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  • af Lloyd C. Douglas
    78,99 kr.

    ”Den, der havde ringet på, var iført en meget ejendommelig slidt plyskåbe, som var alt for stor til hende – skønt hun langt fra var nogen lille kvinde – og en lige så medtaget gammel skindhat, der var trukket langt ned i panden; hun holdt et stort rødt æble frem, fra hvilket der dinglede en utrolig lang skal.”Da Hanna Parmalee en iskold vinteraften banker på Marcias dør, ved ingen af dem, at dette møde kommer til at ændre deres liv for altid. Marcia og hendes mand kæmper for at klare sig med små børn og endnu et på vej, så da Hannah tilbyder at være husholderske for dem for næsten ingen penge, føles det, som om hun er sendt fra himlen. Som tiden går, viser det sig imidlertid, at det ikke var helt tilfældigt, at det lige var Marcias dør, Hannah troppede op ved for at sælge sine æbleskræller den kolde aften.”Og hjælpen kom” er en smuk roman fra den amerikanske delstat Indiana. Bogen udkom første gang i 1936. Denne oversættelse er fra 1951.Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877-1951) var en amerikansk præst og forfatter, der opnåede stor popularitet i sin samtid. Han debuterede som forfatter i den modne alder af 50 år, men nåede at udgive et væld af romaner, som blev oversat til flere sprog, inden han døde som 73-årig.

  • af Booth Tarkington
    77,99 kr.

    A light and witty novel, 'Gentle Julia' is filled with characters who you can't help but smile at. With an old-fashioned feel to it, this Booth Tarkington classic follows the escapades of a Julia Atwater and her younger cousin Florence as suitors attempt to woo her across town. Set in Indiana in the early 20th century, the story is entwined with silliness and the old-fashioned.Newton Booth Tarkington was an American novelist and dramatist best known as a multiple Pulitzer Prize-winner. He is only one of a handful of novelists to winning the Pulitzer Price more than once, winning it with his novels 'The Magnificent Ambersons' and 'Alice Adams'.Many of Tarkington's college years at Princeton and adult life are said to have mirror F. Scott Fitzgerald's.His popularity has declined over the decades but at one stage in the 1910s and 1920s he was considered one of America's best authors.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    This is the story of plucky, optimistic newsboy Michael O’Halloran. Michael was orphaned at a young age and asks nothing of the world but to "Be Square!" In this a warm and joyous story, he makes life sunnier for those around him, bringing joy to all who know him, and to readers everywhere. The novel offers a unique view of America in the 1910s and was turned into a movie three times: in 1923, 1937 and 1948.Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    "The Harvester" is a gentle love story, made up of a fondness for nature, high moral ideals and an engaging plot. It is the story of young David Langston, who lives in the countryside with his dog, growing medicinal herbs he then sells in the city. One evening, he has a vision of his Dream Girl and goes searching for her, and in so doing changes the course of his life forever. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 92,99 kr.

    "Laddie" is Gene Stratton-Porter’s most autobiographical novel, and is titled after her brother, who drowned as a teenager. It is the story of Pamela Pryor and Laddie Stranton. Whilst she is rich, Laddie is but a poor farm boy. Her father opposes the match, and Pamela tries her best to change his mind. This classic romance mixes pastoral childhood, beautiful nature, and heartbreak. It was adapted to the silver screen three times: in 1926, 1935, and 1940.Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton-Porter
    Fra 67,99 kr.

    Gene Stratton-Porter was a naturalist and fierce conservationist as well as an author, and one of the areas she held dearest was the Limberlost swamp. Indeed, she spent her income and life endeavouring to protect it. In "Moths of the Limberlost," she shares her lifelong love of its moths, and describes through a series of charming personal anecdotes and with vivid detail each stage of their life cycles. This texts offers an incomparable window into the mind of the author, with glimpses from her own life, as well as offering a beautiful description of the natural area she so loved. Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) was an American writer, wildlife photographer, naturalist, and one of the first women to form a movie studio and production company. She wrote for several national magazines in the United States, and many of her novels went on to become bestsellers and have been widely translated. She used her position and income to support the conservation of Limberlost Swamp and other wetland areas in the state of Indiana. She is remembered for novels such as "Freckles," "Laddie," and "Michael O’Halloran." Her novel "A Girl of the Limberlost" was adapted four times as a film, most recently in 1990 in a made-for-TV version. Her "The Keeper of the Bees" has also been adapted four times to the silver screen.

  • af Gene Stratton Porter
    50,99 kr.

    Med sitt röda hår och fräknar sticker pojken ut när han vandrar omkring i Chicago. Han ser ut som en luffare, barnhemmet han arbetar på har inte råd med bättre kläder. Pojken, som kallar sig själv Freckles, börjar söka arbete för att kunna tjäna till sitt eget uppehälle. Efter många avslag hittar han tillslut en tjänst. Trots att han är ung, spinkig och saknar en hand, så får han arbete på ett timmerföretag långt utanför staden. Hans nya uppgift är att två gånger per dag vandra runt träodlingen för att se till att ingen stjäl företagets egendomFreckles är först rädd för naturen, efter att bara ha bott i Chicagos stadskärna har han aldrig sett vilda djur och växter. Men snart vänjer han sig vid sin nya omgivning, och börjar odla egna ovanliga växter i ett speciellt hörn av träodlingen. Men snart hotas hans paradis, och träföretaget, av förstörelse. Olika ligor försöker stjäla de värdefulla träden, och Freckles hamnar snart i slagsmål med tjuvarna, med risk för sitt eget liv. Ska han lyckas rädda trädodlingen, och det paradis han skapat åt sig själv där?Gene Stratton-Porter (1863-1924) var en amerikansk författare och fotograf. Hon skrev för flera nationella tidningar i USA, och många av hennes romaner blev bästsäljare.

  • af Booth Tarkington
    Fra 66,99 kr.

    Eleven-year-old Penrod Schofield and his wistful dog Duke go on a hilarious romp through turn of the century Indianapolis. "Penrod" (1914) chronicles his life, loves, and mostly the trouble he gets into. His adventures in pre-World War I Midwest have been likened to those of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain), and this first collection of comic sketches by Booth Tarkington was followed by two further episodes: "Penrod and Sam" (1916) and "Penrod Jashber" (1929).Booth Tarkington (1869-1946) was an American novelist and dramatist. Originally from Indianapolis, he attended both Purdue University and Princeton, as well as getting an honorary doctorate from Columbia. His family was well-off, though they lost some of their wealth in the Panic of 1873 (the Great Depression). He won the Pulitzer Prize twice, for "The Magnificent Ambersons" (1918) and "Alice Adams" (1921), making him one of only three to win it more than once, putting him alongside William Faulkner and John Updike. Whilst he is less known today, he was considered to be America's greatest living author during the early 20th century.