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  • af Reinhard Haller
    162,99 kr.

    Überlebenstipps für den Umgang mit NarzisstenNarzissmus hat viele Gesichter. Prof. Dr. Reinhard Haller, Psychiater und Psychotherapeut mit über 30 Jahren klinischer Erfahrung, kennt die offensichtlichen und die verdeckten Symptome einer narzisstischen Persönlichkeitsstörung. Er weiß: Wer sich umschaut, findet im eigenen Umfeld garantiert Menschen mit narzisstischen Merkmalen, die einem das Leben unnötig schwer machen.Doch was ist Narzissmus? Inwiefern besitzen wir vielleicht sogar selbst narzisstische Züge? Und vor allem: Wie geht man mit Menschen um, deren übersteigerte Selbstachtung keinen Platz für die Gefühle und Befindlichkeiten anderer lässt?Haller, der als renommierter Gutachter in spektakulären Kriminalfällen bekannt wurde, ist sich sicher: Der rücksichtslose Egoist begegnet uns immer häufiger. Mittlerweile ist die narzisstische Persönlichkeit salonfähig geworden und beeinflusst über Social Media und Casting Shows die gesellschaftliche Grundstimmung.Mit seinem Buch zeigt Reinhard Haller, wie wir jede Form von Narzissmus erkennen und ichbezogenen Zeitgenossen den Wind aus den Segeln nehmen können.Reinhard Haller ist Psychiater und Psychotherapeut. Der Vorarlberger ist gefragter Experte und forensischer Gutachter. In dieser Rolle begegnete er einigen der bekanntesten Schwerverbrechern wie dem mehrfachen Prostituiertenmörder Jack Unterweger und dem Bombenleger Franz Fuchs. Der ehemalige langjährige Leiter der Klinik Maria Ebene liebt das Wandern und die Berge.

  • af Alex Wagner
    74,99 kr.

    Das erste Abenteuer der beliebten Krimi-Heldin:Frech, furchtlos und noch ziemlich grün hinter den Ohren: Penny Küfer, Privatdetektivin.Also eigentlich: angehende Privatdetektivin. Streng genommen hat Penny gerade einmal die erste Ausbildungswoche an der Detektiv-Akademie hinter sich, wurde soeben von ihrer Mutter enterbt und von ihrem Verlobten verlassen. Da bleibt nur noch ein Trost: die lang erträumte Reise im Okzident Express, dem luxuriösesten Zug, der je über Europas Schienen rollte. Dumm nur, dass der ambitionierten Jungschnüfflerin noch vor dem ersten Glas Champagner eine Leiche vor die Füße fällt … und das ausgerechnet in ihrem eigenen Abteil.Alex Wagner, geb. 1972, lebt in der Nähe von Wien, im Schatten einer alten Burgruine, wo man sich die schönsten Morde ausdenken kann. Sie schreibt Krimis - zeitgenössische und historische - ist aber auch gern einmal in anderen Genres unterwegs.

  • af Tony Samatas
    50,99 kr.

    Tidigt en juldagsmorgon ringer det i telefonen hemma hos Dante och den främmande mannen i andra änden påstår sig vara hans pappa. Handfallen och upprörd lägger han på luren. Han intalar sig själv att det var en felringning. Hans pappa är ju död, omkommen i Vietnamkriget när Dante bara var ett spädbarn. Trots det bekymrar samtalet honom, och sakta men säkert växer tvivlet.När Dante senare städar bland sin mammas kvarlåtenskap hittar han fotografier av flera okända personer tillsammans med slarvigt nedtecknade initialer. Fotografierna väcker frågor. Vilka är personerna och kan någon av dem vara hans pappa? Därifrån börjar Dantes resa och sökande efter svar.Tony Samatas, född 1966, är en svensk författare och illustratör. Han har skrivit romanen Månen är ett berg som utkom år 2008 och som delvis har inspirerats av Tonys egna liv.

  • af Lone Theils
    118,99 kr.

    Zwei dänische Mädchen, Lulu und Lisbeth, verschwinden 1985 spurlos auf der Überfahrt nach England. Jahrzehnte später fällt Journalistin Nora Sand, die in London für eine dänische Zeitung arbeitet, ein Foto der beiden in die Hände: Aufgenommen in der Zeit danach. Ihre Recherchen führen Nora nach Dänemark – und zu dem englischen Frauenmörder Bill Hix. Er sitzt seit Jahren im Gefängnis, im Hochsicherheitstrakt. In Absprache mit Scotland Yard darf Nora ihn dort besuchen. Kurz darauf gelingt Hix eine spektakuläre Flucht, und Nora muss um ihr Leben fürchten ...

  • af Sandra J. Paul
    58,99 kr.

    Het kleine zwarte katje Hamley woont met haar moeder en haar zusjes in een groot huis met een prachtige tuin. Op een winterse ochtend wordt de wereld bedolven met sneeuw. Nieuwsgierig trekt Hamley de tuin in. Ze rent door de sneeuw naar de weilanden erachter. Daar ziet ze vreemde sporen in de sneeuw van dieren die ze nog niet kent. Hamley gaat nieuwsgierig op onderzoek uit, en komt zo in een magische winterse wereld terecht met bijzondere dieren.Sandra J. Paul is een veelzijdig genre-overschrijdend auteur die vooral bekend staat om haar spannende jeugdboeken, paranormale Young Adult en psychologische thrillers. Met het schattige verhaal 'Hamley is jarig' richt ze zich voor het eerst op jongere kinderen. 'Hamley op pompoenjacht' is het tweede deel in deze serie over het lieve katje Hamley.Sandra was in 2015 laureate van de allereerste Aspe Award, een thriller-kortverhalenwedstrijd, georganiseerd door uitgeverij Manteau en Pieter Aspe. Zij was in 2017 laureate van de gerenommeerde Bath-Award voor flash fiction en werd in 2018 genomineerd voor de Cultuurprijs van Sint-Amands. Sandra schrijft en publiceert ook Engelstalige boeken onder het pseudoniem Joanne Carlton.

  • af Jesper Klit
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    "Personal Clout" is an entertaining and honest guide to speaking publicly. This book will teach you how to effectively get your message across to other people - a skill in high demand from managers and employers.After becoming a bestselling book in Europe, Jesper Klit's "Personal Clout" is now available for the first time in English. Learn as the author shares some of the invaluable tools, lessons and methods he has picked up during the decades of experience he has from working as a communications consultant, TV journalist and media lecturer. By reading about the seven effective habits common among the world's best communicators, you will receive guidance and inspiration to strengthen your ability to cut through the fog and achieve the attention you deserve.The 7 habits Jesper Klit explores are:1. Know Yourself2. Plan Your Success3. Say What Your Body is Saying4. Cast Yourself5. Involve Your Audience6. Design and Tell Effective Stories7. Train Your Personal CloutJesper Klit is a Communications Adviser, Director of Jesper Klit & Partners, and moreover he is one of the most popular and inspiring European speakers in the fields of communication and leadership. Jesper specializes in the development of personal clout, media coaching, and business storytelling. He advises a number of companies and leaders – from prime ministers to CEOs – on issues relating to personal and strategic communication. Furthermore, he is the author of several books on media, communication, and leadership.

  • af Renee Dahlia
    102,99 kr.

    A fake date ... a real secretAn invitation to her ex's wedding is just the icing on a crappy cake for burlesque dancer Yolande. Her ex ghosted her just as they were about to take the stage for their neo-burlesque act. Yolande’s friends at Seraph's Burlesque Club convince her that attending the wedding will show her ex that she's moved on. Only one problem - she just needs a date.Shy bartender Reiko has a secret, or two. She can't risk anyone discovering that her life as a penniless PhD student and bartender is a sham. And even though she's been in love with Yolande forever, when Yolande needs a plus-one to save face at her the wedding, Reiko knows any fantasy of romance is just that – a fantasy. Yolande will never notice the way Reiko looks at her.When the drama of the wedding reveals a spark of attraction between them, Reiko will have to risk her fake identity for the chance at true love.‘Show Up’ is the first installment in the "Seraph’s Burlesque Club" – a series of lesbian romances set in a London burlesque club.Perfect for readers who love a steamy read with friends (with benefits) to lovers plot. If you love reading about a found family with queer people who thrive, this series has that and more.Trigger warnings – Please note that this book contains mentions of the following:-tReferences to a character’s mother dying in a car crash prior to the book-tA minor discussion of racism-tReferences to the pandemic - as the book is set in a post-COVID London where everyone is vaccinatedA writer of Sassy Daring Romance, Renée Dahlia is an unabashed romance reader who loves feisty women and strong & clever men. Her books reflect this, with a hint of awkward humour.Renée has a science degree in physics. When not distracted by the characters fighting for her, she works in the horseracing industry doing data analysis and writing magazine articles.When she isn’t reading or writing, Renée spends her time with her partner and four children, usually watching them play cricket.

  • af Marie Lipscomb
    102,99 kr.

    Set in the fictional medieval land of Aldland, Lady Natalie Blackmere has long dreamt of somehow meeting the famous champions of Aldland – in particular the legendary Brandon the Bear. When the champions arrive in Blackmere, Natalie disguises herself as a barmaid and sets out to meet Brandon – the hero of so many ballads. When the town is attacked by bandits however, Natalie finds herself alone in the woods with the man she has been dreaming about for so long. The Lady’s Champion is the first in the ‘Hearts of Blackmere’ series by erotic romance author Marie Lipscomb.Marie Lipscomb is a romance author from the north of England. Now based in the USA where she lives with her husband, Marie first fell in love with storytelling when she studied creative writing at the University of Cumbria. Her stories are full of unlikely heroes, fantastical elements, and steamy romance. She is the author of the ‘Hearts of Blackmere’ and ‘Vixens Rock’ series.

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    67,99 kr.

    Growing up is difficult. It is even more difficult when surrounded by vile gossips, evil eyes, and bad-tempered fishermen!When you live in a trivial fishing community on the coast of Maine this is a part of everyday life. Just ask Mara and she will tell you all about it.This is a vivid and interesting story about Mara Lincoln, a young woman called "The Pearl". She has a troubled childhood, raised by her grandparents because her mother died giving birth to her and her father drowned. As she becomes older, Mara finds herself tangled up in various adventures on her coming-of-age path.An interesting and adventurous read recommended for both fans of Stowe and everyone who enjoys realism, classics and American fiction.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and adapted to the movie screen more than once. The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation.Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • af Honore de Balzac
    42,99 kr.

    Countess Marie de Vandenesse, bored out of her mind in a marriage to a good man, decides to adopt an up-and-coming young playwright, Raoul Nathan, as her lover. Mistakenly believing his fortune is made, Nathan quickly finds himself wading into deep waters...One of Balzac's most delightful and happy-go-lucky tales, this is certainly a recommended rainy day read. Written by the French author who, along with Flaubert, is widely regarded to be one of the founding fathers of realism in European fiction.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for his collection of novels and plays, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His detailed observation of humanity and realistic depiction of society makes him one of the earliest representatives of realism in Europe. He was a master-creator of complex characters that often found themselves in ambiguous moral dilemmas.

  • af Leo Tolstoy
    67,99 kr.

    The second book from Tolstoy’s epic 'Resurrection' cycle begins with Nekhlyudov, the juror on Maslova’s trial, who realises that he was indeed in love with Maslova prior to cruelly abandoning her as a vulnerable young servant girl. Unexpectedly, he decides to seek absolution by sacrificing his depraved life of luxury to share her fate.Nekhlyudov goes to prison and starts to unravel his fellow inmates' stories. He slowly begins to understand the full scope of the injustice of the Tsarist laws, along with the insidiousness of their repercussions. Especially for the not so fortunate. Nekhlyudov stops believing in himself, but starts believing in others.An existential drama proffering plenty of food for thought, 'Resurrection II' is must-read for those inspired by moralistic, life-changing narratives and for admirers of Tolstoy's earlier work 'The Death of Ivan Ilych'.Fans of the 2012 film 'Anna Karenina' depicting the eponymous aristocrat's romantic tragedy set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia will also enjoy this book.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.

  • af Leo Tolstoy
    67,99 kr.

    The final book in the 'Resurrection' cycle follows Nekhlyudov’s transformation into a penitent sinner. He renounces his wealth and land holdings to the peasants, then follows Maslova in her prison exile to Siberia.Maslova's plight also plays an important part in this volume. Nekhklyudov has to live with her choices as well as his own. 'Resurrection' reaches its denouement in a revelatory way. It sees the characters on a never-ending journey to redemption, meaning and self-transformation.Poignant realism is suffused with passionate romance. Sacrifice gets in the way of greed. Human compassion clashes with social injustice. An indisputable must-read for fans of Tolstoy and Russian realist literature.Recommended for fans of the 2012 film 'Anna Karenina' depicting the eponymous aristocrat's romantic tragedy set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia. Starring Kiera Knightley, Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    67,99 kr.

    What do expectations and social problems have to do with romance? How much does society decide who you should be with? Harry and Eva are about to find out!In this sequel to Stowe’s famous novel 'My Wife and I', Harry and Eva continue their relationship in New York only to find their romance has never been quite so challenging.Skeptical of women’s roles and their domestic positions, the story criticizes stale social norms. Lighthearted and entertaining, but also calling for a change, this is a delightful read reminiscent of other social critics such as Charles Dickens and Louisa May Alcott.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852) became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and adapted to the movie screen more than once. The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation.Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    42,99 kr.

    ‘Cupid and Chow-chow’ is an adorable tale of a rosy, sweet boy named Cupid and his mischievous cousin Chow-Chow who he waits on hand and foot. As with much of Alcott’s work, there is a subliminal social and moral discussion at play. At some levels it's a discussion on women’s roles, the ongoing suffragette movement and the traditional role of femininity in society. It remains subtle however and does not overshadow the simply adorable tale presented to the reader. It represents excellent reading for readers of all ages, particularly those interested in the early feminist and suffragette movements.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • af Leo Tolstoy
    38,99 kr.

    One night after a long day of ruler's duties, the young Tsar is visited in his sleep by a mysterious man whom he has never seen before. This man takes him on a dream journey to see all the evil reigning unabated throughout his empire.Although the young Tsar is skeptical at first, it begins to dawn on him that he could indeed use his power in a radically different way. But will he?A short story that strikes a similar chord to Charles Dickens’ 'A Christmas Carol'. 'The Young Tsar' ponders a great deal about the responsibility of leadership in just a few pages.Recommended for fans of the 2012 film 'Anna Karenina' depicting the eponymous aristocrat's romantic tragedy set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia. Starring Kiera Knightley, Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) was a Russian author, a master of realistic fiction and one of the world’s greatest novelists. Tolstoy’s major works include 'War and Peace' (1865–69) and 'Anna Karenina' (1875–77), two of the greatest novels of all time and pinnacles of realist fiction. Beyond novels, he wrote many short stories and later in life also essays and plays.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ is one of Shakespeare's most popular plays. It is an absorbing romantic comedy as two couples find themselves in farcical situations as lies are spread and treacherous plots are enacted. The story revolves around Claudio and Hero who are to be wed and Beatrice and Benedick who refuse to reveal their true feelings to each other. The arrival of the villainous Don John threatens to destroy these couples as a masquerade ball provides him with the opportunity to sow distrust. Tragedy strikes as Don John’s deceit plagues the couples and they must overcome his wickedness and rekindle their love. ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ portrays Shakespeare’s standing as one of the finest dramatists and humourists in English literature. The dialogue between Beatrice and Benedick in particular is full of wit as they constantly duel with their words. The tension rises throughout the play as suspicion spreads amongst the characters until it reaches a violent climax as the truth is unmasked. The theme of gender conventions and the different social behaviour expected of honourable women and men remains as relevant today as when it was written. The combination of Shakespeare’s humour and lyrical prose makes this poignant play the perfect read for fans of Oscar Wilde. ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ was adapted into a movie in 2012 by Joss Whedon, director of ‘The Avengers’ and ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ starring Nathan Fillion.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright and poet who is often referred to as ‘The Bard’ due to his standing as one of the most talented poets ever. Considered the greatest dramatist of all time, he is widely regarded as the most influential English language writer. Shakespeare has not only inspired authors such as Herman Melville and Charles Dickens, but many phrases used commonly today were coined by The Bard including ‘break the ice’. Shakespeare’s timeless plays are still studied to this day and focus on the range of human emotion, romance, and conflict while remaining endlessly entertaining. Shakespeare is the best-selling playwright of all time and his works have been translated into more than 100 languages. Much of his celebrated work has been adapted into movies including ‘Romeo and Juliet’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio and ‘Macbeth’ starring Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    67,99 kr.

    ‘Lulu’s Library’ is a collection of over thirty children’s short stories, originally told to Alcott’s niece as bedtime stories. Throughout the collection, the sweet and loving abound, each tale is lovingly wrapped in intelligent anecdotes and beautiful description to create fantastical stories that amaze but also teach. Some of the most notable stories are; "Recollections of My Childhood", "The Silver Party", and "The Little Red Purse". This collection is great reading for children of any age, and perfect for some bedtime reading from Mum and Dad.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people in to literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    'A Nightmare' is a short story by Anton Chekhov about two men, one a penniless priest and the other a wealthy aristocrat. The now desperate priest is too proud to ask for assistance, whereas the conniving aristocrat is plotting against him because of his oddball behavior. Where exactly will this dangerous game of cat-and-mouse carry the two?A masterful portrayal of human emotions and the misunderstandings that harbour the potential to wreak havoc upon our lives. Chekhov’s story criticizes man’s silent dignity and displays how even the most benevolent of desires can be utterly ruined in human folly and error.A perfect fit for fans of the 2012 film 'Anna Karenina' depicting the eponymous aristocrat's romantic tragedy set against the backdrop of Tsarist Russia. Starring Kiera Knightley, Jude Law and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the world masters of the short story genre. Painstakingly true to life yet morbid with his realistic depictions of 19th century Russian day-to-day life, Chekhov’s characters effortlessly glide between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull' and 'The Cherry Orchard'. His short stories shed light on the mysterious concealed beneath the surface of the ordinary, as well as the doom and the horror lurking in the shadows.

  • af Honore de Balzac
    38,99 kr.

    The novella unfolds around a blind old man, Facino Cane who claims to be a descendant of the 14th century condottiere of the same name. The narrator meets Facino Cane at a wedding, and begins a conversation with him. Facino then recounts his life story involving the most extraordinary tales of murder, exile, buried treasure, incarceration and a daring escape.A thoroughly enticing and enthralling short story, with a narrator that has a magnificent knack for getting inside another person's head. This demonstrates that Balzac could have mastered the melodramatic adventure style of writing for which Alexandre Dumas and Victor Hugo are best known. If slightly longer, 'Facino Cane' would be a ready companion piece to Dumas' epic 'The Count of Monte Cristo'.Honoré de Balzac (1799-1850) was a French novelist and playwright, most famous for his collection of novels and plays, collectively called 'The Human Comedy'. His detailed observation of humanity and realistic depiction of society makes him one of the earliest representatives of realism in Europe. He was a master-creator of complex characters that often found themselves in ambiguous moral dilemmas.

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    In Anton Chekhov's short story "Happiness" from 1887, a horseman approaches two shepherds just before dawn on a summer's night. He tells them the story of a wicked old man without moral who had died without sharing the location of a secret, enchanted treasure with anyone. As the horseman takes his leave, the shepherds are left to reflect on the interconnected nature of greed, temptation and the pursuit of happiness: Is it possible to find happiness without wealth? Or is happiness nothing but a man-made fairy-tale character in the story that is life?A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the best practitioners of the short story genre in literature. True to life and painfully morbid with his miserable and realistic depictions of Russian everyday life, Chekhov’s characters drift between humor, melancholy, artistic ambition, and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays "Uncle Vanya", "The Seagull", and "The Cherry Orchard", where Chekhov dramatizes and portrays social and existential problems. His short stories unearth mystery beneath ordinary situations, the failure and horror present in everyday life.

  • af E. F. Benson
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    The narrative follows the stylishly controversial Dodo, a young woman from the British upper-middle-class. She is very confident she is about to make a most advantageous match which should position her perfectly for the social status and money she so deeply craves. This makes for a work replete with sardonic and romantic and paranormal melodrama. In an atmosphere so full of extreme snobbery that it is a riot of hilarity. Brought to you by one of the most distinguished practitioners of the supernatural short story, this is a must read for fans of the American horror drama series 'Lovecraft Country'. Starring Jurnee Smollet, Jonathan Majors, Michael. K. Williams and Wunmi Mosaku. Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was a British archeologist and author. Originally from Berkshire, he studied at Cambridge University and published his first novel 'Dodo' in 1893. It was an instant success. He was a prolific novelist and wrote a blend of satire, science-fiction, supernatural and romantic melodramas. He has been admired by later authors such as H. P. Lovecraft. He was also a reputed memoirist and wrote an acclaimed biography of Charlotte Brontë. Benson was a very discreet character but it is widely assumed that he was homosexual, based on the circles he moved in as well as the characters in his fiction. He never married and passed away in 1940 at the age of 72.

  • af E. F. Benson
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    'Dodo Wonders' is the third and final installment in the 'Dodo' series by E. F. Benson. The series was rumoured to be based on Lady Asquith, though she herself claimed that she had little in common with the character of Dodo - except the splendour of her drawing-room, perhaps.The glitzy life of Lady Dodo Chesterford is abruptly interrupted by the arrival of World War I. Along with her husband and their friends, Lady Dodo is faced with the challenge of rapidly adapting to an unfamiliar and dangerous new environment. 'Dodo Wonders' delicately reveals the history of the First World War in Britain while also unfolding an intricate love story. Dodo is a charming, vivid heroine with whom it becomes almost a pleasure to move through wartime. Recommended for fans of Sam Mendes' 2019 war movie '1917', which follows the gripping tale of two young British soldiers tasked with delivering a message in enemy territory - starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Richard Madden and Colin Firth. Edward Frederic Benson (1867-1940) was a British archeologist and author. Originally from Berkshire, he studied at Cambridge University and published his first novel 'Dodo' in 1893. It was an instant success. He was a prolific novelist and wrote a blend of satire, science-fiction, supernatural and romantic melodramas. He has been admired by later authors such as H. P. Lovecraft. He was also a reputed memoirist and wrote an acclaimed biography of Charlotte Brontë. Benson was a very discreet character but it is widely assumed that he was homosexual, based on the circles he moved in as well as the characters in his fiction. He never married and passed away in 1940 at the age of 72.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    ‘Henry VIII’ is a highly entertaining historical play by William Shakespeare that dramatizes court intrigues and personal vendettas between the King’s advisors. King Henry starts to question his marriage to Queen Katherine after becoming enamoured with a young woman named Anne Boleyn. While Henry deals with his marital issues and his growing attraction to Anne, his noblemen battle with the treacherous Cardinal Wolsey, who conspires against the Queen. As Katherine faces the court, Wolsey further betrays the Monarchy and Henry embarks on a course that will change history. This play is one of Shakespeare’s finest dramas as it combines conspiracy, romance, and death into a thrilling tale that remains remarkably readable to this day. Melodic dialogue expresses the characters’ inner turmoil as loyalties are tested throughout the riveting story. Fans of British historical dramas such as ‘The Tudors’ starring Henry Cavill and Natalie Dormer, or ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’ starring Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson will enjoy this compelling and provocative version of Henry VIII’s reign.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English playwright and poet who is often referred to as ‘The Bard’ due to his standing as one of the most talented poets ever. Considered the greatest dramatist of all time, he is widely regarded as the most influential English language writer. Shakespeare has not only inspired authors such as Herman Melville and Charles Dickens, but many phrases used commonly today were coined by The Bard including ‘break the ice’. Shakespeare’s timeless plays are still studied to this day and focus on the range of human emotion, romance, and conflict while remaining endlessly entertaining. Shakespeare is the best-selling playwright of all time and his works have been translated into more than 100 languages. Much of his celebrated work has been adapted into movies including ‘Romeo and Juliet’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio and ‘Macbeth’ starring Academy Award winners Denzel Washington and Frances McDormand.

  • af Anton Chekhov
    38,99 kr.

    What are you most afraid of? Spiders, ghosts or perhaps the Slender Man? But have you ever been afraid of life itself? 'Terror' tells the story of just that: a man who is afraid of living. His fears range from his office job in St. Petersburg to the mere act of tilling the soil. He is even scared of his lovely wife and children.But the ultimate cause of his fear of day to day life is not what it may seem at first. Chekhov's 'Terror' is a hauntingly realistic novel which leaves no two people with the same impression after reading. Suffused with unrelenting existentialism and wit, this is a must-read for fans of Woody Allen's 2015 popular romantic comedy movie 'Irrational Man' which follows a small-town philosophy professor's existential musings on the meanings of love and life. Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone, Parker Posey and Jamie Blackley.A prolific writer of seven plays, a novel and hundreds of short stories, Anton Chekhov (1860-1904) is considered one of the world masters of the short story genre. Painstakingly true to life yet morbid with his realistic depictions of the 19th century Russian world, Chekhov’s characters effortlessly glide between humour, melancholy, artistic ambition and death. Some of his best-known works include the plays 'Uncle Vanya', 'The Seagull' and 'The Cherry Orchard'. His short stories shed light on the mysterious concealed beneath the surface of the ordinary, as well as the doom and the horror lurking in the shadows.

  • af Harriet Beecher-Stowe
    67,99 kr.

    Why did Christians preach about loving their neighbours and yet keep their fellow humans as slaves? Ups and downs with Stowe's own family, and the inhumanity of slavery are the focus of this collection of essays.The obvious inequality spurred Stowe to get involved with the 'Fugitive Slave Act' which came to be important for the emancipation of slaves. Written with careful and detailed insight, this book is recommended for both history-lovers and curious souls because of its compelling portrayal of life and slavery in the South.A thorn in the angry eyes of American slave owners, Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896) was an American author and ardent abolitionist. Her novel, 'Uncle Tom’s Cabin' (1852), became one of the most famous literary attacks on slavery at the time. The novel was also turned into a play and made into movies more than once.The latest version from 1987 features Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most popular actors of his generation.Stowe also wrote numerous travel memoirs, letters, articles, and short stories – all crucial to the depiction of the injustice of African Americans we still hear about today.

  • af Jean Webster
    77,99 kr.

    The impetuous but nonetheless highly intelligent, street smart Patty Wyatt goes to a turn of the century, all-girls college where she studies here and there during whatever time remains after delivering scathing commentaries on dorm life, playing pranks on her friends and teachers, and, last but not least, soaring to the rescue of other girls in need. First published in 1903, Jean Webster’s debut novel 'When Patty Went to College' is a witty yet strikingly authentic account of going to college in Patty's day and age, to be fondly treasured by anybody who holds their college memories dear to their heart. If you enjoyed the 2012 musical comedy blockbuster 'Pitch Perfect' about a group of talented and free-spirited modern day college girls, starring Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow and Rebel Wilson, you'll find this a highly fascinating and enthralling account of college girl life long before the advent of modern day pastimes. Jean Webster was the pseudonym of Alice Jane Chandler Webster (1876-1916), who was an American writer. Her novels are marked by bitter dialogue and socio-political themes such as: eugenics and heredity, institutional reform, and women’s rights. Webster herself was a suffragette, and as well as writing fiction, she also worked as a journalist. Some of her most famous works include: ‘When Patty Went to College,’ ‘Daddy-Long-Legs’ and ‘Dear Enemy’.

  • af Jennifer Ashley
    103,99 kr.

    Als Cassidy Warden Detective Diego Escobar vor dem tödlichen Sturz in die Tiefe bewahrt, raubt ihm die sexy Shifterin im Evaskostüm den Atem. Aber sie hat gleich mehrere menschliche Gesetze gebrochen, sodass er sie kurzentschlossen verhaftet – vor allem, um zu verhindern, dass sie der berüchtigten Shifterabteilung in die Hände fällt. Im Gegenzug muss er versprechen, persönlich für ihr Wohlverhalten zu bürgen. Diego stellt bald fest, dass das schwieriger ist, als zunächst gedacht, denn Cassidy versucht herauszufinden, wer der geheimnisvolle Jäger ist, der vor einem Jahr ihren Gefährten getötet hat und der allen Shiftern gefährlich werden könnte. Als Diego sich schließlich mit der entschlossenen Schneeleopardin einlässt, wird nicht nur sein ganzes gewohntes Leben auf den Kopf gestellt, sondern er riskiert auch seine Karriere. Aber er erkennt schnell, dass er sich den schlimmsten Mördern und selbst seinen eigenen Dämonen stellen wird, um ihre Sicherheit zu garantieren ...Die New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Jennifer Ashley hat unter den Namen Jennifer Ashley, Allyson James und Ashley Gardner mehr als fünfundvierzig Romane und Novellas veröffentlicht. Unter ihren Büchern finden sich Liebesromane, Urban Fantasy und Krimis. Ihre Veröffentlichungen sind mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet worden – beispielsweise dem RITA Award der Romance Writers of America und dem Romantic Times BookReviews Reviewers Choice Award (unter anderem für den besten Urban Fantasy, den besten historischen Kriminalroman und einer Auszeichnung für ihre Verdienste im Genre des historischen Liebesromans). Jennifer Ashleys Bücher sind in ein Dutzend verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt worden und haben besonders hervorgehobene Kritiken der Booklist erhalten. Mehr über die „Shifters Unbound"-Serie erfahren Sie auf

  • af Rebel Carter
    102,99 kr.

    New job, New city...New man?To the world at large Melinda Pérez is at the top of her game. She’s just earned a promotion to her dream job, in her dream city. Melinda should be living her best life in New York City, and she is. At least according to her social media.The Diamond Dating League is the newest and most exclusive dating app on the market - curing loneliness is just one swipe away. It might be the answer to her prayers - if it weren’t for her driver. Her hot and obnoxious driver who she just can’t seem to get out of her head.Even under the best circumstances, you aren’t supposed to daydream about your driver. Even more so when he’s eight years younger than you.Liam Conlon is infuriating and makes it clear he thinks Melinda is a spoiled princess. Never being one to disappoint, she’s happy to step into the role. But despite all the ways they clash there is no denying the tension and attraction building between them.But can they find the courage to step out of their roles and find something real with each other?"Rebel Carter writes with wit, elegance and longing. Her love stories exist in a world of their own, and it's one I never want to leave." - Talia Hibbert, author of Get A Life, Chloe Brown.Rebel Carter is an award winning new voice in romance with diverse, multicultural characters and plots that readers yearn for. Fans of Beverly Jenkins, Alyssa Cole, and Talia Hibbert will find much to love in Rebel's strong willed heroines and the swoon-worthy men who love them!

  • af Leif Davidsen
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    In a series of complex double-crosses a menacing mystery builds: Who is the "Sardine" behind the killing?"The Sardine Deception" is Leif Davidsen's author debut book from 1984. The novel takes place in the Basque Country, where a young Danish woman has been killed during an ETA attack. Her husband, Poul, travels to Spain to retrieve the coffin and is involuntarily drawn into political intrigues involving Basque freedom fighters, the Spanish government, civil guards and fascist infiltrated police. A great read for people that loves thrillers and mysteries, and anyone that loves Danish series such as Borgen, The Killing and The Bridge.Leif Davidsen (1950) is one of Denmark's most popular authors. He made his radio debut in the seventies as a freelance journalist, a job that led him to travel frequently and which became a source of inspiration for his political thrillers. Davidsen made a name for himself as a writer in the 1990's. His works often describe the condition of contemporary man in a constantly evolving political world.

  • af Marie Lipscomb
    77,99 kr.

    Seeking peace and solitude, talented artist Beth has rented a remote mountain cabin to focus on her art. However, when her peace is disturbed by a heavy metal drummer named Finn, the two seem destined to clash with each other. When a storm forces them together, Beth and Finn soon find the tension between them too much to ignore. A steamy mountainside romance from author Marie Lipscomb.Marie Lipscomb is a romance author from the north of England. Now based in the USA where she lives with her husband, Marie first fell in love with storytelling when she studied creative writing at the University of Cumbria. Her stories are full of unlikely heroes, fantastical elements, and steamy romance. She is the author of the ‘Hearts of Blackmere’ and ‘Vixens Rock’ series.