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  • af Ditte Holm Bro
    179,99 kr.

    En sanselig, sulten, poetisk og humoristisk kærlighedshistorie mellem to monumentale, historiske kvindeskikkelser, nemlig Paradisets Eva og Jeanne d’Arc, hvori de tager historiens fremstillinger af dem selv op til revision.Eva keder sig i parken, hvor hun lever et beskyttet liv med Adam og under opsyn af Gud, som dog har søgt nye udfordringer og er blevet chefkonsulent i en global virksomhed. Nu sætter han store skilte med irriterende management-slogans op, og Eva søger mere og mere væk for at hænge ud med veninden Jeanne. De to har et dybt følelsemæssigt bånd og en ongoing samtale om kærlighed, om sexisme, om at bryde ud og bryde fri af det underdanige og taknemlige. De bliver elskende, men kommer på afstand af hinanden, da Jeanne, optændt af kampgejst, søger ind ved militæret, hvor hun endelig føler, at hun bliver sit eget menneske. Eva går ture i parken, og skriver digte til Jeanne og nye sloganskilte til parken. Gennem forelskelsens klarsyn tænker hun over sit eget liv og historie, over parkens begrænsninger og samler mod til at tage et opgør med både Adam og Gud.I Eva og Jeanne eksperimenterer Ditte Holm Bro med genrer og udtryk og forener med sit karakteristiske sprog feministisk essayistik, fanfiction, queer romance og pop.

  • af Olga Sesé
    59,99 kr.

    HÁBITOS SENCILLOS Y PASO A PASO: PORQUE AL ENTENDER EL SUEÑO DE LOS BEBÉS, DUERMEN ELLOS ¡Y DORMIMOS TODOS!¿Sabías que está demostrado que todos los padres primerizos pierden cientos de horas de sueño en los primeros años de vida de sus hijos? Este libro va a ponerle remedio a eso. Una obra cercana y práctica para que los padres y madres entiendan qué es y cómo funciona nuestro sueño, porqué es crucial para una buena salud y, sobre todo, cómo conseguir que las rutinas de sueño de sus hijos se desarrollen de forma correcta.Olga Sesé nos enseña a diferenciar un problema de sueño de un trastorno del sueño, a entender los ritmos circadianos y aplicar pautas según el perfil de cada niño para conseguir un desarrollo respetuoso del sueño. Porque dormir bien en la familia es cosa de todos, y aprender a ofrecer calma y seguridad es el primer paso para conseguir el ansiado descanso.Olga Sesé es mamá, deportista, enamorada de la vida y de sus dos increíbles hijos, Teo y Bru. Nació en Barcelona. Es la primera coach certificada del sueño infantil en España por The International Parenting and Health Institute (IPHI), y ahora ejerce esta profesión para poder ayudar a las familias dándoles las herramientas adecuadas para que logren sus objetivos de sueño y obtengan el descanso que necesitan. Siempre desde el amor y el apego, tan importante para ellos.Es diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales por la UB y executive master por ESADE. Desde siempre ha estado muy interesada en temas de salud, ejercicio, buenos hábitos y ahora, con mucho entusiasmo, en el sueño.«Olga Sesé no entiende de varitas mágicas, pero sí de conseguir dormir a los bebés y con ello, lograr el descanso de los adultos. Para yacer profundamente no hay fórmulas mágicas, sino unas pautas que pasan por una buena rutina del sueño».Por fin no es lunes, Ondacero«El método de Olga Sesé es una alternativa más cariñosa para aquellos padres que no se sienten cómodos dejando llorar a sus hijos»

  • af Morten Møller & Margrethe Vestager
    Fra 179,99 kr.

    I denne bog åbner Margrethe Vestager for nye indgange til at forstå, hvem hun er, og hvad der driver hende. Hun giver sin personlige beretning om Europas og hendes egen rejse mod en ny tid. Fra sine møder med statsledere, udenrigsministre og direktører for store techvirksomheder. Fra de intense dage omkring Ruslands angreb på Ukraine. Fra en verden i omvæltning på flere måder.Den anerkendte historiker Morten Møller har fulgt Margrethe Vestager i hendes afsluttende tid som kommissær og ledende næstformand i EU-Kommissionen. Været med hende på arbejde i Bruxelles. Vandret med hende i gaderne omkring hjemmet på Amager. Kørt med hende i kommissærbilen til grundlovstale i Rødding. Gået i hendes fodspor under havevandring i barndomshjemmet i Ølgod. Og gentagne gange interviewet hende om hendes liv i og uden for Danmark. Margrethe Vestager fortæller om sit personlige engagement i flere af de spørgsmål, som har præget hendes år i europæisk politik, og som fortsat optager hende i dag: teknologi, klima, flygtninge og krig. Og hun forklarer, hvorfor hun insisterer på at være optimist.

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle
    111,99 kr.

    ¡Embárcate en una aventura épica donde la valentía y la camaradería se enfrentan a los desafíos más inesperados!"La guardia blanca" te sumerge en las apasionantes peripecias de tres intrépidos amigos: Alleyne Edricson, un joven monje inexperto de la abadía de Beaulieu que se aventura por primera vez en el vasto mundo; Juan de Hordle, un pícaro gigante y valiente, expulsado deshonrosamente de la misma abadía; y Samkin Aylward, un arquero experto con un sinfín de batallas en su haber.Estos protagonistas se cruzan en el camino y deciden unirse a la legendaria Guardia Blanca, una compañía de arqueros inspirada en el renombrado cuerpo de mercenarios italiano, bajo el mando del audaz Sir Nigel Loring. Su misión: combatir en tierras españolas contra las fuerzas del rey usurpador. A lo largo de este emocionante viaje por Inglaterra, Francia y España, los tres amigos se verán envueltos en innumerables hazañas y aventuras, narradas con la maestría inigualable de Conan Doyle.Aunque hoy en día es una joya literaria poco conocida, "La guardia blanca" fue enormemente popular durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El propio Doyle consideraba esta y otras de sus novelas históricas como obras de mayor calidad literaria que las mundialmente famosas aventuras de Sherlock Holmes.Para fans de Bernard Cornwell, Ken Follett y Patrick O'Brian, esta novela es una lectura imprescindible que te transportará a una época de honor, amistad y épicos enfrentamientos.Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, nacido en 1859 en Edimburgo, Escocia, es famoso por crear al detective Sherlock Holmes. Inicialmente médico, el éxito de sus historias lo llevó a dedicarse a la escritura. Además de las novelas de misterio, escribió novelas históricas, ciencia ficción, teatro y poesía. Su obra "La guardia blanca" es un destacado ejemplo de su talento para las aventuras históricas.Doyle también fue un defensor de causas sociales y políticas y mostró un gran interés por el espiritismo. Su legado literario, lleno de personajes memorables y tramas intrigantes, sigue cautivando a lectores de todas las edades y asegurando su relevancia mundial.

  • af Mariano Vega Luque
    37,99 kr.

    Este audiolibro está narrado en Castellano- ¡Un audiolibro que seguro se convertirá en la historia favorita de cualquier niño! Un día Coly estaba jugando afuera de casa cuando se encontró una moneda de oro, la cual él estaba seguro que la gente iba a querer comprársela. Con la idea de vender la moneda de oro al día siguiente, Coly se quedó dormido y ¡lo que soñó esa noche lo sorprendió mucho! En sus sueños, Coly se encontró con la moneda de oro, la que le contó la historia de su vida, desde su nacimiento hasta como iba rodando de mano en mano de personas que no la merecían y que, en lugar de usarla para bien, la usaban para satisfacer sus intereses propios. La historia de la vida de la moneda sorprendió tanto a Coly que cuando se despertó tenía muy claro lo que iba a hacer con la moneda: ¡estaba seguro de que eso era, precisamente, lo que ella quería! Este bonito y recomfortante cuento pretende que los niños lean cada vez más y que disfruten del placer de escuchar la lectura.Mariano Vega Luque (1941 - 2011) nació en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, y fue un poeta, ensayista, dramaturgo, actor de voz y periodista. Pasó la mayor parte de su vida en La Laguna, pero desarrolló su carrera profesional como escritor y periodista en Canarias. Vega Luque inició su carrera profesional en Radio Juventud, llegando a ser directivo y redactor de Radio Nacional de España en las islas. Escribió para distintos medios de comunicación, como el Diario de Avisos de Tenerife y trabajó también en Televisión española dentro de los servicios informativos. Desarrollo una intensa obra poética próxima al haiku japonés, así como ensayos y obras de teatro.En sus obras se destacan los poemarios "Preverbios" (1976) y "Oquedal en verano" (1985), los ensayos "Textos de la víspera" (1988), "Lugar del hombre" (con el que obtuvo el Premio de Edición del Gobierno de Canarias en 1992), "Lienzo" y "El instante escindido", y las obras teatrales "Apaga la luz" y "enciende los sueños", y "Un ataúd en la azotea".

  • af F. Scott Fitzgerald
    78,99 kr.

    Short, witty and exciting collection of short stories, “Tales of the Jazz Age” is by Francis Scott Fitzgerald, the author of 'The Great Gatsby'. Divided into three parts, the tales are grouped into serious stories, non-sensical narratives, and fantasies. Among the most famous stories are the greedy and sinister 'The Diamond as Big as the Ritz', the utterly amusing and ridiculous 'The Camel’s Back', and the intriguing 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', which has since been adapted into an award-winning film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett. It is a great read for anyone having an interest in the Jazz Age, 1920's stories or Fitzgerald’s fiction; and perfect for those who need something short and snappy to read on the go.F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is one of the greatest American novelists of the 20th century and author of the classics ‘Tender is the Night’, ‘The Great Gatsby’ and 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button', all of which have been adapted in to successful film adaptations. His writing helped popularise the 1920s Jazz Age that he and wife Zelda Fitzgerald were in the centre of.

  • af María Martín Barranco
    74,99 kr.

    “Los niños que terminen pueden ir al recreo”, dice la maestra. Julia se queda sentada en su pupitre hasta que le explican que con “niños” la maestra se refiere también a las niñas. Más tarde, en gimnasia, el profesor dice: “Los niños que quieran formar parte del equipo de fútbol que levanten la mano”. Julia alza la mano, pero el profesor, incómodo, le dice que se refería solo a los niños. Julia está estupefacta; no entiende nada.Como la niña de esta anécdota, todas las mujeres tienen que aprender a deducir desde pequeñas cuándo están incluidas y cuándo no en el masculino genérico. La realidad es que se educa de modo distinto a unas y otros, se nombran de modo diferente, se naturaliza la diferencia cultural como resultado artificial de las diferencias biológicas.¿A qué nos referimos cuando hablamos de lenguaje inclusivo? ¿Es lo mismo que lenguaje “políticamente correcto” o no tiene nada que ver? ¿Cómo comunicarnos sin dejar fuera del discurso a la mitad de la población? ¿Cómo expresarnos de forma correcta, amena y comprensible sin discriminar a nadie? ¿Es nuestro lenguaje sexista? ¿Y las autoridades encargadas de darle esplendor?En este libro no encontrarás propuestas extremas ni definitivas, pero sí muchas herramientas para comenzar a utilizar el lenguaje inclusivo de forma sencilla, con multitud de ejemplos y mucho humor. Porque la solución está en la punta de la lengua.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Feminista impenitente e impertinente, María Martín Barranco es licenciada en derecho y desde niña se aficionó a los diccionarios, la lectura y las palabras en general.Es especialista en la evaluación de impacto de género, el análisis y detección de necesidades en el ámbito de la igualdad y el desarrollo y puesta en práctica personalizada de medidas de igualdad de género en entidades públicas y privadas.Lleva más de quince años colaborando con organismos públicos y privados en España y Latinoamérica y participa habitualmente en conferencias, tertulias y en diversos medios de comunicación.Es autora de ensayos como “Ni por favor ni por favora” (2019, 4ª ed.), “Mujer tenías que ser” (2020, 2ª ed.), “Punto en boca” (2022) o “La desfachatez machista” (2023).

  • af Katherine Mansfield
    60,99 kr.

    Instrumental in revisioning the potential of the short story form, Katherine Mansfield’s ‘Bliss and Other Stories’ captures the accuracy of raw emotion and social experience. Inviting readers to reflect upon our most vulnerable of states, this collection constitutes a deep dive into what it means to be human. Featuring a selection of new poetry and short story by acclaimed New Zealand author Paul Morris, as inspired by Mansfield herself.‘Bliss and Other Stories’ is the ideal companion for fans of Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams fans of ‘The Notebook’.Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) was a short story writer and poet from New Zealand who was widely considered one of the most influential and important authors of the modernist movement. Having settled in England at the age of 19, Virginia Woolf and D.H. Lawrence were among her literary friends and admirers. She died of tuberculosis at the age of 34. Her life and best-know short stories were adapted into the 1973 TV series 'A Picture of Katherine Mansfield'.

  • af John Galsworthy
    60,99 kr.

    Young Jolyon Forsyte develops a friendship with his cousin Soames' estranged wife Irene. As the friendship blooms into something more, Irene’s divorce is not going as smoothly as hoped. Instead of divorcing his wife Soames embarks on a far more destructive course of action.'In Chancery' (1920) was written by English author and playwright John Galsworthy and is the second novel in his masterpiece, 'The Forsyte Saga'. The Forsyte Saga (1922) is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921, all of which have been adapted for television.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright, best known for his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga', which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. The trilogy depicts an upper-class English family in the years 1886-1926. It was adapted for TV in 2002 for the ITV network starring Damian Lewis, Rupert Graves and Gina McKee.In his stories, Galsworthy addresses social issues, family life, and the upper-middle class, in which he strongly criticised the morals and ideals of Victorian England. Among his other prominent works are 'From the Four Winds', 'The Silver Box', 'The Country House', and 'The Skin Game'.

  • af James Stephens
    43,99 kr.

    The story of a young girl raised in isolation in preparation to marry the King of Ulster sounds at first a little outdated.That is until you call it what it is - an arranged marriage and child abuse.These are themes that continue to exist and they give 'Deirdre' a resonance in the 21st century.The girl at the heart of the story eventually falls in love with a young man and they run away to Scotland - cue much relief.There is a nasty twist in the tale, however, when she is lured back to Ireland many years later.The story, which is based on Irish myth and legend, has echoes of the 1993 movie 'The Piano', starring Holly Hunter and Harvey Keitel, in which a mute Scottish woman was sold into marriage by her father to a frontiersman in New Zealand.James Stephens (1880-1950) was an Irish novelist and poet who based many of his works of myth and legend from Ireland's past.Life imitated art when he created his own myth - claiming to have been born on the same day as literary legend James Joyce ('Ulysses', 'Finnegans Wake').His father died when he was two and his mother remarried, leading to his being committed to a boys' school when caught begging on the streets.During time as a solicitor and a registrar at the National Gallery of Ireland, Stephens took up writing.He is best known for 'Irish Fairy Tales' and 'The Crock of Gold', while he also wrote an influential account of the 1916 Easter Rising, describing the death of his friend Thomas MacDonagh.

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    60,99 kr.

    What really happens when you meet your doppelganger?Well, if you are "dangerously antisocial" and your double is charming, well-liked and has the social skills that you lack, then they take over your life by pretending to be you!Dostoevsky’s novella 'The Double' follows the life of Golyadkin, a low-level official who is a dangerous sociopath. After a misadventure at a birthday party, Golyadkin has a chance meeting with Golyadkin Junior – his double who looks just like him.The theme of the doppelgänger runs potent in the story, together with universal ones like depression, sorrow, alienation, and social injustice. The only solution for the protagonist is the asylum, where his mind can finally be at piece.A sardonic, Gogolian tale of absurdity and social criticism that is proven to be a great read.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel “Crime and Punishment” with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.“The Idiot” has also been adapted for films and TV, as has “Demons” and “The Brothers Karamazov".

  • af Fyodor Dostoevsky
    60,99 kr.

    An alcoholic will always put their need for drink before their family and, sadly, this story is no different.'Netochka Nezvanova' is an unfinished novel by Dostoevsky that the author started writing before his arrest and exile to Siberia. Telling the story of Netochka, born in the family of a drunken father who drives them to poverty, the novel shifts its focus on the heroine’s psychological state and the resulting trauma from her “rescue” by an aristocratic family.A tale of tormented artists, family abuse, and melodramatic responses, 'Netochka Nezvanova' is a very eye-opening read.Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881) was a famous Russian writer of novels, short stories, and essays. A connoisseur of the troubled human psyche and the relationships between the individuals, Dostoevsky’s oeuvre covers a large area of subjects: politics, religion, social issues, philosophy, and the uncharted realms of the psychological.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.'The Idiot' has also been adapted for films and TV, as has 'Demons' and 'The Brothers Karamazov'.

  • af John Galsworthy
    38,99 kr.

    Jolyon Forsyte may be an old man and the new owner of the Soames house, but he has struck up an unlikely friendship with young Irene. Over a long summer, he slowly falls in love with her and makes decisions that will send shockwaves through his family.'Indian Summer' (1918) was written by English author and playwright John Galsworthy, and is the first interlude in his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga'.The Forsyte Saga (1922) is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921, all of which have been adapted for television.John Galsworthy (1867-1933) was an English novelist and playwright, best known for his masterpiece 'The Forsyte Saga', which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932. The trilogy depicts an upper-class English family in the years 1886-1926. It was adapted for TV in 2002 for the ITV network starring Damian Lewis, Rupert Graves and Gina McKee.In his stories, Galsworthy addresses social issues, family life, and the upper-middle class, in which he strongly criticised the morals and ideals of Victorian England. Among his other prominent works are 'From the Four Winds', 'The Silver Box', 'The Country House', and 'The Skin Game'.

  • af Arnold Bennett
    77,99 kr.

    Penny-pinching bookseller Henry Earlforward harbours a desperate love for his neighbour and customer Violet. After he succeeds in wooing and marrying her, their marriage begins to fall into ruins as Violet’s spending clashes with Henry’s miserly nature. As Henry’s health begins to decline, their loyal maid Elsie attempts to keep the household afloat, secretly waiting for her shellshocked love, Joe, to return for her. Set in Clerkenwell, London, Arnold Bennett’s ‘Riceyman Steps’ (1923) is a bittersweet tale that marked a significant departure from his other works. Fans of heart wrenching love stories will enjoy this early 20th century classic that reads like a cross between Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ and Jojo Moyes’ ‘Me Before You’.Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 – 1931), better known as Arnold Bennett, was an English writer of novels, short stories and plays. The eldest of six children, Bennett grew up in Staffordshire as part of a cultured artistic family. His first novel, ‘A Man From The North’, was published in 1898 to critical acclaim but little commercial success. However, his prolific output soon made him a successful author, and by the time of his death at 63 he was a household name with many published classics. Bennett is best remembered for his novels ‘Anna of the Five Towns’ (1902), ‘The Old Wives’ Tale’ (1908), ‘Clayhanger’ (1910) and ‘Riceyman Steps’ (1923). His work frequently dealt with real-life issues and have been loved for their relatability and the keen insight they offer into the everyday. Posthumously recognised as a literary genius, Bennett’s works have had frequent comparisons to those of his contemporaries such as H.G. Wells and John Galsworthy.

  • af Malte Tellerup
    Fra 149,00 kr.

    Mestrene er en autobiografisk roman om at vokse op i et sportsmiljø – om familie, håndbold, halkultur, om at være queer i et maskulint domineret fællesskab og om vindermentalitet i 00’erne. Malte – en forfatter sidst i 20’erne – hjemsøges af mareridt om at komme tilbage på banen og brillere i sin ungdoms sport. Malte er vokset op i ”en rigtig håndboldfamilie”. En familie, der er dybt investeret i spillet og i fællesskabet i de lokale håndboldklubber. Fra en tidlig alder bliver han en del af en gylden årgang i håndboldklubben Bolbro, der trods klubbens lille størrelse begynder at vinde stort, og i takt med at han bliver ældre, begynder han at spille på højere og højere plan. Men da han som 17-årig står over for sin helt store chance og muligheden for en professionel karriere som håndboldspiller, smuldrer det hele mellem fingrene på ham. Hvorfor? Og hvad skete der egentlig? Det er spørgsmålene, der ikke vil slippe ham. De sender Malte ud på en opdagelsesrejse, ikke bare i sin egen fortid, men også i håndboldspillets historie og i de danske håndboldklubbers udvikling.

  • af Christina Krüger
    88,99 kr.

    Schwere Prüfungen liegen vor Avina, Siran und Darian. Immer tiefer geraten sie in das Netz der Verschwörungen und Lügen. Exanion und seine Handlanger jagen noch immer Darian und seine Freunde. Die Drei und ihre treuen Begleiter werden zu unfreiwilligen Spielfiguren des Schicksals. Die Gefahren um sie wachsen mit jeder Stunde der Finsternis. Längst geht es um das Leben ihrer gesamten Familie. Die Ballade der Nacht erklingt von Neuem. Nichts wird je wieder so sein, wie es einst war.Seit der Kindheit bin ich begeisterte Fantasyleserin und habe viele dieser Welten entdeckt. Bald musste ich selbst Abenteuer niederschreiben und mein eigenes Universum gestalten.Im echten Leben findet man mich und meine Hündin meist an prasselnden Lagerfeuern und der Natur. Als Biologin und Naturmensch aus tiefster Seele erlebe ich stets die kleinen und großen Abenteuer der Wildnis, die für mich die größte Inspiration für das Schreiben sind.

  • af Charles Dickens
    42,99 kr.

    Family Christmas gatherings are always very... interesting.A wedding, sports on ice, Sexton stealing Goblins, merry voices carolling and jolly faces. The Pickwickians' Christmas trip to the Manor Farm in Dingley Dell is full of good-humoured adventures!Characterised by mischief and fun, this lovely little story is not your average Dickens Christmas tale.Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a widely popular English author and social critic. Among his most famous novels are ‘Oliver Twist’, ‘A Christmas Carol’, and ‘Great Expectations’. Dickens is best known for his depictions of poor Victorian living conditions and his unforgettable characters, some compassionate and others grotesquely malicious.Dickens’ timeless tales are still as celebrated today as when they were written, and his literary style is so influential that the term Dickensian was coined to describe the literature he inspired.Many of Dickens’ novels have been adapted for movies and television, including the Academy Award-winning musical ‘Oliver’. 'A Christmas Carol' is well known worldwide and is a huge favourite movie for families to watch together at Christmas time. The most famous movie was from Disney in 2009 starring Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman and Colin Firth.

  • af D.H. Lawrence
    38,99 kr.

    Hester appears to have it all - marriage, a nice home, three children and a stimulating job.But it is not enough. For no matter how much she and her husband earn, she spends more.Driven by a desire to be loved by his mother, young Paul starts betting on the horses with the family's gardener.He wins, wins and just keeps winning. But, as quickly as he hands her the money, Hester has splurged it away.Then, as Derby day approaches, the spooky secret of Paul's endless run of luck is revealed.As tragedy beckons, will Paul win his mother's love?This book is perfect for fans of Edgar Allan Poe and Ernest Hemingway.It was made into the 1949 fantasy film 'The Rocking Horse Winner', starring John Howard Davies, Valerie Hobson and John Mills.DH Lawrence (1885-1930) was an English writer and poet.He was at the centre of a great deal of controversy during and after his life, with the explicit nature of some of his novels leading to censorship and protests.Many critics admired his imaginative and deeply descriptive style, though.Among his best-known novels are 'Sons and Lovers', 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', 'The Rainbow' and 'Women in Love'.

  • af Anatole France
    59,99 kr.

    ‘The Gods Are Athirst’ (1912) is Nobel laureate Anatole France’s captivating fictional reimagining of the bloody events of the French Revolution. Gamelin, a young idealistic painter who works with his local government in Pont-Neuf finds himself at the epicentre of the Terror when he is appointed as a juror on the Revolutionary Tribunal. Swept through a procession of unjust trials, Gamelin must reckon with his actions as he determines the fates of those closest to him. As he turns drunk with power and vengeance, Gamelin’s actions set forth a violent and horrific chain of events that end only with blood.‘The Gods Are Athirst’ is a brilliant but horrifying depiction of how fear and a warped sense of justice only serve to bring chaos. A masterpiece in its own right, ‘The Gods Are Athirst’ is an essential read for anyone interested in French history or looking for a gripping tale of the fall of the man and the cost of vengeance.François-Anatole Thibault (1844 – 1924), better known as Anatole France, was a French journalist, poet, novelist, and Nobel laureate for literature. Spending much of his early life in his father’s bookshop, France quickly rose to prominence as a respected author of over 25 works. A French Classicist writer with a style reminiscent of Voltaire and Fénélon, France’s work has a strong preoccupation with scepticism and hedonism. He is best remembered for his classic French novels ‘La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque’ (1893) and ‘Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard’ (1881). France’s works have had an historic legacy, and he is recognised today as one of France’s most prominent authors.

  • af Ava Cooper
    88,99 kr.

    Ein neuer Gegner erwacht ...Der Frieden in den Vereinigten Traumreichen bröckelt, denn Talishas und Krians Gegner wollen das Weltenbündnis um jeden Preis zerstören. Sie versuchen mit allen Mitteln, ihre Unabhängigkeit wieder zu erlangen, und kennen dabei keine Rücksicht. Obwohl diese Intrigen unabhängig voneinander gesponnen werden, entfesseln sie gemeinsam eine verheerende Wirkung.Gleichzeitig erwacht im Verborgenen ein abgrundtief böses Wesen, das nur ein Ziel kennt: Die ganze Welt in einen Sog aus Hass und Zerstörung zu stürzen. Um diesen grausamen Gegner aufzuhalten, müssen Talisha und Krian einen verschollenen, magischen Kristall wiederfinden. Doch die Zeit läuft, denn die Situation im Reich spitzt sich immer weiter zu.Ava Cooper (geboren 1971) schreibt seit ihrer Kindheit; überwiegend in den Bereichen Fantasy und Mystery. Schon als Grundschülerin dachte sie sich erste Horrorgeschichten aus und vertonte sie mit dem Kassettenrekorder im heimischen Keller, wo die Türen so schön quietschten.Der Leidenschaft fürs geschriebene Wort ist sie auch später im Berufsleben treu geblieben: Sie arbeitete zunächst als Journalistin, bevor sie in die Kommunikationsabteilung eines Chemiekonzerns wechselte. Wann immer ihre Zeit es zulässt, taucht sie ab in fremde Welten und legt ihren Heldinnen und Helden jede Menge Steine in den Weg.

  • af Christina Krüger
    88,99 kr.

    Die Zwillinge Siran und Avina haben sich die Studienreise mit ihrem Lehrmeister, dem Heiler Haron Salbwis, deutlich harmloser vorgestellt. Doch durch einen ungeschickten Dieb, den spitzohrigen Akhari-Prinzen Darian, werden sie mitten in eine königliche Verschwörung verstrickt. Darian ist auf der Flucht vor seinem Onkel, der ihm den Mord an seinem Vater angehängt hat. Der Prinz ist nun auf die Hilfe der Menschen angewiesen, die er von seiner Unschuld überzeugen kann.Seit der Kindheit bin ich begeisterte Fantasyleserin und habe viele dieser Welten entdeckt. Bald musste ich selbst Abenteuer niederschreiben und mein eigenes Universum gestalten.Im echten Leben findet man mich und meine Hündin meist an prasselnden Lagerfeuern und der Natur. Als Biologin und Naturmensch aus tiefster Seele erlebe ich stets die kleinen und großen Abenteuer der Wildnis, die für mich die größte Inspiration für das Schreiben sind.

  • af Kajsa Arnold
    73,99 kr.

    Rosalie, die jüngste der Schwestern, kann es gar nicht abwarten, endlich in den Stand der Ehe zu treten. Doch woher einen Verehrer nehmen und nicht stehlen? Francis Bennett, der zukünftige Earl of De Lacy, den Rosalie ins Herz geschlossen hat, heiratet eine andere. Jonathan Babington, mittlerweile der Earl of Conteville, kümmert sich um Rosalie, doch er scheint nur an ihrer Gesellschaft interessiert. Als Rosalie dem Earl of Grafton begegnet, ist sie wie gefangen, von seinem Charisma. Doch Grafton hat keinen guten Ruf, immerhin hat er die Verlobung mit Emily Beaufort, die Tochter des Marquis of Holland, gelöst, ohne sichtbaren Grund. Grayson will seine Schwester vor Schaden bewahren, doch wer ist der richtige Mann für Rosalie?Kajsa Arnold wurde im Sternzeichen Schütze in Essen geboren. Seit 2010 widmet sich die Autorin ganz dem Schreiben von Liebesromanen aus den Bereichen Contemporary, Historical und Young Adult. Bevor sie mit dem Schreiben ihrer Geschichten beginnt, designt die Autorin ihr eigenes Cover und erweckt so ihre Protagonistin zum Leben. Und Kajsas eigenwillige Heldinnen danken es ihr, indem sie regelmäßig die Bestsellerlisten erklimmen.

  • af Jerome K. Jerome
    77,99 kr.

    ‘This is the story, among others, of Henry the waiter—or, as he now prefers to call himself, Henri—told to me in the long dining-room of the Riffel Alp Hotel, where I once stayed for a melancholy week "between seasons".’ The collection of short stories in The Observations of Henry are a witty and wondrous insight into the life and times of 19th century England, as told by an enigmatic waiter, Henry (Henri). An observer of life, and offering counsel to his various customers’ romantic entanglements, dramas and career carry-ons, the charming tales from a unique hotelier’s perspective is an uplifting, funny and occasionally shocking set of tit-bits from some of the more memorable characters which Henry has met in his work. Aided by comic assailants, Kipper and Carrot, Jerome K. Jerome sets the perfect scene for scandal, humour and charismatic capers. Originally published in 1901, the warm and witty mini sagas will appeal to any reader who is a fan of Roald Dahl, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain. Sometimes dark, often light and occasionally highly unexpected, The Observations of Henry is charming, insightful and extremely funny - people watching at its very best.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After various jobs as an actor, clerk and a school teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – a warm and witty autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War I, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • af Rex Beach
    102,99 kr.

    ‘Rainbow's End’ by Rex Beach is a western, action-adventure novel set to the backdrop of the Spanish-American war that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Rough Riders’ by Theodore Roosevelt or the film ‘Citizen Kane’. The story tells the tale of a time when young men in the West who were old enough to ride would head to East Texas to join Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders, and assist with the invasion of Cuba. They would ride to glory and return as heroes, but there were very few who would return home to their families.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.

  • af Rex Beach
    77,99 kr.

    In Rex Beach's ‘The Ne'er-Do-Well’ Kirk Anthony is a rich, playboy who enjoys the lavish lifestyle of expensive dinners, fancy cars, and the New York Night Life, despite his father’s pleas for him to settle down and do some real work. Kirk won’t stop having a good time with his father’s money until one of his drunken friends is persuaded, by a man trying to escape the law, to play a fun ‘trick’ on Kirk. Kirk is kidnapped by his own friends and put on a ship to Panama with no money and the wanted man’s identity. Working to earn his passage home, Kirk is shocked to find that his father is tired of his irresponsible lifestyle and refuses to help him out of this situation. The perfect novel for fans of ‘Windfall’ starring Jason Segal and Jesse Plemons, or ‘All the Money in the World’.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.

  • af Jerome K. Jerome
    42,99 kr.

    Set in a drawing-room in London’s Russell Square in 1911, ‘The Master of Mrs. Chilvers: An Improbable Comedy’ is a fictional stage play full of wit and warmth, which addresses the issue of women’s rights in Edwardian England. As the play progresses, and Mrs. Chilvers joins the timely cause of women's suffrage, her seemingly sudden commitment to suffragette radicalism shocks her husband and has a large effect on the rest of her upper class family. The four act play by author and playwright Jerome K Jerome, whose other works include 'Three Men in a Boat' and ‘The Observations of Henry’, begins with a detailed introduction to the play with insightfully personal character descriptions. With whiffs of classic Oscar Wilde and a clear preamble for the 2015 film ‘Suffragette’, starring Carey Mulligan and Meryl Streep, Jerome takes on the genre of family drama and class meets equality, feminism and women’s liberation in a touching, humorous and forward-thinking way. It was first performed at The Royalty Theatre, London, on April 26th, 1911, starring actors Mary Rorke as Lady Mogton and Lena Ashwell as Annys Chilvers.Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927) was born in Walsall, in northern Great Britain, on 2nd May 1859. Orphaned as a teenager, he was forced to leave education at just 14 years old to start working. After jobs as an actor, clerk and a teacher, Jerome published his first book in 1885 based upon is own experiences - ‘On the Stage and Off: The Brief Career of a Would-Be Actor’. Stage plays, books and journalism articles followed suit, including his most successful book – an autobiographical story entitled 'Three Men in a Boat'. Other works include ‘Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, ‘Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow’, 'The Observations of Henry' and ‘Three Men on the Bummel’. Jerome founded the weekly magazine ‘To-Day’ in 1893 and edited another magazine named ‘The Idler’ until 1898, whilst also working as a lecturer and writer in England. During World War 1, he wasn’t accepted for active service in the UK’s army so instead enlisted as an ambulance driver in the French army. He died on 14th June 1927 after suffering a stroke.

  • af R. M. Ballantyne
    42,99 kr.

    'The Life of a Ship' is a classic adventure tale about a young boy named Davy who has always dreamt about going to sea and living the life of an fearless fisherman. A perfect escape from the drudgery of everyday life. After years of watching ships being built at the docks and going on short excursions with his father and grandfather, he finally gets the chance to go on a great fishing expedition.But is Davy up for the challenge?A perfect fit for fans of exciting 19th century adventure stories complete with a potent take on morality.Recommended for fans of Daniel Defoe's adventure novel 'Robinson Crusoe' and Walt Disney's 1960 movie 'Swiss Family Robinson' starring John Mills, Dorothy McGuire, James MacArthur and Janet Munro. Nobel-Prize winning author William Golding also drew inspiration from Ballantyne's seafaring and adventure prose for his cult novel 'The Lord of The Flies'.R. M. Ballantyne was a Scottish writer specialising in the juvenile fiction genre. He was born as Robert Michael Ballantyne into a family of well-known printers and publishers in Edinburgh. At age 16 he travelled to Canada where he served with the Hudson's Bay Company for six years. He returned to Scotland in 1847 and published his first book the next year, 'Hudson's Bay: or Life in the Wilds of North America'. For several years he was employed by the publishing house Messrs Constable. But in 1856 he decided to leave the literature business. Instead he began writing a series of adventure stories for young readers.

  • af Rex Beach
    102,99 kr.

    ‘The Auction Block’ by Rex Beach is ‘A Novel of New York Night Life’ that will be enjoyed by fans of Truman Capote’s ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. In this story, Lorelei Knight’s parents are anxious to make their fortune by profiting from her beauty. So, they send her to New York to become a member of a "girl show". The over-indulgent son of a millionaire, Bob Wharton, soon falls in love with Lorelei, and when she learns her father is ill and in need of money, she marries the man for whom she has no love. Bob’s father, however, cuts off his allowance, forcing him to go to work, while Lorelei’s wholesomeness influences him to become a better man. Bob is doing well until Lorelei’s brother leads him to temptation and he slips back into his old ways, and Lorelei begins to consider leaving New York.

  • af Debbie Young
    102,99 kr.

    A romantic Valentine’s evening at The Bluebird turns into a murder mystery when a dead body plummets to the bottom of the village well.There are no witnesses, but surely in a community where everyone knows each other’s business, the murderer can’t stay hidden for long?Sophie doesn’t think so, and she’s on the case, determined to restore peace to the idyllic Cotswold village once more.The latest cosy mystery from bestselling author Debbie Young is ideal for fans of Richard Osman, Katie Gayle, and Catherine Coles.Debbie Young is the much-loved author of the "Sophie Sayers" and St Brides cosy crime mysteries. She lives in a Cotswold village, where she runs the local literary festival, and has worked at Westonbirt School, both of which provide inspiration for her writing.

  • af Alice Brown
    59,99 kr.

    'The Day of His Youth' is the story of Francis Hume who battles between his own personal guilt and his desire to seize the day, after his mother died during childbirth.Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown's stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, 'Stratford-by-the-Sea', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.