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  • af Jane Austen
    38,99 kr.

    Do you love humorous and amusing stories? Then you will love this short story written by none other than Jane Austen when she was still a young teenager."In a retired part of the County of Sussex, there is a village (for what I know to the contrary) called Evelyn, perhaps one of the most beautiful spots in the south of England. A gentleman passing through it on horseback about twenty years ago, was so entirely of my opinion in this respect, that he put up at the little alehouse in it and enquired with great earnestness whether there were any house to be left in the parish."With over-the-top characters and the hero's exhilarating freedom, this novel is a fascinating look into young Austen's mind.Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most beloved British writers of all time. During her short life, she published six novels: ´Sense and Sensibility´, ´Pride and Prejudice´, ´Mansfield Park´, ´Emma´, ´Northanger Abbey´ and ´Persuasion´, that are all considered as literary classics today.Her writing is full of sharp observations on the society in which she evolved, as well as ripe with timeless irony, and a solid dose of humour. She has created immortal characters that have inspired countless authors, novels, and movies such as Bridget Jones and Clueless.The most notable film adapted from a Jane Austen novel is Pride and Prejudice from 2005 starring Keira Knightley (kbown for Pirates of the Caribbean) and Matthew Macfadyen.

  • af Booth Tarkington
    77,99 kr.

    A light and witty novel, 'Gentle Julia' is filled with characters who you can't help but smile at. With an old-fashioned feel to it, this Booth Tarkington classic follows the escapades of a Julia Atwater and her younger cousin Florence as suitors attempt to woo her across town. Set in Indiana in the early 20th century, the story is entwined with silliness and the old-fashioned.Newton Booth Tarkington was an American novelist and dramatist best known as a multiple Pulitzer Prize-winner. He is only one of a handful of novelists to winning the Pulitzer Price more than once, winning it with his novels 'The Magnificent Ambersons' and 'Alice Adams'.Many of Tarkington's college years at Princeton and adult life are said to have mirror F. Scott Fitzgerald's.His popularity has declined over the decades but at one stage in the 1910s and 1920s he was considered one of America's best authors.

  • af Jane Austen
    38,99 kr.

    'Being good People themselves, their first & principal care was to incite in her a Love of Virtue & a Hatred of Vice, in which they so well succeeded (Eliza having a natural turn that way herself) that when she grew up, she was the delight of all who knew her.'That was until Eliza was caught stealing a pound50 note and was thrown out by her benefactors.A classic short story from Austen's "juvenilia", written in her teenage years and originally shared with her family and friends. The perfect insight into the mind of young Austen.Jane Austen (1775-1817) is one of the most beloved British writers of all time. During her short life, she published six novels: ´Sense and Sensibility´, ´Pride and Prejudice´, ´Mansfield Park´, ´Emma´, ´Northanger Abbey´ and ´Persuasion´, which are all considered literary classics today.Her writing is full of sharp observations on the society in which she lived, as well as ripe with timeless irony, and a solid dose of humour. She has created immortal characters that have inspired countless authors, novels, and movies such as Bridget Jones and Clueless.The most notable adaptation is Joe Wright's 2005 Pride and Prejudice, starring Keira Knightley (Pirates of the Caribbean) and Matthew Macfadyen (Succession).

  • af David Escamilla Imparato
    51,99 kr.

    Aquest llibre és com un suc de taronja: un concentrat que en lloc d'aportar vitamines aporta molt de riure! David Escamilla fa una tria del millor que han donat al llarg d'un segle les veus més brillants de la tradició còmica catalana, des de Joan Capri fins a Eugenio passant per Andreu Buenafuente o Pepe Rubianes. Aquest llibre no és per llegir, és per riure.-Un llibre que no és per llegir, sinó per riure.David Escamilla és comunicador, editor, escriptor i músic. Ha treballat com a director i presentador per ràdio i televisió a emisores com ara RNE, Catalunya Ràdio, TVE o Cuatro. Ha publicat més de cinquanta llibres des de 1992 entre els quals figuren assajos, biografies, novel·les, relats breus, guies culturals i poesía.

  • af Daniel Moyano
    55,99 kr.

    Encomendado a componer un manuscrito que salve del olvido al pueblo de Minas Altas antes de que lleguen los asesinos, el anónimo protagonista de esta historia traslada palabras y gestos atesorados en las marionetas de Fábulo Vega —astrónomo y titiritero—, que han sido habitadas por las almas de los vivos y los muertos.Ganadora del Premio Boris Vian en 1990, «Tres golpes de timbal» es la historia alotópica de una sociedad imaginaria resuelta a recuperar su memoria. Daniel Moyano tardó unos veinte años en escribir la que él llamó «la más vieja de mis novelas», que es también la más riojana.Daniel Moyano (1930-1992) fue un escritor argentino. Nacido en Buenos Aires y criado en Córdoba, se radicó más tarde en La Rioja donde trabajó como profesor de música, periodista y concibió gran parte de su obra. Detenido y encarcelado durante la dictadura militar de 1976-1983, tras ser liberado se exilió en España y allí residió hasta su muerte.

  • af Jennifer Ashley
    103,99 kr.

    Bei einem Überfall auf ihren Geschenkeartikel-Laden wird Elizabeth Chapman von einem riesigen Kodiak-Bären gerettet, der sich danach in einen sehr großen, sehr muskulösen und vor allem sehr nackten Mann verwandelt. Als sich herausstellt, dass der Täter der Bruder eines gefährlichen Kriminellen ist, wird Elizabeth plötzlich zum Ziel eines Rachefeldzugs. Ronan, der Bären-Shifter, nimmt sie zu ihrer eigenen Sicherheit mit nach Shiftertown, wo er mit drei jungen, verwaisten Wandlern, die er bei sich aufgenommen hat, lebt. Er erklärt sich zu ihrem Bodyguard, denn er kann den Gedanken nicht ertragen, dass der resoluten Ladenbesitzerin etwas zustößt. Auch Elizabeth lernt den starken Mann an ihrer Seite schnell zu schätzen. Doch erst als er sich für sie in Gefahr begibt, wird sie sich ihrer wahren Gefühle für ihn bewusst ...Die New-York-Times-Bestsellerautorin Jennifer Ashley hat unter den Namen Jennifer Ashley, Allyson James und Ashley Gardner mehr als fünfundvierzig Romane und Novellas veröffentlicht. Unter ihren Büchern finden sich Liebesromane, Urban Fantasy und Krimis. Ihre Veröffentlichungen sind mit zahlreichen Preisen ausgezeichnet worden – beispielsweise dem RITA Award der Romance Writers of America und dem Romantic Times BookReviews Reviewers Choice Award (unter anderem für den besten Urban Fantasy, den besten historischen Kriminalroman und einer Auszeichnung für ihre Verdienste im Genre des historischen Liebesromans). Jennifer Ashleys Bücher sind in ein Dutzend verschiedene Sprachen übersetzt worden und haben besonders hervorgehobene Kritiken der Booklist erhalten. Mehr über die „Shifters Unbound"-Serie erfahren Sie auf

  • af Armin Öhri
    111,99 kr.

    In der Schweiz kommt es zu einer beispiellosen Häufung von Internetstörungen: gelöschte Webseiten, geleakte Passwörter, ungewollt verschickte Pornografie. Das lässt die aufstrebende Online-Journalistin Mia Abderhalden und den jungen Hacker Maxi Winter aufhorchen. Was hat es mit den groben Sicherheitslücken auf sich? Die beiden ermitteln. Dabei bahnt sich eine Gefahr an, welche die Eidgenossenschaft in eine Katastrophe stürzen könnte. Was passiert, wenn jemand das Internet im gesamten Land lahmlegt?Der Schriftsteller Armin Öhri, geboren 1978, lebt in Grabs im St. Galler Rheintal. Bekannt sind die historischen Kriminalromane um seinen Protagonisten, den jungen Tatortzeichner Julius Bentheim. Der Autor erhielt den »European Union Prize for Literature«, seine Werke wurden in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt. Zudem ist er Gründer des Liechtensteinischen Literatursalons und Präsident des Liechtensteinischen Autorenverbands »IG Wort«.

  • af Melanie Amélie Opalka
    74,99 kr.

    "Zugegeben, die meiste Zeit habe ich mich eher mit der Frage befasst, wie ich nicht Vater werde. Bis ich dieser Frau begegnete.Und nun heißt es plötzlich: Wie wird man eigentlich Vater, wenn man es möchte, aber es nicht auf Anhieb klappt? Und was macht der Prozess mit einem, das Auf und Ab des Hoffens und Bangens, neben und zusammen mit der Frau, die das alles am eigenen Leib erlebt?Ein schmerzvoll-tragisch-urkomischer Bericht aus Männersicht – über die Broschürenflut auf der häuslichen Couch, die Wartezimmer der Babymacherkliniken, über dramatische Einkaufsralleys und innovativen Wickeltischbau auf der heimischen Waschmaschine. Für alle, die auch noch eine Antwort auf die Babyfrage suchen und von der allerersten Zuschauerreihe aus dabei sein wollen.Auch wenn es sie beruflich und privat immer wieder in die weite Welt verschlägt, ist Hamburg seit 1976 Melanie Amélie Opalkas sicherer Hafen. Lyrik und Kurzgeschichten veröffentlicht sie seit 2004, seit 2013 auch Romane. 2015 initiierte sie den Hamburger Autorenstammtisch vom Bundesverband junger Autoren (BVjA).

  • af Celso Lucio
    40,99 kr.

    Zarzuela en verso que parodia la obra original de de Cyrano de Bergerac. Escrita con la fina pluma de Celso Lucio y Gabril Merino, la música original la pusieron los maestros Caballero y Valverde (hijo).Celso Lucio nació en Burgos en 1865. Trabajó en varios periódicos y revistas como redactor y se dedicó a la política, llegando a ser diputado provincial por Madrid. En su faceta literaria se dedicó casi plenamente al teatro lírico, normalmente en colaboración con otros autores. Con el sentido del humor como principal arma, escribió obras muy celebradas como «El gran capitán», «Los puritanos» o «Los secuestradores».

  • af George Moore
    102,99 kr.

    Esther Waters is an unmarried young woman from an impoverished working class family who, while employed as a kitchen maid, is seduced by one of her fellow domestic servants, falls pregnant, then subsequently is deserted by her lover. Despite the dire circumstances and the social stigma of bearing a child out of wedlock, Esther decides to bring up her future child as a single mother, despite the backlash she will face. 'Esther Waters' is one of a group of Victorian novels depicting the life and times of the "e;fallen woman"e;. It is widely regarded as Moore's best novel. Highly recommended for fans of the natural realist novels of Emile Zola, Charles Dickens and Anthony Trollope, who examined the societal repercussions of the early-stage capitalism immediately following the Industrial Resolution. -

  • af H. G. Wells
    58,99 kr.

    'Mankind in the Making' is a collection of papers written by Wells about the construction of a better future. These essays discuss topics such as educational reforms, poverty, the modern state, and political institutions in general. Wells critiques the Victorian system and provides a socialist perspective on how it can be improved. While Wells' ideals are socialist, he injects a unique futurist viewpoint as only he can. The book received praise from other authors such as Henry James for its interesting and well-justified ideas. 'Mankind in the Making' provides a deeper understanding of Wells' progressive and futuristic ideas that are abundant in his novels. Wells' thoughtful critiques of modern society remain relevant to this day and this book should be read by all fans of his other work, and anyone interested in politics.-

  • af Edith Wharton
    67,99 kr.

    Showcasing a true-to-life and compelling menagerie of characters, Edith Wharton's 'Tales of Men and Ghosts' is an assortment of ten different uncanny, paranormal and tragic stories. While depicting vivid and fascinating characters, 'Tales of Men and Ghosts' also studies the social attitudes of 20th century society. Repressed sexuality, strained relationships and class distinctions are among the issues explored by Wharton. A bare bones exhibition of the vices of mankind is paraded by the characters, but it is presented without harsh criticism or judgement. This gives rise to a beautiful and enthralling collection of character sketches. Timelessly written prose, 'Tales of Men and Ghosts' is as relatable and enticing a masterpiece of gothic fiction as it was when it was first published.A perfect fit for fans of the American horror drama series 'Lovecraft Country'. Starring Jurnee Smollet, Jonathan Majors, Michael. K. Williams and Wunmi Mosaku.-

  • af H. G. Wells
    42,99 kr.

    ‘The Invisible Man’ is one of H.G. Wells’ most celebrated and widely read novels. The story revolves around Griffin, a scientist who discovers the serum of invisibility that sends his whole life into chaos. The invisible man embarks on a ‘reign of terror’ across England from burglary to assault and murder, all while being pursued by the police. Wells masterfully blends the terrifying and the humorous in this engrossing story as mischief quickly turns to mayhem. ‘The Invisible Man’ is as poignant as it is entertaining as Wells’ acclaimed social critique questions whether unlimited power creates evil. Each reader can take a different meaning from ‘The Invisible Man’ which is one of the reasons it remains relevant to this day and was adapted into a movie starring Elisabeth Moss in 2020. This captivating and thought-provoking novel should be read by fans of Ray Bradbury and George Orwell.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    38,99 kr.

    "e;And holding wave and wind in boy's despitePeered from his dripping seat across the wet and stormy night."e;Charmides is a beautiful and epic poem rooted in Greek mythology. Whether prose or poetry, drama or tragedy, Oscar Wilde's writing never fails to fascinate and capture one's attention. Displaying a different side to the famous Irish writer, this book of poems is no exception. A short but great read for any Wilde fan.-

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    This fascinating tale marks a milestone in world literature as being one of the first examples of the 'mummy's curse' narrative. It follows Paul Forsyth and the older professor Niles as they explore ancient Egyptian ruins, haplessly disturbing the ancient peace of a powerful sorceress' tomb. Upon his return home, Forsyth will present his young fiancee with an ancient souvenir from his travels, which unbeknown to him will have deathly consequences. It is a captivating and haunting tale, furthering Alcott's work with the 'femme fatale' narrative, in a story that is significant in world literature. This story is perfect for anyone who loved Brendan Fraser's 'The Mummy', just with a more serious, but equally enjoyable thrill.-

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    102,99 kr.

    Why is it that people mistake sincerity, kindness and positivity as stupidness? Lev Myshkin has all these great character qualities and certainly is no idiot though everyone assumes him to be one."The Idiot" is one of Dostoevsky’s most emotional and private novels, where the author talks about intimate issues, often neglected or totally ignored in contemporary Russian society.Religious discussions and symbolism, philosophical endeavours, and existential ups and down mark the novel’s entirety, turning it into a compelling and remarkable read, perfect for fans of Dostoevsky and Russian literature in general.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel "Crime and Punishment" with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich."The Idiot" has also been adapted for films and TV, as has "Demons" and "The Brothers Karamazov".

  • af H. G. Wells
    38,99 kr.

    Despite being a pacifist, Wells masterfully explains and gathers all the prerequisites for waging a war... with toy soldiers. 'Little Wars' can be said to be the original instruction manual for how to run a tabletop battle. Satire and pacifist views blend in this narrative that expresses Wells' idea that wars should be waged on the dining room floor rather than among the corpse-ridden trenches of Europe. The book's influence on modern warfare manuals and board games is indisputable, as tabletop conflicts are conducted to this day. Wells portrays the harrowing nature of war, but his humour ensures the book remains an entertaining read. The whimsical writing and stunning sketches create a book that should be read by all fans of tabletop war games.-

  • af H. G. Wells
    42,99 kr.

    ‘The War of the Worlds’ is H. G. Wells’ most popular novel and is celebrated as one of the most influential and greatest science-fiction stories ever. Its popularity stems largely from the fact that it is one of the earliest stories dealing with an alien invasion on Earth. An army of Martians lands in England and their three-legged robots wreak havoc and destruction upon the unsuspecting civilians. The protagonist is separated from his wife during the onslaught and must defeat the invaders and find his wife. This thrilling novel features non-stop action from the start as the protagonist must journey through a nightmarish world in which aliens are not the only monsters. The novel remains timeless due to its critique of imperialism and its belief that civilisation will turn to other planets once their native resources have been plundered. Well’s vivid and terrifying imagery caused widespread panic when ‘The War of the Worlds’ was broadcast as a radio play in 1938 as people believed the invasion was real. The novel spawned an Academy Award-nominated movie adaptation directed by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise in 2005. It is clear to see why ‘The War of the Worlds’ remains influential as it is the definition of a page-turner and should be read by fans of authors such as George Orwell or Frank Herbert.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    Evelyn's pride and high standards lead her to marry a man she doesn't love, while leaving the man she does love in the past as a piece of history. Her true love is one who is "e;rich in youth, comeliness, talent, and ardor"e;, but poor in "e;fortune and friends"e;. 'Doctor Dorn's Revenge' is a tragic story about a love triangle gone wrong. It also incorporates a potent social critique of the institution of marriage as it existed in the 19th century.A poignant and thought-provoking novel written by one of America's leading suffragettes, 'Doctor Dorn's Revenge' is the perfect for fans of strong female characters in 19th century literature. Recommended for fans of the 2019 movie 'Little Women' based off the famous novel by Alcott - starring Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan and Timothee Chalamet.-

  • af Edgar Wallace
    77,99 kr.

    Stella Barrington a wealthy trainer and stable owner comes across a mysterious tramp one day at the stables after he has fended off an attack from some fellow tramps. Impressed by his demeanour and stature and assuming him to be a war veteran she offers him the position of Head Lad in her stable. Bill the tramp accepts, and joins the team as they compete at the worlds most renowned race tracks. However, a rival stable plots on their downfall, seeking to topple the premier stable once and for all they will stop at nothing to crush Stella. Soon Bill begins to raise questions in Stella’s mind as well, is he truly who he says he is? This mystery novel is threaded with a dynamic plot and a stunning cast, making this punchy novel a must for anyone who loved ‘Secretariat’ or ‘Black Beauty’.Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was an English writer, poet and journalist. He was such a prolific writer that his publisher claimed his work could account for a quarter of all books sold in England. He wrote countless books, screenplays, poems and historical non-fiction, spawning over one hundred and sixty films based on his work. He unfortunately passed away suddenly before he could see his most famous creation ‘King Kong’ come to life. It has been adapted several times over the years, notably by Peter Jackson of Lord of the Rings fame, and more recently in ‘Godzilla vs Kong’ starring Millie Bobby Brown.

  • af Thomas Hardy
    77,99 kr.

    Who wouldn't want passionate love in their life? Of course, this love is usually accompanied by a lot of jealously, conflict and tragedy and this novel is no exception to that rule! Poor Bathsheba has three different suitors; however will she choose between them? Each suitor adds more uncertainty and complications to the ordered world of Bathsheba and she is soon lost in a vortex of passion, love, and social problems. 'Far from the Madding Crowd' is the novel that brought Thomas Hardy considerable literary success and has been made into a movie many times, most notably in the Oscar-nominated 1967 version. The most recent film is from 2015 and starred Carey Mulligan as Bathsheba, Matthias Schoenaerts as Gabriel Oak and the famous Martin Sheen, Charlie Sheen's dad.-

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    "I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train."Jack Worthing is an important and respected person in Hertfordshire. Being a guardian to a young girl and an employer of many in the community, the list of his responsibilities is never-ending. His brother, Earnest, however, leads a scandalous life and Jack is often forced to leave for London to sort it out. What no one knows is that Earnest is not real, but Jack’s alibi, his way of creating havoc and blowing off some steam in the big city.The Importance of Being Earnest is Oscar Wilde’s most popular and enduring play. Poking fun at the ridiculousness of human nature, especially that of the Victorian elite, it is both incredibly clever and undeniably silly.It has been performed and made into films and for television many times, most recently in the 2002 film starring Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon and Judi Dench.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet, famous for ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to name a couple. He died in Paris at the age of 46. Oscar Wilde remains one of the best-loved authors in the English-speaking world.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    In 'Perilous Play' we are thrust amongst a group of wealthy Southern Belles and boys on a particularly boring day, until a young doctor among them produces treats infused with cannabis. Taking them eagerly, the group soon finds themselves falling through a raucous, cannabis fuelled thrill ride with some almost fatal consequences. In many ways it is the 19th century equivalent of 'Pineapple Express' but with frocks and no Seth Rogen.-

  • af Gaston Leroux
    67,99 kr.

    Inspired by true events from the Paris Opera, ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ is the most famous novel from French author Gaston Leroux. A strange phantom haunts the opera, causing fatal accidents on stage and committing some gruesome murders when his demands aren’t met. The phantom soon becomes enamoured with the young singer Christine, becoming her ‘Angel of Music’ and guiding her musical career. However, when Christine’s childhood friend Raoul comes in to her life, the phantom’s jealously will have fatal consequences. It is an immortal tale of love, lust and tragedy. We can all sympathise with the love that never was or could be, in this tale of destructive desire reminiscent of ‘Wuthering Heights’. The novel was famously adapted in 1925, starring Lon Chaney as the Phantom and later arranged into a musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber.Gaston Leroux (1868-1927) was a French author of detective fiction who’s contribution to the genre has drawn parallels to Arthur Conan Doyle. After working for several years as a journalist, he began to write fiction with tremendous success. He is best-known for his novel "The Phantom of the Opera" (1910) which has been successfully adapted numerous times for film and stage productions, most notably in Andrew Lloyd Webber's 1986 musical adaptation. Among his other most notable works are "The Mystery of the Yellow Room", "The Bride and the Sun", and "The Man Who Came Back From the Dead".

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    42,99 kr.

    ‘A Garland for Girls’ is a collection of stories written by Alcott for her own amusement in a time of "enforced confinement". The collection is a wonderful assortment of hopelessly sweet tales of the everyday lives and troubles of a number of young girls. The girls are discovering who they are, how capable they are and learning some valuable life lessons along the way. It is a collection that exemplifies Alcott’s feminist beliefs, by highlighting the importance of virtue, patience and self-reliance. The collection offers a fantastic and compelling read, perfect for anyone who loved ‘Pride and Prejudice’ or ‘Sense and Sensibility’.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people into literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    ‘A Strange Island’ is Alcott’s take on many Mother Goose characters and tales, Mother Goose being the anonymous poet and writer behind timeless pieces such as ‘Jack and Jill’, ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’ and ‘Humpty Dumpty’. The tales are perfect for all ages and are jam packed with uplifting anecdotes and soothing moral messages. Alcott incorporates her own characters into these legendary tales to create something wholly new and fantastical, perfect for a quick, joyful nights reading or anyone looking for a trip down memory lane.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was an author, abolitionist and proud feminist. Her family suffered financially while she was growing up and so she was forced to take on multiple jobs in her youth to help provide for her family. Her writing became her outlet, forming her ideas and beliefs in the empowerment of women and people into literature that reverberates to this day. Her most notable works include "Little Women", which is now a movie starring Saoirse Ronan and Timothée Chalamet, its sequel ‘Little Men’ and ‘An Old Fashioned Girl’.

  • af Charles Dickens
    38,99 kr.

    It is the year 1800 and a young medical practitioner has opened his own surgery. Scalpel in hand, he eagerly awaits his first patient. Yet no one comes. Late one night a tall woman dressed all in black mourning attire, a veil covering her face, steps into his practice. The woman does not say a word. Dickens creates a palpable atmosphere with the inclement weather, the mourning clothes and the woman’s chilling request.In true Dickens style, The Black Veil is a Gothic thriller that is sympathetic, mysterious and has a twist you never saw coming.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was an English author, social critic, and philanthropist. He achieved wide spread popularity and success during his lifetime , and is recognised as a literary genius to this day. He created some of the world’s best fictional characters and is regarded as the best writer of the Victorian era. His writing has inspired its own literary theme and genre with works today being described as ‘Dickensian’ thanks to his contribution to writing. His most famous novels include Oliver Twist (1839), David Copperfield (1850), and Great Expectations (1861), all of which have been adapted to majorly successful and beloved film adaptations.

  • af Louisa May Alcott
    38,99 kr.

    Originally published under a pseudonym, this tale set in Victorian Britain follows the journey of the simple and sweet governess of the Coventry family, Jean Muir. But all is not as it seems, this sweet governess has a dark secret that might spell the end for the Coventry family. Like a sickness she will worm her way into the hearts of this family, and it will take everything for them not to crumble. It is a tale distinctly unlike anything like Alcott had published before, while still incorporating many larger discussions on social class and the struggle for agency. It is a book that has had a profound impact on feminist literature with its potent plot twists, Gothic imagery and perfectly crafted villain. It is one of Alcott's masterpieces and perfect for anyone who loved 'Jane Eyre'. -

  • af H. G. Wells
    42,99 kr.

    ‘The Time Machine’ is a celebrated sci-fi novella by H. G. Wells that was adapted into a movie starring Guy Pearce in 2002. It is the work that helped skyrocket Wells’ career and its impact on the sci-fi genre can still be felt as it is the first usage of the term ‘time machine’. The protagonist travels 800,000 years into the future, and he initially believes that Earth has become a utopia. However, he quickly discovers that Earth is more inequitable than ever as there is an underground race of ape-like creatures that ensure the society above remains blissful. These violent creatures capture the protagonist's time machine, and he must journey through the dark and dangerous underground caves to retrieve it. ‘The Time Machine’ is a gripping read as Wells’ descriptions of the futuristic world and its inhabitants are strikingly disturbing. This is an incredibly poignant story as Wells criticises the rising inequality of Victorian Britain which is still relevant to this day. The blend of adventure and sentimentality in this strange and dark future turns the novel into a remarkable read that fans of shows such as ‘Doctor Who’ and directors such as Jordan Peele will find difficult to put down.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.

  • af Oscar Wilde
    42,99 kr.

    "Women have a wonderful instinct about things. They can discover everything except the obvious."Sir Robert Chiltern is a moral and upstanding politician with a wife who adores and idolizes him, but when one of her old classmates shows up at their party the image of her perfect husband crumbles. She learns that, in the early days of her husband’s political career, he sold a state secret in order to advance his position. Now the couple has to deal with blackmail and their own moral failings.'An Ideal Husband' is a must-read for Wilde fans and anyone who appreciates wit and sarcasm. In 1999 an adaptation starring Julianne Moore, Minnie Driver and Cate Blanchett came out to great reviews.Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish playwright, novelist, essayist, and poet, famous for ‘The Picture of Dorian Gray’ and ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ to name a couple. He died in Paris at the age of 46.The Importance of Being Earnest is Oscar Wilde’s most popular and enduring play. Poking fun at the ridiculousness of human nature, especially that of the Victorian elite, it is both incredibly clever and undeniably silly.It has been performed and made into films and for television many times, most recently in the 2002 film starring Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon and Judi Dench.