Reviewer‘I always love a Tilly Tennant book. They are always like a big warm hug in book form. They are full of joy, romance and happiness. This book was absolutely beautiful.’ Goodreads Reviewer.Top 20 Amazon CA and top 30 Amazon UK author. Tilly has sold over 280,000 copiesFrom a young age, Tilly Tennant was convinced that she was destined for the stage. Once she realised she wasn’t actually very good at anything that would put her on the stage, she started to write stories instead. There were lots of terrible ones, like The Pet Rescue Gang (aged eight), which definitely should not see the light of day ever again. Thankfully, her debut novel, Hopelessly Devoted to Holden Finn was not one of those, and since it hit the Amazon best seller lists she hasn’t looked back. Born in Dorset, she currently lives in Staffordshire.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Daisy Turner has worked at Buchanan’s Family Jewellers since the day she finally escaped her troubled home. With a unique talent for matching the perfect piece of jewellery to any romantic milestone, she painstakingly polishes each stunning creation every morning and safely locks them away each night, longing for the day she’ll have a love story to call her own...But everything changes one day in December when the owner announces she is retiring. She will leave the shop to whichever of her three sons creates the perfect piece of Christmas jewellery for Daisy.In danger of losing the job that once saved her, Daisy is catapulted out of her comfort zone as each of the brothers sweeps her off her feet to find out what her heart truly desires. Between ice-skating, starlight shopping and cosy candle-lit dinners, it’s only handsome and guarded youngest brother Kit who really seems to be listening. Because Daisy has a secret. Every night, when the shop closes, she lays out her tools in neat rows and creates sparkling designs of her own...As Christmas Day approaches, Daisy’s growing feelings for Kit fill her with a confidence she never knew she had. But as the brothers present their elaborate gemstone masterpieces, she’s in for the shock of her life... Was Kit using her to get ahead in the competition all along? Or has he truly worked out the one thing she has always longed for?They say all good things come in small packages, but the best things don’t need wrapping at all...Snuggle up with this absolutely heart-warming Christmas read and find a warm spot by the fire. An unputdownable festive treat for lovers of Jenny Colgan, Lucy Diamond and Debbie Johnson.Readers adore The Little Shop on Silver Linings Street:‘Really wonderful... Full of charm, romance, great characters, and magic settings... will get you in the mood to put your Christmas tree up early.’ Netgalley reviewer‘I fell in love with this book instantly. I absolutely love this author... the most amazing characters... so well written... envelopes you in a massive hug. A brilliant festive book!’ Netgalley reviewer, 5 stars‘Grab a cup of hot chocolate and a throw, curl up in your favourite chair and enjoy this story! It is a winner.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars.Emma once worked for a design studio where she was asked to provide a fun, humorous, and not necessarily true anecdote about herself for their website. She wrote the following: ‘I am a bestselling novelist currently masquerading as a thirty-something mother of three.’ Well the job didn’t work out but she’s now a forty-something mother of three and happy to report the rest of her dream came true. She now lives in rural Shropshire with her husband, three children, and two guinea pigs where she writes full time from a shed in the garden.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Welcome to the gorgeous little Scottish village of Christmas, where snow is falling, presents are being wrapped and the locals are writing their festive wish lists. Will this finally be the year that Belle’s dreams come true?Thirty-year-old Belle Albany is feeling lonely this Christmas. Another whole year has passed and her life is... exactly the same as it was last December. She longs for true love and a little bit of winter magic – but she’s almost given up on finding it in the sleepy Scottish community where she lives...When Belle crashes into elderly Edina on her cherry red bicycle, it’s not the meet-cute she’d been hoping for. But she immediately recognises the lost look in Edina’s watery-blue eyes and resolves to organise a Christmas to remember for them both – brimming with mince pies, mulled wine and lots of sparkle. Although Belle hadn’t counted on Edina’s home being a crumbling Scottish castle and she certainly hadn’t been expecting Edina’s handsome long-lost grandson Jack Hamilton-Kirk to turn up on the doorstep in the middle of a snow storm...Jack is arrogant, rude and bossy and Belle is convinced he’s about to ruin the seasonal cheer she has worked hard to create. He’s basically the Grinch in human form, so why does her heart race every time they’re in the same room? They disagree on almost everything, from menu choices to music, and yet she starts to glimpse a softer side hidden behind Jack’s clipped words and brooding countenance.As they hunt down costumes for the annual nativity show and save a donkey from a snowy disaster, Belle can’t ignore their growing attraction. But will a secret from Jack’s past come between them? Or will this finally be the year Belle falls in love?This gorgeous, festive read is like a warm hug in a book! The perfect cosy romance to snuggle up with this Christmas. Fans of Nicola May, Trisha Ashley and Debbie Macomber will love this wonderfully uplifting novel.Readers love Christmas in the Scottish Highlands:‘An absolutely stunning read!!! A perfectly gorgeous book!!! The vivid descriptions left me feeling the fresh air of Scotland and feeling the warmth of the fire... make yourself a hot chocolate and clear your schedule ready to get lost in this unputdownable heartwarmer.’ Bookworm86‘Such a cute Christmas story!... I was obsessed from beginning to end (read it in every single spare second I had)... I would 100% recommend for those who like a good romance in a Christmassy scenario.’ NetGalley reviewer‘Such a cute book!... made my heart ache in a good way... made me laugh and made me cry... incredible... it made me feel like I was the one living in a Scottish village in Christmas time.’ Goodreads reviewer
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- 102,99 kr.
88,99 kr. Der schönen Dämonin Lilith wurde von Satan ein schreckliches Unrecht angetan. Mit der Macht der Verzweiflung gelang es ihr Rache zu üben. 500 Jahre später wird in nur einer schicksalshaften Nacht, die Welt der siebzehnjährigen Lizzy aus den Angeln gehoben. Sie hat nicht viel Zeit, um ihre Familie zu retten. Eine abenteuerliche Reise wartete auf das Mädchen. Sie muss nicht nur gegen Satan kämpfen, sondern sich auch anderen Gefahren stellen. Mathias, ein Krieger der Allianz macht sich mit ihr auf den gefährlichen Weg. Doch kann Lizzy ihm wirklich vertrauen?Yvonne Wundersee lebt mit ihrer Familie und zwei Hunden in einer Kleinstadt, am Rande der schönen schwäbischen Alb. Sie liebt es, fantastische Geschichten zu spinnen und damit ihre Leser und Leserinnen in atemberaubende Welten zu entführen. Ihre größte Freude ist es, den Leser / die Leserin für ein paar Stunden zu fesseln und in eine andere Welt abtauchen zu lassen. Er / Sie soll mit den Protagonisten mitfiebern und ihnen die Daumen drücken.
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- 88,99 kr.
69,00 kr. Forfatter og arkæolog Frederik Poulsen tager os i denne bog fra 1924 med til et af de mest sagnomspundne steder i verdenshistorien, nemlig Delfi, hvortil folk fra hele det gamle Grækenland valfartede for at spørge oraklet til råds. Han beretter om Delfis historie, om oraklets plads i den græske mytologi og om den vidunderlige arkitektur- og kunsthistorie, der knytter sig til dette mytiske sted.Poul Frederik Sigfred Poulsen (1876-1950) var en dansk forfatter og klassisk arkæolog, der i en lang årrække var direktør for Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Han var internationalt anerkendt for sin forskning i arkæologi og sine utallige videnskabelige værker. Også hos den brede befolkning gjorde han stor lykke med sine fortællinger og levende og muntre skildringer af rejser til blandt andet Grækenland, Spanien, England og forskellige danske egne. Frederik Poulsen opnåede mange udmærkelser i både Danmark og udlandet og var blandt andet Dannebrogsmand, Kommandør af 1. grad af Dannebrog og æresdoktor ved universitetet i Bordeaux.
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- 69,00 kr.
102,99 kr. "My darling girls. You were once so happy in this house. Now I’m gone, all I ask is that you spend one last summer here together on Dune Island. And please forgive me, your Nana, for the secret I’m about to tell you..."Arriving at the honeysuckle-covered beach house inherited from her beloved grandmother, recently heartbroken Jill hopes to convince her two feuding sisters not to sell a place so full of happy childhood memories. But the envelope waiting on the driftwood table changes everything. In her elegant handwriting, Nana Rose promises a new letter will arrive each day of the summer revealing a family secret she took to her grave.Shaken, Jill anxiously awaits each letter filled with Nana’s bittersweet memories of her own sister who she loved more than anyone—and lost far too young. But why did Nana never speak of this tragic loss to her grandchildren?Watching the sunset each night and wondering how well they really knew Nana Rose, Jill feels her family is closer than they’ve been in years. And after a chance encounter with blue-eyed tree surgeon Alex, she wonders if Nana believed being back on Dune Island would help Jill find love, too?But when Nana’s final letter arrives, the revelation about how her sister died is more shocking than Jill ever imagined. Suddenly, despite the chance of happiness with Alex, selling the house seems the only way forward. Will Jill find a way to forge new bonds of sisterhood and save their inheritance, or will Nana Rose’s secret tear them all apart?An absolutely gorgeous, gripping and heartbreaking read about the importance of family, and how even our loved ones can keep shattering secrets. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Debbie Macomber and Mary Alice Munroe.Read what everyone’s saying about A Letter from Nana Rose:"WOW! Double up that WOW! This book was AMAZING!... perfect... I fell in love with the main character... Run, don't walk to pick up this book... An unforgettable story." Goodreads reviewer"Wow... the secrets were BIG ONES! I loved this book and found myself glued to the pages." Goodreads reviewer"As I flipped over the last page, I felt as though I’d been sitting on the Adirondack chairs on the deck... a deeply evocative and emotional read... absolutely love." Goodreads reviewer.Previous title Aunt Ivy's Cottage reached the Top 100 on the Kindle UK chartFor fans of Elin Hilderbrand, Debbie Macomber and Mary Alice MonroeEver since she was a young girl, there were few things Kristin liked more than creative writing and spending time on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her family. Eventually (after a succession of jobs that bored her to tears), she found a way to combine those two passions by becoming a women’s fiction author whose stories occur in oceanside settings. While Kristin doesn’t live on the Cape year-round, she escapes to the beach whenever she can.
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- 102,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Amélie, jeune bretonne du 19ème siècle ne savait pas qu’en embarquant sur un navire, en route pour les mers du sud, en compagnie de jeunes femmes tahitiennes, sa vie prendrait un cap exceptionnel et dramatique. C’est une île, oubliée de tous dans l’immense Pacifique sud qui recueillera et tiendra captive la jeune fille et ses compagnes ainsi que plusieurs hommes, bandits et malfrats. Une grande complicité et un grand secret les unira toutes : île et femmes, pendant des générations, jusqu’au jour où, 150 ans plus tard, un jeune navigateur canadien venu du grand large découvrira un étonnant document qui bouleversera l’histoire de l’île. Pendant des siècles Are Nui passa inaperçue, seuls les anciens polynésiens la connaissaient. Un naufrage sur ses angereux récifs bouleversa sa quiétude. C’est le récit de femmes courageuses unies dans le malheur, d’une culture forte qui a surmonté les obstacles. Enfin dévoilé, le secret de l’île réunira trois familles éloignées dans le temps et l’espace.Isabelle Briand est bretonne. Depuis l’âge adulte elle n’a connu pour chez-elle et seul domicile que desvoiliers de grande croisière. Elle a vécu, navigué, travaillé de l’Afrique à l’Amérique du Sud, du Brésilau Mexique, des Antilles à l’Amérique du Nord et au Canada, de la côte atlantique à la côte pacifique.Elle navigue actuellement dans le Sud Pacifique avec son compagnon sur leur voilier. Elle a publié sixromans, tous ayant pour toile de fond l'océan, les pays qu'elle a visités.
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- 111,99 kr.
88,99 kr. Wenn die dunkelste Stunde naht, musst du loslassen, was du liebst, um es nicht zu verlieren.Er hätte sich von Liv fernhalten sollen. Er hätte, wie ursprünglich geplant, ohne jeden weiteren Abschied nach Italien zurückreisen sollen. Möglicherweise wäre die große Katastrophe dann ausgeblieben.Aber nun ist Romeo zurück und fest entschlossen, Liv zu ihrem eigenen Schutz in die Kunst des Tötens einzuweisen, bevor er endgültig geht.Doch die Schatten sind bereits näher als er ahnen kann und der Feind ein anderer als vermutet. Romeo weiß, er muss zurück nach Sizilien und sich seiner Vergangenheit stellen, wenn er Liv vor dem sicheren Tod bewahren will.Doch zuvor muss er die Frau, die ihm das Leben gerettet hat und in deren starkes und mutiges Herz er sich allmählich zu verlieren beginnt, in Sicherheit bringen.Silvia Maria de Jong wurde 1971 in Westfalen geboren. Das Schreiben ist seit frühester Kindheit ihre Passion. Begonnen mit kleinen Geschichten und Gedichten hat sie bis heute mehrere Romane vollendet. Sie lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihren Kindern in Niedersachsen.
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- 88,99 kr.
133,99 kr. Fraîchement diplômée, Louisa est une jeune femme promise à un grand avenir. Petit génie de l’informatique, elle est élevée dans un monde d’hommes, entre un père aimant qui est aussi son meilleur ami et un oncle surprotecteur à la tête des Bloody Tigers, l’un des plus dangereux gangs de bikers du pays. Mais elle ne sait pas quel chemin prendre...Un soir d’été, ce destin de rêve bascule et prend un tournant inattendu. Sa soif de vengeance et une quête de justice la mènent à Bakersfied, où elle sollicite l’aide de sa « famille ». Elle espérait y trouver des réponses, elle va finalement découvrir son histoire. Mais la vie regorge aussi de surprises... Elle croise le chemin de Scott, l’un des lieutenants de son oncle, qui a interdiction de l’approcher. Seulement entre eux, l’attirance est instantanée, irrépressible.Quand Louisa est enlevée, toutes leurs certitudes s’effondrent et un contre-la-montre s’engage pour la sauver.L’amour sera-t-il plus fort que la vengeance ?Si vous aimez les héroïnes badass, les bikers rebelles mais attachants, les histoires d’amour torrides et les superhéros du quotidien qui flirtent dans l’ombre avec la loi pour que la justice triomphe, ce roman est fait pour vous !Maman de 2 petits garçons, Lizzie F, allie sa vie professionnelle en tant que secrétaire de direction, et sa passion de l’écriture. Depuis ses 16 ans, elle dévorait les romans à une vitesse folle en imaginant toujours les suites de ses histoires favorites.C’est à l’âge de 25 ans qu’elle décide d’écrire sa première duologie « A toute épreuve » qui paraîtra en 2020 en Autoédition. C’est en 2021, que sa saga The Bloody Tigers verra le jour avec son premier tome Legacy, des Bikers au grand cœur, une fille badass qui ne se laisse pas marcher dessus, tel est le mot d’ordre pour ce premier tome qui sera suivi de beaucoup d’autres.
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- 133,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Connie stared out at the quiet Cornish sea as the hazy early morning light bathed the horizon in a beautiful golden glow. She inhaled the salty, cleansing ocean air, looked down at the handwritten note and wiped away the lone tear that had started to fall...Connie hasn’t been back to Magpie Cove – a seaside fishing village nestled between the cliffs – for years. When she thinks of the cove’s cobbled streets and cheerful cottages, she has to fight to push down memories she’d rather keep buried in the past.When her mother unexpectedly calls with news that makes her heart sink, Connie is torn. The tiny museum that’s been in her family for generations will have to close if they can’t find a way to save it. The sepia photographs and smuggling memorabilia are precious to the village, and determined to preserve their shared history, she knows it is finally time to go home.The dusty old museum, tucked away down a narrow, twisting lane, needs more than a coat of paint to bring the tourists back in. Soon Connie is in her element, creating charming new exhibits on local legends. She’s even thinking of offering boat tours around the beautiful caves along the shore.A chance encounter with handsome entrepreneur Alex Gordon leaves Connie breathless. With his dark eyes and broad chest, he is not at all who she expected to meet. And Alex’s offer to help Connie with the museum only brings them closer. Perhaps embracing a new start in her old home isn’t the worst idea she’s ever had...But just as Connie starts to feel like she could have a future in Magpie Cove, the one person she has tried to forget resurfaces, putting the museum’s safety and her happiness at risk. What happened all those years ago has always stopped her from opening her heart. Can Connie finally find the strength to move on with Alex, or will she be forced to run again, this time for good?From USA Today bestselling author Kennedy Kerr comes a heartfelt, emotional read, set on the beautiful coast of Cornwall. Fans of Sheila O’Flanagan, Mary Alice Monroe and Pamela Kelley will adore it.Readers love the Magpie Cove series:‘Delightful... Lots of lovely characters, gorgeous setting... There are plenty of laugh-out-loud scenarios, a few heartbreaking revelations and lots of love, too, making this a marvellous read to escape into... Highly recommend!’ Splashes into Books‘All the feels, this was a wonderful escape and a charming read... I absolutely loved this... The characters felt like old friends, while the plot twists and turns kept me completely engrossed.’ Page Turners Blog‘What a delight. I was totally transported to the wind-swept shores of Cornwall... Full of fabulous surprises, I cannot praise it enough.’ Goodreads Reviewer.
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- 102,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Die Mauern fallen – von der Vagabundin zur Freiheitskämpferin. Die Geschichte kann vielerlei Arten von Drachen enthalten.Shadas Quelle erzählt die Geschichte von Siska, die die unüberwindliche Grenze ihres Heimatlandes Myla überwindet. In mittleren Jahren hat sie alle Abenteuer, die ihre Heimat bietet, ausgereizt und möchte das große Tabu um die mysteriösen Mauern ergründen, die keiner berühren kann.Gerüchte sagen, dass es dahinter Drachen geben könnte. Trotz aller Warnung vor unbekannter Gefahr ist ihre Neugier größer als jede Furcht. Sie entdeckt ein fremdes, aber freundliches Land, in dem Drachen als Nutztiere gehalten werden. Schnell findet sie Arbeit und gewinnt dadurch Wissen und zwei Dracheneier.Doch auch dieses Land genügt ihrer Reiselust nicht, eine Legende lässt sie weitere Länder und ein gemeinsames Rätsel erahnen und als Gefahr für ihre Drachen droht, findet sie hinter der nächsten unüberwindlichen Grenze Shadas Quelle, von deren Rätselaufgabe die Legende erzählt. So verbinden sich für Siska Neugier und Reiselust mit dem Anreiz, die Aufgabe zu lösen und vielleicht, hoffentlich, die Länder miteinander zu vereinen.Sechs völlig unterschiedliche Länder umfasst die Welt und alle müssen zur Lösung beitragen. Auf der Reise gewinnt Siska neue Freunde, erlebt zahlreiche Überraschungen, trifft vielfältige Drachen und entdeckt Wunder und Lebensarten, die sie sich in keinen Träumen ausmalen konnte. Gemeinsam lernen die unterschiedlichen Menschen und Drachen zu einer besonderen Freiheit beizutragen. Alte Drachenweisheit trifft auf menschliche Neugier – eine magische Kombination.Kathrin Schröder erzählt seit einigen Jahrzehnten mit Leidenschaft Geschichten. Aus der Freude an neuen Perspektiven wuchs der Wunsch, viele Menschen in neue magische Welten zu entführen.Bisherige Veröffentlichungen: "Frau Kain regt sich auf", "Der magische Hauch", "Danke, Fremde/r, für mein Leben" (mit Co-Autor Christian Schröder) und "Shadas Quelle".Brotberuf: Betreiberin von zwei Salzgrotten
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- 73,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Yola has the perfect life as a countess– blessed with grace, wealth and intellect. But one day her life is turned upside down when she is promised in marriage to a man she despises. Known for his socialite status, she’s sure he’s only after her prestige and wealth.Yola sets out on a secret mission to see if this suitor will fall for her in disguise, and whether this marriage could be true love.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. This Barbara Cartland take on a Cinderella story is perfect for anyone looking for a bit of romantic suspense.Raised by her aunt and uncle, Alida lives in the shame that her late father cast upon the family. Always seen as inferior, Alida never thought love was going to be in her future. But her life is turned upside down when she must join her cousin on a trip to Russia to meet the young Prince that her cousin shall marry. But what might happen when it is in fact him that Alida can imagine a life with?In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 42,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Two old rivals. One dream job. And a summer they’ll never forget.Freya Johanssen needs a fresh start. A recently heartbroken and newly-qualified veterinarian, she will take any job that gets her away from Seattle—for now. Her plan is to spend two years in the small town of Whisper Falls, and then head back to the city and civilisation.And then Trent Crossley shows up, and her carefully laid plans are blown to pieces. He’s the last person she expected—or wanted—ever to see again. This is the guy who thinks he’s God’s gift to women; who breezed through vet school without studying and who betrayed her in a way she’ll never forgive. She thinks he’s an arrogant party boy; he thinks she’s an uptight perfectionist. Now he’s in her clinic, and the fluttering in her stomach must mean she’s still mad at him.It seems they have both been hired for the same job—and now neither is backing down. But as Freya works to outdo Trent at every turn, she starts to see a different side to the man she thought she knew. Falling in love was never part of her plan. And if she wants the new beginning she’s worked so hard for, can she afford to give away her heart?A totally unputdownable feel-good read about finding yourself, and love, in the most unexpected places. Fans of Virgin River, Debbie Macomber, Jill Shalvis and Carolyn Brown will love The Gable House.Readers can’t get enough of Ellyn Oaksmith:"Kept me hooked from start to end, I read it in one sitting... heart-warming." Bookworm 86, 5 stars"I found myself staying up through the night swooning and sniffling in this heart-wrenchingly amazing romance... I was hooked from the very first page." Nurse Bookie, 5 stars"I adored it... Some funny little things that made me smirk and some sad ones that broke my heart AND a scene that made my eyes well up and my heart melt. Great ingredients mixed into a wonderful story." B for Bookreview, 5 stars.USA Today bestselling authorEllyn Oaksmith is the USA Today and Kindle bestselling author of the Blue Hills Series, featuring the Alvarez family. After graduating from Smith College and attaining her MFA from The American Film Institute, Ellyn began her writing career as an award-winning screenwriter in Hollywood. Her books explore the same themes as her screenplays: grit, humor, family and love. Ellyn lives on one of Seattle's many hills with her husband and spends as much time as possible on the water as part of a competitive rowing team.
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- 102,99 kr.
74,99 kr. Destiné à de jeunes lecteurs de 5/6 ans jusqu'à 12/14 ans, « Padi et l'aventure de la vie » se présente aussi comme un outil pour les parents, enseignants ou formateurs souhaitant aider un enfant ou un adolescent à affronter la perte, la séparation et la mort.Le thème est « l’aventure de la vie ». Comme dans toute aventure, on traverse des moments agréables et joyeux et d’autres difficiles et douloureux. Ce livre traite du sujet délicat de la perte, la séparation, la mort, sujet abordé avec des mots simples évitant ainsi tous les non-dits, les « Pas Dits », toxiques à long terme.Pour écrire à Padi :Adresse courriel : padiart2000@gmail.comAdresse postale : Padi ART La Bagnata29021 - Bettola - PC - Italie"Promis ! Je réponds à tout le monde. Parole de Padi !"Amanda Castello, juriste de formation, spécialisée en Sciences politiques, a œuvré pendant de longues années dans le domaine des Droits Humains et en particulier dans la défense et la promotion des droits des femmes et des enfants.Depuis des années, elle donne des conférences et des cours en communication, estime de soi, développement personnel, relation d’aide, team building, accompagnement, soins palliatifs et deuil. Des programmes spécifiques sont destinés aux jeunes enfants et adolescents en difficulté.Passionnée de littérature, elle compte à son actif différentes publications, romans et essais, qui ont reçu des distinctions en France et en Italie. Elle travaille dans les deux pays et écrit dans les deux langues. Elle a écrit « Padi et l’aventure de la vie » sur la base de son expérience auprès d'enfants et de leur famille.Pour laisser vos impressions ou contacter l’auteure :Adresse courriel : amanda.castello2010@gmail.comBlog : amanda-castello.comFacebook : Amanda Soleil CastelloPage Facebook : Amanda Livre CastelloPage Twitter : @amandatupakInstagram : @amanda.castellotupak
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- 74,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Jean Angus pours the last of the lukewarm tea into her chipped cup, shivering as she looks outside into the dark night. Her eyes are drawn to a slow movement not far from her cosy farmhouse. She’s not expecting visitors. And as the back door opens with a bang, she doesn’t even have time to shout for help.On a dark winter night, the bodies of Malcolm and Jean Angus lie cold and still in a pool of blood in their kitchen. Detective Jessie Blake is called in to find out what happened to the reclusive pair.Searching the couple’s property, Jessie learns about a vicious dispute with a nearby landowner, Rachel Ferguson, and when Jessie investigates Rach, things come to light that suddenly makes her this double murder's prime suspect.The small Perthshire town begins to gossip about the murders and Jessie’s own past comes back to haunt her, when her abusive ex-husband begins to interfere in her new life. As the town starts a witch hunt against Rachel, Jessie is under pressure to find out what really happened in the farmhouse that night. Because if it isn’t Rachel, then who is the murderer living among them, waiting to kill again?If you like LJ Ross, Cara Hunter and Robert Bryndza, you’ll love this addictive new crime thriller from Kerry Watts. Her Secret Past will have you hooked.What readers are saying about Her Secret Past:‘Just WOW! You know when a book grabs you by the first sentence and pulls you into the author’s world? That! I loved the twists and turns... A definite 5-star read.’ Goodreads reviewer‘The opening has to be one of the openings of the year... It had me open-mouthed... A riveting and exciting read.’ Goodreads reviewer‘Excitement, drama, twists and turns and a blood thirsty and thrilling finale, all of which kept me hooked from page one.’ NetGalley reviewer.Kerry is an Amazon CA Top 10 author and has sold over 15,000 copies across the Jessie Blake series
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Stepping off the Greyhound bus, I look at the town glinting in the distance beyond a crystal-clear mountain lake. The lines I’ve memorized from the ad are on repeat in my mind: accommodation and employment provided to women willing to relocate to a historic town with a shortage of women.When Virginia first sees the ad, her breath catches. Female? Check. Small-town seclusion needed? Check. Currently without a home or a job? Check and check. She dabs an extra layer of concealer over the bruise on her cheek, bundles up her belongings, and her secrets, and escapes her life in Savannah.But arriving at Fortune Springs, Colorado, Virginia realizes that her plan to lay low and heal her tattered heart won’t stand up against the prying questions from Calla, the brusque older woman who gives her a place to live. She’s on the brink of leaving when Calla’s twelve-year-old granddaughter arrives at the house, abandoned and alone. Virginia recognizes the feeling, and she realizes she can’t be another adult to let the girl down. Then there’s the handsome, aloof firefighter Owen, whose company is giving her a whole ’nother reason to stay...But when she returns one day from a walk amongst the wildflowers to find a face from her past waiting for her, Virginia realizes that a secret she’s kept has exposed the people around her to a new world of danger. Can she find the strength to fight for the life, and love, she’s found in Fortune Springs?An emotional, gripping story full of family drama. Fans of Carolyn Brown, Robyn Carr and Debbie Macomber will be hooked.Readers love Alys Murray:"Swept me away in its warmth. I couldn’t stay away until I finished... feels and fun, family and love." Goodreads reviewer"Fabulous. Will remain with you long after you’ve reached the last page... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED." Brook Cottage Books Blog"The warmth of the story enveloped my soul." Goodreads reviewer"Full of lovely characters, witty dialogue and wonderful settings, the kind of place where you’d like to live." Goodreads reviewerThe first book featuring the Anderson family, The Magnolia Sisters, reached #40 in the US top 100. Alys' previous title, The Christmas Company, was turned into a Hallmark movieFor fans of Jenny Hale, Debbie Macomber and Carolyn BrownAlys Murray writes novels for the romantic in all of us. Born and raised in New Orleans, she received her BFA from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and her Master's in Film Studies from King's College London. Though she's moved away from home, she'll always be a Southern girl at heart.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. ‘Utterly addictive. I LOVE it!’ Colleen Coleman, bestselling author of Don’t Stop Me Now.Twenty-five-year-old Bea is a hopeless romantic with a hopeless love life – until now. New beau Dan ticks all the boxes: he’s good-looking, kind and thoughtful. The complete opposite of Bea’s ex, who once threw her out in the middle of the night when she was ill so she didn’t disrupt his sleep.So when her friends point out that she and Dan don’t have fireworks, Bea ignores them. Dan is the whole package. And yet Bea can’t stop comparing him to her best friend Henry... Because Dan doesn’t get Bea’s jokes. Or like books. Or make her laugh until she can’t breathe. Or become speechless when Bea puts on her favourite black dress for a night out.As time goes on, Bea can’t shift the feeling that something just isn’t right. On paper Dan is the perfect man. But in reality... Will Bea be brave enough to ask for more from life – and get the fireworks she deserves?A laugh-out-loud romantic comedy for fans of Giovanna Fletcher, Poppy Dolan, and Mhairi McFarlane.Read what everyone is saying about It Had to Be You:‘Utterly charming and adorable, top quality romantic comedy, simply joyous.’ Rowan Coleman, author of The Summer of Impossible Things‘A five-star read that you have to have... Laugh-out-loud funny... I loved this book and would recommend it to anyone... Funny and amazing.’ Goodreads reviewer, 5 stars‘A great, funny, feel-good read... Would definitely recommend this one!’ Stardust Book Reviews, 5 stars.Over 22,000 copies soldKeris lives in Lancashire with her husband and two sons. She’s written a bunch of books for young adults and children, and is obsessed with Twitter, tea, and 1D.
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- 102,99 kr.
102,99 kr. ‘Captivated me straight away... I devoured this book in one sitting, it was a thrilling read that was difficult to put back down.’ Hannah May Book Reviews."It was a person after all, but she was suspended in mid-air. Abi’s heart began to thump against her ribcage as the full horror of what she was seeing became apparent. Her shrill scream pierced the silence, startling birds into taking flight. ‘Help me!’ she cried. ‘Somebody please help!’"When beautiful and bright Hannah is late for their morning run, her best friend Abi thinks nothing of it. Hannah isn’t always that reliable – she’s probably just overslept.But as Abi runs through the woods, following the same route she always does, she is greeted by a horrifying sight: Hannah’s body, swaying in the breeze.Detective Rachel Hart is called to the scene. Something seems wrong from the start. Hannah’s friends and family insist that she had everything to live for, and no one has a bad word to say about her. But when murder is confirmed, and Rachel starts digging, she soon realises that there were plenty of people with a reason to want Hannah dead.Then a second woman is found strangled in the same wood, and everything Rachel thought is thrown into doubt. Is there a serial killer at work?Rachel is determined to find answers before another life is lost – all the time unaware that the killer’s sights are focussed firmly on her.Can Rachel unravel the deadly game before she walks into a trap?A breathtakingly twisty thriller for fans of Rachel Abbott, Cara Hunter and Angela Marsons.What readers are saying about Why She Died:‘In my top 10... kept me guessing from start to finish with a great twist at the end.’ Goodreads Reviewer‘The amount of plot twists and turns will give you whiplash (but in a good way!)’ Tamsterdam Reads‘This series just gets better and better!... awesome... a fast, exciting read!’ Goodreads Reviewer.The Detective Rachel Hart series has sold over 30,000 copiesJulia was born in West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, following roles as a hostess on The Price is Right and a member of the Beadle’s About ‘hit squad’ in the 1980s, she became a TV Presenter and filmed features for Sky Sports before launching the QVC shopping channel in 1993 where she still presents today. Having always wanted to write, she penned her first book, a memoir sold on QVC, in 2013 and has since written four full length novels, two novellas and several short stories.
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- 102,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Socialite Aria Milborne is astounded when she has to take a job with an American millionaire in order to save her family home. Aria soon finds herself clashing with her new boss after being courted by his aristocratic friend. When her boss offers her a fortune to pretend to be engaged to him, Aria finds herself the talk of the town leading her to feel ashamed and embarrassed. But when she hears that her fake fiance has been shot, she is caught off-guard by how strong her emotions actually are.In her lifetime, British author Barbara Cartland wrote over 700 novels and was most famous for her contemporary and historical romances. A prominent figure in London society, the young Cartland began her writing career as a gossip columnist for the Daily Express. It was partying in 1920's London that gave her inspiration for her first book, "Jigsaw", a racy society thriller.After marrying into the McCorquodale family, she began writing romance and holds a Guinness World Record for the most number of books published in one year: 191. Her books have been translated into many different languages, as well as adapted for stage and screen. She is beloved the world over and even counts the young Princess Diana as one of her many fans.
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- 42,99 kr.