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  • af Thukydides
    148,99 kr.

    Puolueettoman historiankirjoituksen isän mullistava teosThukydides teki muistiinpanoja koko Ateenan ja Spartan välisen pitkän peloponnesolaissodan (431–404 eaa) ajan ja kirjoitti kattavan teoksensa loppuun sodan päätyttyä. Teoksessaan hän taustoittaa sodan tapahtumia varhaisemmalla historialla, maantieteellä ja myös politiikalla, ja toisin kuin muut aikansa historioitsijat, hän ei viittaa esimerkiksi jumaliin ja mytologiaan, vaan esittää historian olevan seurausta ihmisen valinnoista ja toimista. Thukydides käyttää kerronnan apuna omia ja silminnäkijöiden havaintoja ja mainitsee pyrkineensä ottamaan asioista mahdollisimman tarkkaan selvää itse, sen sijaan että olisi luottanut toisen käden tietoon. Hänen tavoitteenaan oli kirjoittaa aikaa kestävä historiateos, josta voisi olla tulevaisuudessakin hyötyä tilanteissa, joilla on tapana toistua. Siksi tämä lähes 2 500 vuotta vanha teos on pysynyt ajankohtaisena läpi vuosituhansien.Emil Hårdhin suomennos vuodelta 1912 on teoksen ensimmäinen suomennos.Thukydides (n. 460/455–401/306 eaa) oli antiikin kreikkalainen historioitsija ja sotilas. Hän oli vaurasta ateenalaista sukua, ja hänet nimitettiin peloponnesolaissodassa kenraaliksi. Hänet karkotettiin kuitenkin maanpakoon taistelutappion jälkeen. Maanpakolaisena Thukydides kiersi ympäri Peloponnesosta ja teki muistiinpanoja sodan tapahtumista.

  • af Elisa Sebbel
    96,99 kr.

    1809, Una isla desierta en medio del Mediterráneo.5000 hombres y 21 mujeres abandonados a su suerte.El conmovedor destino de Héloïse.1809. Las guerras napoleónicas están en su apogeo. Mientras creen ser repatriados a Francia, 5000 soldados del ejército napoleónico, perdedores de la gran batalla de Bailén, son deportados a la isla de Cabrera, en las Islas Baleares. Para sobrevivir: insuficientes raciones de agua dulce y comida, precarios refugios que construyen ellos solos con ramas encontradas en la isla.Les acompañan 21 mujeres, entre ellas, Héloïse, una cantinera de dieciocho años que acaba de perder a su marido en el viaje. Si la guerra ya había herido a los hombres, la desesperación del cautiverio les hace perder la razón. Por suerte, Henri, un cirujano del ejército, toma a Héloïse bajo su protección. Entre privaciones, epidemias y tormentas, los muertos se acumulan, la esperanza disminuye, y Héloïse solo piensa en liberarse de este infierno... hasta la llegada de nuevos prisioneros y de Louis, que lo cambiará todo.¿A fuerza de tenacidad, logrará Héloïse salvarse? Porque si el amor es un cautiverio voluntario, el mar ya la hizo prisionera...Elisa Sebbel es una escritora francesa. Es doctora en literatura francesa, da clases en la universidad y vive en Mallorca. La prisionera del mar es su primera novela.

  • af Anne Marie Nielsen
    Fra 69,00 kr.

    Af og til gør arkæologerne nogle opsigtsvækkende fund, der i sjælden grad kan give et indblik i fortidens hverdagsliv og kultur. Det gælder særligt, når en større katastrofe – f.eks. jordskælv, skibsforlis eller vulkanudbrud – har udslettet en hel gruppe mennesker eller hele bysamfund på én gang. I denne bog giver Anne Marie Nielsen et spændende indblik i nogle af de arkæologiske fund, der byder på et sådant fastfrosset øjebliksbillede fra antikkens verden."Øjebliksbilleder fra Antikken" udkom første gang i 1988.

  • af Yolanda Álvarez
    111,99 kr.

    Pensaban cubrir la misión de rescate durante una semana y estuvieron casi un mes en el mar. La periodista de TVE Yolanda Álvarez, junto al reportero gráfico Joaquín Relaño, vivieron en el verano de 2019 una odisea junto a decenas de personas ansiosas por alcanzar las costas de Europa. Este es el relato emocionante y crudo de aquella travesía a bordo del Open Arms, con 160 hombres, mujeres y niños en peligro de naufragio.Con los puertos seguros más cercanos cerrados al desembarco, la misión 65 del Open Arms se convirtió en la más dura del buque de rescate, una secuencia de jornadas agónicas que el equipo de periodistas transmitió al mundo prácticamente en directo.Yolanda Álvarez narra sus vivencias, en condiciones a veces extremas, y describe cómo es convivir en un barco con capacidad para 19 tripulantes y tener a bordo a tantos náufragos a la espera de llegar a una tierra de acogida y sin rumbo en el mar después de dejar atrás un infierno de explotación, violencia, abusos e incluso esclavitud.Un relato cargado de humanidad que desvela, sin filtros, la realidad de quienes intentan salvar su vida de una muerte segura.Yolanda Álvarez nació en Burjassot (Valencia) en 1974. Estudió Periodismo en Valencia, donde, tras unos años en televisión y comunicación, empezó a trabajar en Televisión Española. En 2007, ya en Madrid, se incorporó al Área Internacional de los Servicios Informativos de TVE. Cubrió como enviada especial las protestas de la "Marcha Verde" en Irán, las revueltas árabes en Túnez y Yemen, y las crisis de refugiados por las guerras en Libia y en la R. D. del Congo, entre otras. Fue corresponsal en Oriente Próximo durante cuatro años, donde cubrió las guerras en Gaza de 2012 y 2014. Por su trabajo periodístico en la Franja durante la ofensiva más sangrienta, obtuvo el Premio Libertad de Expresión, el Premio Derechos Humanos y el Premio Turia a la Mejor Contribución de Medios de Comunicación. Desde 2015, es reportera del programa En Portada, donde sigue ejerciendo un periodismo humano y comprometido con las personas que sufren. Su reportaje Esclavas del Daesh, sobre el genocidio yazidí, obtuvo el mayor galardón del Festival de Hamburgo 2017. Y Prisionero 151/716, sobre las torturas en la cárcel de Abu Ghraib, un Delfín de Oro en Cannes Corporate Awards 2019. Mediterránea de origen y de corazón, en verano de 2019, Yolanda Álvarez se embarcó con TVE en el Open Arms, donde pasó casi un mes relatando la misión más dura del barco de rescate, que visibilizó ante el mundo el drama de las personas que arriesgan su vida en el Mare Nostrum para llegar a una Europa que les cierra sus puertas.

  • af Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49,00 kr.

    1200 f.v.t. er et vendepunkt i historien. De gamle stormagter i Middelhavsregionen gik til grunde og livet, som man havde kendt det, forsvandt. Midt i hele dette drama er gåden om Folkene fra Havet. Et mystisk folk, der kom ud af det blå, plyndrede og hærgede, og forsvandt ligeså hurtigt som de var kommet. I denne uge dykker vi ned i gåden om Folkene fra Havet. Hvem var de? Hvor kom de fra? Hvad ville de?Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • af Katrine Stegmann & Marie Brinch
    49,00 kr.

    Vikingerne Bjørn og Hastein kunne godt have haft gavn af en gps. Eller måske bare et kort. For de ville erobre og plyndre Rom, men sejlede forkert og plyndrede den forkerte by.Velkommen til en historiepodcast om historie og arkæologi. Lyt med, når vi tager et nyt emne under kærlig behandling. Værterne er kultur- og socialhistorikeren Katrine og arkæologen Marie, der tilsammen danner en dynamisk fortællerduo, som elsker at have det sjovt med historien.Cover illustration: Arthur Balitskii/ShutterstockMarie Brinch er uddannet cand.mag. i forhistorisk arkæologi fra Københavns Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Nationalmuseet og Museum Lolland-Falster.Katrine Stegmann er uddannet cand.mag. i kultur- og socialhistorie samt skuespil- og manuskriptforfatter fra Syddansk Universitet og har arbejdet for blandt andet Odense Bunkermuseum og Glud Museum i Østjylland.Sammen har de skabt Katrine og Maries Historiepodcast.

  • af Pia Lindestrand
    24,99 kr.

    Under uppväxten hade det varit en tradition att besöka farbror några veckor under sommarledigheten och njuta av sol och bad vid medelhavet. Men det var inte bara värmen som lockade. I fönstret på andra sidan gatan bodde en flicka i samma ålder som berättarjaget med suktande blick hade drömt om år efter år. När nu farbror gått bort och lägenheten gått i arv så tillbringades mer tid i flickans närhet. Kanske var det dags att presentera sig och se om drömmar ändå kan slå in?"Ensam hemma" är en av novellerna ur "Söder om det sannolika", sammanställd av Novellmästarna.Pia Lindestrand är en svensk författare. Hon specialiserar sig på noveller, som har publicerats i bland andra Minotauren, Avsikter och Arbetaren. Lindestrand har en fil. mag. i litteraturvetenskap och nordiska språk. Hon är även medlem i föreningen Novellmästarna.

  • af Reidar Nordenberg
    35,99 kr.

    De befinner sig i en liten idyllisk strandby i ett varmt medelhavsland. Långt ute bland vågorna guppar Joakim omkring i det intensiva solskenet, medan berättarjaget står på en närliggande balkong och iakttar honom. Bara åsynen av den barbröstade manskroppen får känslorna att svalla. Det väcker minnen till liv och river upp sår. Men vad har Joakim egentligen gjort sig skyldig till? Och vilka motreaktioner kommer hans handlingar att ge upphov till?Du Joakim är en drömsk och suggestiv psykologisk thriller berättad ur ett semesterfebrigt tillstånd.Reidar Nordenberg (1923-2009) var en svensk journalist och författare. Från debuten 1965 och fram till år 2011 skrev han ett tiotal romaner.

  • af C.F Wandel
    69,00 kr.

    "Lige siden det romerske riges forfald indtil franskmændenes erobring af Algier i 1830 har den usikkerhed, som sørøveriet skabte omkring handel og søfart i Middelhavet, i 1400 år været det normale i dette farvand, hvis mangfoldige og lukkede tilflugtssteder, særlig i dets østligste del, skabte gunstige betingelser for det nævnte uvæsen, der først helt ophørte i 1845."C.F. Wandel fortæller om en mørk periode i både Danmarks og Europas historie. I flere hundrede år blev europæiske skibe angrebet af sørøvere fra Nordafrika, som myrdede, røvede og tog passagerer som slaver. Det var først, da europæerne indgik traktater med de såkaldte barbarer, hvori de forpligtede sig til at levere gaver, penge og våben som en form for beskyttelsespenge, at skibene kunne sejle i fred. C.F. Wandels bog fortæller om de sidste hundred år med barbareskerne, og hvordan man endelig fik stoppet uskikken én gang for alle.Carl Frederik Wandel (1843-1930) var en dansk søofficer, der havde en strålende karriere i den danske flåde. Han deltog endvidere i en spændende amerikansk havundersøgelsesekspedition, var i fransk orlogstjeneste og deltog i en ekspedition til Mexico fra 1865-1867. C.F. Wandel skrev en lang række bøger om den danske flåde, dybhavsekspedioner og sit liv som søofficer.

  • af William Shakespeare
    67,99 kr.

    Beginning in the streets of Venice, Roderigo and Iago are introduced in the heart of an argument.Iago is frantic as he has been disregarded for promotion and plots to take revenge against his General, Othello. Thus, the manipulation commends as Iago makes Othello believe his wife, Desdemona is disloyal.Othello is a courageous fighter, but he is presented as an idealist when it comes to both his love of Desdemona and his friendship with Iago. This ultimately blinds him to Iago's betrayal, stirring the themes of jealousy, justice and appearances vs reality.From this excellent play, there have been many differing views on the character of Othello over the years but this is your chance to pick up the book and decide for yourself, is Othello the greatest hero or the most egotistical?Othello is still widely performed and has inspired numerous adaptations. It has been reimagined in the film 'O' and the book 'New Boy' by Tracy Chevalier amongst others. -

  • af Vicente Blasco Ibañez
    92,99 kr.

    Set during WWI, 'Our Sea' (or 'Mare Nostrum') is a moving romance by Spanish author Vicente Blasco Ibanez. Working as a secret agent for the Nazis, Freya Talberg makes a potentially fatal mistake when she falls in love with a Spanish sea captain, but will love conquer all in the end? Full of passion, adventure, tragedy, and betrayal, this is a gripping love story and coming of age tale from the famous author. The story was turned into a Hollywood silent film of the same name in 1926.-

  • af Edward Phillips Oppenheimer
    102,99 kr.

    One of E. Phillips Oppenheim’s earlier novels, ‘A Monk of Cruta’ follows the story of wealthy Englishman Paul de Vaux, witness to a murder on the Mediterranean island of Cruta. He finds himself caught up in a love triangle between his former ward, Adrea Kiros, daughter of the murdered man, and the sweet and simple Lady May. A gothic romance, this is a tale of love and tragedy, religion and revenge.E. Phillips Oppenheim (1866-1946) was a hugely prolific and highly popular British author of novels and short stories. Born in Tottenham, London, Oppenheim left school as a teenager and worked for his leather-merchant father for 20 years prior to launching his literary career. Oppenheim published five novels under the pseudonym ‘Anthony Partridge’ before establishing his reputation as a writer under his own name. An internationally successful author, Oppenheim’s stories revolved mainly around glamourous characters, luxurious settings, and themes of espionage, suspense, and crime. He is widely regarded as one of the earliest pioneers of the thriller and spy-fiction genre as it is recognised today. Oppenheim’s incredible literary success meant that his own life soon began to mirror that of his opulent characters. He held lavish, Gatsby-style parties at his French Villa and was rumoured to have had frequent love affairs aboard his luxury yacht. Oppenheim’s success earned him the cover of Time magazine in 1927. Some of his most well-known novels include ‘The Great Impersonation’, ‘The Long Arm of Mannister’ and ‘The Moving Finger’.

  • af William Shakespeare
    42,99 kr.

    Óþelló gerist á götum Feneyja og fjallar um hershöfðingjann Óþelló, sem er svartur maður sem hefur náð að rísa í tign þrátt fyrir fordóma samfélagsins. Jagó verður öfundssjúkur, þar sem honum líður eins og litið hafi verið framhjá honum við skipun hershöfðingja. Óþelló er kvæntur Desdemónu og Jagó leggur á ráðin að sannfæra Óþelló um að hún sé honum ótrygg sem endar á að hafa áhrifaríkar afleiðingar.Í fyrstu virðist Óþelló vera hin vanalega ástarsaga, en sagan hefur að geyma meiri flækjustig og harmleik en flest verk Shakespeare. Leikritið hefur verið flutt víða við fjölbreyttar undirtektir, þar sem tungumál og umfjöllun um sorg er sett fram á yfirvegaðan og merkilegan máta.William Shakespeare (1564-1616) var breskt leikskáld, ritskáld og leikari. Hann er talinn eitt besta leikskáld í heimi sem og tungumálasmiður, sem skrifaði ljóð og sónettur og einnig gamanleik, hörmuleg og söguleg leikrit eins og "Rómeó og Júlía", „Hamlet", „Óþelló" og Macbeth". Shakespeare er ótrúlega áhrifamikill og vinsæll og hefur einnig fundið upp mörg orð og orðasambönd.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    The beautiful Yolisa Warren lives quietly in the country with her father, her mother having died five years ago. Unexpectedly her uncle, Lord Langford, who is a brilliant Diplomat and who is sent all over the world on secret missions, arrives at their house. He says that he would like Yolisa to come with him to Kavalla, a small independent country in the Balkans, where he is to travel on behalf of Queen Victoria and the Prime Minister. Yolisa is thrilled at the idea, but on her way to London, Yolisa is told by her uncle that the visit will not be exactly what she has been expecting. Because the Russians are determined to infiltrate all over the Balkans, Queen Victoria and the Prime Minister are afraid that they will try the same tactics with Prince Nikos of Kavalla as his country lies on the North coast of the Aegean with access to the Mediterranean, which is what the Russians have always craved. The Prince has begged Queen Victoria to send him a Royal bride from England to safeguard his throne. And only then will the Russians cease to menace Kavalla. How Yolisa is asked to play a very strange part to deceive the Russians. How, when she meets the Prince, she finds that he is very different from what she was expecting. How the Russian menace closes in on them and they find themselves in a very dangerous position but true love wins in the end is all told in this exciting story by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    When Madelina Winston, a beautiful American heiress, arrives in England, she has at first only one thought on her mind, to try and trace her late father’s English family. Her stepmother, Mrs. Winston, has other ideas. Madelina might have beauty and a fortune, but as far as Mrs. Winston is concerned she lacks the crowning glory of life, an English title. Mrs. Winston knows that there are many impoverished aristocrats hoping to marry money and wastes no time in setting about finding a likely candidate for Madelina’s hand. Madelina meanwhile, is distracted by a handsome, if arrogant, gentleman called Oliver de Burge whom she sees at The Langham Hotel, so she is not at all enthusiastic when a new acquaintance, Duke Tunney, invites herself and her stepmother to his county seat, Belmont Hall, and she is convinced it means that she will never see Mr. de Burge again. Belmont Hall, however, proves to be a place of destiny. There she will find herself entangled in a web woven by both her stepmother and the Duke and there she will re-encounter de Burge and the jealous Lady Kitty. And there she will discover more about her father’s past than she could ever have wished. It is a past that threatens to strangle the bond evolving between herself and Oliver de Burge. And how she must cross what seems to be a very ocean of love before she can find a haven in his arms is all told in this thrilling romantic tale by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Barbara Cartland
    77,99 kr.

    The beautiful golden-haired Orlina Runford is the daughter of the renowned author, Sir Nicholas Runford. She lives very quietly in the country helping her dedicated father translate ancient manuscripts from all over the world and, as she is so intelligent, she learns many languages including Ancient Greek. To her surprise her great friend, Lady Sarah Lonslow, arrives unexpectedly, She is the daughter of the Marquis of Avingforde, whose nearby house was burnt down and Sarah had then gone to London after her husband dies and was acclaimed a great beauty. Sarah has come to ask Orlina for a very great favour. Because Orlina has been such a success in the plays they arranged as children, Sarah asks her to pretend to be her chaperone at a party given by the Earl of Kentallan on his superb yacht. Sarah has made up her mind to marry the Earl who was, however, determined to avoid marriage. Because he was so rich and handsome women pursued him relentlessly and Sarah has little chance of succeeding where so many others have failed. At the same time she is determined to have her own way, but the Earl refuses to let her join his party unless she provides herself with a chaperone. The only person she can trust to do it is Orlina, who finally succumbs to Sarah’s blandishments and is dressed in elaborate gowns and hats to conceal her glorious golden hair. Made up as an elderly woman, she goes with Sarah to the Earl’s yacht to find a party of two attractive men and two dancers from the London stage. It is only when they hurry on the Earl’s insistence to the Mediterranean and on to the Aegean Sea that Orlina is convinced that he is on a secret mission on behalf of the British Government. How Orlina dramatically saves the Earl’s life, how he discovers her secret and how Sarah as well as she find unexpected happiness is all told in this exciting romance by BARBARA CARTLAND.Barbara Cartland was the world’s most prolific novelist who wrote an amazing 723 books in her lifetime, of which no less than 644 were romantic novels with worldwide sales of over 1 billion copies and her books were translated into 36 different languages. As well as romantic novels, she wrote historical biographies, 6 autobiographies, theatrical plays and books of advice on life, love, vitamins and cookery. She wrote her first book at the age of 21 and it was called Jigsaw. It became an immediate bestseller and sold 100,000 copies in hardback in England and all over Europe in translation. Between the ages of 77 and 97 she increased her output and wrote an incredible 400 romances as the demand for her romances was so strong all over the world. She wrote her last book at the age of 97 and it was entitled perhaps prophetically The Way to Heaven. Her books have always been immensely popular in the United States where in 1976 her current books were at numbers 1 & 2 in the B. Dalton bestsellers list, a feat never achieved before or since by any author. Barbara Cartland became a legend in her own lifetime and will be best remembered for her wonderful romantic novels so loved by her millions of readers throughout the world, who have always collected her books to read again and again, especially when they feel miserable or depressed. Her books will always be treasured for their moral message, her pure and innocent heroines, her handsome and dashing heroes, her blissful happy endings and above all for her belief that the power of love is more important than anything else in everyone’s life.

  • af Solveig Cronström
    69,00 kr.

    Författaren Solveig Cronström har efter sina många resor samlat ihop Egyptens guldkorn. Inte en traditionell guidebok så mycket som en upptäcktsfärd genom historien, som tar oss längs med Nilen ombord flodbåt och vidare mot byn Deir el Medina för ett möte med konstnärerna som låg bakom gravarna i Konungarnas dal. Solveig Cronström berättar med inlevelse och skärpa om forntida gudar i en bok lämpad för den nyfikne såväl som besökaren på plats.Solveig Cronström (f. 1937) är utbildad psykoterapeut och har sedan debuten 1979 författat en dussintal verk som spänner mellan historiska reseskildringar och utforskandet av livets allra svåraste stunder.

  • af Aage Bentzen
    69,00 kr.

    En bearbejdning af Det Nye Testamente skrevet til datidens mellemskole. Bearbejdningen indeholder længere uddrag af de bibelske tekster, som inddrages i en fortælling om Israel på Jesu tid. I dag giver bogen et indblik i, hvordan bibelen er blevet fortolket og brugt i undervisningen.Aage Bentzen (1894-1953) var dansk teolog og professor i Gamle Testamente ved Københavns Universitet fra 1929. Bentzen opbyggede et omfattende forfatterskab, forfattede kommentarer til en række gammeltestamentlige skrifter som monografier og lærebøger, deriblandt tobindsværket Indledning til Det gamle Testamente (1941). Efter 2. Verdenskrig var han en af initiativtagerne til oprettelsen af The International Organization of Old Testament Studies, som udgiver tidsskriftet Vetus Testamentum. Bentzen var organisationens første præsident.