Amerikanske Jomfruøer

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  • af H. Lawaetz
    79,00 kr.

    I 1848 frigav generalguvernør Peter v. Scholten efter et slaveoprør med øjeblikkelig virkning samtlige slaver på De vestindiske øer. I Hermann Lawaetz’ biografi præsenteres hele den dramatiske historie om Peter v. Scholten og det, der i praksis blev en ophævelse af slaveriet i Danmark. Bogen blev oprindeligt udgivet i 1940.Hermann Lawaetz (1864-1949) var en dansk præst, der i mange år havde sit virke i Christianssted på Sct. Croix. Han var stærk modstander af salget af De vestindiske øer, og han skrev og udgav en lang række artikler – blandt andet til sit eget tidsskrift "The Danish West-Indian" – hvor han gav luft for sin modvilje. Han skrev også flere bøger om De vestindiske øers historie.

  • af Walter Christmas
    79,00 kr.

    "Krydstogt gennem livet. Med skum om bov!" er andet bind i Walter Christmas’ erindringer og efterfølger til "Krydstogt gennem livet. Vimplen hejst!". Walter Christmas er blevet voksen og fortæller om sine mange sørejser til blandt andet Grønland, Dansk Vestindien og Sydamerika.Værket er udgivet som et historisk dokument med samtidens sprogbrug.Walter Christmas-Dirckinck-Holmfeld (1861-1924) var en dansk forfatter og søofficer. I dag huskes han bedst for sine drengebøger, men han skrev også en lang række romaner, skuespil og faglitteratur, som skaffede ham stor popularitet. Walter Christmas arbejdede i en årrække som agent for den britiske efterretningstjeneste MI6, til hvem han udleverede oplysninger fra Athen, hvor han tjente i flåden i krigen mod Tyrkiet.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    "The Harvester" is a gentle love story, made up of a fondness for nature, high moral ideals and an engaging plot. It is the story of young David Langston, who lives in the countryside with his dog, growing medicinal herbs he then sells in the city. One evening, he has a vision of his Dream Girl and goes searching for her, and in so doing changes the course of his life forever. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    "Laddie" is Gene Stratton-Porter’s most autobiographical novel, and is titled after her brother, who drowned as a teenager. It is the story of Pamela Pryor and Laddie Stranton. Whilst she is rich, Laddie is but a poor farm boy. Her father opposes the match, and Pamela tries her best to change his mind. This classic romance mixes pastoral childhood, beautiful nature, and heartbreak. It was adapted to the silver screen three times: in 1926, 1935, and 1940.Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    Gene Stratton-Porter was a naturalist and fierce conservationist as well as an author, and one of the areas she held dearest was the Limberlost swamp. Indeed, she spent her income and life endeavouring to protect it. In "Moths of the Limberlost," she shares her lifelong love of its moths, and describes through a series of charming personal anecdotes and with vivid detail each stage of their life cycles. This texts offers an incomparable window into the mind of the author, with glimpses from her own life, as well as offering a beautiful description of the natural area she so loved. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Preben Ramløv
    79,00 kr.

    Historien om Peter von Scholten, generalguvernøren for Dansk Vestindien, der i 1848 uden videre ophævede slaveriet, er den dag i dag stadig lige spændende. "Massa Peter" giver et fascinerende indblik i slavernes livsvilkår og i de hvide kolonisatorers hverdag på de tre øer, der udgjorde den danske koloni i Det Caribiske Hav, og fortæller den fængslende og til tider nervepirrende historie om von Scholten og hans enerådige beslutning om at frigive slaverne.Værket er udgivet som et historisk dokument med samtidens sprogbrug og menneskeopfattelse.Den danske forfatter Preben Ramløv (1918-1988) var særligt kendt for sine historiske romaner for børn og unge og for sine genfortolkninger af de gamle folkeeventyr. Han debuterede i 1959 med "Historien om Hans".