125,99 kr. Wanneer de psychiater Laura McCaffrey haar negenjarige dochtertje Melanie terugvindt, is het al zes jaar geleden dat ze haar voor het laatst heeft gezien. Op driejarige leeftijd is Melanie namelijk ontvoerd door haar vader, een verknipte wetenschapper, en het lijkt erop dat ze in tussentijd zwaar getraumatiseerd is geraakt. Wat is er in die zes jaar eigenlijk allemaal met Melanie gebeurd? En wat is het verband tussen haar verdwijning en een reeks moorden die onlangs hebben plaatsgevonden? In samenwerking met politie-inspecteur Dan Haldane probeert Laura antwoorden te vinden op deze vragen. Echter, al snel lijkt het erop dat deze zowel letterlijk als figuurlijk buitengewoon schokkend zijn - en niet van deze wereld...In De deur naar december verteld Dean Koontz een gruwelijk verhaal over wetenschappelijke experimenten en bovennatuurlijk krachten.De Amerikaanse auteur Dean Ray Koontz (1945) staat bekend om zijn spannende thrillers die vaak een vleugje horror, fantasy, science fiction of satire bevatten. Veel van zijn werken bereikten de New York Times-bestsellerlijst, waarvan meerdere direct op nummer één binnenkwamen. Dit maakt hem tot een van de grootste New York Times-bestsellerauteurs ter wereld. In totaal heeft hij maar liefst 105 boeken geschreven waarvan er meer dan zestig in het Nederlands te lezen zijn. Zijn boeken zijn wereldwijd meer dan 500 miljoen keer verkocht.
- Lydbog
- 125,99 kr.
140,99 kr. Laissez-vous emporter par cette histoire bouleversante ! Un vibrant message d'espoir !Un véritable Home Run de la romance feel-good !Quand Independence Day bouleverse davantage de vies... Georgia, Addison et Merrill évoluent dans des univers totalement différents. La première est une institutrice s'apprêtant à divorcer, la seconde, une avocate à l'ambition démesurée, et le troisième est un joueur vedette des Giants de San Francisco sur le point de se fiancer. Leurs destins vont pourtant se croiser et même se retrouver liés à jamais. Un cœur, brisé, un cœur de pierre, un cœur malade, la Californie possède-t-elle le pouvoir de tout réparer ?Originaire de l'île de la réunion Siobhan Gabrielly a partagé une grande partie de sa vie entre Marseille et la campagne varoise.Tombée amoureuse du Cotentin à l'occasion de vacances en famille en 2017, elle s'installe avec mari et enfants dans la Manche en 2019.Quand je serai grande je serai écrivaine, c'est ce que cette amoureuse des livres et des mots répondait aux adultes.Le jour de ses 40 ans, elle décide qu'il est temps de réaliser son rêve le plus cher, six mois après son premier roman était publié.Après quatre romans et deux nouvelles publiées en maison d'éditions, elle décide de prendre son envol et s'épanouit dans l'autoédition.Éternelle rêveuse et grande romantique c'est naturellement vers la romance qu'elle dédie sa plume. Ses histoires tendres et pétillantes sont teintées d'humour et de sensualité.
- Lydbog
- 140,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Humor, acción y cine en esta novela de vampiros al más puro estilo thriller. Costales, un barcelonés egoísta y despreocupado, acepta un trabajo en Hollywood para cuidar de un joven estudiante de cine. Sin embargo, y antes de que se dé cuenta, el joven es secuestrado por un grupo de vampiros. El protagonista tendrá que mover cielo y tierra para encontrar a su amigo antes de que pasen 24 horas.Una novela terroríficamente divertida que muestra una cara diferente del Hollywood actual. Con un tono a medio camino entre la aventura y la novela negra, Piñol construye una historia trepidante y adictiva.Nacido en Barcelona en 1979, Martín Piñol es escritor, guionista, humorista y director. Se licenció en Comunicación audiovisual por la Universidad de Pompeu Fabra y desde entonces se ha dedicado a la escritura, ya fuera de guiones de televisión (El Cor de la ciutat, Saber y Ganar) o de literatura infantil, como la serie de humor La cocina de los monstruos. Con 28 libros publicados a sus espaldas, ha llegado a países como China, Brasil, México o Portugal.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘The Winds of Chance’ by Rex Beach is an adventure novel which tells a fictionalised story of the Gold Rush. Adapted into a silent film of the same name in 1925, the story follows the penniless Pierce Phillips who cannot go seeking gold so instead works packing supplies for the other adventurers. Phillips soon falls in love with Countess Courteau but when he proposes to her he discovers that she already has a husband.Pierce Phillips then joins a travelling show where one member, Laure, falls in love with him. When Phillips pays more attention to Rouletta, a daughter of a gambler, Laure becomes jealous and conspires with Count Courteau, who believes that Phillips is his wife’s lover.Set in Alaska during the Klondike Gold Rush, this novel will be enjoyed by fans of ‘Goldrush: A Real Life Alaskan Adventure’, and ‘The Klondike Gold Rush’.Rex Beach, was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. His novels, most of which were adventure novels, were influenced by Jack London – author of ‘White Fang’ – and they were very popular during the early 1900s. His second novel, ‘The Spoilers’ which was based on a true experience he witnessed while in Alaska of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, became one of the best-selling novels of 1906.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
Fra 74,99 kr. Kuka halusi puhuvan papukaijan hengiltä – ja miksi?Omalaatuinen miljardööri ostaa arvokkaan helminauhan ja käynnistää erikoisen tapahtumaketjun. Älykäs, sivistynyt ja kunniakas Charlie Chan, etsivä Honolulusta, värvätään kuljettamaan arvokoru Havaijilta Kaliforniaan. Suunnitelmat menevät täysin uusiksi, kun toimeksiantoon sekoittuu kaksi mystistä murhaa. Surmansa saavat niin sekatyömies kuin kiinaa puhuva papukaija. Onneksi nokkela Chan on paikalla!Biggersin klassisesta etsiväromaanista ei puutu herrasmieshenkeä, vauhtia eikä myöskään romantiikkaa.Kuin Agatha Christien mysteereitä – mutta Havaijilla! Charlie Chan on kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä, joka selvittää kiehtovia rikoksia Havaijin kauniissa ympäristössä. Yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija Earl Derr Biggers (1884–1933) tunnetaan erityisesti jännitysromaaneistaan, joissa seikkailee kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä Charlie Chan.
73,99 kr. Punavyö-sarja saa jatkoa!New Orleans. Tuntematon mies kovistelee nuhjuisen hotelli Dupontin virkailijaa. Hän väittää, että erään hotellihuoneen lattialankkujen alle on kätketty papereita. Paljastuuko Punavyön oikea henkilöllisyys vihdoinkin?Alun perin vuonna 1958 julkaistussa Punavyö-sarjan neljännessä osassa liikutaan New Orleansin vanhassa ranskalaiskorttelissa, matkataan laivalla ja sinetöidään uuden kuvernöörin kohtalo. Paha saa palkkansa tässäkin osassa niin kuin lännen lakiin kuuluu.Punavyönä tunnettu eversti Martin Lemond jakaa oikeutta villin lännen roistoille klassikkosarjassa, josta ei nokkelaa sanailua ja vauhdikkaita käänteitä puutu!Simo Penttilä on kirjailija Uuno Hirvosen (1898–1971) peitenimi. Hirvonen tunnetaan suosituista seikkailuromaaneistaan, kuten Punavyö-sarjasta ja hupaisasta Kalpea Kamala -sankaristaan.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Nel 1907, dopo aver assistito a un’interessante conferenza a New York, Zane Grey si avventura in una rischiosa battuta di caccia al puma fra i ripidi declivi del Gran Canyon. Ad accompagnarlo nell’impresa c’è un manipolo di uomini in cerca di emozioni forti, fra cui il celebre Charles "Buffalo" Jones (1844-1919) che, oltre a essere stato il primo guardacaccia del parco di Yellowstone, è anche considerato fra i più grandi preservatori della fauna americana (in particolare del bisonte). In un’autentica celebrazione della natura incontaminata e della vita all’aria aperta, Zane Grey ci regala il ricordo di una spedizione memorabile, ma anche l’istantanea di un’epoca trascorsa in cui, nonostante tutto, prendono forma le prime tracce di un ambientalismo che, qualche decennio dopo, si costituirà come sempre più necessario...Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Punavyö-sarja jatkuu kahden suuren mittelöllä!Geronimo, apassien kuuluisa sotapäällikkö, odottaa Pikkupuukkoa miehineen sotaan, mutta seitsenkymmenpäistä soturijoukkoa ei kuulu. Pian käy ilmi, että koko joukko on Pikkupuukkoa lukuunottamatta kuollut taistelussa, ja hänen epäillään kavaltaneen miehensä ryöstösaaliin takia. Pikkupuukko saa rangaituksensa, ja Geronimo vie joukkonsa kostamaan kuolleiden puolesta. Mutta kun hän kohtaa itse Punavyön, on kahden suuren mittelö väistämätön.Punavyö ja apassien mahtava päällikkö Geronimo ottavat mittaa toisistaan Punavyö-sarjan viidennessä osassa.Punavyönä tunnettu eversti Martin Lemond jakaa oikeutta villin lännen roistoille klassikkosarjassa, josta ei nokkelaa sanailua ja vauhdikkaita käänteitä puutu!Simo Penttilä on kirjailija Uuno Hirvosen (1898–1971) peitenimi. Hirvonen tunnetaan suosituista seikkailuromaaneistaan, kuten Punavyö-sarjasta, sekä humoristisesta Kalpea Kamala -hahmostaan.
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1928 come seguito del fortunatissimo "Forlorn River", "Nevada" vede nuovamente al centro della scena l’omonimo cowboy – il cui nome è in realtà Jim Lacy – che, dopo essere riuscito a salvarsi dalle peripezie del precedente romanzo, lavora adesso in incognito, fra le sanguinose bande di ladri di bestiame che infestano l’Arizona. Cresciuto in mezzo a violenze di ogni tipo, e con un’abilità notevole sia nel cavalcare che nell’usare corda e revolver, Nevada ha però un cuore puro e un senso profondissimo della giustizia. Se si somma tale sua natura benevola a un amore sincero da cui tornare, si hanno già tutte le coordinate entro cui ambientare un’avventura senza tempo, che concilia i paesaggi immensi del Far West con le tribolazioni più umane.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Vastentahtoisesti alkanut risteily onkin täynnä rakkauden huumaa...Kirurgi Stefan Frank ei ole ollenkaan intoa täynnä lähtiessään kahden viikon risteilylle kohti Acapulcoa. Mayer Medical Centerin -sairaalan esimies on määrännyt Frankin pakkolomalle rikkaan liikemiehen henkilökohtaiseksi lääkäriksi. Sydänleikkauksesta toipuvassa Arthur Irwingissä olisi jo tarpeeksi kestämistä. Kaupan päälle riitaisaan seurueeseen kuuluu myös touhottava vaimo, uhmakas Diana-tytär sekä viileän tehokas sihteeri Jane Epstein. Kahdessa viikossa myös laivan henkilökunta ja muut vieraat tulevat tutuiksi. Pearl of Love -risteilyalus osoittautuu nimensä veroiseksi, ja Meksikoon saavuttaessa Stefan on päässyt todistamaan niin vaiettujen salaisuuksien paljastumista kuin rakkauden puhkeamista kukkaan.Astu laivaan, tohtori! on kolmas osa Tuija Lehtisen hurmaavaa lääkäriromantiikkasarjaa Sairaala San Fransiscossa. 80-luvun Kaliforniassa suuret tunteet käyvät kuumana, ja kirurgi Stefan Frankin lähipiirissä sattuu ja tapahtuu. Tuija Lehtisen huumori kruunaa hersyvän retroromantiikan!Sairaala San Franciscossa on kirjasarja täynnä tunnetta! Alunperin 1980-luvulla julkaistut romanttiset tarinat liittyvät sairaalamaailmaan – ja tohtori Stefan Frank pääsee todistamaan monia jännittäviä rakkaustarinoita. Tuija Lehtinen (s. 1954) on rakastettu kirjailija, joka on tunnettu erityisesti nuortenkirjoistaan. Uransa alkuvuosina hän kirjoitti myös Kolmiokirjan romanttisia lukemistoja.
73,99 kr. Pubblicato nel 1910, "Il retaggio del deserto" è il primo romanzo a sfondo western del grande Zane Grey, anche se limitarsi a questo dato sarebbe decisamente riduttivo. In questa struggente cronaca di un amore impossibile si ritrovano, in effetti, tutti gli elementi che hanno reso l’autore americano uno fra i più importanti interpreti dello spirito della Frontiera, fatto di paesaggi infiniti, conflitti violenti e un mondo naturale che dà e toglie, sempre con la stessa, apparente, indifferenza. Una ragazza cresciuta fra i mormoni si innamora di un brav’uomo del New England – remoto sia geograficamente che culturalmente – dovendosi pertanto scontrare con l’autorità religiosa della propria comunità. Ella, infatti, è promessa sposa a un mormone locale, di cui dovrebbe diventare la seconda moglie. Una storia schiettamente americana, che saprà sicuramente conquistarsi un posto nell’immaginazione di chi la leggerà.Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) nasce a Zanesville (Ohio), quarto figlio di un affermato dentista. Appassionato fin dall’infanzia di letteratura, pesca e baseball, inizia a scrivere i primi racconti a soli quindici anni. Grazie a una borsa di studio, ottenuta proprio col baseball, nel 1896 si laurea e si trasferisce a New York, dove per qualche anno esercita la professione dentistica di famiglia. Annoiato dalla routine, però, Zane comincia a scrivere febbrilmente, producendo una notevole quantità di romanzi, tutti ambientati nell’amato West. Sebbene inizialmente rifiutato da vari editori, nel 1910 ottiene finalmente un insperato successo, grazie al best-seller "L’eredità del deserto". È l’inizio di una carriera che lo renderà uno fra i romanzieri più amati dal grande pubblico statunitense (e non solo). Fra i suoi moltissimi titoli – da cui, tra l’altro, sono stati tratti ben 110 film e una serie televisiva – si possono citare "L’anima della frontiera" (1906), "Il ponte dell’arcobaleno" (1915), "Il vagabondo del deserto" (1923) e "Stirpe eroica" (1925).
- E-bog
- 73,99 kr.
Fra 40,99 kr. Retroa lääkäriromantiikkaa rakastetulta viihdekirjailijalta! Ihana rakkaustarina aloittaa romanttisen sarjan kirurgi Stefan Frankista ja hänen lähipiiristään 80-luvun Kaliforniassa.Stefan Frank on suomalaissyntyinen kirurgi, joka on omistautunut työlleen sanfransiscolaisessa Mayer Medical Center -sairaalassa. Paikallisessa kahvilassa Stefan tutustuu sattumalta elokuva-alalla työskentelevään Jakeen ja tämän näyttelijäksi pyrkivään tyttöystävään Pepitaan. Tuttavuus vaikuttaa lyhytaikaiselta, mutta siinä Stefan on pahan kerran väärässä. Samana iltana paikallisen elokuvatuottajan juhlat päättyvät karusti ja Stefan Frankin pitkäveteinen päivystysvuoro sähköistyy – Jake tuodaan sairaalaan henkihieverissä ja rikoksesta epäiltynä. Mitä juhlissa todella tapahtui? Tapaus tuo Stefanin elämään tarkkavainuisen juorutoimittaja Meaganin. Saavatko he yhdessä selville illan arvoituksen? Samalla vaarassa saattaa olla Stefanin vakaumus siitä, ettei kirurgin kiireiseen elämään mahdu rakkautta...Viimeinen mahdollisuus aloittaa Tuija Lehtisen hurmaavan lääkäriromantiikkasarjan Sairaala San Fransiscossa. 80-luvun Kaliforniassa suuret tunteet käyvät kuumana, ja kirurgi Stefan Frankin lähipiirissä sattuu ja tapahtuu. Tuija Lehtisen huumori kruunaa hersyvän retroromantiikan!Sairaala San Franciscossa on kirjasarja täynnä tunnetta! Alunperin 1980-luvulla julkaistut romanttiset tarinat liittyvät sairaalamaailmaan – ja tohtori Stefan Frank pääsee todistamaan monia jännittäviä rakkaustarinoita. Tuija Lehtinen (s. 1954) on rakastettu kirjailija, joka on tunnettu erityisesti nuortenkirjoistaan. Uransa alkuvuosina hän kirjoitti myös Kolmiokirjan romanttisia lukemistoja.
Fra 74,99 kr. Hyytävä murhatapaus Havaijilla – kuka tappoi yläluokkaisen miehen?Eletään 1920-lukua. Kun varakas bostonilainen Dan Winterslip murhataan Havaijilla, kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä Charlie Chan on jännittävän mysteerin äärellä. Kuka olisi voinut haluta pahaa Danille? Entä mikä on Danin suvun tarina – mikseivät kaikki sukulaiset tule toimeen keskenään? Ja miten Danin sukulaispoika John Quincy Winterslip liittyy tähän kaikkeen? Kaiken huipuksi mysteeriin liittyy myös talo ilman avainta...Charlie Chan ja avaimeton talo aloittaa jännittävän etsiväsarjan.Kuin Agatha Christien mysteereitä – mutta Havaijilla! Charlie Chan on kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä, joka selvittää kiehtovia rikoksia Havaijin kauniissa ympäristössä.Yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija Earl Derr Biggers (1884–1933) tunnetaan erityisesti jännitysromaaneistaan, joissa seikkailee kiinalais-amerikkalainen etsivä Charlie Chan.
42,99 kr. ‘Across the Plains’ is a vibrant collection of travel and exploration pieces from Stevenson’s life. ‘Across the Plains’ itself recounts Stevenson’s journey from Glasgow to New York before his long train ride to California. It offers a fascinating insight in to how our world used to be, from the weeks of travel to the vastly different food, and unfortunately the vast prevalence of xenophobia.Other tales such as ‘Fontainebleau’ are love letters to the beauty of a small French town populated by artists where life is slow and procrastination is the order of the day. Or for the history buffs among you ‘The Old Pacific Capital’ gives a fascinating account of California’s old capital of Monterey. It is a collection perfect for those fascinated with the Victorian age, or those of you obsessed with ‘Carnival Row’, there’s just no elves unfortunately.Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), was an author with a formidable legacy. You will be hard pressed to find anyone alive today who has not come across his work in one form or another. The brilliant mind behind ‘Treasure Island’ and the ‘Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, has had a profound impact on every aspect of entertainment to this day with his brilliant creations. Despite dealing with ill health all his life he was a prolific traveller, spending his later years in Samoa where he fought vigorously for the rights of the natives, earning their love and respect. R.L Stevenson was a character in his own right, passionate and adventurous, his spirit shines through in his work, from his novels to his travel guides. You simply owe it to yourself to experience his creations, he was a true titan of literature on whose shoulders we all stand.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
88,99 kr. Winter in Montana. Ein Psychopath fesselt seine weiblichen Opfer an einen Baum, um sie bei eisiger Kälte erfrieren zu lassen. Seine Nachricht an die Polizei: die Initialen der Toten und ein Stern. Es fehlen noch Buchstaben, um die Botschaft zu entschlüsseln.Als Detective Regan Pescoli verschwindet, ist deren Kollegin Selena Alvarez in höchster Alarmbereitschaft. Immer noch ist der "Unglücksstern-Mörder" nicht gefasst und nun vermutet sie ihre Partnerin in den Fängen des Killers."Meidet des Skorpions Zorn" – so könnte seine kryptische Botschaft lauten. Doch wer ist der Skorpion? Wird es Selena Alvarez gelingen, ihn rechtzeitig aufzuspüren?Lisa Jackson zählt zu den amerikanischen Spitzen-Autorinnen, deren Romane regelmäßig die Bestseller-Listen der „New York Times" und „USA Today" erobern. Ihre Hochspannungs-Thriller wurden in 25 Länder verkauft.
- Lydbog
- 88,99 kr.
59,99 kr. In this classic Western, good guy Linc Bradway sets out to seek revenge after his partner is killed in a poker game. He ends up in South Pass, Wyoming, where he encounters gamblers and gunslingers, and he finds himself in the heart of the action.On route, he meets the intriguing Kit Brandon, who hustles Maverick cattle from local range riders. He intends to avoid her but when he finds himself on a warpath against other cowboys and hustlers, it only drives him closer and closer to the Maverick Queen.'The Maverick Queen' was made into a Western movie starring Barbara Stanwyck and Scott Brady in 1956.A story filled with love, hate, adventure, and western landscapes, this action-packed story is a must for fans of Zane Grey.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became totally engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
59,99 kr. When Rancher Ben Ide moves his family to Arizona, it initially seems to be only because of his sick mother. But the need for finding his old riding partner Nevada is too great.Ide buys a beautiful ranch for himself and his family but there is danger luring in their new area. The surrounding territory is known for cattle rustling, and Ide struggles to keep his cattle and horses from the rustlers' claws.Who can Ben Ide trust, and who is out to get him?At the same time, Nevada resumes his life as an outlaw and gets involved in the dangerous world of rustling. Nevada once again sacrifices his own reputation, and safety, in order to protect Ben Ide, in this sequel to 'Forlorn River'.With action, violence, honor and cowboys, this is the perfect novel for Western fans.Grey's novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
42,99 kr. 'Forlorn River' (1927) is filled with cowboys, romance, and ranches. It follows horse-catching Ben Ide, his friend Nevada and their loyal Native American companion Modoc, as Ben attempts to better his reputation and win over his childhood sweetheart, Ina Blaine.As horse catching turns into cattle rustling, Ina Blaine is forced to defend Ben against her father, who has recently come in possession of a large amount of money. It doesn't bode well for Ben Ide.Distrust follows Ben when Mr. Blaine, Ina's father, and his companion, Les Setter, head out to steal Ben's land. And this is only the beginning of a great streak of trouble.This lesser-known prequel to 'Nevada' is filled with vivid descriptions and memorable characters. It is the perfect introduction to Western fiction.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and traveling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan, and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 42,99 kr.
38,99 kr. ‘Deserted’ (1898), a humorous, sentimental tale of young love amidst the Nevada desert, is a short story by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).When young Mr. Lombard hears that Miss Dwyer and her sister Mrs. Eustis, are taking the train back to New York from San Francisco, he makes up an excuse to travel with them. Desperately in love with Miss Dwyer, he hopes to find the right moment to ask her to marry him, but the trip does not go according to plan.This fun and heartwarming tale will delight fans of Bellamy's other works, such as ´Hooking Watermelons´ and ´A Love Story Reversed´.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897), and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’.
- E-bog
- 38,99 kr.
36,99 kr. Barbie und ihre Schwestern finden am Strand eine Flaschenpost mit einem seltsamen Rätsel. Gemeinsam mit ihren Hunden gehen sie auf Schatzsuche, die einige Überraschungen bereithält. Ein unvergesslicher Abend am Strand für die Detektiv-Schwestern.Begleite Barbie und ihre Freunde auf ein unglaubliches Abenteuer! Löse Rätsel mit Geheimtüren, Seemonstern und einer Flaschenpost, fang Bösewichte als Geheimagentin, sing in Barbies Rockband, feiere Chelseas Geburtstag in Dreamtopia und flieg an tropische Strände oder ferne Planeten in weit entfernten Galaxien! Los geht’s!Die Barbiepuppe von Mattel ist eine Modeikone, eine Abenteurerin und die beste Freundin eines jeden Kindes. Seit den 1950er-Jahren erfreut sie sich als Spielzeug weltweiter Beliebtheit und ist der Star zahlloser Fernsehsendungen, Filme und Bücher.Die beliebte Netflix-Serie Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures zeigt Barbie, wie sie mit ihren Schwestern und ihrem Freund Ken in Los Angeles Dinge unternimmt und im Barbie-Camper die Welt entdeckt. Für die jüngeren Fans steht in Barbie Dreamtopia Chelsea, Barbies kleine Schwester, im Mittelpunkt. Dabei treffen die Schwestern in einer zauberhaften Traumwelt auf Meerjungfrauen und Feen.In den vergangenen Jahren hat Barbie als beliebte Vloggerin YouTube wie im Sturm erobert. Sie behandelt darin Mode- und Familienfragen sowie ihr Leben in Malibu, geht aber auch einfühlsam schwierigen Themen wie Rassismus, mentaler Gesundheit und der eigenen Körperwahrnehmung nach.Die neue Mission von Barbie besteht darin, Mädchen darin zu bestärken, große Träume zu haben. Eine neue Kollektion präsentiert ermutigende Rollenvorbilder wie die indische Paralympionikin Manasi Joshi und die amerikanische Fußballspielerin Alex Morgan. Die Inspiring Women-Serie feiert Heldinnen wie die amerikanische Schriftstellerin und Bürgerrechtlerin Maya Angelou, die britische Krankenschwester und Pionierin der Krankenpflege Florence Nightingale sowie die Astronautin Sally Ride.Barbie und alle damit verbundenen Warenzeichen und Charaktere gehören Mattel und werden unter der Lizenz von Mattel Europa verwendet. © 2021 Mattel
- E-bog
- 36,99 kr.
77,99 kr. When Jean-Baptiste Lamy and Joseph Projectus Machebeuf accept a commission to establish a Catholic diocese in New Mexico, they know they are in for a few trials.'Death Comes for the Archbishop' is an enchanting story that is part travelogue and part adventure, with flashes of the Wild West thrown in, as the territory the main characters get to explore is pretty wild, rugged, and challenging.This evocative novel sweeps across New Mexico, dealing with religion, the ill-treatment of native people, death and hypocrisy.This book is ideal for fans of Graham Greene's 'The Power and the Glory' and of Cormac McCarthy.Willa Cather (1873-1947) was an American writer best known for her novels of life on the Great Plains of the United States. After time as a magazine writer and editor, then as an English teacher, Cather began to publish collections of her poetry and short stories.Her first novel, 'Alexander's Bridge', was published in 1912, followed by her 'Prairie Trilogy' - 'O Pioneers!', 'The Song of the Lark' and 'My Antonia'. Numerous other novels followed as Cather became on of the US's most celebrated authors.In 1923 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her First World War-based novel, 'One of Ours'.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Born into the Wild West, Smoky knows nothing but the breath of freedom whipping through his mane as he rides into the wind. And when a cowboy named Clint takes him in as his trusty steed, his deep intelligence and strong spirit renders him the best cow horse in all the land. Everybody wants Smoky. But not just anybody can have him.Stolen by a horse thief on a dark summer’s night, Smoky’s loyalty to Clint remains unwavering. But what happens when a cow horse refuses to be ridden by a cruel thief? And more importantly, what becomes of a free spirit tossed around from owner to owner? Winner of the 1927 Newberry Medal, and adapted into three films, Will James’ ‘Smoky the Cowhorse’ is ideal for fans of the beloved adventure-animated hit, ‘Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron’.William James (1892-1942) was a Canadian-American artist and writer of the American West. Whilst his artwork featured cowboy and rodeo scenes, his short stories and books equally weaved fascinating depictions of the Wild West, including winner of the 1927 Newberry Medal, ‘Smoky the Cowhorse’. Inducted into the Hall of Great Westerners and the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in 1992, his work remains ideal for Western fans, adults and children alike.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
22,99 kr. En 2073, un vieillard, vêtu d’une peau de bête, survit dans la baie de San Francisco entouré de ses petits-enfants.James Howard Smith est l’un des seuls survivants de l’épidémie de 2013, la Peste écarlate, qui a ravagé la population mondiale.À travers ce récit, l’ancien professeur tente d’apprendre à ces enfants, qui ne connaissent rien d’autre que la chasse et la pêche, ce qu’était le monde d’avant, portant en lui l’espoir de faire renaître la culture et la civilisation.Mais l’homme ne restera-t-il pas toujours un loup pour l’homme ?© Beta Publisher, 2020, 2022, Saga EgmontIllustrations : François DesoleCe texte vous est présenté par Saga, en association avec Beta Publisher.Jack London (1876-1916) est un écrivain américain. Alors qu’il débute sa carrière par de nombreux métiers tels que balayeur, menuisier et agriculteur, il rêve de liberté et d’aventures. À l’âge de 17 ans, il embarque comme matelot dans un voyage qui le mène au large du Japon et lui inspire son premier récit. De retour en Amérique, il ne trouve pas de travail fixe et se fait enfermer pour vagabondage. À sa sortie, sa participation à la ruée vers l’or du Klondike et son tour du monde inachevé continuent à alimenter son inspiration, et parvient enfin à acquérir richesse et célébrité avec ses œuvres littéraires avant de mourir à l’âge de 40 ans.
- E-bog
- 22,99 kr.
59,99 kr. For Western lovers and old romantics, 'Under the Toto Rim' follows schoolteacher Lucy Watson as she integrates into a backwoods community.Following her father's death, young Lucy Watson takes on the newly founded position as a welfare officer to help an isolated society. Her job is to help them both mentally and physically.Lucy's bravery and fearless attitude towards the isolated help win over locals, as they realize the practical results of her work.A page turner about morals, love, strength of character and cultural identity.Zane Grey (1872-1939) was a popular American author, best known for his adventure novels and short stories. The topics of the American West and the Frontier were central to his writings, and Grey became totally engrossed within the Western genre.Many of his novels were written from the perspective and experience gained from his hunting and travelling trips all around the West. Some of Grey’s most famous novels include 'Riders of the Purple Sage', 'The Last Trail' and 'Valley of Wild Horses'.His novels and stories were adapted to more than 100 movie and television productions with the most well-known being the movie Riders of the Purple Sage (1996) starring Ed Harris, Amy Madigan and Henry Thomas.
- E-bog
- 59,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Set just before the first world war as the onset of conflict looms, ‘Christopher and Columbus’ tells the story of seventeen-year-old twin orphans, Anna-Rose and Anna-Felicitas as they are thrust upon their relatives by their Uncle Arthur.Arthur, a patriot, is suspicious of their half-German heritage and worries that they may be spying. He ships the twins off to America, and on their voyage, they befriend Mr Twist.However, Twist has not considered the pitfalls of taking the young women under his wings, especially since they cannot behave with tact and will need continued protection long after the ship docks.In this witty and comic novel, the twins arrive in America and take on the nicknames of Christopher and Columbus, as the reader follows their adventures in a country poised for war.A fun and uplifting novel, ‘Christopher and Columbus’ will be enjoyed by fans of ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’.Elizabeth von Arnim was an English novelist – a cousin of the New Zealand-born writer Katherine Mansfield – born as Mary Annette Beauchamp in Australia in 1866. She married a German aristocrat and her earliest written works are set in Germany.Von Arnim launched her career as a writer with her satirical and semi-autobiographical work ‘Elizabeth and Her German Garden’, published anonymously in 1898. Although she was known by the name May in her early life, when she began writing, her success as ‘Elizabeth’ meant that her writings were ascribed to the name Elizabeth von Arnim.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
77,99 kr. In this tale of adventure, romance, treachery, intrigue, and vengeance, a young woman named Wanda is out riding her horse when she stumbles upon the dead body of Arthur Shandon.The mystery deepens further when her dog sprints into the tall grass, and what Wanda discovers brings up even more questions and concerns.‘The Short Cut’ by Jackson Gregory is a Western filled with mystery, that will be enjoyed by fans of ‘High Noon’ or ‘No Country for Old Men’.Jackson Gregory was an American teacher, journalist, and writer who began his career as a newspaper reporter in San Francisco, and later served as a principal at a high school, which is where he met his wife.When Gregory’s first son was born in 1912, the family moved to California and this is where Gregory began his career as a prolific writer. He penned many Western and detective stories authoring many short stories and more than 40 fiction novels, many of which were used as the basis of films including ‘The Man from Painted Post’.In 1943, Jackson Gregory sadly passed away while working on a new novel titled ‘The Hermit of Thunder King’.
- E-bog
- 77,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Laying the foundations for Clint Eastwood’s nameless character in ‘The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly,’ ‘The Virginian’ is a landmark novel of the western genre.The eponymous hero is the strong, tall, silent type, acting as an armed escort to Tenderfoot on their journey to Judge Henry’s ranch in Sunk Creek.This action-packed story details their adventures and encounters along the way and includes, just as in any good western, a little romance.If you like your books full of hot bullets and cold killers, then this is the perfect place to start!Credited with setting the template for the classic western novel and the archetypal cowboy hero, Owen Wister (1860 – 1938) was born in Philadelphia. The son of an actress and a doctor, Wister spent his formative years travelling Europe, before returning to America at his father’s behest.After graduating from Harvard Law School, and suffering from poor mental health, he took the first of 15 trips to Wyoming. It was here that he was inspired to write notes and journals about the characters living in the beautiful wilderness. These notes were to serve as the basis for many of his books.His most famous work, ‘The Virginian’, would later become a TV series starring Doug McClure, and filmed for the silver screen, most recently in an adaptation starring Ron Perlman. Wister died in Rhode Island, at the age of 78.
- E-bog
- 102,99 kr.
99,00 kr. I det østlige Utah spreder frygten sig med ordene "Hævnens Engle rider i nat" blandt de afsides ørkenrancher. Folk sidder og kigger rædselsslagne ud i natten når Hævnens Engle – mormonernes bødler – er på togt. Deres hævntogter er blevet for mange. Det er ikke længere kun de vantro, der er bange, men også mormonerne selv. Det må stoppes, og hvem ellers at sætte på en opgave som denne andre end U.S. Marshal Morgan Kane."Hævnens engle" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1970, og bogen udkom på dansk i 1975.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
99,00 kr. I den lille by Mesa er der blevet begået fire mord: Konen til den kommende guvernør er blevet skudt i sin seng. Ved døren ligger hendes elsker død. I fængslet, hvorfra morderen undslap, er byens marshal og hans assistent også døde. Nu er der 10.000 dollars i dusør til ham, der finder morderen ved navn Jesse Rawlins. Udover dusørjægerne fra området er han også forfulgt af loven, der har sendt U.S. Marshal Morgan Kane i hælende på ham..."10.000 dollars for Jesse Rawlins" er oprindeligt udgivet i 1970, og bogen udkom på dansk i 1976.Titlen er en genudgivelse af et tidligere værk udgivet med datidens sprogbrug.Der findes 83 bøger i serien om Det Vilde Vestens store antihelt Morgan Kane. Kane er kun to uger gammel, da forældrene, som er immigranter fra Irland, bliver dræbt af indfødte i Santa Fe. Den tragiske hændelse bliver starten på Kanes stormfulde tilværelse som dusørjæger, Texas Ranger og siden U.S. Marshal.Kjell Hallbing (1934-2004) var en norsk forfatter, der især blev berømt for western-serien om Morgan Kane, som han skrev under pseudonymet Louis Masterson. De 83 bøger i serien er oversat til mange sprog og har solgt mere end 20 millioner eksemplarer. Hallbing skrev også under andre pseudonymer.
- E-bog
- 99,00 kr.
73,99 kr. Dan war der unumstrittene »Big King« des Basketballs, doch von einem Tag auf den anderen ist seine Karriere zu Ende. Statt mit seinem Schicksal zu hadern, zieht der erfolgsverwöhnte Sportler nach San Francisco. Dort kauft er eine Villa mit großer Vergangenheit und elf Hühnern im Garten. Das Dachatelier vermietet Dan an die Malerin Erin, die ihm schlagartig den Kopf verdreht. Die Leidenschaft zwischen ihnen lodert gewaltig, doch von Liebesdingen will die blonde Künstlerin nichts wissen. Angeblich.Und so schlägt sich Dan bald nicht nur mit gackerndem Federvieh herum, sondern setzt alles daran, ein gebrochenes Herz zu erobern. Aber wird sein Plan auch aufgehen?Charlotte Taylor ist das Pseudonym der Frankfurter Autorin Carin Müller, wenn sie Ausflüge in Richtung horizontaler Literatur unternimmt. Charlotte erblickte im Herbst 2014 das Licht der Welt, als man Carin aus verschiedenen Quellen nahelegte, ruhig etwas gewagter zu schreiben.Seitdem streiten sich die beiden Autorinnen um Schreibzeit. Denn auch wenn sie vollkommen unterschiedliche Genres bedienen – im realen Leben teilen sie sich nicht nur einen Ehemann und einen Hund, sondern auch noch einen Körper. Und dieser Wirtskörper – obwohl durchaus funktional – verfügt standardmäßig nur über zwei Hände, zehn Finger und einen Kopf. Da kann es durchaus eng werden bei der Manuskripterstellung.Neben der Hot Chococolate-Serie, die seit Herbst 2016 unter dem digitalen label be.HEARTBEAT von Bastei Lübbe läuft, schreibt sie neuerdings auch für die Millionaires Club-Serie heiße Episoden aus San Francisco.
- Lydbog
- 73,99 kr.