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  • af Daniel Söderqvist
    50,99 kr.

    När den tidigare TV-reportern John Carlsson arbetar på ett HVB-hem för ensamkommande några år efter den stora flyktingvågen 2015, börjar det spridas rykten om att det kan finnas sovande självmordsbombare bland flyktingbarnen. John tror inte på det, men tvingas omvärdera när det visar sig att förövaren i ett bombdåd i München är en pojke från Syrien. En jakt på eventuella självmordsbombare börjar, och John dras motvilligt in i försöken att kartlägga de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen. Men finns det ens självmordsbombare bland dem?tSamtidigt drabbas hans mamma av en svår sjukdom som kommer att ta hennes liv, något John inte kan acceptera. Hur ska han orka hitta sanningen i en tid där alla tycks ha sin egen, och i ett samhälle fullt av falska nyheter?Den spännande serien om TV-reportern John Carlsson och hans undersökningar och äventyr.Daniel Söderqvist (1966-) är journalist och deckarförfattare. Han har en bakgrund med bland annat tjänstgöring på det svenska fältsjukhuset i Saudiarabien under första Gulfkriget och i Somalia under Operation Restore Hope. Han har arbetat i Latinamerika som biståndsarbetare och korrespondent. För närvarande arbetar Daniel Söderqvist som chefredaktör på Vimmerby Tidning.

  • af Nadja Beinert & Claudia Beinert
    51,99 kr.

    Der im Jahre 2013 erschienene Roman "Die Herrin der Kathedrale" von Nadja und Claudia Beinert spielt im 11. Jahrhundert in einer Kleinstadt in Sachsen-Anhalt.Auf der Burg Ballenstedt findet ein Fest statt, auf welchem sich das hochadelige Volk für politische Gespräche versammelt hat. Als die Frau des verarmten Burgherren auf mysteriöse Weise ums Leben kommt, schwört die Tochter Uta Rache. Durch ihren Wunsch nach Gerechtigkeit und ihrer zeichnerischen Begabung findet sich Uta als Bauzeichnerin an der Naumburger Kathedrale wieder, wo sie ihren eigenen Gerichtssaal errichtet und schafft so einen Raum für Gerechtigkeit im heiligen römischen Reich.Die Schriftstellerinnen Nadja und Claudia Beinert wurden 1978 in Staßfurt geboren. Nadja Beinert lebt und schreibt in Würzburg und Leipzig, seit einigen Jahren ist sie zudem in der Filmbranche tätig. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester Claudia hat sie bereits viele Bücher, vor allem Romane, veröffentlicht.Claudia Beinert arbeitet neben ihrer Schriftstellertätigkeit in einer Unternehmensberatung, sie lebt derzeit in Leipzig.

  • af Cole Branninghan
    111,99 kr.

    Bankdirektor Magnus Farstadt hat ein gutes Leben, bis eines Tages ein blutiges Päckchen vor seiner Haustür liegt. Der Inhalt: eine menschliche Nase. Die Botschaft dazu: die schriftgewordene Hölle! Ein grausamer Sadist treibt sein Spiel mit Magnus, zerstückelt Menschen und raubt der idyllischen Kleinstadt Odda am norwegischen Sørfjord den Atem. Um seinem Peiniger auf die Schliche zu kommen, wird Magnus selbst kriminell und verstrickt sich in die Geheimnisse und Intrigen, die unter der Oberfläche seiner kleinen Gemeinde brodeln. Dabei ahnt er nicht, was der Sadist wirklich mit ihm vorhat ...Cole Branninghan arbeitet als psychosozialer Berater in Frankfurt. Seine Leidenschaft für packende Texte verbindet er mit den Einblicken in die Unfassbarkeit der menschlichen Psyche.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    "To have a Cricket on the Hearth, is the luckiest thing in all the world!"... Or is it?On the hearth in the home of the Peerybingle family sits a little cricket who acts as their protector. When everything is good, it chirps. When it is not, it keeps quiet. But there is more to the cricket than meets the eye.A Holiday classic this popular story is the third of Dicken's five Christmas themed stories, and is a heartwarming tale full of vivid descriptions.For fans of Valentine Davies, Hans Christian Andersen and all things Christmas.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. Much of his writing first appeared in small instalments in magazines and became widely popular. Among his most famous novels are "Oliver Twist" (1839), "A Christmas Carol" (1843), "David Copperfield" (1850), and "Great Expectations" (1861) - all adapted to either plays or major movie productions.

  • af Bavo Dhooge
    Fra 73,99 kr.

    Deze langverwachte biografie gaat zowel over het uitzonderlijke werk van de krachtpatser John Massis als over het tragische leven van Wilfried Morbée. Massis was de artiestennaam van Morbée, die in 1940 werd geboren in Brugge in België. Hij verworf bekendheid met zijn legendarische stunts die hem meerdere vermeldingen in The Guinness Book of Records opleverden. Massis kon ijzer plooien, auto’s optillen en treinen voorttrekken met zijn gebit, werkte jaren als professioneel circusartiest, speelde in films en richtte de radiozender ‘Radio Superstar’ en de politieke partij ‘Positieve Radicalen’ op. Echter, in tegenstelling tot de bekendheid die hij vergaarde als Massis, werd het leven van Morbée zelf getekend door eenzaamheid en depressie. In Stalen kaken vertelt Bavo Dhooge hoe het uiteindelijk ook zijn werk alszijnde Massis was wat Morbée naar zijn vroegtijdige noodlot leidde. Bavo Dhooge is een veelgeprezen Vlaamse auteur die thrillers, science fiction, horror-, en ook kinderboeken schrijft. Hij studeerde Grieks en Latijn aan het Sint-Lievenscollege en Film & Televisie aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten in Gent. Hij was werkzaam als copywriter-scenarist en als freelance redacteur en recensent, onder meer voor het bekende weekblad HUMO.Na zijn debuut in 2001 met 'Spaghetti' is hij bekend geworden als de 'S-Express' vanwege 100 titels die beginnen met de letter 'S'. In 2015 verscheen zijn Amerikaanse debuut, 'Styx', waarvan de filmrechten werden verkocht aan Eyeworks. In 2021 viert hij zijn 20-jarig jubileum als schrijver, met 12 exclusieve titels waarvan er elke nieuwe maand gedurende het jaar een uit zal komen.

  • af G Geschichte
    51,99 kr.

    »Blauzahn«, »Blutaxt« oder »Schönhaar« — die Beinamen der frühen Könige des Nordens sind so fantasievoll wie die Überlieferung ihrer Taten. Die Skalden vermischen in ihren Sagas Dichtung und Geschichtsschreibung zu einem Amalgam. Erst Knut der Große tritt aus dem Nebel der Sage und nimmt konkrete historische Konturen an. Der Däne schmiedet ein Imperium aus England, Dänemark, Norwegen und Schweden. Er ist ein maßvoller Herrscher mit Ambitionen: Angelsachsen und Wikinger sollen im Zeichen des Kreuzes zusammenwachsen. Knuts Vision steht auf tönernen Füßen. Nach seinem Tod zerfällt sein Imperium. Island verspricht ein demokratisches Leben in Selbstbestimmung. 1397 gelingt es der Regentin Margarethe, alle Länder in der Kalmarer Union zu vereinen. Das Experiment scheitert, doch die Idee einer skandinavischen Identität überlebt: In Berlin demonstrieren heute Dänemark, Norwegen, Schweden, Finnland und Island Zusammengehörigkeit durch die gemeinsamen Nordischen Botschaften.Die vielfältigen G/Geschichte Magazine entführen den Leser über alle Epochen hinweg von der Antike bis in die Neuzeit an die Schauplätze historischer Ereignisse. Lassen Sie sich mitnehmen auf die Raubzüge der Wikinger, in die Arena zum Gladiatorenkampf oder zu den großen Kriegsschauplätzen der Welt.

  • af Ulf Oldberg
    43,99 kr.

    I denna novellsamling av Ulf Oldberg skildras livet ur den vanliga människans perspektiv. Med ett poetiskt språk avhandlar Oldberg ämnen som döden, politken och kärleken, en läsning som ger upphov till eftertanke.Innehåller novellerna I eget hus, "Kom Carmencita, min lilla vita!", Fisken säger inte mycket, Något att börja med, Strejkbrytaren och Badaren.Ulf Oldberg (1939-2017) är en svensk författare, regissör och lärare som bland annat var initiativtagare till Ormteatern. Han har skrivit prosa, dramatik, lyrik och barn & ungdomslitteratur.

  • af Daniel Söderqvist
    62,99 kr.

    När TV-reportern John Carlsson tar ett vikariat på gratistidningen Norrköping Bulletin intresserar han sig för ett mordfall som på något sätt har kopplingar till det blodiga inbördeskriget i Bosnien för 25 år sedan. För att lösa gåtan tar John hjälp av sin gamla chef Torsten Torstensson, som arbetat som korrespondent under kriget. Längs vägen blir det svårt för de gamla vännerna att komma överens, är det verkligen moraliskt rätt att mörda mördarna? Och vad har en mördad bilmekaniker i Norrköping med kriget i Bosnien att göra?Den spännande serien om TV-reportern John Carlsson och hans undersökningar och äventyr.Daniel Söderqvist (1966-) är journalist och deckarförfattare. Han har en bakgrund med bland annat tjänstgöring på det svenska fältsjukhuset i Saudiarabien under första Gulfkriget och i Somalia under Operation Restore Hope. Han har arbetat i Latinamerika som biståndsarbetare och korrespondent. För närvarande arbetar Daniel Söderqvist som chefredaktör på Vimmerby Tidning.

  • af Daniel Söderqvist
    Fra 50,99 kr.

    TV-reportern John Carlsson blir indragen i en gammal mordutredning när polisen läcker nya uppgifter. Fem år har gått och ännu har det inte blivit löst, samtidigt vill landets tredje största parti stoppa invandringen och John är villig att ta kampen. Det dröjer inte länge innan han ser ett samband. Kan ett knivmord i Haga i Norrköping ha något att göra med den ökande rasismen i samhället?Den spännande serien om TV-reportern John Carlsson och hans undersökningar och äventyr.Daniel Söderqvist (1966-) är journalist och deckarförfattare. Han har en bakgrund med bland annat tjänstgöring på det svenska fältsjukhuset i Saudiarabien under första Gulfkriget och i Somalia under Operation Restore Hope. Han har arbetat i Latinamerika som biståndsarbetare och korrespondent. För närvarande arbetar Daniel Söderqvist som chefredaktör på Vimmerby Tidning.

  • af Per Meurling
    43,99 kr.

    Kultur och Politik är en samling artiklar och kåserier hämtade ur olika tidningar och tidskrifter som Per Meurling skrev för mellan år 1939 och 1942. Tillsammans blir texterna ett stycke historia som berättar om tiden de är skrivna i.Per Meurling (1906-1984) var en svensk religionshistoriker, författare och litteraturkritiker. Han var skribent för bland annat Social-Demokraten och Folkviljan, och skrev även pornografi för Hsons tidskrifter.

  • af Ulf Oldberg
    50,99 kr.

    Det här är en historia om Madeleines stora kärlek till Nagel, och hur hon i sin långa väntan på honom börjar förstå sig själv och sin omvärld. Det är en berättelse om hur samhället färgar av sig på människorna och hur de mest förtryckta ändå hittar sätt att uttrycka sig på. Kommer Nagel någonsin tillbaka? Får folket en röst?Ulf Oldberg (1939-2017) är en svensk författare, regissör och lärare som bland annat var initiativtagare till Ormteatern. Han har skrivit prosa, dramatik, lyrik och barn & ungdomslitteratur.

  • af Michael Elpers
    140,99 kr.

    Der Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater Michael Elpers schlägt Alarm: Immer mehr Kinder und Jugendliche leiden an Depressionen, Essstörungen, Angsterkrankungen oder Lernstörungen. Doch die sozialen Ursachen dafür werden sowohl von den Medien als auch vom Gesundheits- und Bildungssystem weitgehend ignoriert – die Verantwortung wird oftmals allein den Eltern zugewiesen.Dieses Buch eröffnet eine Debatte, die – nicht erst seit der Pandemie – längst überfällig ist. Es zeigt auf, was sich in Gesellschaft, Bildung und Medizin ändern muss, damit wir unsere Kinder besser schützen und die Eltern entlasten können.Dr. med. Michael Elpers ist seit über 25 Jahren als Kinder- und Jugendpsychiater tätig. Nach seiner langjährigen Tätigkeit in der Berliner Charité leitet er mit zwei Kolleginnen eine Gemeinschaftspraxis für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapie. Er war jahrelang im Vorstand des Fördervereins von »Achtung Kinderseele« aktiv.

  • af Marie Force
    103,99 kr.

    JohnIch habe keine Ahnung, wie ich ohne Ava weitermachen soll. Nachdem ich fünf Jahre auf Mission verschollen war, hat sie schließlich einen Schlussstrich gezogen und in Eric eine neue Liebe gefunden. Am liebsten würde ich einfach abtauchen, aber die ganze verdammte Welt will etwas von mir – dem Leiter des SEAL-Teams, das den meistgesuchten Terroristen der Welt geschnappt hat. Ich brauche Hilfe, um diesen Medienzirkus durchzustehen, doch als Julianne, Avas neue Schwägerin als meine PR-Beraterin auftaucht, fällt es mir schwer, ihr überhaupt eine Chance zu geben. Ihr Bruder hat mir meine Ava genommen. Was muss ich sonst noch über sie wissen?JulianneIch brauche keine fünf Sekunden, um zu erkennen, dass Evas Ex der komplizierteste und schwierigste Kunde sein wird, den ich je hatte. Aber den berühmtesten Mann der Welt zu vertreten ist genau der Boost, den ich für meine Karriere brauche. Ich bin entschlossen, das durchzuziehen, auch wenn ich John von Anfang an nicht mag. Dabei mag ich eigentlich jeden. Doch je mehr Zeit wir miteinander verbringen, desto mehr verwandelt sich unsere gegenseitige Abneigung in etwas anderes ... etwas ganz anderes. Aber das ist natürlich unmöglich, denn wenn Eric herausfindet, dass ich Gefühle für den Mann entwickelt habe, der in seiner Ehe Ärger verursacht, fürchte ich, dass mir die ganze Sache spektakulär um die Ohren fliegen wird ...Marie Force ist die New-York-Times-Bestseller-Autorin von über fünfzig zeitgenössischen Liebesromanen, unter anderem den beliebten Romanserien »Gansett Island«, »Green Mountain« und der erotischen Quantum-Serie. Sie hat unterdessen weltweit über sechs Millionen Bücher verkauft. Die Autorin lebt zusammen mit ihrem Mann, zwei fast erwachsenen Kindern und zwei Hunden in Rhode Island.

  • af Roman Klementovic
    73,99 kr.

    Während zwei entflohene Mörder die Gegend unsicher machen, fegt ein gewaltiger Schneesturm über das Land. Der Strom ist ausgefallen, viele Straßen sind nicht mehr passierbar. Tim erreicht erst kurz vor Mitternacht das abgelegene Landhaus, in dem er mit seiner Frau Natalie wohnt. Doch von dieser fehlt jede Spur. Dabei hat sie eben noch am Telefon beteuert, wach bleiben und auf ihn warten zu wollen. In völliger Dunkelheit begibt Tim sich auf die Suche nach ihr. Und macht bald eine verstörende Entdeckung ...Roman Klementovic, geboren 1982 in Wien, arbeitete viele Jahre im Marketing bevor er seine Liebe zum Schreiben entdeckte. Seitdem ist er kaum von seinem Notebook zu trennen und tüftelt ständig an neuen Geschichten.

  • af Mariano Sánchez Soler
    73,99 kr.

    A principios del verano, un hombre aparece asesinado en una pequeña localidad de Alicante. La novela reconstruye los hechos a través de la versión de los asesinos: la mujer y los hijos de la víctima, y las complejas relaciones de amor y odio en una familia donde la violencia del padre convertía la convivencia en un infierno cotidiano. La suma de todos los testimonios, en muchos casos contradictorios, permite al lector descubrir un relato apasionante, plagado de matices y sorpresas, donde el egoísmo, la marginación social y la injusticia explican un fenómeno social tan actual como la violencia de género.Mariano Sánchez Soler es un escritor y periodista español, licenciado en Ciencias de la Información por la UCM y doctor por la Universidad de Alicante. Ha trabajado y colaborado para periódicos como «El Periódico de Catalunya», «Diario 16» o «Le Monde Diplomatique». Ha recibido importantes premios literarios, como el Premio Castelló Negre en 2020 y el Premio Bruma Negra en 2017 al conjunto de su obra.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    38,99 kr.

    The haunting story of an old captain awaiting the return of his only son, ‘To-morrow’ is a melancholic tale of human psychology, blind hope, and doomed longing. Conrad’s delusional portrayal of Captain Hagbeard, the omnipresence of the sea, and his nod to absurdism render this short story an immensely entertaining read.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in England after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.

  • af Rosario de Acuña
    58,99 kr.

    «La siesta» (1882) es una colección de artículos y relatos de Rosario de Acuña, entre los que se encuentran «La roca del suspiro», «El mejor recuerdo», «Fuerza y materia», «Pipaón», «Sobre la hoja de un árbol», «Una peseta», «Rafael Ducassi», «El invierno», «Pensamientos», «El amor de la lumbre» y muchos más.Rosario de Acuña (1850-1923) fue una escritora, librepensadora y periodista española. Fue una defensora de la igualdad social entre hombres y mujeres y de los derechos humanos. Colaboró con medios de comunicación como «Las Dominicales del Libre Pensamiento», «El Imparcial» o «El Liberal», sus obras se estrenaron en los principales teatros del país y se convirtió en la primera mujer del Ateneo de Madrid.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    42,99 kr.

    When a bank collapses, retired sailor Henry Whalley is forced to make the difficult decision to return back to sea. His experiences at sea mirror Conrad’s own as a sea merchant, giving the novella a uniquely autobiographical element. Skillfully crafted characters, masterful descriptions, and real-life events make ‘The End of the Tether’ a vividly emotional read for fans of modern and classic adventure alike.Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) was a Polish-born author who left Poland in his teens to avoid enlistment in the Russian Army. He settled in Great Britain after learning English aboard British ships. Many of his works were inspired by his own experiences as a merchant seaman, including his most notable novel ‘Heart of Darkness’ (1899). His characteristic vivid descriptions appeal to fans of James Joyce, Jack London, and Charles Bukowski.

  • af Nikolai Gogol
    38,99 kr.

    Three students. A deserted house. A witch. This horror novella boasts an abundance of supernatural encounters, dazzling effects, and folktale elements. Included in the cycle ‘Mirgorod’, this is one of Gogol’s most successful works and has witnessed some notable movie adaptations.Considered one of the most prominent figures in the short story genre, Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) was born in Ukraine. Both a writer and a dramatist, he is known for the unconventional nature of his works, so much so that they often touch upon folklore and fantasy. He has been attached to a range of different literary styles, including surrealism and Russian realism. Gogol’s most famous works include the novel "Dead Souls", the horror novella "Viy", as well as the short story collections "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka" and "Mirgorod". They have inspired numerous stage, film, and television adaptations including the movie "Inspector General" (1949), based loosely on his play with the same name.

  • af Joseph Conrad
    67,99 kr.

    The water is crystal clear. The sun is blazing. And there's death on the horizon. Set at the turn of the 20th century, "e;Victory"e; takes place in the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Its tortured hero is Axel Heyst, a loner whose empty life is turned around when he meets the beautiful musician Lena. They fall in love, but there's danger looming. A trio of violent desperadoes are headed to their island, convinced that Heyst has a stash of hidden treasure. A sun-drenched psychological thriller, "e;Victory"e; was one of Conrad's most commercially successful novels. And one that still shimmers with his masterful style and narrative rule-breaking.-

  • af H. G. Wells
    67,99 kr.

    H. G. Wells wrote so vividly that this collection of short stories might as well have just been released.As the title suggests, this collection includes twelve stories and a final piece that is narrated in the form of a dream. While its carefully crafted built-up saves the best for last, all these stories are masterpieces and contain brilliant storylines authentic to Victorian science fiction.In "A Dream of Armageddon" – the collection’s crowning achievement – the protagonist engages in conversation with a stranger on a train who eagerly tells him about a series of dreams comprising exotic, futuristic places, teeming with sadness and romantic feelings for a beloved woman. This epic story has been adapted for theatre and radio.An interesting and nuanced collection showing the rare and rich talent of H. G. Wells.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    What happens when you glimpse into the fourth dimension? You return forever changed as a mirror image.Glimpsing into a parallel world through a science experiment gone wrong, the schoolteacher Gottfried Plattner returns after nine days in inverted form to tell the story of exactly what he saw in what can best be described as the ‘Other-World’.The cult status Netflix show, Stranger Things, clearly found inspiration in the way Wells touch upon subjects like parallel worlds, encounters with anomalous semi-human creatures, life and afterlife, Wells’ story masterfully, but feebly lifts the veil between worlds to give the reader a sneak peak of what lies beyond.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The great Roman general, Titus Andronicus, returns home after fighting Rome’s enemies for the last 10 years. He brings along his captives, Tamora, Queen of the Goths, her three sons and Aaron the Moor.Having lost 21 of his 25 sons in the conflict, Titus decides to sacrifice one of Tamora’s sons, following Roman customs. He then offers Tamora as a slave to the new Roman emperor, Saturninus.Meanwhile, Saturninus promises Titus to make his daughter Lavinia his empress. After his brother Bassianus takes off with her, Saturninus marries Tamora instead. Tamora, angry at Titus, makes it her mission to get back at Titus. After becoming the emperor’s wife, she uses her position to exact revenge on Titus and his family. Driven by his own sense of honor and duty, Titus and his family retaliate with dire consequences for all involved."Titus Andronicus" is a drama about honor, loyalty, death and revenge. In this play, Shakespeare takes on cannibalism, rape, murder, mutilation and punishment. These themes might be familiar to the fans of dramas like "Pulp Fiction", "Spartacus" or "Gladiator".William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af H. G. Wells
    67,99 kr.

    Don’t let yourself be fooled by the title..."A Modern Utopia" (1905) is a dystopian, prophetic, and horrific novel proving how Wells always was ahead of his time. Its hybrid character – blending fiction and non-fiction – gives it an almost postmodern quality, as it tells of a time-travel gone wrong that brings two travellers to a planet called Utopia, where their intellectual discussions and thoughts about what constitutes a perfect society are allowed to roam free.The world Wells depicts can easily be recognised in later dystopian masterpieces such as Aldous Huxley’s "Brave New World" and George Orwell’s "1984".H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The young Trojan prince Troilus falls in love with Cressida, daughter of a Trojan priest. With the Trojan War raging around them, the young couple professes their undying love for each other.But soon after Cressida is exchanged for a Trojan prisoner and is sent to the Greeks.Dealing with their fates the young lovers bond is tested as the war between the two sides continues. Both Greeks and Trojans face challenges, personality clashes and pride as they navigate the year-long conflict.Shakespeare’s inspiration for "Troilus and Cressida" is Homer’s "The Iliad." The play focuses on human nature, conflict, love and honor. Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe or films like "Allied" and "In the Land of Blood and Honey" will recognize many similar themes and characters.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is widely considered the world's greatest dramatist and is often referred to as England's national poet or the Bard. Most famous for his timeless plays, he also wrote a multitude of poems and sonnets. Shakespeare was the blockbuster writer of his day, his many works concerning universal themes of life, love, death, revenge, grief, jealousy, murder, magic, and mystery. Among some of his most famous are "Macbeth", "Romeo and Juliet", and "Hamlet", but the list is long, and many continue to be studied and performed, both their original form and modern adaptations.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    A superbly crafted psychological chiller with an ending to die for!Let H. G. Wells walk you through the fear and uneasiness that abounds at night in the Red Room in Lorraine Castle. "The Red Room" (1894) pays a heartfelt tribute to the genre of haunted houses and showcases Wells’ superbly descriptive writing.The story follows an unnamed protagonist who wants to spend the night in an alleged haunted house in order to debunk the myths surrounding such places. He ends up getting more than he bargained for and from the midst of his vivid fear he realizes that the difference between darkness and light is that fear itself resides in darkness.H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    Is it better to reign in hell than to serve in Heaven?Wells at his thoughtful best, "The Country of the Blind" (1904) is one of his best-known and most-anthologized short stories.The fable tells the story of a stranded mountaineer’s fateful discovery of a mythical village where everyone is blind only to realise that he can teach and rule them. But much to his dismay the villagers do not show any understanding of this fifth sense that is entirely unknown to them.This story poses many questions: Is there really any such thing as a handicap? How much are we willing to sacrifice for love?In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Or is he?H. G. Wells was an English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’s influence cannot be neglected for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. Four times Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, occupying one of the central seats in the canon of British literature. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel "The Time Machine", the sci-fi adventure novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau", the mankind-versus-aliens novel "The War of the Worlds" and more than seventy short stories.

  • af Anthony Trollope
    42,99 kr.

    First published in 1874, ‘Lady Anna’ was written in its entirety by Anthony Trollope during a lengthy voyage to Australia to visit his son Frederic, who had emigrated there. Our heroine Lady Anna is the daughter of the old Earl Lovel and her incredibly ambitious mother, Josephine Murray. A union without love, shortly after the wedding the Earl revealed that he already had a wife, making the marriage invalid and casting doubt over Anna’s inheritance and future. When the Earl dies, the legitimacy of his claims are investigated and what follows is a tale of broken engagements, insatiable ambition and true love.Anthony Trollope (1815 – 1882) was a Victorian writer and author of 47 novels. He also wrote an autobiography, short stories and plays, travel articles, reviews and lectures. A prolific writer, he made no secret of the fact that money was his motivation for writing – an admission which raised eyebrows among his literary contemporaries at the time. The amount of works Trollope authored are testament to his belief in hard work. His first successful novel was The Warden followed by its sequel, Barchester Towers. The Chronicles of Barsetshire are perhaps his most well-known series of novels, though many of his works have been adapted for TV and radio, starring many familiar faces such as Alan Rickman, David Tennant, Bill Nighy and Tom Hollander. Alongside his literary career, Trollope also worked for some time for the Post Office and is credited with the introduction of the iconic post box to Britain. A memorial to Anthony Trollope was unveiled in Poets’ Corner in Westminster Abbey in 1993.

  • af William Shakespeare
    Fra 42,99 kr.

    Twelfth Night, or What You Will is a comedy by William Shakespeare. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Viola (who is disguised as a boy) falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with the Countess Olivia. Upon meeting Viola, Countess Olivia falls in love with her thinking she is a man. Illyria, the setting of Twelfth Night, is important to the play's romantic atmosphere. Illyria was an ancient region of the Western Balkans. Viola has fallen in love with the Duke Orsino, creating a love triangle between Duke Orsino, Olivia and Viola, being that Duke Orsino loves Olivia, Viola loves Duke Orsino, and Olivia loves Viola.Viola is not alone among Shakespeare's cross-dressing heroines; in Shakespeare's theatre, convention dictated that adolescent boys play the roles of female characters, creating humour in the multiplicity of disguise found in a female character who for a while pretended at masculinity. Her cross dressing enables Viola to fulfill usually male roles, such as acting as a messenger between Orsino and Olivia, as well as being Orsino's confidant.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    The fight for the British throne between the Houses of York and Lancaster continues.Richard, Duke of York, in his quest for the crown, cajoles Henry to disinherit his son Edward, which enrages his mother, Queen Margaret. While the deal keeps Henry on the throne the conflict escalates between both sides. As civil war erupts, the Yorkists and the Lancasters face off in what became known as the War of the Roses.Meanwhile Queen Margaret raises her own troops in France to fight for her son's birthright."e;Henry VI, Part 3"e; is the third of four history plays (the others being "e;Henry VI, Part 1,"e; "e;Henry VI, Part 2"e; and "e;Richard III"e;) known collectively as the "e;first tetralogy."e; -