48,99 kr. Ved OL i Lillehammer i 1994 var der exceptionelt stor mediedækning af kvindernes kunstskøjtekonkurrence. Alle ville se rivalerne på isen og følge dramaet der udspillede sig i kulissen. For det år havde amerikanerne sendt de to rivaliserende kunstskøjteløbere Nancy Kerrigan og Tonya Harding afsted til vinterlegene for at vinde guld. Blot seks uger forinden var Kerrigan blevet udsat for et overfald, hvor hun var blevet slået over benene med et bat. Og i dagene op til konkurrencen i Norge gik rygterne på at det var rivalen Tonya Harding der stod bag overfaldet.Dette afsnit af 'Rivalen' fortæller historien om en af de mest spektakulære og giftige rivaliseringer i moderne sportshistorie, når vært Oscar Riis-Hansen får besøg af tidligere Danmarksmester i kunstskøjteløb Julia Sandsten. Sammen undersøger de hvad det var, der fik denne rivalisering til at gå helt amok.Vært: Oscar Riis-HansenGæst: Julia SandstenLyddesign: Jonas Johs AndersenRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildRivalenFortællingen om to rivaler rummer mere end resultater og statistikker. Rivaliseringer har ofte sine rødder i strømninger og bevægelser i samfundet, og mens sporten er duelanternes arena, er det historien bag, der giver rivaliseringen sin mytiske karakter.Rivalen er en podcastserie, der fortæller historierne om de største rivaler fra sportens fascinerende verden. Fra de største stjerner til de mere ukendte rivaliseringer.Oscar Lange Riis-Hansen er tv-tilrettelægger og producent. Oscar har et hjerte der bløder for sport, og de gode fortællinger som altid er en del af enhver sportsgren.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
104,99 kr. A surprise inheritance. A second chance. A heartbreaking family secret.In the wake of heartbreak, Molly Anderson finds herself pleading with the affluent Frost family to allow her one last summer managing the Hydrangea House inn in honour of her late grandmother, Beverly.But when an elderly woman claims to know a secret about Beverly’s true connection to the Frost family, everything Molly knows about her beloved grandmother is called into question.Desperate to do whatever she can to save Hydrangea House, Molly combs the property aided by the captivating oceanographer Matt, who - with his deep brown eyes - is hard to ignore…But as the summer unfolds, Molly's investigation sparks negative reviews, casting a shadow on her efforts and the inn's future. Has delving into the past jeopardized her chances of saving the inn? And can Matt be trusted?An absolutely gorgeous read about learning to trust, the meaning of home, and the importance of family. Fans of Debbie Macomber, Carolyn Brown and Mary Alice Monroe will be captivated.Kristin Harper is a writer of contemporary women's fiction. She is the author of "Aunt Ivy's Cottage".
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- 104,99 kr.
48,99 kr. Da Larry Bird og Earvin 'Magic' Johnson gjorde entré i den amerikanske basketball-liga NBA i starten af 80'erne var ligaen i knæ. Store skandaler om stofmisbrug i 70'erne havde fået fans til at flygte fra sporten, seertallene var historisk lave, og sporten blev slet ikke vist på tv i mange tilfælde. Men det skulle der laves om på. Med Larry Bird og Magic Johnson skulle det vise sig, at sporten havde fået sine redningsmænd.I dette afsnit af Rivalen fortæller vært Oscar Riis-Hansen historien om Bird og Magic, og om hvordan NBA er blevet til det fænomen, som det er i dag. Med i studiet for at fortælle historien er art director og stylist Mads Emil Grove Møller.Vært: Oscar Riis-HansenGæst: Mads Emil Grove MøllerLyddesign: Martha WintherRedaktør: Andreas Lindinger SaxildRivalenFortællingen om to rivaler rummer mere end resultater og statistikker. Rivaliseringer har ofte sine rødder i strømninger og bevægelser i samfundet, og mens sporten er duelanternes arena, er det historien bag, der giver rivaliseringen sin mytiske karakter.Rivalen er en podcastserie, der fortæller historierne om de største rivaler fra sportens fascinerende verden. Fra de største stjerner til de mere ukendte rivaliseringer.Oscar Lange Riis-Hansen er tv-tilrettelægger og producent. Oscar har et hjerte der bløder for sport, og de gode fortællinger som altid er en del af enhver sportsgren.
- Podcast
- 48,99 kr.
77,99 kr. Regarded as one of his finest works, Henry James' ‘The Bostonians’ (1886) is a brilliant satire about the women’s rights movement in America.Verena Tarrant is an inspirational feminist speaker, but her two disparate cousins are at loggerheads as they seek to control her future. Boston feminist Olive Chancellor hopes to turn Verena into a famous activist, while Basil Ransom, a southern lawyer, hopes to win Verena’s heart.Fans of ´The Bostonians´ might want to watch the movie adaptation from 1984, starring Christopher Reeve and Vanessa Redgrave.Henry James (1843-1916) was an American-born British author, and one of the founders of the school of realism in fiction. His inventive use of interior monologues and unreliable narrators brought complexity and depth to his work, making him hugely popular.A prolific writer, he published numerous novels, articles, travel books, biographies and plays. Among his best-known works are ‘Daisy Miller’ (1879), ‘The Portrait of a Lady’ (1881), and ‘The Bostonians’ (1886).Many of his stories have been adapted for TV and film, but it is his celebrated Gothic novella ‘The Turn of the Screw’ (1898), regarded as one of the greatest ghost stories ever written, that has been adapted more than any other. Most recently, the eponymous 2009 BBC TV series starring Michelle Dockery, and the Netflix series, ‘The Haunting of Bly Manor’ (2020).James was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911, 1912, and 1916.
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- 77,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Escaping her troubled past and moving into a seaside cottage on a windswept island off Cape Cod with her Abuela, all Delilah wants now is a place of her own - and she’s paid a high price for it...But her wild, colourful garden and scandalous affair with married man Alan have her neighbours talking. And when she crosses paths with the reclusive Anton - who has a secret of his own - sparks fly.Will the past catch up with them?A delicate yet haunting novel about love, trauma, and identity, "Becoming Delilah" is perfect for fans of Priscilla Oliveras and Brit Bennett.A skilled author with an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Sara Marchant has had her work published in several literary arts journals such as The Coachella Review and Desert Magazine. She is a founding editor of the literary magazine Writers Resist
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- 102,99 kr.
49,00 kr. Rose nyder livet i Boston og bruger meget tid sammen med sine fætre. Men hun er også ved at udvikle sig til en ung dame, der interesserer sig for tøj og pynt. Og så er det på tide, at hun lærer at lave mad og holde hus."Rose" udkom første gang på dansk i 1935.Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) var en amerikansk feminist, abolitionist og forfatter. Hun var af en frisindet og kunstnerisk familie, som dog oplevede større økonomiske udfordringer, hvilket betød, at hun var nødt til at tage arbejde. Blandt andet som sygeplejerske under den amerikanske borgerkrig. Hun var hele sit liv en aktiv figur inden for kvinders ret til at stemme og i afholdsbevægelsen. Hun forblev ugift hele livet.
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- 49,00 kr.
73,99 kr. Dwadzieścia dni eterycznej, chwytającej za serce miłości. Dwadzieścia dni otulonych zapachem deszczu i muzyką płynącą spod palców niewidomej dziewczyny.W czasach, kiedy świat podzielony był żelazną kurtyną, życie na krótką chwilę splotło ze sobą los dziewczyny z Polski i chłopaka z Ameryki.Herakles Papadopoulos, uwielbiany przez studentów charyzmatyczny profesor Uniwersytetu Harvarda, miał oficjalną przeszłość, którą zaspokajał ciekawość ludzi. Zawierała prawdę, tyle że nie całą. Przyszedł w końcu taki moment, gdy musiał ujawnić część niedopowiedzianej historii, zrzucając z barków lata półprawd i tłumionej miłości.Joanna była młodą dziewczyną żyjącą wraz z ojcem i babką w domu ocienionym liśćmi kasztana. W dzieciństwie los odebrał jej matkę oraz wzrok, oddając w zamian niezwykły talent muzyczny. Muzykę z zapałem wygrywała pośród nocy. Nocą zaczarowała tajemniczego nieznajomego, który niczym duch wkradł się do serca i zmienił całej jej życie...Opowieść o istocie miłości zdolnej przełamywać wszelkie uprzedzenia, o przyjaźni na całe życie, o kocie – świadku pewnego sekretu, i o tym, że definiują nas dwie rzeczy: dziedziczenie, czyli przeszłość ukryta w genach, i nasze tajemnice.Ewa Pruchnik - autorka powieści romantycznej idealnej na jesienne wieczory pt. "W cieniu dobrych drzew". Spod jej pióra wyszły też powieści "Samolot z papieru" i "Emi".
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- 73,99 kr.
Fra 149,00 kr. Danny Cartwright er fast besluttet på at tage iskold hævn over de mænd, som er skyld i hans bedste vens død. De har fået sat ham bag tremmer i 22 år for en forbrydelse, han ikke har begået. De har forhindret ham i at gifte sig med Beth og berøvet ham muligheden for at opdrage datteren Christy.Én efter én piller han dem ned. Alle har undervurderet Dannys hævntørst og Beths stålsatte stræben efter retfærdighed.SLÆGTENS LÆNKER er en episk fortælling om at stå på sin ret, om hævn og om at tvinge sig fri af en forudbestemt skæbne."Hvis der var en nobelpris i fortællekunst, ville Archer få den." Daily Telegraph.
44,99 kr. Henrietta Radford tourne toutes les têtes avec ses longs cheveux auburn, ses yeux émeraude et ses millions de dollars. Lasse d’entendre les compliments enfiévrés de ses prétendants, elle décide de quitter Boston pour son manoir anglais de Lushwood. Lors de la traversée qu’elle effectue sous son nom d’emprunt, elle rencontre Eddie Bragg. Enchanté de découvrir en elle une musicienne virtuose, il la métamorphose en femme fatale et la conduit au château de Merebury pour une représentation.Coup de théâtre ! Le duc n’est autre que le prince charmant qui a volé le cœur de la jeune fille des années plus tôt. Le temps n’a fait qu’accentuer son charme dont elle retombe aussitôt captive. Mais lui, qu’a-t-il à faire d’une simple pianiste qu’il prend pour une femme légère ?© Barbara Cartland, 2005, 2022, Saga EgmontPour la traduction française :Une si jolie pianiste © Éditions J’ai lu, 2006Barbara Cartland est une auteure britannique. Traduite en plus de 36 langues, elle est l’auteure contemporaine la plus prolifique et la plus lue au monde. Son secret : toucher le cœur de ses lectrices et faire entrer le rêve dans chacun de ses romans. En 2000, elle s’éteint à l’âge de 99 ans, en laissant un grand nombre de manuscrits inédits.
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- 44,99 kr.
102,99 kr. Most people go to an optician if their vision is bad. However, when Richard Henry Dana's sight was affected by measles while he was at Harvard College, he decided a sea voyage round Cape Horn was the best solution.He joined the crew of a merchant ship at Boston, kept a daily diary of his adventures, then produced this American classic. 'Two Years Before the Mast' is a vivid account of the true life of a common sailor at sea.Throughout his journey, Dana encounters indigenous people, describes being lowered down a cliff to retrieve cow hides, learns Spanish, acts as interpreter, and witnesses floggings.The return journey is hellish, and Dana's description of battling storms around the Cape moved 'Moby Dick' author, Herman Melville, to say it "must have been written with an icicle".A rollicking memoir that is better than fiction, ´Two Years Before the Mast´ is perfect for fans of the 'Bounty Trilogy' by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall.Richard Henry Dana Jr. (1815-1882) was a Massachusetts-based American lawyer and politician who found fame for the classic memoir 'Two Years Before the Mast'.In both his legal career and his writing, he gained a reputation for standing up for the rights of the oppressed, including slaves on the run and freedmen.He became a prominent abolitionist, helping to found the anti-slavery Free Soil Party.
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- 102,99 kr.
77,99 kr. ‘The Duke of Stockbridge’ (1900) is a classic novel by the American author, Edward Bellamy, most famous for his socialist and utopian novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888).Written in 1879, this tale, set around Shay's Rebellion of 1786 - 1787 and the armed uprising in Western Massachusetts due to the government’s tax rises, is a compelling story that has the author's political ideals at its heart.´The Duke of Stockbridge´ is a thrilling read and will delight people who are interested in American history.Edward Bellamy (1850 - 1898) was an American author, journalist and political activist. His novel ‘Looking Backward: 2000-1887’ (1888) was one of the most successful books published in the United States in the 19th century and influenced a generation of intellectuals. Referenced in many Marxist publications of the time, the book inspired the formation of Nationalist Clubs dedicated to spreading his political ideas.Bellamy’s other works include the novels ‘Six to One’ (1878), ‘Dr. Heidenhoff's Process’ (1880), ‘Miss Ludington's Sister’ (1885), ‘Equality’ (1897) and ‘The Duke of Stockbridge; a Romance of Shays' Rebellion (1900)’, as well as several short stories, such as ‘The Blindman's World’, ‘To Whom This May Come’, and ‘With the Eyes Shut’.
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- 77,99 kr.
120,99 kr. Following the first world war, John Raven dwells on the course of path for his friends Dick and Raven who served in the Ambulance corps. He laments on the relationship of Raven and 'Nan', who have a considerable age gap.Alice Brown is an American novelist and short-story writer. She is best known for her tales about New England and as a writer of local colour stories. Born in New Hampshire in 1857, Brown's stories often portray a female protagonist in a domestic setting. Her first novel, 'Stratford-by-the-Sea', was published in 1884. It cemented Brown as part of the Boston literary scene, but by the time she died in 1948 (aged 91), many of her stories had been forgotten about and were no longer being published.
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- 120,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Er spoelt een reddingssloep aan bij Gully Point Grove in Rockport. Vanwege de naam die het vaartuig draagt, wordt agente Megan Tilly op de zaak gezet. Tijdens haar onderzoek ontmoet ze de overenthousiaste journalist Terence Sinclair, met wie het niet direct klikt. De twee gaan op onderzoek uit en komen zo achter het geheim van de mysterieuze reddingsboot die een wel zeer opvallende naam draagt. Eerste boek in de reeks "Sterke verhalen" rond Megan en Terence.Silvia van Gimst (1976) is van jongs af aan geboeid door het gothic novel genre en leest verhalen van Edgar Allan Poe. De wereld van het ongrijpbare en bizarre heeft een overweldigende aantrekkingskracht. Schrijfster worden is haar grote droom, maar zij begint pas in 2012 met schrijven en in 2014 met korte verhalen die vaak ontstaan door alledaagse situaties of een droom. Liefde, dood en bedrog spelen grote rollen in de verhalen en als je denkt dat je weet hoe het zit, laat het vaak onverwachte einde je met een onbestemd gevoel achter.Naast schrijven is Silvia kunstenaar en fotograaf. Ze werkt aan een reeks rond agente Megan Tilly en journalist Terence Sinclair.
- Lydbog
- 40,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Drie mysterieuze sterfgevallen volgen elkaar in rap tempo op. Agente Megan Tilly en journalist Terence Sinclair worden op de zaak gezet. Het duo ontdekt dat een verlaten psychiatrisch ziekenhuis, drie anonieme bejaarden en een zeer ontvlambare verpleegster meer met elkaar te maken hebben dan ze eerst dachten. Ze moeten conventionele denkbeelden aan de kant zetten om tot op de bodem van dit mysterie te geraken. Tweede boek in de reeks "Sterke verhalen" rond Megan en Terence.Silvia van Gimst (1976) is van jongs af aan geboeid door het gothic novel genre en leest verhalen van Edgar Allan Poe. De wereld van het ongrijpbare en bizarre heeft een overweldigende aantrekkingskracht. Schrijfster worden is haar grote droom, maar zij begint pas in 2012 met schrijven en in 2014 met korte verhalen die vaak ontstaan door alledaagse situaties of een droom. Liefde, dood en bedrog spelen grote rollen in de verhalen en als je denkt dat je weet hoe het zit, laat het vaak onverwachte einde je met een onbestemd gevoel achter.Naast schrijven is Silvia kunstenaar en fotograaf. Ze werkt aan een reeks rond agente Megan Tilly en journalist Terence Sinclair.
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- 40,99 kr.
102,99 kr. "My darling girls. You were once so happy in this house. Now I’m gone, all I ask is that you spend one last summer here together on Dune Island. And please forgive me, your Nana, for the secret I’m about to tell you..."Arriving at the honeysuckle-covered beach house inherited from her beloved grandmother, recently heartbroken Jill hopes to convince her two feuding sisters not to sell a place so full of happy childhood memories. But the envelope waiting on the driftwood table changes everything. In her elegant handwriting, Nana Rose promises a new letter will arrive each day of the summer revealing a family secret she took to her grave.Shaken, Jill anxiously awaits each letter filled with Nana’s bittersweet memories of her own sister who she loved more than anyone—and lost far too young. But why did Nana never speak of this tragic loss to her grandchildren?Watching the sunset each night and wondering how well they really knew Nana Rose, Jill feels her family is closer than they’ve been in years. And after a chance encounter with blue-eyed tree surgeon Alex, she wonders if Nana believed being back on Dune Island would help Jill find love, too?But when Nana’s final letter arrives, the revelation about how her sister died is more shocking than Jill ever imagined. Suddenly, despite the chance of happiness with Alex, selling the house seems the only way forward. Will Jill find a way to forge new bonds of sisterhood and save their inheritance, or will Nana Rose’s secret tear them all apart?An absolutely gorgeous, gripping and heartbreaking read about the importance of family, and how even our loved ones can keep shattering secrets. Perfect for fans of Carolyn Brown, Debbie Macomber and Mary Alice Munroe.Read what everyone’s saying about A Letter from Nana Rose:"WOW! Double up that WOW! This book was AMAZING!... perfect... I fell in love with the main character... Run, don't walk to pick up this book... An unforgettable story." Goodreads reviewer"Wow... the secrets were BIG ONES! I loved this book and found myself glued to the pages." Goodreads reviewer"As I flipped over the last page, I felt as though I’d been sitting on the Adirondack chairs on the deck... a deeply evocative and emotional read... absolutely love." Goodreads reviewer.Previous title Aunt Ivy's Cottage reached the Top 100 on the Kindle UK chartFor fans of Elin Hilderbrand, Debbie Macomber and Mary Alice MonroeEver since she was a young girl, there were few things Kristin liked more than creative writing and spending time on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with her family. Eventually (after a succession of jobs that bored her to tears), she found a way to combine those two passions by becoming a women’s fiction author whose stories occur in oceanside settings. While Kristin doesn’t live on the Cape year-round, she escapes to the beach whenever she can.
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- 102,99 kr.
111,99 kr. Der auf TikTok gefeierte New-York-Times-Bestseller endlich als Hörbuch!Cadence Sinclair Eastman weiß, dass ihre Familie etwas vor ihr verbirgt. Jeden Sommer verbringen die Sinclairs auf ihrer Privatinsel mit den luxuriösen Häusern vor der Küste Massachusetts. Doch vor zwei Jahren ist etwas passiert, woran sich Cadence nicht erinnern kann und worüber niemand mit ihr spricht. Weder Mirren und Johnny. Noch Gat, der Außenseiter, der Cadence auf eine Weise berührt hat, die ihr den Atem raubt, und der seit zwei Jahren auf keine ihrer Nachrichten reagiert ...E. Lockhart studierte Englische Literatur an der Columbia University und liebt das Lesen seit ihrer Kindheit. Sie ist Autorin des New-York-Times-Bestsellers „We Were Liars. Solange wir lügen".
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- 111,99 kr.
42,99 kr. Poetry can inspire, evoke, provoke and transport the reader. But this collection of 39 poems did even more - it broke barriers. This collection was written by Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American woman whose poetry writings were published.Seized from West Africa as a young girl, Phillis lived in Boston as a slave to the prominent Wheatley family where she learned to read and write, as well as undertaking lessons in the Bible, astronomy, geography, history and British, Greek and Latin Literature. By the age of 18, Phillis had amassed a decent quantity of poems and together with the Wheatley family, sought out a publisher. However, based on racial prejudices, Phillis was received with disdain in the United States. Attention was turned to London instead, where Phillis posted one of her poems, 'On the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield', to Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon and a well-off supporter of the abolitionist cause, who connected her with a bookseller although Wheatley still had to go through interrogation to prove that she was the author of her own work.This collection of poems shows the breadth and depth of her reading, and includes poems reflecting her Christian faith, her interest in Greek mythology and her admiration for well-known figures including Alexander Pope.'Poems on Various Subjects' is perfect for people who have read 'The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano'.Phillis Wheatley (1753-1784) was an American poet who was the first African-American writer to be published. She was born in West Africa, sold into slavery aged seven or eight, then bought by the Wheatley family of Boston. They encouraged her to pursue her poetry as her talent became clear. But Wheatley had to go to London to find patrons to help her get her work published. When 'Poems on Various Subjects' was published in 1773, she gained fame in England and the African colonies - even receiving praise from George Washington and Voltaire. After being emancipated, she married the grocer John Peters. But they slipped into poverty and Phillis died in obscurity at the age of 31.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. First published in 1835, ‘Young Goodman Brown’ is a short story by the renowned American author, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Set in 17th century Salem, young Goodman Brown tells his new wife Faith that he must go on a journey, and sets out alone into the woods. There he comes across a mysterious man who isn’t all that he seems. As Goodman Brown journeys further into the woods, he witnesses things that will shake the very core of his faith and belief. A tense, symbolic story by the author of ‘The Scarlet Letter’.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) was an American novelist and short-story writer. Born in Salem, Massachusetts, Hawthorne began his writing career in 1828 with the publication of his first novel, ‘Fanshawe’, followed by a collection of short stories. In 1850 he published perhaps his most famous work, ‘The Scarlet Letter’, which has since been adapted multiple times for stage and screen. Many of his novels explore lessons in morality, and centre around the themes of sin and evil. Some of his other best-known works include the novels ‘The House of the Seven Gables’ and ‘The Marble Faun’, and short stories ‘Wakefield’ and ‘Feathertop’. Hawthorne died in 1864 at the age of 59.
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- 42,99 kr.
42,99 kr. ‘The Future in America’ is a travelogue that contains the impressions of H. G. Wells from his visits to the United States as well as his unique views on subjects like corruption, injustice, and social relations. The author provides a balanced and insightful view of early 20th century America, praising its progressiveness and creativity. On the other hand, Wells’ sharp wit never fails to criticise unfair labour practices and racial issues. Wells met with suffragette Jane Addams, civil rights activist Booker T. Washington, and President Theodore Roosevelt during his travels and he provides incredible insight into their beliefs. ‘The Future in America’ remains relevant as many of the issues discussed still plague modern society and the prescient Wells predicted that America would become a country divided between ‘rich and poor’. Wells provides beautiful descriptions of his travels while discussing larger themes with nuance and a unique perspective. This book is the perfect read for fans of Anthony Bourdain or John Steinbeck.H. G. Wells (1866-1946) was a celebrated English writer, remembered mostly for his science fiction works. Often described as a futurist, H. G. Wells’ influence cannot be overstated for his works foresaw many technological innovations such as space travel, the atomic bomb, and the Internet. A four-time Nobel Prize in Literature nominee, Wells explored a wide array of themes in his works, from religion to social criticism and beyond. Some of his best works include the time-travel novel ‘The Time Machine’, the sci-fi adventure novel ‘The Island of Dr. Moreau’, and the mankind-versus-aliens novel ‘The War of the Worlds’. Wells occupies one of the central seats in the canon of science-fiction literature and his writing inspired other celebrated authors such as Ray Bradbury and Philip K. Dick. Wells’ stories are still widely read to this day and have had numerous cinematic adaptations including ‘The Invisible Man’ starring Elisabeth Moss.
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- 42,99 kr.
21,99 kr. Ein Klassiker der Weltlitteratur.Neuengland, 1642: Die junge Hester Prynne erreicht Neuengland ohne ihren Ehemann, erwartet dessen Ankunft aber täglich. Doch ihr Mann bleibt verschollen. Sie beginnt eine leidenschaftliche Affäre mit Reverend Dimmesdale, die nicht ohne Folgen bleibt. Als sie sich weigert zu verraten, wer der Vater des unehelichen Kindes ist, wird sie von der Gesellschaft ausgestoßen und mit dem Zeichen des Ehebruchs, dem scharlachroten "A", das sie auf ihrer Kleidung tragen muss, gebrandmarkt. Die Situation eskaliert, als plötzlich Hesters totgeglaubter Mann Roger im Dorf auftaucht.Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864) war us-amerikanischer Schriftsteller. Sein Roman "Der scharlachrote Buchstabe" zählt zu den bedeutendsten Werken der amerikanischen Literatur. Hawthorne selbst entstammte einer alten Puritanerfamilie, sein Ururgroßvater war einer der Richter bei den Hexenprozessen von Salem 1692. Hawthorne wird, wie Edgar Allan Poe, zur Schwarzen Romantik gezählt, seine Themen sind oftmals die dunklen Seiten der Seele, wie Sünde, Schuld, Strafe, Intoleranz und Entfremdung.
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- 21,99 kr.
38,99 kr. 'We can't do much, being "e;only girls,"e;' said Anna; 'but if each does one small chore somewhere it will pave the way for better work'.From the author of 'Little Women', this short story follows a group of young Boston girls who discover the power of kindness and of sharing their abundance. As descendants of the Pilgrim Fathers, they call themselves the May Flower Club. Instead of gathering to sew and read, they decide to spend their time helping the poor over the winter. They each choose and commit to a project, which they will reveal to each other the following spring if they succeed. But success does not come without struggle.Inspiring, wholesome, and filled with lessons applicable in our world today, "e;May Flowers"e; is a classic Louisa May Alcott story. -
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- 38,99 kr.
40,99 kr. Jedyna ukonczona powiesc w dorobku Edgara Allana Poe. Mlody Artur Gordon Pym mieszka w wiosce rybackiej, a ojciec jego przyjaciela jest kapitanem statku lowieckiego. Nic wiec dziwnego, ze podczas jednego z pijackich spotkan chlopcy wpadaja na pomysl, by wyplynac lodka w morze. Lagodny wiatr rozkreca sie w prawdziwy sztorm i bohaterowie ledwo uchodza z zyciem. Mocne wrazenia zachecaja tylko Pyma, by zakrasc sie na poklad statku Grampus i w przebraniu marynarza wyruszyc na szeroka wode. Ten rejs rowniez okaze sie felerny.Powiesc stala sie inspiracja dla wielu pozniejszych ksiazek, takich jak "e;Moby Dick"e; Hermana Melville'a.-
- E-bog
- 40,99 kr.
96,99 kr. John Bay, agente FBI, non riesce a trovare stabilità. Gli ci sono voluti anni per riprendersi in parte dalla morte della moglie. Sono state tante le notti insonni, le crisi di panico al lavoro, le tentazioni di farla finita. Ma poi col tempo, con i successi professionali spartiti con Simon, amico e collega, John sembra aver raggiunto un equilibrio interiore.Quando le cose sembrano esser tornate sui binari, la morte dell’amico Simon lo trascinerà di nuovo nell’abisso. Si troverà a indagare sull’Annegatore, un serial killer che agisce in acqua e che ambisce a purificare la città dai peccati. Il fondo dell’oceano, per quanto possibile, sembra sempre più profondo per John.Luigi Martinuzzi (1979) è uno scrittore italiano. Appassionato di alchimia e filosofia orientale, esordisce nella narrativa nel 2016 con ‘L’ultimo respiro’, un thriller che lo ha lanciato direttamente nelle promesse nazionali di questo genere letterario.
- Lydbog
- 96,99 kr.
56,99 kr. Druga część amerykańskiej powieści obyczajowej „Małe kobietki". Akcja rozpoczyna się kilka lat po wydarzeniach opisanych w inicjującym serię utworze. Małgosia, Ludka, Elżbietka i Amelka dorastają, a dziecięce radości oraz smutki zostają zastąpione wzruszeniami, szczęściem, tragediami i wyzwaniami pojawiającymi się u progu dorosłości. Siostry March, tak bardzo od siebie różne, a równocześnie dzielące wspólne ideały, wciąż pozostają dla siebie nawzajem niezwykle ważne.Na podstawie "Małych kobietek" powstał hit kinowy z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Amerykańska pisarka, autorka powieści dla dziewcząt oraz publikacji kierowanych do kobiet. Uznanie przyniosła jej realistyczna seria książek młodzieżowych, którą otwierają „Małe kobietki". Utwór doczekał kilkakrotnych ekranizacji. Feministka, wegetarianka, pielęgniarka i wolontariuszka w czasie wojny secesyjnej. W Concord, w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie zamieszkiwała, znajduje się muzeum jej imienia.
- E-bog
- 56,99 kr.
32,99 kr. Amerykańska powieść obyczajowa, która dała początek popularnej sadze. Tytułowe małe kobietki to siostry March, cztery panny o odmiennych typach urody i różnych temperamentach. Realia historyczne oraz rodzinna historia sióstr nie nastrajają optymistycznie: trwa wojna secesyjna, ojciec pozostaje nieobecny, a sytuacja materialna rodziny zdecydowanie nie należy do najlepszych. Dziewczęta jednak, pod okiem troskliwej matki, starają się poradzić sobie w niełatwych czasach, a młodość i radość sióstr sprawiają, że Małgosia, Ludka, Elżbietka i Amelka potrafią czuć się szczęśliwe.Książka, na podstawie której powstał hit kinowy "Małe kobietki" z Emmą Watson i Timothée Chalamet w rolach głównych. Dostępny na Netflixie!Amerykańska pisarka, autorka powieści dla dziewcząt oraz publikacji kierowanych do kobiet. Uznanie przyniosła jej realistyczna seria książek młodzieżowych, którą otwierają „Małe kobietki". Utwór doczekał kilkakrotnych ekranizacji. Feministka, wegetarianka, pielęgniarka i wolontariuszka w czasie wojny secesyjnej. W Concord, w stanie Massachusetts, gdzie zamieszkiwała, znajduje się muzeum jej imienia.
- E-bog
- 32,99 kr.
51,99 kr. Boston 1765: Die junge amerikanische Puritanerin Makepeace Burke rettet ausgerechnet einem Briten das Leben. In den Anfängen des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskriegs keine gerngesehen Hilfeleistung. Und so kommt es, dass Makepeace' Bruder attackiert und ihr Haus niedergebrannt wird. Der jungen Frau bleibt nur die Flucht nach vorne und so begibt sie sich auf einem Schiff nach England. Dass sie bei der Überfahrt den Mann ihres Lebens kennenlernt und in England als Adlige ankommt, damit hätte sie jedoch nicht gerechnet. Doch ist noch alles Gold was glänzt und die Welt der Obrigkeiten ist eine voller Intrigen und dunkeln Machenschaften. Um ihr Leben wieder in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen und für ihre Liebe zu kämpfen, muss Makepeace alles riskieren. Wird sie ihr Schicksal noch retten können?Nach der Scheidung ihrer Eltern wuchs Diana Norman in bescheidenen Verhältnissen in der britischen Grafschaft Devon auf. Trotz ihres Talents zu schreiben, verließ sie mit 15 Jahren die Schule, um die Mutter zu unterstützen. Da sich die junge Diana für Journalismus interessierte, gelang es ihr mit 17 Jahren eine Anstellung bei einer Tageszeitung in London zu ergattern. Mit gerade mal 20 Jahren arbeitete sie bereits als Reporterin. Ab Mitte der 1990er Jahre veröffentlichte sie international erfolgreiche Historienromane, vor allem unter dem Pseudonym Ariana Franklin.Diana lebte bis zu ihrem Tod 2011 in Hertfordshire.
- Lydbog
- 51,99 kr.
Fra 92,99 kr. Jednu věc mají společnou... nenávist.William Lowell Kane a Abel Rosnovski – jeden syn bostonského milionáře, druhý chudý polský přistěhovalec – se narodili ve stejný den na opačných koncích světa a jejich životní cesty se zkříží při nelítostném boji o bohatství.Fascinující příběh popisující tři generace a více než 60 let životů ambiciózních, mocných a bezohledných mužů soupeřících o úspěch a triumf, kterého může dosáhnout pouze jeden z nich.Knihy Kane a Abel se celosvětově prodalo více než 33 milionů výtisků. Přečtěte si komentář autora Jeffreyho Archera k tomuto speciálnímu vydání u příležitosti 30. výročí titulu: „Kane a Abel byl průlomem v mé spisovatelské kariéře a dodnes zůstává mým nejpopulárnějším dílem. Proto jsem se 30 let po jeho vydání rozhodl jej přepsat, nebo lépe řečeno přepracovat, protože navzdory tomu, že byly provedeny značné revize, děj zůstává beze změny. Doufám, že předchozí čtenáři ocení toto pamětní vydání a že noví čtenáři si užijí své první setkání s Williamem Lowellem Kanem a Abelem Rosnovskim."Jeffrey Archer je britský bestsellerový autor a bývalý politik. Vystudoval univerzitu v Oxfordu a stal se poslancem Parlamentu, členem Sněmovny lordů a také zástupcem předsedy Konzervativní strany. Jeho politická kariéra skončila skandálem a od té doby se Archer naplno věnuje psaní – po celém světě se dosud prodalo více než 275 milionů výtisků jeho knih.Jeho nejslavnějším dílem je zřejmě sedmidílná „Cliftonova kronika" a proslulý román „Kane a Abel", který obsadil první příčku v žebříčku bestsellerů listu New York Times a podle něhož byla natočena populární minisérie s Peterem Straussem a Samem Neillem v hlavních rolích.Po uvěznění za křivé svědectví v roce 2001 napsal Jeffrey Archer vysoce oceňovanou třídílnou knižní sérii nazvanou „Vězeňský deník" („Peklo", „Očistec" a „Ráj") inspirovanou vlastními zážitky a volně strukturovanou podle Dantovy Božské komedie.
Fra 90,99 kr. Com uma dedicação de aço, Florentyna Rosnovski é realmente filha de Abel. Ela compartilha com seu pai, um imigrante polonês, o amor pela América, os seus ideais e o seu sonho para o futuro. Mas o que ela quer acima de tudo é ser a primeira mulher presidente. O menino de ouro Richard Kane nasceu em uma vida de luxo. Bem-sucedido, bonito e herdeiro de um magnata bancário, Richard está determinado a esculpir seu próprio caminho no mundo e a construir um futuro com a mulher que ama. Com o objetivo final de Florentyna apenas a um passo de distância, ambos estão prestes a descobrir o preço devastador do poder quando uma batalha titânica de traição e decepção surge do passado - uma rixa de sangue entre duas gerações que ameaça destruir tudo o que Florentyna e Richard lutaram para alcançar.Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro por Mauro Ramos, conhecido por dublar Shrek, Pumba em "O Rei Leão" e Sulley em "Monstros S.A.\". Ele também é responsável pelas dublagens de diversos atores renomados como Geoffrey Rush, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd e John Goodman.Jeffrey Archer é um escritor britânico de grande sucesso, tendo alcançado a proeza de ser o único autor mais vendido em três categorias distintas: ficção, contos e não ficção. Ele foi membro do Parlamento Britânico e da Câmara dos Lordes, bem como vice-presidente do Partido Conservador. Sua carreira política intensa, mas turbulenta, inspirou-o a escrever inúmeras obras de sucesso, nomeadamente a aclamada série de não ficção "Diários da Prisão" (2002-2004) que relembra suas experiências durante a prisão por perjúrio em 2001.Seu primeiro romance, "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" (1974), alcançou êxito imediato, tendo inspirado uma minissérie da BBC em 1990. Após anos de carreira literária, suas obras continuam a cativar e surpreender leitores do mundo inteiro, como demonstrou a popular série de ficção "The Clifton Chronicles" (2011-2016).
Fra 104,99 kr. Nascidos no mesmo dia, perto da virada do século e em lados opostos do mundo, dois homens são unidos pelo destino e pela busca de um sonho. Ambiciosos, poderosos e impiedosos, ambos estão presos numa luta incessante para construir um império, alimentados por seus ódios destruidores. Ao longo de 60 anos e três gerações, através da guerra, casamento, fortuna e desastre, Kane e Abel competem pelo sucesso e triunfo que só um homem pode obter.Já foram vendidas mais de 33 milhões de cópias da obra "Kane e Abel" em todo o mundo e ela está agora na sua 84.ª reimpressão. Comentários de Jeffrey Archer sobre a edição do 30.º aniversário: "‘Kane e Abel’ foi revolucionária na minha carreira de escritor e continua sendo até hoje a minha obra mais popular. Esse foi o motivo pelo qual, 30 anos após sua publicação, iniciei a tarefa de reescrevê-la. Essa recriação acabou se tornando uma descrição mais apurada do que aconteceu durante os nove meses seguintes, pois apesar de ter feito revisões consideráveis, o enredo permanece inalterado". "Espero que os leitores anteriores apreciem a edição comemorativa e que os novos leitores gostem de conhecer William Lowell Kane e Abel Rosnovski pela primeira vez".Este audiolivro é narrado em português brasileiro por Mauro Ramos, conhecido por dublar Shrek, Pumba em "O Rei Leão" e Sulley em "Monstros S.A.\". Ele também é responsável pelas dublagens de diversos atores renomados como Geoffrey Rush, Danny DeVito, Christopher Lloyd e John Goodman.Jeffrey Archer é um escritor britânico de grande sucesso, tendo alcançado a proeza de ser o único autor mais vendido em três categorias distintas: ficção, contos e não ficção. Ele foi membro do Parlamento Britânico e da Câmara dos Lordes, bem como vice-presidente do Partido Conservador. Sua carreira política intensa, mas turbulenta, inspirou-o a escrever inúmeras obras de sucesso, nomeadamente a aclamada série de não ficção "Diários da Prisão" (2002-2004) que relembra suas experiências durante a prisão por perjúrio em 2001. Seu primeiro romance, "Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less" (1974), alcançou êxito imediato, tendo inspirado uma minissérie da BBC em 1990. Após anos de carreira literária, suas obras continuam a cativar e surpreender leitores do mundo inteiro, como demonstrou a popular série de ficção "The Clifton Chronicles" (2011-2016).
Fra 69,99 kr. Para sair da monotonia, o professor rural Ismael decide descobrir os mistérios das baleias. Quando ele encontra o arpoador Queequeg, eles partem juntos para a ilha de Nantucket em busca de trabalho no mercado de caça às baleias. Lá, eles embarcam com tripulantes de diversas nacionalidades no baleeiro Pequod para uma viagem de três anos aos mares do sul. Mal sabe ele que o sombrio capitão Ahab está obcecado por encontrar a fera responsável por seus ferimentos e que nenhum arpoador jamais conseguiu abater: a temível Moby Dick.Essa rota cheia de perigos e incertezas foi adaptada ao cinema múltiplas vezes, como no filme homônimo produzido em 2010, estrelando Patrick Stewart, e no filme "No Coração do Mar" (2015) com Chris Hemsworth.Herman Melville (1819-1891) foi um escritor, poeta e ensaísta estadunidense. Após a morte de seu pai, em 1832, teve de ajudar a manter a família (então com oito crianças). Assim, trabalhou como bancário, professor e fazendeiro. Em 1839, embarcou como ajudante no navio mercante St. Lawrence, com destino a Liverpool. Em 1841 esteve a bordo do baleeiro Acushnet que percorreu quase todo o Pacífico e passou um período com a tribo Typee na Polinésia. Suas aventuras marítimas continuaram ainda em outras viagens em baleeiros e arpoadores que inspiraram suas obras literárias.A história de sua obra mais popular, "Moby-Dick", faz parte da cultura popular ocidental e foi fonte de inspiração para adaptações em diversas mídias, destacando-se o clássico filme homônimo de John Huston (1956), estrelando Gregory Peck, e as histórias em quadrinhos "Moby Dick" (2017) de Christophe Chabouté.